#Love me a good train wteck
fodlansbestmom · 6 months
Anonymous asked:
Too much is happening. He can faintly register his wounds healing before the Nabateans begin shouting in some language he doesn't understand. Rhea and Seteth's glares have him panicking, even moreso when Seteth steps forward. No, please- "Don't come any closer!" He doesn't want to die. Not again.
This is too much. His head is pounding, his grip on Sothis tightening to the point his nails are digging into her.
He can see eyes staring at him from every corner of the room. Please just leave him alone, he didn't do anything!
(theyre such a trainwreck holy shit... i still love them tho)
in a way her children were just protective. Maybe a bit too overprotective but they had good reason. As well as being angry as Sothis had gone behind their backs to resurrect her fiancé. Someone Rhea had personally ended and was ready to end again.
So whimpered as the nails dug into her skin but she paid no mind. There’s bigger things to deal with. She swallowed thickly. How can she diffuse the situation? Her mind was void of any good outcomes except - she told the duo the promise she’d begrudgingly made earlier and.. surprisingly they eased off. Ever so slightly.
“We will be watching you,” Seteth warned as Rhea added, “And we will not hesitate if you harm her again. Now what happened here this time?” She demanded, still glaring. There’s no trust to the man. They lost their mother once and won’t chance losing her again.
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