mobmanko1919 · 10 months
Morty I’m bored I’m gonna kill you
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This blog...
The purpose of this blog is so that I have an outlet to assist me in my depression and anxiety issues and provide me an escape to my IRL problems that have plagued me for years now.
I have loved the Sims 2 since it came out. I've tried Sims 3 and 4 but I cannot get into them. I try to play them but have to play a vanilla game because my current computer is too hold to handle anymore CC for any sims game. I find myself having to delete old stuff when adding new stuff. I do suffer from sims 2 ADD. I can't get a hood past the first few days of playing it before I create another one. Usually I suffer a bout of depression and want to sleep and when I recover I don't remember where I left off so I start a new one. Sometimes this down time can be days or a whole year. I never know.
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mrdoctorb · 3 years
Hello there friend, we’re friends now
Welcome to the first post I’ve made on this website of indeterminate purpose, and I imagine this might end up being a long one. So anyways I figured “Hey I do art sometimes, what if I just dump it here? That could be neat” So here we are my esteemed friend. I may also post a funny from time to time because I am occasionally quite the funnyman if I do say so myself But yes enough rando introduction, here’s what none of you have been waiting for! Art! These three things are all of the same OC of mine, The Lost King of Autumn, he has been living in my head for the past while and has taken physical form.
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This be the creation of this weird lanky bird mask boi, I really liked the design and then kept making a few more things with the lad. This was one of the first drawings I did with my tablet and is most of the reason I started drawing more.
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Then here be the full version of my pfp, I made this mostly for discord, but it works well here too. I had lots of fun playing shading and junk and I’m pretty happy how it turned out, even if there are a few sloppy bits around it.
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And here be the last one, I was out of town for a bit and brought my USB tablet with me and had a decent amount of downtime to just doodle, so I came up with this thing because you could see the stars and moon super brightly where I was staying (albeit no snow, I just like winter aesthetic)
And that be all I have for y’all, I have no clue if I’ll make a habit of using Tumblr or not, but thanks for sticking around to look at this stuffs.  (Also the name I’ve given whatever universe this man is “The Forest” So I’ll use that tag for this stuff)
Okay have a good day bye!
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ketiqu · 4 years
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Hi, i'm going to post smth here ;з
I hope you will like it~
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flixiblog · 4 years
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Flixi is launching soon, if you want early access click on the link in our bio! #flexyourflixi #thefirstpost #flowback 😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOefoegbMe/?igshid=1ve1q094qfttn
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pikachucutachu-blog · 5 years
Well, hey there!
I’m Tea, welcome! posts will be comin soon, ya’ll
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i-am-maylich · 5 years
The first one
Hallo out there. My name is Maja, but in here, I will like to be called Maylich :-)
I just wanna say hallo to you guys :-)
I’m new here, and I hope it will be fun and exitding to be here 
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ezelbetelhe · 6 years
What is the day and month of the first post in my blog? Please, write your thoughts in the comments of this quiz! 🙃
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The first post.
Hello,you,who read this now and think I am really dumb. Yeah, I know. Happy New Year,buddies. Today is 1st January 2019 and I don’t know what am doing now, but who cares?! I forgot to say that I am Riley and this is my blog - “Just Riley And Her Talks”. I will write about everything I like and I hope you’ll like it. I don’t know what other to say so byeee,buddies.
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roboace · 5 years
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Dinner with @erindettrey at The First Post was AMAZING as usual. I got the Ciopinno and Erin got the Hibachi Steak. My dish was prepared perfectly and full of fresh seafood and packed with flavor. The Hibachi Steak was also DELICIOUS. Brandon always does a great job of taking care of us and recommending new things to try and is spot on with service. @thefirstpostyork #thefirstpost #yorkpa #foodporn #yummy #roboace #roboacescom (at The First Post) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3MlMCblhLf/?igshid=co9ofcfmm2so
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So what am I doing here?
Hello! I’m Abbie Goulet. I’m a 21 year-old Global Business and Digital Arts (GBDA) student from Ontario, Canada who loves God, tech, planning crazy things with friends and thinking about sarcastic tweets I can put on Twitter. You might know me in person, as @heyitsag or Abbie Goulet on Facebook, or maybe you don’t know me at all. Either way, you ended up here.. :)
So… a blog eh?
Yes! A couple of reasons for this:
1. I (currently) don’t like to write She doesn’t like to write, but she’s starting a blog? Doesn’t that seem counter-intuitive? 
Yea, it does.
I can write. I do well on essays and written assignments, but they take me hours. I constantly second-guess myself and get frustrated with trying to write perfect sentences. I thought a blog would help lower the frustration by lowering the pressure, making writing (hopefully) more enjoyable.

You’ll know if it worked by the number of posts I end up writing, haha.
2. I don’t regularly create content
I create many digital experiences, pieces, digital art projects, etc. for school. I love my program and I love what I’ve done so far, but I don’t make weekly or even bi-weekly content. I spend MONTHS on one project and then post it on my portfolio and/or submit it to dropbox. I like the challenge of creating content on a regular basis with a shorter time frame.
3. I don’t like being in front of a camera alone and I can’t talk on a microphone for 20-45 minutes by myself
So no vlogs or podcasts…
This led me to a blog. I was opposed to this at first. Will anyone really care what I have to say? Then I thought about it more. Even if NO ONE reads this it will be great to just put random thoughts, creative things, or whatever else I can think on an online platform. If people like it, great, but I think it will be rewarding and fun to just have content out there.
My goal is weekly posts, probably Fridays. The subject will be whatever I’m creating or thinking about, so be prepared for a surprise each week.
That’s it! Thanks for sticking around to the end, and look out for more posts coming soon :) Maybe another one tonight or tomorrow if I have time.. I need a Q&A about the name inspiration or something. 
Leave a comment if you want to chat! This is a tumblr blog so you can comment like you would on Tumblr, or I’ve also enabled Disqus at the bottom :)
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evanrand-blog · 5 years
Hello World!
This is my first post about my experience of life in Germany last 5 years. I begin to write my posts in English because after my study in Germany I want to move to London and work as Online Marketing Manager! I have 2 years to improve my English. I hope I will make it! 
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blackwolfnsk · 8 years
Всем привет.
Скорее всего, вам не будет интересен этот блог, ибо здесь я буду писать о своей жизни.
Здесь вы сможете найти все. начиная от милых зверушек и смешных картинок, до рок или классической музыки.
Чтобы вам было более понятно кто я такая, здесь же об этом и напишу.
* * *
Меня зовут Алекс. Мне 19 лет.
У меня нет особых предпочтений в чем-либо, будь то музыка, фильмы, животные и тд. Люблю читать, и скорей всего, вы не раз увидите здесь какие-нибудь цитаты или фотографии отдельных фраз из книг.
Люблю беседовать с людьми и узнавать их по лучше. порой разговоры с людьми могут толкать меня на написание неких рассказов, точнее мини-сказок.
Учитывая, что я здесь недавно, я буду надеяться на вашу помощь и поддержку.
Если вам что-то интересно, то с удовольствием отвечу на все ваши вопросы лично.
Можете не переживать, все разговоры останутся строго между нами, по крайней мере с моей стороны.
С уважением, ваша Blackwolf.
Hello everyone.
Most likely, you will not be interested in this blog, because here I am going to write about my life.
Here you can find everything.  ranging from the cute little animals and funny pictures to rock or classical music.
To make it more clear who I am, and here about this and write.
* * *
My name is Alex.  I am 19 years old.
I have no particular preference in anything, whether it be music, movies, animals and so on.  I love to read, and most likely, you're not just here to see some photos of the individual quotes or phrases from books.
I like to talk with people and get to know them better.  sometimes talking to people can push me to write some stories, or rather a mini-tales.
Given that I have been here long, I hope for your help and support.
If you have something interesting, then I am happy to answer all your questions personally.
You need not worry, all the talk will remain strictly between us, at least on my part.
Sincerely, your Blackwolf.
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eminhow-blog · 7 years
berceritalah sebelum nanti orang menceritakanmu bahwa kamu gak pernah bercerita.
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elskystory · 7 years
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Pada hakikatnya basmallah memiliki dua makna yang menjadi dasar yaitu pengakuan izin dan pengakuan otoritas. Pengakuan izin dari Allah bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat dijadikan sebuah penukar untuk hambah yang merasa menumpang, tapi merupakan bentuk pengesahan dari Allah. Pengakuan otoritas dari Allah dapat diartikan bahwa hamba Allah yang merasa hanya Allah yang mempunyai otoritas.
Seperti dalam artinya “Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang maha pengasih dan maha penyayang” ketika dimaknai perkata akan didapat Ar-rahman yakni mengakui Allah sebagai pemberi.
Setiap apa yang kita pikirkan, kita ucapkan, kita lakukan haruslah selalu mengingat dan meminta ijin dari Allah, salah satunya adalah dengan membaca Bismillah, minimal dalam hati. Karena dengan kita selalu menyertakan Allah dalam aktifitas kita, Allah akan selalu melapangkan ridhonya seluas-luasnya untuk kita, Allah akan makin sayang pada kita. Insya Allah.
Kata yang sederhana tapi memiliki makna yang mendalam, dengannya kita akan lebih tenang dalam menjalani aktivitas keseharian, lebih indah dirasakan, dan mungkin akan bertebaran manfaatnya.
 (Semoga bermanfaat)
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novilenne · 5 years
Hello ;) This is my first attempt to show my arts :) I hope you'll enjoy my work :)
#thefirstpost #beginner #NovilenneSoulcloud #arts#drawings
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