#agere Janus
puppycatremus · 5 months
agere outfits!
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im sure it’s obvious but just in case, the order goes patton, roman, logan, virgil, janus, and remus :3
i’ve never made outfit collage things before, so i hope y��all like these!!! i did my best haha
now for ages and headcanons and such under the cut :3
age range: he usually reaches like,, tiny baby age. i originally thought he’d be a bit on the older kiddo side cos i thought it’d be cute if he was like “i wanna help take care of the others even if im regressed” but nah his brain is like “you’re an infant now, let others help you whether you like it or not” ksjdjfkf
he’s nonverbal when he regresses, aside from the occasional single word sentence (such as “up!” or yes and no, though he usually nods or shakes his head for that)
it actually took him a while to realize he was an age regressor. he was the last of the group to realize their regression (though everyone else had their suspicions lol)
he doesn’t have a specific caregiver, everyone kinda takes turns caregiving, but baby patton is very (hilariously) attached to remus. his nickname for remus is “mouse” because he can’t really say remus or duke. mouse is just easier (roman is a bit jealous of the affection baby patton has for his brother, but he’ll take that to his grave)
age range: he goes from roughly 5 to 7, a bit younger if he regresses from stress
he started out being a rather proud regressor, not wanting to accept help from anyone. nowadays he’s the opposite, being extremely needy and clingy lol (no one really minds)
if you think he loves disney when he’s big, hoo boy little him is alllll about it lmao. he’s especially into bluey, watching at least one episode every time he regresses (and usually it’s not just one lmao)
big him isn’t really the biggest fan of remus, but when he regresses it’s a different story. he thinks of remus less as an annoying twin brother and more like a cool uncle that lets you do things your parents wouldn’t let you do. he’s embarrassed by this in a non-regressed state, and it doesn’t help that remus teases him endlessly for it lmao
age range: similar to roman, roughly 5 to 7, but much younger when stressed. he also has a tendency to age up slightly when others regress in his company. like if he’s seven, but patton goes baby mode, suddenly he’s twelve. not fully out of the headspace, but not as young as he’d prefer
surprisingly, he can be a bit of a brat. i mean this with love lmao. when he’s on the younger side, he has to have everything go his way or else. he also doesn’t handle rejection well. the others learned this very early on, and they each have different ways of dealing with it. but little logan’s smart and caught on to that, so when he needs or wants something, he chooses the big side he goes to carefully. little schemer <3
when he’s on the older side (or really when anyone is younger than him, which happens a lot), he becomes very protective. especially of patton, since he’s baby. he’s surprisingly good at knowing what patton needs, and verbalizes it on his behalf
when he’s feeling sad or stressed, he goes immediately to virgil. and if he can’t go to virgil for whatever reason, he goes to virgil’s room and lays on his bed. or, if he can’t go into virgil’s room, sits outside virgil’s door. virgil is his comfort person <3 or- comfort side. whatever kajdjfkf
age range: he’s a teen regressor. like, 14 to 16 ish. he gets even more emo when regressed and no one knows how it’s possible skdjfkfkf
he has a paci he rarely uses, and it took a long time for him to become comfortable using it. he only really uses it when he’s particularly stressed (which, i mean, he’s kinda always stressed lol but the paci is basically for emergencies)
he’s an extremely protective older brother to everyone, and is almost like a caregiver even when regressed. on days where everyone’s regressed (as rare as they are), it’s him against the world lmao though he can enlist help from thomas (or remy if thomas is asleep) (remy only shows up in the mindscape when thomas is asleep)
he doesn’t need a caregiver since he’s always old enough to care for himself, but there are days when he goes to janus. he’s always mortified by it when he ages back up, but when he’s in the throes of teenage angst he needs janus’s support more than anything. he’s just grateful that janus doesn’t really bring it up when he ages up
age range: usually about 3 or 4, and doesn’t really go outside of that
lil dude loves hissing. but not like mean hissing, just excited hissing. he just goes “ssss!” and everyone knows he’s happy. the hissing is usually accompanied by hand flapping. stimmy lil snake <3
loves giving everyone hugs all the time. he just clings and won’t let go. he’s probably given the most hugs to either patton or roman, the latter of whom is basically always caught off guard by it. patton was caught off guard the first few times but has since adjusted (and happily so)
much like how little patton is very attached to remus, janus is extremely attached to roman. initially, roman wasn’t a fan of this, as he wanted as little to do with janus (both big and little) as possible. but once the two of them managed to bury the hatchet (as in, janus actually apologized), roman didn’t mind as much. it took a bit to become fully comfortable, but now roman is quite fond of little janus (and maybe big janus isn’t so bad <3)
age range: he could be any age, really. he doesn’t have time to figure out how old he is, he has mischief to get up to. he’s usually pretty capable when regressed, so he’s probably older than most of the others. he doesn’t act like it tho lmao
dude loves aliens. wants to be one. also pirates. his aesthetic can be summarized as alien pirates. or pirate aliens? thats actually why janus has an alien stuffie, it makes him think of remus <3
loves messing with the others when they’re also regressed. says things like “you’re now aware of your own breathing” and no one is a fan <3
definitely the most physically active of the regressors. if he’s not running, he’s jumping. and if he’s not jumping, he’s running kajdkfkfkf bro wears everyone out, even fellow regressed sides. the only one who can calm him down fully is janus, but only when janus isn’t also regressed. if janus is regressed he’s joining in on the chaos
thats the end of the post. i love these guys so much <3
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dannyisdone · 8 months
Not much of anything really lol
Janus startled at the sound of a whimpering Remus. 
It had been completely quiet in the living room prior to. Janus had mostly had a quiet morning to himself. He had assumed Remus must have been sleeping in when he walked into the kitchen bleerily that morning, and found that there wasn’t a giant mess waiting for him. Remus almost always woke up before Janus. Where Janus needed 10 hours of sleep to be a fully functioning serpent, Remus only needed about 3 to completely terorrize the day. Janus didn’t mind the absence though, not just because it meant he wouldn’t have to chase Remus down in order to get him to snap away the mess. He wasn’t worried if Remus slept in a bit, it was probably well warranted. 
The rest of the morning had been like that. Janus found time to make himself breakfast, coffee, and when he was done eating, he had curled up on the couch and started reading. He hadn’t even been suspicious once of why Remus wasn’t awake, but now, seeing his obviously little one in tears, he sort of wished he had. 
“What’s wrong?” Janus asked, figuring something must be wrong if it has Remus in such shambles. Remus shook his head and wobbled over to Janus, eyes fixated on where his head would find rest on Janus’s chest a few seconds later
“Hey, it’s okay.” Janus comforted, cradling Remus’s head when he laid down on him, though Janus didn’t not feel envy for his joints as he bent down to be lower that Janus as much as he could be. Remus whimpered and hid himself further into Janus. 
“Shh, come here.” He said softly, hoping to convince his little one to get into a more comfortable position. Remus let out a whine from the back of his throat and pressed himself even further in Janus, as if he meant to phase through his shirt and found skin to skin contact. 
“I know, I know.” Janus placated. In reality, he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure why Remus was suddenly so upset. He couldn’t recall any incidents happening earlier in the week. Not that something had to go wrong in order for Remus to regress, that’s just what usually caused it. Sometimes Remus found fun in playing little for a while, but he had once confessed that regression could be scary at times. How can something feel so little and still deal with the horrors of being an adult?
Remus whimpered once more.
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Little space Janus.. Regressing in the middle of an argument? Anyone as caregiver?
((I'm so sorry for how long it took me to write this! I'm always up for a bit of hurt/comfort :)
"And if you would just listen, just once! Then maybe we wouldn't be here! But look at what happened!"
"Oh come on, like you're innocent! At least I don't project my issues onto others!"
"Oh, I know you didn't just try to pull that card!"
"Oh, I absolutely did! And let's not forget the whole 'hide Remus and Janus from the others' game!"
"Seriously? That again?!"
Janus couldn't really decipher who was saying what anymore. The conversation had started out like any other - curt smiles, civil phrases like 'how's your day', everyone pretending like they weren't not-so-secretly mad at each other. Then Virgil had found Remus's sock in the coffee grounds, Remus had vehemently denied that it was his ("It's covered in octopi and has a big red stain on it! Who else could it belong to?"). Remus mentioned that there were cobwebs on his ceiling that definitely hadn't been there the night before ("Your stupid spider probably went in there when I scared Roman in the Imagination! How else would they get there?").
From there, it had turned into insults. Insults turned into airing dirty laundry, and now the two were caught in a screaming match where they took out their frustrations on each other.
Normally, Janus would be fine with a situation like this. After all, he had his own feelings surrounding how Virgil and the others had treated him and Remus. But today it was too much. He'd had so much going on lately, what with talking more with Patton, Virgil drawing further and further away, and Roman outright refusing to even look at him now. None of that included his usual responsibilities of keeping Remus in check, making sure Virgil's worries did not send Thomas into an outright panic, having Thomas take care of himself, and keeping back the ever-wrathful Orange until the right time.
In short, he was stressed and overworked. He couldn't handle it all anymore.
"Ssssstop!!!" The lights flickered for a moment and flashed between bright white and deep yellow while something unseen slithered along the kitchen floor with a low hiss and a rattle.
Virgil and Remus froze. Janus never lost control like that.
"Janus? You alright?" The deceitful side curled into himself and began to sniff. He remained silent.
"Jan, come on, what's wrong?" Remus and Virgil glanced at each other, wondering the same thing.
"'S too loud."
Virgil mentally cursed at himself for not noticing how upset Janus was. Between him and Remus, he was the one most responsible when it came to times like this. After all, he'd been taking the caretaking role for Janus for years now.
Virgil stepped forward and hugged the other side. "Hey, no one's mad at you. Remus and I just got too angry and should have taken a break. You didn't do anything wrong, ok?"
Janus remained silent. He clung onto Virgil, hands fisted in his sweatshirt.
Remus walked off to the living room, switched the tv to some kid-friendly channel, and headed off to his room. As much as he would love to stay and comfort Janus, he tended to scare him more than anything when he was small and scared.
After sitting with him for a little bit, Virgil took off Janus's hat to pat his head. "Hey, let's go sit and watch tv for a bit, alright? We can talk when we're both calm. Does that sound ok?"
Janus nodded slightly and held onto Virgil tighter.
"Alright, let's go sit down, buddy." He picked up the other side and carried him over to the couch to sit. After making sure they were both comfortable, Virgil waved his arm and hoped that he was summoning the right thing. Janus was always better at summoning items from places other than his own room, Virgil tended to overthink and grab the wrong thing.
Luckily though, he grabbed the right one this time. "Hey, I've got Bananaconda here. He looks like he wants a hug." Janus reached out for the stuffed twin-headed snake and immediately drew it in close to himself.
"Is that a bit better, Jan?" Deceit nodded and kept his face hidden.
"Alright, let's just relax and watch some tv. We can talk if and when you're ready to later. Let's just rest for a bit." Janus nodded and curled into Virgil's side.
If you asked them later, it never happened. Remus would deny it outside of their personal circle and Virgil would insist that he and Janus weren't talking to each other. Janus could deceive his way out of almost any conversation. The trio may have their differences and be going through a rough patch in their relationship with each other, but they still looked out for each other when it mattered.
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agerestorybits · 1 year
nails and polish
Warning-nail biting
Janus didn't like his fingernails. There were brittle and would spilt or flake. They never stayed nice or at an even length because they kept catching on things and getting little rough edges that he hated the feel of. He wore gloves to prevent any damage to them. Mostly from himself as he got in the habit of biting and chewing on his nails when they got uneven in the hopes of fixing them without having to hunt down a nail file or clippers.
The issues with the gloves was they made using things like touch screens, tiny buttons and small toys frustrating. Tear inducing on a bad day and Janus was already having a bad day.
That was why he was in soft comfy clothing sitting with Patton on the floor surrounded by toys. Patton had to reassure Janus that he didn't mind taking care of him for awhile. "You've been stressed a lot lately, You need some relaxing time." Patton said as he clicked Lego pieces together. Janus did agree with that and so he focused on working on his Lego house he was making.
He had removed his gloves so he could pick up the pieces better. He was struggling a little bit but it was still fun.
Until one of his nails caught slightly on a piece. The previously smooth edge now had a small dent in it. He tried to ignore it before glancing over to see Patton was too busy to notice.
Maybe if he was quick. He brought his hand up to his mouth and started chewing on the rough edge.
"Janus." Patton said causing him to jump before tearing up from being startled. Patton was quick to pull him into a hug. "oh I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. You just can't chew on your nails." Patton said gently taking Janus' hand away from his mouth.
"icky!" Janus said shaking his hands a bit, squirming as Patton grabbed a wipe to clean Janus' hand before grabbing the yellow gloves. "No! nononono! No oves!"
"You can't bite your nails slitter." Patton said waiting for Janus to calm before he put the gloves on.
"I be good! Prom-est!" Janus said with wide teary eyes. Patton couldn't say no to that.
"What if we found something else to cover your nails?" Patton asked.
"No oves?" Janus sniffled. Patton kissed Janus' forehead as he brushed away his tears.
"We'll try baby." He said relieved that Janus relaxed. He gave Janus his teether ring that look like a curled up snake. Something to bite while Patton filed smooth his nails.
Patton wished that Roman was here, he would be able to figure out how to cover Janus' nails without gloves. Patton looked around his room for something that might work and stopped when he noticed the small box of nail polishes. He hesitated, he didn't want Janus eating nail polish if it didn't work. Then again they could just try something else if it didn't work.
"You want painted nails Hisser?" Patton asked grabbing the box and opening it showing off a small pastel rainbow.
Janus' face lit up and he happily wiggled, "pink please!" he said pointing to the light pink. That wasn't the color Patton expected, mostly because the yellow was one of Janus' favorite shades.
Still he smiled and gently took Janus' hand so he could paint his nails. "Can't bite polish." Janus stated around the teether.
"That's right! Very smart!" Patton praised.
"You thought of it!" Janus said poking Patton with his free hand.
Patton laughed. "I did! We are both pretty smart then."
Janus made a happy squeak noise. He chewed harder on his teether as he watched his nail get covered in the soft pink color. He looked down at the half built legos. "I'm done playing."
"That's ok, you can't play with wet nails. Maybe we should watch something while they dry?" Patton suggested.
Janus nodded happy. Patton finished painting his nails and Janus watched as he cleaned up. "Can't help. Wet nails." Janus said giggling.
"Sassy snake." Patton said ruffling Janus' hair.
Janus looked at his painted nails. As soon as they were dry he felt the edges, coated in the polish they were smooth. Safe. He would need to paint his nails more.
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askdeceitsanders · 2 months
(should i make a ask agere janus blog or a general ask agere sides blog where jan is the only little and everyone else is his caregivers? if i should make one, which?)
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littleboy-logan · 2 years
Night Scares
just a short little drabble cos im starved of cg roman content (i say starved but idk how much cg roman content there actually is lmao). hope you enjoy!!!
Characters: Janus, Roman
Pairing(s): platonic roceit
Warnings: mention of nightmares, and i think that’s it but lemme know if i missed anything!!
Word count: 102
Roman was peacefully sleeping until the bed shifted under him. He jumped awake, ready to summon his sword, until he realized it was only Janus. He had crawled into bed with him, freezing upon realizing Roman was awake.
"Oh, little snakeling," Roman murmured. "What brings you here in the middle of the night?"
"Nightmare," he whispered. "Made me regress, 'n' I needed you."
"Oh, you poor thing. Do you need cuddles?"
Janus nodded, and Roman gathered his little into his arms. He ran a hand up and down his back, whispering words of comfort.
"It's alright now, little one. I've got you."
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januscorner · 24 days
Agere Sibby Princess Celestia Stimboard
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✴️⛅️✨ 🌖🦄🌗 ⭐️🍦💛
Fictional agere challenge! Day 4: A character you hc as a sitter / sibby
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
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✧°˳˚⁠∘⁠Sanders Sides Agere Panels∘⁠˚⁠˳°✧
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pacisandpuzzles · 5 months
Janus and Logan love to tease and make fun of each other. They're really close and know they're both joking.
One day, Janus teasingly treats Logan as a child, but the soft speaking voice and the words he says causes Logan to regress . And now Janus has an actual child Logan to take care of.
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itzbubs · 8 months
Sander Sides Agere Headcannons
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Ages: Remus(4-7), Roman (3-8), Patton(1-4), Logan(1-2&7-8), Virgil(3-5&11-13), Janus(2-5)
I love sander sides!!! Hehehe please no arguing
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roman-sanders-crown · 6 months
Sanders sides agere Headcanons
(Read pinned post before starting drama with me)
Roman - flip, loves being a caregiver for the littles, and loves being small himself his little Disney and theater kid heart love the feeling of being a care free child again.
Orange - Caregiver, very much a strong figure(this is based on my personal Headcanons of orange)
Janus - Caregiver, is all about caring for one’s self and they know how much little ones can struggle, so he’s there for comfort.
Remus - Little, is a chaotic tiny gremlin. That’s it…
Patton - The most caregiver-carer that ever cared! … that was stupid… anyway he loves caring for tinies! He loves taking care of kiddos
Logan - Flip, he doesn’t enjoy how vulnerable he is when regressed, but it can be very therapeutic. He and Janus are the wine moms of the carers
Virgil - Little, like Logan it’s very therapeutic, he loves when Patton and Roman take care of him and Patton especially can make him real small. (Also petre, he’s a little kitten)
Bonus: C!Thomas - Caregiver, loves when the littles of the sides regress and he likes spending time with them.
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puppycatremus · 4 months
i think little janus really likes rubber ducks
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dannyisdone · 2 years
Day 15: Candy
“Wait, Logan, one more time, where are we going?” Thomas asked as he was dragged through the mindscape, a sensation he was still only recently getting used to.
“Lost the last big person to chocolate.” Logan explained as he readjusted the falling goggles on his face. Yeah, that’s what Logan had said a minute ago, and it still clarified nothing for Thomas. 
“Logan, what are you--” 
“Pat! I got him!” Logan interrupted, pulling Thomas into a living room. And for all Thomas’s initial confusion, upon seeing the living room, it felt like it cleared up fairly quickly. 
Sitting in various locations in the living room were some of the sides, clearly in various states of regression and sitting in front of bags of Halloween candy. Thomas had known that some of his sides had planned on regressing and trick-or-treating, so that wasn’t all that surprising. What was a shock was that all of them seemed to have regressed!
Firstly, the twins were seated near the television on the floor. Thomas could clearly hear them arguing over who had gotten the most candy. Thomas had known those two were going to be little together the moment the idea had been brought up. The twins enjoyed being little together, much to the chagrin of whoever was in charge of them, since they tended to get into baby fights. 
“I got 340 pieces of candy, and you only got 320! That means I got more!” Roman argued as Remus ripped open a mini bag of skittles. 
“Nuh uh ‘cause you’re not counting all these!” Remus argued back just as he managed to get the bag open, sending a skittles rolling off in every which way. 
“That’s not how that works!” Roman disputed, but dug through his own pillowcase and pulled out a pack of skittles himself and started opening it as Remus crawled around the room, looking for his loose candy. 
He crawled all the way to Virgil, who was sitting on the floor by the couch. Even from his distance, Thomas could see how sticky Virgil’s hand looked. As some of the skittles rolled towards Virgil, the little one squealed and picked them off the floor and--
“No no, baby, yucky!” Thomas hurried over attempting to intervene, but Virgil was already putting floor candy in his mouth, smiling happily and humming in delight. Remus whined. 
“Roman! He ate some of mine! It still counts!” Remus complained as he crawled back. As Thomas approached, Virgil smiled up at him sweetly, holding up his bag. 
“Tho! Loo’!” Virgil held up the bag for Thomas to look inside, mostly finding a lot of loose candy and already opened packaging. Thomas smiled down at the toddler, though it was a bit strained. 
“Did you eat all that candy already, Vee?” Thomas asked, kneeling down. 
“No, Janus and him shared a bag.” Logan explained. He had walked over and held in his hand a wet napkin. Thomas took in gratefully and began to clean up the sticky mess from Virgil’s hand and face, much to the little one’s distress.
“Vee was too scared to go up to the houses, so he and Janus shared.” Logan explained. Thomas peered over at his Logical side as he spoke, wondering if he was still regressed or not. 
“What about you? Where’s your candy?” Thomas asked as he finished cleaning up his anxiety. Virgil whined when Thomas wasn’t looking at him anymore, and started to pat his face. 
“I don’t like candy.” Logan admitted. “So I gave it t’Patton.” He explained. Thomas nodded, but didn’t have much time to question it as Virgil grew fussy. Thomas sighed and relented. 
“Okay bud, stand up and I’ll pick you up.” Thomas said. Virgil gurgled happily and clumsily stood up on his feet. Thomas lifted Virgil up and adjusted him on his hip. It was a good thing his sides were just figments of his Imagination and not actual adult sized men. 
“My M&M’s only had 10! Why did yours have 11?!” Thomas heard Roman whine. He looked over at the twins. 
“Roman, that’s just how candy packaging is, you probably have one that has more than Remus.” He tried to appease. 
“Nuh uh! No way he does!” Remus argued, and it only seemed to spur more arguing between the two. Thomas sighed once more. How had all of them regressed?!
“Who was big with you guys?” Thomas asked, ignoring Virgil as he whined and reached for his candy bag he had left on the floor. 
“Well, I was a little big for a while, but that was only ‘cause I was nervous.” Logan admitted, his face turning a bit pink. Thomas nodded, and smiled at Logan, hoping to convey he was proud of his logical side for being vulnerable. “And Patton was big big, but then he started eating sweets, and he didn’t stay big for very long after.” Logan continued to explain. 
“Where is he now?” Thomas asked, finally bending down and picking up Virgil’s candy bag and handing it to him. Logan shrugged. 
“He was here when I left.” He explained, looking around. Thomas grew a bit worried at that, until Roman piped up. 
“He’s behind the couch with Janus.” He helpefully explained as he counted his candies again. 
“Oh! I also getta count Janus’s candy ‘cause he took all my yellow ones!” Remus argued, standing up and hurrying over to the couch. 
“Nuh uh! You gave them away then!” Roman argued, also standing up. Everyone made their way over to the couch, and Thomas peered behind it to find his two remaining sides. 
“‘Mas!” Janus looked up and smiled at Thomas, lots of yellow candies and wrappers sitting in his lap. 
“Hi.” Patton squeaked as he looked up. His face was covered in chocolate, and unlike the other sides that were all dressed in their pajamas, Patton still wore his blue sweater and tight pants. Thomas couldn’t stop himself from awwing at the sight. His Morality must have tired really hard to stay big if he hadn’t even had the chance to change. 
Remus counted under his breath, before cheering. 
“Janus has 32 candies, which means I win!” He declared, already running back to his candy bag. 
“Some of those was his! You don’t get to count them all!” Roman yelled, chasing after his twin. 
“Bellow!” Janus babbled, holding up a yellow box of Dots candy. Virgil’s eyes grew wide with want, and he reached out towards it, almost topping Thomas over. 
“Oh geez, okay, I think it’s time for all my sides to go to bed.” Thomas called out as he bent down for Virgil to get the candy. The twins both let out audible whines, but didn’t argue. Which Thomas was grateful for. 
“Wait, I forgot--” Logan gasped, before running towards the kitchen. Thomas was about to intervene, worried that he was trying to avoid bedtime, but then Logan ran back in with another pillow case of candy. 
“Oh good, more sugar.” Thomas said teasingly. “Whose bag is that?” He asked. 
“It’s for you.” Logan said with a small smile. Thomas was surprised. 
“Oh yeah! We tricked or treated for you too!” Roman explained, rushing over, his bag gripped in his hand. 
“Yeah! I got you the most candy though.” Remus added, which was immediately refuted by Roman. 
“Janus took all the yellow ones out though.” Logan explained as he handed the bag to Thomas. At hearing his name, Janus looked up again. 
“‘M ‘bellow.” Was his only comment to that. 
“That was…very kind of you guys,” Thomas said genuinely touched that his sides thought about him. “Thank you…Now, let’s get to bed.” Thomas explained, setting the candy down. He knew he would have to get them to bed soon, or else they might begin to question why Thomas wasn’t eating any of the candy that was made up in his own head. 
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jack-the-lamplighter · 4 months
Someone for the love of satan make more caregiver!sides x little!reader (prefferably gn or masc)
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agerestorybits · 2 years
Banjo playing skeleton
  CG Virgil, Agere Remus, Agere Janus.
Hurt/comfort, abandonment.
Virgil was taking Janus and Remus shopping. Which following mindscape logic (thanks logan) Meant they had to go to imaginary stores for things. A 'sense of realism helps ground everyone'. This is why Virgil doesn't like the light sides. He was having to walk with his legs, to the store to 'buy' things as he had run out of gummies for Remus and Janus. Both of whom were very little and very grumpy.
Virgil walked in with Remus and Janus hold his hands to make sure they didn't get lost and all of them stopped stunned at the amount of Halloween decorations. Part of Virgil was absolutely thrilled with the amount of items that he would now be able to take to his room. His eyes falling on a set of nightmare before Christmas posters and other things along that vine.
The other part was acutely aware that he had both regressed Janus and Remus with him and everything they would be taking back he would have to CARRY with his ARMS. Curse his anxiety about driving five minutes. He barely managed to step on the brakes and stop the two tiny toddler terrors from bolting off to look at stuff. "VEEVEE LOOKIT!!" "THEY have CANDY!!!"
"Whoa, slow down! We are getting only the stuff on the list and nothing else." Virgil said firmly dragging them past the main display. Once at the section they needed Virgil was putting the gummies and other stuff in the cart he had grabbed. Giving Remus and Janus strict instructing to keep one hand on the cart as he shopped. Ignoring the small items that both of them snuck into the cart.
They got through most of the shopping before a skeleton with light up eyes was next to them activated. A Cowboy hat on it's head, a flannel shirt and a banjo in it's bony grasp. It played a snippet of banjo music before stopping. It was cheap, half the size of an adult skeleton, and clearly was not made to hold up to any type of rough housing. Remus and Janus were froze, their chatter and complaints about the trip stopped as they stared wide eyed at the banjo playing skeleton.
"I want it." Remus said, but not in the whiny complaining way he had for everything else. This was a whisper of just longing. Janus nodded his agreement. Virgil wanted to say no. Reasons popping into his head. It would break easy. He would have to carry it home. How long were they really going to like it? How often is someone going to prank someone else with the light up eyes.
But, He wanted it too. Just a bit.
"Ok." He said making both Remus and Janus turn to stare at him wide eyed before bouncing a bit with their thanks.
With the banjo skeleton tucked into the cart and Virgil trying to figure out how the heck he was going to get it home, he didn't notice Janus slip the nightmare before Christmas posters in the cart, nor the Skeleton onesie.
His name was, Cassy. Virgil had no idea why the two littles decided that was what he should be named but it what they stuck with. They both gave him items from the trip that they thought he would like. "Cuz you hate it so much." Janus lied as he handed Virgil the set of Nightmare before Christmas posters. "I didn't see you looking at them." He explained as he went back to his fruit gummies.
"Oh! I got you this! It's a skeleton pjs!" Remus said shoving the cloth at Virgil as well.
Virgil ruffled their hair. "You mischief makers! You snuck these into the cart!"
"What?? Noooooo!" Janus said giggling. The fact that they didn't have to pay for anything (solely due to Logan not wanting to work on a mind wide currency system), was the only thing that stopped Virgil from being panicked about their sneaky behavior.
Cassy sat in the living room. Light up eyes sounding as people walked passed. It was not uncommon to hear someone say a greeting back to it.
"Moring Cassy!"
"Cassy bones!"
"Afternoon Cassy!"
Even if Virgil ended up leaving, Cassy was still there. Banjo in hand and hat on his head. Toothy grin on his plastic face.
"Cassy wouldn't leave." Remus said ranting to Janus after his introduction went less than ideal. That seemed to be the wrong thing to say as Janus looked away.
"It's a cheap stupid halloween toy Remus. We should have thrown it out with all of Virgil's stuff awhile ago." Janus said angrily.
"Cassy didn't do anything." Remus defended, "Maybe it's just a toy, but it's a toy I like! Is what I like just not good enough for you?"
"Maybe it isn't." Janus said sharply before glaring at Remus, then the plastic skeleton. He straightened his capelet and stormed out of the room. Remus glared at him and took Cassy to his room.
If Janus didn't like it then he didn't get to keep it! Remus thought not quite as big as he had been a few minutes ago. "Once he apologies then you can go back out." Remus promised to the skeleton now sitting on his desk.
Remus was sitting in the living room when Janus came back out, while still little he was also ready to watch Janus get upset about Remus stealing Cassy (as he had in the past causing Janus to demand he be put back in the living room.) An apology to him surely on the way.
"Thank you for taking out the garbage." Janus said when he noticed the empty spot. "See? You can be good sometimes." Janus said before leaving to the kitchen. Leaving Remus feeling very small but not in a nice way. In the way that had Remus feeling ashamed. He hated that feeling.
"Maybe You should leave too if you hate trash so much!" Remus said sharply towards Janus when he came back into the room.
Janus looked Remus up and down slowly. "Clearly."
Remus crossed his arms and sat back on the couch. Silence filled the room, there was no light up eyes or music.
Remus was sitting on the couch. Today was the wedding. Remus was honestly exhausted, he may like throwing intrusive thoughts at Thomas but today had been way too much. He and Virgil had been working overtime and the whole time Virgil refused to talk to him. "Not now Remus!" and "We both of jobs to do, just do yours or leave. or just leave! that works too!" Virgil's distaste of him left him feeling hurt and small and he was tired. He just wanted Janus to come back.
He knew they still argued more than they used to. Janus seemed to find his antics less fun and more of something he had to clean up. The same way Virgil acted before he left.
Remus pulled his legs up to his chest and started biting his thumb. Virgil cleaned up after him then got mad and left. What if Janus did too? Was..Remus making them leave? More and more words that they both said in the past were adding up as the clock ticked past nine....then ten....eleven.
No sign of Janus. Remus stood frowning. Maybe he has snuck past Remus to go to bed. Or he just wanted to shower before he came to talk to him. Remus walked over to look down the hallway where the bedrooms and bathroom were only to find two doors. His bedroom and the bathroom.
Janus' door was gone. Virgil's door was gone.
"Deedee?" Remus called out only to be met with silence. "Jan?" Remus called louder walking to the bathroom and looking in even when he knew Janus wouldn't be there. Remus was numb with shock. He was alone.
He was ALONE. No one was still here.
No one but. "Cassy!" Remus gasped as he rushed back to his room to find the skeleton still on his desk. He started crying and grabbed the skeleton hugging it. "You won't leave me. I'm not alone. I'm ok." Remus lied to himself as he ignored the way plastic cracked in several places from the strength of his hold.
Remus found an old black sweater and replaced the flannel and removed the broken banjo and crushed cowboy hat.
Cassy moved around the house with Remus, playing his little song all day with no one there to complain.
The day his song turned distorted. His eyes flickered out one last time. Remus hugging him so tightly the plastic crushed and crumbled in his arms left Remus curled up sobbing in the bathtub as the reality of being alone hit him.
Remus had fallen asleep in the bathtub. So when he woke up in bed, fresh clean pjs and a hand stroking his hair, he was content to just let himself have his soft dream before he had to climb out of the bathtub.
"I wish I hadn't left." He could hear Janus, he sounded close to tears.
"It's not your fault...at least not totally." Virgil said.
Remus was a bit confused by the route his dream was taking, normally it involved Virgil and Janus fighting like they used to before leaving. This was friendly almost. Maybe they were friends again not that Remus wasn't there to ruin it.
"We both had our issues." Virgil said, guilt heavy in his voice.
"But we let it get out of hand." Janus shot back.
Remus could feel the hand in his hair pause as Virgil sighed. "Yeah...we did." Remus whimpered as the hand pulled away. He didn't want the dream to end! He didn't want them to leave!
"Don't leave me!" He said very small, opening his eyes and sitting up right making Janus and Virgil both jump. They all looked at each other for a second before Remus burst out crying. "Don't leave 'gin! I don't wanna be lone n'more!" Remus said tightly grabbing onto Janus' wrist and Virgil's hoodie sleeve.
"We aren't going anywhere." Virgil promised giving Remus a one armed hug as Janus did the same. Both of them hold Remus as he sobbed.
"Never again." Janus said, bringing his hand up to rest on Remus' cheek and let his gloved thumb wipe away his tears.
It took almost two hours before they could calm Remus and convince him they weren't leaving. It took a bit longer to get him to leave his room, causing Remus to pause as he was suddenly in a room with seven doors, six bedrooms and one bathroom. The air seemed brighter, cleaner.
"Never?" Remus asked hugging Virgil and Janus' hands to his chest.
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moths-wonderland · 11 months
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Janus agere moodboard🐍✨💛
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