#Luna most probably has the heaviest backstory amongst my Miitopia OCs…
altairtalisman · 3 years
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"Do not underestimate the candle lit by the moon."
The eight party member Geo meets, Luna Candela is a seasoned warrior who has seen much of the world. It's best to not underestimate her despite her handicaps, if she can wield her signature Chopper Sword with only one arm, she most certainly can beat you into the previous millennium.
Luna's bio is below the cut.
Name: Luna Candela
Age: 56
Height: 162 cm
Birthday: 8 December (Sagittarius)
Personality (Miitopia): Cautious
Job (Miitopia): Warrior
Pronouns: She/Her
Likes: Fried Cobra, Omelettes with ketchup, Robojuice, Tenderised Tartare, Fragrant Tea, Mouse Treat, Geothermal Pizza, Mysterious Crepe, Iceberg Salad, Cactus Juice, travelling, Shui’s cooking
Dislikes: Arachnid Rolls, Snurp Radish, Goblin Ham, Banshee Tears, Gorilla Protein, Roast Griffin, Choc Rock, Space Food, any questionable concoctions Gladea and Dae-Yang create, Rook Ayeran
Hobbies: Watching sunsets with Shui, horse riding with Rengoku, being Shui’s taste-tester, exercising
Clothes: Wears a dark grey long-sleeved t-shirt underneath a set of dull armour, a dark grey right glove, a pair of black pants, and a pair of durable dark grey boots. A black half cape ending around her knees is worn over her left shoulder, and the strings to the cape is tied around her right breastplate.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Description: Underneath her armour hides a fairly muscular body that's gained after decades of adventuring, Luna stands tall in the face of danger even though almost every monster she meets towers over her.
Her grey hair, which has streaks of white in them, is tied into a low bun, and her eyes are famously described as a ‘blazing green’. A scar runs down her left eye, leaving her blind in that eye as a result of improper medical attention as well as the severity of the injury. Under her cape hides the remains of her left arm, which was severed below the elbow.
She wields a scratched Chopper Sword that has a chipped right edge. When using the ability Moonlit Candle, her eye glows white and white flames will partially engulf her sword.
Background: As she was born in the Traveller's Hub, she watched people come and go quite frequently. Even her own parents left the town often enough for Luna to not remember how they looked, though she always tells Shui, whom she met at nine years old, that her parents were just busy. As Shui's parents ran a restaurant, they had no reason to move out and thus, Luna was able to spend almost all her time with Shui.
When Shui's father fell ill, they started to help out more with the restaurant and eventually developed an interest in cooking. Shortly afterwards, they had requested Luna to assist by taste-testing the dishes Shui had made. Given that her parents weren't at home most of the time and she wasn't the best at cooking, she accepted the request as not only would she get to spend time with her best friend, but also get free meals.
She had proceeded to inform Shui that their cooking was delicious, which motivated her best friend to pursue their dream of becoming a professional chef. However, due to the restaurant running in the red, Shui spent even more time helping out at the restaurant and in turn, lesser time with Luna. She had offered to help Shui out with their family restaurant, but they had declined for reasons Luna chose not to pursue.
Seeing Shui doing their best to pursue their ambition made Luna consider what her own ambition was. She didn't know what she wanted, and spent years considering and researching her options. Afraid that she would choose the 'wrong' option, she didn't dare to voice out the possible options she had for her future to anyone, not even to Shui. It was when she received a letter at 22 saying that her parents had passed away did she made a decision to leave the Travellers' Hub and explore other regions.
She immediately told Shui about this as she was frustrated at herself for taking years to decide something for herself, and wanted to ensure that she wouldn't back out from her decision. Luna was actually disappointed to hear Shui giving her their full support, she didn't like the idea of being far from her best friend and wanted to stay beside them forever. She then made a promise to write to Shui after receiving a lunchbox from them, hiding from them that if she returned back to town once more, she might not be able to leave again.
While Luna explored other regions, she joined a party comprising of a cleric, mage and a warrior. She learnt how to fight with a sword from the warrior, who remarked that she was talented at swordfighting. The mage taught her how to compress magic and ignite it onto a weapon, which led to Luna developing her signature Moonlit Candle ability. The cleric had taught her how to seal away curses with blood, something that Luna was repulsed by.
At 28, the party came across a sealed opaque glass bottle with a large eye medallion wrapped around it in the Realm of the Fey. The mage accidentally broke the glass bottle, freeing the Dark Curse that was sealed inside the bottle. Immediately after release, the Dark Curse stole the warrior’s face as well as possessed then, becoming what the party dubbed as the Cursed Warrior.
The party did their best to rid the Dark Curse from their friend, but the Cursed Warrior was too strong for them to subdue, killing the mage and severely wounding the cleric in the process. Luna, being the only one who was still conscious, did her best to fend the Cursed Warrior's attacks while trying to land a few slashes in. After a long battle, the Cursed Warrior eventually gave Luna an opening. However, as the Dark Curse chose that moment to leave its host, she had delivered a fatal attack to the warrior. In turn, the warrior was unable to stop themselves from severing Luna's left arm and gravely wounding her left eye shortly after the attack landed.
As she had fatally wounded the warrior, the Dark Curse tried to possess Luna instead. Before it could possess her, she had grabbed the eye medallion and flung it at the Dark Curse. This resulted in it possessing the medallion instead, with Luna using this window of opportunity to grab the lunchbox Shui had given to her and quickly trapped both the medallion and the Dark Curse inside. She then immediately proceeded to seal the lunchbox with the blood dripping from the remains of her left arm, labelling it as the 'Forbidden Box' in the hopes of deterring others from opening it.
Once the cleric had regained conscious, they brought the Forbidden Box to the forgotten ruins of Karkaton and left it in one of the caves. Afterwards, they returned to bury their friends' bodies at the area where they fought against the Dark Curse and soon parted ways as neither of them could travel together without being reminded of the tragedy.
Now alone, Luna had spent the next two decades travelling the world while learning how to fight with her other hand. During this period, she had heard of Shui's efforts to revamp the healthcare system in the Travellers' Hub. While she was extremely proud of them, hearing Shui's name brought guilt that she hadn't kept her promise to write even though she could finally do so after a decade of practice. Luna wanted to see Shui again, but felt that her presence would threaten their peaceful life.
After considering what she thought would be best for them, she decided that it was better for her to stay away from Shui and let them think that she was no longer alive. She then sailed to different islands, exploring the different regions while creating maps for other travellers should they visit and selling those maps to the captain who allowed her to sail with him, all while regretting her decision to let Shui think that she was dead.
Eight years after she started sailing, she decided that she should just admit to Shui that she was still alive and beg them to let her back into their life again. She subconsciously made her way towards the Realm of the Fey, eventually arriving at the area where she fought against the Dark Curse 28 years ago.
As she was placing flowers onto her friends' graves, the divine power reached out to her about the Dark One stealing other people's faces and requested for her help. Recognising that the Dark Curse was free to wreak havoc across Miitopia, Luna instantly agreed to help and under the divine power's guidance, was able to find Geo and Dae-Yang quickly.
Moonlit Candle:
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