#Luleå Konsthall
SKÅPET konsthall
Busstorget, Östersund Utställningsprogram 2023  11 januari Irina Laaja 11 mars Frida Krohn 11 maj Ida Isak Westerberg - förlängd! 11 september Meng-Chan Yu 11 november Marine Douet 2024 11 januari Agnieszka Katz Barlow
Utställningarna genomförs med stöd av Riksförbundet Sveriges konstföreningar.
11/11/23 - 11/11/24 *Comeback to softness* - Marine Douet
OM UTSTÄLLNINGEN I began few months ago to paint according to a very simple meditative protocol. To meditate while painting is a way to be more receptive to other beings. The title of the exhibition at Busstorget in Östersund "comeback to softness" refers to this protocole and to its possible impact in a busstation as going back to softness is also coming back to earth. The experience I propose with this painting is a pause.
OM KONSTNÄREN Born in 1984, graduated of the school of fine arts of Marseille in 2012.
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11/09/23 - 11/11/23  Capturing the colors of stones - Meng-Chan Yu
OM UTSTÄLLNINGEN Rocks and soil are probably the most common and neglected visible elements on earth. In this age of rapid technological development, can man surpass nature?  In the cabinet you can see my attempt to capture the colors of natural stone using clay, ceramic pigments, and locally sourced soil. I started the research during my artist-in-residence in Fränsta in 2022. Inspired by the natural richness of the area, I collected stones from lakes and rivers and studied them by making sketches. Guided by my knowledge of ceramics, I try to translate the stone colors into ceramic formulas as materials for creating artificial stones. The elements are then fired in wood and electronic kilns.  There are four stones - two natural and two made by me. Can you tell which is artificial and which is natural? Can I imitate nature?
OM KONSTNÄREN Meng-Chan Yu is a visual artist specializing in materials research and the integration of their properties with artistic concepts. She began her studies in Fine Arts in Taiwan and later came to Germany and Finland to further develop her conceptual and interdisciplinary skills. Her inspiration comes from observations of the natural environment, and society. Her artistic process is concept-driven and fortified by material experimentation. By investigating the properties of the materials, she explores the possibilities they reveal and applies that knowledge to her artistic practice, thereby giving concrete expressions to abstract concepts. Meng-Chan Yu works and lives in Kiel, Germany.
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11/5/23 - 11/7/23 Vihjaila - Ida Isak Westerberg OM UTSTÄLLNINGEN Ordet ‘Vihjaila’ betyder förmedla dold information, viska aningar på meänkieli. Här ser ni handvävda vävar som färgats med myrväxter och formats med frismock. Tillsammans med broderade partier i läggsöm och detaljer i guldbroderi berättas en historia som är svår att greppa men som öppnar upp sig allt eftersom. OM KONSTNÄREN Ida Isak Westerberg (1986) är en konstnär som bor och verkar dels i Luleå men även på familjens gård i Tornedalen några mil norr om Övertorneå. Med en utbildning från Handarbetets vänner är vävningen det främsta uttrycket men andra material och tekniker dyker också upp - det är inte längre konstnären, utan myren, som visar vägen. 
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11/3/23 - 11/5/23 Frida Krohn - Bara 10 minuters väntan
Bara 10 minuters väntan
Grått svart marinblått. Till bussen. På bussen. Från bussen. Grus och slask. 
En gympasko i rosa. Ett märke på en ryggsäck orange. Reklam i gult. 
En tygpåse i rött och lila. Ett godispapper som glimmar  som diamant. 
OM KONSTNÄREN Frida Krohn, bor på Värmdö, uppväxt i Hidinge, Örebro län. Utbildad på Konsthögskolan i Umeå och Konstfack. Arbetar med måleri och teckning. Driver sedan 2010 Konsthall323 tillsammans med Ylva Trapp, en konsthall i en bil. 
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11/1/23 - 11/3/23 Irina Laaja - PUSH THROUGH
OM UTSTÄLLNINGEN Kroppens komplexitet och signifikation fascinerar mig; hur något så konkret och självklart också är så krångligt och svårt. Hur syner på, och definitioner av sexualitet, normalitet och obscenitet vävts in, mellan och genom vår fysik och undermedvetna. Jag arbetar främst med mixed media skulptur och textil, ofta med tekniker och metoder som annars förknippas med hantverk och mönsterkonstruktion. SKÅPETS format och position ledde mig till att börja fantisera om vad som fortsätter bakom och bortom det. En kropp? En abstrakt form? En plats? I min fantasi blev utställningsplatsen ett fönster till, och ett möte med detta levande, föränderliga något som växer, rör sig och vill pressa sig igenom. Verket är gjort av enbart återvunnet material. Jag strävar generellt efter att mestadels använda återvunna, ekologiska eller på annat sätt miljövänliga material och metoder.
OM KONSTNÄREN Irina Laaja, f. 1989, kommer ursprungligen från Vasa, Finland. Hon tog sin masterexamen i Fri konst från Umeå konsthögskola 2020 och hennes arbete har visats på grupputställningar både i Sverige och internationellt, samt på separatutställningar såsom ReTramp Gallery Berlin (2017), Galleri Majkens Stockholm (2018), RYMD Gallery Reykjavik (2019), Galleri Alva Umeå (2022) etc. Hon har tilldelats stipendier och utmärkelser inklusive Kungliga Konsthögskolan (2020), förstapristagare av New Emergence Art Unity Award (2020) med flera. Irina bor och arbetar för närvarande i Umeå, Sverige. 
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alexrosabasura · 2 years
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micaramel · 4 years
Artist: Lap-See Lam
Venue: Nordenhake, Stockholm
Exhibition Title: Phantom Banquet
Date: May 14 – June 19, 2020
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Nordenhake, Stockholm
Press Release:
Lap-See Lam’s much anticipated debut exhibition at Galerie Nordenhake Stockholm continues to draw on her lyrical and charged exploration of the Cantonese diaspora in Sweden through the history of Chinese restaurants in Stockholm.
In a scenographed group of new sculptures and an immersive Virtual Reality journey we are taken on a real-time archeological dig that, like a sci-fi sub-genre, appears both ancient and futuristic. Instead of exploring historical civilizations Lam summons apparitions from her family’s legacy in the city. But Lam’s work is not limited to the biographical. Using fiction as a tool and the particular interior aesthetics of these restaurants as a formal language, Lam draws attention to the cultural history of these spaces and how the idea of a place constructs notions of cultural identity and belonging.
In the first space Lam reifies fragments from now-defunct restaurants’ interiors by extracting data from 3D scans. Chairs, a table, a stove, all take form as ruins, like the disintegrating furniture of a ship wreck seen through a watery mirage. Digitally stripped down to their bare shell-like surfaces, the environments are rendered as slivers of space and time.
A neon ghost illuminates the following room in cherry-red. The figure is not a threatening spectre but an ancestor – a conduit for previous generations, stitched together from the fragments of people accidentally captured in the 3D scans of the real world restaurants. It sits sentry and oversees the passage through to a staged dining room. As in séance, visitors seat themselves at a round table where they are transported via VR headsets into another spatial reality. A story narrated, perhaps by the ghost, accompanies the viewer through architectural spaces that are rendered as skins, at once both familiar and alien. Rooms are suspended in a void and dislocated from the infrastructure of their physical surroundings.
Within these disembodied establishments, which we individually populate in our VR spaces, Lam reveals hidden histories and futures. The exhibition constitutes an expanded anthropological enquiry that explores the fluidity of language, identity and cultural histories.
Lap-See Lam was born 1990 in Stockholm. She has a major upcoming solo exhibition at Bonniers Konsthall opening 25th January 2022. Her work is currently exhibited at in (Un)homed at Uppsala Konstmuseum and in a focussed presentation in the collection at Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Solo exhibitions include Skellefteå Konsthall, Skellefteå (2019); Moderna Museet Malmö (2018–2019); and Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm (2018). She has taken part in group exhibitions at venues including Performa 19 in New York (2019), Metamorphosis – Art in Europe Now, currently nominated for the Global Fine Art Award, at Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris (2019); Luleå Biennial (2018), Kópavogur Art Museum, Kópavogur (2018); Kendra Jayne Patrick, New York City (2018); and Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen (2017). Lam is a recipient of the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation Grant (2017).
Link: Lap-See Lam at Nordenhake
from Contemporary Art Daily https://bit.ly/2MiuRXb
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sashaburenkov · 6 years
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NEMOSKVA symposium-on-tour and roaming exhibition of unrealized projects of artists from Russian regions «Big Country, Big Ideas» in 12 cities August 12 – September 9 2018 Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Nizhniy Tagil, Tyumen, Tomsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan Ude, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok
National Center for Contemporary Arts as part of ROSIZO with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation initiates a long-term project for interregional cooperation in the field of contemporary art NEMOSKVA (More than Moscow).
Partners: Strategic Partner: The Vladimir Potanin Foundation Official Sponsor: PJSC SIBUR Holding Co-Organizer: BOZAR Center for Fine Arts (Brussels, Belgium) With the support of The Agency of Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Commissioner: Alisa Prudnikova
NEMOSKVA (More than Moscow) has been initiated in 2017 as a strategic project for the development of contemporary culture in the Russian regions for the period from 2018 to 2022. Its goal is to build horizontal links, to promote regional artists and curators, to study the current situation in the regions through professional dialogue and creating new possibilities for international partnership. The State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSIZO aims at uniting the experience of cultural development accumulated by regional branches in the cities of Russia and presenting the actual image of the regional contemporary art at the Russian and international cultural scenes. In August-September 2018, the International Traveling Symposium NEMOSKVA will be held in 12 cities of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Among its participants are Gabi Ngcobo, Curator of the 10th Berlin Biennale of Contemporary Art (Berlin, Germany); Cosmin Costinas, Executive Director of the Para Site Center (Hong Kong, China); Sarah Wilson, Professor at the Courtauld Art Institute (London, UK); Inke Arns, Director of Hartware MedienKunstVerein (Dortmund, Germany), and many others. A total of about 60 Russian and international contemporary art experts will visit Niznhy Novgorod, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok. Every city will host discussions, interviews, portfolio reviews, and a traveling exhibition. In partnership with the Delegation of the European Union to Russia within the framework of the program “Public Diplomacy. EU and Russia,” a program of open lectures on contemporary art by European curators is prepared. During the Symposium, experts will select ideas for exhibition projects of 2019–2022. The NEMOSKVA exhibitions will be presented at the BOZAR Center for Fine Arts (Brussels), in Moscow, in Russian regions, in the CIS and BRICS countries.
Curator of the discussions in frame of symposium-on-tour: Alexander Burenkov
International participants of the discussions in frame of the symposium-on-tour: 
Inke Arns (Germany), artistic director of Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV), Dortmund; Darya Bocharnikova (Russia – Belgium), head of Eastern Europe and Russia desk at The Center for Fine Arts BOZAR, Brussels; Antonio Geusa (Italy-Russia), curator, critic, head of Education department at the ROSIZO-NCCA, Moscow; Lidiya Gryaznova (Russia), curator, chief specialist at the Department of Art Programs of the North-West branch of ROSIZO-NCCA, Saint Petersburg; Amin Gulgee (Pakistan), artist, curator of the Biennale in Karachi; Dehlia Hannah (USA)​, research associate of the Olafur Eliasson Studio, curator and philosopher; Elena Ischenko (Russia), art critic, chief curator of the Center for Contemporary Art "Typography", Krasnodar; Valentinas Klimašauskas​ (Latvia), program director of the Center for Contemporary Art  Kim?, Riga; Riyas Komu (India), artist-animator, one of the founders of the Kochi Biennale Foundation; Kestutis Kuizinas (Litva), director of the Center for Contemporary Art (CAC), Vilnius; Monica Narula (India), artist, participant Raqs Media Collective; Gabi Ngcobo (South Africa), curator of the 10th Biennale in Berlin; Michal Novotný (Czech Republic)​, director of the FUTURA Gallery, Prague; Paul O’Neill (Ireland), director of the Center for Contemporary Art PUBLICS, Helsinki; Christiane Paul (Germany), curator of the Whitney Museum, New York; Nadim Samman (UK)​, director of Import Projects gallery, Berlin; Basak Senova (Turkey), curator, designer; Ekaterina Sharova (Russia), art critic, curator; Roger Thorp (UK) editorial director for Art and Children’s Publishing at Thames & Hudson; Sarah Wilson (UK), professor of the Courtauld Institute of Arts (University of London); Cosmin Costinas (Romania),  executive director and curator of the Center for Contemporary Art Para Site (Hong Kong); Marina Fokidis​ (Greece), art director of the Athenian Kunsthalle; Asrin Haidari (Sweden), curator, one of three artistic directors of the Luleå Biennial 2018; Bart van der Heide (Nitherlands), Chief Curator of Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Carl Honoré (UK), journalist, writer, founder of the movement "slow time"; Ekaterina Kaplunova (Russia – Belgium), an International artistic policy advisor at the Centre for Fine Arts Bozar, Brussels; Elena Kasimova (Russia), independent curator; João Laia (Portugal), ), independent curator and writer; Samuel Leuenberger (Switzerland), the founder and director of the non-profit exhibition area SALTS, Birsfelden; Maria Lind (Sweden), director of Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm; Veronika Misyutina (Russia), Head of the Center for Welfare and Philanthropy Moscow School of Management Skolkovo; Anna Smolak (Poland), independent curator; Monika Szewczyk (Poland), independent curator and lecturer; Maria Udovydchenko (Russia), independent curator; Sofia Victorino (UK), head of educational and public programs at the Whitechapel Gallery, London; Xiaoyu Weng (USA), associate Curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Alexandra Artamonova (Russia), journalist, art critic; Leyly Aslanova (Russia), curator at the Foundation for the Development of Contemporary Art and Culture "Don", Rostov-on-Don; Iara Bubnova (Bulgaria), Director of the Center for Contemporary Art, Sofia; David Elliott (UK), Vice Director and Senior Curator at the Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art (RMCA), Guangzhou; Kate Fowle (UK), chief curator at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow; director-at-large at Independent Curators International (ICI); Anna Ilchenko (Russia), curator at V-A-C Foundation, Moscow; Elisa R. Linn & Lennart Wolff (Germany), members of the curatorial team of KM Temporaer; Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov (France), curator at Centre Pompidou, Paris; Diana Machulina (Russia), curator, artist, art critic; Dieter Roelstraete (Belgium), curator at the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society (University of Chicago); Simon Sheikh (UK), curator, writer, Director of MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths College, University of London; Matthew Stephenson (UK), consultant in art and culture; Elena Tsvetaeva (Russia), art-manager, curator, artist, director of the Baltic branch of the ROSIZO-NCCA, Kaliningrad; Kathleen Weyts (Belgium), curator at BOZAR, Center of Fine Arts, Brussels.
Curator of roaming exhibition of unrealized art projects «Big Country, Big Ideas» in 12 cities: Alexander Burenkov
The objective of the exhibition «Big Country, Big Ideas» is to bring forth the uniqueness and versatility of the art from Russia’s regions for both the wider public and the international professional community, highlighting the creative potential in Russian cities beside Moscow. Equally important, it introduces new names into the global art context. The ideas for still-unrealized projects by regional artists range from models to drafts, to sketches in both traditional media and digital technologies. The exhibition helps to get the attention of both local authorities and the general public in order to nd solutions to overcome obstacles in production that face artists today. The modular architecture of the exposition, designed by one of the leading young architectural bureaus in Russia, the Rhizome Group, is specially devised for displaying art projects that have not been realized yet. The size of the exhibition varies according to the venue and the number of local unrealized ideas incorporated. It also includes an extensive parallel educational program: a discussion platform, work- shops, portfolio reviews and meetings with artists and art critics. Internationally renowned curators and researchers in contemporary culture give lectures in each city, presenting both practical insight about realizing projects in the eld of contemporary culture, and analysis of the most popular global trends in contemporary art.
Artists: Alexey Martins, Vladimir Chernyshev, Stas Bags, Gorod Ustinov Collective, Andrey Syaylev, Elizaveta Chukhlantseva, The Provmyza Group, Lyudmila Kalinichenko, Pavel Otdelnov, Sergey Poteryaev, Artem Filatov, Glafira Severyanova, Ivan Galuzin, Kirill Kryuchkov, Kirill Koteshov, Yury Gudkov
https://www.colta.ru/articles/mosty/18936 https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3719580 http://www.theartnewspaper.ru/posts/5958/ https://daily.afisha.ru/brain/9874-komu-nuzhna-neft-iskusstvo-drugoe-delo-puteshestvie-po-transsibu-v-poiskah-talantov/ https://tvkultura.ru/article/show/article_id/279586/ http://tv2.today/Istorii/Tut-vam--nemoskva http://www.cultradio.ru/brand/episode/id/57958/episode_id/1907111/ http://www.cultradio.ru/brand/audio/id/63085/
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