#in which SAra writes
banannabethchase · 4 months
Percabeth, 9
Kiss and Spin
Percy turns pink, which is really cute.
"Go ahead," Annabeth says. "Kiss her."
"I'm not - that's Piper!" Percy exclaims. "I'm not kissing Piper."
"Come on," Piper says, waving it off. "It's a dumb game."
"I'm kissing you on the cheek," Percy says, firm and insistent. "Not for real."
Annabeth leans back in her chair and watches as Piper, relaxed, leans in. Percy, on the other hand, does the worst cheek in history. It's charming, almost. Since Annabeth knows how he can kiss when he really means it.
"My turn, she says." She eyes the bottle, does a little math. "Percy," she says, "lean a little to the right."
Percy pauses, shrugs and does as he's told. He's about to squish Will, but that's the point. Annabeth spins the bottle with the right amount of force -
"Perfect." She grins. "Pucker up, Percy."
"Oh, gross," Clarisse says, rolling her eyes. "They're being sappy."
"Suck it up," Annabeth retorts. And she leans in. And makes it really good, just to annoy Clarisse.
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andthatisnotfake · 22 days
Drabble prompt from the dialogue list!
“It’s too late for us now. We’re all going to die.”
(written for #YRDC2024 @youngroyals-events)
“... and when she looked up…” Stella pauses dramatically “...someone was right there… floating.”
Lightning strikes, making Fredrika scream.
“It's just li…” Maddie starts, but is cut off by the lights going out.
“Oh, my god!” Fredrika’s voice sounds panicked. “It's the ghost!”
“Ghosts aren't evil.” Maddie argues.
“Ghosts are real?” Sara sounds more puzzled than scared.
“NO!” Felice retorts before Maddie can say anything else.
“I think it's too late for us now. We’re all going to die.”
“NOT helping, Stella!”
Sara turns on a flashlight. “There. Now we can see the ghosts when they come.”
Fredrika screams again.
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nether-moth · 1 month
So like, if Sara goes back to Earth and presumably just goes back and forth between the Danceverse and Earth, what would happen if she died on Earth? Like would the others know or would they likely think she just left them for no reason?
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bamsara · 1 year
IM HOME and god that was. something.cool festival my leg hurts
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flowryluv · 9 months
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sara adoption au!!!!!!!
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northersouth · 4 months
KaeMAYeus Week 3:
Lunch Break | Love Poems
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I got struck with the initial idea for the Kaemaeus ship at the beginning of 2023. It started with the premise of Kaeya taking Klee by the alchemy table in search of Albedo, and Timaeus having to regretfully tell them he was still away on Dragonspine. To avail Klee's disappointment Kaeya would take her to get lunch at Good Hunter, on a whim inviting Timaeus to join them. It ends up becoming a regular occurrence, the two chatting about this and that over a shared lunch break. They find that they like each other's company, and over time go from acquaintances, to friends, to more.
Given that it's June, I got more than a little behind on this. I still had fun this last month, trying to do a bunch of pieces for my server's rare pair alongside my friends. Thank you to @throwaway-writing and @tittysuckersworld for nudging me into making the prompt list. And for participating in this silly little ship with me. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
(Textless versions of the pictures below the cut)
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buckleydiazmp4 · 5 months
i'm writing this 7×06 fic and i cannot decide whether i want it to be happy or not so.
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
Unsolicited August backstory headcanons (plus a bonus tangent about Blue’s undergraduate initiation)
Ahahaha well, I left my work laptop at work by accident. I guess that’s my subconscious is telling me to take a break and post the August headcanons I’ve been drafting on the bus each morning so…
There are a few posts floating around my dash right now that ask questions about what August would have done in certain hypothetical situations. The discussion has all been worthwhile to watch, but I’ve refrained from jumping in as of yet, in part because work has been busy and in part because of personal headcanon reasons. The thing with personal headcanons is that they just kind of live in my head and influence the way I write fic. They’re not really the kind of thing I can prove or argue for, they’re just… vibes? But vibes are still worth talking about in one’s fandom spaces so I may as well ramble.
One thing I believe as someone who spends too much time writing from this garbage boy’s POV is that August did not show up to his first year of Hillerska as exactly the person we see onscreen in 1.1. He was a full two years younger, which is significant for a teenager, and he would have been more recently impacted by the loss of his father. Moreover he would have been entering as a first year and would not have been immediately afforded all the at-school privileges the third year boys enjoy. Now, this does not mean he was a morally perfect angel—far from it, given that being landed gentry with generational wealth can still do a number on one’s psyche. However, if I assume that August came to Hillerska as the very same Full Titled Asswipe he is as a third year, I don’t get to explore systems of privilege and how they radicalize young men into toxic and harmful behavior. Which is something I’m interested in as a writer, both in my fanfic and my original fiction.
With that in mind, here are some of my personal headcanons for August’s pre-Hillerska and pre-season 1 life, with some Horn family headcanons mixed in…
August’s relationship to the royal family—or not—was a big source of conflict between his parents. Carl Johan wanted him hanging out with the royal family and getting to know his second cousins while Louise did not. For the most part, Louise won this argument when August was a child. In August’s early childhood, Carl Johan would frequently go off to visit the palace on his own, and came back with fun stories and various presents and the like. I base this on the fact that August doesn’t seem to have hung out with Wille or Erik as a child, and seems to have some seemingly “insider” knowledge of the royal family, but with like, weird gaps about things. He also tends to idealize royal life in a way Wilhelm doesn’t, given that Wilhelm has lived royal life. I feel like this is consistent with a backstory where August was mostly told about the royal life from his dad’s perspective. Like he’s got a lot of details but he doesn’t have all of them and he’s still got rose-colored glasses.
August before the age of twelve or so was one of those kids who was pretty bad at interacting with kids his own age, but was “better” at interacting with adults. He’s an only child, so he wouldn’t have grown up around siblings, and would have probably had to play alone a lot. I don’t know if I believe school or his local area would have been an easy place for him to make friends given what @sflow-er was saying about children of the nobility and what it’s like for them when they go to their local schools. I wouldn’t go so far as to say August was bullied. (I mean, maybe he was, I don’t know. From my experience of working with young people, it’s not uncommon for kids who are bullied at one school to become bullies at other schools they transfer to. On the other hand, I think we’ve seen enough of August’s personality to know he could potentially be prickly and arrogant and push other kids away. Regarding that question, I think I’d go with whatever the fic needs. Anyway!) I also feel like, with the growing tensions in his parents’ marriage, he potentially would have coped by trying to put up a mature facade at a young age, which would mean lots of convincing adults he can handle everything. By the time he gets to Hillerska that all comes crashing down on him.
Because I’m such a gothic lit weirdo I insist that there were rumors Årnäs was haunted. Young August probably got asked about that a lot.
Maternal backstory headcanons: Louise’s parents were diplomats or in international business or something similar, so she spent periods of her youth away from Sweden, and sometimes away from her parents, often in international schools or international boarding schools. I have nothing to go on here canon-wise, except there’s that line where August says Louise is off traveling when the Headmistress can’t reach her. It’s very much an excuse, of course, but I like to imagine a grain of truth to it. Louise’s youth abroad gave her a yearning for international travel, and it’s her favorite way to escape the pressures of life when they get too great.
Paternal backstory headcanons: perhaps one of my more… spicy? controversial? … whatever… headcanons is that Carl Johan and Kristina were one another’s Unfortunate Romances in their youth. But Blue, you say. They are cousins! Ew! Which, yes, but they are also royals, and that sort of thing isn’t completely unprecedented I guess. There’s also a neat little chiasmus in my head where Wilhelm’s “unfortunate romance” shakes up the royal court because they feel like he’s trying to pull the monarchy into the future too fast, whereas in Kristina’s day she was that the monarchy needed to modernize, and that sort of thing was less frowned upon centuries ago but these days it Isn’t Done. ANYWAY Carl Johan’s feelings for Kristina remained sort of unresolved for most of his life, and this was something he ruminated on as his addiction got worse. Louise and Carl Johan never spoke about this piece of his backstory, but it was sort of always hanging awkwardly in the air between them. This also fueled Louise’s desire to keep August away from the palace and the royal family stuff, and the fights between her and Carl John about that. None of the kids’ generation knows about the Unfortunate Romance. Well, maybe Erik did, but he’s dead.
You may be asking, if Louise was opposed to August going to the palace and hanging out with his second cousins, then why did she send him to Hillerska? That, my friends, was an act of resignation, and of her not knowing what to do. I imagine puberty was already making August pretty irritable and difficult to deal with. And, with things growing worse and worse between his parents and his father’s addiction growing more problematic, August was probably just… not in a good place. No one in the family was a good place. I don’t see his parents as fully divorced in the year or so leading up to his father’s death, but I do think they were separated—maybe in an obvious way, or  maybe they were pretending not to be. So, when Carl Johan took his own life, I imagine August’s anger and grief got even more explosive, and was often directed at his mother. Louise was not in a place where she knew how to deal with the situation, and sent him off to the school her husband had been pushing her to send August to. Sort of like she threw up her hands and went, “you know what? Fine. If this is his final wish, so be it.” And so August was sent away.
August showed up to his first year just sort of… quieter at first, with a lot of anger and grief simmering underneath. I mean why talk about feelings? He was also desperately, desperately in need of something that gave him a feeling of purpose. And then Erik found him. I think this was in part orchestrated a bit by Kristina behind the scenes; I imagine there was a call or text message where she nudged Erik to check up on her cousin’s kid, because even as complicated as the past was, Carl Johan was at one point Kristina’s favorite cousin. So what Erik did was appoint August as his first year lackey who takes care of everything for him—the one who knocks on his door in the morning, the one who pours the drinks at the party, and so on. Basically, August was in the Alexander role for Erik, and ended up taking it very seriously. This was the purpose he had been looking for, the sense of meaning.
I think August’s initiation would have played a role in helping him to feel a sense of purpose and community, too. Wait, what the fuck, Blue? That’s probably what you’re saying right now. Well… a lot of people talk about what the initiation sequence was or wasn’t for Wille, and how Wille’s initiation would have been worse than that of other students. And people usually only talk about that in terms of what Wille experienced. As someone who has attended a school with initiations (and who has even been initiated myself, albeit in a milder way because it was at a women’s college with traditions that differ from Hillerska’s) I actually don’t know if I think that’s true. I also think August’s initiation was probably a more… well, probably something he thought of as positive? Exciting? Seemingly helpful? (I mean, not helpful, but you know.)
EXTREME BONUS TANGENT: I can say that as someone who has been initiated myself, it’s certainly not a fun experience for everyone. That said, it was fun for me at the time, and remains important to me in a way. Speaking from the perspective of someone who enjoyed my initiation experience, it’s… well, it’s kind of weird. You’re in this strange state of torture for a while, like intense mental and physical discomfort, and everyone around you seems to be determined to contribute to that, and you feel very constrained and stretched to your limit. But then once you pass your initiation and you’re welcomed into your new community, it’s like this sudden switch over to an intense euphoria and a whole flood of endorphins. Like, I’m here, and they’re cheering me on, and I belong here, and these people are my family and I love them now. NOW, THAT SAID: initiations are not a good practice generally, because they are generally done en masse and there is a lot of potential for peer pressure and institutionalized abuse. I view my college’s initiation traditions differently now than I do when I was eighteen. That said, my college had also at least put some infrastructure in place as far as consent and contracts, to keep things from going wrong. You could opt out of any task at any time. Still—it’s not a perfect system, and Hillerska is far from perfect, so. You know. Personal memories I have complex feelings about.
Back to Hillerska… August seems to be someone who responds to extreme sensations, so I think he probably was someone who would have felt that intense endorphin rush from his initiation. (We frequently see him chasing other highs in the show, too.) And he would have gone through this at a time when he’d just lost his father and was Achilles-level angry at his mother, when he desperately wanted to feel like he was part of something and belonged somewhere. He probably came out of the ordeal worshipping Erik and ready to die for him, and I imagine Erik responded to that loyalty in kind. I expect that they grew close, but it was also definitely a relationship where Erik called the shorts and August followed his lead. This is, in part, why I struggle to buy into fanfics where August betrays or harms Erik, and why I can’t really sign onto the idea that August would have released a video of Erik. Or at least—he wouldn’t get there without multiple steps leading up to it, and multiple perceived trusts being broken, the way things were with Wilhelm. One of the steps, too, in August betraying Wilhelm, is Erik’s death putting August into a state of volatile grief. So there’s that. Like I cannot stress enough how much I don’t think he’d randomly turn on Erik like a mustache-twirling villain.
One more innocuous headcanon: Erik taught August how to dress, because August showed up to school with no damn idea, his first year. To be fair, so few sixteen-year-old boys know how to dress themselves, even when they can afford nice wardrobes. Some of August’s clothes are his father’s old clothes. I mean, definitely the outfit he went shooting in feels like something that could have belonged to his dad.
One less innocuous headcanon: August kept some pretty serious secrets for Erik. I still kind of think this is true in canon and that we could get a big secret revealed in season 3.
That’s all for now! I hope you enjoyed reading if you got this far. I don’t expect too much engagement but I am making an effort to be more real and honest about my YR enthusiasms in these posts.
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hollygl125 · 3 days
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Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge:
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
I’ve tagged myself off a general invitation to participate, so I invite anyone else who’s interested to do the same.
I haven’t stayed strictly with the last ten stories. Instead I went with the ten stories posted so far—of a total of fourteen—in my ongoing canon GSR series. I also haven’t stayed strictly with the first lines—I couldn’t decide whether to do the first lines of the introductions (where applicable) or of the actual story text, so I went with both.
Today is the two-year anniversary of when I started posting this series, which I thought this would be a good time to share this! When I first started writing the series back in late June 2022, I didn’t imagine I’d still be posting it over two years later. But it’s now almost three times as long as it was when I had completed my first draft—though the end point is not significantly different.
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1.   Survivors in the Night: AAFS Conference to Las Vegas: A How They Met Story [12 chapters; 21,420 words]
Gil Grissom meets Sara Sidle at the 1998 forensic academy conference in San Francisco. They immediately fall in love. Maybe that should have been the end of the story; maybe it should have been that easy. But it wasn’t, not for these two science nerds. They live happily ever after, eventually, but not in this story. This story is the first loop in their roller coaster ride, though. This story gets Sara Sidle to Vegas.
October 2000. Las Vegas, Nevada.
“You are . . .” he trailed off, struggling to find the right word. “You are so . . .” Again, he couldn’t get it. He was usually quite adept with words. He had a good memory and a Shakespeare quotation close at hand for almost any situation. But he currently had a very tall, very attractive, very naked young brunette in his bed, and she always seemed to do this to him. He was at a loss.
“You are so . . . completely f[***]able,” he finally concluded.
She laughed. Of all the words she might have expected to come out of the eminent entomologist’s mouth, that was possibly the last. He could have called her a Martian, and she’d have been less surprised.
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2.   No, I Never Meant to Break Your Heart: This Area Was Always a Good Place for Stargazing: A How They Got Together Story [6 chapters; 10,492 words]
Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom had worked together very well in the beginning. They’d kind of flirted a bit in the beginning (okay, they probably still did that), and they’d stood really very abnormally close together (they definitely still did that), and no one had seemed to notice this, except Catherine Willows had maybe noticed their flirting, but that really was way back in the beginning
[. . .]
March 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Sara didn’t know what he was doing. She really didn’t. Ever since she’d told Grissom about her deep, dark, secret past, he’d been confusing her. Ever since she’d told him about that deep, dark, secret past, he’d just . . . been there.
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3.   No, I Never Meant to Let You Down: After the Meteors: The Smallest of Moments [Drabble]
April 2005. Later that same day. Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Sara . . .”
She looked at him.
“Sara, we . . .” He hesitated.
Why did he look nervous?
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4.   I Never Meant to Turn Away: Committed: Some Reflections by the Scientist [One-shot; 3,596 words]
April 2005. Later that same week. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Commit. To commit. To be committed. Suddenly these phrases had taken on a lot of significance in Sara Sidle’s life—too much significance, perhaps.
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5.   No, I Never Meant to Cause You Pain: Grave Danger to Law of Gravity: Various Encounters [9 chapters; 14,875 words]
Sara Sidle was Gil Grissom’s fantasy. That much was obvious. Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom were in fact already sleeping together. Should that have been obvious? (No one else seemed to figure it out, except maybe that shrewd detective Jim Brass.)
[. . .]
December 2006. Las Vegas, Nevada.
He knew he needed to tell her. He would tell her the next day—always the next day. He most definitely needed to tell her. It wasn’t going to get any better if he put it off. It was going to happen, and he couldn’t exactly just have her wake up one day and find him gone.
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6.   No, I Never Meant to Hurt You: The Good, the Bad, and the Happy Ending(s): More Encounters; A Conversation Takes Place [One-shot; 4,001 words]
By now, Grissom had shaved again. Well, no, Sara had shaved him. It was pretty intimate. Sara had not yet read the letter from Williamstown, but she soon would. (That’s the subject of another story, though.) Regardless, they were both pretty happy.
[. . .]
May 2007. Las Vegas, Nevada.
She was fine. Sara Sidle was fine. And doesn’t that tell you all you really need to know?
April 2007. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Sara Sidle swooned—or close to it. The man she loved had just declared his love for her while on a case, and it was just about the sweetest thing she’d ever heard. He hadn’t said those exact words, of course, but his meaning was clear. So Sara swooned.
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7.   All I Ever Wanted Was to Be Right Here: After the Desert: A Very Brief Interlude [One-shot; 576 words]
Sara Sidle made it out of the desert. Sara Sidle is a survivor.
May 2007. Las Vegas, Nevada.
As soon as he was allowed, Grissom had gone to sit by her bed. Since then, he’d only left her side for the briefest of moments. He held her hand, and he praised everything in which he believed, and everything in which he didn’t, that she’d made it through the ordeal alive.
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8.   All I Want to Do Now Is to Try My Best: I Love It When You Dress Up: A Moment of Happiness [One-shot; 3,776 words]
“Yes. Let’s do it.”
October 2007. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Well, he’d gone and done it. He’d done the thing she’d always kind of dreamed of him doing—the thing she’d always kind of dreamed of him doing, even before it was safe (well before it was safe) for her to dream of him doing anything of the sort.
She had never dreamed of her wedding day. For much of her life, truth be told, she hadn’t imagined she would ever get married. Growing up—first with her parents and their disastrous (nay, tragic) relationship and then in her string of foster homes—she hadn’t exactly acquired an idea of marriage as anything to be emulated. But then she’d met this man. Ever since she’d met him, she’d always wanted to be connected to this man. And so, quite despite herself, Sara Sidle had dreamed.
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9.   So Don't Ever, Don't Ever, Don't Forget: I Miss You with Every Beat of My Heart: A Long-distance Telephone Call . . . and a Movie [One-shot; 2,912 words]
What do you do when you can’t be with the one you love?
Winter 2008. San Francisco, California and Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Hi,” he said softly, after flipping open his phone and putting it to his ear, as if a more forceful response would scare her off.
“Hi,” she replied, just as softly, as if it took all her strength to exist so far from this man who was so much a part of her.
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10.                 All I Ever Wanted Was to Stand Beside You: Costa Rica to the Ishmael, and Then Some: A How They Fell Apart & How They Came Back Together Story [21 (of 28) chapters; 64,901 words (and counting)] [WIP]
Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom were living together very happily (with their dog, Hank—we will never forget Hank, the best dog either of them ever had) in Las Vegas, Nevada, when a serial killer decided to exact revenge on Grissom by kidnapping and killing Sara.
[. . .]
Fall 2015. San Diego, California.
Gil Grissom had found himself in a spot of trouble in San Diego, while carrying out some of his ongoing (and slightly illegal—he’d been found trespassing on a boat) conservation efforts. But an odd twist of fate was helping Grissom out. An officer from San Diego Harbor Patrol was just finishing up on the phone with Grissom’s former colleague, the current Las Vegas sheriff, Conrad Ecklie. Ecklie had requested Grissom’s urgent assistance on a case.
“It’s your lucky day, pal,” the officer told Grissom, after ending the call. “I’d tell you not to leave town, but I guess you’re going to Sin City.”
Grissom sighed. “Vegas,” he said, with a not-slight measure of regret. On the surface, Grissom looked a little put out but generally calm. Inside, however, was a different matter: Vegas. F[***]. F[*******]. F[***]. Even in his head, Grissom didn’t ordinarily curse. But in this case he would make an exception: F[**********].
It wasn’t Vegas itself that was the problem. It was his ex-wife: Sara Sidle. She was overseeing the case on which he’d agreed to assist. It was both because of her that he’d agreed to assist and because of her that he had almost refused. Ultimately the tie had been broken by his desire for Ecklie’s help on his current, er, situation with the harbor patrol.
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banannabethchase · 4 months
Cereal Flirt
Mox huffs as he stands on his toes, trying to reach the top shelf. He could get there, he knows it, if it weren’t for this goddamned full arm cast.
“Fuckin’ Cocoa Puffs,” he grumbles. He stares at his bounty, mere inches from his fingertips, and wonders if throwing a box to knock over a box of Cocoa Puffs would cause too much damage.
“Uh, hey, dude.”
Mox turns around. “What?”
“Are you good?” His smile is a little too cute while his eyes are a little too smug. But they’re a green-blue that Mox has always been a sucker for, and his hair is curly and blonde, and Mox is too gay and too stupid for this.
“I – no.” Mox intended to say yeah, he’s fine, go away and annoy somebody else in the fancy juice aisle or whatever. But this guy is handsome and he’s thinking with his dick. “I can’t reach the Cocoa Puffs.”
“That’s all?” There’s a tiny twang in the accent, something that has Mox envisioning a cowboy hat. He glances down as the guy goes up on – yup. Cowboy boots. And an ass in shockingly tight jeans. He clears his throat. The guy hands him the box of cereal, gallant with a flourish. “There you go, man.”
Mox feels weirdly aflutter as he takes the cereal. “Thanks,” he says, and he hopes he isn’t blushing or anything.
The guy nods to his arm. “What’d you do to yourself?”
Mox grins. “Me and my bike underestimated a pothole.”
“You seem pretty proud of it.” That smile is great.
Mox shrugs and adjusts the basket hanging on the arm with his cast. “A little. Gets conversations started.” He can’t help himself from looking the guy up and down.
“You got a point there.” The guy smiles, then sticks out his left hand. “Adam Page.”
“Left hand shake?”
“You don’t have a right hand available.”
Mox looks down. “Oh. Right. Duh.” He reaches out his left hand and shakes. “Moxley. Jon.”
“Moxley Jon?”
“Jon Moxley,” he corrects, “Mox.”
“Mox.” Adam’s still shaking his hand, and Mox doesn’t think he’s ever liked his own name more. “You got a phone number, Mox?”
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leofrith · 6 months
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no context wip spoilers 🫡
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navree · 12 days
I straight up forgot about those Bridgerton posters! smh.
Like, it takes my breath away at how disrespectful it is to legit photoshop your lead actress to be thinner. That's a real fucking woman, have some fucking class!
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operativenightingale · 5 months
as someone who only really ships the idea and the chemistry of calzona, and really really really should know better, is there anyone that ships them that isn't overly indulgent towards arizona and doesn't seem to blame callie for not bringing the moon down for her or something, even at her own expense, especially at her own expense?
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deus-sema · 3 months
The angst between Daemyra as it is depicted in HoTD feels difficult to connect with simply because of how forced it feels. Show!Daemon is accused by the narrative of coming and going as he wishes and leaving Rhaenyra except it wasn't ever according to his wish. It is also overlooked that he couldn't stay by her side or take her with him without risking her position as heir and his head because Viserys would have both.
The first time he left was after he was supplanted as heir and exiled to the Vale by Viserys. The mistake was his but it shouldn't have had a bearing on their relationship because there wasn't any possibility of romance between them at that time. And his removal and eventual departure also led to her appointment as heir. Her trying to navigate her new position and him fighting at the Stepstones should have been about the two of them trying to find their position in the world which shouldn't be a bad thing.
The second time at the brothel and in its aftermath was his fault. He should have been more patient and less reckless. She had every right to be mad at him.
The third time is supposed to be at the wedding feast. Originally it was meant to last for five days in which there would have been time to do something. But the situation went out of control after Cole's outburst which led to Rhaenyra's shotgun wedding. How could Daemon or anyone have predicted that? What was he supposed to do then? Kidnap her and risk the wrath of Viserys and the Velaryons for them both? And had this action of his resulted in her getting supplanted by Aegon, then how would it make Daemon any different from Cole who wanted her to leave everything to sell oranges in Essos? Granted she wanted to leave with him and be with him at that moment but she also wanted the throne back then. What is to say that it wouldn't have led to resentment later?
The fourth time is supposed to be after he leaves for Harrenhal in the wake of B&C. Like seriously? He is going to be blamed for that now. He didn't go there on a vacation but to secure allies for her cause. Her cause that he is willing to fight for but she isn't. Then there is that accusation of him "weakening her position" after B&C. Well, that situation wouldn't have arisen in the first place had this universe not collectively forgotten that the war started with Lucerys' death. Yeah. Remember Lucerys? That boy on a diplomatic mission who was brutally murdered by his uncle which actually started the war? B&C was a retaliation to his murder and Rhaenyra's supporters understood it well. That's all in the book, by the way, and it isn't a biased rumour but an indisputable fact. Anyway, so Daemon is wrong for leaving and forming alliances and raising armies for his queen and should have just sat in Dragonstone and done nothing as she - the one they were all fighting for - high on passivity sneaked into the viper's nest and risked her life. Attempting to do something for his wife's cause makes him a power hungry man who just craves for violence and war. Doing nothing and giving up before the Greens might make him righteous then? Make it make sense.
I deeply appreciate a good angst and doomed romance but not when the stupidity becomes too much to ignore. Book!Daemyra's tragedy was appealing in the sense that they had stood together as a formidable team and weathered all storms before a series of losses tore them apart and put that love and trust in question only for it to be validated by that one fateful act of his when he sacrificed himself for her. Then you have Show!Daemyra and it's just........a mess unable to be divorced from the inconsistency of the writing. I trust the actors and their chemistry enough to salvage whatever they can but they deserve better.
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
hey sara when you read rwrb did you also assume alex knew he was bi up until his sexuality crisis revealed the truth to you or was it just me who labored under delusions for the first 25 percent of the book, a whole quarter of the way through, before getting the shocking surprise that alex claremont-diaz, main character of nyt bestselling debut novel red white and royal blue, by author casey mcquiston, was NOT an out and proud bisexual man?
no actually, because im not delulu like u are . anyway .
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cadriona · 1 year
Rating: T
Word count: 3k (complete)
Pairing: Kujou Sara/Raiden Ei (pre-relationship?)
Ei left the mafia when there was nothing left to keep her there, instilling the Raiden Shogun in her place. She should've guessed that the robot would malfunction one day, even if the injured tengu that came knocking at her door was wholly unexpected.
a littol mafia-ish au where ex-mafia-turned-gamer ei finds an injured Sara on her doorstep :D
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