#Luggage for Vulcan S
totalmotorcycle · 2 years
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carrietrekkie · 5 years
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I think the title say it all. In this part they say goodbye to Discovery, in the second part hello to Enterprise. And I´ll bring on a character I personally loved from the first second (beside Chris Pike).
Welcome (Part II)
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“You stay here !?" Tilly stared at me. Guiltily I looked aside, but met Michael's eyes. "This is…! I mean ...! "She dropped onto the sofa that belonged to my quarters. "I don´t know what I mean." "Cathrin, you'll be gone for almost five years." Burnham sat down too. Spock stood in another corner, which I found strange, but at least he saved his words. I grinned that we probably still had enough time to talk. I knew that Michael wanted to scare me, but she had to realize it would not work. "I know, but honestly, who should I miss but you?" I smiled at the two. "And you probably will not be on Discovery forever." "Five years ?!" Silvia stood up. "Five years!" "Not continuous, Ensign." Spock finally said something. "Five years!" Higher rank or no, she glared at the Vulcan, then at me again. "Do you know what can happen at this time?" "No, but I'm sure when I get back there's at least one Lieutenant Tilly standing in front of me." I smiled, taking the wind out of her sails a little. "Maybe under Captain Burnham." Now I turned to Michael. "Or Saru, or, or." "And what about you?" "Maybe I'm a paramedic by then." I shrugged. "Or a doctor, or I can find something completely different here." My gaze wandered out into the vastness of space. "It is said that there are infinity widths."
“What gave you that idea?" "Captain Pike offered it to me, I suppose, quite simply." Now that they had all the information, I expected that they would try to convince me otherwise. "Wow, that's crazy." Tilly started to laugh. "That's an incredible opportunity!" Michael beamed at me. Slowly I turned to Spock, who raised an eyebrow and I put that on the list of puzzles to solve for the next five years. "You are not angry?" I sat down too. "Why should we be angry?" "Are you kidding?"
"It somehow takes a different direction than I thought." I smiled at them. "Of course we'll miss you, but hey, we can write." Tilly jumped up now, as did Michael. "But how would it be we if we help you move now?" "Everything I have fits in two small suitcases." "What about your car?" I sighed. Right, my car was still in the shuttle hangar of the Discovery. Maybe there was a place here somewhere, until I finally knew what I wanted to do with it. "I'm getting it brought here." Spock came up to us. "I'm sure Chief Louvier will find a place for it." "Thanks Spock." "Never mind." "Okay, then I suggest we meet in your quarters on the Discovery. Shall we say in an hour? " "Sounds good."
So my friends and colleagues said goodbye and with the typical hiss of the door, I was alone in this, still very poor-looking quarters. Slowly I walked through the small living area into the bedroom, adjoining a bathroom. I guessed it had to be an officer's quarters. I would probably have to thank Number One for that. I went to the wardrobe, pulled it up and had to smile at the sight. There was a row of light blue uniform jackets, dresses, trousers, skirts, boots. I only had to organize civilian clothes. Finally something I must do. I stroke the fabric. It felt a little lighter than the one I was wearing. I took one of the jackets from the hanger, plus pants and boots. Then I undressed, put my old uniform neatly and stowed it in the closet. I slipped into the new clothes, closed the zipper and then looked at myself in the mirror. I looked different, but it felt right, and I wondered again, if I had been born two hundred years later, if  I would have landed with Starfleet. Now it was official. I was no longer a member of the crew of Discovery, I now belonged to the Enterprise. I hoped she would become my family as well. I stroked my jacket, then left the quarters, hoping to find my way to the infirmary. Dr. Boyd would surely expected me.
He talked fast and he kept going up and down uninterruptedly. But surprisingly, I got everything. I was probably not out of practice and doctors seemed to stay doctors, no matter how much time passed. Now Dr. Boyd, head physician on the Enterprise, stood and turned to me.
"You look less confused than I assumed." "That's a good thing, isn´t it?" I smiled at him. "I would say so." He leaned against his desk. "The captain was pretty impressed with what you did on Star Base 10." My mouth twitched slightly. "I did what everyone would have done."
"Everybody freaks out at some point, that varies depending on the amount of blood or body parts." Boyd pushed off again, I watched him go to a console. I liked him already. "How about the following suggestion?" He pulled a medical record from a drawer, typed a few commands, slid it into the console, and then turned back to me. "We are about four days on the way to Earth." It beep, he pulled the tray from the console and handed it to me. "Read this, join me in the next few days at work and before we go, we'll decide what to do with you." I reached for the tray, it showed the symbol of the Starfleet Academy, the training course for the paramedic. I smiled a little.
"Ask me if you don´t get something." "Yes, sir." He ran again and I took the opportunity to follow him. "Doctor." He glanced at me. "Not sir. That makes me feel older than I already am. Or Phillip, but only if I behave like a complete idiot. " "OK. Do you do that more often? " "They say so." He looked at his tray, then looked up and seemed surprised that I was still there. "Don´t you have anything else to do?" "I thought I should follow you?" "Not today." Boyd smiled at me. "Surely you have enough to do and your friends are definitely waiting for a goodbye." I almost forgot that. I swallowed slightly. "It'll be easier if you don´t put it off." He put a hand on my arm for a moment. "We will spend a lot of time together. Let's go. "He gave the whole thing a nod, so I thanked him with a smile and left the infirmary. I turned off somewhere wrong, because instead in one of the transporter rooms, I landed again on the bridge. "Oh, that seems somehow to be my thing today." "Back here?" Spock caught me. "You got lost." "Is there any plan from this boat here?" I made a movement that encompassed the whole ship. "Don´t let the captain hear that." He reprimanded me. "I'll give you a plan. Where do you want to go?" "Discovery." I turned back to the turbolift. "I have to pack a little something and say goodbye to my friends." "I bring you."
So he joined me in the turbolift and chose the appropriate deck, which I hope would keep in mind. And a few minutes later we were in the transporter room. "Thanks, Spock." I smiled at him. "I think we'll meet more often now?" "If you wish for that." "Uh, well, I thought because I live on this ship now and you live here." God, it sounded like I was going to hack him. "Forget what I said." "You are a friend of my sister, of course we will have to do with each other." He tilted his head slightly. "Maybe we will become friends too?" "You and me?" I went up to the platform. "I am a very emotional person." "That doesn´t have to be a bad thing." He stopped the transport process. "See you later." "Yes, see you later."
My confusion was still in place when I materialized on Discovery. Luckily there was only the transport chief, so I hurried to get into my quarters. I was late, Tilly and Michael would be here any moment. So I threw everything I found in my suitcase and hoped I wouldn´t forget anything. I was halfway through my rooms when there was a knock. "In."
The door opened and my girlfriends entered. The good mood of the hour before had disappeared, I already noticed that before they had entered correctly. "Please don´t." I looked at them. Michael was still in control, I wouldn´t have expected otherwise, but Tilly's eyes were slightly red and she was holding something. " I have to pull myself together anyway.” "I'm sorry, but I just realized what it means you leave." "Tilly." Burnham nudged her. "I just cannot stop." I didn´t know if I should find it sad or sweet, I got her a handkerchief and handed her. "Thanks." She somehow managed a smile. "When did you leave?" Michael looked at my suitcases. "All I have to do is check that I have everything and then my luggage will be taken away and when Pike says goodbye to you later, I'll say goodbye too." "Ohhh, that will come too." Tilly sniffed again. "Do I have to listen to this?" "Yes, you have to. You owe much to the captain." "Tribblepoo. Then I need more handkerchiefs. "She looked down briefly. "Oh, that's for you." "What's that?" I took the present, it was soft and pressed together. "You're alone on the Enterprise, well, not really, but it takes a while to make friends and that's why."
I tore open the paper, a light gray blanket fell out. "Tilly, that's yours." "Now it's yours." She grinned. "I expect you to bring it back to me somehow, someday." "I have nothing for you. For neither of you. " "You don´t need too." Michael grinned at me. "We just want you to come back, that's all." "I will do my best." "Okay, let's get ready for Pike's farewell. See you soon! "Burnham put his arm around Tilly and shoved her to the door. "See you soon!" They left and I became painfully aware that I wouldn´t see them for a long time. I had to distract myself, otherwise I started to cry. So I began to stuff the blanket in the suitcase, shut it and managed to close the closures. I quickly went around and was surprised that I had actually forgotten nothing, so I closed the two bags and then opened my communicator.
"Zimmer at Enterprise." "Here Transporter Room 4." "I had my luggage ready to beam." "Roger that. Quarters 2518? " "Exactly." As soon as I said that, a golden light caught the suitcases and a blink of an eye later, it had disappeared. "Your other piece of luggage was taken to the shuttle hangar and secured there." "Thank you." "Enterprise end." Slowly I closed the communicator, then I looked around in the now empty quarters. Although it had only been my home for a short time, I had only moved once and now twice in a very short time. "Take care Discovery." I took a deep breath. "It was interesting with you."
Then it rang at the door and I wondered if it was Tilly again. "Yes, please." The door opened and Captain Pike entered. He now wore his golden uniform and also in his eyes swung a little melancholy. Anyway he wriggled a smile as he looked at me. "Wow, you look great." I spread my arms and turned briefly. "It really suits you." "You too." I smiled back, yes, he looked damned good. "But I think the blue had something for itself." "Yes, me too." He looked around, then slowly started to walk around. "Ready to pack?" "I didn´t have much here. The Enterprise just beamed it over. "I looked at him, he looked sad. "What do you have?"
He sits down on the couch. "I didn´t think it would be so hard for me." "You will get your ship back." I sat next to him. "I thought you were happy." "I am, of course." He jumped up and started walking back and forth. "But I still feel like letting the crew down." "You don´t do that. It was clear it was just for this mission, wasn´t it? "I thought I remembered that Stamets had said something like that. "Yes, of course, but we've been through a lot." "You and the Enterprise crew are not?" Pike smiled at me. "I think nobody is mad at you here. I think you did more for the crew than you know. "I straightened up. "I don´t know all the details, but they had been through a lot before you took command." "Yes." He raised an eyebrow. "Thank you."
"I also believe, to those things belongs a bit melancholy. "I shrugged my eyebrows. "If nobody cries, then something goes wrong." He smiled, then offered his hand to me. I hesitated for a second, then grabbed it and let him help me off the sofa. He cocked his head to one side and sighed slightly. "I hope I'm not crying."
Captain Pike was probably the only one who didn´t fight with tears when he said his farewell words on the bridge. "I want to thank you all. We've been through a lot together, skidded through many dangers, and I think I remember laughing from time to time. "He looked around at the officers on the bridge. I had joined Tilly and watched him speak his last words as Commander of Discovery. "I wish you all the best." Pike smiled in the round. "Your new captain is lucky and could be proud of you all. Every one of you has grown dear to me, despite the short and turbulent time, I will never forget what you all did for me. "He sighed slightly. "Take care of yourself." "You too Captain Pike." That came from Saru and after he had said that, the crew started to clap and the ranks broke up. Some stepped forward to say good-bye to him personally, so it seemed to me as I turned to meet Detmer and Owo. "Oh hello." I smiled at them. "We just wanted to say goodbye." Owo put an arm around me for a moment, which I replied, Detmer did the same. "I hope you find a new home on the Enterprise." "I hope so too." I was touched, I didn´t think I was so popular. "Take care of yourselves!" "You too." "Goodbye." I looked after them, followed by a few short handshakes, before Saru came up to me. "Commander." I nodded to him. "I wanted to thank you for always being so patient with me." "Cathrin, you have always been a good listener." He put a hand on my shoulder for a moment. "I wish you all the best." "Oh Saru." I put my hand on his, which was still on my shoulder. "I really will miss you." "I want to give that back." Then he went on. As long as the new captain was not on board, he was in command. I thought he deserved to be promoted to captain. I looked around the bridge one last time. Pike was exchanging a few words with Owosekun. On the other hand, all that remained for me was to prepare myself for the hardest farewell. I went to Michael and Silvia, who stood next to the turbolift.
"Now it's time." I sighed heavily, then pinched my lips. "You two are the best friends I could have found and you don´t even believe how hard it is for me." I blinked a few times. "I wish you all the best Cathrin." Michael grabbed my hand and I squeezed it. "I can only give that back." I reached out and closed mine on Tilly's. With her other, she wiped a few tears from her face. "I really want to tell you something nice, or something terribly profound or inspirational, but you see where that leads." She pointed to her face. "I'll just write it down and send it to you."
I laughed, then I pulled both of them over and put my arms around them, both returned it and so we stood there. Happy and sad at the same time. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them again I saw Pike standing behind us. "I hate to bother, but we have to go." "Yes." I took a deep breath, then released them. "I'll miss you so terribly." I took a step back. "Who do you say that to?" Tilly glanced at Pike, opened her mouth, but immediately closed it again. "I'm curious how our paths cross again Ensign Tilly." Pike shook her hand and the already completely resolved Tilly shook it briefly. "I'm sure you will make your way." "Thanks Sir." "Michael." He nodded to her. The two had already talked, I knew that. "All the best Sir." She put an arm around Tilly and pulled her slightly to one side. "You too." Then he looked at me. "Can we?" "Yes." I returned it and we entered the turbolift.
"Captain Pike." Suddenly Saru stood with Burnham and Tilly. "Take good care of her!" Pike smiled, then nodded to the Kelpian and I waved to my friends before the doors closed.
"Transporter room four." Pike gave the order, then looked at me. "Well, nobody cried, so it was not so good?" I smiled weakly, then my feelings thwarted me. I was so determined not to cry, but now, in here and with the chaos in my head, I couldn´t help it longer. "No, it was wonderful." The rest went down in a sob and I put my hand over my mouth. "Oh hey, what's going on?" He teared his eyes and turned to me.
I sniffed aloud, that couldn´t look very elegant, then I looked at him. "Sorry." I wiped my face but that didn`t really make it any better. "It's just." Again I sniffed and suddenly I felt him put his arms around me and I returned it without hesitation, grateful to be able to hold me anywhere. "Don´t tell me you've changed your mind."
I smiled slightly, but he couldn´t see that. He held me so tight that I could feel his heartbeat and his heart beat fast. "No, I didn´t change my mind." Pike took a deep breath, he didn´t even bother to hide his relief. I pushed him away from me for a moment and grinned at him. "What about you?" "What should be with me?" "Do you already regret your offer?" The lift stopped, I released him. Chris hesitated for a moment, then joined me. "No, I don´t." He smiled broadly at me, catching the next tear that leaves my eyes with his thumb. "Everything okay?"
"All right." I followed him as he started to walk. "I was just torn all day and it seems that the point was reached where it wanted to get out." I closed up to him, then something struck me. I tapped the wet spot on his shoulder. "Sorry." "Barely noticeable." He winked at me.
I withdrew my hand as we reached the transporter room. At the entrance I had deposited a bag, strangely, had still found some that had to go with me. I just wanted to throw them over my shoulder when Pike took them from my hand. "I'll take it." "Thank you."
We nodded to the transporter officer, then we entered the platform. I turned slowly once more, then my eyes met Chris' again. I smiled, which he took as an opportunity to give the order for the transporter. "Energy."
Then the transporter carried us away from Discovery.
Dedicated to one of the Doctors that accompanied me on my way. If you want, my Phil Boyd . I hope he found his “Haus am See” in heaven.
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tonyb-blog · 7 years
I suppose it’s stating the obvious to say that touring or any sort of long distance travel on a motorbike will involve  a number of compromises.  I know from experience that something has to give. Ive done long distance European touring on all sorts of bikes, that have included: GSX-R 600’s; 750’s, 1000’s as well as on a Fireblade, CB1000R and a Kawasaki Z1000 SX.
All of them have been excellent and I suppose its only the Z1000 SX that is the most ‘obvious’ of those as an out and out sports touring bike with its factory fitted luggage option.
But it’s my opinion that really you can tour and undertake log distance travel on just about any bike … but that’s where the compromise comes in.
It might be comfort, fuel range or maybe a compromise of practicality over performance or even, reliability etc and a whole host of other things – but one that you can never really get away from is the ability and relative ease (or otherwise) to carry luggage.
It’s the last point that has proved interesting with the bike that my wife and I will be using in a few weeks time when we set off to travel in Spain and probably down into Portugal from our home in Manchester (UK)
We’re doing it on Kawasaki’s medium weight ‘cruiser’ the Vulcan S  (650).
I suppose it’s not an obvious choice of bike to undertake a trip on, but having traveled extensively in Europe many times over the years I cant actually see any inherent problems with us doing it on that. It’s reliable, its got enough power, its a very easy bike to ride and it returns a pretty impressive mpg – so why not?
The availability of luggage options has increased dramatically in the last year or so. Once you got over a near choking fit when you look at the price of  Kawasaki OEM luggage  – over £650 for a pair of leather (non locking) panniers and a £185 for the mounting bars, then you realise that actually not only are they incredibly expensive – they probably are not even the best options.
I started looking around on the web and looked at products from Viking, Givi, Kappa, Hepco & Becker and Shad. I’m sure they all have their merits but many of the options seemed to just look wrong on the bike – especially many of them seeming to be oversized and looking way out of proportion.
Eventually we settled on a new product from the Spanish based company Shad – the SH23’s.
Shad actually produce  OEM equipment for  a number of companies, including: BMW; Yamaha; Honda, Derbi and others and I knew from a previous product of theirs that I had owned that the quality was a good match against the price.
The problem I initially had was actually getting hold of them as they were a new product (2017) and it seemed there were some initial distribution problems – certainly to the UK.
I ordered mine from a company based in North Wales called Fast Bike Bits who supply parts and accessories for a wide range of motorcycles. I can say without hesitation they were a good company to deal with, and although there were some problems with supply, they were down to the manufacturer and not Fast Bike Bits – I had several telephone and email conversations with them and they proved to be a really easy and helpful company to deal with.
My order arrived a few weeks ago, but as I was off traveling around Europe on one of my other bikes it was only this week that I actually took them out of the boxes and got around to fitting them.
The product arrived in two separate boxes, one with the actual panniers and the other with the fitting kit. The instructions were easy to follow and the actual fitting was pretty routine.
I had already fitted a Hepco & Becker back rest and rack – so had already done the drilling out of the two plastic covers – and in practice it was simply a matter of removing the bolts, working out which way the support bars went on and then fitting them.
Once the bars are on they are pretty unobtrusive, as you can see in the picture. After fitting the bar on the left hand side of the bike it was a case of the same again on the right hand side of the bike and to be honest that was more or less it.
The panniers both lock with the same key and feel secure when on the bike. They also came with a spare barrel – I’m not really sure why, although I’m guessing that it’s perhaps if you have other luggage (maybe a top box) then you can swap the barrel and only have to carry a single key for the luggage.
But of course – once the panniers are on then it’s back to the compromise issue and with a capacity of 23L each then clearly it’s not massive, but they DO look proportional on the bike, rather than looking like an oversize option that would be better suited to a bigger and/or different style of bike.
To help with the space we have a Givi 15L bag that we plan to secure to the rack – although I may look at other options if I need to. I’ve had a quick ‘test packing’ in one of the panniers and I reckon I can get enough of my own stuff in there (along with a tube of wash and go, so that after the first week of travel I can wash things through).
My wife has yet to have a go at looking at how much of what she wants to take she can get in – but as I have said a couple of times, motorcycle travel generally involves compromises of sorts and I’m pretty sure we will manage … even if it means compromising some of ‘my space” so she can carry a little bit more of her stuff!
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
Shad SH23
    luggage on the Vulcan S (650) I suppose it's stating the obvious to say that touring or any sort of long distance travel on a motorbike will involve  a number of compromises. 
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allcarnews · 6 years
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DBS 59 🇬🇧 ______________________________________ Meet the stunning custom DBS 59 by Aston Martin Q! 24 have been commissioned by Aston Cambridge to remember the DBR1 that won LeMans in 1959! The most stunning feature is the green paint with carbon trim and gold/bronze accents! 🔥 The stunning DBS gets the DB11's TT 5.2L V12 making 715 HP and 664 lb-ft of torque , 0-60 in 3.4 sec, 0-100MPH in 6.4sec and a 200+MPH top speed with a 8speed gearbox ALL of which could be too much to handle for a manual gearbox!🔥 The interior is also insanely beautiful, with obsidian black leather mixed with rich chestnut Tan leather and contrast stitching! Custom leather luggage comes with this specially bespoke aston! ________________________________________ EXTRA: JESUS THAT COLOR 😍 #Makegreengreatagain ________________________________________ - - #AstonMartin #Vanquish #V12 #DB11 #DBS #british #Aston #Vulcan #Brexit #Redbull #Amg #carbon ||#powerful #performance #turbocharged #supercharged #advanced #SupercarsRevamped #Supercar #HyperCar #ItsWhiteNoise #CarLifeStyle #MadWhips #CupGang #Carstagram #BlackList #AmazingCars247 An #allcarnews post https://www.instagram.com/p/BpqAP5-HJsw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5hvk34zr2c23
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humanistauno · 5 years
Where in Mindanao?
  by: Melody Leagogo
"We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us." Travelling sail us into a new world of discoveries and experiences and with this, we become a great story tellers. Curiosity bring us to voyage and the eagerness to look into the beauty in it, the beauty of a picture-perfect landscapes, mighty crash of deep waves beneath swaying palms and the human's creativity to fabricate such stunning piece of art. Admit it, there's always a feeling of eager enthusiasm when having our luggage pack and full knowing that we are ready for the next trip. Sometimes we need to be a naive like a sea goer wandering in endless flow to uncover new things and endure new ways on how to live life to its finest. Sharing escapade with your family and someone you love is the best way to indulge memorable moments like this. A decade has passed but one of my unforgettable moments still fresh as we conquered the Island born of fire, Camiguin Island way back December of 2014.
Camiguin is in everyone's bucket list. Whether you are a Thalassophile- a person who loves sea, as monkey as adventurous you are, or someone who love to keep an eye on as the sky blend into darkness with a calm wave within the sea's wide, then Camiguin Island will satisfy your longing. The humble Island of Camiguin was placed at Bohol sea about 10 kilometers off the northern coast of mindanao specifically off-coast of Balingoan Port of Misamis Oriental Province. Camiguin is one of the best kept paradise of Northern Mindanao. It is an island province of volcanic origin hence it is called “Island Born of Fire”. Camiguin Island is said to be created by volcanic eruptions and land movements, thus the reason of the moniker. It has a total of seven volcanoes including Mount Hibok-Hibok, an active one with last recorded eruption in 1953 and helped maintain its shape as what it is right now. A way to travel Camiguin starting of a seaport where placed in Misamis Oriental to reached into a sparkling white sand beaches with majestic mountain backdrop. The port is the jump point to the province via an hour RORO vessel sea travel. While crossing the wide deep blue and cruising on a gunned-engined little ship, you will captivate yourself by looking into pleasing and satisfying surroundings. As clear as gleaming sun the water in unbounded flow and the caroling crew of the vessel singing Christmas songs to the passengers. You'll immediately welcome by a white sand bar as you arrive at the port of Camiguin and look down into the water, you will see some beautiful and colorful kind of fishes. It was just some prelimenary briefing on how bless of beautiful attractions and worth to spend time the place is. We rented a van to stroll around from sea to summit. Camiguin Island is one of the many pretty islands in the Philippines that lets you drool over with its white sand beaches, firey sunsets, and bizarre townscape. While travelling into our destination, the setting behold my eye as I noticed that on my right side was never ending sea and on my left was full of rice field like it was just amazing and unique scenario. Our first stop was The Old Church Ruins, also known as Gui-ob Church, the historical landmark in Camiguin Island. It is located in Brgy. Bonbon, Catarman. Guib-ob Church was destroyed and partly submerged during the series of eruptions of Mt. Vulcan from 1871 to 1875. According to the people there, the ruin of Guiob Church is all that is left of the old town. The church lost its roof, but its sturdy walls and columns still standing, showing its historical presence to the people. A massive, beautiful physical reminder of an almost apocalyptic past and one of the tourist attraction now. It looked like a simple ancient wall, like a wrecked castle surrounded by towering trees and covered by moss. The walls continued to give a vivid illustration of how the old church looked like and how big it was. As the midday sun shot arrows of light, we stop in a small restaurant and here, I can tell that the folks here are best cook with unique and gastronomic island cuisine. Our second destination was the Sunken cemetery. There are no flowers or gravestones to the memory of the lost citizens of Camiguin, only a giant cross rising up out in the middle of the sea to mark where this place of rest once was. As one of the damages of 1870's volcanic eruption, this cemetery was sunk and in order to commemorate the late residents, a man-made marvel looming cross was built in remembrance.
This spot became the famous landmark of the Island. Best viewed if you are chasing sunset but if you want go near, you can rent boat and do snorkeling as marine life have grown through years. Riding along the way, similar posters hanging on the side street catches our attention as it informed the celebration of Lanzones festival but unfortunately it was last October. To give you a piece of fact, Lanzones or buwahan is the local fruit here and the sweetest and juiciest than here. Their big celebration of Lanzones festival is to give thanks to the bountiful harvest of Lanzones as well as to show their culture. Our last spot was Katibawasan falls. A curtain of water revealed me immediately. Satisfaction ruled me as I enter the premises of the park. It was utilized by the local government and transformed into tourist attraction. The water casades from 250 feet above ground and as I went nearer the fall, its sound rumbling plunges from above to the small pool awaited and directly into a flowing river. Ferns and plants decorate the edge of the cliff while boulders rest below, naturally arranged to let the water make beautiful movements. By the way, it has an entrance fee but the satisfaction you'll get double or triple your paid. Your getaway is not complete if you cannot visit a souvenir store. Not a distant from Katibawasan falls, there are many souvenir as a remembrance that I went in Camiguin Isaland. This day seems so long, tired but at the same time satisfied of what I witnessed today. Only three landmarks we went through because we only have one day to explore the beauty of Camiguin. As the sun broke through the drizzle, we went at my uncle's home in El Salvador Misamis Oriental where we stayed for our vacation.
All in all, my whole journey in Camiguin Island was wow! I'm not mistaken of my decision to go with them and given the opportunity to see such stunning nature. We were just visited few spots there because we had just only  one day to explore and engage ourselves to the place but I know that there are a lot of hidden paradise that secretly lay on that place. To travel is to know. To understand a certain place not only on the geographical formation but to understand the way of living of the species that shaped that place especially the people. Learning from experience is to learn the present. Traveling is not just aiming to view beutiful spots or majestic formations or to admire structures. It also brings us into realization, peace of mind, reflection for our future actions. Live life to the fullest. Sometimes you need to get out and escape your messy surrounding, to escape the chaos of the city, to be stress-free. Leave your paper works, your unfinished businesses, your pressuring school works, your brokenhearted, and your burdens at home and start to appreciate beautiful things to refresh your mind. Go to a place like Camiguin where your intoxication replenishes by its comfort. You are not alone, there is always Camiguin.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Startups Weekly: Oyo’s toxicity + A farewell
Welcome back to Startups Weekly, a weekend newsletter that dives into the week’s noteworthy startups and venture capital news. Before I jump into today’s topic, let’s catch up a bit. Last week I wrote about the startups we lost in 2019. Before that, I noted the defining moments of VC in 2019.
Unfortunately, this will be my last newsletter, as I am leaving TechCrunch for a new opportunity. Don’t worry, Startups Weekly isn’t going anywhere. We’ll have a new writer taking over the weekly update soon enough; in the meantime, TechCrunch editor Henry Pickavet will be at the helm. You can still get in touch with me on Twitter @KateClarkTweets.
If you’re new here, you can subscribe to Startups Weekly here. Lots of good content will be coming your way in 2020.
India’s WeWork?
TechCrunch reporter Manish Singh penned an interesting piece on the state of Indian startups this week: As Indian startups raise record capital, losses are widening (Extra Crunch membership required). In it, he claims the financial performance of India’s largest startups are cause for concern. Gems like Flipkart, BigBasket and Paytm have lost a collective $3 billion in the last year.
“What is especially troublesome for startups is that there is no clear path for how they would ever generate big profits,” he writes. “Silicon Valley companies, for instance, have entered and expanded into India in recent years, investing billions of dollars in local operations, but yet, India has yet to make any substantial contribution to their bottom lines. If that wasn’t challenging enough, many Indian startups compete directly with Silicon Valley giants, which while impressive, is an expensive endeavor.”
Manish’s story came one day after The New York Times published an in-depth report on Oyo, a tech-enabled budget hotel chain and rising star in the Indian tech community. The NYT wrote that Oyo offers unlicensed rooms and has bribed police officials to deter trouble, among other toxic practices.
Whether Oyo, backed by billions from the SoftBank Vision Fund, will become India’s WeWork is the real cause for concern. India’s startup ecosystem is likely to face a number of barriers as it grows to compete with the likes of Silicon Valley.
Follow Manish here or on Twitter for more of TechCrunch’s growing India coverage.
Venture capital highlights (it’s been a slow week)
Brazil’s Loft nabs $175M from a16z, Vulcan
Shipfix raises $4.5M seed for its dry cargo shipping platform
InsightFinder gets $2M seed to automate outage prevention 
The 5 biggest rounds in tech in 2019
A look at Utah’s biggest venture rounds of 2019
In the shadow of Amazon and Microsoft, Seattle startups are having a moment
How to find the right reporter to pitch your startup
If you’ve still not subscribed to Extra Crunch, now is the time. Longtime TechCrunch reporter and editor Josh Constine is launching a new series to teach you how to pitch your startup. In it he will examine embargoes, exclusives, press kit visuals, interview questions and more. The first of many, How to find the right reporter to pitch your startup, is online now.
Subscribe to Extra Crunch here.
Another week, another new episode of TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, Equity. This week, we discussed a few of 2019’s largest scandals, Peloton’s strange holiday ad and the controversy over at the luggage startup Away. Listen here and be sure to subscribe, too.
For anyone wondering about changes at Equity following my departure from TechCrunch, the lovely Alex Wilhelm (founding Equity co-host) will keep the show alive and, soon enough, there will be a brand new co-host in my place. Please keep supporting the show and be sure to recommend it to all your podcast-adoring friends.
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motorcycleparts2day · 7 years
Tumblr media
Black Sissy Bar Backrest Luggage Rack for Kawasaki Vulcan S 650 EN650 2015-2018 BUY IT NOW – Black Sissy Bar Backrest Luggage Rack for Kawasaki Vulcan S 650 EN650 2015-2018
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robertkstone · 6 years
AM-RB 003 Is Aston Martin’s Latest Hybrid Hypercar
From the DB9 to the Vantage, Aston Martin is best known for its front-engine cars. But for the Valkyrie hypercar, Aston Martin decided to stick its 6.5-liter V-12 behind the driver. If you thought the British automaker was only temporarily dabbling with mid-engine cars, though, you’d be very wrong. Not only will the Vanquish go mid-engine, the sports car maker’s also working on a new hybrid hypercar called AM-RB 003.
And if you see a lot of the Valkyrie in AM-RB 003’s styling, that’s intentional. As Miles Nurnberger, Aston Martin’s head of design, put it in a release, “We were quite deliberate with [AM-RB 003] to not disguise its lineage, but we were equally emphatic that it would be a distillation of Aston Martin Valkyrie and not a dilution.” Even though [AM-BR 003] looks a lot like the Valkyrie, though, it gets its own next-generation active aero kit with a flexible wing that sounds a lot like what we saw on the McLaren Speedtail. Instead of moving the entire wing, individual areas can be adjusted to reduce turbulence and wind noise, improve efficiency, and minimize drag.
Inside, you’ll notice AM-RB 003’s cabin is larger than the Valkyrie’s, as well. Aston says that was done to improve both usability and comfort. That’s also the reason why designers rejected the Valkyrie’s gullwing doors in favor of more practical forward-opening ones, as well as the reason there’s room behind the seats to store luggage.
The entire cabin’s design is still built around the driver, though. The steering wheel stands out as the focal point, with almost all the physical controls mounted there. And instead of an infotainment system, there’s an integrated mount for a phone or tablet. Advanced lightweight materials and 3-D printing also allowed designers to remove about 50 percent of the center console’s mass.
Power comes from a new turbocharged V-6 that Aston Martin designed in-house. Expect more powertrain details to be announced later, but Aston boss Andy Palmer promises the car will “more than compete” with hybrid hypercar benchmarks Porsche 918 Spyder and LaFerrari in the power department. That could mean the turbo V-6 will be supplemented by a significant electric boost. We also know AM-RB 003 will use the Vulcan’s sealed oil system that allows you to change the oil in as little as 90 seconds. Aston also says the chassis and bodywork are made from carbon fiber to keep the car’s weight as low as possible. And even though it’s been built to dominate the race track, an adaptive suspension should make Project 003 a usable road car, as well.
Hopefully, Aston Martin will announce more details at AM-RB 003’s Geneva motor show debut. But if not, there’s plenty of time for specs to be announced, since AM-RB 003 isn’t scheduled to begin production until late 2021.
Source: Aston Martin
The post AM-RB 003 Is Aston Martin’s Latest Hybrid Hypercar appeared first on Motortrend.
from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 https://ift.tt/2XFVCtg via IFTTT
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totalmotorcycle · 7 years
2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review
Popular: HAIL TO THE KING, BABY. 2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review on Total Motorcycle: The Vulcan® 1700 Voyager®’s large frame-mounted fairing, high-capacity integrated luggage with passenger backrest, comfortable saddle, electronic cruise control and sound [...] The post 2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/PtxfNc
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tonyb-blog · 7 years
Although there was something of an improvement in the weather during April, it still hasn’t really been that good so far, which in turn has disappointingly meant that it has been a pretty slow start to the ‘biking year’ for me, compared to previous years.
On the positive side I have managed to get out on each of the bikes during April, but not for any particularly long rides, more like rides of just a 100 or 150 miles or so, it was during one of those short rides that I came across the unusual and pretty  ‘imagination tree’ that you can see pictured in the gallery below.
Despite that each of them have been thoroughly enjoyable in their own way, and being able to get out on different bikes is always a real pleasure – one of the real benefits of having the different styles of motorbike is that they all feel so different to ride and each gives a really different experience.
I’d really struggle to ultimately favour one over the other apart from when it comes to the soundtrack and then its the booming sound of the Moto Guzzi V twin that wins every time, other than that they each have their own individual appeal.
If there is a decent turn in the weather then I’d like to head off somewhere for a few days, it would be ideal to get a short break before my European trip at the back end of  June – but with other commitments during the second half of May and much of June I’m not so sure that will happen.
The Moto Guzzi V7 was MoTd at the start of April (I wrote about that here) and the Z1000 is due its first MoT later this month.
A task that did get sorted during April was the luggage for the Vulcan S.  After looking around for what seems an age and weighing up a number of different options I’ve finally ordered the panniers and I expect them to be delivered fairly soon and I’ll write and post about that in due course.
Other than knocking up a simple rack out of some scrap wood for better organizing the hike gloves its been a pretty quiet April, I think the only other thing I have spent time on is researching various Rider/Pillion intercom options and I’ve now pretty much narrowed it down to one of two types, both of which are pitched at a similar price point and both of which get plenty of very favorable review so now I just need to make a decision.
I’ll let you know which I opted for in next months update.
a year on bikes (post 4) april … Although there was something of an improvement in the weather during April, it still hasn't really been that good so far, which in turn has disappointingly meant that it has been a pretty slow start to the 'biking year' for me, compared to previous years.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Aston Martin’s AM-RB 003 Hybrid Hypercar Is a Glorious Exercise in Minimalism
From the DB9 to the Vantage—and of course to its vintage models—Aston Martin is best known for its front-engine cars. But for the Valkyrie hypercar, Aston Martin decided to stick its 6.5-liter V-12 behind the driver. If you thought the British automaker was only temporarily dabbling with mid-engine cars, though, you’d be very wrong. Not only will the Vanquish go mid-engine, the sports-car maker’s also working on a new hybrid hypercar called the AM-RB 003. (By the time 003 goes to production, there’s a chance Aston Martin will give it a different name, maybe even one starting with V.)
And if you see a lot of the Valkyrie in the AM-RB 003’s styling, that’s intentional. As Miles Nurnberger, Aston Martin’s head of design, put it in a release, “We were quite deliberate with Project 003 to not disguise its lineage, but we were equally emphatic that it would be a distillation of Aston Martin Valkyrie and not a dilution.” Even though Project 003 looks a lot like the Valkyrie, it gets its own next-generation active aero kit with a flexible wing that sounds similar to that of the McLaren Speedtail. Instead of moving the entire wing, individual areas can be adjusted to reduce turbulence and wind noise, improve efficiency, and minimize drag.
Inside, you’ll notice the car’s cabin is larger than that of the Valkyrie. Aston says that was done to improve both usability and comfort. Those are also cited as reasons why designers rejected the Valkyrie’s gullwing doors in favor of more practical forward-opening ones, as well as the inclusion of room behind the seats to store luggage.
The entire cabin’s design is still built around the driver, though. The steering wheel is almost the sole focal point, with very nearly every physical control located there. And instead of an infotainment system, there’s an integrated mount for a phone or tablet. Advanced lightweight materials and 3-D printing also allowed designers to remove about 50 percent of the center console’s mass.
Power comes from a new turbocharged V-6 that Aston Martin designed in-house. Expect more powertrain details to be announced later, but Aston boss Andy Palmer promises the car will “more than compete” with hybrid hypercar benchmarks such as the Porsche 918 Spyder and Ferrari LaFerrari in the power department. That could mean the turbo V-6 will be supplemented by a significant electric boost. We also know AM-RB 003 will use the Vulcan’s sealed oil system that allows you to change the oil in as little as 90 seconds, and Aston says the chassis and bodywork are made from carbon fiber to keep the car’s weight as low as possible. And even though it’s been built to dominate the race track, an adaptive suspension should make 003 a usable road car, as well.
Hopefully, Aston Martin will announce more details at Project 003’s Geneva motor show debut. But if not, there is plenty of time for specs to be announced, since AM-RB 003 isn’t scheduled to begin production until late 2021.
The post Aston Martin’s AM-RB 003 Hybrid Hypercar Is a Glorious Exercise in Minimalism appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://ift.tt/2NGxvps via IFTTT
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from plays, to hero exams, jailbreak jobs and major storms.
 Arthur: *knocks on Tamaki's door*
tamaki: it's open.
Arthur: *enters* "Hello..." *sits next to her on the bed*
tamaki: whats up?
Arthur: "..." *drops his head on her lap* "Please don't leave me for the Sun God."
tamaki: ./////. *holds him* im not.
Arthur: *nods* "Thank you...I just wanted to see." *hug*
tamaki:....*hug* i love you, you know.
Arthur: "I love you, too..." *sniff*
Arthur: "Mmm..." *kiss, pats her hand*
lana: thanks for picking me up, guys.
rowena: it's no trouble. ^^
Poe: ^^ "How was your day?"
lana: went pretty well. had to clean vomit today, so _thats_ there. -_-;
rowena: yikes.
Poe: -~- "Awful. Some guests had too much to drink?"
lana: you could say that.
Poe: "Hmph. How irresponsible. Well, we can focus on a good hearty meal."
lana: cheers to that.
Poe: "Maybe a good bowl of soup, or a delicious plate of grilled chicken with lemon, or..."
lenore: sunflower seeds.
rowena: ^^;
Poe: "Oh, they serve those at this restaurant, too! Such a wide selection when catering to so many different customers."
Inka: *asleep in her bedroom* "Zzz..."
{Inka: "Okay, you all know what to do?"}
{panda: yeah, we know. *his skin is charred*}
{Sancho: "Just give me a second." *his arm is missing, his left side blown out*}
{Inka: *stares...* "...What the hell..."}
{panda: why'd ya let us die, huh?}
{Inka: "..." *frowns* "You knew how this was. You know what I wanted. Not my fault you couldn't keep up--"}
{???: because you're a selfish coward.}
{Inka: *her eyes shift, forming the shape when activating her Adora* "You think so, huh?" *turns* "Say it to my face..."}
{inka?: *a corpse like inka stares back* selfish, little bitch.}
{Inka: "?!!! ...Who the hell are you?" *she backs up--bumping into Panda and Sancho, feeling their burnt skin* }
{inka?: isnt this what you want? to be so close to death like this?}
{Inka: "..." *smiles, but nervously* "Y-Yeah, it is...It's great!"}
{inka?: *right in her face* then why are you so nervous?}
{-the other inka is rotting at an alarming rate...-}
{Inka: *stares, still smiling, but feeling tears fall* "C-Cool, right?" *she wipes her face* "...?!!" *those aren't tears--it's blood*}
{other inka: *touches the original's face, before unhinging her jaw to swallow her head whole*}
{Inka: *screams, feeling Panda and Sancho holding her, as she is swallowed--*}
sasori: INKA!
Inka: *screams, bolting up-right in bed* *pants, looking at Sasori* "Wh-What..."
sasori: you were shaking....
Inka: "...I-I'm fine...Just a dream..." *wipes her brow, covered in sweat* "Th-That's all...What are you doing here?"
sasori: we have the same room, remember?
Inka: "...Right...I woke you, then?"
sasori: i wasnt even asleep.
Inka: "...Oh...Trouble sleeping?"
Inka: "..." *hug*
sasori: !!!!! i-inka?
Inka: "...Okay, good, you're not some ghost or something..." >\\\> *pat pat* "Sorry to bother you."
sasori:....7///7; *awkward pat* i-it's fine...just glad you're fine.
Inka: "...Thanks...bodyguard. Um...Could you...um..."
sasori:...*lets go* s-sorry.... 7///////7;;;
Kid: *kitten yawn*
stocking: *already getting changed, trying to pick out an outfit* hmmmm
Kid: "Something for teaching? Or a meeting?"
stocking: should i do an office lady style? or should i go with a pantsuit?
Kid: "Maybe pantsuit for a change?"
stocking: sounds good. i'll even wear glasses to go with~ ^^
Kid: "Excellent." ^^
erina: zzzzz
Allison: *peeks in*
Jordan: "Zzzz..."
erina: *hugging him*
Allison: "..." -\\\u\\\- *carefully closes the door*
Jordan: *holds her, small murmur*
erina: *yaaawn* morning, jo.
Jordan: ^^ "Mornin'...Sleep okay?"
erina: yeah...thanks for last night. i-i know it wasnt much but, im glad you were there.
Jordan: "Hey, if you need anything, I want to help..." *soft pat of her hand*
erina: *hugs*
Jordan: ^\\\^ *pat pat*
Vulcan: *sets down breakfast* "Eat up."
yu: thanks for the meal!
lisa: *nom*
nozomi: thanks, vulcan.
Vulcan: "Any time! There's plenty more if you want it..." *sets down his art pad, doodling some shapes on it*
nozomi: what are you working on?
Vulcan: "You know how firefighters have those oxygen masks? I wanted to shrink the size of those while using lighter but denser materials without obstructing vision--and to, frankly, make them look more badass..." *he has drawings of dragons, demons, birds...*
nozomi: *points to one, a bird* that one looks nice.
Vulcan: "You like it? When I get the prototype ready, maybe you can try it out."
nozomi: i'd like that. ^^
Vulcan: "Cool...I think I'll have my work cut out for me--the Commander has me designing a ton of stuff for this trip..."
nozomi: how about one that's a turtle? OvO
Vulcan: "Aw, yeah!" *starts drawing*
Hyde: "Dude, a fight's happening in the hall!"
mahiru: wait seriously?!
Hyde: "Anya flipped a fool! You got to see it!"
mahiru: *looks outside*
Anya: *holding someone down* "WATCH YOUR HANDS NEXT TIME, OR YOU'LL LOSE THEM!"
mahiru: *glances*
Mineta: *pinned to the ground* Q____Q
mahiru: *walks away*
Hyde: *snaps pics*
Mineta: D: "HELP ME!"
ao:....*glances at a dust chute* he should be small enough to fit...
Anya: "Doing it!" *tosses him*
Mineta: "AAAAH--" *crashes into the chute*
Magaki: *looking at various contact lenses* "..."
clerk: see anything to your liking? ^^
Magaki: "What would look normal and assist with UV protection?"
clerk: hmm, let's see here.
Magaki: "I'll try the blue ones."
clerk: ah, and the sclerae color?
Magaki: "Normal?"
clerk: would you like white? or a different color?
Magaki: "...White."
clerk: alright then. *showing a few displays* what suits your fancy? ^^
Magaki: "..." *points to one on the left* "Let's try this one."
Tanizaki: "Yes...Yes, I understand. We'll call with any information...I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. Goodbye." *hangs up* "..." *sighs*
-knock knock knock-
Tanizaki: "Coming..." *looks through the peephole*
frances: *waves, holding a wagon full of flowers?*
Tanizaki: "???" *opens the door* "Hey!"
frances: hello~ i come bearing gifts~! *hands him a flower in a pot*
Tanizaki: "Neat--thanks! Dropping them off around the building?"
frances: indeed~ ^^ thought i'd bring some cheerful little blossoms to the building and its tenants~ ^^
Tanizaki: "Not a bad plan. You try the restaurant downstairs?"
frances: indeed i have~
atsushi: (she's even left flowers in all the agency apartments...) *sweatdrop*
Tanizaki: ^_^;;;; "Well, thank you."
frances: do take care of them now, and water them regularly. and do talk to them too.
Tanizaki: " 'Talk'? It helps them?"
frances: indeed~ ^^
kirako: i've heard about that.
atsushi: yeah, lucy does that too. ^////^
Tanizaki: "Huh...Um...Hi, little plant?"
-no comment...-
Tanizaki: "..." ^^; "Welcome...to our office?"
Steinbeck: *holding up a doll* "Want to play?"
lavinia: *staaaaare*
emily:... ^^; not very talkative, is she?
Steinbeck: "Well, a lot of kids have their own pace." *shakes the doll--and it talks--*
Doll: "I want to play!"
lavinia:....*sticks the doll in her mouth by its head*
Steinbeck: ^^; "See? She likes it!"
emily: ^^;;;;;;
Doll: *muffled* "I love you."
emily: ._________________.
lavinia: *chewing on the doll's head*
Steinbeck: TwT;;;
Shotaro: "Bandages off!"
mana: amazing how not even being all wrapped up stopped you from doing good deeds. thats determination right there.
Shotaro: "Yep!"
{Shotaro: *stamping paperwork for someone...with the stamp held between his teeth*}
{Shotaro: *walking dogs--while being pulled in a wheelchair* "MUSH! MUSH!"}
{Shotaro: *wrapped in bandages, stuffed into a pharaoh casket*}
nea: i'm both impressed and alarmed.
Shotaro: OwO "...Still not sure why they needed that last one..."
leroux: *walking in the hall*
Hirotsu: *adjusting his collar* *nods to Leroux*
leroux: afternoon, sir.
Hirotsu: *nods* "Afternoon. Could I ask you for some information?"
leroux: about what, per say?
Hirotsu: "You're involved in theatre, correct?"
leroux: why indeed. a stagehand in youth, and theatre aficionado, as it were. ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, good--someone to speak with. I do miss going to shows. The last one was abysmal--the person playing Ophelia couldn't act her way out of a paper bag."
leroux: *LIGHTBULB* why dont we host a production here? *shiny eyes*
Hirotsu: "...Oh, thank God, someone finally recommends it! Yes, please, do! Which plays do you know?"
leroux: which ones DONT i know?! OvO
Hirotsu: "Excellent...but given the quality of, um...potential actors here..."
*Motojiro is talking to a lemon, Kafka is screaming into a pillow, Walter is asleep*
Hirotsu: "Perhaps a simpler play would be the best course of action."
leroux: hmmmm...i'll see what we can come up with!
Hirotsu: *nods* "Thank you."
Konro: "Fireworks, huh?"
fang-hua: yes. it's actually how i also discovered my ability, when my brother jin decided to light one in the house. i managed to hold the flame in place.
Konro: "Oh, no...Was anyone hurt?"
fang-hua: thankfully no. mom tells me grandpa had the abilities too.
Konro: "But not your mother, so it skipped a generation?"
fang-hua: most likely.
Konro: "How goes business for your family without you there?"
fang-hua: it goes pretty well. we get to bring in shipments to the harbor cities too.
Konro: "By ship?"
fang-hua: by ship, by wagon.
Tsukiyo: "Attach sparklers to the wagon wheels?"
fang-hua: no. *sweatdrop*
Tsukiyo: -3- "Boo."
Konro: ^^; "How are the language lessons going?"
fang-hua: they seem to be coming along well.
Tsukiyo: "What're you teaching them? Just enough to get around town?"
fang-hua: yeah. im also teaching them cultural customs and history.
Tsukiyo: "...Think you'll find out about the first fire demons?"
fang-hua: it's likely...
Tsukiyo: "Hope so..."
Spirit: *packing*
izumi: need help, dad?
Spirit: "Sure! Some of the beach stuff can go in the luggage."
izumi: ok!
*Looks like towels, sunscreen...seems to be something in the pocket of the swim trunks*
Spirit: "Just be careful with some of it--don't want anything getting lost."
tensei: *rolling on in*
Iida: "Brother..."
tensei: hey tenya. *smiles*
Iida: *weak smile*
tensei: pretty cool wheels, huh?
Iida: "Heh...Going to customize them?"
tensei: i think so. what do you think about silver with blue stripes?
Iida: "Th-That'd be great..."
tensei:...it's gonna be ok.
Iida: "..." *hug*
tensei: *hug*
Iida: *sniff, pat pat*
Todoroki: *sets out ice tea*
ochako: looks good.
Todoroki: "Thanks..." *looks at his watch* "Should be here soon..."
ochako: *looks around*
Izuku: "Hey!" *waves*
momo: hello.
ochako: hey guys.
tsuyu: *wave*
Todoroki: "Welcome. I ordered tea to start."
momo: thanks.
ochako: ^^
Izuku: *pulls out a chair for Tsuyu*
tsuyu: *sits down*
Izuku: "I've been wanting to try this place--looks peaceful..." *glances at the menu*
ochako: so how was the exams for you?
tsuyu: my stomach still feels weird.
ochako: yikes.
Izuku: "...Maybe some ginger ale?"
tsuyu: good call.
Patty: "Pass it to me! Pass it!"
riley: HA! *toss*
Patty: *catches* "Yay!"
*The toy laughs when tossed*
julie: *laughs*
Patty: "Catch, Jules!" *tosses softly*
-nice catch-
julie: i did it!
Lord Death Toy: "You did it--yay!"
Jun: "Okay, let's see them."
takuto: *holds up his drawing of his family*
mitsuba: DAWWWW SO CUTE!
Jun: "Great work!"
takuto: ^u^
Jun: *pat pat* "Let's hang it up..."
Jun: "Um...Hyakuya, up for getting us some snacks for lunch?"
hyakuya: oh yeah, sure.
Jun: "Thanks. Maybe celery with peanut butter?"
hyakuya: sounds good.
Jun: "And I'll get this posted..." *puts the drawing up on the fridge*
-it's of takuto, jun, yumikage, tsurugi...and shifumi-
Jun: "..." *sad smile*
hyakuya: .....
Jun: *hugs Takuto*
kirako:......!!! we need oranges.
Kyoka: "??? What?" *looks*
kirako: also do we have peanut butter?
Kyoka: "...I'll check." *goes to the cupboard* "Yes to peanut butter, not to oranges. I can pick some up."
kirako: thank you.
Kyoka: *nods* "I'll be back shortly." *exits*
Kyoka: *sets down the oranges and peanut butter* "...Soooooo..."
kirako: Q~Q you're such a good person kyoukaaaaaa *hugs her and sobs*
Kyoka: "...I...know?" *pat pat* "How are you?"
kirako: hungwy Q3Q
Kyoka: "...How about we peel oranges?"
Kafka: "...A play. Of all the things we need, right now...a play?"
leroux: yes.
Kafka: "..." *sighs, lowers his head* "Send me a budget projection report, I'll review it...What play?"
leroux: i...havent decided yet. ^^; there's so many to choose from! romeo and juliet, hamlet, the scottish play, sleeping beauty, cinderella, snow white, so many to choose from! >3<
Kafka: -_-; "Why do people insist on calling it 'The Scottish Play'..."
hans: we're back with groceries!
etta: ^^
Kafka: "... ... ..."
{Kafka: *haired swept back, in princely attire with a cape*}
{etta: my prince~<3}
{Kafka: *smiles* "Princess..." *sweeps her off her feet*}
{etta: *leans in*}
{Kafka: *smiles, closes his eyes, leans...*}
leroux: KAFKA? are you paying attention? *waves hand in front of him* HELLO? <friend?> Hellooooo?
Kafka: -3- "Mm...Mm...Mmm..."
leroux:....*sigh* <well damn.> .....girls, your assistance a moment?
etta: oh, hey roro.
hans: whats up?
leroux: i've been more-or-less commissioned for a play showing here! but im having trouble deciding which production to host.
Walter: *walks by* "Oh, neat!" *walks in* "Which plays are you looking at?"
wilhelm: *pokes his head in*
Jakob: "??? A play? It's not some mushy lovey stuff, is it?" *looking through Hans's grocery bag*
leroux: im trying to decide, but im having trouble. AH! MY MUSE! I BEG OF YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THIS DIRE TIME!
Walter: "...We could just put them on a dartboard and let fate decide."
Jakob: *tosses cinnamon rolls to Wilhelm*
wilhelm: awesome!
hans: you can have these later.
wilhelm: =3=#
Kafka: "Mmm~ ..." *opens his eyes* "... !!!!" .\\\\\.
hans: *hands them both apples* you can have these for now.
Jakob: -_- "Fine. It's sweet at least."
wilhelm: ?? whats up with him?
Walter: "??? What did Christine show you?"
leroux: the apple! i've made my decision! our showing shall be snow white!
Walter: "...Neat!"
wilhelm: =3= is there gonna be smooching?
Jakob: >~<
leroux: of course, it is the most pivitol scene after all.
wilhelm: eww gros-
etta: *shoves the apple into wilhelm's mouth* sounds wonderful, roro!
Kafka: .\\\\\\\.
wilhelm: DX
Jakob: ._.;
leroux: im kind of nervous too, this is the first time i've ever done any directing. _should_ i be directing or should i leave the task to someone more experienced?
hans: breathe in.
leroux: *INHALES*
hans: and out.
leroux: *exhale* merci.
hans: we can host auditions this weekend.
Jakob: "??? What, some goofy outfit and a fake beard?"
Giriko: "How's your sister holding up?"
kirika: doing better i think. classes have been helping her too.
Giriko: "Sounds like good news...Any hint she remembers more?"
kirika: not sure, but she's remembering bits and pieces.
Giriko: *nods* "Preacher keeping an eye on her?"
kirika: yeah. 7.7
Giriko: "...Need me to 'talk' to him?" *cracks his knuckles*
kirika: as much as i'd like to, i'm gonna have to decline for oriko's sake. no clue what she sees in him...
Giriko: "..." *opens his mouth to say something, stops...* "...Yeah."
Child: *crying* "I-I want to go home..."
guruna: oh child. this _is_ your home now. *smile*
Child: "No, it isn't! I want my daddy! Give him back!"
guruna:....your papa's in a better place now. and he's happy. and he'd want you to be happy here too. all your brothers and sisters are happy.
Child: "They aren't my brothers and sisters!" *collapses, covering their face, sobbing*
guruna:....child....are we going to have to punish you? *sickening smile*
Child: *tossing on the floor* "I want to go home!"
seraphim: *picks them up* i'll handle this one......*takes one of her feathers.....and burns the child's wrist*
Child: *knocked down*
seraphim: stop squirming.
Child: "..." *their eyes look deadened*
seraphim: this is what happens to children who misbehave~
Child: "..." *stays lying on the floor*
seraphim: you can stay there on the ground until you learn your lesson....
sasori:......*walks away*
Child: "..." *curls up into the fetal position*
mono: *asleep*
*From outside her room, it smells like someone is cooking...*
mono: ?? *looks outside*
*Looks like Assi is cooking something in a skillet*
mono: ?? whats that?
Assi: "?!!! O-Oh, Mono...I-I was heating up some pizza bagels..."
mono: oh. *sits down*
Assi: *sets out two plates, then the bagels* "Sleep okay?" *smiles*
mono: yeah.
Assi: *sets down the bagel--it's...heart-shaped?*
mono: .... 7///7;
Assi: ^\\\^; "This house has some great cookie cutters..." *sits down*
mono: ........
Assi: "..." *awkward nom* >\\\\>
mono:.....i guess...
Assi: "??? ...So...How is it?"
mono: hmm? i-it's good. thanks.
Assi: ^\\\^ "You're welcome."
mono: hmm...
Assi: "...You, um, have something on your cheek." *hands a napkin*
mono: *wipes* t-thanks. =//=;
Assi: ^^ "I get excited for pizza stuff, too."
Benimaru: *sits down, holding his head*
kirei: *hug*
Benimaru: "...Thank you."
marie: *putting up posters*
Sid: *hangs another one*
sayaka: looks good!
nygus: thanks. mind helping out, this is so much work, its killing me.
sayaka: not a problem at all!
Sid: "..." Q_Q " 'Killing'?"
nygus: s-sorry, slip of the tongue.
Sid: "Y-Yeah, right--Death Child speak..."
sayaka: ^^ so what do you need help with?
Sid: "Well, you can pass out flyers, ask local businesses to put up the posters."
sayaka: *salutes* you got it, mr barrett!
Sid: *salute* "Thanks...If you run out, come back to pick up more."
sayaka: if all else fails, i can make my own flyers!
yana:........*stuffing a dead squirrel* .....
Ivan: "How's it coming along?"
yana:....<ok, i guess.> ......(i wonder.....why did i pick up this hobby to begin with?......its just trying to make something dead seem living, even though there's no life to it......perhaps by occupying myself with something so trivial.....im trying to make _myself_ feel alive.....) *sigh*
Ivan: "..." <It looks lifelike.>
yana:...<i guess so.> (doesnt mean it's _alive_.)
Ivan: <You're quite good at it--very creative with the pose...>
yana: hmm....
Arthur: *holds up two images against each other--a photo of Qingdao, and a drawing of Avalon*
tamaki: what are you doing?
Arthur: "I think...I know what caused the Great Disaster. It was...King Arthur's Holy Sword!"
shinra: i dont think that's what it was.
tamaki:......*excalibur face* i wouldnt be surprised if it were, though.
Arthur: "See? Tamaki supports my hypothesis. Why can't you be more supportive?"
shinra: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: *points to the images* "See? Similar designs. King Arthur likely ventured forth to this location, did something with the Holy Sword, caused a fire, then we get Flame Humans. All we need is the Lady of the Lake to restore balance."
Master: *sets out rice crispy treats shaped like bunnies*
mio: easter stuff already?
ao: it's april.
Meme: "When it's that cute, I'm not complaining!"
mio: oh. my brain was still in february.
Master: *nods* "I wanted some new menu items for the spring."
tsugumi: hmmm. *thinking*
Master: "Tsugumi?"
tsugumi: *idea* how about omurice chicks?
Master: "Huh. Yeah, I can add those."
Gin: "So, you're auditioning?"
higuchi: yeah. i auditioned once for the very snow white role in middle school....i ended up being the bottom half of the horse.
Gin: "..." *small laugh* "I-I'm sorry..."
higuchi: this is my chance to make up for past mistakes! *determined*
Gin: "Yes! ...Who do you think will be Charming in this play?"
higuchi: not sure.
Gin: "...Well, I look forward to the play. And I will not be jealous of whoever plays Charming. At all."
Walter: "Hi! I'm here to audition for--"
Walter: QwQ;;;
higuchi: gin, easy.
Gin: *holding a kunai* "..." *exhale*
madoka: *nuzzle* ^///^
Rin: ^\\\^ *puts an arm around her*
madoka: *tail pet* hehe ^^
Rin: .\\\\. "heh..."
madoka: fluffy. ^^
Rin: "Yes, it is...Is it okay?"
madoka: *nod* it's kinda cute, actually.
Rin: .\\\\. "Really~?"
madoka: ^^ *cheek smooch*
Rin: *soft shudder* "Th-Thanks..." *holds her hand*
tamaki: *checking her horoscope*
Iris: "Anything interesting?"
tamaki: hmmmm, 'your dreams will take you on a fantastic journey'... huh.
Iris: "Usually they say something a little more, I don't know, tangible?"
tamaki: *looks again*
Iris: "Hmm...The one for Shinra mentions 'Something is coming up.' I wonder what that means."
Motojiro: "I got the chemicals for the theater fog and magic explosions!"
hans: thank you, just be careful that the kids dont get into it.
Motojiro: "Right! After all, dry ice requires keeping the hands free from the CO2--" *opens the box* "..." OwO; "...Where did it go?"
ayako: got it right here!
Motojiro: *loud exhale* "Thank goodness..." *puts on gloves* "Hand it here..."
Hirotsu: *seated* "Okay, next auditioning for the role of the Queen..."
kouyou: hello~ ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, Kouyou, welcome. Do you need another copy of the script, or are you ready?"
kouyou: i'm ready. ^^
etta: miss kouyou does have a queenly nature to her, huh?
leo: i'm certain she'd be perfect for the role.
katya: what about the witch?
leo: ._.;
Hirotsu: "Traditionally the Queen also plays the Witch."
kouyou: =3=
pushkin:....*meekly raises his hand* i can handle the witch maybe?
katya: *manly tears* you are such a goddamn trooper.
Hirotsu: "That'll be up for auditions..." *hands him the script*
pushkin: *SALUTES*
Hirotsu: "Um..." *half-hearted salute* "That leaves auditioning for Charming and Snow White..."
tachihara:.... (ok, this could be my chance! even if it is a play! it's something!)
Yumi: *making flower crowns with Shiori*
shiori: ^u^
Yumi: "I'm sure your father and siblings will love these..."
shiori: piddy! [translation; pretty!]
Yumi: "Yes, they are pretty!" *adjusts the one for Kid* "Just have to make this one a little more even on the sides..."
Stein: *finds a photo on his desk* "???" *picks it up*
-it's a picture of stein, spirit, kami, marie, nygus, sid, and yumi when they were students-
Stein: "Hmm...Haven't seen this in a bit."
valentine: old class photo?
Stein: *nods* "We all looked different..."
Relan: *reviewing a medical book*
komori: [learning medical training?]
Relan: *nods* "Just more first aid for now...I felt next to useless in the last attack, that many people injured..."
komori: ....
Relan: "...Sorry. Need to stop my self-pity. It's just...Shinra injured, that person he found still in the hospital..."
komori: [its understandable]
Relan: *nods* "It's going to be more difficult with fewer people here--down one nun, one hero, one...whatever Arthur is."
komori: ^^;
Relan: "At least Victor knows some science--hope he or someone in command knows medicine."
Asura: *shivers*
mikan:...the moon looks lovely tonight, doesnt it?
Asura: "..." *looks up* "...I suppose..."
mikan:...*nuzzle* u///u
Asura: =\\\= *wraps his arms--and scarves--gently in embrace*
mikan: hehe ^^
Asura: "...The moonlight reveals so much..."
mikan: *hug*
Asura: *strokes her head*
Hirotsu: "Okay, auditions turned out well...What do you think of the candidates?"
leroux: looks to be quite promising.
etta: this is my first time being an acting coach. im so excited~
Hirotsu: "Good...Should also consider any understudies needed. Miss Hoffman, interested?"
etta: ^u^
Hirotsu: "Let's see..." *checks off the list* "And the dwarves are learning their lines?"
leroux: madame leo is helping them now.
Jakob: "Will the real apple be poisoned?"
leroux: no.
wilhelm: =3= well _that's_ lame.
Jakob: "Are there sword fights?"
leroux: well... ^^;
Hirotsu: "There's, um...dancing?" ^^;
Jakob: "...That is awful, old man."
wilhelm: =3=
Hirotsu: *stabbed* Q_Q
hans: *CHOP* behave you two.
wilhelm: Q~Q
Jakob: "WAH!" T~T
leroux: ^^;;;
Walter: "??? Kafka, you okay, buddy?"
Kafka: *curled up in a ball* "I am the lowly pillbug..." T~T
etta: *pap pap* its ok, kiddos, we can play sword fight later, ok?
wilhelm: YAAAY!
Jakob: QwQ
hans: use the foam swords!
Jakob: >_> "Fine..."
leroux: ^^.....kafka?
Kafka: *still curled up* <What?>
leroux: erm... *in german* <is something mattering?>
Kafka: <I-I'm fine! It's just...um...The expenses! Yes, this play is too, um, expensive...> *looks away...spots Etta* >\\\\>
leroux:..... 7v7 suuuure it is.
Kafka: "?!!!" *small roach hiss*
leroux: xwo;;;;;;
Kafka: >\\\\~\\\\< <Don't say a word...>
Magaki: "...I can't see a reflection, so I don't know how they look."
tsubaki: they look lovely. ^^
Magaki: "...O-Okay. That should be good enough. Thank you. Maybe people will not stare so much..."
Kyoka: "She has been...well, odd."
atsushi: yeah...
Kyoka: "Is this normal? I mean, she seems healthy..."
atsushi: probably pregnancy stuff.
Kyoka: "Hmm...Weird." *shrugs* "Just keep an eye on her."
Chuuya: "How are preparations?"
pushkin: lot's of painting. *phew*
katya: *hammering*
Chuuya: "...Well, don't huff it."
katya: hmm hmm.....
-there seem to be faded war scars on her body-
Chuuya: "..." *looking at the scars*
Chuuya: *looks at Pushkin* "...What was..."
-he's already back to work-
Chuuya: "...Hmph." *sets up props*
Akitaru: "How's packing going?"
shinra: pretty good. vulcan said he was making some masks for us.
Akitaru: "Oh? Halloween's not for a while..."
tamaki: he means gas masks.
shinra: yeah that.
sonia: zzzzzz
-in her dream, she appears to be walking up the stairs of a large crystaline palace-
sonia: ??
-eventually, she finds a door with an odd symbol on it and opens it to a white room-
sonia: hello? *enters*
-when she reaches the center, the floor shatters and she falls-
sonia: AH!
-when she lands, she is in a field of wildflowers, unharmed. she looks up to see a strange girl with white eyes with red crosses in them looking at her-
sonia: *blinks*
girl: hiya!
sonia: huh?
girl: *staaaaaare*
girl: ....oh! are you that person's daughter?
sonia: who are you-
sonia: *she wakes up* nnhuh?
mito: *nuzzles and purrs*
sonia:... *pet pet* good kitty.... (that girl....who was she?)
*The door opens a crack*
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: *peeks in* "You okay?"
sonia: y-yeah...*yaaawn*
Chuuya: "...It's time to get up. Are you feeling okay?"
sonia: yes, papa. *rubs her eyes*
Chuuya: "...Did you sleep okay?"
sonia: *nod nod*
Chuuya: *nods* "Okay. Wash up--I'm setting out breakfast."
sonia: i will.
sero: Q____Q
mina: TTwTT write back to us from the camp, ok?
Izuku: O_O "Well...I mean, nothing is official yet. Maybe you did pass--"
sero: i really hope you jinxed it.
Denki: *grabs Izuku by the shoulders* "THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! WE FLUNKED THE PRACTICAL! AND IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY WHEN YOU FREAKING PASSED!!!" *violently shaking Izuku*
Izuku: *stammering, vibrating* "I aM SOrrY!!!"
jirou: calm down, kaminari, the teacher's gonna be here soon.
Aizawa: *sits up from the back row in a sleeping bag* "Jinx what?"
mina:....how long has he been there?
Aizawa: "Around the part where Kaminari was shaking Midoriya like a snow globe."
Izuku: Q_Q "...Why didn't I see him..."
Aizawa: *yawns*
-everyone takes their seats-
Aizawa: *unzips, hangs the sleeping bag on the coat hook* "Okay. So, some of you failed the exam. Therefore..."
sero: TT_TT damn you mineta.
Mineta: D:<
Aizawa: "You're going on the camping trip."
everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
eijiro: b-but-but the practical exam-
Aizawa: "You all passed the written exam, but Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Mineta failed the practical exam."
sero: what about me?!
Aizawa: "You also failed."
sero: TT~TT
mina: *pats his back* im sorry you had to be put through that, sero.
tsuyu: *pap pap*
Mineta: "What about me? I lost, too." Q_Q
tsuyu: *tosses him into the trash bin*
Mineta: *muffled shouts*
Aizawa: "But the practical wasn't pass-fail: it was specifically designed around your strengths and weaknesses, with tasks and teachers best suited to where you need to strategize how to win. After all, against those teachers at full strength, you didn't stand a chance anyway."
ojiro: so then, when you said you were going to crush us-
Aizawa: "A ploy to motivate you. After all, what kind of monster would deny students from going on a _training_ trip?"
sero: ._.;
mina: ._.;
eijiro: ._.;
Aizawa: "Call it a rational deception."
Iida: *making a Ffffffffffffffff-- face*
Aizawa: "Those who 'failed' will have special supplemental lessons. Enjoy."
Walter: *looking at the cast list* *whistles*
higuchi: I GOT IT! >u<
Gin: "Congratulations!"
higuchi: ^^
Jakob: "Look, Wilhelm!"
wilhelm: cool!
Jakob: "Even the shorty!"
katya: *grabs them both by the head* you want to say that to my face you little shits?
wilhelm: OxO;
Jakob: Q~Q *crosses his legs*
leo: katyusha, please dont fight with the children.
katya:...*grumble* fine then. i'll let them off.....for now.
wilhelm: QvQ thank you mrs leo!
leo: ^^;
Jakob: Q_Q *runs for the bathroom*
Kid: *ties Shiori's shoes*
shiori: thankie.
Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome! Ready to go?"
shiori: *nod nod*
Kid: *picks her up*
shiori: ^u^
Kid: "Let's walk to the door!"
shiori: *waddling along*
Kid: "Great walking."
shiori: *falls on her butt* uh-oh
Kid: "Uh-oh. Ready to get up?" *offers his hands*
shiori: ah.
io: *crying because her jumper is stuck on a cupboard knob*
saki: *filming* did you get stuck, sweetie? ^^;
Tool: "Need some help, Io?"
io: Q~Q UUU! UUU!
saki: oh, come here sweetie. *helps her out* there you go.
io: >^<
saki: *forehead kiss* you're ok, sweetie. wave bye to the camera.
io: *tiny wave* bai bai....
Tool: ^^ "D'aw..."
Bakugo: "..." *pokes the hamster ball*
sybil: O^O
itsuka: ^^
Bakugo: "Tiny critter..."
itsuka: they are pretty tiny. but chacha here's been putting on the pounds. isnt dat right? *tummy poke*
chacha: *squeek* >3<
itsuka: hehe ^^
Bakugo: "What've you fed them?"
itsuka: the usual hamster food, but chacha needs to share with her siblings.
chacha: >3<
Bakugo: *intense stare at Chacha* "Maybe more exercise..."
itsuka: good call.
Vulcan: "Okay, they're all set." *hands a gas-mask helmet to Shinra*
shinra: *puts it on* well? how does it look?
iris: really cool!
maki: super punk rock!
Relan: *nod nod*
Akitaru: "Rock on!"
shinra: ^u^ d'awww, shucks guys.
Vulcan: "Tamaki, Nozomi..." *hands them theirs*
tamaki: so cute!
nozomi: ^^ a very nice theme as always, vulcan.
Vulcan: ^^ "Thanks! Going to put the finishing touches on the last ones before you all head out."
hagakure: here we are~!
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
ochako: i finally saved up enough for a new sleeping bag. ^^
Ojiro: "Good work!"
eijiro: so meet back here at 3?
tsuyu: sounds good.
Izuku: "Okay! I'll find a first aid kit..."
-and so-
-someone in a hoodie is walking into the mall-
Izuku: *looking through shop windows* "!!! Oh, wow! The new Crimson Riot action figure! I'll have to tell Eijiro..."
???: hey, you're izuku midoriya, right?
Izuku: "???" *turns* "Y-Yeah?" ("I guess he saw me at the Tournament...losing...")
???: *puts and arm around his shoulders* you're the one who got wrecked at the tournament, right? then that hero killer business in hosu, you're just all over the place!
Izuku: "Uummm..." *nervous smile* "Y-You sure know your stuff, huh?"
???: still...i cant help but wonder.....*he puts his hand around izuku's neck, save for one finger* just how did you get this far?.....is it fate? or something else.....it's been bothering me ever since the USJ incident.....
-tomura grins at him-
tomura: why dont we have a little chat?
Izuku: "!!!!" ("Tomura...Shigaraki?!")
mina: *modeling sneakers* pretty slick, eh?
Iida: "But will they wear out too quickly?"
mina: i've had sneakers that have lasted for years, i think they should be fine by the time camp star- *GAAASP* OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THESE! *shiny eyes*
Iida: "...And the price?"
mina: just within my budget~ ^^
-they were a pair of lisa frank sneakers-
Iida: "...A hike on the mountains will rip those apart in a day."
mina: _these_ babies are going into my collection. >3<
Iida: "Fine, but you need something durable..." *holds up plain black hiking boots*
ochako: *now with her new sleeping bag* ^^ *looks out over the crowd below* (lots of people. well i got the main goal complete, so, why not play 'lets spot my classmates'?) *looks around*
*Looks like Sero and Eijiro are stepping into a sporting goods shop*
ochako: (they seem to be doing well.....i wonder if tape can be used to catch fish?)
*Momo is pointing to different duffle bags*
ochako: *smiles and glances* ??
*Looks to be someone in a hoodie with...Izuku?*
ochako: (who is that?......deku's face...) ........ (something's wrong here.....) *she starts heading over to where they are*
tomura: y'know, i really hate everything in this world....but the hero killer is really pissing me off the most right now....
Izuku: "??? W-Wasn't he working for you?"
tomura: you'd think, but that's just not how it is. even after a few months, everyone's still talking about him, and ignoring us, ignoring _me_. he can talk big all he damn pleases, but in the end, he's just destroying what he hates, so how does that make us any different?
Izuku: "...U-Understanding?"
tomura: what?
Izuku: "I...don't accept what either of you have done, the Hero Killer or you...But...I can understand the Hero Killer's reasons, not yours..."
tomura: oh do you?
Izuku: "...For him and for me...we follow ideals inspired by All Might...The Hero Killer even saved me, so even if he's destructive, and even if his methods are wrong, I know he's not just doing this for fun: he's trying to live by some ideal."
tomura: *his face is expressionless, but his eyes have a look of pure, utter hatred*
Izuku: "!!!"
tomura: i get it now...hehehe....i see why he pisses me off so much....and why you irritate me so badly....*wide grin* it's aaaaaall be cause of all might....hehehehehehe, it's soooo obvious! the reason these people go about living, smiling without any trouble, is because of all might and that stupid smiling face, acting like there's no one he can't save. *grips izuku's throat tighter*
Izuku: *coughs, struggling to move--*
ochako: hey deku...
tomura: ???
Izuku: "!!!"
ochako: friend of yours?
Izuku: "...Y-Yeah...It's fine..."
tomura: well, i should be going....best not follow me....*gets up and begins walking away*
Izuku: *coughs, inhaling deeply*
ochako: hey, are you alright, deku?
Izuku: "Sh-Shigaraki!"
tomura: ...
ochako: !!!!
Izuku: "Wh-What does All for One want?!"
tomura: ...._that's_ not what you should worry about.....what you _should_ be worried about is when we meet again....because that's when you'll die....*he vanishes into the crowd*
Izuku: *tries to walk forward--but still struggling to breathe*
-ochako ended up contacting mall security and the mall had to be closed down for the time. izuku and ochako also were taken in to be asked questions-
Izuku: "..."
officer: i see, thank you for your time, mr midoriya, you're mother will be here shortly.
Izuku: *nods* "I wish I could've stopped him..."
officer: you did what you could.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
-outside, ochako was sitting on a bench-
ochako: ....
???: "Ochaco!"
ochako: dad! *she hugs him*
Mr. Uraraka: *hug* "I was so worried! Are you okay?"
ochako: y-yeah. i'm alright. (physically at least)...
Mr. Uraraka: "You could've been hurt...Come on, let's get you home..."
ochako: ok, just waiting on my friend first.
-mrs midoriya is sitting across, weeping-
Izuku: *exits from the interrogation room*
inko: my baby!! *she hugs him* oh thank goodness you're ok! you're poor mama's heart can't take it. *she's crying*
ochako: how did it go, deku?
Izuku: "I-I'm okay, Mom...I'm sorry..." *looks at Ochaco* "I don't know...They asked me a lot of questions..."
ochako: well, we're alive, so that's good news.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
ochako: *smile* well, we should probably get home now... see you later? *offers fist bump*
Izuku: *weak smile, bump*
ochako: *laying in bed*
mrs uraraka: *opens the door a bit* you need anything, sweetie?
ochako: im good.
mrs uraraka: well, let us know if you need something, ok?
ochako: i will.
Mr. Uraraka: "..."
mrs uraraka:....*hug* she's a brave girl...
Mr. Uraraka: *nods, hugs her* "Our hero..."
Kurogiri: "..."
banshee: he actually did that? talk about a ballzy move.
himiko: *peeeeks in* OwO~?
Kurogiri: "Reckless, but I think it stirred fear in enough heroes, so, it evens out..."
mr compress: and how is mr shigaraki now?
Kurogiri: "He's focusing on the next step to take."
-in a small bar somewhere in europe-
???: *sips*
bartender: <dont you three have anything else better to do?>
???: <when a job comes by, yes>
bartender: *looks at the two other men seated across from the blonde one*
???: *smiles, waves* <Hello!>
blonde man: *holds the bartender's arm* <if you arent too busy, mr bartender, maybe we could spend time together later~?> <3
???: *sighs* <Please don't flirt with people you don't know.>
blonde man: *pouts* <you're so meeeeean, dumas.>
Dumas: <No, practical.> *tugs the Blonde by his cheek*
blonde man: <ah~!> >///T
-someone enters-
mailman: <telegram for a mr cervantes?>
Cervantes: <I am Mr. Cervantes!>
mailman: <telegram for you, sir.>
-it seems to have an odd symbol on it, like a golden ribbon?-
bartender: (who sends telegrams anymore?)
Cervantes: "..." *grins* <WORK!>
-it reads; salutations, mr cervantes. i hope this message reaches you without too much trouble. you see, i have a job for you and your companions. you may meet with me at the prince hotel at your earliest convenience and we shall discuss the details further there. cordially, TS.-
blonde man: <oh joy!> ^u^
Dumas: *sighs, pulls out a wallet*
Cervantes: <Happy times!> *puts his foot on the chair* <Onward, to adventure!>
Allison: "You're looking happy."
erina: really? i hadnt noticed.
Allison: "Heh--most people don't." *nudge*
erina: ^^;
Allison: "You going to see him after work?"
erina: yeah.
Arthur: <--which then led to new trade opportunities, including the export of electronics and food.> *closes his Chinese textbook*
shinra: wow.
fang-hua: very good, arthur. ^^
Arthur: <Thank you.>
Victor: *thumbing through pages, trying to keep up* O~O
tamaki: *whispers* was that mandarin or cantonese?
shinra: *shrug*
Arthur: "Have you finalized the itinerary with the Commanders, teacher?"
fang-hua: yes.
Arthur: *nods* "Very good." *pulls out a sword* "Point me in the direction." *points East*
fang-hua: ^^;
Honda: "--big beautiful scenery! Strong people! Fast waters! GO FORTH, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE GREAT DISASTER! I-- ...Could you lean down a bit--I can't reach your shoulders, Takeru."
takeru: um y-yessir...
Honda: *pats his shoulders* "MAKE US PROUD, MY BOY!" *warrior cry*
takeru: *strained warrior cry*
hito: *sweatdrop*
Honda: "Where was I...Oh, right! Souvenir shopping! Get something for everyone in the Brigade! Don't skimp!" *hands him money*
Hirotsu: "Okay, let's see the costumes..."
higuchi: *modeling her dress*
maggie: wow!
Hirotsu: "Excellent. How is it?"
-she wore a wig with a brown, yellow, and red colored patchwork dress-
Hirotsu: "Most certainly our Snow White...Let's see the others..."
-kouyou is in quite the elegant gown, the kids are in cute little costumes as well-
Hirotsu: "That leaves Charming..." *looks around* "Where is he?"
Tachihara: *behind the curtain* "...Um...I feel kind of goofy."
katya: come on out here, y'coward.
Tachihara: *grumbles...* stumbles out slightly in tights and a princely jacket* .\\\. *he doesn't have the nose bandage on*
Gin: "...Who the heck is this guy?"
Tachihara: D:<
higuchi: *snickering*
katya: holy shit....he's seriously average looking.
Tachihara: Q_Q "I'm not _that_ average..."
george: ouch.
Hirotsu: "Costume rehearsal begins in five minutes. Take your places..."
Master: *puts up the posters*
nygus:...those are…
-sayaka made doge posters that read 'very festival' 'much spring' 'wow'-
sayaka: ^^
Master: "...Creative."
nygus: that's a polite way of putting it. *sweatdrop*
Master: "Gives me an idea for other menu items..."
Fyodor: *whistling*
Fyodor: "Hmm hmm hmm..." *taps his knuckle on the wall*
Fyodor: "..." *stretches* <Dull.>
Cervantes: *humming, walking along a fence*
Dumas: -_-
blonde man: *humming* ~^^
Cervantes: <Dumas, check the GPS~>
Dumas: *looking at a map*
Cervantes: <I said the GPS~>
Dumas: <A printed map is just as reliable...>
blonde man: <i wonder if our benefactor is good looking..>
Dumas: <They probably have to wear a mask so you don't see their horrible features.>
blonde man: =3= <so gloomy as always.>
Cervantes: <And GPS would be more up to date-->
blonde man: <there it is~!>
Dumas: <I mapped this myself. I am the resourceful, responsible one here.> *turns--and walks into a wall* <...>
Cervantes: <...Please pick up Dumas and bring him in~> *walks on in*
Dumas: "..." X_X *falls back*
-in one area, and individual with long white hair is reading to themselves-
???: hm? <you are cervantes, are you not?>
Cervantes: <Yes! I received your message!>
???: <please, do have a seat. care for some apple slices?> ^^
blonde man: *shiny eyes* <so lovely...>
???: fufufu, <why thank you~>
Dumas: X_X *collapsed on the couch* <Gather the horses, my knights--we will storm the castle...>
???: ?? <is your friend alright?>
blonde man: <he'll be fine momentarily~>
Cervantes: <Just a minor head injury...> *slaps Dumas's face*
Dumas: Q_Q
Cervantes: <See~?>
???: <well, glad to see he isnt dead. now, onto the job. you see, an associate of mine has been wrongfully imprisoned in death city.> *they hand him a folder*
Cervantes: *opens, reads the file, passes the photo to the Blonde Man*
blonde man: *examines* ovo; <um...this is...erm....>
-the photo is of fyodor-
Dumas: *holding his head* <Ugh...> *looks at the photo* <...Oh, yeah, that's a reassuring smile...> *cringes*
???: <so you'll do it? i'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your trouble.>
Cervantes: *looks over maps and reports* "..." *smiles widely* <Yes! We accept!>
blonde man: <it shouldnt be a problem, with my ability, freeing him will be a snap~!>>
Dumas: *sighs* <Escaping a prison? I thought it would be a challenge...>
???: <thank you kindly, gentlemen. i will make sure you do not regret it~>
Iida: "And then one approaches a classmate."
tensei: seriously?
Iida: *nods* "No sign where he went. It was the same who attacked USJ."
tensei: ....
Iida: "Let me pull it up..." *his laptop is frozen* *sighs* "So much for dependable tech..."
tensei: let me try something.
Iida: "???" *hands him the laptop*
-after a while, it seemed to be fixed-
Iida: "Oh, thank you! That was impressive."
Poe: *curled up under a blanket, reading*
karl: zzzzz
Poe: *pets Karl, stroking his back*
karl: =w=
Poe: ^w^ *returns to reading, jotting some notes*
Damon: "Then teacher gave us a quiz for chemistry."
soul: how was that?
becky: i got an 89.
Damon: "84?"
soul: great job you two. ^^ *double head pat*
becky: =,=;
Damon: ^^; "I wanted to do better..."
becky: want me to tutor you?
Damon: *nod* "Yes, please!"
becky: ^^
Damon: *takes out his quiz* "I got Number 5 wrong."
Dumas: *checking off items on the list* "We're still short on flash bombs..."
blonde man: <i can secure more for us~>
Dumas: <Do it. And we'll also need-->
Cervantes: *snores*
Dumas: "..." *poke poke*
Cervantes: "Zzz..."
Dumas: "..." -_-
Lucy: *looks out the window* "...What the heck is he doing?"
atsushi: hmm? *looks*
Dazai: *on all fours, sifting through something in the grass*
atsushi: *watching*
Dazai: "..." *looks surprised, starts pulling on something in the grass*
Lucy: "Did he lose something?"
Dazai: *tugging on what looks like a weed*
atsushi: i better check on him to make sure he isnt hurting himself. *heads outside*
Lucy: "Good thinking..." *follows*
Dazai: *grunting, tugging* "Come on...Get loose!"
atsushi: hey dazai, what're you doing exactly?
Dazai: "Ah, I dropped a quarter while walking back--*GRUNT*--and then I saw this weed--*GROAN*--that won't come loose..." *the 'weed' looks...metallic?*
atsushi: ??? (odasaku, you have any idea what the heck that is?)
odasaku: your guess is as good as mine.
Lucy: "...?!! Wait! I think that's the phone--"
Dazai: *PULLS--and the 'weed' snakes up the grass, to the building--and pulls wires off the wall*
atsushi: ._.;;; um.....
naomi: DAZAI! D8<
Tanizaki: "I had an important call!"
Dazai: "..." *points at Lucy, shoves the weed into her hands*
Lucy: "..." -_-#####
naomi: where do you think _you're_ going, mr? ^^# *she has a rope*
Dazai: OwO;; "...See, I already tried rope before, and it's too painful for proper suic--"
Tanizaki: "Grab him!"
-one nice boat later-
atsushi: .____.
Tanizaki: *finishes the sign, puts it around Dazai's neck* " 'Do not pull wires you don't recognize.'"
Lucy: *snaps a pic*
Dazai: *tied to a tree by his feet and hands* QwQ
kirako: *covers aya and kenji's eyes*
Lucy: *typing* " 'The majestic jackass, soaring over the crowd...'"
atsushi: ._. (he seems to be enjoying this predicament....) *sweatdrop*
Dazai: QwQ "...See, ropes are not good for suicide, but when it comes to S and--"
kirako:...*awkward cough*
Dazai: QwQ "..." *nod nod* "I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry for interrupting your phone calls and downloads. May I come down now~?"
naomi: wait up there for a while.
Benimaru: *sets down tea*
kirei: ^^
kabuki: thanks for inviting us, commander.
Benimaru: *nods* "You're welcome. I thought it best before Kohana departed for her mission."
fang-hua: ^^; you didnt have to go to all the trouble, commander-
Tsukiyo: *gobbling snacks*
Benimaru: "It was no trouble. It was the least we could do." *pours her tea*
fang-hua: well, thank you. ^^
Benimaru: *nods* "I have full confidence in you. Keep an eye on the other brigades and report."
fang-hua: *nods*
kirei: *hands her a charm* this will bring you luck.
fang-hua: thank you!
Tsukiyo: *mouth full* "Wow, so pretty!"
Shotaro: *hands Mana mail* "It keeps coming in for you..."
mana: wow.
Shotaro: "Feeling more healed since your fight?"
mana: i think so.
nea: well, arent  _you_ miss popular?
Shotaro: ^^ "I mean, she did advance far in the competition." *holds up his phone* "Although this one fan site is kind of rude..."
nea: let me see that!
mana: hah?
*The fan site seems to have rude remarks in the comments section, as well as photos of Mana walking around town*
mana: what the hell?
nea: kepuri, find their IP address.
Kepuri: "On it!" *takes Shotaro's phone, taps a few keys* "...Um...It's about 12 feet from us..." *looks down the hall*
Emine: *on his laptop* "..."
-nice boat-
mana: *brushing off her hands*
Shotaro: "...Wow...That's gonna need a whole bucket of bandages..."
Steinbeck: "--and that's the family tree!"
twain: wowzers.
oscar: quite a family, johnny-boy.
ebie: cool!
Steinbeck: "Well, we're extended. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everyone when you have a big family."
emily: i could imagine.
Steinbeck: "How about you--extended family?"
emily: not that i'm familiar with.
Steinbeck: "Aunts or uncles?"
emily: probably, but i havent spoken with them much.
twain: i just have my aunt polly.
oscar: didnt miss porter have an aunt polly, as well?
Hemingway: "Think so..." *flipping through photos*
oscar: *glances*
*Looks like photos of Cuba, with a younger Hemingway in them*
oscar: where was that, ernie?
Hemingway: "Havana, during a fishing trip."
oscar: oooh.
Hemingway: "Work took me to a lot of places."
ebie: *listening* OwO
Hemingway: "Spain, France, Rwanda, Congo--lots of reports to file." *shows a photo of him--wrestling a lion*
emily: (is this man even real?)
Hirotsu: "Hmm...The stage looks sound. How are acoustics?"
naoya: *strumming guitar* *thumbs up*
Hirotsu: "Ah, yes, good. Now, onto seating for the audien--"
Kafka: "OW!" *holding his thumb, dropping a hammer*
naoya: ?? you alright?
Walter: *vacuuming*
Kafka: "THESE BLASTED--" *sound drowned out by vacuuming* "--SEATS WON'T MAKE THEMSELVES, SO I--" *more vacuuming* "--HAVE TO FIX THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCH PIECES OF--" *more vacuuming* "--THAT NO--" *more vacuuming--* "--ING PERSON WOULD EVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN!"
blonde man: <so how much farther to the airport?>
Dumas: <My map says another 17 miles-->
Cervantes: *points at a sign* <The sign says 1 mile the other way.>
Dumas: -_-#
blonde man: <maybe i should try and get us a lift?>
Dumas: <If you insist--we have enough money...>
blonde man: *stripping by the side of the road*
blonde man: *coy pose*
Cervantes: <No, no--this is all wrong!>
Dumas: <Thank you!>
Cervantes: *imitates a pose* <Like this!>
Dumas: ._. "..." *facepalm*
driver: <what the hell?> *pulls over*
blonde man: <would you pwease give us a ride~?>
Cervantes: *smiles* <See? It worked!>
Dumas: <How do you even know the driver will agree?>
driver: <what the hell is going on here?>
Cervantes: <We request transport to the airport, my friend!>
driver: um...o.....k?
Cervantes: *smug smile at Dumas*
Dumas: >_> <This proves nothing...Just get in the vehicle...AND PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES!>
Anya: *putting on a kimono*
tsugumi: trying on outfits for the spring festival?
Anya: *nods* "Not sure about the color."
tsugumi: it looks nice, a different change of pace. ^^
Anya: "Thanks...Which color will wear?"
ao: isnt blue your image color?
Anya: "I guess that would work..."
naomi: that's one fancy hat, lucy.
Lucy: ^^; "Thanks...I picked the flowers myself in time for the season..."
sylvia: i-it's really pretty, miss montgomery.
Lucy: "..." *clears her throat* "Well, I could make one...if anyone wanted that kind of thing..."
sylvia: a-are you sure? i dont know if i would make a-a hat like that look good, y-your hair is a lot p-prettier than mine...
Lucy: "Then consider it an opportunity to try something to make your hair look better."
sylvia: ....
naomi: maybe we could braid it?
Lucy: "Oh, that'd be great!"
sylvia: .~.
naomi: we're gonna need to wash it and brush it out really good, first.
sylvia: b-but what about m-my ability?
naomi: i dont think your hair will cause any trouble.
Lucy: "Even if it did, 'Medusa,' some hair salon gloves would keep our hands safe enough."
-25 minutes later-
naomi: ._.; how does she _get_ it this tangled?
sylvia: Q~Q
Lucy: "..." *small grunt, grabs a headband, puts it around her own head, stretches* "Leave it to me: if I could style Howard's hair, then I can style hers!"
naomi: good luck.
sylvia: Q~~~Q
Lucy: "Now, just stand still, and if it hurts, please tell me."
sylvia: o-okaaaay....
Kafka: *looking over musical sheets* "...You have to be kidding."
leroux: ??
Kafka: "This score, it's just--BLECH!" *starts scribbling*
leroux: *peeek*
*Looks like Kafka is changing some instructions*
Kafka: "There! You need to be *quiet* in this part, not crescendo!"
leroux: hmm, hmm, i see.
Kafka: "Jeez, who is even handling music in this play?"
karl: *stares at mr shephard*
Mr. Shephard: *puts down his book* "Oh...Hello, um, Karl."
karl: o^o
Poe: "Karl? Karl, where are you?"
karl: *chitter*
Poe: *walks in* "There you are--EEP! M-M-Mr. Shephard..."
Mr. Shephard: "Edgar." *nods*
Poe: .______.
karl: *nudge*
Mr. Shephard: " 'Kay?"
Poe: "I...want your blessing!"
Mr. Shephard: "...Um...I'm not a priest or anything, but--" *makes the sign of the cross* "Amen?"
karl: *facepaw*
Poe: .___. "...Maybe I need to be clearer..." *opens the box, shows the ring*
Mr. Shephard: "Oh, that's pretty. Is it for Lana?"
Poe: "I-I-I-I want to marry her. W-Will you give us your blessing?"
Mr. Shephard: "... ... ..." *sets down the book*
karl: ovo
Poe: *whimper, but stands his ground*
Mr. Shephard: "...Do you love her?"
Poe: "With all my heart!"
Mr. Shephard: "Will you protect her? Against anyone who would do her harm?"
Poe: "Yes!" *inhales deeply*
Mr. Shephard: "..." *sighs* "Then I leave it to her to decide."
Poe: *loud exhale* *hug*
Mr. Shephard: ._.
Poe: *SQUEE!* "I have to go ask her!" *runs outside--then runs back inside, slamming the door, panting* "...It's so bright."
Mephisto: *clears his throat* "How are you?"
stocking: doing well, workwise.
Mephisto: "Good. I had some high compliments from staff and students~"
stocking: oh?
Mephisto: *nods* "On time, prepared for lessons, managing classrooms discussions..." *pulls up a web page* "I had this designed for just such an occasion." *the site is called 'GradeMyTeach.DC'*
stocking: oh cool.
Mephisto: "You're ranking better than Neuhaus--low bar, I know--but your score is going up...Just avoid the hate online."
stocking: i know. is triple A still being a pain in the A?
Mephisto: *Excalibur face* *points to his face* "Does this answer your question?"
stocking: good point.
felisia: *snicker* nice one.
Mephisto: *sighs, resumes his usual face* *pats Felisia's stomach*
felisia: only a month away now...
Mephisto: ^w^ "Glorious~" *nuzzle*
atsushi: *helping dazai down from the tree* easy now.
Dazai: TwT "Thank you, kind sir..."
atsushi: i figured you'd been punished enough, today...
Dazai: "I just wanted to see where it was going--and we have enough other spy risks..."
atsushi: .....
Dazai: "I didn't want someone trying to spy on Kirako...And, you know, too much time on the Internet isn't good for anyone."
atsushi:....did you want to get something to eat?
Dazai: "...Sure. Rice sounds good."
atsushi: yeah, i could go for some chazuke right now...
-and so-
Dazai: *claps his hands* "Thank you for this meal!"
atsushi: *nom* =w=~ *tiger chuff*....*ahem* 737;......so...anything else on your mind, dazai?
Dazai: "...The usual. Scared to death of fatherhood. Want to find the rest of the Rats. Have a rash."
atsushi: did you get ointment from yosano?
Dazai: "I tried--but I got...tied up." OwO
atsushi: maybe i could ask?
Dazai: "Thank you..." *looks at him* "...Huh." *looks at him back and forth*
atsushi: ?? whats up?
Dazai: "...What happened to that scrawny kid Kunikida and I picked up at the canal?"
atsushi: *points to himself* ?
Dazai: *nod nod* "You've bulked up a bit."
atsushi: i guess i have gotten some more muscle...and i think i might be a centimeter taller?
Dazai: "See? A better diet and exercise helps!"
sonia: *putting a rock into the garden with something written on it*
Chuuya: *watching*
-the rock reads 'mama'-
Chuuya: *rubs his eyes*
sonia: *she looks up at him* did you want to put down a rock, papa?
Chuuya: "Um...Yes..."
katya: what're you two up to?
Chuuya: "Just writing..." *putting something on a stone* *looks like he's writing "Rain"*
katya: this some kind of memorial garden?
Chuuya: "Yes..." *sets down the stone, takes another*
katya: i see....
Chuuya: *writing "Oda"* "..." *sets it down*
sonia: did you want to put one down?
katya: nah, there wouldnt be enough room to write all the names down...
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
tamaki: any idea where we're gonna be staying, other than in fang-hua's hometown?
Arthur: "I think visiting Takeru's farm in Qingdao."
tamaki: wonder what that will be like.
shinra: i think a lot different from most farms, i'd think.
Arthur: "Like dragon tooth farms?"
shinra: um....i guess?
Arthur: "Then we shall raise the small warrior babies born from their teeth."
shinra + tamaki: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: "I'll name them Agenor, Guinevere, Phoenix, and Tamaki Jr."
Giriko: *wiping something off his shirt* "Poor thing..."
anna: bwah?
Giriko: ^^; "It's fine, little lady." *light nose tap*
anna: =3=
Giriko: *hug*
anna: ^o^
Giriko: "Heh heh..." *wipes her face carefully*
Patty: "Sis, Kid's doing that thing again."
liz: oh boy.
Kid: "N-Nothing. What makes you think anything happened?" *there's crayon on the wall*
liz: ^^;
Patty: "Um, most kids crayon the walls--it's part of growing up! You could frame it!"
Kid: "..." Q_Q "Do we have extra frames?"
Cervantes: *snores*
blonde man: *reading*
Dumas: *looking out the window* <So dull...>
blonde man: *fidget fidget*
Dumas: <Sit still. Can't you be still?>
blonde man: <too antsy....i wonder if i can join the mile high club>
Dumas: *tugs his ear* <No.>
blonde man: ah! <owieee~>
Dumas: <Contain yourself. Order another drink if you have to...> *looking through his book on poisons*
blonde man: *peeeeek*
Dumas: -_-# <...Yes? I am looking at poisons.>
blonde man: <is it interesting?>
Dumas: <A bit. Did you know there are some poisons you can ingest in small portions to build up resistance?>
blonde man: <oh? i didnt know that.>
Dumas: <Yes...Just takes time...>
blonde man: hmmm....
Dumas: *jots something down* <Yes, just a few more milliters would do it...>
blonde man: *looks around*
Cervantes: *sleep talk* <Curse you, you vile waste of grain grinding...>
blonde man: *fidgeting in his seat*
Cervantes: <BRING ME MY LANCE!> *swings an arm, just missing the Man*
blonde man: ah! >3< <miguel, be careful!>
Cervantes: *yawns, stretches* <Have we landed this giant metal bird yet?>
blonde man: <not yet...> *examines english language guide*
Dumas: <How is language studying coming along?>
blonde man: good.
Dumas: <Oh? Why don't you try asking the flight attendant for something.>
blonde man: ma'am?
Flight Attendant: "Yes? May I help you?"
blonde man: where do i sign for the mile high club~? ^^
Flight Attendant: "...Sir, that is prohibited on flights. And technically it wouldn't be a mile above the ground." -^-
Dumas: *covering his face* <How mortifying...>
blonde man: T3T oh poo.
Flight Attendant: "Now, unless you had anything else to say, I'll take your trash..."
Dumas: "He wouldn't fit in your trash bag."
Flight Attendant: "..." *giggles*
blonde man: <mean> =3=
Dumas: *small smile*
Takehisa: *flipping through a military academy yearbook*
maki: looking at old photos?
Takehisa: *nods* *there's a photo of a younger Takehisa with other cadets--he doesn't have his glasses on* "I couldn't see a thing."
maki: hmm.
Takehisa: *points to a photo of Maki*
maki: man, i was a small-fry back then.
Takehisa: "Yes, not as tall as now. Have you spoken with anyone from the division recently?"
maki: not recently.
Takehisa: "Neither have I...And your father?"
maki: what _about_ him?
Takehisa: "..." *nods* "Sorry."
maki:...*sigh* it's fine.
Takehisa: "...Coffee?"
maki: sure.
mina: yessir!
-they're playing games on bakugou's gamecube-
Eijiro: "Ease up, man--Mina had socks on--OH, YOU JERK!" *tapping on the controller* "No, no, no!"
Bakugo: "IT'S ABOUT POLITENESS!" *leaning while moving the controller*
sero: ooooh oh snap!
mina: nyehehehe~
Eijiro: "You won't be so high and mighty when I--"
*Eijiro loses*
Eijiro: Q_Q
Bakugo: "..."
mina: aw yeah! team acid tape wins again!
sero: up top!
-high five-
Eijiro: "Dang it! Well, Team Shrapnel will be victorious next time!"
Bakugo: "...You no longer get to pick names."
sero: i dunno, 'shrapnel' sounds kinda badass.
mina: it does
Eijiro: ^w^ "See? It's the combination of explosions and rocks--"
Bakugo: "No."
Eijiro: "...You're jealous you didn't think of it first, aren't you--"
Bakugo: *his controller blows up in his hand* -n-###
sero:....guess we have to make another trip to the game-in-box, huh?
Eijiro: "Wow, harsh!"
mina: yeah, baku, no need to be so mean. -3-
sero: at least he's using his name, and not some insulting nickname, eh?
stocking: i'm home.
Kid: "Welcome back." *smiles*
stocking: *huuuug* *whisper* can we go to bed? i wanted to try some new costumes out~
Kid: .\\\\. "O-Oh? Sure..."
stocking: *smirks and drags him to their room by his collar*
Kid: *follows, blushing* "Oh, wow..."
stocking: i thought we could try a little role-playing. some school year nostalgia~ *whispers* i even got us some uniforms~
Kid: "Oh, Stocking, yes..." *lightly brushes his hand along her wrist*
stocking: hehe~ *closes the door*
Kid: "Shall we change?"
-and so-
stocking: *in a uniform, bent over the bed, shaking her rear a bit*
Kid: *in his own uniform* "Well, well, have you been a bad girl?"
stocking: yes. could you tutor me in sex ed~?
Kid: "I don't know..." *rests a hand on her lower back* "I am a hard tutor."
stocking: i would like that~
Kid: "Would you now~?" *rubs her lower back carefully* "Because I think I have to give you an incentive to learn..." *soft pat on her bottom*
stocking: ah~
Kid: "After all, a little stimulation goes a long way..." *his hand passes down over her skirt to her leg, stroking*
stocking: ahhh~<3 T///=
Kid: *leans, his chin on her shoulder, whispering in her ear* "And I like to get close and personal with my tutoring~" *soft kisses along her ear, as his hand slides slowly up her leg*
stocking: nngh~ kid~
Kid: "I love you...but you need to learn a lesson." *small quick spank*
stocking: ah~!
Kid: "I bet that's something not told in the classroom..." *looks down at her uniform* "Oh, that outfit complements you so well..." *his hand brushes above her breasts*
stocking: *soft moan*
Kid: "So after talking and stimulating your partner, you want to check..." *his lower hand brushes against her underwear*
stocking: ah!
Kid: "Oh, too fast?"
stocking: *shaking her rear a bit at him* f-feels good...
Kid: "Oh~?" *spank spank spank*
stocking: *she moans in time with each smack, her legs quivering*
Kid: "Too much of a work-out? Maybe you need some more exercise..." *positions himself behind her, as he rubs against her and cups her breasts over the uniform*
stocking: ahhh, that feels so good...
Kid: *rubs her breasts, lifting the sweater from her stomach, as his hardness is against her* "Oh, Stocking, this takes me back..." *kisses the back of her neck*
stocking: nnnm~ damn, you're so hard already...
Kid: "Can you blame me, my delicious honor roll..." *he reaches down, his fingers sliding up to her* "You're getting wet..."
stocking: ahh, oh god kid, your fingers feel amazing!
Kid: *smiles* "You've given me plenty of practice..." *rubs along her slit* "Tell me how much you want it."
stocking: i want you so fucking bad, baby. i even wore my striped undies for you~
Kid: *lifts her skirt* "Oh, God, Stocking--I'm going to cum so hard in you." *tugs on her panties*
stocking: *panting and blushing* please, please fuck me.
Kid: *loosens his tie* "Beg for it..." *he rubs himself along her lips before guiding himself into her*
stocking: please baby, i need it in me so hard. please. *shaking her rear*
Kid: *smiles* "Then let's start..." *thrust*
stocking: AHH~<3
Kid: "I want to make you feel so good that you can't even stand..." *spanks her, before continuing*
Kid: *still wearing the tie, and not much else* "Ahh..."
stocking: *panting, laying next to him, cum still dripping out of her and decorating her chest* ahh....that....was....incredible....
Kid: *smiles* "Yes, you were..." *reaches for the drawer, and pulls something out* *it's a box...* "Pocky?" *puts one between his lips*
stocking: yes please~ *nom* ^///^~<3<3<3
Kid: *smooch* ^\\\3\\\^
stocking: hehehe~<3 so cute~
Kid: *smiles* "So are you...We go together so well..." *rubs a hand over her stomach*
stocking: *smiles* i love you.
Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek smooch*
stocking: hehehe~
Kid: *hug* "...Forgive the corniness, but I think we gave a new meaning to 'cram school.'"
stocking:....*snerk* *laughing* oh my god, kiddo.
Kid: ^\\\^; "Sorry..." *nuzzle*
airport intercom: now arriving at death city airport.
Dumas: *stretches* <Finally.>
Cervantes: *holding up a tiny bottle of liquor* "..." <I AM A GIANT NOW!>
blonde man: *yaaaawn*
Dumas: <Focus. Once we leave here, we go to the safe house...>
blonde man: *streeeetch* <do we have a plan?>
Dumas: <Yes, but we'll need to observe the patterns at the prison.>
clerk: passports.
blonde man: *shows his; Marquis De Sade*
Dumas: *his passport: Alexandre Dumas*
Cervantes: *his passport: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra*
clerk: carry on, then.
Cervantes: *smiles* "Thank you!"
marquis: ^u^
Dumas: *follows* "Let's find the taxi stand..."
frances: *watering flowers* ^u^~♫
Kyoka: *walking down the stairs*
frances: hello miss kyouka, lovely day, isnt it~?
Kyoka: "Yes, I suppose so. How are your plants?"
frances: quite well. ^^ .....*smiles* i think something interesting will happen very soon.
Kyoka: "Oh?"
frances: *humming to herself*
Kyoka: "...Hmm...I'm going to run an errand."
frances: you do that now, dearie~...........................*talking to her flowers again* now, what else do you have to tell me, my pretty little babies?
Kid: *smiles, setting out files*
homura: you seem to be in a good mood today, kid.
Kid: "Sometimes there are some small pleasures..." =\\\\=
homura: *sweatdrop* i..see...
Kid: *ahem* "In any case, I was reviewing the next mission assignments."
homura: and?
Kid: "Some activity following incidents in Qingdao, Salt Lake..."
homura: hmm.
Kid: "Any preferences?"
Sakuya: "..." *facepalm*
Belkia: *stuck in the crawl space* "..."
otogiri: *pulling him out*
Belkia: "Ow ow ow--" *pops out* "Pfew! Thank you!" *all scrunched up*
Gin: "How's line memorization?"
higuchi: pretty good.
Gin: "Will you be ready?" *looking at the set*
higuchi: i hope so...
Gin: "I guess just keep calm and practice...If the others can do it..."
higuchi: y-yeah....
Gin: "..." *pat pat* "Need advice?"
higuchi: just excited, and not exactly looking forward to the kiss. 7-7;
Gin: "That makes two of us...Hmph. It is just pretend, so I guess get through it."
higuchi: and you get to kick tachihara's ass later if you want. ^^
Gin: "Always." *takes her hand*
higuchi: ^^ *smooch*
Gin: =/////=
Rin: "Now, tap the egg lightly against the bowl, inside." *demonstrates* "Now you."
momo sakura: *tap tap* like this?
Rin: "A little harder--just until a tiny crack forms on the shell."
momo sakura: what if shell bits get into the bowl?
Rin: "That's why we start with a tiny crack, so we don't have a bit fall in. Plus, after one tiny crack, the shell should mostly stay together. And I always got a handy spoon here to pluck out the shell!"
Dumas: "Here's our new temporary residence..."
marquis: oooh, i like it!
Cervantes: *ringing the doorbell* "Such pleasant music!"
marquis: *plomph onto his bed* silk sheets~ =w=
Dumas: *eyeroll, opens the fridge, dropping in some frozen dinners* "Let's review the map--"
Cervantes: *already asleep on the couch*
Dumas: "..."
marquis: *naked and rolling in his sheets* =w=~<3
Dumas: "STOP THAT!"
marquis: =3=
Cervantes: *wakes up* "...We need to plan."
Dumas: "Good--"
Cervantes: "First, a bubble bath and a toy boat!"
Dumas: "..." *goes back to mapping*
Rino: *opens the door* "I'm home."
*it's empty inside*
Rino: "..." *sighs, drops her bag, goes to her room* "Hey, Seymour."
seymour: 030
Rino: *opens the fish food container next to a note, drops in flakes*
-working late tonight, be home at 10 ~ mom-
Rino: "Of freaking course..." *taps her phone to put on some music*
-text message-
Rino: -_-; *reads the message*
ryuuko: [you get home safe?]
Rino: "???" [yeah]
ryuuko: [glad to know.]
Rino: "..." [thanks] *walks to the kitchen, opens the fridge, takes out some chicken* [going to make dinner and get to bed]
ryuuko: [you need anything?]
Rino: "..." [nah. i'll be back at the 5th early tomorrow before i head off to school] "..." [could i ask one favor?]
ryuuko: [what is it?]
Rino: "..." [would mikami mind if i played with her pet rabbit?]
ryuuko: [if you're interested. she's having a sleepover this weekend.]
Rino: "... ... ..." *looks at the calendar...Mom's at work [i'll check my schedule, but i should be able to come]
ryuuko: [ok]
Chuuya: *playing with Mito*
mito: *purr*
Chuuya: *happy sigh* "Enjoying this, kitty?"
mito: *mewl*
Chuuya: "That's good...Sonia, you washing up?"
sonia: yes, papa.
Chuuya: "Okay--it's a few more minutes before bedtime."
sonia: ok....can you read me a story?
Chuuya: "Sure! Any you had in mind?"
sonia: do you know any grandma used to tell you?
Chuuya: "How about...'The Ant and the Grasshopper'?"
sonia: *nods, holding her teddy close*
Chuuya: "Well, one summer, a day like any other, there was a grasshopper, without a care in the world..."
[*The grasshopper looks like Dazai*
Grass!Dazai: *bouncing along* "I haven't a care in the world!" ^w^
Narrator!Chuuya: "This grasshopper was so full of himself--I mean, itself--that it almost knocked over an anthill--"
Ant!Gin: "Watch it!"
Ant!Motojiro: "Hey!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Pay attention, you jerk!"
ant!higuchi: DX>
ant!akutagawa: *monotone* ah.
Grass!Dazai: "Oh, I didn't see you there. On account of how short you all are."
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "You're real tiny!"
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "Like, microscopic!"
Ant!Chuuya: "...If this was not a children's story, we would all be swarming you right now and eat you alive--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "*AHEM*"
*Grass!Dazai and Ant!Chuuya look to the left*
Ant!Chuuya + Grass!Dazai: ^\\\\^; "S-Sorry..."
Grass!Dazai: *ahem* "So, why all the hard work? It's summer! We can hop, jump, and play!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Some of us are busy toiling to get enough food before winter--"
Grass!Dazai: "Ah, phooey! That's, like, years away!"
Ant!Motojiro: "4 months, 4 days, 12 minutes, 37 seconds, give or take."
Ant!Gin: "Hmph. Come winter, we'll be warm and well-fed. Best to prepare early than regret it later--"
Grass!Dazai: *rolling up a blade of grass, holding it to the sun until it catches a flame, puffs*
Ant!Gin: "...I thought this was a kids' story."
Narrator!Chuuya: "I think the conceit is broken on that--let's just skip to winter."
*The ants run inside*
Grass!Dazai: "??? Where did everyone--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "The snow came."
*Snow falls all at once, putting out Grass!Dazai's smoking blade*
Grass!Dazai: ._. "..." *shivers* "D-Dang, that was quick...I better get some shelter and food--" *looks* "...Um...Where did all the grain go?"
Narrator!Chuuya: "Meanwhile, the ants were warm and--"
sonia: zzzzzz
Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Well, better then get to the sad ending..." *forehead kiss*
sonia: =w=
Prison Guard: *closes their locker*
marquis: hello~
Prison Guard: "???" *turns*
marquis: *blows a kiss......there is a soft sweet smell*
Prison Guard: *sniff* "..." *goofy smile, collapses asleep*
marquis: *unbuttons guard's shirt* i'll be taking this now, sweetie~
-one clothing change later-
Dumas: *adjusting sleeves* "Too big..."
Cervantes: "Off to the galley!"
marquis: i'll handle the cameras~
Dumas: "Proceed." *points* "We go left, then right, upstairs three floors, down the hall, around the corner--"
Cervantes: "Why not a direct approach?"
Dumas: "...What, through walls--"
Cervantes: "If you insist~"
Dumas: "NO."
-elsewhere in the prison-
Fyodor: "...Well, this is lonesome."
-some noise can be heard some ways down the hall-
Fyodor: "???"
*The lights go out down the hall, with one light left on in Fyodor's cell*
Fyodor: "???"
Fyodor: "..."
Guard #2: "Here is it, Princess~"
Cervantes: ^^; "Why, thank you~"
Dumas: *wearing night-vision goggles, dragging an unconscious guard with keys on their belt*
Guard #2: "Don't I get a thank you kiss? I did bring you back to your throne room to reunite with your father~"
Fyodor: "...Well, this is bizarre."
marquis: OvO
Dumas: *looks* *points* "I found the target."
*Dumas is pointing at the wrong cell*
marquis: *turns dumas around*
Dumas: "..." *points* "I found the target."
Cervantes: ^^; "My friend, please give the brave knight their kiss while I speak to the galley-man we must free."
marquis: ok~ *smoooches the guard....with tongue*
Guard #2: *moaning* "Oh, Princess~"
Fyodor: "... ... ...What the hell?"
Cervantes: *waves* "Hello, galley-man! We're here to free you from your unfair imprisonment! Why, look at these surroundings! They didn't even let you have a cellmate--"
Fyodor: "I killed previous cellmates."
Cervantes: OwO;;;;
Dumas: *sighs* "Ignore them, Prisoner. They are weirdos."
Fyodor: "Well, at least I can speak to someone rational--"
Dumas: "Put this on." *he's holding an iron torture device* "It goes around your head."
Fyodor: "... ... ..." *looks around* "Is it too late to call for more guards?"
???: "You're freeing him?"
Cervantes: *spins around, points at ??? in the other cell* "Yes!"
Grimoire: "..." *sets down his book* "He is dangerous."
Cervantes: *raises a finger in the air* "We never turn down a job upon taking it!"
Dumas: "And we can handle someone like him. Right, Marquis--"
marquis: *on the floor, making out with the guard*
Dumas: "...Right, Cervantes?"
Cervantes: "Or die trying!"
Fyodor: "That can be arranged."
Dumas: "..." *shudders* "J-Just...Come on..." *unlocks the door*
Grimoire: "Fools..." *turns back to his book*
Cervantes: "Lead the way, Dumas!"
Dumas: "In a second..." *fire his gun at the last light bulb, completely darkening the entire room* "Follow me."
marquis: *following* ^////^~ hehe
Cervantes: "Sorry!" *puts on night-vision goggles* "Which way, Dumas?"
Fyodor: "How can he even see? Those goggles can't be enough..."
Cervantes: "Dumas is empowered by the dark. Our little night owl..."
Dumas: -\\\\- "Shut up. This way--" *SLAM, CRUNCH* "..."
Cervantes: "...You ran into the wall, didn't--"
Fyodor: "...Help? Guards?"
marquis: shhhhh. >3<;;
Dumas: *angry whispering* "You 'shhh'! Go back to humping the wall!"
marquis: T3T meanie.
Cervantes: "Now, now, no need to fight! We are a trio destined for greatness! We have a task to complete! Now let's bring our victim to safety--"
*step step step step*
Dumas: "...He's running away."
marquis: ._.;
Cervantes: QwQ "Well, that's disappointing. Shibusawa will be unhappy with us--"
Fyodor: "...Shibusawa?"
Cervantes: "YES! Shibusawa asked us to--"
Fyodor: *walks ahead of them* "Let's go."
Cervantes: OwO "...But I had a speech ready--"
Dumas: *drags him along*
marquis: *following*
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Dumas: "Riches left by your benefactor, hidden in the walls?"
marquis: some #######
Dumas: .___________________.
Cervantes: "Marquis, no. It's pronounced--"
Fyodor: "There."
-inside the box is a set of clothes, a cloak, a phone, a knife, and an unshanka-
Cervantes: "Ah! Your uniform! It suits you--"
Fyodor: "..." *death glare*
Cervantes: .w.;;;; "...Right. We'll leave you to it. Come along--"
Fyodor: *unbuttons his shirt*
marquis: OvO
Fyodor: "...A little privacy?"
marquis: T3T
Dumas: "Come along..." *drags Marquis* "...Cervantes, this man seems more...axe-crazy than I expected."
Cervantes: "Nonsense! He's friendly! He'll be our new special friend."
marquis: i like him, he's cute.
Dumas: "No, _we're_ special. He's...creepy. Not even creepy cute. Just creepy."
marquis: =3= you're too paranoid, alex
Dumas: "I am not--who told you that? Was it Cervantes?"
Cervantes: *whistles innocently*
Fyodor: *picks up his phone*…*scrolls down, dials a name marked "порождать"*
yana: <yo>
Fyodor: <Change of plans.>
yana: <bossman? whats up?>
Fyodor: <Someone wants me to pay a visit.>
yana: <in jail?>
Fyodor: <Hmmm, not quite. They want to take me out for a bit.>
yana: <and what are we to do then?>
Fyodor: <Await my instructions.>
yana: <ok. do you want to say hi to the others or->
Fyodor: <No. I'll let you know when to tell them.>
yana: <ok>
Fyodor: "..." <Problem?>
yana: <no...>
Fyodor: <Good. More reports will come to you as necessary. Keep the radio on.>
Kid: *shifts under blankets*
stocking: zzzz
Kid: *hug*
stocking: mmmm =w=
Kid: *smooch*
atsushi: zzzzz
*tap tap*
atsushi: nnhnn...hmm? *yaaaawn* huzzah?
*Something on the window*
atsushi: ?? *goes to check. it's still the early hours of the morning, and the sun is just starting to rise*
*sitting on the tree branch near the window is Lucy*
Lucy: *waves*
atsushi: *rubs eyes* morning-...wait, how did you get up there?
Lucy: "I climbed."
atsushi: i kind of figured. i just wasnt expecting it. ^^;
Lucy: "I used to do this a lot! Now, get over here..." *pats a seat next to her on the branch*
atsushi: um.... oh boy, how do i get over there?
Lucy: "You're the tiger here."
atsushi: um....ok...*steps back...runs forward and jumps* HUP!
-nice grab onto the branch-
atsushi: *legs dangling* ._. little help?
Lucy: -n-; *pulls him up by his arms then lifting him by one of his legs* "UMPH!" *
atsushi: woah!
Lucy: "There..." *pats his bottom* "Now sit."
atsushi: *sitting down* this is nice.....
Lucy: *nods* "I wanted to see the sunrise...and with someone..." *rests her head on his shoulder*
atsushi: ./////////////.
Lucy: *interlocks her fingers with his*
atsushi: *holding her hand and smiles*
Lucy: *soft sigh, smiles* "You know I love you, right?"
atsushi: i-i love you too... *leans in*
Lucy: .\\\. *gulp* >\\\<
Lucy: *smooch* "Mmm~" "..."
atsushi: ./////.
Lucy: *smiles, blushing* "That was really good..." *leans closer*
atsushi: u/////u
ranpo: ooooi, lovebirds! you gonna make a nest or what?
atsushi: ACK! *falls back, bringing lucy with him as they fall into a bush*
Lucy: *groans, struggling to get up*
ranpo: dat got your attention, huh?
atsushi: you ok lucy? *coughs up leaves*
Lucy: *groans* "N-No...I think I bust my bottom..."
atsushi: oh no...
Lucy: *frowns at Atsushi* -n-
atsushi: did i at least break your fall? ^^;
Lucy: "Yeah..." *looks at him* "Are you hurt?"
atsushi: a bit scratched up, but i've had worse...
ranpo: when you get outta there, head to the meeting room, kay?
Lucy: *grumbles* *holds onto Atsushi*
-and so-
atsushi: so what's going on?
kirako:....*looks at fukuzawa*
Fukuzawa: "Dostoyevsky has escaped."
atsushi: ??!!
aya: what?!
yosano: are you serious?!
Kunikida: "...It appears th-that someone infiltrated and pretended to be guards..."
atsushi: the rats?
Kunikida: "One prisoner tried to identify them, and the description doesn't match any Rats we have encountered."
ranpo: then again, we havent met every one of the rats thus far.
Kunikida: "We'll be reviewing the descriptions against known criminals..."
-there is a flower on the windowsill...-
-in frances' office-
frances: *listening to the flower*
*There's a sound coming from the flower*
Flower?: "--and interview the guards, too."
frances: hmmm..... *on the phone* this is quite the curious predicament, ma'am.
agatha: indeed it is. for now, just monitor the situation. don not intervene just yet.
frances: understood. till next time~ *hangs up* ..... hmmm....
*Voice in the flower*: "Two of you will visit the prison to speak with guards. I think it would be best for Kunikida to stay here..."
flower voice 2: understood, sir.
Kunikida: "..."
yosano: ....*pats his back*
Kunikida: *nods* "We'll be researching here..."
Fyodor: *blindfolded*
marquis: are we there yet?
Dumas: "A bit further...I told you the Iron Mask would've been better. He's probably following us even blindfolded."
marquis: hmmm...
Fyodor: "I assure you, I see nothing." *looks at Cervantes* "...What are wearing?"
Cervantes: "Cologne!"
Fyodor: "..." *sniffs* "...Awful."
marquis: so why dont you tell us about yourself~?
Fyodor: "What do you want to know?"
marquis: what are your companions like?
Fyodor: "Loyal…..Mostly."
Cervantes: "As leader of this trio, it is not loyalty so much as--" *pose* "FRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSHIP!"
Dumas: -_-;
marquis: any special someone in your life~?
Fyodor: "...There are people with whom I am intimate."
marquis: do tell~
Fyodor: "What's in it for me, lovely?"
marquis: hehehe~ oh you flirter, you~ ^///^
Dumas: "Stop that." *pulls Marquis away* "We're here."
marquis: =3=
Dumas: "Now, how to let them know we're here--"
Cervantes: "WE'RE HERE!"
marquis: *looks out the window*
-there seems to be a large house in the middle of the desert, surrounded by large hills. it almost looks like a large cabin-
Dumas: "...Yeah, that's conspicuous."
Cervantes: "Ring the doorbell!"
Dumas: "Why would a place out here have--"
Cervantes: *suddenly has a doorbell*
marquis: hellooooo?
-a servant answers-
servant: welcome.
Dumas: "Um, yes, we have completed a mission for your employer..."
Cervantes: *waves* "Hi, Sancho!"
Dumas: -_-; "Not every person you meet is 'Sancho.'"
servant: thank you, sirs. my employer first has some business to take care of in europe before coming here to the states.
Dumas: "Wait--they're not even here? Then how do we do this transaction--"
servant: *hands them a briefcase*
Dumas: "..." *puts an ear to it* "...It's not ticking."
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: "So we have to say goodbye to our new friend?"
Fyodor: "I was not your friend."
marquis: so mean. =3=
Fyodor: *looks at the servant* "So, one prison to another..."
servant: do you wish to invite your subordinates to the establishment?
Fyodor: "...Hmm...Interesting proposal. You'll forgive me if I am suspect."
servant: shall i give you a tour, sir?
Fyodor: "..." *follows*
-there's a living room area with a TV, a kitchen and dining area, a game room, a study, and several bedrooms-
Fyodor: "Large."
servant: you can take any of the bedrooms you'd like.
Fyodor: "I don't have much with me."
servant: *nods and exits*
Fyodor: *sits on the bed, looks at the phone*…..*dials*
Fyodor: "..."
*The phone clicks, connecting*
yana: yo.
Fyodor: "I am at the safehouse."
yana: want me to put you on speaker to talk to everyone?
Fyodor: "Yes."
yana: ok..... OI! everyone get on in here! fedya's on the phone!
zoey: master??
lydia: ???
barkova: owo
Gogol: *sets down his tea*
Ivan: QwQ *inches to the phone*
Fyodor: "I am no longer in the prison."
lydia: so we've heard in the news.
elizaveta: yay!
Fyodor: "I will have updates soon--but you must prepare for a move."
yana: to a new location?
Fyodor: "Yes. Just wait until our host gives me more information."
lydia: your host?
Fyodor: "Yes. I am someone's guest."
Ivan: "..."
lydia: who's?
Fyodor: "I'll tell you more soon, but they'll be an...interesting ally."
yana: hmm...
Ivan: OwO "...WE MISS YOU!"
zoey: i want to see you again, master! i want our baby to see you when it's born!
Fyodor: "...I will see you soon."
zoey: *moan~*
Fyodor: "..." *makes a noise* "Whoops--reception--"
lydia: <calm down, vanya, take a breath..> -A-; *sweatdrop*
Ivan: *hyperventilating*
lydia: <inhale, vanya, inhale!>
Ivan: *takes a paper bag, inhales*
lydia: *pats his back*
zoey: pheh....
Fyodor: "I got to go--until then. Yana, may I speak with you..."
yana: sure thing.....do ya'll mind?
Gogol: ^w^ "Let's depart, everyone..." *pushing them out*
yana:...............<what did you want to say?>
Fyodor: <The move will be difficult getting out of the city: keep them in line.>
yana: <noted.>
Fyodor: <Good. Don't disappoint.>
erina: *waking up*
Allison: *looking at the news* "..."
erina: *yaaawn* mornin'
Allison: "!!!" *puts down her phone* "...Morning."
erina: *streeeetch* bacon....
Allison: ^^; "Coming up..."
-phone rings-
erina: *answers* m'hello?
???: "Erina."
erina: *her stomach drops, and her eyes widen in horror*
???: "I hope you did not think I forgot you."
Allison: "Erina...Who is it?"
erina: *she's shaking, unable to speak* ah...
???: "I'm sure you heard the news already: I'm free."
Fyodor: "I'll see you soon."
erina: *she drops the phone.....and falls to her knees*
Allison: "!!! Erina! Erina!"
Fyodor: "..." *smiles*
erina: ah...ah.......*she screams at the top of her lungs in horror, shaking violently*
Allison: "Erina!" *grabs her, holding her*
erina: *hysterically sobbing*
Allison: "..." *keeps holding onto her, strokes her back*
erina: oh god, he's going to come after me! he's going to hurt me!
Allison: *grabs the phone, hangs it up* "Erina...Look at me."
erina: *her eyes look dead, pupils shrunk*
Allison: "..." *gulps* "W-We're not going to let that happen. I'm not going to let him hurt you."
erina:...i cant leave the apartment...
Allison: "...You have to...This is not your prison, this is your home. And...I don't know, we can call the police..."
erina: how can they help me after i-....*urk* *shaking*
Allison: "...I don't know..." *hugs, cries*
erina:.....i feel sick....
Allison: *nods* "L-Let's get you some water..."
Kunikida: *sitting in front of tea* "..."
naomi: ....
Kunikida: *tries to pick up the cup--misses* "..."
naomi: *pat pat*
Kunikida: "...This is not ideal."
naomi: .....
Kunikida: "No one stopped him, again. And he's going to get people killed, again."
yosano: we're going to find him and stop him.
Kunikida: "..." *nods* "Right."
Chuuya: *freezes*
katya: *malicious giggling* ohhhh im gonna kill hiiiim.... OOOOHHHHH IM GONNA KIIIILLL HIIIIIIM NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
pushkin: 0-0;;;;;;
Gin: "Easy there..."
hirotsu: ._. she's certainly....erm... enthusiastic.
Gin: "Yes...I suggest directing her energies towards something effective." *pulls out a sword* "This would work..."
Akutagawa: "..." T_T ("She's still worried for me...")
leo: katyusha, do you want to use the punching bag?
katya: it'll do.....for now....
Tachihara: "Yo, all--"
Gin: "Speaking of punching bags."
katya: *pulls out a knife* C8<
higuchi: not yet, katya.
Tachihara: O_o "..." *slowly backs away*
katya: move it, <shitbag>.
Tachihara: *takes off running* "WHYYYYYYYYY?!!!" >____<
Fitzgerald: "..." *sets down the newspaper*
alcott: oh dear heavens....
Fitzgerald: "Get Eckleburg on this. Track surveillance."
alcott: right away, sir.
Fitzgerald: *looking through files*
Taneda: "I think this calls for additional support."
ango: hmm....
Taneda: "Go through the files, arrange a meeting."
ango: understood.
Taneda: *sighs* "What a mess...Some prison."
ango: *making a call*
*The line is connecting...*
???: "Hello?"
ango: this is ango sakaguchi, with the death city special abilities department. your group has summons to the city ASAP.
???: *sigh* "Very well. I'll make the call."
Yumi: *hands Shiori* "We'll be working until around 2."
kirika: kay.
stocking: *nod*
Yumi: "Thank you." *waves to Shiori*
shiori: baba...
Yumi: *weak smile, as she leaves*
kirika:...be safe mom.
Yumi: "..." *nods* "I will. Thank you."
Dumas: *counting the dollars*
marquis: so what now?
Dumas: "Onto the next task, including dividing up the money--"
Cervantes: *holding binoculars, looking around* "Hmm...Not a bad setting..."
marquis: *pokes head out*
Dumas: "...No--"
Cervantes: "A lovely new home, with chandeliers!"
Dumas: "I said--"
marquis: we can bring your doggy. ^^
Dumas: "... ... ..." >_> "...Backyard?"
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: ^w^ "Even can build our own cave for you~"
Dumas: "...Hmph. Call a real estate agent."
Cervantes: *victory pose*
Yumi: *reviewing maps* "There are multiple exit points." *taps one part of the map* "Here we had reports of lights going out, as well as mass hallucinations."
homura: hmm...
Yumi: "By the time reports came in of the hallucinations, we found border agents at the northwest sector also under the influence. At this time, we cannot confirm whether it was madness, black blood..."
nygus: have we checked the cameras?
Yumi: "Many were disabled in the prison itself. We do have some footage from around the city..."
nygus: lets review that.
Yumi: *taps onto a tablet, pulling up the footage*
homura: ....
*The footage shows three people bringing along what looks like Fyodor*
*One of them starts pointing wildly at skull-shaped decorations on the buildings*
*One of them starts walking off in the wrong direction*
homura: *sweatdrop*
*The one who looks like Fyodor claps his hands, as if trying to get their attention*
nygus: ...
Yumi: "Wait, where did the third one go?"
*the third was out of view of the camera*
*The one looking like Fyodor just stands...tilts his head*
*The one who got lost starts yelling and pointing*
*The other grabs the one off-camera, pulling him along*
homura: hmm....
Yumi: "That's where our footage ends."
nygus: it doesnt help much...
Yumi: "No. Forensics is searching that spot to find any evidence that could identify the trio."
*Rain starts falling*
izumi: *walking along with an umbrella* ^^
rowena: hello, miss albarn.
izumi: hey ro. ^^
Magaki: *nods*
alice: hello....
izumi: heading anywhere?
Magaki: "I was going to the bakery--was asked to pick up bread for the, um, house."
izumi: sounds good.
rowena: ^^ edgar asked me to pick some supplies up for him as well.
Magaki: "??? Ink?"
rowena: *she nods*
Magaki: "Ah. Does he enjoy sweets? Maybe pick one up for him."
Shotaro: *hangs up a teru teru bozu*
setsuna: ^^
Shotaro: "How's yours coming along, Em--"
Emine: *holds up one looking like it's been hanged*
mana: ._.
mono: _that's_ totally not disturbing at all.
lin-kimpur:... ^^ creative.
Emine: "Thank you." *hangs it up*
Shotaro: "Let's make more!" *draws out a face like Mana's*
sonia: *looking out the window*
Motojiro: "--then the light shines through like a prism*
bessy: oooh, neat.
Motojiro: "Then the worms will come out of the ground--"
sonia: ...
Motojiro: "What can you all tell me about the process of how rain is made? Sonia?"
sonia: .........
naoya: *whispers* maaaybe not the best subject to bring up with her.
Motojiro: OwO;;; "...How about we listen to the frogs croaking--MAKING NOISE! Making noise..."
tom: yay!
naoya: you could call it a....ribbeting, experience.
ayako: you did not just say that.
-some of the kids laugh. sonia says nothing-
leo: miss sonia? did you want to go for a walk?
Motojiro: QWQ "..."
Arthur: *meditating...under the pounding rain*
shinra: he's gonna get a cold.
Relan: "I mean, have you ever seen him have a cold?"
Vulcan: "Must be mind over matter."
shinra: mind?
Vulcan: "...Touche. I don't know, maybe Arthur is a robot--"
Viktor: OwO *picks up a screwdriver*
shinra: nah, he'd be short-circuiting if that were the case.
karin: that is also true.
Vulcan: "Could always waterproof things...Hmm...Maybe a submersible...but fire-powered...and with torpedoes with shark faces on them..." *mutter mutter mutter*
karin: *sweatdrop*
lisa: ^^;
Arthur: *eyes break open* "I got it!" *jumps up*
nozomi: oh?
Arthur: *lifts a rock* "The key!" *holding up...a key to the front door?*
shinra: what an epiphany.
Arthur: "The key is what is needed to unlock the secrets!"
Vulcan: "..." *shudders* "A-Already been there..."
shinra: ....
Rino: *looking around* "So...What's the plan?"
mikami: looking for snacks for the party.
Rino: "What does everyone like?" *grabs some gummy worms*
mikami: from what the others tell me, usual party snacks consist of popcorn and chips, right?
Rino: "True, but can't hurt to have something sweet..." *grabs some soda*
ryuuko: *gets some hi-chews* these are really good.
Rino: *small smile* "Good choice...Any cooking?"
mikami: shrimp?
Rino: "That could be good..." -_-; "Unless Hibana cheaps out."
mikami: isnt shrimp always a party food?
Rino: ._.; "...I mean, if you have the cash."
mikami: sorry, im still trying to get used to how other people do things like this. ^^; i know a bit about it i think...at least i hope so.
Rino: "Jeez, don't tell me you haven't had 'commoners' food' or something." *holds up instant ramen*
mikami: o-o-of course i have! i-i didnt mean anything rude a-at all....
ryuuko: easy mikami, easy.
Rino: ._.; "I hit a nerve?"
mikami: n-no, i-i-it's fine... *wipes her eyes*
Rino: ._.;;;; "...Sorry."
mikami: it's alright. i-im not mad at you.
Rino: "...How about I show you a recipe for a simple cheesecake?"
mikami: o-ok.
Shima: ^^; "Maybe I could help. I read about the prison break, and I know a bit about those kinds of thing--"
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: OwO;;; "...Ah, come on--I'm just trying to help. After all, we're all classmates and teammates again, right?"
izumo: that depends....
Shima: "Depends on what?"
konekomaru: after what you did, it broke a lot of our trust for you. and if you really are being truthful, you're going to have to do a lot of work to earn that trust back.
Shima: "Oh, totally. That's why I'm here! First, help solve this prison break. Second, pay for some meals for you all. Third, take out Izumo--"
izumo: *GLARE*
seiya: *glare*
Shima: ^^;;; "I can skip the last one." *opens a book, showing some arrays*
Kid: "We're back."
lord death: hello~!
kirika: yo.
Kid: "Hello, Shiori!"
shiori: kid!
kirika: how was it?
Kid: *picks Shiori up* *sighs* "I haven't heard any progress. I don't think it's good for prison staff..."
Ivan: *folding clothes into luggage* ^w^
lydia: <so we're moving base then?>
Ivan: <Because Master asked~>
Gogol: <Likely to keep an eye on us.>
yana: we'll have to take unused underground maintenance tunnels out to avoid public eye...
Gogol: "AKA the sewer."
yana: <pretty much>
Gogol: >_< "That stinks. Literally."
lydia: =_=; grow up.
Gogol: <It's not sanitary...> *grabs soap*
Dumas: *looking at furniture*
marquis: hmmm.....i wanna go on a date.
Dumas: "We still want to be low-key, and you haven't met many people here yet."
marquis: but i get wonwy Q3Q
Dumas: *sighs* "Promise you won't out us?"
marquis: i woooont! im not stupid. *pouty face*
Dumas: "And be quiet bringing any date home."
marquis: okaaaay.
Dumas: "Good luck finding someone--even this city seems limited on options."
marquis: you never knooow~
Dumas: *eyeroll, looks at table coasters*
Dabi: *flipping through posts on his phone*
fang: *chewing on a washcloth*
Dabi: *grumbles, looks*
fang: da-
Dabi: "???"
fang: da-bi! ^o^
himiko: OuO
Dabi: "..." *groans*
fang: dabi! dabi! ^u^
Dabi: "Ugh...Why are you repeating that?"
himiko: you're his daddy! ^u^
Dabi: =_=; "Super..."
tomura: ....
Dabi: *looks at Tomura* "What up?"
tomura: *slinks back into his room*
Dabi: "...What's with him? Is he hard-up for attention?"
Gopher: "Hmph..." *looks up at the clouds* "Was hoping for clearer skies..."
kotone: ....
Gopher: "Could fly or go to the park..." *sad sigh* *looks at Kotone* "...Want to make something to eat with me?"
kotone: ok, brother.
Gopher: *smiles* "Cupcakes? With frosting?"
kotone: yes
Gopher: >w< "Okay!" *puts on an apron*
Free: "We're home!" *Milia is in a poncho and rain boots...Free is just in his shirt and pants, soaked*
milia: hi mama!
eruka: welcome back! ^^
???: is this our little granddaughter? she's such a sweetie! ^^
Free: ._.; *turns*
-eruka's parents are there-
sephy: heya, kiddo.
milia: um...hi?
Free: ^^; "Didn't know you were stopping by..."
kerona: we thought we'd come visit due to the lovely weather~ ^^
Free: "Greeeeeeeat..." *shakes the rain off himself*
kerona: we even brought some treats from the witch world along~
milia: *shiny eyes*
Free: "Guess you can have one for now..."
milia: yay!
eruka: it's been a while since i had food from home. *stomach growls*
Free: ^^; "I guess we're all sharing for a bit--" *reaches for one*
Free: *picks up what looks like a cross between an orange and an apple, only it's got green and purple stripes*
eruka: ooh. *picks up another one* *nom* tangy. ^^
Free: "Milia, try this--" *holds up what looks like a dip container--only it's bubbling, neon, and...did it just blink?*
milia: *nom* =w= yum!
Free: "Thank you for trying something new." ^w^
Tool: "How's your arm holding up?"
mana: a bit sore, but fine.
Tool: *nods* "That's good...The streets are saying this isn't going to stop for a bit--and may flood the road."
mana: hmm.
Tool: "I think it's best to put some towels down around the door edges--" *opens the curtains, looks outside* o_O;;;
*Shotaro is now a dolphin, swimming outside*
kyouko: *helping put up sandbags by the edge of the canal*
Rin: "Got another one..." *picks it up*
nygus: thanks again for helping out here today.
kyouko: not a problem, ma'am.
Sid: "The nearby houses are evacuated. Where did this storm come from?"
homura: it could be an incident by a rogue witch.
Sid: "Maybe...Homura, call up some meisters, see which souls they detect. I'll get some other divisions to check on other sources--demons, quirks, abilities..."
homura: understood.
Sid: *texts* [can you patrol for certain rain-based or water-based quirks in the area? potential source of current downpour]
Aizawa: *asleep next to his phone* "Zzzz..."
yuuji: oi, get up. *nudge*
present mic: i got dis.....HEYYYYYYYYYYYY AIZAWA!!!
yuuji: >~Q ow.
Aizawa: =_______= *grabs Present Mic by the throat*
present mic: GRK-
Aizawa: "What."
present mic: text message for you.
Aizawa: *looks* "..." *sighs* "I'll get my poncho...Come along."
Charon: *shivers* "Stupid rain..."
kagu-tsuchi: it should pass soon enough.
Charon: "Not soon enough. I'm freezing." *he's standing with no shirt*
kagu-tsuchi: *sweatdrop* you're the one walking around without a shirt on.
Charon: "??? How could you--"
kagu-tsuchi: your heat signature was different from usual.
Charon: "Hmph. Fine." *puts on a shirt* "It's still unbearable. Rain requires adjusting any techniques in combat."
*There's a child jumping around in the rain, giggling*
shop owner: hey kid, you shouldnt be out here alone, it's dangerous.
???: "???" *smiles, slightly creepy* "But it's fun! Whee!" *plops down, rolling in the puddle*
shop owner: where the heck are your parents?
???: -___-; "Shut up! I'm here because I want to be!" *kicks up water*
shop owner: woah!
???: >n< "I don't need any, any more!" *stamps their feet--and more rain pours down, flooding into the shop*
shop owner: h-hey! hey!!
???: "I get to do what I want! Because I can do THIS!" *splashes water at the window, shattering it*
shop owner: !!!!!
Sid: "Hey!"
???: "???" *turns* "..." ._.; "What the heck are you supposed to be?"
homura: *grabs their shoulder* disciplinary committee.
-one spanking later-
???: Q~Q "You mean ugly jerk!" >n<
*The rain stops falling...*
nygus: so they were the source, then....
homura: *looking up an ID for the kid*
*Looks to be a runaway from the Slums, missing since the disaster there*
homura: you're from the slums, right?
???: "I don't have to tell you anything--you're not my mom!"
nygus: what's your name, sweetie?
???: "...Kai."
nygus: now, how are you able to use this ability of yours, kai? is it a quirk?
Kai: "Dunno...It started happening last week after I...ran."
homura: so you recently discovered your ability, then?
Kai: *frowns at Homura* -n- "Yeah."
nygus: where's your family, kai? in the slums still?
Kai: "...I don't know. After the fire, I couldn't find them...No one came for me anyway, so that's fine."
nygus:.....tell you what, you can stay with us for a while until we get this squared away, alright?
Kai: "Why would you do that for me, Miss Mummy?"
nygus: someone has to make sure you're safe, so that your power isnt used to cause harm to others.
Kai: -n- "I didn't harm anyone..."
*The shop is still flooded*
shop owner: does my insurance cover this?
Sid: "I'm going to guess yes, but I'll check with the Academy--they are taking responsibility for this kid."
shop owner: thank you, mr barrett.
Sid: *nods* "Now, let's dump this brat into a warm bath, get them cleaned up--"
Kai: >_< "MY NAME ISN'T 'BRAT'!"
Joker: "Huh. Rain stopped."
scarlet: weather's odd like that, i guess.
Joker: "Hmm..." *picks up a cigarette box--it's soggy* "...Oh, damn it."
Walter: "Almost ready to put this show on stage, Leroux?"
leroux: just about~ ^u^
Hirotsu: "It's shaping up very well. The costumes in particular."
Kid: *smiles, looking at the rainbow outside*
shiori: woooow!
Kid: "It's so big and colorful! We can see red, orange, and--what else, Shiori?"
shiori: bloo?
Kid: "Yes! The rainbow contains the seven main colors, including indigo."
shiori: indigo?
Kid: "A kind of dark blue..." *Excalibur face* "There should be _eight_ rainbow colors..."
shiori: how about brown?
Kid: "Hmm...Well, that could give us an eighth color, but then it wouldn't be a rainbow but a rain-_brown_." *smiles*
shiori: *giggle*
Kid: ^w^ "Ha ha...The rainbow comes after even the worst rain, kind of a sign of hope."
Todoroki: *passing a finger along rain droplets on the window*
fuyumi: quite a storm, huh?
Todoroki: "No kidding. It wasn't reported at all, so I'm glad it's done."
0 notes
tonyb-blog · 5 years
Despite summer having well and truly arrived in the UK, it’s now 96 days since I was last on a bike (see the post here).
Circumstances well beyond my control have seen to that. It had been a pretty slow start to the biking year due to shoulder surgery, and just when the physio and recovery were seeming to be well under way I went and fractured my left knee but at long last the opportunity to get back on a bike is almost here.
Some restricted movement means that the first bike I get on will be the Kawasaki Vulcan (the forward controls make for an easier knee angle).
With that in mind I plan to get away for a few days just as soon as I can – I wrote in my previous post about having to cancel planned European trips and its gong to be the first time for about 16 years of so that I haven’t done a euro’ trip on a bike!
All things being equal and that includes the weather then I’ll probably head for the west coast of Scotland or maybe Wales – I don’t really mind I’ll just be happy to get back on two wheels.
The propsect of getting back on a bike and getting away – did prompt me to get the panniers down from the attic this evening and get them fitted to the bike.
It also reminded me just how quick and easy it is to get the Shad SH23s fitted and what a decent and good value bit of kit they are.
In all, it probably took about 15 minutes to get the bars and panniers fitted – just three bolts either side and the job is done.
As my first trip will be a solo one I didnt bother putting the pillion seat, rack and rear bag on – all I need now is some continued rehab, some good weather and then I’ll be off.
  Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
Shad SH 23s
My lack of bike time and ‘not on two wheels frustration’ also prompted me to take the opportunity of having a bit of a tidy in the garage (two full bags of junk to the tip) and to get a couple of pictures on the wall.
Garage time
Garage time
Garage time
I just need to keep my fingers crossed that summer hasn’t departed the UK by the time I throw a leg across the bike.
    You can catch up on recent posts with any of the links below:
Good service
Road to recovery
Still not out on the bikes
Sorrento/Amalfi Road
Continued progress
Small Steps Forward
Doctors Orders
Sometimes you just want to swear
She’s a beauty
96 days and counting … Despite summer having well and truly arrived in the UK, it's now 96 days since I was last on a bike (
0 notes
tonyb-blog · 7 years
If you want the answer without having to read any further then the answer is yes. If you want to know a bit more and why the answer is yes – then read on for my view on how the bike shaped up on a 2,500 mile trip to Spain and Portugal in September (2017).
Some background and context: I’m not writing on the suitability of the bike for touring from any lack of experience or with nothing else to compare it to. By way of providing some context I’ve toured Europe on a variety of bikes: K3 and K5 Suzuki GSX-R 600s; K7 Suzuki GSX-R 750; K8 Suzuki GSX-R 1000; RR9 Honda Fireblade; 2011 Honda CB1000R; 2014  Kawasaki Z1000 SX – and I reckon I’ve done maybe the best part of 50,000 miles on European trips.
Each of those bikes did at least two trips and some more than that and I think I probably did around 12,000 miles on road trips on the Z1000 and over the years I’ve used a variety of luggage options that have included various Kriega tail bags, backpacks, Givi Tank Bags and of course the OEM hard luggage option on the Z1000.
Now I know many motorcycle manufactures these days tend to make agreements with dealers to sell only their marque but just allow yourself for a moment to imagine a dealers that retails the full range of machines from say Kawasaki, Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha, BMW, Triumph, Ducati etc etc etc and you were to walk in and ask them to recommend the most suitable machine for two of you to take off on a European trip.
Then if you tell them  the trip is going to take in several thousand miles, will include mountains, back roads, superbly surfaced roads with wide and fast sweeping bends … to be honest I can’t really imagine a single dealer that would recommend the Kawasaki Vulcan S 650 as the pick of the bunch for touring on and that’s before you mention that it’s got to be capable of carrying a reasonable amount of luggage for two of you!
On our recent trip our route took us down the UK motorway network to Plymouth, then from Santander in Spain we spent three days in and around the Picos mountains before heading into Asturias, Galicia, down into Portugal. After that we headed across Spain down to the mountains of Siera de Gredos, then towards Segovia before returning to Santander.
Finally after crossing back to Portsmouth in the UK we completed the final 240 mile leg of the trip on the UK motorways.  All in all a total of 2,500 miles with a pretty varied mix of roads – certainly enough to provide an informed view on the bike.
Wind blast: Wind blast on any naked bike is always going to be an issue for some people. I’ve had a few naked bikes in my time and to be honest have never really found it a problem.
Obviously you’re more exposed to wind and rain on the Vulcan than behind the three way adjustable screen of something like a Z1000 SX, but I cant say that I ever got neck ache on the trip or was particularly conscious of wind buffeting.  Realistically some of that has got to do with physique – at 5′ 7″ and around 148 pounds then clearly I’m not a big guy, maybe if I was taller and bigger it would cause more problems – that and me keeping cruising speeds on the UK motorways to around the 75/80mph mark caused few issues.
Luggage: Despite the fact that the bike isn’t an obvious choice as a touring bike I don’t think I had quite anticipated how long it would take me to find some luggage that was suitable for the trip and that (in my opinion) ‘looked right’ on the bike.
There’s certainly plenty of options out there, we didn’t want soft luggage and we didn’t want something that was so big that it just looked odd. In the end we settled for the pannier and mounting set up from Shad and purchased the SH23 panniers.
I wrote a separate Blog post on those here if its something you want to check back and read. We also bought a Saddlemen roll bag that fits on the rack (model R1300XLE), and there’s pictures and a write up here about fitting that particular piece of luggage. So in total we had about 66 litres or so of space for the two of us, which actually was plenty.
One last item was the Givi Tank Lock bag – this was a piece of kit that I already had and had purchased it originally for use on my Z1000 SX. It had seen service on about three European trips plus numerous trips in the UK – its a pretty neat item and secures to the bike with a simple click fastening on a adapter plate that is fastened to the petrol tank surround.
The bag itself isn’t bike specific although the tank lock ring itself wont fit all bikes – in this case it was straight swap from one Kawasaki to another and its a great piece of gear for holding bits and pieces: cameras, sun glasses, loose change and so on. The pictures below show the luggage in use.
Overall comfort and handling: I’ve already mentioned that I check in at 5′ 7″ and about 148 pounds and my wife is 5′ 6″ and about 126 pounds – so neither of us are tall or heavy –  it’s a combination that seemed to work well on the bike.  We did modify the passenger seat shortly after getting the bike – see this Blog post for information on that and round about the same time we fitted a backrest and rack from Hepko & Becker – info here.
The final thing that made a significant difference to comfort and overall ride was adjusting the rear suspension. We moved it from the factory position to the number six setting (of seven).  I cant overstate what a huge difference this made in normal day to riding. Oddly enough other than one particular issue  it seemed that for the most part the bike even handled a little better with the luggage on and fully loaded – and that wasn’t something that I had expected.
There were no handling issues on the tight mountain roads, nor the long (at times very long) sweeping bends – and although we clearly were not taking corners and bends at the speeds I might have done on other bikes, we were not hanging about either – there are some ground clearance issues and I’ll come to that shortly.
The one issue that was impacted by the combination of riding two up and with luggage was the introduction of a slight steering wobble at low speeds (say between about 10 – 20mph). This was only slight and in fact was only noticeable with both hands off the bars, with hands on the bars it just didn’t happen under any other situation. So at the same time as not wanting to overplay this issue it does need mentioning as it would probably (in my opinion) be a potential limiting factor to the suitability of the bike for two up touring, If you’re a rider with a pillion and either of you are on the heavier side you would want to be aware of this and check it out. I’m 100% certain its a luggage/weight issue. But to be clear In our case it wasn’t a problem.
In fact and in terms of handling the bike was a complete revelation, it was better than good, the only limiting factor was the ground clearance of the bike, but there again if you buy and ride a bike like this then you know that and ride accordingly. In practice touching the foot pegs down is all too easy, and if you’re being lazy with the position of your feet, contact between the heel of your boot and the tarmac can be pretty frequent (and if I’m honest quite good fun as well). There seemed to be zero impact in terms of speed and handling being two up and with luggage – the bike is an absolute breeze to ride and a lot of fun.
Mileage/range: Prior to the trip we had seen the bike returning a pretty constant 65mpg – which makes for an impressive tank range. Not surprisingly fuel consumption dropped during the trip, doubtless impacted by the long drag to and from the south coast on the motorway network but it still returned just over 53mpg over the 2,500 miles – which is better than any bike I have ever toured on. Although the overall miles per gallon dropped then without doubt this was more than compensated by an increase in smiles per gallon.
Reliability: I didn’t expect any reliability issue and didn’t experience any – we lost a single allen bolt from the plastic panel on the left hand side of the bike, which was soon replaced when we returned home.
Tyre wear: An area that was impacted by riding two up and with luggage was rear tyre wear. Prior to the trip, the OEM tyres had done around 1,800 miles – we had to replace the rear tyre whilst away due to excessive wear, most noticeably on the left hand side, as you can see in the pictures below.
I cant imagine that we would have experienced this type of wear had we done similar mileage without luggage in the UK. Of course the constantly inviting curves on the Spanish and Portuguese roads played a part as well!
Summary: Ive said so many times in the past that you can tour on any bike – ultimately some of the choice comes down to what sort of compromises you want to make. Bottom line on this trip is that whilst the Kawasaki Vulcan S isn’t an obvious tourer, nor is it ever going to be the best – it is actually pretty good, has plenty of power for two up touring, is a breeze to ride and handled with some aplomb pretty much everything thrown its way. I suppose the final ‘test’ question is would you do a european tour on it again … the answer is a resounding yes and probably next year actually!
    If you haven’t read the blog posts or seen the pictures from the trip you can read see them at the following links: PART 1; PART 2; PART 3 and PART 4.
  can you really tour on a kawasaki vulcan 650 s …? If you want the answer without having to read any further then the answer is yes…
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tonyb-blog · 7 years
A short while ago I wrote a Blog post about luggage on the Kawasaki Vulcan S (650), you can read about that here
In that post I wrote about the difficulty my wife and I were having in finding luggage that I thought was suitable for the bike, quite a contrast to the OEM luggage on my Z1000 SX which is colour matched to the bike and simply clips on and off.
There are plenty of aftermarket options available, but some of them mean either having soft luggage (which we didn’t want), having luggage that in our opinion looked too big on the bike or alternatively paying the eye watering prices for Kawasaki’s OEM luggage and ending up with something that aside from its price wasn’t actually quite what we wanted (too small and not lockable).
We went with the Shad options (the SH23s) and there are words and pictures about them in the previous post. Since then we spent some more time looking around and finalized our luggage set up with the Saddlemen roll bag that fits on the rack (model R1300XLE).
It ticked the boxes for us: gives is some extra capacity, looks acceptable, matches the bike, is a good quality product and sensibly priced. We bought our via mail order from A. R Harley & Sons and it cost a little under £80.
The roll bag comes with a range of mounting straps, shoulder strap, rain cover and has plenty of ‘D’ ring fastenings – the company web site claims that the universal mounting system means it can be installed onto almost any backrest or luggage rack – and I think they are probably right.
A neat feature of the bag is that it can be expanded at each end giving a further four inches capacity – apparently its about a 21/23 litre capacity roll bag – dimensions are: unexpanded 16″ L x 10″ W x 9.5″ H; expanded 20″ L x 10″ W x 9.5″ H.
Although the bag comes with a number of straps tp secure it to the bike – we decided that we didn’t want to go down that route(or the bungee route), so I made a small attachment to simply fasten the bag to the rack using four wing nuts.
This was a pretty simple and routine job to do, cost next to nothing other than the modest price of a few bolts and nuts – and the wood that I used was some scrap that I had lying around in the shed.
I finished the job off by painting the wood (inside the bag) with acrylic paint and covering the external wood in black gaffer tape.
  Of course the acid test is whether or not it works – and the answer is a simple yes.
We tried it out when we did a couple of hundred miles earlier this week in the Yorkshire Dales and it worked a treat and we reckon as well as being a bit neater than using bungee cords and straps it’s quicker and easier to remove and put on as well. The net result being that we thing we have enough luggage capacity for when we set off for a couple of weeks for the Pico mountains in Spain before heading on down to Portugal.
  luggage on the kawasaki vulcan s (650) A short while ago I wrote a Blog post about luggage on the Kawasaki Vulcan S (650), you can read about that…
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totalmotorcycle · 7 years
2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review
Trending: HAIL TO THE KING, BABY. 2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review on Total Motorcycle: The Vulcan® 1700 Voyager®’s large frame-mounted fairing, high-capacity integrated luggage with passenger backrest, comfortable saddle, electronic cruise control and sound [...] The post 2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/PsQ3kS
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