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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How can IoT Help in Achieving Excellent Automotive Product Quality in Your Manufacturing Plant?
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
Today’s economies are dramatically changing, triggered by new markets, digital developments, increased automation, and the rise in modern technologies around the world. These factors have revolutionized several industries, and the automotive industry is no exception. People these days have become more quality conscious. Hence, pressuring manufacturers to provide the best quality automotive items at lower costs. Manufacturers seek the best IoT for Manufacturing such as a Machine Vision Application to produce excellent quality products.  
The automotive industry can expect consistent growth in the market. According to a report by Mckinsey, the automotive revenue pool will significantly increase and diversify towards on-demand mobility and driven data services. It can generate about 1.5 trillion or 30% more as additional revenue in 2030. This is a massive opportunity for automotive manufacturers. However, this opportunity tags along with various challenges. Among these, the most obvious one is – high competition.  
To stay ahead of the competition, you have to offer exceptional services and excellent quality automotive products to the customers. You can easily achieve this with an IoT solution for Manufacturing (preferably Artificial Intelligence based Software). A Machine Vision Inspection helps you achieve exactly what you need; excellent quality products at lower costs. This Smart Manufacturing IoT is designed specifically for you to cut waste and increase your staff’s productivity.  
In this article, we will discuss how a Machine Vision Application can help you achieve the desired quality of your products.  
How Can Machine Vision Application Help You Achieve First-Class Production Quality? 
To ensure the quality of your products, first, you need superior quality raw material and then ensure that the produced items have no scratches, breakage, etc. A Manufacturing Defect Detection Software enables the dimensional gauging of the precision machine components like transmission, fasteners, and other sub-assemblies. The Machine Vision Application ensures only those items pass through the conveyor belt that fulfills the quality standards.  
 AI-based Manufacturing Inspection Software like Vision Intelligence System by Trident 
Allows quality inspection in a similar environment. The best part is you do not even have to make additional changes to this IoT Factory Automation software.  
What can the Vision Intelligence System do?   
The Machine Vision Application can read barcode labels, barcodes from the marked parts, direct part marks (DPM), and verify labels. 
This IoT in Manufacturing Industry detects dents, wrinkles, and cracks in any part of the item. It can further detect piston defects (mishandling and foundry defects).    
Measure/ Gauge/ Guide 
You can easily measure the outer and inner diameters of the O ring, the angle of the metal tips, and the positions of labels and edges with Machine Vision Application.  
Detects Minute Flaws  
You can even detect flaws that are not visible to the naked eye such as small dents, scratches, dust, dust, etc.  
Quality of the Glass 
The Internet of Things Smart Manufacturing software helps detect little flaws on the windshield like cracks, scratches, breakage, discoloration, dust, and so on.    
Missing Components  
Detect missing bolts, nuts, screws, wires, and so on at one glance.    
What Would You Get in the End? 
Defect detection is a tiring process, yet the most important thing is to determine the quality of your production. If you employ Machine Vision Application 
, you can get the following benefits:  
No Human Interaction Required 
With Defect Detection Computer Vision like Vision Intelligence System, you can leave human dependency behind. The machine does all the work itself demanding no too low human interactions. This is the best way to avoid human errors. 
Boosts Productivity  
When you employ a robust machine like Machine Vision Application for quality check, you get faster and more accurate detection. Since the process becomes faster, you can cut waste and produce more items in less time.   
Quick Reporting    
The best part of this technology is its quick reporting facilities. Whenever there is a defect, it flashes the alert on the monitor. Hence, prompting the concerned person to take relevant actions. In human-based defect detection, the same process is more tedious and time-consuming.  
The automotive industry has a bright future, and you, as a manufacturer, have a lot of opportunities. However, opportunities come with challenges. To stay ahead in the competition, you need to get AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT software working for you that supports you to provide excellent customer service.  
Vision Intelligence System is one of the most renowned Machine Vision Application in the market that helps you boost productivity, cut human errors and increase your ROI (Return on Investment) impressively. For further information, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. 
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novasoftfzco · 4 years
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years
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3rd May >> (@ZenitEnglish) #PopeFrancis #Pope Francis Addresses Conference on ‘Mining for the Common Good’. Meeting Organized by Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
On 3rd May 2019, in the Consistory Hall of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the participants in the meeting organized by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on the theme of “Mining for the Common Good” (Vatican, May 2-3, 2019).
The following is the Pope’s address to those present during the meeting:
Address of the Holy Father
Dear brothers and sisters,
I extend my warm welcome to all of you and I thank Cardinal Turkson for his introduction. I thank you all for having come to the Vatican to engage in this dialogue on the theme of “Mining for the Common Good”.
In my Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, concerned about the worrying of the Planet, I underlined how important it is “to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home” (n. 3). We need a dialogue that responds effectively to the “cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor” (ibid., 49). I am particularly appreciative that in your meeting, representatives of communities affected by mining activities and leaders of mining companies have come together around the same table. It is laudable; and it is an essential step on the way forward. We should encourage this dialogue to continue and become the norm, rather than the exception. I congratulate you for embarking on the path of mutual dialogue in the spirit of honesty, courage, and fraternity.
The precarious condition of our common home has been the result largely of a fallacious economic model that has been followed for too long. It is a voracious model, profit-oriented, shortsighted, and based on the misconception of unlimited economic growth. Although we frequently see its disastrous impacts on the natural world and in the lives of people, we are still resistant to change. “Economic powers continue to justify the current global system where priority tends to be given to […] the pursuit of financial gain, which fail to take the context into account, let alone the effects on human dignity and the natural environment” (ibid., 56).
We are aware that “by itself, the market cannot guarantee integral human development and social inclusion” (ibid., 109) and that “environmental protection cannot be assured solely on the basis of financial calculations of costs and benefits” (ibid., 190). We need a paradigm shift in all our economic activities, including mining.
In this context, the title for your meeting, “Mining for the Common Good” is very appropriate. What does it concretely imply? Please allow me to articulate a few reflections in this regard which could assist you in your dialogue.
First of all, mining, like all economic activities, should be at the service of the entire human community. As Pope Paul VI wrote: “God intended the Earth and everything in it for the use of all human beings and peoples. … created goods should flow fairly to all”.[1] It is an essential pillar of the Church’s social teaching. In this perspective, the involvement of local communities is important in every phase of mining projects. “A consensus should always be reached between the different stakeholders, who can offer a variety of approaches, solutions, and alternatives. The local population should have a special place at the table; they are concerned about their own future and that of their children, and can consider goals transcending immediate economic interest.” (Laudato Si’, 183).
In the light of the upcoming Synod on the Amazon, I would like to stress that “it is essential to show special care for indigenous communities and their cultural traditions. They are not merely one minority among others, but should be the principal dialogue partners, especially when large projects affecting their land are proposed” (ibid., 146). These vulnerable communities have a lot to teach us. “For them, land is not a commodity but rather a gift from God and from their ancestors who rest there, a sacred space with which they need to interact if they are to maintain their identity and values … Nevertheless, in various parts of the world, pressure is being put on them to abandon their homelands to make room for […] mining projects which are undertaken without regard for the degradation of nature and culture.” (ibid.). I urge everyone to respect the fundamental human rights and voice of the persons in these beautiful yet fragile communities.
Secondly, mining should be at the service of the human person and not vice versa. As Pope Benedict wrote: “In development programs, the principle of the centrality of the human person, as the subject primarily responsible for development, must be preserved.”[2] Each and every person is precious before God’s eyes and his or her fundamental human rights are sacred and inalienable, irrespective of one’s social or economic status. Attention for the safety and wellbeing of the people involved in mining operations as well as the respect for fundamental human rights of the members of local communities and those who champion their causes are indeed non-negotiable principles. Mere corporate social responsibility is not sufficient. We need to ensure that mining activities lead to the integral human development of each and every person and of the entire community.
Thirdly, we need to encourage the implementation of a circular economy, all the more in the sphere of mining activities. I find the observation that my brother bishops of Latin America made in their recent pastoral letter regarding extractive activities very pertinent. They wrote: “By ‘extractivism’ we understand an unbridled tendency of the economic system to convert the goods of nature into capital. The action of ‘extracting’ the greatest amount of materials in the shortest possible time, converting them into raw materials and inputs that industry will use, that will then be transformed into products and services that others will market, society will consume and then nature itself will receive in the form of polluting waste – that is the consumerist loop that is being generated at ever greater speed and ever greater risk.”[3]
We need to denounce and move away from this throwaway culture. “Our industrial system, at the end of its cycle of production and consumption, has not developed the capacity to absorb and reuse waste and by-products. We have not yet managed to adopt a circular model of production capable of preserving resources for present and future generations, while limiting as much as possible the use of non-renewable resources, moderating their consumption, maximizing their efficient use, reusing and recycling them.” (Laudato Si’, 22) The promotion of a circular economy and the “reduce, reuse, recycle” approach are also very much in consonance with the Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns promoted by the 12th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. Moreover, religious traditions have always presented temperance as a key component of responsible and ethical lifestyle. Moderation is also vital to save our common home. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Mt 5:5).
My dear brothers and sisters, our efforts and struggles to safeguard our common home are truly an ecumenical journey, challenging us to think and act as members of one common home (oecumene). I am particularly pleased that your meeting has brought together representatives of Churches and faith communities from around the world. I also thank the leaders of the mining industry for having joined this conversation. We need to act together to heal and rebuild our common home. All of us are called to “cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents” (LS 14).
It is my sincere hope that your meeting be truly a moment of discernment that may lead to concrete action. I pray, as my brother bishops from Latin America wrote, that you may “analyze, interpret and discern what are appropriate or inappropriate extractive activities in the territories; then, propose, plan, and act to transform our own way of life, to influence the mining and energy policies of states and governments, and in the policies and strategies of companies dedicated to extractivism, all for the purpose of achieving the common good and a genuine human development that is integral and sustainable.”[4]
Your meeting is so important as you are dealing with questions that concern the future of our common home and the future of our children and future generations. “We need to see that what is at stake is our own dignity. Leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is, first and foremost, up to us. The issue is one which dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn.” (LS 160) May you never lose sight of this larger picture!
With great affection, I bless you, your families and your communities. Please pray for me too. Thank you.
[1] Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, n. 22.
[2] Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate, n. 47.
[3] CELAM, Missionary Disciples: Custodians of Our Common Home, 11.
[4] CELAM, Missionary Disciples: Custodians of Our Common Home, 12.
© Libreria Editrice Vatican
3rd MAY 2019 16:28ENVIRONMENT
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
6 Strategies to Boost Restaurant Profit in the Current Scenario
Restaurant Management ERP / By Trident Information Systems
Being hit by COVID 19, we all have been on different levels. Our financial, mental, and physical health have been tested. Everything shut down for months during the lockdown including restaurants. However, as everything unlocks, everything is getting back on track slowly but steadily. Restaurants have become more cautious of their health and put safety as their priority by wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and so on. With the help of Hospitality Software like LS Retail ERP, many restaurants can successfully cope with the agonizing unpredictability in society. 
These practices have affected industries like hospitality which is centered around human-to-human contact. Through this blog’s medium let us discuss various methods to boost your restaurant business in the current scenarios.  
#1 Upgrade Your Business to Cloud Hospitality Software and Pay Per Use  
Upgrading your business to the cloud and paying just for the services you use can save you a ton of money. Just get a reliable Hospitality Software like LS Retail Hospitality Software itself and get the services you need. It is hosted on and by Microsoft Azure which ensures bank-level security. Get custom-made services as per your business requirements and pay only for what services your restaurant requires such as Mobile POS, Real-time data reports, and Customer Behavior analysis via Power BI. If you wish to centrally manage your restaurant business, you can do that too. Backed up by a reliable Implementation Partner, you can easily train your staff to use these services and let them handle any technical issues you might end up crossing paths with. 
You no longer have to take up services your business doesn’t need just because they are ‘included’ in the package. For instance, if you wish to adopt the LS Retail POS but want to manage accounts in Silos, you are free to make customizations like that.  
#2 Hold Events and Workshops 
Events and workshops are one of the most underrated ways to boost your restaurant business. You can either tie up with different workshops or organize your own. It entirely depends upon your strategy and budget. You can boost your reach in both cases. Some examples are the bacon festival in California and the pizza fest in Italy. You can also organize something like this. Such events offer a golden opportunity to flaunt your delicacies and draw more customers. Make sure you have the relevant Hospitality Software to successfully handle the situation. 
#3 Enlist yourself with different Food Delivery Platforms 
Online food ordering is a boom these days, you might find yourself falling aback if you do not use online platforms to boost your customer reach. Being integrated into multiple channels can make communication with the customer more complex. It is advisable to implement Online Food Ordering Software for simplifying convenience, developing connections, and handling customer grievances. 
#4 Promote your Business Using Virtual Media  
Customers are attracted to what they see. Use this psychological fact to draw more of them. All you have to do is click some nice pictures of your food, enhance them a bit more and post them online. Apart from this, there are plenty of food bloggers who are monitoring socially active restaurants. They might either click pictures or use your clicked pickers for their food blogging. This will do a free promotion for you. Another technique is to create videos, having pandemics in effect, people have become even more health-conscious. You can post a video on your social media platform showing step-by-step how your cooking is complying with all the safety measures.  
#5 Strategize your Loyalty Programs 
Loyalty programs draw customers as honey draws bees to itself. Hit a home run with smarter loyalty programs. You can analyze your customer behavior and spending pattern, especially with cloud Hospitality Software. Ask them to enroll in your loyalty programs such as providing a 10% discount to customers who take up to 3 years of their membership. Or you can offer free beverages to customers who take up to 1 year of membership. Provide them coupons, rewards, and discounts when they revisit your restaurant. 
Apart from this, you can also offer gift vouchers to your customers during the festive season. In this case, restaurants that run a buffet system get the maximum profit. They can offer a second meal free, a free buffet dinner for a couple, and so on. These strategies not only boost sales but also retain customers.  
We recommend avoiding physical loyalty cards and going cashless with electronic loyalty membership cards. And managing your loyalty programs cannot even get on your nerves if you have been involved in this service in your Pay Per Use Model. Use CRM Software for Hospitality Industry to get your work done most efficiently. 
#6 Adopt Cloud Kitchen  
Cloud kitchens or ghost kitchens are in trend. This pandemic has boosted the trend to another level. Since it is a licensed cooking structure without a dine-in option available to prepare delivery-based food.  
It is the best cost-saving strategy as you do not have maintenance and operational costs. Additionally, you can create a cloud kitchen by collaborating with other restaurants. It is recommended to get a unified Cloud Kitchen Management Solution designed for the cloud kitchen to make your management even easier. LS Retail has been voted as the best Hospitality Software for Cloud kitchens so far. 
Final Words  
We have mentioned the top 8 strategies to boost your restaurant business in this challenging era, you can seek technical assistance and upgrade your business to the cloud. The best part is you do not even have to buy a full-fledged package since Pay Per Use is available these days. Microsoft provides just the Hospitality Software. Trident Information Systems has been one of the Gold Partners of Microsoft and LS Retail Diamond Partners and has served various brands since then. For further queries or a demo contact us.  
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tridentinfo · 4 years
6 tips to help you win at omni-channel
Even if retailers have been talking about investing in omni-channel for over a decade, many still lack basic omni-channel capabilities. For example, only 5 percent of retailers can successfully give consumers the ability to start and finish a sale in their preferred channel, Luxury Daily reports. But consumers aren’t waiting for retailers to get their act together. In the past year, almost 9 out of 10 (88%) shoppers have researched and selected options online before heading out to a store, the Ecommerce Foundation reports. And when in-store, Google reports, 50% of them turned to the internet: to research products they’ll then discuss with the sales staff, to remind themselves of what to buy, to see product specs, and more. Retailers have no time to waste. They need to be where their customers are, with answers to their questions, smooth and simple shopping journeys, and timely information and support. In your journey on improving your omni-channel strategy, here are seven points on which you should concentrate your efforts: 1. Be consistent with your branding There’s nothing worse for an omni-channel brand than to offer a disconnected experience across the different channels. Successful brands are consistent in both brand image (think color scheme, corporate story, style, products, voice) and quality of service (customer support, return policies, personalization, product suggestions) in-store, on their website, on the loyalty app and on social media. International coffee company Nespresso is a great example of cohesive visual branding. The graphic design and color palette are kept consistent throughout the channels, and they function as a common thread that guides every step of the customer journey, from e-commerce website, to mobile app, to the confirmation e-mail customers receive after placing an order — all the way to the package that arrives to the customer’s doors. If your offline presence is hip, youthful and colorful, but your app is dull and offers few options to interact with products; if you emphasize customer service, but then don’t respond timely (or don’t reply at all!) to customer queries on Twitter; if customers receive different information depending on which representative they contact – you will confuse and lose customers. 2. Unify the sales channels Customers want to be able to see on your website whether the latest smartphone model is available in gold in a specific store. They want to go on your e-commerce, and add to their cart that art deco lamp they saw in your shop while they were on holiday. They want to send back at their convenience the too-tight shoes they bought in one of your store locations. These are all common requests – and yet, too many retailers can’t fulfil them. That’s because many of them are still using separate best-of-breed, badly-integrated solutions. “Many retailers have pieced together disparate systems and processes to try and create a holistic shopping environment, but it really doesn’t provide what the customer is looking for,” says Kathleen Fischer, director of marketing at Boston Retail Partners, Boston. The result is Inability to see what products are available in real time – or where they are located; Inability to accept returns across channels; Risk of selling items that are not in stock; Inability to offer highly in-demand services like click & collect, ordering from store, or online inventory search. The only way you can fulfil these demands is by implementing technology that gives you centralized visibility and control over your stock, locations and sales. A unified commerce platform like LS Central gives you the visibility you need to know how many items are still available and where they are located exactly, and lets you easily accept exchanges and returns across your whole retail network. 3. Be honest and clear Research shows that seventy percent of online shoppers abandon their shopping cart before finalizing their purchase. The most common cause? Unclear or excessive shipping costs, which often become apparent too late in the buying process. Successful retailers display their sales conditions in clear and visible format on their website. Take, for example, sportswear and outdoors retailer Transa. When you browse the product selection, the key sales conditions (delivery time, shipping costs, return conditions) are stated clearly next to each item. Buyers know the conditions of the sale before they have added an item to their cart, so they can make an informed decision early in the shopping journey. To decrease the chance of shopping cart abandonment, create a relationship of trust with your customers, and be upfront about shipping prices and times, shipment restrictions and special conditions. You don’t want to tell a customer that their country is not eligible for delivery when they are ready to check out a full cart of products. 4. Let customers check product availability According to Forrester research, 71 percent of customers expect to be able to see available inventory online. Leading retailers are taking note, and even taking it one step further: on its e-commerce website, IKEA lists where each item is available alongside the quantity left in stock in each store. Even if you don’t want to go to such lengths, your product listing should at least: Be complete and updated. Customers should be able to see in which location the product they want is available, in their preferred variant. If you use a unified commerce system, you can maintain information in one database, and then distribute it to the e-commerce, POS and back office. This way, both staff and customers can access the same real-time data, and if the inventory changes, for example if an item is sold, this is instantly reflected on all touchpoints. Include detailed product information. When shopping for items online, customers don’t have the touch-and-feel element. Make up for it by including the item materials (or ingredients), any special care warnings, warranty information, and special return policies. If you stock similar products, you should ensure that you give enough information so consumers can make an informed choice. Better yet, include a comparison table. Feature clear, high-quality pictures. According to research by Field Agent, 83% of consumers believe product images are very important when selecting and purchasing a product. If you can, consider including videos: according to a survey by Wyzowl, 80% of people say that product videos give them more confidence when purchasing a product online. From showing details of the item, to tutorials to how-tos, there are a few options you can choose. Go for the format that will better resonate with your audience and provide them with the information they need to close the sale. Include product reviews. According to research by the National Retail Federation, 96% of shoppers read reviews on the retailers’ site, and a quarter of them say that reviews are the most influential factor in buying decisions, mattering more than price comparisons or advice from friends. 5. Put customer needs at the heart of your strategy You can’t afford to wait for consumers to come to you. People spend most of their waking life with a computer in their hands: identify moments of opportunity in the customer journey, and make sure you are there at the right time. Take, for example, American pharmacy and health care company CVS/Health. The company debuted a customer app that was designed to solve a common problem: manage complex medication schedules. On the app, customers can set up reminders to take medicines. The reminders can even be loaded onto an Apple watch. When they enter a CVS/Health pharmacy, a notification lets app users know if their medications are ready for pickup. This success of the app is due to it being designed to give consumers a useful service – not merely sell more. Help consumers. Solve their problems. They will pay you back with their trust and business. 6. Use the data you collect Every day, you collect an incredible wealth of data on you customers: what pages they visit on your e-commerce, what they add to the cart (and eventually buy, or leave behind), what items sell better where, which products are often returned, what’s most popular with your top customers, and more. Successful omni-channel retailers capture this data and turn it into action. Take for example videogames chain GameStop International. GameStop runs a successful loyalty program with over 50 million members. By analyzing the customer data collected through the program, GameStop: Discovered that rewards don’t influence customer engagement. Instead, what makes the program valuable for customers are personalized communications and offers. Created hyper-targeted emails (which, for example, suggest to users what new games they could get by trading in their old ones, based on purchase history). This increased the open rate from 15% to 35%. Diversified their offering to include collectibles, a business that has become very valuable for the brand. As a result, expanded and diversified their customer base. To achieve these insights and act on them, retailers need the data – but although necessary, data is not sufficient. Many retailers are still using systems made up of separate, integrated software solutions. This results in information silos, and data that is fragmented and hard to access. As a result, most companies have a lot of data, but only able to analyze a small part of it – barely 12%, according to Forrester research. The solution is a unified commerce system, a single platform that captures all of your consumers’ shopping behaviors, interests and purchase history. When data from all your channels is collected in one place, it is much simpler to link it and create a complete, 360-degree view of your customers. Forward-thinking retailers are aligning messages, objectives, information and design across platforms – and ensuring that everything works together. As a result, they are redesigning the shopping journey as a seamless, all-encompassing experience. Would you like to get there too, but don’t know where to begin? Contact us. Our experts will be happy to introduce you to the possibilities that unified retail tech opens. Blog Reference: LS Retail Blog Forum Read the full article
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BUSINESS IN BRIEF 22/2 – News VietNamNet
Exports of tra fish to UK increase
Tra fish exports to the UK were worth 45.7 million USD last year, an increase of 2.5 percent over the previous year, according to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers.
It accounted for 2.6 percent of total tra exports.
Vietnam is the sixth biggest exporter of tra fish to the UK behind Iceland, China, Norway, Denmark and Russia.
The UK and the Netherlands are the two largest importers of Vietnamese tra fish in the EU.
Vietnam’s exports to Hong Kong were worth nearly 41 million USD.
Thailand was the biggest buyer among ASEAN member nations with shipments worth 51 million USD.
Tra exports to many markets are expected to increase sharply this year.
Ministry works to stabilise market following Tet
Prices of essential goods in traditional markets returned to normal on the fourth and fifth days of the lunar year (February 19-20) after increases few days before the Tet holiday which lasted from February 14-20. 
 According to the Ministry of Finance, supermarkets and commercial centres attracted a large number of consumers during the festival thank to clear product origins, guaranteed food hygiene and stable prices.
Meanwhile, prices of catering and vehicle keeping services slightly increased in the first days of the year, the ministry said. 
During Tet, the purchasing power surged 12-15 percent as compared with normal days, and 10 percent against the same period last year, as a result of 2017’s noted economic growth and market stabilisation policy. 
The ministry said that demands for travelling, food and festival offerings are expected to rise following the holiday. 
To stabilise the market in March and the second quarter of this year, the ministry has asked other ministries, agencies and localities to keep a close watch on developments of supply and demand, as well as prices, especially of essential products. 
Besides, inspections on the observance of legal regulations on price, tax and fee, particularly of tourism services, while traffic laws will also be intensified.
RON 95 petrol price drops by 400 VND per litre
The price of RON 95 petrol declined by 400 VND per litre from 15:00 on February 21 as decided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance.
The two ministries announced that the price of E5 petrol is not higher than 18,340 VND per litre, and those of diesel 0.05S and kerosene should not be higher than 15,716 VND per litre and 14,560 VND per litre, respectively.
Meanwhile, the ministries also decided to adjust the price stabilisation fund for E5 bio-fuel at 600 VND per litre, while the use of the fund for RON 95, kerosene and diesel was 0 VND per litre.
This is the first drop of petrol prices in 2018 and the first time that the ceiling price of RON 95 petrol has been announced as consumers no longer have access to RON 92 petrol since January 2018.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Ministry of Finance review fuel prices every 15 days to adjust the prices in accordance with fluctuations on the world market.
The average global price of petrol products during the last 15 days to February 21 was at 73.062 USD per barrel for RON 92 and 76.160 USD for diesel.
Bac Ninh ranks second in FDI attraction in 2017
The northern province of Bac Ninh attracted 3.5 billion USD in foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2017, ranking second among provinces and cities across the country.
According to the provincial Department of Statistics, Bac Ninh’s industrial production value reached 1 quadrillion VND (about 44 billion USD) and its export turnover hit 29.85 billion USD, accounting for 14.9 percent of the nation’s export earnings.  
The province collected 21.6 trillion VND (948.2 million USD) for the state budget. Meanwhile, the locality’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) made up 3.25 percent of the country’s GDP, with a GRDP growth rate of 19.12 percent. 
Notably, the Samsung Group continued to pour an additional 2.5 billion USSD into the province, showing the province’s efforts to improve the investment climate.
Bac Ninh is now home to over 1,000 FDI projects from 33 countries and territories, including many hi-tech and environmentally friendly projects with big value invested by Samsung, Canon and Foxconn. 
The flow of investment has been poured into 14 sectors, mostly in the processing and manufacturing industries. FDI projects have significantly contributed to the province’s economic development. 
To increase competitiveness in luring FDI, the local authorities have paid attention to simplifying administrative procedures, providing legal support for investors, developing industrial park infrastructure and improving the quality of human resources through promoting education-training activities. 
Vu Thi Phuong Thao, Vice Director of the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, said Bac Ninh will focus on attracting quality and high added-value FDI projects, especially in the fields of IT, bio-technology, hi-tech agriculture and  infrastructure development. 
Priority will be given to encouraging joint-venture projects between domestic enterprises and foreign partners, especially those from Vietnam’s strategic partners such the US, European nations, the Republic of Korea and Japan, thus enabling domestic firms to join the global value chain, she added.
Thaco launches new agricultural machine factory
The Truong Hai Auto Corporation (Thaco) on February 21 launched its agricultural machine factory in Chu Lai open economic zone in the central province of Quang Nam.
The factory covers 12,500 square metres and has an investment of 500 billion VND. It is designed to manufacture tractors with a capacity from 18HP-120HP, along with high-quality combine harvesters and other agricultural equipment. 
In the first phase, it has a capacity of manufacturing 2,000 tractors per year, 3,000 sets of cultivation equipment and 1,000 combine harvesters.
The factory’s technology is transferred from LS Mtron Group, a leading agricultural machine manufacturer in the Republic of Korea.
It will use domestic material and spare parts, while importing high technology parts that are not available in the country from the Republic of Korea and ASEAN countries.
In 2018, Thaco will also focus on developing passenger cars, while launching the first phase of Thaco-Mazda factory with a capacity of 50,000 units each year on March 24, along with a new van factory to produce 100,000 units per year.
The firm will also partner with other companies to develop support industry and expand its factories to 138 hectares in 2018.
Vietnam boosts trade ties with strategic partners
Vietnam plans to promote bilateral trade and investment links with strategic and important partner countries in the time ahead, towards fostering economic growth and expanding export markets. 
The recently approved project also aims to increase enterprises’ competitiveness and their awareness of integration, enabling them to intensively join the global value chain. 
It is hoped to help improve the national competitiveness, promote administrative reform and fine-tune business climate while perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy institution. 
Under the scheme, efforts will be made to fully tap business advantages, increase the quality and effectiveness of trade and investment promotion activities, and foster connection among ministries, sectors and business associations inside and outside the country in the work. 
Attention will be paid to bettering the quality of products and production methods through applying high technologies to meet export demand, and increase links among domestic and foreign businesses. 
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be updated on information and forecasts related to market, politics and exchange rate fluctuation; while other businesses will also be assisted in training human resources to improve their knowledge of international economic integration, bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements(FTAs) that Vietnam signed with foreign partners. 
Focus will be placed on taking advantage of investment trade agreements and calling for more investment projects from Vietnam’s important and strategic partner countries. 
Coordination between the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and business associations and between domestic agencies and representative agencies abroad will be strengthened, towards promoting the country’s economic development. 
Through implementing activities of the project, the VCCI will report and summit solutions to the Government, contributing to overcoming difficulties in trade and investment coordination between Vietnam and strategic and important partner countries. 
Surveys will be carried out to assess the needs, limitations and difficulties of enterprises and market potential so as to select markets for export and investment. 
Public-private dialogue mechanism and investment promotion will be bolstered, while SMEs will be supported in accessing advanced technologies and modernise production, helping them make inroads into more markets in strategic and important partner countries and join the global value chain.
Japanese group builds auto parts factory in Thai Binh
Construction on a 24.6-million USD auto parts factory is under-way in the northern Thai Binh province’s Tien Hai Industrial Zone with completion expected in July 2019.
Financed by the Japanese Toyoda Gosei Group, the 11.3ha-factory will manufacture airbags and leather steering wheels which will be mainly exported to Japan, the US and Europe. Work on the factory kicked off early this month.
Once operational, the factory is expected to create about 1,500 local jobs. The company said it believes that the project will contribute to accelerating the development of Thai Binh province as it will create more jobs for local people and improve their skills.
Established in 1949 and headquartered in Kiyosu, Japan, Toyoda Gosei is a leading manufacturer of rubber and plastic automotive parts and LEDs. Today, the group provides a variety of high-quality products internationally, with a network of some 100 plants and offices in 18 countries and regions.
PM lauds Vietinbank, Vietcombank’s business results last year
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc lauded Vietinbank and Vietcombank for their business performance last year and encouraged them to make greater efforts to contribute to the fulfillment of Vietnam’s socio-economic development.
The leader made the statements during visits to the headquarters of Vietinbank and Vietcombank, the two largest Vietnamese commercial banks, in Hanoi on February 21 to wish their employees a Happy Lunar New Year.
The PM extended greetings to 24,000 Vietinbank employees in an event live-streamed in 155 branches of the bank nationwide.
Phuc lauded Vietinbank’s successful equitisation, the growth of its technology-based banking services and its efforts to manage bad debts and improve management efficiency. He also mentioned the bank as a credit provider for the country’s key projects, backing the government to achieve its goals.
He asked the bank to improve its competiveness by building financial and management capacity to international standards. Vietinbank should adopt solutions to improve and control credit quality; strengthen bad debt management; and continue stepping up administrative reform to provide start-ups and investors easier access to loans, he said.
Later the same day, the PM met with Vietcombank staff on the occasion of the Vietnamese New Year, during which he praised the bank’s corporate culture.
Vietcombank led in complying with the government’s policies, Phuc noted, adding that the bank is offering the market’s lowest lending interest rates though it has not reduced deposit interest rates.
In a short time, Vietcombank’s total assets exceeded 1 quadrillion VND (44 billion USD) and its ratio of non-performing loans was down to 1.1 percent, the lowest among domestic credit institutions. The bank is also the first of its kind in Vietnam to exceed 10 trillion VND in profit, Phuc said.
He asked Vietcombank to broaden its vision to become a regional bank in Asia and to expand its size and branches to narrow gaps with large banks in the region.
He also suggested the bank develop banking technology and catch up with new technological trends, particularly in information security and safety.
In 2017, VietinBank earned a total profit of 9.2 trillion VND (404 million USD), 105 percent of its annual target.
The bank’s total assets notched a year-on-year surge of 15.3 percent to exceed 1.1 quadrillion VND (48.4 billion USD), making it one of Vietnam’s three largest banks in terms of assets and the country’s second-largest bank in terms of profit, after Vietcombank.
Its outstanding loans reached 839 trillion VND (over 36.9 billion USD), up 18 percent year on year.
Meanwhile, Vietcombank reported pre-tax profit of more than 11 trillion VND (482.5 million USD) last year.
This was a record pre-tax profit achieved by a Vietnamese bank, representing a rise of 32.9 percent during the same period in the previous year and 16 percent higher than Vietcombank’s target.
Total deposits amounted to 889.7 trillion VND (over 39.1 billion USD), up 38.7 percent year on year and 18 percent above set target.
Outstanding loans reached 553 trillion VND (24.33 billion USD), an increase of 17.2 percent.-
Deputy PM directs improving SOEs’ efficiency
Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue has urged ministries, agencies and localities to promptly fulfill assigned tasks regarding equitisation and divestment in State-owned enterprises (SOEs), towards making them more transparent, healthy and efficient. 
He requested that SOEs restructure themselves in terms of apparatus, personnel, strategy, governance, finance, technology and products. 
He urged completely fixing shortcomings and weaknesses of SOEs as well as dealing with loss-making and inefficient firms and projects, and determining the responsibilities of individuals and units concerned. 
The Deputy PM asked ministries and agencies to review the Corporate Law, the Law on Management and Utilisation of State Capital Invested in the Enterprises’ Manufacturing and Business Activities, the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants, the Law on Bankruptcy, Labour Code and relevant legal documents so as to submit amendments and supplements to authorised agencies. 
Ministries, agencies, localities, State corporations and groups must continue hastening administrative reform and improving the business climate and legal environment towards achieving the goal of having 1 million enterprises by 2020, he said. 
They were also asked to urge equitised companies to list on bourses, strengthen supervision, audit to prevent capital loss and adopt corporate governance principles in line with international practices. 
Ministers, Chairs of People’s Committees of centrally-run cities and provinces and Chairpersons of Members’ Councils of economic groups must bear responsibility in this regard, he said.
EVN resolved to ensure electricity supply
The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) will invest in power projects within local and national electricity development planning schemes from 2016-2020. 
This is the major task set in the group’s five-year business plan recently approved by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung. 
Under the plan, EVN will develop renewable energy and improve environmental protection during the construction and operation of electricity facilities. 
The group will also safely run the national power grid, ensuring electricity supply and the economic efficiency of the electricity system. 
Another task is to revamp EVN’s subsidiaries in line with the master plan for rearranging and restructuring enterprises in 2017-2020. 
Along with developing the competitive electricity wholesale market, the group will bring electricity to rural, mountainous and island areas, aiming to help most households in these areas access the national power grid by 2020.
During 2016-2020, EVN’s annual commercial power output is expected to increase by 10.08 percent. 
The group plans to put into operation up to 21 turbines with combined capacity of 6,100 MW of 12 projects, including Lai Chau hydropower project (operational in 2016), and the thermal power projects of Duyen Hai III, expanded Duyen Hai III, Vinh Tan IV, expanded Vinh Tan IV and Thai Binh I. 
Construction of another eight projects with a total capacity of 5,540 MW is also set to begin in the period. They are the hydropower projects of expanded Ialy, Hoa Binh and Tri An; and the thermal power projects of expanded Vinh Tan IV with its construction starting in 2016, O Mon III and IV, Quang Trach I and II.
EVN will push preparations for the investment in the Tan Phuoc I thermal power project to put the plant into service by 2020, while building solar power projects.
About 300 transmission lines of 500 kV and 200 kV with 12,200 km in length and 66,000 MVA in capacity of transformation stations are projected to become operational during the next five years. 
Other tasks for the group include improving the quality of electricity supply, increasing power imports from Laos, Cambodia and China and building 110 kV and middle-and low-voltage transmission lines.
PM okays ultra-thin glass project in Ninh Binh
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has approved in principle a plan to build an ultra-thin glass factory with capacity of 1,200 tonnes per day in Yen Khanh district, the northern province of Ninh Binh.
The PM tasked the provincial People’s Committee to work with the Ministry of Construction to implement the project, ensuring the products to meet environmental standards.
He also assigned the Ministry of Construction to review the master plan on development of building materials by 2020 with a vision to 2030, taking into account different types of glass to satisfy local demand and for export.
NA Vice Chairman: e-customs facilitate import-export activities
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Phung Quoc Hien has hailed efforts made by the General Department of Customs in applying e-customs to facilitate import-export activities.
In a meeting with the customs department in Hanoi on February 21, Hien lauded the sector’s contributions to the country’s import-export revenue of 400 billion USD in mid-December last year.
He also praised the sector’s efforts in preventing smuggling, counterfeit goods and trade fraud.
On the occasion, the NA official wished that the customs officers will work to fulfill missions assigned by the National Assembly and the Government this year.
Viglacera builds houses for industrial zone workers     
The Viglacera Corporation on Wednesday started construction of a housing project for workers in the Phu Ha Industrial Zone in the northern province of Phu Tho.
Tran Anh Tuan, director of the Viglacera projects management board, said the social housing project covered an area of 4.3ha in Ha Loc Commune of Phu Tho Town.
The VND480 billion (US$21 million) project is expected to provide 630 apartments, ranging from 26sq.m to 70sq.m, to some 2,500 workers. The rent is estimated at VND30,000 per square metre.
The project aims at improving the living standard of the employees, ensuring their commitment to the enterprise, as well as attracting more investments in the industrial zone.
Viglacera committed to focusing its resources in the construction work so that the apartments can be rented as scheduled, Tuan said.
Construction of Phu Ha Industrial Zone was kicked off on February 26, 2015. It has attracted $90 million from 13 enterprises mainly specialising in electronics and electricity production using advanced technology. The firms have helped create 10,000 jobs for the locality and neighbouring provinces.
Hoang Cong Thuy, vice chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said if the entire land in the industrial zone were to be hired for production activities, there would probably be 30,000 workers. Therefore, the project developed by Viglacera Corporation needed to meet the demand of current and future workers.
The same day, the corporation inaugurated a VND16 billion waste water treatment plant in the industrial zone, with a capacity of 1,250cu.m per day and night.
Viglacera Corporation is considered the leading company in building material industry in Viet Nam and has confirmed its prestige in the real estate sector with many housing projects, including infrastructure of industrial parks and offices for lease, urban areas, houses for sale and trade centres. 
TT Group to become Vinafood 2’s strategic partner     
The industry-real estate-finance conglomerate T&T Group now has the highest chance to become the strategic partner of Viet Nam Southern Food Corporation (Vinafood 2), cafef.vn reported on Wednesday.
Vinafood 2 plans to offer 25 per cent of its charter capital, or 125 million shares, to the strategic investor after the company launches its initial public offering (IPO) on March 14.
As the price of shares offered to the strategic investor is expected to stay at least level to the IPO starting price of VND10,100 (45 US cents) per share, T&T Group may have to pay at least VND1.26 trillion ($56 million) to purchase those 125 million shares.
Vinafood 2 had only received the filed proposal from T&T Group by December 15, 2017, on which Vinafood 2 must finalise its equitisation plan and submit the plan to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the business news website reported.
Local media had previously reported that T&T Group and the information-telecommunication-technology group FPT Corporation had expressed their interest in purchasing the strategic stake in Vinafood 2.
However, only T&T Group had filed legal documents on the deal while FPT Corporation had submitted its copies of required documents, thus, FPT Corporation had been disqualified from the race.
Therefore, Vinafood 2 had proposed the agriculture ministry approve T&T Group as its new strategic investor and submit the equitisation plan to the Prime Minister for approval.
According to the company’s equitisation plan, the strategic partner must be financially healthy so that it could help the firm restructure its financial system and is able to assist Vinafood 2 seek new markets and open new distribution channels in both domestic and overseas markets.
The strategic investor must meet some standards such as having operated in the agriculture sector for at least three years; having total assets of at least VND10 trillion by December 31, 2015; and achieving net profits for three consecutive years and reaching a return-on-equity ratio of more than 5 per cent.
Under its equitisation plan, Vinafood 2 has a charter capital of VND5 trillion with 51 per cent possessed by the State.
The company will sell nearly 23 per cent of its capital (114.8 million shares) at the IPO on March 14, offer 125 million shares to the strategic investor and the remainder to its employees and workers at a preferential price level.
Vinafood 2 operates in importing-exporting food, processed food, agricultural products and trade of those products, but it has been struggling with the current business model as the finance, production and market and product development policies have been implemented ineffectively. 
Novaland seeks approval for overseas listing, issuing shares     
Novaland Investment Group Corporation has sought shareholders’ approval to list securities on international stock exchanges and issue additional shares.
The real estate firm plans to list common shares, corporate bonds or convertible bonds on the Singapore Stock Exchange or another foreign stock exchange in 2018 or 2019. The board of directors or authorised persons are expected to execute the necessary procedures for the listing process.
Novaland has also proposed a plan to issue a maximum of 100 million shares in a private placement to local and international investors this year. The offering price will be not lower than the book value per share at the time of issuance.
The issuance aims to raise working capital, including capital of subsidiaries and affiliates, and buy shares in other companies, as well as help restructure its debts.
Regarding the convertible bond issuance plan, Novaland will increase its bond value from US$250 million to $300 million. The issuance is projected to support the firm’s capital increase and debt restructuring.
The bonds will be offered in a private placement to foreign investors with financial and technical capability to support the company’s business development. Investors will be subject to a one-year lock period since the date of issue.
According to the adjusted plan, the bonds may be converted into ordinary shares (instead of the mandatory conversion in the old plan) at a minimum price of VND50,000 ($2.20) each, applying a dilution adjustment to protect the company and investors’ benefits.
In addition to this, the firm has also sought the approval to supplement chairman Bui Thanh Nhon to the company’s legal representatives, in addition to its legal investment manager and chief executive officer.
Novaland’s shares, coded NVL, has climbed nearly 23 per cent this year and is being traded at some VND80,000 per share on HCM Stock Exchange. 
Homemade tractors roll out in Quang Nam     
Local Truong Hai Automobile Company (Thaco) has rolled out the first made-in-Viet Nam tractor at the agricultural machinery manufacturing factory in the Chu Lai-Truong Hai Industrial Complex after one year of construction.
The factory, which covers an area of 1.2ha with investment of VND500 billion (US$22.1 million), plans to produce 2,000 tractors and 4,000 combine harvesters as well as farming machines and equipment each year.
The Quang Nam-based factory uses technology from Korean LS Mtron company following an agreement signed last year between Thaco and LS Mtron (a company of the LS Group from Korea).
Thaco said the manufacturing factory aimed to provide made-in-Viet Nam agricultural machinery with a 50 per cent localisation programme for domestic use as well as for exports to ASEAN markets.
Doan Dat Ninh, an official from Thaco, said the Thaco-trademark tractor eyed making up 7 per cent of the country’s market share in 2018 before increasing to 38 per cent in 2026.
The local made farming machinery products are also planned to be exported to Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia and other markets.
The introduction of the first agricultural machinery plant in Quang Nam Province would help promote mechanisation of farming in Viet Nam.
In 2013, Thaco also acquired 51 per cent of shares in the Korean Soosung Motor Technology company to produce cranes, concrete mixer trucks and tankers in Korea.
Thaco has manufactured and distributed vehicles of foreign brands – Kia of South Korea, Mazda of Japan, France’s Peugeot and BMW of Germany. 
The post BUSINESS IN BRIEF 22/2 – News VietNamNet appeared first on Breaking News Top News & Latest News Headlines | Reuters.
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yogesh-rane-me · 7 years
Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire  
WiseGuyReports.com adds “Global  Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire Research Report 2021” to its Database.
According to the report, global demand for OPGW market was valued at $ 476.60 million in 2015, and is expected to generate revenue of $ 612.56 million by end of 2021, growing at a CAGR of slightly above 4.27 % between 2015 and 2021. OPGW market by volume, which measures output worldwide, was expected to reach 290,327 Km in 2016 with an increase of 7.05% from its year-earlier level.
Report Scenario  
OPGW is a dual functioning cable performing the duties of a ground wire and also providing a patch for the transmission of voice, video or data signals. The fibers are protected from environmental conditions (lightning, short circuit, loading) to ensure reliability and longevity. The cable is designed to be installed on transmission and distribution lines to carry voice, data and video communications, especially in lighting waveform monitoring system, an observation system for overhead test line, maintenance data information system, power line protection system, power line operation system, and unmanned substation monitoring.
Scope of the Report: 
This report focuses on the Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
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The global OPGW industry is relatively concentrated, with the market share of top 10 OPGW producers around 90%. Fujikura is the global largest vendors accounted for 19.05 % of the industry revenue share in 2015. Key market players include ZTT, NKT Cables, Tongguang Cable, Shenzhen SDG, Furukawa, LS Cable, Jiangsu Hongtu, Taihan, Sichuan Huiyuan, Elsewedy Cables, Tratos, J-Power Systems among others.
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers  North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) Latin America, Middle and Africa
It is relatively mature about OPGW in Europe, United States and Japan etc. With several years of development, OPGW already tended to be mature in China, as well as implementation of the domestic policy, large-scale commercial application of OPGW will soon become a reality in the future in China.
With 4G network deployment, emerging economies, such as Brazil, India and Argentine etc. will become the new power for development of the world economy in the future. With the rapid development of emerging economies, besides promoting economic growth of other countries in Asia, Latin American and African, the region above will quickly become important market of OPGW.
Market Segment by Type, covers Central Tube Structure Layer Stranding Structure
Layer Stranding Structure covered about 70 % of the market share in 2015, and is projected to dominate the market over the estimated period. This sector is likely to rise at a CAGR of 6.43% from 2016 to 2021.
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
Below 110KV 110KV~220KV 220KV~330KV 500KV Above 500KV
Worldwide, 110KV~220KV was the largest consumer of OPGW, which is responsible for about 45 percent of OPGW consumption in 2016. The second largest demand comes from the 220KV~330KV, represents approximately 28 percent. The remaining 27.78 percent was consumed for the others.
There are 13 Chapters to deeply display the global Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) market.
Chapter 1, to describe Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;
Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW), with sales, revenue, and price of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW), in 2015 and 2016;
Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2015 and 2016;
Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW), for each region, from 2011 to 2016;
Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;
Chapter 9 and 10, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2011 to 2016;
Chapter 11, Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2016 to 2021;
Chapter 12 and 13, to describe Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, appendix and data source.
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Table of Content  1.1 Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Introduction 1     1.2 Market Analysis by Type 4       1.2.1 Central Tube Structure 5       1.2.2 Layer Stranding Structure 6     1.3 Market Analysis by Applications 7       1.3.1 110KV Level 8       1.3.2 220KV Level 8       1.3.3 500KV Level 9       1.3.4 Other Level 9     1.4 Market Analysis by Regions 10       1.4.1 North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) 10       1.4.2 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) 11       1.4.3 Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) 12       1.4.4 Latin America, Middle and Africa 13 2 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW)     2.1 Fujikura 14       2.1.1 Company Profile 14       2.1.2 Product Picture and Specifications 15       2.1.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 16       2.1.4 Contact Information 18     2.2 ZTT 18       2.2.1 Company Profile 18       2.2.2 Product Picture and Specifications 19       2.2.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 19       2.2.4 Contact Information 21     2.3 NKT Cables 21       2.3.1 Company Profile 21       2.3.2 Product Picture and Specifications 22       2.3.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 23       2.3.4 Contact Information 24     2.4 Tongguang Cable 24       2.4.1 Company Profile 24       2.4.2 Product Picture and Specifications 25       2.4.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 26       2.4.4 Contact Information 28     2.5 Shenzhen SDG 28        2.5.1 Company Profile 28       2.5.2 Product Picture and Specifications 29       2.5.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 29       2.5.4 Contact Information 31     2.6 Furukawa 31       2.6.1 Company Profile 31       2.6.2 Product Picture and Specifications 31       2.6.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 33       2.6.4 Contact Information 34     2.7 LS Cable 34       2.7.1 Company Profile 34       2.7.2 Product Picture and Specifications 35       2.7.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 38       2.7.4 Contact Information 39     2.8 Jiangsu Hongtu 39       2.8.1 Company Profile 39       2.8.2 Product Picture and Specifications 41       2.8.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 41       2.8.4 Contact Information 43     2.9 Taihan 43       2.9.1 Company Profile 43       2.9.2 Product Picture and Specifications 44       2.9.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 46       2.9.4 Contact Information 47     2.10 Sichuan Huiyuan 47       2.10.1 Company Profile 47       2.10.2 Product Picture and Specifications 48       2.10.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 51       2.10.4 Contact Information 52     2.11 Elsewedy Cables 52       2.11.1 Company Profile 52       2.11.2 Product Picture and Specifications 53       2.11.3 Sales, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 54       2.11.4 Contact Information 55 
10 Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Market Segment by Application 109     10.1 Global Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Sales Market Share by Application (2011-2016) 109     10.2 Below 110KV Level Sales Growth (2011-2016) 110     10.3 110KV~220KV Level Sales Growth (2011-2016) 111     10.4 20KV~330V Sales Growth (2011-2016) 112     10.5 500KV Level Sales Growth (2011-2016) 113     10.6 Above 500KV Level Sales Growth (2011-2016) 114 11 Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Market Forecast (2016-2021) 115     11.1 Global Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2016-2021) 115     11.2 Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Market Forecast by Regions (2016-2021) 116     11.3 Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Market Forecast by Type (2016-2021) 117     11.4 Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW) Market Forecast by Application (2016-2021) 117 12 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers 119     12.1 Sales Channel 119     12.2 Distributors, Traders and Dealers 119 13 Appendix 121List of Tables and Figures 
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With Business Central you can get premium add-ons under a unified platform such as Microsoft o365. You can access Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive for Business. Some Office 365 apps support mobile versions for more flexibility and ongoing operations such as PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, etc. You can also claim 1 TB of OneDrive for Business Cloud Storage per user.  
Power BI  
Get your business insights more easily with a Power BI. It is a data visualization system designed by Microsoft, which helps you create dashboards and relevant reports. With Business Central’s Power BI, you can flexibly customize and drill-down reports. You can even merge data from different companies and make a thorough comparison or use it to create a better strategy. Some BI reports can even be engraved within Business Central, and you don’t even have to leave the system. So don’t be afraid to create complex dashboards as Power BI has it all covered. For a better experience, we recommend contacting an experienced Microsoft Business Central Implementation Partner.  
Cloud Security 
Shifting to the cloud only enhances your employee’s flexibility. Nevertheless, it also exposes your business to sometimes subtle and sometimes detrimental effects. Business Central follows Microsoft’s modern lifecycle policy which states an inevitable service update every six months in April and October. Microsoft’s Application security helps to secure your Business Central Applications irrespective of their hosted location. It authenticates, Authorizes, Audits, and Encrypts data and performs a security development lifecycle (a process of developing even secure software). Being hosted by and on Microsoft Cloud Azure, bank-level security is guaranteed.  
Flexible, Scalable, And Extensible  
Another key feature of Business Central is its flexibility. Since it allows industry-specific tools, you can get it adapted to your system and be more in touch with the most important data to the business. Another factor supporting its flexibility is the cloud. Having your system upgraded to the cloud can retain more data than a particular database or server. Not just this, it is scalable and can easily manage data, which means it is suitable for various companies and ideal for growing businesses.  
Rapid Deployment with the Right Business Central Implementation Partner 
Being robust doesn’t mean being complex. Have smooth and easy deployment with Microsoft Azure. You can even opt for an on-premises deployment of your hardware. It is all centered around what you prefer. Azure links up to 100 facilities all together via this one massive network. Each feature is highly secure and if combined, you are ensured safety. Whatever you prefer, it will never be a hurdle in the rapid deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central. We recommend contacting a suitable and highly skilled Business Central Implementation Partner, who is experienced enough to take care of your business management needs.   
Final Words  
We can conclude that Business Central is one of the best business management solutions available and can potentially overcome all SMB business challenges. It is important to pick suitable Business Central Partners such as Trident, a Business Central Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner armed with an instantly skilled team and over 20 years of experience. Contact Us, for further.
Trident Information Systems Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading global providers of Information Technology services and business solutions with over with a proven track record of over 21 years. We have been consistently adding value to the business bottom line of our global clientele.
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
Use Business Intelligence and Boost ROI up to 60% in Your Grocery Store!
Business Intelligence / By Trident Information Systems
Grocery stores are facing unpredictability more than ever. With technological advancements, customers too tend to change their preferences faster now. It is time to embrace Business Intelligence Tools driven by Artificial Intelligence. Industry leaders like the Al Dhafra Society use Microsoft BI Tools to identify trends and spot changes in patterns. They modify and innovate strategies based on the insights they receive.  
AI is not limited to large-scale industries but small to mid-size businesses as well. Not just groceries, it helps all retail, hospitality, and manufacturing segments of every size to utilize market and business insights and form more logical strategies. 
Microsoft BI Tools are a must-have for all decision-makers, as AI is an extremely fast-growing technology combined with Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing, and predictive analysis. You can accurately predict market demands and order just the items in your grocery stores. With a deeper understanding of your customers, you can create relevant strategies, deals, and offers for them at the right time. With this technology, you can even segment customers into groups or categories, as per their needs.  
With all this in mind, our team of researchers has found top ways to use Microsoft BI Tools to grow your retail sales.  
Collect the Information that Counts 
From the plethora of data, you have to find the data that counts. If you are still hung up on the traditional methods of collecting and analyzing data on an excel sheet, you will fall way back in the competition. As your business grows, Excel starts becoming even more irrelevant to your business. You can instead use Business Intelligence Platform, such as Microsoft Power BI Dashboards and Reports. 
Microsoft Power BI removes the data storage burden and presents accurate data insights in user-friendly dashboards. You can even view these details in real time and make quicker and more informed decisions.  
Figure Out the Gaps the In the Market Trends  
It is easy to find out popular market trends. You can collect data about them from your sales history and customer feedback. Moreover, there are other sources through which you can find popular trends in the market. However, have you ever thought about hidden trends? Have you ever tried to find out the gaps in the market? But where to start? That’s the beauty of Microsoft BI Tools; even if you have the data scattered, you can still get the most relevant and useful data for your business.  
Moreover, with the combination of natural language processing, and machine learning, AI can sift through the multiple verses of unstructured data including social media to figure out trends before even the customer recognizes them. What else do you need to push back everyone else in the market? 
“Un-Complexify” and Automate with Business Intelligence Tools 
It is a well-known fact that well-considered and targeted labeling, tags, and description. Tags are responsible for enhancing your item’s chances of being discovered on search engines like Bing and Google. However, generating SEO-friendly descriptions for each of your products consumes time and demands high expertise.  
This is where AI-powered product labeling and tagging help. Many grocery retailers are now using computer vision algorithms to find the product’s key attributes and tag them. You can even use these algorithms to generate SEO-friendly titles and spot-on product details to ensure your customers find what they want.  
Help Customers Find What They Want 
Having delivered the wrong items causes the most returns. But the good news is that grocery retailers can also take proactive measures to improve the quality of their services. For instance, they can write the guidelines and product descriptions more clearly. 
With Microsoft BI Tools, retailers can help customers find exactly what they want according to their individual preferences. According to the digital pioneer Asos, customers do not have to browse through thousands of products, instead, they can view the products personally relevant to them. 
Understand the Factors Encouraging Your Customers Purchasing a Product  
Have you ever wondered why buyers abandon their carts? Did they find better deals somewhere else? Or are they taken aback by the unexpected additional costs? Are they really ready to buy your products? Or is the reason something else? A research firm Baymard Institute found about 70% of buyers lead their carts filled. After estimating they found it costs billions of dollars to store. 
With Microsoft Power BI Tools, you can collect masses of data about your customer purchase history, browsing habits, and purchase habits. Find out what is preventing them from placing an order.  
As businesses grow, their data burden increases simultaneously. To manage the masses of data, it is smartest to use Power BI Tools such as Microsoft BI Tools. The best part is that they will never burn a hole in your pocket and are easy to use. If you want to know how powerfully it can impact your grocery store individually, you can contact us. We are Microsoft Dynamics Gold Implementation Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner.  
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
Case Study – NOC Ethiopia
Microsoft Dynamics 365 / By Trident Information Systems
Established in 2004, National Oil Ethiopia Plc (NOC) is excelling in the marketing of petroleum products in the country. It is the first indigenous oil marketer to have distinct service stations located throughout the country. 
NOC markets one of the leading lubricant brands commonly known as Chevron-Caltex Lubricants, as well as contribute to a major share in Ethiopia Oil Industry. It supplies over 100 lubricant grades for Industrial and Automotive applications. Additionally, the organization delivers other petroleum products such as LPG, Chemicals, Bitumen, and Petcock.  
The business delivers services to keep their customers going by delivering services in the most cost-efficient and effective manner. Their team is divided into retail and commercial units to profitably market their products and achieve effective customer services and market leadership in the gas sector of Ethiopia.  
The business aims at consistently improving its product and service offerings while expanding its business operations in Ethiopia and other African Countries. However, their current system was unable to comply with their requirements. Hence, they decided to contact Trident Information Systems for a suitable solution. After conducting thorough research, Trident found its core challenges and requirements and believed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations will be the most suitable solution.   
Business Challenges 
The business was struggling with financial management and supply chain issues which included:  
Difficulty in figuring out the accurate volume of fuel transported in the truck.  
Tough time allocating charges on import purchase orders and knowing the landed cost on the inventory.  
Difficulty in allocating departmental costs and expenses. 
The manual approach to the regular activities caused redundancy and similar issues.  
Disparate systems and no real-time data availability hampered decision-making.  
Uncontrolled operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendors.  
Business Requirements 
The business needed a unified approach in the financial management of the business and required the following:  
To calculate the accurate fuel volume transported in trucks, know the losses and gains during the transit.  
To allocate charges on the import purchase order and to know the actual landed cost on inventory.  
Needed to identify departmental cost and expenses for actual cost allocations.  
Configure and customize the automation process for regular activities.  
Unified software solution for real-time data availability.  
Robust support of operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendor. 
Solutions Provided by Trident Information Systems 
After digging out the organization’s core challenges and requirements, Trident implemented Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain. Other benefits the solution provided include:  
DIP Measurement Process- as NOC uses Dip Measurement to calculate fuel volume transported in the truck to find out the losses and gains during the transit.  
Insightful reports and dashboards on financial transactions with D365 Finance and Supply Chain.  
Enhanced Process Automation.  
Captured all landed costs while adding them to the Inventory.  
A centralized view on operations, costing, compliances, and inventory.  
A sophisticated vendor management system.  
Benefits to Business 
After implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain, NOC noticed a considerable change in their financial management and supply chain. Trident’s solution delivered the following benefits:  
The business could manage and schedule its resources in real-time and project costs accurately.  
NOC could identify the actual fuel volume transported in the truck to know the gains and losses during the transit.  
Their revenue was now managed more systematically and accurately.  
A centralized system for planning and project analysis could better control operations and compliance across the organization.  
Better vendor management and regulatory compliance.  
Advantages of Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain 
Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Supply Chain put flexibility and Scalability at the core of your business, allowing you to quickly grow, and adapt at your own pace. You can easily tailor and extend the application to meet your unique business or industry-specific needs. It can offer the benefits given below but not limited to:  
Supports critical operations throughout the business.  
Exceptional reporting functionality that allows businesses to collect data and assess situations right then and there.  
Microsoft backed and developed functionality to enable seamless integration within the enterprise.  
Enables in-depth accounting and financial functionality.  
Reduces IT maintenance load.  
It automates and streamlines the supply chain.  
Endorses innovation with a modern and adaptable platform.  
Streamlines asset management.  
Bottom line  
After struggling with successfully managing their expanding business’ finance and supply chain, NOC Ethiopia finally decided to contact Trident Information Systems for Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain solution. After the implementation, the business could witness benefits like optimum resource management and scheduling, systematic revenue management, centralized view of the entire supply chain, and so on. Trident is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation partner. Contact us for further information
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How Manufacturing Industry Transformed using Microsoft Dynamics 365
The future of manufacturing will be defined by the quality of investments companies are making today
In the not too distant past, efforts in manufacturing to optimize productivity and increase customer satisfaction were viewed as separate endeavors. Today, the convergence of physical and digital trends is disrupting these kinds of assumptions.
Manufacturers today care about integrated digital and physical systems, improved visibility, increased efficiency, additional flexibility, and lower costs. They want to connect equipment and factories, leveraging data from the factory floor to the customer call center to improve every aspect of their operations.
But this is just the beginning. Digitization is fundamentally changing the way manufacturers do business, enabling a customer-centric approach while optimizing operations. Digitally empowered manufacturers engage customers throughout the product lifecycle from design to field service. They sell value-add services to complement the product sales, opening new revenue streams and strengthening their customer relationships. And they are revolutionizing delivery of these differentiated services, using technology like augmented reality to combine the eyes of a technician in the field with the insights of an expert back at headquarters.
Capitalizing on these trends isn’t limited to large, well-resourced manufacturers. Across all kinds of manufacturing operations, the opportunity to digitize and transform your business has never been more accessible.
Imagine your business transformed
The Microsoft vision for supporting digital manufacturing embraces the seismic shifts in the industry today. We’ve created solutions that provide a unified and flexible approach across front office and production floor processes. Our approach enables transformation in six ways:
Optimize supply chain operations through better visibility and collaboration
By collecting, integrating, and visualizing global supply chain data worldwide, manufacturers gain better visibility into their operations from production to sales. For example, one of the world’s largest industrial automation firms found that by automating the collection and analysis of data from remote installations across the petroleum supply chain, they strengthened their competitive advantage with a faster time to market. Improved access to supply chain data is also the basis for better collaboration across production, supply, service, and sales.
Streamline the management of assets, products, and production
With a consolidated view that unifies process oversight and provides real-time insight, manufacturers can institutionalize efficiency gains and use connected devices to monitor and resolve issues remotely. One leading manufacturer of industrial robots enabled 24-hour continuous uptime using this approach. The additional insights into production and customer usage also allow manufacturers to provide value-added services like ongoing monitoring and proactive support.
Engage customers in powerful new ways
To deliver personalized and contextual engagement across any channel, manufacturers must provide customers with more visibility and build trust through fast and convenient responses. This engagement approach is built on a combination of predictive analytics, the ability  to deliver value-added services at scale, and guided or self-directed service that’s relevant to customer needs. With the implementation of a connected platform for sales through service, a leading home technology manufacturer not only solved potential problems remotely before customers ever felt the impact, but provided custom differentiated offerings based on unique customer usage and purchasing history.
Transform service centers into profit centers
Thanks to the ever-decreasing cost of IoT sensors, sophisticated mobile devices, and cloud-based data aggregation, manufacturers can improve service quality and margins by offering remote monitoring and proactive maintenance services that supplement break/fix support. By more intelligently coordinating technicians equipped with mobile and virtual reality tools, companies can leverage existing expertise and minimize costly engagements. A leading tire service and manufacturing company found that by combining customer records, technician availability, and back-end inventory in a single mobile-friendly system, it could provide a seamless user experience as well as improve its service delivery.
understand their business more deeply, from customer usage through supply chain sourcing and production. With IoT-enabled parts, assets, and products, manufacturers can gain the insights needed to innovate. Data from connected products and equipment can empower developers, engineers, and technicians to collaborate. For example, teams can identify overengineered or faulty components and track product usage in the field to improve future designs. When a leading information and communication technology company implemented remote monitoring, they decreased time to production as well as accelerated the cycle of innovation using a data-driven approach.
Empower employees to work more effectively
When a company can provide 360-degree views of customer assets and work order history, technicians are empowered by a better understanding of not only the job in front of them, but of other similar and successful field service engagements. This goes hand in hand with empowering service agents to provide instant feedback, using machine learning to find and follow similar cases for successful troubleshooting, and scheduling a visit or evaluation. A leading auto manufacturer wanted to save money by unifying their siloed customer service and customer engagement while providing employees with better tools to understand customer sentiment. To accomplish this, it implemented a system to connect production and project management with their customer relationship management systems in order to deliver personalized service and recommendations to their customers.
Introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365
For manufacturers, Microsoft Dynamics 365 ends the artificial divide between CRM and ERP systems and supplements necessary capabilities with rich analytics, embedded intelligence, and the convenience people expect from consumer apps on their phone or tablet. Dynamics 365 unites the front office and the back office with a single end-to-end system for managing every aspect of your business, at the pace and scale that’s right for you. Digital transformation isn’t accomplished overnight and leveraging current investments is a key component of any successful approach. With Microsoft, you can optimize across all your processes while laying the foundation for connecting advanced technology in the future.
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How Manufacturing Industry Transformed using Microsoft Dynamics 365
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
The future of manufacturing will be defined by the quality of investments companies are making today
In the not too distant past, efforts in manufacturing to optimize productivity and increase customer satisfaction were viewed as separate endeavors. Today, the convergence of physical and digital trends is disrupting these kinds of assumptions.
Manufacturers today care about integrated digital and physical systems, improved visibility, increased efficiency, additional flexibility, and lower costs. They want to connect equipment and factories, leveraging data from the factory floor to the customer call center to improve every aspect of their operations.
But this is just the beginning. Digitization is fundamentally changing the way manufacturers do business, enabling a customer-centric approach while optimizing operations. Digitally empowered manufacturers engage customers throughout the product lifecycle from design to field service. They sell value-add services to complement the product sales, opening new revenue streams and strengthening their customer relationships. And they are revolutionizing delivery of these differentiated services, using technology like augmented reality to combine the eyes of a technician in the field with the insights of an expert back at headquarters.
Capitalizing on these trends isn’t limited to large, well-resourced manufacturers. Across all kinds of manufacturing operations, the opportunity to digitize and transform your business has never been more accessible.
Imagine your business transformed
The Microsoft vision for supporting digital manufacturing embraces the seismic shifts in the industry today. We’ve created solutions that provide a unified and flexible approach across front office and production floor processes. Our approach enables transformation in six ways:
Optimize supply chain operations through better visibility and collaboration
By collecting, integrating, and visualizing global supply chain data worldwide, manufacturers gain better visibility into their operations from production to sales. For example, one of the world’s largest industrial automation firms found that by automating the collection and analysis of data from remote installations across the petroleum supply chain, they strengthened their competitive advantage with a faster time to market. Improved access to supply chain data is also the basis for better collaboration across production, supply, service, and sales.
Streamline the management of assets, products, and production
With a consolidated view that unifies process oversight and provides real-time insight, manufacturers can institutionalize efficiency gains and use connected devices to monitor and resolve issues remotely. One leading manufacturer of industrial robots enabled 24-hour continuous uptime using this approach. The additional insights into production and customer usage also allow manufacturers to provide value-added services like ongoing monitoring and proactive support.
Engage customers in powerful new ways
To deliver personalized and contextual engagement across any channel, manufacturers must provide customers with more visibility and build trust through fast and convenient responses. This engagement approach is built on a combination of predictive analytics, the ability  to deliver value-added services at scale, and guided or self-directed service that’s relevant to customer needs. With the implementation of a connected platform for sales through service, a leading home technology manufacturer not only solved potential problems remotely before customers ever felt the impact, but provided custom differentiated offerings based on unique customer usage and purchasing history.
Transform service centers into profit centers
Thanks to the ever-decreasing cost of IoT sensors, sophisticated mobile devices, and cloud-based data aggregation, manufacturers can improve service quality and margins by offering remote monitoring and proactive maintenance services that supplement break/fix support. By more intelligently coordinating technicians equipped with mobile and virtual reality tools, companies can leverage existing expertise and minimize costly engagements. A leading tire service and manufacturing company found that by combining customer records, technician availability, and back-end inventory in a single mobile-friendly system, it could provide a seamless user experience as well as improve its service delivery.
understand their business more deeply, from customer usage through supply chain sourcing and production. With IoT-enabled parts, assets, and products, manufacturers can gain the insights needed to innovate. Data from connected products and equipment can empower developers, engineers, and technicians to collaborate. For example, teams can identify overengineered or faulty components and track product usage in the field to improve future designs. When a leading information and communication technology company implemented remote monitoring, they decreased time to production as well as accelerated the cycle of innovation using a data-driven approach.
Empower employees to work more effectively
When a company can provide 360-degree views of customer assets and work order history, technicians are empowered by a better understanding of not only the job in front of them, but of other similar and successful field service engagements. This goes hand in hand with empowering service agents to provide instant feedback, using machine learning to find and follow similar cases for successful troubleshooting, and scheduling a visit or evaluation. A leading auto manufacturer wanted to save money by unifying their siloed customer service and customer engagement while providing employees with better tools to understand customer sentiment. To accomplish this, it implemented a system to connect production and project management with their customer relationship management systems in order to deliver personalized service and recommendations to their customers.
Introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365
For manufacturers, Microsoft Dynamics 365 ends the artificial divide between CRM and ERP systems and supplements necessary capabilities with rich analytics, embedded intelligence, and the convenience people expect from consumer apps on their phone or tablet. Dynamics 365 unites the front office and the back office with a single end-to-end system for managing every aspect of your business, at the pace and scale that’s right for you. Digital transformation isn’t accomplished overnight and leveraging current investments is a key component of any successful approach. With Microsoft, you can optimize across all your processes while laying the foundation for connecting advanced technology in the future.
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
Case Study: Taj Holding 
Microsoft Dynamics 365 / By Trident Information Systems
Taj Holding is an investment company based in Saudi and holds 19 companies across multiple sectors in different countries within the MENA region. Being a growth-oriented investment and holding group, it is consistently expanding in terms of industries and headcounts. At present, Taj operating firms have a total of 900 employees operating in industries like O&M, manufacturing, logistics, engineering, transportation and healthcare, architecture, retail, design and branding, F&B, etc. Taj looks forward to deploying a comprehensive ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system like Microsoft Dynamics 365 to support its vision of sustainable growth through integrated diversification. The need seems apparent with the company’s growth and increased stress in its house company – Nucorp.  
Nucorp provides shared services to all Taj operating firms and believes they can balance the load with a modern comprehensive ERP System. One of their companies, BESIDE, was already using an ERP solution tailored to their needs. However, they were using the older ERP version.  
After thorough research, Taj decided to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 in all of its companies and contacted Trident Information Systems to support them further. Our experts analyzed the business challenges and requirements to customize a perfect ERP solution. 
Business Challenges  
Due to increasing business size and headcounts, the business faced operational difficulties including: 
Inefficient finance and accounting management systems wouldn’t maintain accurate cash flow. 
The inability to handle increasing headcount efficiently caused tension and payroll issues.  
Difficulty in managing different warehouses, sites, and offices caused poor decision-making and delayed communication. 
Lack of flexibility in their current business management system would not support business growth.  
Poor scalability options for their constantly growing business caused business disruptions.  
Disparate systems caused a delay in operations, loss of data, and stress among the management. 
Poor workflow management due to lack of transparency, poor reporting, and inefficient cash flow management.  
Business Requirements 
Taj Holding believes a comprehensive ERP system can resolve all their challenges and provide much-needed flexibility and scalability. Their ideal customized ERP must include the following features:  
Core Finance and Accounting Module for their growing business.  
Human resource management module to manage 900 employees. 
The capability of supporting the future deployment of the business. 
Integration of other modules to meet specific needs of Taj operating companies.  
Integrated business processes within the organization and improved coordination among different departments.  
Automation of key back-end processes.  
Greater control and efficiency in manufacturing, trade, distribution, contracting, retail, and warehouse and inventory management optimization.  
Detailed reporting on customers, sales, and inventory.  
Integrated finance to optimize end-to-end back-office operations.  
Solution by Trident Information Systems –  
After analyzing and reviewing the overall challenges of Taj Holding, Trident proposed the given products for managing operations on one technology platform to get seamless integration among different entities, functions, and to have a single source of truth. We offered them two Microsoft Dynamics 365 products:  
Product 1: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations  
Product 2: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central  
Taj Holding’s business functions and requirements are grouped as follows:  
A single platform to handle all the operations of diversified business entities.  
Central server at head office to integrate seamlessly with all systems at different sites, warehouses, and offices. They can save cost and time with easier administration and maintenance jobs.  
Centralized masters (stock items, suppliers, customers, price lists, etc.) 
Real-time and accurate data analysis for more logical decision-making.  
Workflow and Management Authorization setup throughout all locations and business processes. 
A robust backend system on which the rest of the system can reside giving a single operating environment and seamless integration along with state-of-the-art backend ERP functionalities. 
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation is cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning software, well suited for large-scale or diversified businesses. It allows you to track all your finance and inventory. Some of its specifications are given below:  
Capabilities: Unified global financials and operations to facilitate more informed and suitable decision-making. It has advanced capabilities across manufacturing, finance, supply chain, and operations. In addition to it, it has extra capabilities in HR, sales, projects, and customer services through a wider Dynamic 365 range with a full D365 plan.  
Analytics: With embedded Power BI (Business Intelligence), it provides rich analytics and reporting functionalities. 
Number of Users: It must have a minimum of 20 users.  
Ideal Organization Size: Organizations with over 200 workers must use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.  
HR, Payroll, and Administration: HR solutions like (Recruitment, talent acquisition, retention, training management, and performance management) are available out of the box. Payroll is the third-party ISV solution developed and designed on D365 Finance and operations. 
Core Finance and Accounting Module: It has advanced capabilities around logistics handling.  
Retail Management: Allows handling retail management out of the box. 
Manufacturing, Material, and Production Planning: It has advanced capabilities in Manufacturing (Product Lifecycle Management, Complex and Agile Manufacturing Support, Complex MRP (Material Requirement Planning) and MPS (Mass Production Schedule) Support, Highly Scalable solution) 
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central  
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is cloud-based, all-inclusive management software that allows customers to upgrade from their legacy ERP to a single, comprehensive solution. It managed finances, operations, sales, and customer services. It has a variety of specifications, which may include: 
Capabilities: It grows past your basic accounting software and integrates your business to aid more logical decisions.  
Analytics: BI tools including reporting, dashboards, and ad havoc analysis.  
Users: Even one user can use this system. 
Organization Size: Organizations with 50-200 employees can opt for this software.  
Payroll and Administration Specifications: Complete HR and payroll solutions will be third-party ISV solutions designed and developed on Dynamics 365 Business Central.  
Core Finance and Accounting Module: Business Central meets the requirements of Taj Holdings as per the current scope.  
Logistics, Inventory, and Product Management: Extensive logistics capabilities can be deployed with the Trident ISV logistics solution. Business Central meets the requirements of Taj Holding as per the currency scope.  
Retail Management: Advanced capabilities in handling retail and F&B solutions using LS Retail. As of today, combined solutions of Business Central + LS Retail called LS Central are not available in the GCC Region and might take 2-3 months. 
Manufacturing and Material & Production Planning: Business Central fulfils the current requirements of Taj Holding.  
How did Taj Holding Benefit from Microsoft Dynamics 365? 
Microsoft Dynamics 365, being a comprehensive ERP solution for SMBs and enterprises, empowered Taj Holdings to work effectively, manage change and compete globally. It made it easier to supervise all the businesses located in different countries. Some of the other benefits Taj Holding witnessed are as follows:  
Increased Productivity: With familiar, easy-to-use tools, role-tailored information, and task-enabled personnel to work faster and make smarter decisions.  
Managed Changed and Growth: Scaling became easier with a single ERP solution which supported their strategic initiatives and helped them manage the marketplace, like new product launches, mergers, and acquisitions.  
Global Competitive Edge: With a single ERP Solution, they could successfully manage the complexities of global organizations. It also helped them standardize processes and gain visibility across all their organizations while keeping on top of changes in local regulations.  
Simplified Compliance: Microsoft Dynamics 365 helped them comply with global regulations and reduced the risks and liabilities associated with corporate governance and customer initiatives.  
Automation with Cloud: Cloud infrastructure automated software deployment and provisioning, operational monitoring and reporting, as well as seamless lifecycle management.  
Different Microsoft Services: Dynamics 365 uses several Microsoft services to enable a “One Microsoft” solution where Taj Holding can manage a single sign-in, subscription management, and billing relationship with Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Office 365, and other online services. 
Microsoft Dynamics 365 uses various features of the Azure platform such as Microsoft Azure Storage, monitoring, networking, and SQL Azure. This ERP Solution benefited Taj Holdings Tremendously. They could now scale easily and leverage the many benefits of Microsoft services. Since there are 19 different companies under them from different industries located in different countries, D365 made regulatory compliance easier for them. If you want to streamline your operations like Taj Holdings, you can Contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner. 
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
What retail CEOs need to know to lead their business into the future
Retail ERP Software, Retail POS Solution / By Trident Information Systems
According to The DNA of the Future Retail CEO from the World Retail Congress, the top two current and future technical skills for retail CEOs are:
Understanding of digital commerce and omni-channel
Data/insight driven approach
The expert panel went on to say that the future retail CEO needs to be data driven “in the extreme”. Meanwhile, Korn Ferry Institute’s study of UK retail CEOs led them to say that the new retail CEO needs to be experienced with both budget and strategy. That is a demanding list of attributes for anyone.
Luckily, CEOs are not alone in managing their retail companies, no matter how big or small those companies may be. The right technology, along with the right people, can make the difference between shooting in the dark and creating a company strategy that is based on the most up-to-date and accurate information possible for unified commerce.
That is right, retail technology changes quickly. Keeping up with change and coping with it is one attribute of a leader-type CEO, according to research at Harvard Business School. More importantly, the researchers at Harvard found that being a leader-type CEO is linked with better outcomes for the company. But how can one person stay on top of the newest technological, financial, and retail trends? Here are some tips.
1) Have unified commerce technology for all your sales channels
Unified commerce is a step beyond omni-channel in that it brings together various, integrated systems into one platform. No matter what your company sells and where it sells it, your software should be a single-platform solution for e-commerce, m-commerce, and in-person sales. Pieced together systems, no matter how integrated, cost more money, and lead to lags in getting the data – or even to data not matching across the various channels. That means that you are missing out on important insights needed to make crucial strategic decisions. A unified system gives you the data you need quickly and easily so you can make long-term and day-to-day business decisions.
2) Have unified commerce technology for your core business functions
Unified commerce is not just about retail channels. A truly unified commerce system allows the front end and back end to talk seamlessly together. This means that tracking financials along with inventory, sales, customer satisfaction, and all other moving pieces of retail is possible in one system. What seems almost impossible if the company is running on different ERP, POS, and inventory systems, becomes smooth and consistent with the right technology. Data can flow freely from one area to the other. With the right business intelligence tools, you can make the connections between various aspects of your company to make better business decisions.
3) Set the goals for your company, but be able to cope with change
Retail changes quickly, but a retail leader can’t run after every shift that happens in the industry. Richard Branson, who got his start in retail, said in a recent interview with Freakonomics Radio that it is important for the head of the company to set the vision. At the same time, Branson has pivoted from retail music sales, to mobile technology, to airlines, so he understands the importance of changing course when needed. In order to change course, you first need to know where you are. Perhaps the change is to launch a series of pop-up stores. You then need to know how this kind of project fits with the overall vision of the company before jumping on the trend. At the same time, you can’t turn your back on a change that will help your business keep up with the modern pace of the industry.
4) Know how your retail business is doing and where it is going
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry famously said that “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” A strategic retail CEO doesn’t make wishes for the company, he or she sets goals and has a plan to track their success. If the retail goal is to sell more products online, the data-driven CEO needs to know where sales were before setting the goal, what data to monitor and how to track that data to know if the goal is being met. This is where key performance indicators, or KPIs, come in.
KPIs are exactly the measures that the retail CEO of today and the future needs to track how the company is doing financially and beyond. A unified commerce platform helps you collect and maintain in one place all the KPIs you need to track. It also enables you to easily split them between channels, product types and even individual products, so you get the level of detail you want for your decisions.
In The DNA of the Future Retail CEO, only 31% of the retail experts asked said that the retail CEO of the future will have the technical skills needed for unified commerce and to make data-driven decisions. Prove them wrong! Don’t be left behind as retail moves into the future. Be the strategic leader your company needs, with the right systems and data to support the decisions you make for your company
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