#Lookit leg.... so grumpy
agerestorybits · 2 years
Banjo playing skeleton
  CG Virgil, Agere Remus, Agere Janus.
Hurt/comfort, abandonment.
Virgil was taking Janus and Remus shopping. Which following mindscape logic (thanks logan) Meant they had to go to imaginary stores for things. A 'sense of realism helps ground everyone'. This is why Virgil doesn't like the light sides. He was having to walk with his legs, to the store to 'buy' things as he had run out of gummies for Remus and Janus. Both of whom were very little and very grumpy.
Virgil walked in with Remus and Janus hold his hands to make sure they didn't get lost and all of them stopped stunned at the amount of Halloween decorations. Part of Virgil was absolutely thrilled with the amount of items that he would now be able to take to his room. His eyes falling on a set of nightmare before Christmas posters and other things along that vine.
The other part was acutely aware that he had both regressed Janus and Remus with him and everything they would be taking back he would have to CARRY with his ARMS. Curse his anxiety about driving five minutes. He barely managed to step on the brakes and stop the two tiny toddler terrors from bolting off to look at stuff. "VEEVEE LOOKIT!!" "THEY have CANDY!!!"
"Whoa, slow down! We are getting only the stuff on the list and nothing else." Virgil said firmly dragging them past the main display. Once at the section they needed Virgil was putting the gummies and other stuff in the cart he had grabbed. Giving Remus and Janus strict instructing to keep one hand on the cart as he shopped. Ignoring the small items that both of them snuck into the cart.
They got through most of the shopping before a skeleton with light up eyes was next to them activated. A Cowboy hat on it's head, a flannel shirt and a banjo in it's bony grasp. It played a snippet of banjo music before stopping. It was cheap, half the size of an adult skeleton, and clearly was not made to hold up to any type of rough housing. Remus and Janus were froze, their chatter and complaints about the trip stopped as they stared wide eyed at the banjo playing skeleton.
"I want it." Remus said, but not in the whiny complaining way he had for everything else. This was a whisper of just longing. Janus nodded his agreement. Virgil wanted to say no. Reasons popping into his head. It would break easy. He would have to carry it home. How long were they really going to like it? How often is someone going to prank someone else with the light up eyes.
But, He wanted it too. Just a bit.
"Ok." He said making both Remus and Janus turn to stare at him wide eyed before bouncing a bit with their thanks.
With the banjo skeleton tucked into the cart and Virgil trying to figure out how the heck he was going to get it home, he didn't notice Janus slip the nightmare before Christmas posters in the cart, nor the Skeleton onesie.
His name was, Cassy. Virgil had no idea why the two littles decided that was what he should be named but it what they stuck with. They both gave him items from the trip that they thought he would like. "Cuz you hate it so much." Janus lied as he handed Virgil the set of Nightmare before Christmas posters. "I didn't see you looking at them." He explained as he went back to his fruit gummies.
"Oh! I got you this! It's a skeleton pjs!" Remus said shoving the cloth at Virgil as well.
Virgil ruffled their hair. "You mischief makers! You snuck these into the cart!"
"What?? Noooooo!" Janus said giggling. The fact that they didn't have to pay for anything (solely due to Logan not wanting to work on a mind wide currency system), was the only thing that stopped Virgil from being panicked about their sneaky behavior.
Cassy sat in the living room. Light up eyes sounding as people walked passed. It was not uncommon to hear someone say a greeting back to it.
"Moring Cassy!"
"Cassy bones!"
"Afternoon Cassy!"
Even if Virgil ended up leaving, Cassy was still there. Banjo in hand and hat on his head. Toothy grin on his plastic face.
"Cassy wouldn't leave." Remus said ranting to Janus after his introduction went less than ideal. That seemed to be the wrong thing to say as Janus looked away.
"It's a cheap stupid halloween toy Remus. We should have thrown it out with all of Virgil's stuff awhile ago." Janus said angrily.
"Cassy didn't do anything." Remus defended, "Maybe it's just a toy, but it's a toy I like! Is what I like just not good enough for you?"
"Maybe it isn't." Janus said sharply before glaring at Remus, then the plastic skeleton. He straightened his capelet and stormed out of the room. Remus glared at him and took Cassy to his room.
If Janus didn't like it then he didn't get to keep it! Remus thought not quite as big as he had been a few minutes ago. "Once he apologies then you can go back out." Remus promised to the skeleton now sitting on his desk.
Remus was sitting in the living room when Janus came back out, while still little he was also ready to watch Janus get upset about Remus stealing Cassy (as he had in the past causing Janus to demand he be put back in the living room.) An apology to him surely on the way.
"Thank you for taking out the garbage." Janus said when he noticed the empty spot. "See? You can be good sometimes." Janus said before leaving to the kitchen. Leaving Remus feeling very small but not in a nice way. In the way that had Remus feeling ashamed. He hated that feeling.
"Maybe You should leave too if you hate trash so much!" Remus said sharply towards Janus when he came back into the room.
Janus looked Remus up and down slowly. "Clearly."
Remus crossed his arms and sat back on the couch. Silence filled the room, there was no light up eyes or music.
Remus was sitting on the couch. Today was the wedding. Remus was honestly exhausted, he may like throwing intrusive thoughts at Thomas but today had been way too much. He and Virgil had been working overtime and the whole time Virgil refused to talk to him. "Not now Remus!" and "We both of jobs to do, just do yours or leave. or just leave! that works too!" Virgil's distaste of him left him feeling hurt and small and he was tired. He just wanted Janus to come back.
He knew they still argued more than they used to. Janus seemed to find his antics less fun and more of something he had to clean up. The same way Virgil acted before he left.
Remus pulled his legs up to his chest and started biting his thumb. Virgil cleaned up after him then got mad and left. What if Janus did too? Was..Remus making them leave? More and more words that they both said in the past were adding up as the clock ticked past nine....then ten....eleven.
No sign of Janus. Remus stood frowning. Maybe he has snuck past Remus to go to bed. Or he just wanted to shower before he came to talk to him. Remus walked over to look down the hallway where the bedrooms and bathroom were only to find two doors. His bedroom and the bathroom.
Janus' door was gone. Virgil's door was gone.
"Deedee?" Remus called out only to be met with silence. "Jan?" Remus called louder walking to the bathroom and looking in even when he knew Janus wouldn't be there. Remus was numb with shock. He was alone.
He was ALONE. No one was still here.
No one but. "Cassy!" Remus gasped as he rushed back to his room to find the skeleton still on his desk. He started crying and grabbed the skeleton hugging it. "You won't leave me. I'm not alone. I'm ok." Remus lied to himself as he ignored the way plastic cracked in several places from the strength of his hold.
Remus found an old black sweater and replaced the flannel and removed the broken banjo and crushed cowboy hat.
Cassy moved around the house with Remus, playing his little song all day with no one there to complain.
The day his song turned distorted. His eyes flickered out one last time. Remus hugging him so tightly the plastic crushed and crumbled in his arms left Remus curled up sobbing in the bathtub as the reality of being alone hit him.
Remus had fallen asleep in the bathtub. So when he woke up in bed, fresh clean pjs and a hand stroking his hair, he was content to just let himself have his soft dream before he had to climb out of the bathtub.
"I wish I hadn't left." He could hear Janus, he sounded close to tears.
"It's not your fault...at least not totally." Virgil said.
Remus was a bit confused by the route his dream was taking, normally it involved Virgil and Janus fighting like they used to before leaving. This was friendly almost. Maybe they were friends again not that Remus wasn't there to ruin it.
"We both had our issues." Virgil said, guilt heavy in his voice.
"But we let it get out of hand." Janus shot back.
Remus could feel the hand in his hair pause as Virgil sighed. "Yeah...we did." Remus whimpered as the hand pulled away. He didn't want the dream to end! He didn't want them to leave!
"Don't leave me!" He said very small, opening his eyes and sitting up right making Janus and Virgil both jump. They all looked at each other for a second before Remus burst out crying. "Don't leave 'gin! I don't wanna be lone n'more!" Remus said tightly grabbing onto Janus' wrist and Virgil's hoodie sleeve.
"We aren't going anywhere." Virgil promised giving Remus a one armed hug as Janus did the same. Both of them hold Remus as he sobbed.
"Never again." Janus said, bringing his hand up to rest on Remus' cheek and let his gloved thumb wipe away his tears.
It took almost two hours before they could calm Remus and convince him they weren't leaving. It took a bit longer to get him to leave his room, causing Remus to pause as he was suddenly in a room with seven doors, six bedrooms and one bathroom. The air seemed brighter, cleaner.
"Never?" Remus asked hugging Virgil and Janus' hands to his chest.
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Hoa theme week: Hands
Pairing: Eric/Nick/Rachel
Have some more kitty Eric. This time hes getting pets and not getting banished to the dumb cuck box.
"Awww look at your cute little ears and nose." Rachel cooed at her husband.
"I'm not cute!" He grumbled in protest.
"All due respect Eric you kinda are, just a smidge." Nick laughed as the tiny feline glared at him as his tail thumped angrily against the bed. You would think after living with a couple witches for over a year now Eric would know better than to drink random liquids lying around.
It was hard to take the Colonel seriously when he was currently inhabiting the body of a golden colored British Shorthair. Eric was doing his best to look mad at them with his ears laying flat against his head and his eyes narrowed but it just made his smooshed face look even cuter. The potion was meant for Rachel to use on herself, thinking it’d be fun to give herself cat ears and a tail as an anniversary surprise for the two men however she must’ve made it too strong.
Eric just wanted some morning coffee, not to get caught up in whatever scheme Rachel or Nick had planned. He thought his coffee tasted funny but shrugged it off as maybe the creamer going bad. Next thing he knew he was passing out on the bed and waking up with the world looking much larger than before and three paws instead of two hands and a foot.
"How did you manage to confuse a potion for a bottle of coffee creamer?" Rachel said while giggling.
"I was tired and they were right next to eacho-" Eric let out an indignant meow as he was suddenly lifted from the pillow he was laying on in their bed and plopped onto Rachels lap. She held him against her stomach while she scratched under his chin and rubbed his belly. He tried to wiggle free but it was hopeless,especially now that Nick was sitting across from him and playing with his paws. His eyes began instinctively sliding close from the gentle petting. Rachels nails felt so nice scratching under his chin.
Nick took the opportunity to start teasing him. "Awwww lookit your cute little beans, does the widdle colonel wike having his bewwy wubb-bitch!" Nick drew his hand back to escape the little razors Eric had for claws. A little blood flowed from the pin pricks but not too much. "Somebody's a grumpy kitty…" he muttered, shaking his hand out.
Rachel let out a mock outraged gasp and bopped him on the nose, "Bad kitty. No scratching" Eric let out a tiny growl in response before demanding they turn him back. Rachel laughed, "It's temporary, you should turn back within a few hours."
"Can't you fix him sooner than that Rach?" As much as Nick enjoyed this, he didn't want to be clawed again.
"He'll change back on his own within the amount of time it'll take to make a cure, besides don't you think he's cute like this? I wanna play with him a bit longer." She smirked. Eric twisted in her grasp attempting to free himself but was once again unsuccessful. His prosthetic was on the bed on top of the pile of his clothes. Trying to balance on 3 legs was tricky. Now he was stuck with his front paws squished between Rachels stomach and his body while his back was now exposed to Nick. She moved her hands up to squish his face and scratch behind his soft ears.
"What do you think Nick, should we do this to him more often?"
Nick chuckled as he started playing with Eric's tail. "It's a tempting idea, I'll give you that. Maybe we should get him a little collar with a bell too just in case? He's too cute for his own good, we don't want anyone getting any ideas now do we?"
Eric opened his mouth to protest but all that came out was a tiny mew as Rachel started scratching behind his ears because fuuuckkk thay felt really good. He found his eyes sliding shut as he pressed his body into their hands. It wasn't long before Eric began purring, his little tongue poking out of his mouth.
“And to think I used to call you ‘puppy dog’. Clearly ‘pretty kitty’ suits you a lot better.”
“He’s certainly always preening himself like one.” Nick agreed, scratching at Eric's lower back.
Eric couldn’t bring himself to bite back, too blissed out by his lover's hands gently petting and scratching him in all the right places. His body and brain were mush. Rachel scooted back up the bed to lie down with Eric sprawled out on top of her. Eric found himself unable to help but roll over, exposing his belly. Nick lay down next to Rachel and smiled as Eric couldn’t help but continue to purr like a motor as his belly was rubbed. Eric found himself drifting off to sleep as Rachel and Nick continued to pet him and press kisses into the top of his head and his paws.
After Eric passed out the other two soon followed. Rachel was the first to wake, feeling a heavy weight on top of her. Upon opening her eyes she was greeted by the sight of her very naked and very human husband. Well, mostly human anyway. Rachel carded her hand through his hair to scratch the kitty ears that still remained. Eric was still quietly purring with his tongue poking out. She could also feel what felt like a tail lazily twitching against her leg. She was definitely going to have to do this again.
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hlootooart · 3 years
Inspiration for Hungarian BATIM Designs (LONG POST)
So yeah...I’m digging this direction. And believe it or not, it does tie into my F*** Joey Drew AU, where Joey’s ideas are nearly completely overhauled in favor of Henry’s original plans. Henry was temporarily adopted by a kindly widow with Hungarian origins for a while as a child, before being sent back to his orphanage when she died three years later. When he got older, he took on her married name “Stein” and even inherited money from her due to her having no next of kin. Obviously, she left quite an impact on his life, hence his personality and all the Hungarian influence in his work plus it’s so fitting. The animated series Hungarian Folk Tales was the main influence because GOD it’s all so gorgeous. Every. Single. Episode.
Boris was pretty straightforward. No too many refs to choose from.  Wolves usually got the short end of the stick in every tale they were  in, and were mostly portrayed as gluttonous villains and oafs that are  always being outsmarted.
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Alice on the other hand was a blend between a fairy and a standard “pretty” woman. Mostly because there was more refs for fairies than angels. Plus they’re wingless, and, being fairies, they walk the line between being “good” and “evil” which could be very useful...
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^(she’s a dwarf but I love her “wings”)
Bendy (the most fun lol):
Bendy, however, had the most refs since devils are pretty common in Hungarian folklore. Some even in heroic roles, which leads me to wonder if they were something else before being labeled “demons”. Like the others, I mainly used the show Hungarian Folk Tales for help with this, and boy howdy there’s many of them in there:
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(lookit his widdle horseshoes!)
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(one of my personal faves)
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(nice legs)
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(symbolic but for all we know he really is one)
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(grumpy grump)
And these were just the ones from the cartoon alone! other folktales like “The Three Devil Brothers”, “The Bald Prince”, and “Kalamona Binds the Winds”, and “The Devil’s Godfather” & “Pínko” (which I previously mentioned here) portray “devils” where they actually have happy endings. One devil was even kicked out of hell for being too kind, married, and became human.
So...yeah. Let’s see where this goes. :)
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nep-moved · 4 years
lotsa nyall don't know Iothric so here is my overly long post in which i tell u abt him 👁👁
i'm bad at talking nd idk how 2 start this off but here we go fjdjsk. i will be leavin out lotsa stuff abt the game bc i am just here 2 talk abt my husband gjfjsk
the game describes everythin so vaguely so forgive me if this this part sounds confusing but: in dark souIs there's this thing called the first flame !! it brought the age of fire, nd it was a v prosperous time nd bred lotsa nations !! before the age of fire was the age of ancients; the world was unformed nd not much existed there.
to keep the first flame going nd therefore keep the world from returning to that time of darkness, a rly powerful soul has 2 be given to the flame to keep it goin fr a while. lord gwyn was the first one 2 sacrifice himself to the flame (( he's also gwyndoIin's awful dad but this ain't abt him )) but ye. as time goes on there's more and more sacrifice needed to keep the flame alive.
in the time of dark souIs 3, Iothric's family wanted 2 create a child so strong they'd be the perfect person to link the flame. but they couldn't have a child like that naturally, so they resorted to 'unspeakable means' and that's all the game tells u gjfjsk. i'm not sure if i wanna know what they did BUT as a result of it, Iothric was born cursed. he was supposed 2 be a champion so strong he could link the fire but ALAS he was weak nd had v frail health, nd he didn't grow much, as an adult he could still wear his swaddling as robes, nd it's the only thing he's ever worn. why didn't nyall giv this boy some fuckign CLOTHES ffs.
but also can i gush a bit 🥺🥺 pls lookit him i think he's v cute despite his resting bitch face gjfjsk. also he looks like he rly needs a nap.. ME TOO c'mere let's snuggle.
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nd pls note i say "despite" him always lookin grumpy but i lov that abt him gjfjdk
nd i'm sure nyall hav heard me talk abt his voice lots nd how much i adore it gjdjk. so pwease listen 2 him if u haven't his voice is SO preddy i am in lov nd i swoon whenever i hear it gjfjdk
NYWAYS !! Iothric has an older brother named Iorian !! the game never states why, but he decided to share Iothric's curse. a lot of ppl think it was 2 help ease his suffering which is 🥺🥺🥺 but nyways !! the curse left Iorian mute and unable to stand, nd their souls were nearly inseparable bc of the curse; they could nearly meld together. but it's said they're also nearly inseparable in kinship !! which u can tell bc Iorian obviously cares a lot fr Iothric nd givs up everything in order 2 protect him ;w;
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eventually Iothric decided he didn't want to link the fire. we don't know exactly why but alas. him doing this sorta makes him the main antagonist of the game?? bc if he just linked the flame none of this shit would be happenin but LISTEN he is not bad ok. i don't blame him fr not wantin 2 do it, he had no say in it he was destined to from birth :(( it's v understandable that he doesn't wanna burn esp when ppl are tryna force him to fjdjsk. nyways him nd Iorian decided to hide far away nd just. wait for the fire to fade.
many ppl have attempted to come and kill them, but ofc they haven't succeeded gjfjsk. the ashen one, the character u play as, has to (( among lotsa other things but i am here 2 talk abt Iothric not the whole story of the game )) find nd kill him. him nd Iorian are the last boss u face before the Final Battle™️. so lemme talk abt their boss fight 👀
when u start off the fight Iothric's way up on his bed where u can't get to him, but this ain't an issue since he doesn't attack gjfjdk. just Iorian does, nd since he can't use his legs Iothric helps by teleporting him around the room !! when u kill Iorian, Iothric teleports down nd revives Iorian !! then he clings onto his back, nd that suggests he's too weak 2 walk :(( nyways during the second part of the fight u still gotta deal w Iorian but now Iothric's on his back shooting magic at u gjfjdk.
a v interesting thing abt that !! he can use RLY powerful magic, if being able 2 bring his brother back from the dead didn't already tell u that gjdksk. nd he does it all w/o a catalyst !! it's not said why he doesn't need one, but it's impressive bc even gods like gwyndoIin need one to cast spells but Iothric can do it w his bare hands just.. bc he wants to i guess JFDJK. either way i'm v proud of u sweetie !! nd remember when i said his soul's intertwined w Iorian's?? yea bc of that Iorian can't truly die unless Iothric does as well, so if u don't kill Iothric he'll just keep reviving his brother gjfjsk. but when Iothric dies Iorian also does immediately :((
there are multiple endings in the game nd in one of em u don't even hav 2 link the fire, but ur still required to kill Iothric nd Iorian?? why?? fr context in the game ur told 2 kill Iothric so u can go link the flame urself since he won't gjdjsk. but if ur not gonna link the fire?? why do i still hav 2 kill them?? i hate u fromsoft fjdjsk neither of them deserve this.
OOH can i talk abt this other thing 👁👁 i've been meaning 2 but never hav gjdjdk. OK SO !!! when i said Iothric was meant 2 be a champion nd all that, he was also expected 2 wield a special platinum sword !! but bc of his poor health he couldn't do that. nyways originally he was supposed 2 wield a scythe !! the sexiest of all weapons 👀
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in conclusion...
its fuckign BIG so there's no way he'd be able 2 wield this if he couldn't do the same w that tiny sword gjdjsk but !! i always think how cool it'd be to see him use it in the fight... alas that will never happen gjdjsk 😔😔 NO MATTER i am happy enough seein him cast his pretty magic..
so uh. i think that's it?? unfortunately we do not get 2 know anythin abt him personally ;(( at least we have headcanons gjfjsk i hav many~
i lov my husband SO much he's brought me sm happiness.. nd i hope i can giv him plenty in return ;; he's been thru sm nd he only deserves the best jgdjkd i just want him 2 be happy nd safe :(( i Also lov my big brother Iorian w all my heart nd he Also deserves only the best !! both these boys r so good pls appreciate them
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zadabug98 · 7 years
your dogs are sO cute 🐶
I don’t disagree with you, but for some reason I don’t remember actually posting pictures of my beautiful fur babies…. Seems like a situation that needs to be rectified in my opinion so let’s go.
First we have Chica (aka. Chica Baby, Cheeky, Cheeky Weeky, Cheeky Weekums, Barky Dog, etc.) who was the first doggo of our currently motley crew. She was a “rescue” in the sense that my grandfather used to raise beagles for hunting and she was born without a functioning ball-and-socket joint in one of her back legs so she could barely run let alone chase rabbits so when I asked, my grandfather let us have her. This was probably… six years ago? I don’t remember, I was small. Anyway, this is Chica:
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She had to wear this cone for a few days this year and it was ADORABLE but she was NOT happy about it, as you can see… 
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She’s our stubborn little old lady.
The dog we got after her, Juli, (aka. Juwi, Juli Platypus, Juli-potomus, Shoe dog, Honky Dog, etc.) is actually her biological sister - from the same litter as Chica and everything - and we got her a few weeks or so after we received Chica because she had allergies that kept her from smelling well so she straight up did NOT want to chase rabbits. Which worked out fine for us.
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I feel like some of her nicknames need clarification. Because of her aforementioned allergies she sneezes alot and idk if you knew this but since dogs have such long noses they actually can’t one and done aCHOO it so she’ll sit there for a few seconds and snort/sneeze and it’s… it’s adorable. But it also sounds like a goose. Ergo, Honky Dog. She also likes to carry around AND HIDE shoes so if ever you’ve lost a shoe at my house, chances are it’s in one of her “hiding places”. Ergo, Shoe Dog.
She’s also hella relatable. Look at that face. She’s our grumpy old lady.
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Both of our beagles are low key terrified of thunder storms so whenever one comes around they immediately need to become puppy blanket burritos on the nearest hooman’s lap. 
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They’re very sleepy and warm post-burrito. It’s pretty great.
And then there’s the baby!!! Pepper (aka. Bepper, Pebber, Pep Pep, Pep Pep Pachu, Pepper the Peeper Pooper Pupper, Crazy Dog, Baby Deer, etc.) showed up on July 4th last year, the day after my sister @lily-greene‘s birthday so he was her (semi-unwanted) present from the universe. We’re pretty sure he was abandoned, since he came to us covered in fleas and ticks and he had major abandonment issues for the first few weeks. Wouldn’t go to sleep unless there was a person there.Would whine if he woke up and there wasn’t a person there. That first evening I came home from work and they were de-ticking him in the living room floor with honey and cinnamon. It was weird.  
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Better yet. He’s weird. Lookit him stuck in the dryer because he tried to get to the cat’s food. Always so silly. Barely knows how to Dog properly.
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Pepper, you can’t just paint the floors like that without running the color by us first, you silly dog!
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But now he’s a BIG boy. Roughly 45 pounds which is a lot when our old ladies only clock in at about 23 pounds each. He’s not just big though, he’s LONG. Twice as long as our old ladies. Twice as tall. His tail was bobbed when we found him, though, so that’s pretty short but what he lacks in length he makes up for in pure enthusiasm! 
[for some reason tumblr isn’t letting me put up the video I have of his sweet little boopy tail so I might post it separately later. Here’s his sweet little sleeping pose tho]
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Look at him! We like to joke that he’s half deer because of how lanky he is. He’s so big compared to baby Cheeky!
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So sweet. 
I wanna gush over our baby Pi (aka. Pi-Pi, Pea, Baby, Mommy’s Baby, etc.) but I feel like I’ve gushed enough, and she’s pretty much pure black so I don’t really have a lot of good pictures of her but these two are my all time favorites because this is straight up the dichotomy of this kitty.
So soft, so pure, so noble. A true lady of the dark shadows and all things that go Mew in the night.
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And YET…
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So vicious. Ready to go. Ready to play. Turn on the laser light hooman, it’s time to have some FUN!
This has been my TEDx Talk. All told, I’d say this was a good use of the hour and a half it took to dig up all these photos and pick the right ones. Happy valentines day from me and all my fur babies!
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Astra 4 - 6 | Demon Slayer 17 - 19 | Cop Craft 4 - 6 | Dr Stone 3 - 6 | Fruits Basket 15 - 19 | Given 3 - 5
Astra 4
How does anyone wash their hands with a spacesuit on?
Those exaggerated faces (reaction to candy plants) weren’t in the manga. Good thing too – they improve on the source.
Hey, man (Ulgar)! “Big girl” is offensive. (I’m probably saying that because I’m not too big myself.)
The *ding ding ding!* was pretty hilarious…LOL.
I remember this was pretty harsh to read for me the first time…because y’know what they say about representation mattering in feminist studies/articles? Yeah, that. (Exactly how I’m represented? That I’ll leave to your imagination…)
Aw, the Gruppie sounds adorable!
I think I’ve said this already, but Kanata uses the word “zetsubou” – despair, not necessarily “hopeless” – to say what he says.
Demon Slayer 17
I was a bit confused as to why Inosuke was majorly angry all the time, but then I realised that he’s not necessarily angry, per se - he is just majorly competitive.
*head on spider legs appears* ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! That reminds me of that head on spider legs from Toy Story…I seem to remember that freaked me out to some degree. I’m actually not afraid of spiders, but show me an image for “trypophobia” (fear of tiny holes) or stick me somewhere high up without secure footing…and I’m gone.
This episode is…great! I’m cursing as I watch, but it’s great! The CGI is adding to the creepiness! Also, I so didn’t expect Zenitsu to have black hair.
I agree with Zenitsu’s master, he is a moron…
…but truth be told, I think I see myself in him. That’s probably why I find him so annoying. Lately, I’ve found there are periods where I resent myself more than anyone else…and that’s the scariest part about living life. But I can’t complain, because I put my name down to help others in the same situation.
Z-Zenitsu! I-I’m sorry I ever doubted you! I’m so sorry…! I promise I’ll stop thinking you’re annoying, because you remind me of meeeeeeeeeee…! *sob, snivel, sob…*
Ukogiiiiiiiiii! Wahhhhhhhhh!
Hmm…you can smell rain. I’ve smelt it before. But thunderclouds…? Not so much.
Demon Slayer 18
“Rookie Mizunoto join the battle!” – The Smash Bros intro is a fun way to introduce people, no?
I thought Shinobu Kocho was Naruto running, but instead she has her jacket on her shoulders…so it only looks like Naruto running.
CG models are back to being awkward again…
“If you can’t slash something with one sword, you just gotta pound it with another sword!” – Basically, the philosophy of the entire shonen genre when dealing with swords.
“I’m gonna die.” – Well, there’s some words I thought I’d never hear from Inosuke…
Oh yeah…I forgot Inosuke’s never met Giyu.
Hmm…I’ve been suspecting Rui is the member of the 12 Kizuki as a demon with lower possibility of being so (but being raised by Ply’s hint during our collab and Tanjiro’s fight), but I’m more certain of the father being the 12 Kizuki based on what the series has shown us already. Hmm…so who is it???
*starts watching Taisho Secret* Wait, where did Giyu come from??? *watches again* Oh, he appears from above…! Interesting…
Hmm…I like salmon onigiri myself. I also like tuna…most flavours, really.
Cop Craft 4
The man (?) with the purplish hair who called Kei over is meant to be a gay stereotype or at least close to one. Aside from his (?) appearance, you can tell by him (?) nding his sentences with “wa”.
Marth’s post for ep. 4 said “And Suddenly, Vampires”, so…I’m thinking about how Cop Craft actually does the horror vibe really well as I watch.
Aw, these cliffhangers suck! I’m starting to thank myself that I ran behind on every show but Demon Slayer.
Cop Craft 5
O-Oh, the CG is getting worse…
Who was the 2nd person dead? The 1st was Chapman…
Astra 5
As I’m laughing at the reactions from the makeover (because I knew this was coming), I’m simultaneously wondering…holding those scissors in the way you’re doing is dangerous, Luca!!!
Oh great…midseason animation slump. This is only the 2nd show to suffer from that this season…and I’ve only caught up on 3 shows so far.
“Mine is bigger!” “No, mine is!” – Ah, anime boys and their ability to make things vaguely Freudian when out of context…*slight sweatdrop*
*slow pan, with a final shot on Aries’s boobs* - Oh, really…? *grumpy*
*…then proceeds to do boob shots of all the girls* Oh, really?!? You wanna go, show?! You were doing so well, up until this episode!!! I didn’t read past volume 2 of the manga, so this beach stuff is all new to me!!! Plus, it sucks because boob shots are everywhere!!!
“…approach him like that…”
People have been pointing this out, but McPa = Camp, Shummoor = Mushroom, Vilavurs = Survival…so Arispade = Paradise.
Ulgar really reminds me of Tooi, even though he came first…
Dr Stone 3
Taiju’s ugly tears make me go “d’aww” now that this scene is animated…it was nice in manga format, but even better when it was moving and with colour.
Now that I think about it, Tsukasa’s “benefit of the new world” talk reminds me of Death Note.
Senku trying to steal Kamakura Buddha bronze looks like Bart Simpson…
Boueibu should’ve taught you that Hakone is home to hot springs.
Dr Stone 4
You don’t fire a smoke signal…
Oh wow, Mecha Senku! Wouldya lookit that! *points at him* He answers questions in the manga, so I didn’t think he’d get adapted!
Are those…CGI trees? Oh great, why does all shonen these days need CGI trees???
Fighting over established interests means a Thucydides trap (a mini version of which seems to be playing out here with Tsukasa)…that’s basically the only thing I remember from my old politics classes.
I just noticed Yuzuriha refers to all the boys with –kun. She wants to stay friends with all of them…I guess even Tsukasa’s on that list, huh?
Hmm…Senku’s eyes are a reddish colour, but otherwise he’s normally representd with blue to Taiju’s red…
I just realised Senku has a red pen and a black pen in one of his breast pockets.
Aww…it’s nice to have rivals who aren’t 100% evil for once. Sure, pure evil rivals are easy to write but hard to justify. Good guys with one morally wrong aspect to them are harder to write, but easier to get behind. (Plus, at least they’re not Sasuke-style angsty.)
Dr Stone 5
So…I went searching…and I was wondering why I wanted to claim Tsukasa as husbando (but man, he’s a bit more stereotypical for a gal to fall in love with – all girls like bad guys, amirite???), but as it turns out, Senku and his buds from our era (Tsukasa included) are 18 and so are ripe for the husbando/waifu picking (not to mention they’re technically over 3700 years old, which more than makes them legal for things like drinking alcohol, as Senku himself pointed out a few eps back).
D’aww…this was in the manga, but now I find Tsukasa inserting himself into Senku’s flashback cute.
Notably, Gen Asagiri appears on the front of the book this student is asking the question from. Who’s Gen Asagiri, you ask, my dear anime-only random nonexistent entity I type these notes for? You’ll find out…soon.
Hmm…Yuzuriha is more observant than we give her credit for. Also, Senku pulled a Gen Asagiri right there…LOL.
LOL…those ‘shrooms seem massively symbolic. They were also in the manga, IIRC.
Why does Yuzuriha wear a neck scarf, anyway?
Hey, they even managed to get the game-like text box right! Awesome! (It reminds me of Little Alchemy, to be honest.)
“Himo” translates to rope…or a cord. Just FYI.
Astra 6
Eyyy…this show is calling me out.
Eyyyyy…Toi vibes from Ulgar!!!
Eyyyyy…wut? I can’t believe Anime Feminist was on the money here??? (Context: The reviewer for Astra said Luca was “one ambiguously-gendered character”.)
Hey…I once read a book with a 50% similarity to this plot. (There was a gay character – not intersex - and all the characters are adopted.)
I think Xenodude said this, but…in space, nobody can hear you scream.
I’m laughing so hard…why are Kanata’s abs the thing that hurt the most? (It’s because he’s got the harness in that region…forget I asked. It’s still funny though.)
“MILD THING” – Yep, Ulgar’s gonna be mild after what happened this episode…
Ohhhhh, I didn’t understand the “hairpiece” thing until it was revealed it was a toupee through context.
Ooh, 50% chance of lying here. Who to trust, who to trust? Charce or Aries? (I trust Aries, by the way.)
Dr Stone 6
The alien explanation etc. was in the manga, but…why do all the attackers look like Senku???
Senku does his best Thinker impression.
Eyyy! Fighter vs. fighter. I love this scene, even if only because Tsukasa (and his muscles) have the upper hand in both the visual angle and the power balance, although [BLEEP <- no spoilers!] has the surprise factor.
I remember learning once blonde hair is recessive…so does that mean most of the community is blonde? (I know the answer to that, but you, my non-existent anime-discussing entity, don’t.)
I’m tempted to hear Senku scream, “This. Is. SCIENCE!!!”
Fruits Basket 15
For some reason, videos run much faster on my phone than my laptop…
Hmm…this is the first time I’m properly listening to the 2nd ED…It’s kinda like how you’d expect an ED to be: quieter than an ED, but still serving up cuteness.
Fruits Basket 16
This episode’s visually very dark…
Middle School!Tohru reminds me of Hitori Bocchi.
Smol Uo looks like Kyo.
Fruits Basket 17
(nothing this time, sorry!)
Fruits Basket 18
Oh! I remember the matching scene in the manga (where Kisa bites Tohru for the first time).
I also remember the manga Hatsuharu is reading is called “Mogeta and the Ant” (Ari).
Now you see why Tohru is Kyoko’s daughter…
“…what her hair and eye colour were.”
Fruits Basket 19
The ep is called “I’m So Sorry!”…I think I know who’s going to star in this episode, alright…
For some reason, when I see Ritsu and Mitchan apologising to each other, I think of me and Astral…(LOL…?)
…Or maybe it reminds me of Zenitsu…?
Eyyyyyyyy, A-ya is A-ya…
This overly-apologetic character of Ritsu…this is why Martin was my favourite character back in the original Ro.Te.O days…*sighs while basking in nostalgia*
Demon Slayer 19
This episode’s been hyped since last week. Let’s get on with it!
Ooh, no pattern on this title card…
Wow (sarcastic), talk about infighting…but amazingly, I found Inosuke’s art shift to be funny for once in my life! (Amazing!...and yes, the exclamation of “Amazing!” is sincere)
Using terror is…well, Machiavellian. Hard power. You get my drift, right?
So basically, Rui breaks down the nuclear family for us.
Wait a flippin’ second…Hinokami (god of fire)? Charcoal selling? Water Breathing??? One of these is not like the others, for sure.
I get the feeling the father’s dance was recorded as video then converted to animation by ufotable staff…that’s what they did for YoI, no?
“The cold won’t bother you, either.” - Well, due to his fire theming, the cold never bothered Tanjiro anyway…*echoes of “Let It Go” suddenly play in the background*
Go for it, Nezuko! Be the Bakugo of the Demon Slayer world!
According to the credits, Tanjiro’s dad’s name is Tanjuro…that’s confusing, to say the least…
(Sorry Astral, the background noise while I was watching meant I did’t watch it with sound on…Also, is it wrong that I think the dad is hot??? Another thing: why do Tanjuro and Tanjiro have matching scars on their temples…?)
One of Tanjiro’s bros looks like Zenitsu??? Wuh???
Ooh, insert song “Kamado Tanjiro’s Song” by Go Shiina ft Nami Nakagawa. I’ll have to listen to it when I can. (Ever since SGRS, I’ve loved Go Shiina’s work…guess I didn’t expect it here, though.) Update: Misattributed the work. Go Shiina does videogame work, Sheens Ringo did SGRS stuf.
Given 3
I never knew that asking someone into a band was like asking someone out…(probably because I’ve never been in a band).
Given’s a frickin’ riot – that’s one reason I stuck with it.
I forgot Mafuyu was underage…!
Cop Craft 6
That car chase was basically Need for Speed…with worse graphics…
I followed Kei’s advice to Google Jeffrey Dahmer…and I regret it.
The text says “Someone from the Semanian gang of thieves made contact.”
I didn’t make sense of “I hate being McCloud” until I rewound a bit and found that’s a disguise or alter ego of Tony’s.
“Shift the transmission into ‘Reverse’. The car will begin to roll backward sharply…” - The driving instructions are real, at least.
Given 4
Ehhhhh…still shots…
Kaji sure looks tough for a violinist…but a music major? Never thought he’d be one…(I saw some spoilers saying Kaji was a violinist before I watched the episode, hence my lack of surprise in that department.)
Not everyone’s in a band, y’know…
$120…? Nasty…
Ah, a layby? I don’t actually know what other countries call it, but where I am they’re called laybys, not layaways. (At the charity store I volunteer at, they call ‘em “holds”, though…which makes things even more confusing.)
Watching th first ep at the anime club made me realise that one had a piano version of Marutsuke, while this one is standard Marutsuke.
Given 5
Ooh, I see English-translated lyrics! Nice one, subbers! By the way, the title of the OP “Kizuato” sounds like it should translate to “Traces of Scars/Wounds” in English, but it’s in katakana, so I can’t confirm that…
It seems joining a band is a metaphor for love in this show…(see ep. 3 notes for more on that)
Holy moly! I’m still fairly new to BL/yaoi in general, so two-timing the boyfriend is not a trope ‘ve seen before, let alone dealt with in my head…
Ooh, more translated lyrics! That (ED singer) does sound like Mafuyu, come to think of it…
0 notes