#Lord Noah Blodogtårer
pan-flute-skeleton · 6 months
More Tailwind characters and details
@yugonora-comic @cruisingheightswithdragons Wanted to give some of the other/minor characters a few details that add to the Tailwind community. I'd also like to add that when I visualize Tailwind, and Lough together, I'm picturing a version of Napa Valley. Beautiful sprawling vineyards with a whole community built around it. Yellow City being a little more developed like the neighboring San Francisco.
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Lord Noah Blodogtårer: Tailwind's leader. Inspired alot by General Ironwood fro. RWBY. Third generation leader of Tailwind, he has seen the village become stagnant. After his father passed and he ascended, Lord Blodogtårer made it his mission to make Tailwind a formidable economic source. Has been in communication with the leaders from Lough and Yellow City and is a great negotiator. So motivated to improve his village that he looses sight of the world around him. Can lead to more environmental and socio-politcal issues. But at his core, he cares so deeply for people. Has a wife and two children, a boy and a girl. It is not known his stance on monsters.
Alice Ahlman: Export coordinator and representative. Close in age to Vivi, early to mid 30s. Well traveled and brings back souvenirs for the Skarsgårds. Carries a knife on her at all times, a habit she picked up in her travels. Friendly but will be cautious with new people. Great saleswoman when it comes to selling Tailwind's wares. Knows how to read people and choose words wisely. Great storyteller to locals and will visit the healer's hut to tell stories to those too sick or injured to travel. Does not hate monsters but will sometimes stare.
Stefan Sjögren: Internal economy coordinator and representative. A young man, more than ten years younger than Vivi and Alice. Born and raised in Tailwind and is beloved by the locals. Knows everyone, makes it a point. Wants everyone to love him so he will do whatever the community asks. Which means fortifying their desires to not modernize. Feels bad for halting the process and making things difficult but hates the thought of Tailwind despising him. Tailwind is his world so he doesnt quite understand current affairs. Absolutely hates monsters and has rumored to have killed one or two.
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Alice reference
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Stefan reference
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Lord Blodogtårer reference
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