#Lucian vanserra
poems-to-read · 7 months
Elain deserves Lucien, he is a great male and I think he will be the best partner for her. not just because they both look alike, but because he has a good attitude, a more mature mindset and is a good lover.
she deserves that in a partner
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bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
i think the way male characters interact with each other over a woman says a lot about how they view said woman.
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it’s clear here Rhysand is worried not only about the political ramifications but also personal ramifications Azriel’s clear LUSTING after Elain will cause.
its stated and made obvious multiple times throughout this chapter that Az is sexually attracted to Elain….and that’s it. His lust and desire and ENTITLEMENT is made so clear that Rhysand has to step in and reprimand him before it blows up in everyone’s face.
Elain is obviously infatuated with him, and Azriel is playing off of that to sleep with her and then what? he literally doesn’t know because he’s so blinded by lust and jealousy that his brothers have mates he cannot see past getting Elain naked. i believe it’s perfectly implied here he only sees Elian as a challenge, and should he ever get the chance to actually sleep with her he will no longer be equally as infatuated. He won’t even admit to himself he’s not over Mor.
I’m just pointing this out as many people seem to have skipped half of his chapter after seeing the word “arousal” and running with it. if you actually read the chapter as it is written it’s actually pretty gross to see people justifying Azriel’s behavior and mindset.
I personally don’t really care who Elain ends up with, if i wrote the story she’d stay single and living her best life baking and gardening and volunteering in the community but alas this is a romance at the end of the day. but i will not ignore clear implications from the story, Az sees her as a sexual pursuit. i can’t wait to see how the next acotar will play out and if gwyn will receive the necklace / wear it as it would prove to the readers and Elain my point was correct, hopefully not though the “OW” trope is so icky to me, but as i said it would add to my point. If Az truly liked Elain for Elain he wouldn’t back down from her or from Rhys (although this seems to be a problem for both Az and Cass) and he wouldn’t give this necklace he meant FOR* Elain to another woman on some random whim. I could go on and on but i’m so tired of seeing shippers justify and ignore this bs. Az shouldn’t be near any woman as long as he’s got this jealous and entitled mindset- Gwyn or Elain or whoever yall ship him with.
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reblogandlikes · 1 month
I get irritated with SJM, and then I remember she also wrote Lucien, and that he is a male I could fall for. But then I recall that he has also not been the main love interest, and her attention has been diverted, which is why he's so great.
Now I fear for him. SJM, allow Lucien to remain like Lucien, I beg. You've already distorted Tamlin (he needs a hug) and tarnished Cassian’s (he needs a backbone) potential.
Lucien, my sweet Autumn/Day babes, let the Mother protect you in the upcoming narrative. Amen 🙏🏾🍁🍂🍃☀️🔥
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acourtofimagines · 5 months
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Summary: Lucien lets you play with his hair.
I do take requests just check the info and requests page.
If you wanna be added to my tag list let me know.
It was evening time outside. The setting sun casts a blended hue of pink and orange over the spring court. The rays fluttered through the window. Casting a faint glow onto Lucien. Who was currently seated on the floor by the foot of his bed? His arms were crossed and he wore an unserious scowl on his face. You were settled behind him. Seated on the edge of his bed. You wore the biggest smile on your face. You gripped your brush as you gently grabbed a lock of his beautiful red hair. He sighed.
"Why did I agree to this again?" he grumbled even though the corners of his mouth lifted clearly showing he was anything but upset.
"Because we made a deal" you reminded him, "I helped you on patrols this morning and in return, I got to play with your hair". He rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh and because you love me!" you added.
"A high lord's emissary shouldn't be so...pampered" he grumbled but you clearly heard his chuckle.
"Yeah, well I like pampering you Vanserra, so get used to it," you told him as you started to weave his gorgeous red locks into an intricate braid. Lucien smiled softly and leaned his head back as he closed his eyes.
"Only for you," he murmured with a softness only you ever really got to see. You smirked.
"I should go grab a pretty little bow," you teased. His eyes snapped open
"Don't you dare!" he warned even though both of you knew good and well he wouldn't stop you if you did. You giggled finishing the braid.
"All done," you said, "didn't think you could be even more handsome,". He smiled, feeling the braid.
"I guess it's not so bad," he leaned his head further back until it was lying back in your lap as he looked up at you, "but only because you did it," You smiled as you used your hands to caress his cheeks as you leaned down and gave him a soft, loving kiss.
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A Flower With Petals of Flame: Part one (Eris x reader Rhys's sister)
Warnings: Injuries and murder and mentions of trauma
I'm so excited this one won the vote! So as Y/n returns to the world of the living, she has to decide whether to save the male who caused her, and her mother's murders, or save him.
Part two
Tag list: open
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I screamed as I fell to the ground, my head fuzzy and my stomach churning.
What had happened?  I had been walking along, trying to form a plan for…
I take a deep breath, the crisp air and smell of roses pushing into my nostrils.  I look at the small grass clearing that makes me tense, memories of terror flitting through my head.
This was the Spring court.  Somehow- somehow I was back among the living.  Landing right back where my and my mother’s lives had been taken from us.
“Please!  Please spare my darling girl!” My mother cries as she’s shoved to the ground, the little lords or spring preparing their weapons, the high lord of spring holding a giant ax as he watches.
I look to Tamlin with tears in my eyes, pleading with him, “Tam, please.  Please don’t let them hurt us.”
He looks away, ashamed.
It wasn’t him who was about to lose his life though.
I snap back into reality, hearing voices in the distance.  My first instinct is to climb into a tree, wait for them to pass.
But I can hear the angry tones, and I force myself to be silent as I slip through the trees to see where the commotion is coming from.
“Look at this, the High Lord of Spring, on his knees before us.”  A cruel male voice said, and I peeked through the foliage to see Tamlin on his knees before a bunch of men, snarling with an arrow in his leg and shoulder.
They looked as if they were laced with faebane.
I wasn’t breathing.  He was kneeling there, just as my mother and I had before him and his family.
I could just leave him there, to his fate.  Let him die the way he had let us die.
But… my feet wouldn’t move.
I had only just been brought back to life, and I was already about to get myself killed again.
The only thing was that I wasn’t the same weak girl who had died here before.
I searched about, quickly finding a large, heavy rock.
And threw it right at the leader of the group, striking him right in the temple.
“Leave him alone.”  I said, lowering my voice in an attempt to hide my identity.  I could have used my magic, but that would have been even more telling than my voice.
The males unsheathed their sword, looking for where my voice had come from, and Tamlin stilled.
Please, please don’t recognise me.
“Show yourself you wretch!”  The male whom I had hit with the rock snarled, spinning around.
I shifted so I was better hidden.  I had no weapons, and against three males who each had at least two weapons…
I should have come up with a better plan.
“How about you show your face you coward!”  He continued to shout, but I just smiled as I saw the red haired male who appeared behind him.
Watching as Lucian killed the leader, Tamlin throwing off the two males that were holding him down, I couldn’t help but notice how much they had changed, how different they were then I had seen them last.  Lucian had a metal eye now, his face holding more trauma than it had when I knew him.
Tamlin… Even as he killed the last of the males, looked tired and broken.  He looked as if he was already half dead.
I watch as they look at the dead males, with coats of bone white, the color of Hybren.
But the king of Hybren is dead.
So who were they following?
I hold my breath, all thoughts on pause as Lucian eyes land on my hiding spot, his metal eye whirring.
Mother above, could he see me?
“Would you like to come join us, or were you planning to wait until we were distracted?”  Lucian asked, the words cautious and sharp.
I tense up as Tamlin looks my way too.
I bit my lip, I could run away, and I could surely outrun Tamlin.
But maybe not Lucian.
Taking a calming breath, I step out into the small clearing, were both males stood there, shock keeping them both silent.
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homeslices · 8 months
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A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
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a-court-of-fireheart · 2 months
i feel like i can’t reblog lucien x elain stuff because 1) even though they’re mates, they’re not together so it’s not canon and most importantly 2) I WANT HER TO BE WITH AZRIEL and that’s also not canon so 3) i can’t do it, sorry
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nestaismommy · 2 years
You never miss; everything is spot on. People fail to realize that Feyre has been just as cruel as Nesta throughout the series.
God forbid, if Nesta ever forced Feyre to do something through actual daemati powers like Feyre was considering, or if she gave Feyre the “choice” between imprisonment and death and smiled while Feyre was being shipped off to her prison, there would be an actual fucking uproar in the fandom. But when Feyre does these things, it’s okay, but when Nesta is a little mean, she’s villainized.
Literally!! Nesta gets hate for every thing she does. God I feel like at some point people will start hating on her for just breathing. But other characters will do worse but they get praised for it.
The fact that there are people who say she’s a villain and that she had a redemption arc. A villain?? Why? Because she told poor Feyre she stinks like a pig? What about Feyre destroying the spring court? A home to many innocent lives. Lucian’s home. What about Feyre stealing from the summer court? What about Feyre locking her sister up because she’s worried about her reputation? What about Rhysand sexually assaulting Feyre huh? Amren comparing Feyre to Tamlin, her freaking abuser.
But no, Nesta is the bad guy because no one can be mean and hurt poor Feyre. Only she’s allowed to be an ass and the others have to take care of her because somehow she’s everyone’s responsibility and if they don’t then they are bad people. Like how people hate on Lucian
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exhaustedpotat0 · 10 months
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Characters: Lucien Vanserra x Elain Archeron
On the way to talk to the lord of the Night court, Lucien sees his mate Elain struggling to put garland close to the top of the tree
A/N: wanting to try something and I saw someone comment so I decided to write for them!
Walking down the streets of Velaris, Lucien spots the house of wind in all its glory.
Upon entering the home of Nesta, Cassian, and his mate. He sees that the home has been decorated with glittery garland all around and a tree next to the fire place, far away enough that it doesn’t cause a fire, and Elain on a stool next to the tree trying to put a green garland around the tree.
“This is quite wood work Elain” Lucien said to his mate. Accidentally startling the woman. Elain starts to wobble on the stool and starts to fall over.
Quickly getting ready to catch Elain, Lucien braces for Elains impact with his body. He starts to feel bad for scaring her. Lucien catches Elain, makes sure that she is stable on her feet before letting go of her.
“T-Thank you,” Elain says shyly with a blush in her cheeks from embarrassing herself “Your welcome.”
“I like what you did with the decorating, it is very festive.” Lucien says looking around the house of wind, admiring Elain’s decorations.
“If you’re looking for the high lord, he is not here.” Reading Lucien’s mind.
“Oh thank you for letting me know,” Lucien starts to walk away before Elain opens her mouth.
“Since you’re here, would you mind helping me put the garland around the tree? As you saw earlier I’m not quite tall enough to reach the top and put it around the tree.” Elain looks away again, feeling bad for asking for help.
Lucien takes the garland from Elains hand gently to not scare her away, as he was taking the garland their hands brush up against each other making the bond in flutter.
Before they know it, Lucien has helped Elain with putting things up high so earlier accident doesn’t happen again.
A/N: i hope you enjoy and please let me know if there are any mistakes
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lilac-witch · 5 months
Hii can I request a eris vanserra x mate!reader fic. Like they have been mayed for a long long time, and the inner circle wants to caputre her to put some pressure on eris, and lucian tells them not to becaus she is a very kind person. But they go with it and find out she is pregnant. Some Angry eris. Sorry if its a lot, I have had it on my mind for a long time, but i cant write
Bedlam - Eris Vanserra x Reader
Summary: Reader is kidnapped by the inner circle in an attempt to persuade Eris. Only, their plot doesn't end the way they intended. Meaning: "a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion" Word Count: 781 Warnings: Strong language, mentions of murder.
"So we're all clear on the plan?" Rhys questioned, eyes meeting those of his inner circle.
Cassian, Azriel and Mor nodded in confirmation.
"Right, get in as quickly as you can, as silent as you can. We'll meet back here in an hour."
“You’re going to regret it.”
All eyes turned to Lucian Vanserra, who stood leaning against the doorframe.
“I think we’re ok, Lucian, but thank you for your concern,” Rhys drawled.
Lucian shook his head before slowly exiting the room. “It’s your funeral.”
The day had begun as usual. The sun had filtered through the sheer fabric of the curtains, illuminating the bedroom with the soft light of morning. Eris had placed gentle kisses on her neck before making his way into the bathroom, preparing for a gruelling day full of meetings.
Y/n had eaten her breakfast on the terrace, as she did every morning, and observed Eris' prized smokehounds engage in play fights. For creatures that were supposed to strike fear in the hearts of the most fearsome warriors, to her they just looked like balls of fluff.
And then everything took a turn for the worst.
Swirling shadows enveloped her body, dragging her up and away from her seat. Y/n could vaguely make out the tattooed arms that caged her to a solid chest. Before she could scream, a cloth was placed gently over her mouth. Hard enough to muffle the noise, yet soft enough to allow her to breathe.
Y/n's mind went into overdrive, her fear sparking down that golden mating bond. There was nothing she could do as she watched the red and orange trees of Autumn disappear from view, nothing she could do when day turned to night.
At last, those shadows dissipated from around her body, revealing the faces of seven people. At the centre of the group stood Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court.
She watched as his lips twitched into a devasting grin.
"Apologies for the abrupt departure, lady, but-"
"I hope you are not likening kidnapping to a consensual trip, my lord, because they are very much not the same thing," she hissed, teeth bared in challenge.
"I will admit, our methods were slightly... unceremonious, but necessary nonetheless."
Y/n stared wide eyes, mouth agape, at the raven-haired High Lord. How dare he! How dare he attempt to justify his actions!
A sudden wave of nausea drifted over her, stomach twisting.
"Oh gods, I think I'm going to be sick," she muttered, a hand coming to rest over her slightly rounded stomach.
Feyre's eyes widened in alarm, swiftly summoning a bucket and passing it over. Y/n hunched over and hurled, the stress finally consuming her.
"You idiot, Rhys! She's pregnant and you just stole her from her home!" Feyre shouted at her mate, guilt and sympathy crawling up her throat.
"Feyre darling, I swear I didn't know! If I had, we would have never gone ahead with the plan," Rhys pleaded, eyes flashing in apology.
"I should fucking hope so Rhysand, because you had no right, no fucking right to abduct my mate," a voice growled from behind the High Lord of Night.
Her mate strode in, a vision of power and fury. The fire that flowed through his veins now glowed brightly in his eyes, highlighting the level of his anger, and the temper that threatened to tear the room apart.
He was at her side in an instant, hand raising to rest over hers on her stomach, lips meeting her forehead gently.
"Are you alright, love?"
Y/n waved him off. "Fine darling, more irritated than anything else."
Eris turned to the inner circle, teeth bared. "I'm in half a mind to slaughter you all for the stress you've caused my mate and unborn child."
Rhys stepped forward, hands raised in surrender. "I swear on the Mother, Eris, had we known, we would have never touched her. You have my most sincere apologies. We were simply looking for a way to persuade you to join our cause."
"And you thought the best way was to kidnap my pregnant mate? Not to simply ask first?" he hissed, arms having circled around her waist protectively.
No one moved, let alone spoke. It was as though the air in the room had frozen, freezing everything in the frame.
"If I ever catch you in Autumn again.... if I ever catch you looking at my mate, let alone touching her, I will obliterate you before you have a chance to retaliate," Eris swore, giving each member of the inner circle one last vicious look, before winnowing them back to the safety of their home.
After a moment of silence, Cassian's voice filled the void.
"Well, I guess future vacations in Autumn are out of the question."
Hi lovelies!
As you might have seen, I had a 2k draft ready that seemingly deleted itself :(
So while I attempt to rewrite that draft, I thought I would quickly write something for the last request in my inbox, as an apology for the delay :)
I'm very excited for the posts to come, even after the lost draft fiasco, and I can't wait to share everything with you!
Tag List: @mybestfriendmademe
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rosanna-writer · 2 months
Karma Is My Boyfriend (2/?)
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Summary: Elain Archeron saved countless lives by vanquishing Graysen Nolan, her literal demon of a fiancé. She's a hero, but it's just not fair that being a good witch destined to rid the world of evil has left her tragically, painfully single. Enter Lucien Vanserra, the best cupid in the business, who's been sent by the universe to balance the karmic scales and find Elain the perfect new partner…
Happy day two of @elucienweekofficial!!! The people I can't thank enough include both the wonderful event organizers and ALSO the friends who generously allowed me to mine their dating app horror stories for fic potential <3
The whole fic can be found Here on AO3, or you can start with chapter one here on tumblr and read the second chapter under the cut.
Lucien was waiting with his feet up on her desk in the back of Roots 'n Shoots the next day. After her conversation with Rhys, Elain had loosened the wards around the store, though she hadn't expected Lucien to just…winnow directly into her office before she arrived.
But he already had steaming cup of her favorite herbal blend ready, so Elain decided not to give him an earful, even though she disliked being relegated to the spare chair she kept for guests.
"Are we on some sort of deadline?" she said, dropping her bag on the floor. "It's still quite early."
Lucien gave another elegant shrug. "I hate burning daylight."
In the past year, the Archeron manor had been full of…well, night people. Elain appreciated that Lucien seemed not to be another one. "Likewise," she said, taking a sip of tea.
He'd stirred in the amount of sugar she preferred, and she decided not to ask whether that information was contained in her file as well. She wasn't sure she wanted to know.
Lucien produced a cell phone seemingly out of nowhere and held the screen up for her to see. "I've already gotten started on making you a Tinder."
If Elain had been any less of a lady, she would have spat her tea all over him. Lucien was supposed to be an expert at helping people find love—but apparently all he had too offer was a dating app she was perfectly capable of navigating herself.
"It's quite helpful of you to be so on top of it," she said, though the icy chill in her voice made it clear she wasn't grateful at all.
"We'll cover more ground using an app. And with a cupid helping you screen your matches, you're guaranteed not to meet up with any douches, dirtbags, or demons."
Elain hesitated, worrying her lower lip with her teeth. It was true that she'd sworn off dating since Greysen—no matter how much Nesta and Feyre reminded her that the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else. With a busy shop to run and innocents to save, she'd insisted that she'd rather spend her precious few nights out catching up with friends.
Which was true, of course. But it wasn't the whole story, and the way Lucien's smirk melted into something softer told her he knew it. "You'll be safe with me," he said more gently. "I promise you're in good hands, Elain."
"Thank you," she said, taking the phone from him with a sigh.
Elain scrolled through the beginnings of the profile he'd set up for her. The photos of her seemed to be stolen from Feyre's private Instagram, but her artistic little sister had such a knack for finding good lighting that Elain decided not to question how Lucien had gotten them. His information was accurate, too: 5' 9", interested in both men and women, looking for something serious, plant mom, avid baker, all of it.
"I think this will do," she said.
"Is there anything else I should know before we get started?"
Elain took a moment to consider it—he'd covered everything. Well, almost. "No women named Elaine with two e's."
"Understandable. When I dated before becoming a cupid, I wouldn't touch a Lucian with an a. Moaning your own name in bed feels wrong."
"Exactly," Elain said with a laugh. It was a relief he understood, but at the same time, a bit irritating to find herself warming to him after what an ass he'd been the day before. But then, she thought again about what he said, and… "Cupids can't date?"
His mechanical eye clicked a few times, and she didn't know what to make of it. "It's not strictly forbidden, but that's…not something that's in the cards for me anymore."
There was a finality in his voice that Elain wasn't brave enough to question. Besides, Lucien's love life was hardly her concern, anyway. She handed the phone back to him and let him finish setting up the profile.
Something in Elain's chest went uncomfortably tight as they began looking through matches. Maybe this was a mistake. Surely it was better to stay single forever than to risk another disaster…
Not that she'd be going anywhere with the first man whose profile appeared. His face was hardly visible under the brim of an ill-fitting camo baseball cap, and he was holding up a fish.
She swiped left. And the next profile belonged to another man holding up a fish. And the next. And the next.
After five near-identical profiles of would-be fishermen in a row, Elain was beginning to wonder if there was anyone out there even worth messaging.
She let out a huff of frustration. "Do these people have any other hobbies besides fishing?"
"Clearly none of them are getting assistance from a cupid. Any of us would tell them there are better ways to give off the impression that they're well-endowed," Lucien said, picking at his nails.
"Is— Is that what they're doing?" Elain felt her cheeks go pink despite herself.
"Trying to, at least. And speaking from experience, it's really only impressive when that fish was caught with your bare hands."
Lucien was so….well-groomed that Elain struggled to picture it. He struck her as the sort of person who'd insist the Sidra was disgusting even though plenty of people happily swam in the clear blue river every summer. She couldn't imagine him just wading right into a lake or a stream. "Is it?"
"Those big fishing poles are a crutch for people who aren't skilled with their hands."
Elain couldn't help but glance at his hands. She hadn't quite noticed how big they were when he'd first come into her shop the day before, but now that he was closer, she found herself wondering how much they'd dwarf hers if she interlaced those long, elegant fingers with her own…
Not that it mattered. Lucien was there to help her find true love, not hold her hand.
"I see," she murmured, swiping to the next profile. This man, at least, wasn't holding a fish, which would have been a relief if it wasn't something a million times more mortifying.
Tamlin Springfield—Feyre's ex-fiancé.
He was staring into the camera, a violin tucked under his chin. Elain supposed the expression on his face was meant to be soulful, but truthfully…he just looked constipated.
"Please tell me you aren't insane enough to seriously consider your sister's ex," Lucien said, wrinkling his nose. "I'd rather not deal with the drama."
Elain stilled. "How do you know he's my sister's ex?" There was no way that file was extensive enough to list out her sisters' dating histories, too.
Oh gods, had she been too quick to trust him?
Annoyingly, Lucien just smirked despite the suspicion that had crept into her voice. "Most cupids stopped using arrows a long time ago, but we still learn to shoot because the elders grumble about tradition. Feyre's the most patient archery instructor to come along in centuries, so of course we all pitched in to help her out with Rhysand after that nasty business with Tamlin's curse."
Whatever the cupids did had worked. Last night, Nesta and Cassian were out teaching their weekly judo class, so it had just been Elain at home with Feyre and Rhys, who'd cuddled up on the couch, his wing wrapped around her shoulders while they made disgustingly cute heart eyes at each other. She'd retreated to the kitchen to bake and avoid them.
It still seemed too much to believe that with Lucien's help, she could find love like that, too.
"Well, I'm not matching with him, but hold on a second," Elain said, taking a screenshot and sending it to her sisters.
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She quickly muted the chat before Nesta or Feyre had a chance to ask how things were going with Lucien. The last thing she needed was an interrogation.
The next profile after Tamlin's was a woman—and finally, someone who looked promising. In her picture, Briar was standing in a greenhouse, and her smattering of freckles, floppy straw sunhat, and fresh-faced beauty were exactly Elain's type.
There was some sort of audio player embedded on the page. Odd. Elain hadn't seen that before, but perhaps Briar was particularly conscious about making her profile accessible to the visually impaired.
She looked a question at Lucien, who just gave another one of those elegant shrugs she was beginning to suspect were his calling card.
Elain hit play. And the sound of Briar, greeting visitors to her page in a voice that sounded exactly like Kermit the Frog, filled the room. Elain clapped a hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle. Her eyes slid to Lucien, silently asking him if he was hearing this, too.
He somehow managed to keep a straight face until Briar began to sing, and his shoulders shook with laughter as she painfully warbled her way through "One More Sleep 'til Christmas." Elain couldn't hit pause fast enough.
"I know the conventional wisdom is that you'll have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince, but…" Lucien said, trailing off as Elain's giggle grew in to out-and-out laughter.
The fist that seemed to always be clenched around her chest these days loosened just a bit. If Elain wasn't mistaken, she was having…fun. Since Greysen, she'd felt that way so rarely that she'd almost forgotten what it was like.
After a few more quick swipes left, Elain finally paused on the profile of a man who had the kindest blue eyes she'd ever seen. Tarquin Sommers was an oceanographer who spent his free time attending beach cleanups and teaching children to surf.
And it certainly helped that he had a gorgeous, muscular swimmer's body, too.
Elain's finger hovered over the screen, and Lucien noticed, his mechanical eye seeming to whirr with excitement. "Tarquin is a sea witch," he said gently, "so he'll be perfectly understanding of the whole slaying demons thing, if that's your concern."
"That's good to know," Elain said. "He's— He's very pretty."
"And not on the cupids' no-fly list, either. I recommend you start with him."
Elain told herself that the knots in her stomach were just excitement and swiped right.
A few days later, Elain found herself waiting outside a coffee shop—one of the cute local ones that advertised fair trade beans and used biodegradable cups. She was so out of practice that Feyre did her makeup, and her lavender romper had needed several rounds of Nesta's wrinkle-removal spell after being relegated to a heap at the back of her closet for so long.
But Elain made it. She was going to do this.
Lucien was already inside, sipping a dirty chai while pretending to read a book but really keeping an eye on her through the window. He'd offered to keep his distance and give them some privacy, but there was something about his presence that Elain found incredibly reassuring. She'd asked him to stay.
And honestly, he was probably the only reason she hadn't panicked and cancelled at the last minute.
Tarquin greeted her with an easy smile. He'd swapped out the board shorts in his picture for jeans that hugged his ass and a crisp white t-shirt that matched his hair and made his dark skin glow. Elain let him lead her inside.
They ordered their drinks, and somehow, the world didn't end as they made conversation. Elain had been good at this kind of thing, once. Before her life had been demonic crisis after crisis, she'd hosted parties and loved flirting and getting to know new people.
But now, she hardly spent any time with anyone who wasn't Feyre, Nesta, Rhys, or Cassian. She loved her family, but…she'd shut herself away.
It helped that Tarquin seemed like the sort of person who was easy to love. Barely a few minutes into their date, they'd already found common ground in a shared interest in aquatic plants.
In fact, Elain was so interested in coastal seagrass that she excitedly gestured with her cup. The lid went flying, and suddenly Tarquin's white shirt had a bright green matcha stain that extended all the way from his collar to his hem.
Elain wanted to disappear on the spot. She should have just accepted that she couldn't date without mucking everything up, and it was better to cut this short while the mess was still small enough that it could be taken care of with bleach instead of a vanquishing spell so complex it drained all of her power for weeks afterward. She'd been so monumentally stupid for—
Lucien caught her eye from across the café. "Elain," he said gently, but still loud enough that his voice carried to her. "It's quite alright."
Something inside her settled. She managed a weak smile in his direction. Lucien grinned back, snapped his fingers, and then Elain found herself in the same spot she'd been thirty seconds prior.
Their drinks weren't finished yet. Tarquin's shirt was still perfectly clean.
Lucien had turned back time to fix her date.
Elain repeated what she'd already said about seagrass meadows, and Tarquin didn't seem to notice anything was amiss. This time, she was careful not to spill her drink as they talked.
The whole thing was…nice. Tarquin's stories about swimming with dolphins back home in Adriata were charming, and he listened with intent, genuine interest as Elain explained how the ratio of white to brown sugar in a cookie recipe affected the texture of the final product. And he was even better-looking in person.
But still, a spark was missing. When it was time to leave, Elain turned her head at the last moment so that the goodbye kiss intended for her lips landed on her cheek instead.
Lucien was already in the living room of the Archeron manor when Elain winnowed home that evening—somehow, he'd secured a dinner invite from Nesta. He was lounging on their sofa, looking strangely at home as he fixed the fletching on one of Feyre's arrows. His auburn hair looked molten in the golden hour light streaming in from the windows.
"Well?" he said, looking up as she walked in.
"It was good," Elain said.
Lucien turned to face her fully, placing his feet flat on the floor and his hands on his knees. He tilted his head, and the glint of metal in his golden eye looked strangely predatory. "Just good?"
A pleasant shiver skittered its way down Elain's spine. "Yes."
"We should be doing a hell of a lot better than 'just good.'"
He stood, tapping the arrow on his palm as he approached her. His gaze traveled slowly down her body, and Elain's throat bobbed. Lucien came closer and closer, until she could feel heat radiating off of him.
A spark had been missing with Tarquin earlier, but Lucien was a gods-damned inferno of a cupid.
"Should we?" Elain breathed.
"I'm not giving up until you've been thoroughly swept off your feet. You deserve nothing less. But I think you're blocked, and it's time to try a different approach."
Before she could ask what that meant, Feyre called them into the kitchen for dinner.
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
Oooo okay I love the idea of Tamlin's daughter and like Nessian's daughter or even like Eris or Lucian's daughter?
The Romeo and Juliet vibes ✨️
stolen moments and chance meetings. 
Eris’s daughter x Reader (Nessian's daughter)
Summary: You and Eris’s daughter run into each other. 
Warnings: none
A/N: i love this idea so much (part two) (part three)
Wandering was bad. You knew that, well aware it was a beacon for danger, but when you spotted the quaint little clearing, you couldn’t help yourself. Technically it was spring court territory, but with a quick sweep of the perimeter, there wasn’t anyone in sight for miles. Just over the border, easy enough to make a quick escape. Worth the risk. 
It would be a nice way to cool off, you’d been flying for hours, and despite the wind sweat was dripping down your spine, off your temples. A “conditioning flight.” You had a love-hate relationship with them. 
Landing softly on the moss, you sighed and rolled your shoulders back, heading right for the pond - a beautiful clear blue. Heading right for it, you cupped the liquid between your hands, splashing your face, letting the water cool your burning skin, and nearly moaned at the sensation.
A few gulps later, and you were feeling much better, and sat back on your heels. 
“Someone’s not where they’re supposed to be.” 
Fuck. You recognized that voice. How had she snuck up on you? Unfortunately or fortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time. 
“I could say the same to you,” you countered, standing and turning slowly to face her. Cora Vanserra grinned at you, leaning back against a tree, arms crossed over her chest, red hair glinting in the sun. Beautiful and arrogant in equal measures, but it’s something you liked about her. There was something a little untrustworthy about someone too humble, in your opinion. 
“What’s your excuse?” She asked. You pointed at the pond, giving her a look that said; are you that stupid? Her eyes rolled. 
“And yours?” 
“I was close to the border anyway, when I saw you.” 
You’re her excuse. “Miss me that much, Cora?” you let her name drag out, testing it on your tongue. How many times had you actually said it? You saw each other two months ago, at another ball in Hewn City, and stole a few wonderful moments together in the bathroom. Of course there were the letters … but you hadn’t been able to risk many of those, even coded. Not since Nyx snooped and saw you had a secret lover. On threat of a slow and painful removal of his favorite part, he kept it to himself. 
She crossed the clearing, in front of you in moments, hands gripping your hips as she tugged you close. Your wings tucked in tight as you took in her gaze, amber eyes digging right into you - as if they could see through every layer. 
Her thumbs brushed back and forth over your stomach, heat burning through your clothes. You fought the urge to look down and see if you actually were on fire. Instead, you reached up and brushed your knuckles across her cheek, delighting in how she leaned into you, before lazily winding your arms around her shoulders. 
Where are you? A voice thundered through your mind. Nyx. Shit, you were supposed to meet him. Supposed to be done with your flight by now. 
Took a break, you answered, focused on shielding your current location. 
Where? He sounded exasperated, I’ll come get you.
That’s the last thing you need, for him to smell her scent in here. You needed the wind to brush it off of your own anyway. 
No need, I’m on my way now.
“Who was it this time?” She sighed, seeing the glazed over look in your eyes. 
“Nyx. He’s about to come get me.” 
“Leashed like a dog,” she murmured.
“And you’re much better?”
Her shoulders rose and fell. “When will I see you again?” she deflected. 
This little clearing was rather nice. And spring was relatively neutral territory. 
“Meet me here in a week. Sunrise.” 
Her head tilted. Calculating. “So clandestine.” 
“Do we have any other choice?” Your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, her hands squeezing around your waist. 
“And if I don’t show?” 
Mother above, you always forget how much she loves her little games. 
Cupping her face with both hands, you leaned forward, pausing a hair's breadth away. Her eyes widened, breath catching, and you grazed your lips over hers. A mockery of a kiss, but it did the job - her heart rate rose, breaths coming faster. Stepping back and shrugging off her grip, you rolled your shoulders back. 
“A little motivation for you,” you said - barely above the wind. Flaring your wings once, twice, three times, you shot off into the sky. Leaving a still, and contemplative Vanserra behind. 
Stolen moments, that’s all the two of you were destined for, and never enough of them. 
The wind slowly stripped you of her scent, of nutmeg and the first day of autumn, as you tried your best to commit it to memory. 
Where. Are. You. 
Nyx was worse than your parents with the fussing. This time, you shared a view of your surroundings, just as you crossed past the border of Spring. 
Where the fuck have you been? 
You ignored him. There was still a flight home to think of a good excuse. That’s if he didn’t decide to come grab you mid-flight. It wouldn’t be the first time.
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bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
headcanoning the LoA’s name to actually BE Autumn has be about to pass out 😭 some of yall are extra funny
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This is a Lucian Vanserra Appreciation post
That’s all. I love him and I would kill for him. 
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acourtofimagines · 6 months
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Summary: What happens when a certain red haired fairy founds you swimming in a waterfall? (This Isn’t my best but it was too cute to not try to write)
If you wanna be added to my tag list let me know.
I do take requests just check the Info and request page.
I had been part of the Spring Court all my life. I even worked in the manor as a cook. I remember the day Lucien showed up. He was badly injured. A wicked queen named Amarantha had torn out his eye. The injury was so ghastly Lord Tamlin himself had gotten sick. But kind when he wants to be at least he did help Lucien. Now the former Autumn Court prince wore a metal eye. But even with it, he was still rather handsome.
I hadn't officially met him until after the curse of the masks had already been placed. Lucien was stuck with a fox-themed masquerade mask and I was stuck wearing a tiger mask. We did grow close over the years. The faerie could be a grumpy bear sometimes, but he was also sweet. Loyal. Protective. And even with the metal eye and the scar across it, he was the definition of handsome. As time passed I had fallen for the grumpy faerie, but I was too fearful to admit it to him.
And now that the evil queen is dead we are now free of our masks. And if I thought he was when he had the mask on. He was even more so once I saw his face entirely. It took all my energy not to stare at the dashing former autumn prince. We remained close. We'd bicker and argue but it was our banter. Plus I loved giving him a hard time.
Lucien was standing in a small little clearing of the forest one day just letting the sun bath his face. He had forgotten how it felt with no mask on. He heard splashing from a distance and followed it. He soon came to a softly flowing waterfall. As he got closer and looked he saw me. I was swimming. The faerie blushed a little as I was dressed down to my undergarments to swim. He smiled. "You look like you're having fun," he said. I turned to face him.
"You should try it sometime," I teased. He rolled his eyes.
"Are you inviting me to join you?" he asked.
"If you want," I said letting myself float in the water. Lucien started to undo his boots. My heart raced a little. He soon removed his tunic and pants.
"Don't stare! don't stare! don't stare!" I told myself. Lucien eased into the water letting himself get used to it.
"It's cold at first but you'll get B used to it," I said as Iounged in the water. He nodded. As he stood there getting used to the water I playfully smirked. I smacked the water which sent a wave splashing on him and then swam off.
“I'm gonna get you for that!" he swam after me. I giggled and dived under the before he could grab me. I swam to a rock just behind the softly flowing water and climbed onto it. When he got close enough I cupped my hand so it would spray some water from the fall at him.
“Hey!” He shouted surprised. I giggled sitting on the rock. I stick my hand in the running water. “Waterfalls are so beautiful,” I said. I stood up and stood under the soft falling water. Lucien watched almost entranced as the water trickled down my body.
“Amazingly beautiful,” he said. I stuck out my hand to him. He smiled and took it as he joined me under the fall. I couldn’t stop myself from staring as the water danced down his bare skin. I felt his arms wrap around me as he gently pulled me closer. We locked eyes. He slowly leaned in and our lips.
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A Flower With Petals of Flame: Part five (Eris x Reader)
Warnings: None really, Just Y/n being worried and wholesomeness
Part four
Part six
Tag list: Open
You're finally getting ready to go to the meeting of the High Lords to meet your brother, but Eris has a little gift for you first...
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I smile at the few servants that walk the halls.  I helped Tamlin set up a system where everyone in the court was happy, and made sure everyone felt equal.
Well, as equal as a court could get.
Maybe I had grown soft, with the elections that were held in the afterlife, the idea that no person was better than another by right.
Or maybe I had forgotten how cruel this world could be.
I shake my head to myself, heading back to my room.
AS I step in, locking the door behind me, I pause to look in the mirror.
I had found some neutral colored cloths, browns and whites, to make my dress with.  I didn’t want to ally myself with my brother’s court when I don’t know what he’s become.
My dress was slim, and had a corset like top, the brown leather resting on my shoulders and below my breasts, while a white shirt with ruffles with a high neckline covered the rest.
With a braided crown with gold strands weaved into my black hair, my shoulders high, I looked like the High Ladies of olden times.
I left my hand, letting darkness twirl around it.
After you die, you get all the magic that you would have had in life, with no worries of it building up inside you and causing insanity.
I was told I would have been stronger than my brother, who currently holds the title of strongest highlord.
Even if I could, I wouldn’t take that from him.
However he may have changed, I wouldn’t believe he was no longer a good male.
He was nothing like our father.
A knock on the door startled me from my thoughts, and I smiled.  “Who is it?”
“Hmmmm, guess.”  Eris said from beyond the door, and I giggled.
“Oh, well I’m not very good at guessing, how about you just tell me.”  I spoke, smiling as I leaned against the doorframe.
“Well, how about we compromise and you open the door so I can give you a gift.”  He teased, and I snorted, opening the door to see him carrying a flattish, slightly large box.
I gave him a mock little bow as he stepped in, closing the door behind him.
“Can you guess now?”  He asks after throwing the box onto my bed, coming over and looking down at me with a mischievous grin.
“I’m not sure.”  I say, a little breathless.  If I leaned forward even an inch our chests would be touching.
He leans down slightly, and I panic, taking a quick step back.  “Hm, you’re Eris I think.”  I say with a wink.
Something like hurt flashed through his eyes, but he just winked.  “Ah, and we have a winner.”
He nodded towards the box on the bed.  “Open it.”
I went over, carefully undoing the beige ribbon that held it closed.  I gasped softly as I lifted the lid off, revealing a beautiful device of black canvas and silver poles and gears.  It had some sort of enchantment on it too.
“What is it?”  I whispered, a little afraid to take it out of the box in case I broke it.
Eris grinned as he motioned for me to turn around.  “Close your eyes, pet, and I’ll show you.”
I snorted as I did as he asked, a little nervous.  “How are you to show me if I cannot see?”
He chuckled, and I felt him raise my arms, placing the device on my back as if it was a backpack.  “Oh trust me, you’ll see it.”
I felt him god around me, tightening buckles and latching it around my chest.
After a moment, he stepped away, and a strange, magical sensation grew at my back.
“You can open your eyes now.”  He said with proud excitement in his voice.
I was stunned speechless when I opened my eyes, looking into the mirror at the mechanical set of wings I now wore.
They were slightly flared, but with some concentration I was able to make them move.
“Eris-  How did you even-?”  I asked, feeling tears well up in my eyes.
He came over next to me, touching one of the wings lightly and I shivered.  I could actually feel them.
“I found the Female who helped Lucian, when I came to her and told her I had a female Illyrian who had lost her wings, she told me that she could do all she could.”
I whirled around, hugging him tightly.  “Eris, you have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.”
He carefully brought up his arms to hug me back, and I could help but to notice his scent had a more crisp, calm smell to it today.
“A good gift then, I would say.”  He said with an amused lilt to his voice, and I snorted into his chest, not quite ready to let go yet.
Another knock, and Lucian spoke through the door with a bit of annoyance, “Are you ready to go yet Y/N?  The High Lord meeting should be starting any moment now.”
“YEP, ONE MINUTE.”  I shouted obnoxiously loudly, and Lucian grumbled as he went away.
I finally pulled away from Eris, and he smiled softly.
“See you there.”  Eris said, before winnowing away.
I took a deep breath.  Going to a meeting with a bunch of High Lords who thought I was dead.  What could possibly go wrong?
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