#Lookit me wriitng outtakes
banannabethchase · 1 year
Hi! Hello! A prompt if you’re taking them: hangmox dnd au! 🐉🏰 I can send a more detailed prompt if you want it. Sorry for asking for hangmox again but you’re my absolute favorite hangmox writer!! Thank you!!!!
I just reread that second to last sentence and almost imploded. Please never apologize for sending a HangMox fic as I adore them and also fghdfuighfduisdfdfhidsug
Critical Hit
A post-fic scene from The Fragile Invincibility of Youth, because any time I think of HangMox and DnD I think of that end scene I wrote where everybody mediocres a DnD game for Silver.
Rating: T
"That's not - Jesus, Moxley, you're going to get our entire party killed!"
"It's stealth! My character has good stealth stuff!"
"Stealth stuff?!" Silver drops his head in his hands, and Adam does his best not to give it away that Mox is doing it on purpose. He rests his hand on Mox's leg, because that's a thing he can do now.
Mox nods. "Yeah, if I roll. I'm gonna roll."
"Mox, if you roll, you could get all of us killed and end the entire campaign," Alex says through gritted teeth.
"No, I got this."
And he rolls.
Even Adam's a little worried as Mox does this weird little shake as the dice flies out of his hand. As funny as it is, Mox really could fuck up the entire game. Kenny's face is downright murderous as the dice skitters across the table, bumps into his figurine, and knocks it over.
"Critical hit," Matt says as he leans over and peers at it. He looks up. "How the heck did you manage that?"
"Wait, really?" John asks, half leaping across the table. He jostles everybody's characters and almost kicks Adam in the face. "That's not possible. The House of Black was supposed to be the entire plotline for the trek through Harbinger Valley. They were the main thing standing in the way of the jewel." He looks up, miserable. "I had a whole thing where you were gonna have to sacrifice someone to appease their goddess the Hart!"
Mox shrugs and leans back in his chair, hands folded behind his head with the kind of grin on his face that makes Adam want to drag him out of there and make out with him in his truck for, like, an hour. "Should'a planned better, Johnny."
Adam giggles and leans into Mox's chest, because that's a thing he can do now.
"No!" John says. "No! Absolutely not!" Adam looks up to see him throw his papers in the air and they float around him. His face is bright red. "Adam, take your boyfriend and teach him some manners."
Adam raises an eyebrow. "I mean. If you insist." He leans in and kisses Mox.
"Oh, my god, Silver, this is your fault," Matt groans.
Adam flips them all off behind his back and grins against Mox's lips. Because it's a thing he can do now.
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