#Lucian Bautista
lucislibari · 1 year
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I’m always like “I shouldn’t post sketches” until all I do is sketch for like, 2 weeks straight. A lot of these are from me dusting off my old WOD setting, some are just Dullahan OC posting, either way its a LOT and maybe I’ll finish some of them! Maybe.
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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THYMIAN- “A parallel universe?? I have read about that, but I didn’t really think...”
ABRAHAM- “Oh, it is very real, dear....Listen I need to discuss some other things with you, and your fathers.  I am going back to Brindleton Bay, and I will stop over there and visit with you before I go back home.”
THYMIAN- “You are going home so soon, is everything okay?”
ABRAHAM- “Yes, I believe so.  The Master of the Realm decided not to restore any of Elliana’s powers, but they did restore some of Lucian’s.  Of course Elliana decided to leave, and they had no right to hold her there, so they allowed her to go.  I gave her the keys to my home in Brindleton Bay and she is there....but now it seems, that Lucien has also decided to leave the realm and is planning on joining her.
THYMIAN- “OH my!....Do you think they are back to their old ways?”
ABRAHAM- “I truly believe that Elliana is fine. I mean she can’t.  Even if she tried to use any spells or concoctions, they wouldn’t work, and it would cause her to become sick. As for Lucian, I am not sure.  I mean he was being controlled by his mother, but he does have some abilities returned to him.  I and Master Gael, just want to be sure.  That is why I am returning home.  To make sure.  But I want to fill you and your fathers in on all the details, and some things that are happening within the Realm Counsel. Also if you can contact Michael Jones at the Oasis Springs Coven and let him know the Bautista’s are out...I really do not think they will try anything, but just to be safe.”
THYMIAN- “Okay, I will and I will let my fathers know to expect you.  It will be good to see you Abraham.”
ABRAHAM- “And all of you as well.  I should be there by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest.  We can also talk more about your dreams, and determine if it is your mother trying to contact you, or if it is your gifts appearing regarding parallel worlds.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Savon- “So the meeting was to take place in Forgotten Hallow, at the Bautista Manor. However, we did not tell them that it was Isabelle that was coming, and not Laurel. Elliana told us later about what transpired there that night...”
ELLIANA- “Lucian...where are you going, we are expecting Laurel Boedell from Willow Creek.  We need to set this into motion, and you HAVE to be here.”
LUCIAN- “I had plans, Aunt Elle...
ELLIANA- “Your plans are cancelled...sit down.  She will be here any minute.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Bright and early the next morning, Lucia and Lucian traveled to Willow Creek to confront Laurel....
LUCIA- “Savon Boedell?”
THERON- “Boedell, but Theron, not Savon. How can I help you two?”
LUCIA- We are looking for Laurel Boedell...I am Lucia Bautista and this is my son, Lucian.”
THERON- “Do you have an appointment? Laurel is quite busy these days.”
LUCIA- “Well, guess what?  She is about to get a whole hell of a lot busier...”
THERON- “Is there something I can help you with Lucia?”
LUCIAN- “Last time I looked, you were not Laurel, and as far as I can tell you have very little gifts...if any.  So no.  You can not help me. Except to let us in to see Laurel.”
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