#Luci just dragging mc to the bedroom like yeah gotta make another one lets go
thenickelportrust · 7 years
If MC and the LI have to LDR for a while because of work and one day the LI comes home to see the MCs luggage and what not in their living room (and eventually finding them passed out on their bed)?
I wrote more for this than I should have but I’m not sorry.
Finley: It’s late. It’s late and Finley’s already exhausted from a long day of work. They’re in that liminal space where the mind drifts between autopilot and the occasional mini-panic of ‘Shit, where did I put my keys?’ Before ultimately realizing that the keys to their apartment are in their hand, and not just in their hand but in the door as well, ready to unlock. They rub their eyes and let the door swing open, pocketing them away when- hang on. That’s not just tired hallucination, at least they hope not, but that’s the MC’s luggage.
Did they forget-? No, there was nothing scheduled for the day… right? At least… they couldn’t have forgotten something like them coming home. Now fully awake, they step into the apartment, letting the door swing shut behind them as they call out the MC’s name. No response. When did they come home? It’s late so they’ve gotta be…
Finley leans against the doorframe, arms crossed with a smile on their face. The MC’s entirely passed out on the bed- shoes still on, lights still on, but out cold. With a shake of their head Finley flicks off the lights, gently shuts the door, and carefully takes off the MC’s shoes so as not to wake them- then again, it’d take quite a bit for that. They throw the covers over the MC and flop down on the bed beside them. For a while, they just look at the MC in the darkness- just pay attention to the weight that pulls down the bed on their side as well. 
Their eyes open slightly, and Finley immediately feels the tiniest cord of guilt tighten in their stomach, but the quiet, sleepy smile that graces the MC’s face is enough to make whatever guilt dissipate in a second. “Hey,” That familiar voice, even in a quiet whisper, rings loud in their ears. They didn’t really realize how much they missed that weight.
“Hi.” Finley reaches out to touch the side of the MC’s face, tuck a strand of hair behind their ear, and feels the MC turn towards the touch. “Sorry, you can go back to sleep.” Didn’t realize how comforting even just the presence of that pull was.
“You’ll stay here?”
“Of course.” The MC nods, a subtle movement made even harder to spot in the dark, and shifts a little closer to Finley. Finley lets their head fall to the MC’s shoulder, reluctant to pull it away entirely. They didn’t realize how much easier even just that weight made it to fall into a happy, dreamless sleep.
Raf: Raf barely steps foot through the door when suddenly there’s a cat at his leg, pawing and mewing excitedly as Trixie clings to his pants. “You seem eager to see me…” He mumbles as he leans down, giving her a quick scratch behind the ear. Trixie leans into the affection, but just as quickly turns tail and darts towards the living room, Raf glances up and spots- a pair of suitcases? Curious, Raf steps forward to where Trixie has now made her throne atop one of them, legs tucked away under her fluff with tail flicking lazily.  She rubs her cheek against the still pulled-up handle of the suitcase. It must have been left there in a hurry. He reaches for the tag- it couldn’t be…? It is! Raf break out into a large grin, he turns to Trixie excitedly, “Did you see? They’re home, kit-cat!” But where are they? Raf looks around the living room- but there’s no sign of them anywhere there. Where else could they have gone? He doesn’t hear any noise from the kitchen and the bathroom door isn’t shut so…
The bedroom, however, is in fact shut. Raf quietly tip-toes over to the door, opening it as silently as possible, and glancing inside. Sure enough, there’s a very familiar figure curled up on top of the bed, the covers kicked back but not quite pulled over themself. Raf sneaks inside as quietly as he can, grabbing the covers and pulling them over the MC, tucking them in to make sure that they’re comfortable. A hand reaches up and grabs onto his wrist.
“Raf…?” They shift, one eye partially opens but it’s no more than a bleary, blinking slit. Raf leans down and presses a soft kiss to the side of their head.
“Welcome home,” He whispers, “It’s alright, you can go back to sleep.” He probably didn’t even have to say that much, because the MC’s already asleep by the time he finishes talking, their hand limply drifting away. Raf slips out the door into the living room once more, softly shutting the door behind him. Trixie pads up to the front, staring expectantly at the closed-off bedroom. “Don’t worry girl, they’ll be up in the morning. But for now, let’s just let them rest, okay?”
Jacob: Jacob stumbles out of the hallway. The popping and cracking of his back as he reaches into the air is all too good of a reminder just how dead tired he feels. He grinds his palms into his eyes as he lopes forward into the living room and-
“Wuh-?” Lets out a very inelegant exclamation of surprise as his foot gets, also very inelegantly, caught on the edge of something that definitely wasn’t there before and Jacob, once more in a rather inelegant manner, ends up crashing face first into the floor, with… whatever-that-was toppling down beside him, with his feet slipping over his head. Jacob winces and shuts his eyes, groaning as he presses his hands against the new source of pain that is the back of his head. What did he even trip on? Two fingers slide open to peek out of until he sees a- a suitcase?
“Y’know…” A very sleepy, very much missed voice resonates from the bedroom doorframe, “I had hoped to see you before I fell asleep, and… not quite like… this…”
Jacob cracks a smile, he folds his hands on his stomach, and lets his head flop to the side, “I thought you’d be used to me being head-over-heels for you by now.” As if to emphasize this, he wiggles his feet, still skewed awkwardly above his head from where he fell. He rolls over to the side, popping back up onto his two feet, that smile fading a bit when he sees the MC heave a large yawn. “Sorry… I woke you up, didn’t I?”
“Well, yeah, the sound of someone crashing into the ground usually does that.” Still he smiles back at Jacob, and somehow that manages to make Jacob feel simultaneously even more guilty and… better than he has since he left.
“It’s… good to see you again.” Jacob breathes out quietly, “I missed you.”
“I missed-” He starts to say something else in return, but the MC is cut off in another tired yawn.
Jacob’s quick to be at their side, his hand already slipping into the MC’s, not bothering to hide the bright grin stretching over his face, “Hey, let’s go to bed yeah? We can talk in the morning.” A tired nod and a head already half-flopping into the crook of his neck is all it takes to convince the MC that this is, probably, a good plan.
Lucy: Lucy’s still got her headphones in as she unlocks the door, the click and creaky swing covered up by the sound of guitars and drums. She was distracted, really, mostly looking forward to washing off that lingering smell of oil and rubble- the dirt from the late-night call from her job still stuck underneath her fingertips. She couldn’t say she was entirely forgiving of her boss calling her up after her normal shift but at the same time she couldn’t really complain about being dragged out of bed to the center of the city because she may or may not have been a bit of a player in the battle they were called to clean up after. Still she wasn’t the one who managed to wreck the streetlights and considering that was what they were mostly fixing up she could at least continue to saddle that blame on Igneous.
Distracted by these thoughts it took Lucy up until she throws her coat over the side of the couch to realize that not only were the lights on before she walked inside, not only were there suitcases piled haphazardly in the center of the room, and not only had someone apparently scrounged together a rather messy, hurried dinner and then piled the plates in the sink but also that the bedroom door was left just a crack open, and the lights inside were off as if someone was sleeping in there.
By the suitcases and remnants of the food they chose she had a rather keen idea of who it was.
Lucy hurries over to the bedroom, swinging the door open enough for her to pop her head inside and take a peek towards the bed. It is! It’s them! They’re back! And… asleep.
But they’re here. Again. Quietly, smiling to herself, Lucy tiptoes towards the edge of the bed, where she flops onto the other side, of it, and snuggles up as close as she possibly can. Her eyes flicker up to that familiar face, and the grin on her face broadens, then they flutter closed and she presses her head gingerly against their side, breathing in a much more comforting smell than that of the rust and rubble.
A hand slips over her hip, a quiet, sleep-muddled, “You stink.” Whisper makes her laugh.
“So bad it woke you up, huh?” She opens her eyes once more.
“You should probably shower.”
“In a minute.” She sighs and draws herself a little closer, “Let me just… stay here for a moment…” Lucy stifles her own yawn. Something between a hum and a grunt of affirmation is all the response she gets before their breathing slows back down into an even rhythm. Her eyelids start to feel heavy, and she can feel her own breathing matching their’s.
Lucy doesn’t get up to shower.
Yolanda: Yolanda sighs heavily as the door closes behind her. She sheds the layers as she goes- first the jacket is draped over a hook on the door, then the earrings are tossed aside to the table, and the necklace after that, of course then comes the bracelets and rings and- what are those suitcases doing there? Yolanda pauses, ring in hand, as she stares almost expectantly at the suitcases- as if she were waiting for something to pop out of them. She drops the rings onto the table as well, a bit too tired to organize everything properly at the moment, and cautiously walks over to where they are. Hang on- the name on the tags- could it be?
Yolanda’s heels clack against the floor as she hurries over to the kitchen, but there’s no one in there. The dining room? No. There’s already no one in the living room so perhaps- ah! The bedroom!
Sure enough she finds someone asleep in the bed, curled up in such a way that it makes her look almost miniature compared to the gargantuan furniture that almost seems to swallow her up. Yolanda sheds her shoes by the door, and quietly crawls over the expanse of sheets next to her, until she can settle in place beside her. Still, here, with her next to Yolanda, it almost seems like she’s dreaming. Yolanda’s hand hesitates just above her cheek- part of her reluctant to wake her up, for she looks so at peace sleeping there- and the other half almost scared that should she touch her she’ll disappear like a puff of smoke on a misty morning.
It appears she needn’t decide, for the MC shifts and turns towards Yolanda, breathing in deeply as her eyes slide wearily open, the smallest, most beautiful of smiles gracing her face. “Hello there.”
Yolanda says nothing, she just smiles and leans down, pressing a light kiss to the MC’s lips. She’s real. She’s there. She’s… here. “I hope you don’t mind me barging in.”
Yolanda pulls herself under the covers next to the MC, already wrapping her up in a warm embrace, a million words on the tip of her tongue, but all pushed aside as she watches the MC drift off in her arms. Whatever she wants to say can wait until morning.
Eileen: Eileen stands staring at the suitcases for a moment, as if unsure what to do with them there. Well, it’s more like it takes a moment for her to register their presence, and perhaps that’s because it’s late and her mind is taking the tiniest bit longer than usual to catch up and connect two and two, and maybe the other half of it is because once it does connect what the suitcases presence mean she’s filled with such a sense of almost overpowering joy that it takes another moment for her to adjust to such a sudden, vibrant emotion. But when she does, she immediately starts searching around the house, calling out their name softly and poking her head around every corner with a smile as big and as bright as the sun.
When she finds them that smile softens, but stays just as warm as before. Out on the bed, with legs curled up and the covers half thrown-on and half kicked-off in the midst of their tossing and turning. She giggles softly to herself, and immediately her hand rises to cover her mouth out of fear that she may have woken them up.
Yet they remain still, knocked out from exhaustion and no doubt a little bit of jet lag. They roll around a bit more, wiggling unconsciously for that comfortable spot. Eileen silently walks over to the side of the bed, and pulls the covers that have slipped away from them back to where they should be. She can feel the MC still under her touch, and even just that thought makes her smile grow larger.
“Welcome home.” She whispers.
Informant: The Informant lets the door quietly shut behind him. He doesn’t even really close it, just lets it swing shut and lock behind him. He’s much too preoccupied with the fact that there are suitcases in his living room and for the past couple of months nobody has been living here but him. The only other person that it could be would be…
Could they really be back?
It almost seems too good to be true, and he has to rub his eyes a bit to make sure he’s not hallucinating their presence, which makes the sunglasses fall awkwardly askew atop his face. But no, no hallucination, the suitcases are still there, and when he walks up to them and runs a hand over the edge of them they feel entirely real. Which means-
It’s been so long. So, so long since he’s seen them there, asleep in the bed. They look so peaceful, so content with one arm curled under their head, the covers thrown lazily over their legs. The Informant feels the smile on his face before he even really realizes its there. He quietly takes off the sunglasses, placing them on the dresser to the side and goes to exit and close the door once more, when an almost inaudible murmur makes him turn around- one eyes appears to have cracked open in the dark, blinking slowly- made lethargic by exhaustion.
“You awake?”
“’m now.” A heavy hand lifts, and pats the side of the bed once, twice, in slow, clumsy movements. The Informant stifles a laugh, and he quietly crawls into bed next to them. Almost immediately he feels them cling to him, pulling themself up onto his chest. A tired “Missed you.” floating up towards him.
“Here I thought that’d be my line.” The Informant’s reply appears to have been lost to the land of dreams, however, by the even, slow feeling of their chest rising and falling against him, soft breaths whistling out of slightly parted lips. With a content smile, he leans his head back into the pillow, slowly drifting off as well.
Ricky: For every moment that passes Ricky can practically feel his migraine getting worse. He had thought, foolishly, that because he had answered every question that they could have possibly thought of with detailed, more-than-suitable answers that the “short meeting” he’d been scheduled for at an already unholy time of the night would have ended when the other party had declared that they’d received all the information they’d need. Of course, that would have been logical, which Ricky quickly surmised that, upon receiving a phone call from the very same party with a new slew of questions that had already been answered in length but half an hour later, logical was far too much to expect from these people.
Even as Ricky opens his front door he still feels that lingering, uncomfortable tension, and that ever-increasing grating annoyance while their lawyer rambles off the third question that, for all he could possibly think of, is nearly identical to the other two. Still, the lawyer seems to be silenced- or at least he’s no longer paying whatever attention remained- when Ricky spots a rather disruptive mess in the middle of his otherwise immaculate apartment.
“Hello? Hello, yes. I’m afraid something just came up. You’ll have to- No, I can’t put it aside- you’ll have to call and schedule another meeting or- well, that’s unfortunate then. I suppose you’ll just have to send me your inquiries at a later date. Goodbye. Goodbye.” Ricky hangs up on the still rambling-off lawyer, already breathing a sigh of relief when silence- glorious silence- fills the room.
The mess, which he’s coming to love more and more as each second ticks by, is a pile of suitcases tossed to the side as if in a hurry, one leaning against the couch, the other half opened and searched through. The bedroom lights appear to be off- so they must be…
They are. Asleep in the center of the bed with limbs splayed out in such a way that they practically take up the entire thing. A head buried deep into the pillow with muffled sounds of snoring. Ricky catches himself smiling, nearly laughing at this rather silly display. They must have collapsed first thing when they got home, almost missed the bed, even, from the looks of how their feet dangle off the edge, the pillow pulled down from the head of the bed to suit their needs. Carefully, so as not to wake them up, Ricky nudges their arms and legs to one side of the bed and lays down as well, sighing heavily- almost immediately, he feels hands cling to his side, pulling him weakly towards them.
“Even asleep,” He whispers into the air, already scooting over to the side, one arm gingerly linking around them, “You’re so very demanding, aren’t you?” The phone call and annoying, pestering lawyer both feel so, so far away. As if they came from an entirely different day. Even when his phone’s light blinks with what is undoubtedly a message from said lawyer about said phone call, well… Ricky rolls to the side so that his back is facing the blinking light.
Those can wait until tomorrow.
V: V knew something was up when they saw the lights on in the house. They let the door swing open widely and- while scouring the floor for whatever thief dared try to break into their home- paused when they saw the suitcases neatly tucked away in the corner. 
It took them a split second to realize what these suitcases meant. A wide grin stretched across V’s lips, and they broke into a sprint towards the bedroom- the door slammed open maybe a little bit harder than intentioned- leading a rather shocked, very slightly scared figure flopping upright in the bed with a wide-eyed, suddenly-awake and very disoriented look on their face. 
Granted this didn’t last very long, because said figure found themselves just as quickly tackled back onto the bed, wrapped in a tight, warm embrace. “V-?” Their exclamation quickly cut off by a pair of lips pressed against theirs, eager, and perhaps even a little desperate. When they pull back, the MC comes face to face with a crookedly beaming redhead who doesn’t look the least bit guilty for waking them up. “Someone missed me.”
“Sorry I woke you up.”
“No you’re not.”
“Hmmm…” V tips their head to the side, “Fair enough. Though can you really blame me, love? If you must leave me so and then proceed to come back without allowing me to set up a proper welcoming I have to at the very least greet you this way.” They wrap their arms around the MC, drawing them as close as they can, “Besides, you’ve been gone for so long and we’ve so much to catch up on.”
A laugh, tired and airy, that gets broken up by a yawn. “In the morning though, alright? I’m tired, V…”
V pouts, but it’s a mock-pout, made clearly dishonest by the joy that glimmers in their eyes, “Fine, I suppose I’ll just have to keep you here until morning.” V tightens their grip on the MC, “Really, though, love, next time you come home like this you must let me know beforehand. I had such a grand plan in mind!” 
“I’m sure.” Another yawn
“You would have loved it.”
“Mmmhmm…” A deep breath, and the MC drifts back off into a heavy sleep. V lets out a sigh, and skims the side of their cheek with the back of their knuckles. Quietly V plants a kiss atop the MC’s head, tugging the covers that were cast aside in the ruckus once more over the two of them.
“Goodnight, love.”
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jazeswhbhaven · 8 months
oml im new to this app btw anyways please do one where the demon kings and mc has a child more specifically a daugther that REALLY wants a little sister.I can already imagine it😭
Hi anon! Is this the same anon as here?
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They were back to back and asked for the same thing so I was just wondering. Thank you for your request and your patience and welcome to the app! I know it's a bit confusing ;.;
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Satan: He feels a sudden tug on his pant leg and he's beaming to see his little one begging for his attention. Her fangs bear with a smile as she asks him if she can have another sibling. "All I have are brothers...." as he can hear loud noises in the background and explosions as MC chases their rough and rowdy children around the palace as Satan laughs. "Why not? I'd be happy to have another..."
Mammon: He and MC are sitting down going over the finances for the household with how much they're investing into their daughter's up bringing. Bimet carries her in, rather annoyed that she's tugging on the money that decorates his hair. She happily jumps down and joins her parents, slapping down a piece of paper with crayon writing stating that she demands a baby sister and would have nothing less. The problem is that MC is already pregnant, and it turns out it's a boy. "Maybe next time, sweetheart..." he says, filing away her paper. "Fill out a different form after your brother arrives."
Beelzebub: Well, in a game of hide and seek it seems that Beel and MC's daughter has slipped them once again. Bael finds her under his bed upset that he gave her away. "Maybe if I had a baby sister I wouldn't run away so much. Go get me one now!" MC widens their eyes while Beel smiles and drapes his arm casually around MC's shoulder. "You heard her...looks like we need to get busy, hm?"
Leviathan: After a mini lesson of using her powers effectively with the help of Glas, Levi's daughter approaches her father and MC with a bow and a firm tone. "While I would absolutely hate the idea of being compared to a sibling, I want a baby sister." Leviathan doesn't oppose the idea, wondering if there are any orphan's he can adopt so his daughter can have the sister she wants without waiting. MC is open to adoption as well, it seems Levi's seed isn't too kind on their body during development (even though it's been nearly years since they last given birth) Lucifer: He loves seeing his little one fly about the palace, and bothering his nobles each time she gets a scrape or a scratch. But today she's more quiet than usual and he approaches her asking plainly what's wrong. She expresses how lonely she is, and that she wants more siblings, specifically a sister to play with. Lucifer acknowledges this and promises his little one he'll do what he can. Which leads to him wordlessly taking MC into the bedroom. *hehee*
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