#Loviron Lecton.
heatherly84 · 7 months
"[...] she’d still be a girl from the districts, or at least not Capitol. A second-class citizen. Human, but bestial. Smart, perhaps, but not evolved. Part of a shapeless mass of unfortunate, barbaric creatures that hovered on the periphery of his consciousness."
- Coriolanus Snow, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
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heatherly84 · 7 months
Heavy, dark clouds rolled in, providing some relief from the beating sun but adding to his oppression. This was his life now. Digging for worms and being at the mercy of the weather. Elemental. Like an animal. He knew this would be easier if he wasn’t such an exceptional person. The best and the brightest humanity had to offer. The youngest to pass the officer candidate test. If he’d been useless and stupid, the loss of civilization would not have hollowed out his insides in this manner. He’d have taken it in stride.
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heatherly84 · 3 years
Norman: Harry, please. Look at her. Do you think a woman like that is sniffing around because she likes your personality? Harry: What are you saying? Norman: Yes, she's beautiful. Your mother was beautiful, too. They're all beautiful until they're snarling after your trust fund like a pack of ravening wolves. Harry: You're wrong about her, Dad. Norman: A word to the not so wise about your little girlfriend: Do what you need to with her, then broom her fast.
Harry and Norman Osborn, Spider-Man (2002)
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heatherly84 · 3 years
Gems were not all your wife left you, my friend. She left you a son. Which do you think she would rather you valued more?
Gandalf, The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies Extended Edition
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