mrdoctorb · 3 years
Hello there friend, we’re friends now
Welcome to the first post I’ve made on this website of indeterminate purpose, and I imagine this might end up being a long one. So anyways I figured “Hey I do art sometimes, what if I just dump it here? That could be neat” So here we are my esteemed friend. I may also post a funny from time to time because I am occasionally quite the funnyman if I do say so myself But yes enough rando introduction, here’s what none of you have been waiting for! Art! These three things are all of the same OC of mine, The Lost King of Autumn, he has been living in my head for the past while and has taken physical form.
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This be the creation of this weird lanky bird mask boi, I really liked the design and then kept making a few more things with the lad. This was one of the first drawings I did with my tablet and is most of the reason I started drawing more.
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Then here be the full version of my pfp, I made this mostly for discord, but it works well here too. I had lots of fun playing shading and junk and I’m pretty happy how it turned out, even if there are a few sloppy bits around it.
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And here be the last one, I was out of town for a bit and brought my USB tablet with me and had a decent amount of downtime to just doodle, so I came up with this thing because you could see the stars and moon super brightly where I was staying (albeit no snow, I just like winter aesthetic)
And that be all I have for y’all, I have no clue if I’ll make a habit of using Tumblr or not, but thanks for sticking around to look at this stuffs.  (Also the name I’ve given whatever universe this man is “The Forest” So I’ll use that tag for this stuff)
Okay have a good day bye!
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