#Lucas Renaud
apricuscity · 2 years
Caverns & Chimeras 30th Anniversary!
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“Apricus City! Lucas Renaud here live from...well take a look!” The camera panned around to show he was standing outside the Taco Dome in Aurora Vale. “That’s right! I am LIVE here in Apricus! You have a wonderful city! I look forward to seeing all of it before I head back home!”
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“But let us move on to the main event! It’s the 30th anniversary for Caverns & Chimeras! We have our fan fest set up and it starts tonight! We’re going to be holding plenty of games, some of which are going to be using some brand new never before seen campaigns! One of which is very very special! It details one of the first major events to ever happen in the Caverns & Chimeras universe! Journey to the past so you may learn about the future!”
Scenes are shown as a voice narrates.
“Long before the events that shaped the world of C&C as you know, there was a great conflict. A mad doctor determined to become a god, a kingdom succumbing to a terrible sickness, the birth of heroes! For the first time ever, you’ll get to play campaigns set in this time period! History will reveal itself before your very eyes!”
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“Exciting no? We even have this campaign set up as an option in the virtual reality arena! We have tons of prizes to be won, we have raffles, we have merchandise that you can ONLY buy here so once it’s gone it’s gone for good! Make sure you snag a few things to take home!”
“We have food, and drink vendors supplying all your favorites. We also have some specialty vendors making meals from the Caverns & Chimeras cookbook! Ever wanted to try what your characters have likely had to eat? Now you can!”
“There are plenty of things to experience starting tonight! Tickets are on sale now or you can pick some up at the gate when you arrive! Oh, and I’ll be here as well for pictures and autographs! I hope to see many of you!”
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apricusnights · 2 years
Caverns & Chimeras 30th anniversary!
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“Ello Apricus City! For those of you who may not know, I am Lucas Renaud! I am broadcasting to you live from my company headquarters in beautiful Chatoyer, Réunion.”
“I suppose before I keep going I should tell you what it is that I do. You see I am the one currently in charge of all things Caverns & Chimeras! My grandfather invented that game thirty years ago! Well, a version of it anyway. It’s all through many changes over the years.”
“That is why I’m here! We’re planning a huge 30th anniversary event! We’ll be traveling to cities around the globe, including Apricus!”
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“We have all new campaigns for the virtual arenas, we have brand new miniatures to show off, a fresh set of books coming out as well! Speaking of books, a series of fantasy novels is debuting this year that will explore the world of C&C and give backstory into some of your favorite heroes, villains, and monsters!”
“Oh, I should also mention a major motion picture is in the works! We have so many things for you this year that I can barely scratch the surface! Would you like to know about one of the very special events?”
“Long before the events that shaped the world of C&C as you know, there was a great conflict. A mad doctor determined to become a god, a kingdom succumbing to a terrible sickness, the birth of heroes! For the first time ever, you’ll get to play campaigns set in this time period! History will reveal itself before your very eyes!”
“You know what that means? All new classes! I can’t talk about them quite yet but trust me, you’re going to love it!”
“The C&C 30th anniversary fan festival will be kicking off in Apricus at the end of the month! I will be there personally!”
“Look forward to more information in the coming weeks, and make sure you sign up to secure your fan fest tickets!”
“Farewell for now!”
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angelitam · 1 year
Prescription Lab #08-2023
J’ai reçu celle de juillet et je vous présente celle d’août. Prescription Lab Je n’ai pas présenté celle de juillet mais je reprends mes bonnes habitudes. Elle ne contient plus un produit Prescription Lab Beauty, ni le Prescripteur. Mais je suis satisfaite quand même de ces box. Box Prescription Lab #Août Une box Vitamine Sea qui a été imaginée pour prendre soin avant et après une journée…
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sky-kenobye · 30 days
I'm reading Les Guerres de Lucas by Laurent Hopman and Renaud Roche, and this page is killing me lmao:
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It's Alec Guiness dirtying his costume to make it look more used but I'm stuck on Obi-Wan making angels in the sand x)
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kresnikxkaden · 1 year
Continued from here.
Kaden experienced a lot of strange life interruptions before but he could honestly say this one might have taken the cake. He'd taken Ares outside and shuffled through the house in town, all dressed in uniform when his dog started barking in the living room at the portal that just opened up. "What in tarnation..." he muttered, walking over to it just in time as someone basically fell through. He quickly caught the figure for a gentler landing, Kaden dropping to his knees and eyes wide at the sight. "Mother of pearl, what in the blazes happened here?" He recognized the younger man as head of magical security, Cairo Renaud, although his attention turned to the other side of the portal just before it closed where Lucien and Raphael De Luca seemed to be facing off in an unfamiliar location. That would be a priority later given the man currently torn open and bleeding out on his carpet. Or, well, Lucien's carpet.
Looks like he was going to be late for work today.
"Hang in there, Mr. Renaud." The kresnik quickly went to work, gently guiding Cairo onto his back so he could inspect the damage. His hands glowed a bright violet with streams of white in the energy as he grasped onto that waning life force and held onto it, his restoration magic joining his animancy skills in recovering removed or damaged insides and closing the medium up. His dying curiosity and cop instinct to gain answers his questions fell behind his need to bring the medium back to life where he currently hovered in between. He knew this was De Luca's work sending Cairo here, but why would a demon as selfish and self-absorbed be so concerned about sparing the life of some random staff member? Kaden's gaze flickered to Cairo's features, detecting no security measures implanted within his mind. His memories would certainly hold some answers once the other was stable...
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24-news-press · 1 year
Le site propose de faire des opérations de trading. Nos recherches n’ont pas permis d’identifier la société qui le gère. Par ailleurs, il n’a pas d’agrément. Il ne devrait pas proposer des placements aux épargnants français. L’ensemble de es motifs nous amène à déconseiller tout contact avec lui.
Le site, au vu de nos recherches, appartient à un réseau pour lequel l’ADC France a commencé des actions judiciaires.
Le site internet Il a été créé le 03/06/2020. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/ixxen.com
Nos recherches Le site est ouvert. Nous avons pu collecter des informations restituées ci-dessous. Nous avons regroupé les informations par catégories.
En préambule, il est utilisé la porte d’entrée centreeducation.fr
Ce site, comme des dizaines ,d’autres va vous apprendre ,le métier de trader. Cela a bien sur un coût.
Il est utilisé le n° 44 12 26 65 20 80.
Le site a été créé le 08/05/2023. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/centreeducation.fr
Il est revendiqué 160 000 clients ! Belle performance pour un site qui a trois mois…mais qui va vous mener vers ixxen.com
Ce système est une des “marques de fabriques” de ces réseaux frauduleux
La page accueil Nous la publions ci-dessous :
Le téléphone Le site utilise :
Le numéro 1 800 792 46 99 Il a fait l’objet d’une alerte : https://www.signal-arnaques.com/scam/view/670174
Les faux noms Le site utilise :
M. Laurent Renaud M. Lucas FLORENTIN Philippe Klein Stéphane Roche Fabrice Ginevra Philippe Jordan Manon Rivière Jeremy Soler Lucas Jost Nous sommes quelque peu surpris des noms français car le site est exclusivement en anglais.
L’adresse La société IXXEN LIMITED aurait son siège 9850 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC.
Il s’agit d’une adresse canadienne.
Nous avons constaté la présence d’une société de domiciliation : https://tinyurl.com/yckszthe
Les produits
Il est proposé des opérations de trading. Il est utilisé le nom de domaine https://trader.ixxen.live/ pour accéder à la plate forme privée.
Elle est en 6 langues dont le russe. Le nom de domaine a été enregistré le 24/01/2023. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/ixxen.live
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rhysdasiorarchive · 1 year
Dear Mr. Dasior,
I hope the investigations are going well. Please note that you do not need to visit Egypt. Councilman Lucien Gaudet has personally assigned himself and our head of magical security on this specific investigation due to his relationship with Mr. Hathor. I'm sure that you and Mr. Renaud can exchange notes later upon both your returns to Krovs Castle.
I look forward to hearing if you've discovered any new leads or information. Feel free to email me if you've found anything of interest. Best of luck in the rest of your investigation.
–– Raphael De Luca
Mr. De Luca,
I hope this response finds you well. Sincerest apologies for the delay in responding in a timely manner; we’ve found ourselves rather busy. Thank you kindly for the update concerning Egypt – I’ll be sure to confer with Mr. Renaud upon return.
In terms of discoveries made in Portugal, I’m pleased to report that the investigation has indeed proved a worthwhile venture. Seth and I felt it best to begin by speaking with local authorities to attempt to gain a little more contextual insight; it turns out there were a number of details we were not initially privy to. We’ve been informed that fingerprints were taken from an array of individuals following the death: from the deceased himself, an assistant of the councilman and regular staff members who frequented the property on a routine basis. Unsurprisingly (given the hunches I’m sure we’ve all had since the news broke), there was another set of fingerprints discovered by authorities – ones that were not found in the system upon initial searching. Outside forces, as suspected, are indeed at play. 
When it came to the property itself, the utmost attention to detail in regard to protecting and securing its inhabitants had indeed been paid. The sigils embedded at every entry point remained perfectly intact with no signs of tampering whatsoever. On the topic of the property, we were also fortunate enough to gain access to a police sketch of the missing link of sorts. I’m sure you’ll be exceedingly interested to know that the resemblance to none other than Roman Thomson, a current Undercroft inhabitant. (Credit deserves to be given to Seth here – he knows far more than I when it comes to those dwelling within the Undercroft. Give him a gold star upon our return, won’t you?) The late councilman’s assistant corroborated the information given by both the authorities and the sketch itself. Thomson’s potential involvement dates back to two months ago at the most. Roman had come to the councilman to seek his assistance in seeking out his husband. Despite having no immediate idea of Avery’s whereabouts, the councilman had agreed to do what he could to find some answers – at a price, of course. According to the assistant, details of the arrangement included Roman carrying out hit jobs, spying for information the councilman deemed necessary and, unsurprisingly, sexual favours. Beyond that, not much more could be gleaned. 
It is important to note, however, that the assistant we spoke with mentioned that they were present during the last conversation that occurred on the day of the death. Roman had entered the property a short while prior to the councilman’s passing in a furious state believing that the councilman had not upheld his end of their pre-arranged bargain. Reportedly, Roman had threatened to kill the councilman himself before storming out of the property. 
I was also fortunate enough to examine the sun ring. Through divination, I found that the protection charm seemed to still be fully intact. I was curious as to whether it was possible dark magic spell could have been utilised to act as a killing blow in its own right, yet my psychometry failed to pick up on anything that could justify such a claim, so it’s safe to say the ring itself remains untampered with to date and can be confidently ruled out as a potential explanation for the death. Upon arrival at the scene of the death itself, answers came in fickle forms. Allow me to elaborate. I was successful in witnessing the event in all its unfortunate splendour through clairvoyance, as expected. Nothing seemed immediately out of place: the councilman was appearing to depart from the property towards a vehicle awaiting his arrival. Distracted by his phone and a significant lack of an audience of any degree, the deceased failed to notice the passenger window of the car opening. A wooden stake was promptly fired from the aforementioned window and impaled the councilman's heart in a matter of seconds, far too little time available for the deceased to have noticed, let alone reacted to in time to avoid the fate that befell him. The accuracy of the shot alone is solid proof to me that this was not a spontaneous act of violence from an inexperienced individual. Whoever fired the shot knew what they were doing and just how to do so to ensure complete annihilation. Given a number of factors, I cannot state with complete certainty that the weapon used was a crossbow, but the sounds I was able to pick up on from where I was stood failed to indicate the use of any other type of weaponry. 
From what I was able to see next following the fall of the councilman in question, a card was left by the anonymous perpetrator. They kept themselves well-hidden, choosing to dress completely in black and hiding the vast majority of his features to make him practically unidentifiable. There was undeniably abjuration magic at play – the distortion surrounding his finer features was proof of that. I couldn’t distinguish if such magic were by his own hand or the hand of another, but nevertheless, it remains a staple feature of the charade. As the killer approached the body, the sun ring was swiftly removed by a gloved hand and the rest… well, you can imagine. The flames had just begun to entwine themselves with his flesh as the stake was removed. Despite the councilman recovering from the stake, the flames made quick work of his body. The timing was unparalleled. Precise. The killer was out of the picture by the time the councilman burned to death, screaming in indescribable pain that I hope both you and I never experience firsthand. The servants arrived far too late to even attempt to save him.
Though I may be speaking out of turn by suggesting such a course of action, perhaps it would be wise to question Roman? Too many unanswered questions stem from his presence here prior to the death, especially with such severe threats being thrown the councilman’s way by Mr. Thomson. Better to be safe than sorry, hm? 
Take care of yourself. Stay aware. Seth and I will be returning shortly once matters are addressed and analysed in Spain.
Kind regards, R. Dasior.
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tonus-yo · 1 month
UPCOMING Clémentine Bruno Educational Complex September 8-22, 2024 With the support of Fluxus Art Projects
Paris Internationale (10th edition) October 16-20, 2024 Jacent Hélène Yamba-Guimbi 2025 Hélène Yamba-Guimbi PAST
Antoine Trapp unreal : sex : entanglement Organised by Cocotte June 8–23, 2024
Jakob Forster Someday I’ll love Jakob Forster curated by nièce May 4–19, 2024
Book launch If with Insistence on the Tension Gravity as Intercessor a Future Interject by Roger van Voorhees Published by Bauer Verlag May 11, 2024
Slackers Fabienne Audéoud, Julie Beaufils, Barbara Bloom, Charlie Boisson, Camille Brée, Marcel Devillers, Sarah Holveck, François Lancien-Guilberteau, Phung-Tien Phan, Ludovic Sauvage, Julie Vayssière, Ana Vega, Xe Xe Curated by Fiona Vilmer October 7-22, 2023
Clémentine Adou Daddy long legs’ hands September 9-24, 2023
Salon d’été Hanna Rochereau July 22-23, 2023
Basel Social Club Fabienne Audéoud, Jacent June 12-18, 2023
Clémence de la Tour du Pin Topological-Ease May 13-28, 2023
Théo Robine-Langlois Ton cœurps change 1-16 April, 2023
Gina Folly Simplify Complexity November 26–December 11, 2022
Mamoune with Agnès Racine, Louise Sartor, Jacent, Zhiliang Jin Invited by Sans titre at Pina, Vienna November 18–December 18, 2022
Only One Step From Heaven Marilou Bal, Eva Barto, Arnaud Eubelen, Matthias Groebel, Barbara Kasten, Marlie Mul, Yoël Pytowski, Eric Tabuchi & Nelly Monnier, Niklas Taleb, Tobias Zielony Curated by Reine Aliénor at La SIRA, in collaboration with Shivers Only October 21–November 18, 2022
Book launch ‘oberih’ by Understructures October 20, 2022
Elephant’s Leg Chino Amobi, Juliette Bonneviot, Charlotte Houette October 18–November 6, 2022
PRK-1U Anna-Sophie Berger, Louisa Boeszoermeny, Nicolas Ceccaldi, Hélène Fauquet, Gina Folly, Sébastien Maloberti, Dan Mitchell, Patrik Pion, Aurilian, Heji Shin, Richard Sides, Gil Zinck Curated by Reine Aliénor October 18-24, 2021
Matthieu Palud Recent paintings at Liste Showtime Online September 18-30, 2021
Paul Bonnet, Kim Farkas, Charlotte Houette, François Lancien-Guilberteau, Matthieu Palud, Christophe de Rohan-Chabot, Louise Sartor, Jacent Group show October 11–November 3, 2019
Fabienne Audéoud A Retrospective, 1:15 scale October 11–November 3, 2019
Matthieu Palud Peintures récentes February 16–March 10, 2019
Renaud Perriches Dominus October 26–November 11, 2018
Natsuko Uchino September 28–October 14, 2018
Gaëlle Leenhardt La fosse aux lions February 25–March 11, 2018
Heike-Karin Föll Ma line Curated by Maurin Dietrich & Cathrin Mayer October 16–November 5, 2017
Paris Internationale 2017 October 18-22, 2017
Hugo Avigo European Painter Tour September 8-22, 2017
Anne Fellner & Burkhard Beschow Castle of Insolence 24 June–10 July, 2017
Jacent (Jade Fourès-Varnier & Vincent de Hoÿm) Chez Jacent May 21–June 10, 2017
Camilla Wills March 30–April 16, 2017
Paul Bonnet, Julien Laugier & Guillaume Maraud, Matthieu Palud, Louise Sartor Reopening group show January 27–February 15, 2017
Louise Sartor, Signe Rose Sometimes my way is more important than the truth, Parfois mon avis est plus important que la vérité December 5-20, 2015
Steinar Haga Kristensen, Kristian Ø. Dahl Entourage du prophète malade Curated by Benoît Lamy de La Chapelle October 25–November 15, 2015
Yann Gerstberger, Julien Goniche Gravillon May 16-31, 2015
Paul Bonnet Evildoers at Passerby / Galerie Alain Gutharc May 8-28, 2015
Luca Francesconi Nightmare carbohydrates April 17–May 3, 2015
Julien Laugier, Guillaume Maraud At L’Âge d'Or September 20–October 12, 2014
Jacent (Jade Fourès-Varnier & Vincent de Hoÿm) 3rd mind myth June 15–July 16, 2014
Matthieu Palud Paintingzzz March 14–30, 2014
Michelle Naismith, Timothy Davies Grand opening! Curated by The Ister (BE) February 7–March 1st, 2014
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blogapart3bis · 8 months
« Les Guerres de Lucas »
Aujourd'hui sur Blog à part – Les Guerres de Lucas J’imagine que mes lecteurs connaissent Star Wars, mais peut-être pas comme racontées par Les Guerres de Lucas, de Laurent Hopman et Renaud Roche. #BD #ScienceFiction #Cinéma
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globalrealnews · 1 year
Le site propose de faire des opérations de trading. Nos recherches n’ont pas permis d’identifier la société qui le gère. Par ailleurs, il n’a pas d’agrément. Il ne devrait pas proposer des placements aux épargnants français. L’ensemble de es motifs nous amène à déconseiller tout contact avec lui.
Le site, au vu de nos recherches, appartient à un réseau pour lequel l’ADC France a commencé des actions judiciaires.
Le site internet
Il a été créé le 03/06/2020. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/ixxen.com
Nos recherches
Le site est ouvert. Nous avons pu collecter des informations restituées ci-dessous. Nous avons regroupé les informations par catégories.
En préambule, il est utilisé la porte d’entrée centreeducation.fr
Ce site, comme des dizaines ,d’autres va vous apprendre ,le métier de trader. Cela a bien sur un coût.
Il est utilisé le n° 44 12 26 65 20 80.
Le site a été créé le 08/05/2023. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/centreeducation.fr
Il est revendiqué 160 000 clients ! Belle performance pour un site qui a trois mois…mais qui va vous mener vers ixxen.com
Ce système est une des “marques de fabriques” de ces réseaux frauduleux
La page accueil
Nous la publions ci-dessous :
Le téléphone Le site utilise :
Le numéro 1 800 792 46 99 Il a fait l’objet d’une alerte : https://www.signal-arnaques.com/scam/view/670174
Les faux noms
Le site utilise :
M. Laurent Renaud M. Lucas FLORENTIN Philippe Klein Stéphane Roche Fabrice Ginevra Philippe Jordan Manon Rivière Jeremy Soler Lucas Jost Nous sommes quelque peu surpris des noms français car le site est exclusivement en anglais.
L’adresse La société IXXEN LIMITED aurait son siège 9850 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC.
Il s’agit d’une adresse canadienne.
Nous avons constaté la présence d’une société de domiciliation : https://tinyurl.com/yckszthe
Les produits
Il est proposé des opérations de trading. Il est utilisé le nom de domaine https://trader.ixxen.live/ pour accéder à la plate forme privée.
Elle est en 6 langues dont le russe. Le nom de domaine a été enregistré le 24/01/2023. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/ixxen.live
Les règlements
Le site utilise :
La société estonienne BPHT OU ayant l’IBAN GB38 CFZZ 0099 4300 6010 20
Elle est utilisée par 4 autres sites du réseau UPTOS
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bcc-newspress · 1 year
Le site propose de faire des opérations de trading. Nos recherches n’ont pas permis d’identifier la société qui le gère. Par ailleurs, il n’a pas d’agrément. Il ne devrait pas proposer des placements aux épargnants français. L’ensemble de es motifs nous amène à déconseiller tout contact avec lui.
Le site, au vu de nos recherches, appartient à un réseau pour lequel l’ADC France a commencé des actions judiciaires.
Le site internet Il a été créé le 03/06/2020. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/ixxen.com
Nos recherches Le site est ouvert. Nous avons pu collecter des informations restituées ci-dessous. Nous avons regroupé les informations par catégories.
En préambule, il est utilisé la porte d’entrée centreeducation.fr
Ce site, comme des dizaines ,d’autres va vous apprendre ,le métier de trader. Cela a bien sur un coût.
Il est utilisé le n° 44 12 26 65 20 80.
Le site a été créé le 08/05/2023. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/centreeducation.fr
Il est revendiqué 160 000 clients ! Belle performance pour un site qui a trois mois…mais qui va vous mener vers ixxen.com
Ce système est une des “marques de fabriques” de ces réseaux frauduleux
La page accueil Nous la publions ci-dessous :
Le téléphone Le site utilise :
Le numéro 1 800 792 46 99 Il a fait l’objet d’une alerte : https://www.signal-arnaques.com/scam/view/670174
Les faux noms Le site utilise :
M. Laurent Renaud M. Lucas FLORENTIN Philippe Klein Stéphane Roche Fabrice Ginevra Philippe Jordan Manon Rivière Jeremy Soler Lucas Jost Nous sommes quelque peu surpris des noms français car le site est exclusivement en anglais.
L’adresse La société IXXEN LIMITED aurait son siège 9850 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC.
Il s’agit d’une adresse canadienne.
Nous avons constaté la présence d’une société de domiciliation : https://tinyurl.com/yckszthe
Les produits Il est proposé des opérations de trading. Il est utilisé le nom de domaine https://trader.ixxen.live/ pour accéder à la plate forme privée.
Elle est en 6 langues dont le russe. Le nom de domaine a été enregistré le 24/01/2023. Nous publions le whois : https://www.whois.com/whois/ixxen.live
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jackwatkinson · 1 year
MAKING OF: Atoms for Peace - "Before Your Very Eyes" from Andrew Thomas Huang on Vimeo.
Directed by Andrew Thomas Huang andrewthomashuang.com facebook.com/AndrewThomasHuang twitter.com/Andrew_T_Huang/
Producers: Brian Welsh & Matt Marsh Executive Producer: Tamsin Glasson
Director of Photography: Laura Merians Production Designer: Rebecca Stillman Hair & Makeup Artist: Olive Meyer Production Supervisor: Lauren Simpson
1st AC: Robby Hart 2nd AC/DIT: Daniel Wurschl Camera PA: Rebecca Carpenter Gaffer: Jamie Davis Key Grip: Mark Hyde Jib Operator: Stephen Winders
Art Director: Adrian Romo Makeup Assistant: Tina Martinez Stop Motion Animator: Eileen Kohlhepp
Art Department Artists: Emily Franz Jody Hughes Nancy Jean Tucker Jeff Knowlton Jenn Rose Chris Swanson Amanda Tasse
Production Assistant: Brian Steffen
Visual Effects Supervisor: R James Healy Lead CG Lighter: Carlos Diego Lead Compositor: Andrew Thomas Huang Lead CG Modeler: Lucas Cuenca
Compositors: Leo Bridle Mathias Cadyck Elisa Ciocca Alix Fizet Jonathan Gallagher Duncan Gist Sami Guellaï Stefano Lari Adriano Vessichelli
CG Technical Directors: Mathias Cadyck Gianmarco Colalongo Gareth Ermisz Sami Guellaï Tim Jenkinson Simon Renaud Johannes Sambs
CG Tracking: Grant Hewlett Dan Newlands Natalie Rocks
Behind-the-Scenes Crew: On Set Photographers: Chris Sinclair & Leandro Santini Editor: Leandro Santini
Visual Effects created at Blinkink Studios Head of Production: Josephine Gallagher
Color Correction by The Mill Colorist: James Bamford Mill Producer: Cath Short
Props Workshop provided by Screen Novelties
Sound Stage provided by Milk Studios
Special Thanks to: Blinkink Studios Screen Novelties: Chris Finnegan, Seamus Walsh & Mark Caballero Logan Schneider The Mill Milk Studios & LEGS Media: Mazdack Rassi, Shaun Murdock, Adam Joseph & Tom Berendsen
A Colonel Blimp & Good Company Production
Video Commissioner: Phil Lee Record Label: XL Recordings
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chocsetennui · 1 year
Graphzine réalisé avec TORPE sur deux axes : affiches de films réalisées en fonction de l'année de naissance des participant.e.s et scènes de film basées sur le souvenir que les contributeur.ice.s en ont. 43 contributeur.ices réparti.e.s sur plusieurs continents : Antipathic, AK, Alain Personne, Bikesabbath, Black Croquette, Brulex, Ivan Brun, Citrus Acidus, Clic Clic, Cloporte, Cole Porteur, DBSTR, Jacks DTT, Jean-Michel Arméthale, Jello, Jenny Noisy, Jerrit, Jesse, JM Bertoyas, Lashka, Lenté Chris, Louise B, Luca Retraite, MAD 182, Maronasty, Johanny Meloul, Géraldine Michel, Mimieux, Monkeytheatre, La Mouliche, Olivier Voyou, Tristan Perreton, Seb Radix, Raniero Droz, Ratcharge, Strega Kira, Ryock Shin Yun, Stewball, Suka Mabuk, Renaud Thomas, TKC Artworks, Torpe. Des illus et des collages, un poster sérigraphié 3 couleurs du génial Nicolas Cage, un OBI assemblé et sérigraphié à la main et un bon délire...
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gjupdates · 2 years
Mondelez International, Inc. (MDLZ) Presents at 2023 CAGNY Conference (Transcript)
[ad_1] Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDLZ) 2023 CAGNY Conference Call February 21, 2023 3:00 PM ET Company Participants Dirk Van de Put – Chairman and CEO Luca Zaramella – CFO Martin Renaud – Chief Marketing and Sales Officer Dirk Van de Put Good afternoon. I’m not quite sure if it was the best idea to hand out our products before the session to get everybody in the room. But anyway, I…
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moneygigs · 2 years
Mondelez International, Inc. (MDLZ) Presents at 2023 CAGNY Conference (Transcript)
Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDLZ) 2023 CAGNY Conference Call February 21, 2023 3:00 PM ET Company Participants Dirk Van de Put – Chairman and CEO Luca Zaramella – CFO Martin Renaud – Chief Marketing and Sales Officer Dirk Van de Put Good afternoon. I’m not quite sure if it was the best idea to hand out our products before the session to get everybody in the room. But anyway, I hope you…
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Camereren - teksten van Fernand Deligny
Sabzian publiceert de komende maanden de eerste Nederlandstalige vertalingen van enkele teksten van Fernand Deligny over de notie van het camereren. Deligny’s filmproducties en audiovisuele experimenten gingen samen met geschreven reflecties over de camera. Zijn schriftuur wordt gekenmerkt door vormelijke wildheid en raadselachtigheid, vol woordspelingen, provocaties en boutades. Hij schreef verschillende teksten over camereren, een werkwoord dat zich onderscheidt van wat we doorgaans filmen noemen. Via dit neologisme opende hij een uniek perspectief op de camera.
Met de steun van LUCA School of Arts, #LUCABreakout.
Het leven en werk van Fernand Deligny (1913-1996) stond grotendeels in het teken van een pedagogisch samenleven met psychisch “onhandelbare” jongeren. Zo richtte hij een opvangnetwerk van jeugdherbergen op voor deliquente jongeren in La Grande Cordée (1955-1962) en leefde hij samen met non-verbale, autistische kinderen in de Cevennen (1967-1986). Zijn radicaliteit bestond erin om deze “abnormalen” en hun conditie niet te socialiseren maar zich net af te zetten van de sociale verwachtingen waarvoor ze te kort leken te schieten. Met zijn team van niet-professionele opvoeders werkte hij vanuit afzondering, vanuit een experimenteel denken en handelen dat de conventionele taal en (denk)beelden op het spel zette. Hierdoor onstond er binnen deze leefnetwerken een verzameling aan eigenaardige teksten, tekeningen, fotografische en audiovisuele beelden.
Doorheen zijn leven ontwikkelde Deligny een unieke relatie tot film, en meer in het bijzonder tot de camera. Als student aan de universiteit van Rijsel spendeerde hij veel tijd in de bioscoop en schreef hij tal van filmbesprekingen voor het studentenblad Lille université. In La Grande Cordée plande hij samen met jongeren filmopnames, maar door budgettaire problemen werden die niet gerealiseerd. Uiteindelijk zou dit idee resulteren in de productie van de langspeelfilm Le moindre geste (1971) in de Cevennen. Daarna werkte Deligny nog mee aan drie langspeelfilms: Ce gamin, là (1976) en Fernand Deligny. À propos d’un film à faire (1989), beide geregisseerd door Renaud Victor, en Project N (1979), geregisseerd door Alain Cazuc. In het leefnetwerk in de Cevennen werden tal van (onuitgegeven) video-opnames gemaakt door zijn dochter Caroline Deligny en Josette Saleil. Hij correspondeerde verder ook met filmmakers als François Truffaut, Chris Marker en Robert Kramer.
Deligny’s filmproducties en audiovisuele experimenten gingen samen met geschreven reflecties over de camera. Zijn schriftuur wordt gekenmerkt door vormelijke wildheid en raadselachtigheid, vol woordspelingen, provocaties en boutades. Hij schreef verschillende teksten over camereren, een werkwoord dat zich onderscheidt van wat we doorgaans filmen noemen. Via dit neologisme opende hij een uniek perspectief op de camera. Ook vandaag nog werpen deze teksten accurate educatieve en artistieke vragen op over hoe we ons als kijkende mens tot de camera, de cinema, de wereld en “de ander” verhouden. Sabzian publiceert de komende maanden de eerste Nederlandstalige vertalingen van enkele teksten van Deligny over de notie van het camereren.
– Mattijs Driesen
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