#Lonnie was just a copycat of her mom; characters like Doug & jane were boring Come on now this how Disney sees their heroes these days?
gritsandbrits · 2 years
What infuriates you a lot with Descendants? With the world building to characters?
Whoooo boy! I have a lot to say about the world building and why it sucks. Sure going over every single detail can be boring as fuck but at the same time the world of Descendants felt very shallow and only there for pretty aesthetics. We only get a surface level of how magic works, the school culture is generic and we barely get a glimpse at the AK side of things. Just that their jerks and super rich and stupidly brought villains back to life specifically to punish them knowing full well kids exists and that they're making themselves complicit in child abuse but do nothing about it.
Come on- for a series built on moral grayness almost every adult hero was an asshole; and the AKs only there to be an obstacle or prop for a VK. You tell me Cinderella and Charming would not have raised such a bratty bitch like Chad (and why they named him that in the first place). Audrey's story was actually sad but again she was only there to be a prop in Mal's character development.
Oh wait Mal doesn't need any development. She's just perfect just the way she is! :]
The VKs aren't much better. The rest of the core four gets sidelined; Uma gets demonized for trying to do something for the Isle than sucking up to Auradon; Harry and Gil gets no real arc. The other VKs are more background characters than anything.
Prince Ben? Nothing but a prop. He is a trophy to be put on Mal's display case. He is a punching bag whenever the story sees fit. His own parents don't even respect him enough to consider his needs. Any moment he has that demonstrates him as an individual quickly gets wrapped up so the story can put him back in the box. Doesn't help the fandom hates him for all the crappy storytelling decisions.
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