#Longtime Patho fans please weigh in with your experiences
sharkrocket · 2 years
Fuck, damnit, ive admired you since 2015. You might be the thing that finally convinces me to play the russian literature simulator.
SGDHAGFKJGSDJ 2015, that's a long time to be tolerating my nonsense, I admire you just for that
SO STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY: I'm not the one playing the games because I don't have time to, but my partner is so kindly taking the journey because we have collective brainrot and I've been watching them play instead (hence why I have time to shitpost). So I advise checking around for some more informed opinions
With that said, I've always been a big character person and this series has some REALLY GOOD CHARACTERS. There's a Patho dialogue github that I open up and read sometimes cause the dialogue is so good
So there's Patho Classic HD, which is kinda janky and it's got some crunchy polygons, but my partner says it's not really that hard, especially if you save scum and look up guides. I think they even used commands to give themselves like a pile of cures just because there wasn't enough time to go back and get them organically, SO THERE'S WAYS BRUTE FORCE YOUR WAY TO VICTORY IF YOU'RE STUCK. This one is the one with 3 routes so you play from the POV of the three healers and each route has their own character moments that are super good in their own way (I can ramble about so many of them, there's a lot). The dialogue can definitely get really abstract at points, and as a certified idiot, I had a hard time chewing it, but there's some really good bits in there
There's also Patho 2, which is the more recent remake/reimagining and definitely the more accessible one. My partner just started this one recently, so I'm still learning about it, but graphically it's very pretty and there's some surreal/theatrical sequences that I enjoy a lot. I hear the difficulty of this one is a little harder to manage, but I think there's sliders that help with some of it. This one only has the Haruspex route complete at the moment but there's a DLC from the Bachelor's POV, and his route is currently in the works atm. Some of the characters from P1 has been fleshed out some more in this version and I enjoy these changes too. The dialogue isn't AS wordy and abstract as P1, and Artemy is so sassy and funny, and I appreciate that a lot. But I know some people say this one isn't as charming as P1, and some of the changes weren't necessarily an upgrade (looking at you Anna and Rubin's outfits, what a nerf)
BUT! Like I said, it's probably better to look around and see what strikes your fancy since I obviously have a bias, and don't have firsthand gaming experience. I just really enjoy these characters so, so, so much
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