#Luno Login
kaiser001 · 9 months
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tutorial-guru · 1 year
How to Login Luno Account? luno.com Login
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josevwyat · 2 years
Crypto Wallet | | Best Cryptocurrency
Crypto Wallet | | Best Cryptocurrency
I have been using the Crypto for 2-3 years. And I noticed that it is the most trustworthy Crypto platform to use for trade and investment purposes. This platform is available for experts and beginners. It offers more than 130 assets to buy, sell, and transfer. It also has a good position regarding security and compliance compared to other Crypto exchanges.
Visit here :-
Etoro Login | Etoro Login | Etoro Login | Etoro Login | Etoro Login | Exodus Wallet | Safepal Wallet | Swyftx Login | Digital Surge | Luno Login | Independent Reserve | Coinstash Login
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you121w · 2 years
Is Luno Login Safe to use?
You need to be actually wondering that is Luno login safe to make use of or even initially. Effectively, it is actually good to evaluate the pros and drawbacks of the system prior to picking it as your cryptocurrency exchange system. Support exchange is actually created for those traders that would like to trade the emerging coins at a fast speed. The one-of-a-kind component of this particular exchange is actually that it makes it possible for customers to trade utilizing the gold and silvers. Additionally, it possesses extremely simple to use user interface creating it on call to all for use.
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johnmoris9415 · 3 years
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Luno is a mechanized cash trade from the United Kingdom. The trade just offers exchanging Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. The affiliation serves more than 3 million clients from more than 40 nations worldwide and has more than 100 agents.
It has working conditions in London, Singapore and Cape Town (South Africa). It was set up in 2013 under the name BitX, with the rebranding to Luno occurring in 2016. Luno was set up by Timothy Stranex and Marcus Swanepoel.
Luno Exchange is upheld by two or three recognizable inspectors, including Venturra Capital, Digital Currency Group, Balderton Capital, Naspers, and Rand Merchant Investment Holdings (RMI).
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securedbest · 6 years
How To SignUp Luno Account To Buy Bitcoin & Ethereum Fast
How To SignUp Luno Account To Buy Bitcoin & Ethereum Fast
Buying Bitcoin and Ethereum is as easy as ABC. With Luno you can easily Trade with Bitcoin, Send Money to friends and family, and also buy things online. SignUp Luno Account today and use its user-friendly interface to trade or Buy Bitcoin and Ethereum easily. Stay signed with us as we will tutor you on how you can create a Luno Account. (more…)
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the-tinder-trap · 2 years
The Tinder Trap - V
Part 5 - Klik hier voor Nederlands
She asked me to login to her trading website. She gave me her login and her password. Personally, I thought that was quite something that she trusted me with it. Not knowing that there was a completely different purpose behind it. Yes I am blonde, but not so super blonde. So I did a background check first.
She sent me the link www.lunoep.vip. Now I never click on links that are sent to me. You should never do that. It is safer to type them yourself in your browser, in stead of clicking them I ran the name of the website through Google.
I couldn't find anything suspicious. At least, Google gave little information of that site. So no warnings that the site was fake either. There are so many trading websites that this could be just one of them. Now in retrospect I know better. But at the time, it all seemed to make sense.
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The lunoep.vip login page. Of course I should have seen right away that the link was lunoep while the page was called luno. Luno is an original trading website. The letter 'ep' could of course very well stand for Eastern Pacific. Only that was not the case.
I logged into her account. The page that opened was with trading information. Lots of trading information. By sending screenshots she showed me what to click.
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The homepage of the fake crypto trading site
I had to look up the EUR/USD crypto and click BUY. I had to enter 10300 shares. Then confirm the option for 180 seconds and wait. A counter began to count down. I didn't have to do anything. She joked, "Meanwhile, chat with me." After 180 seconds, a pop-up appeared. It said +1442 USD. “We did it sweetie!” she wrote.
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A profit of 1442.00 USD in 180 seconds. But not really.
At the time I didn't quite understand what I had done. But apparently she had made 1442 dollars in 180 seconds. It's an extra income next to my work, she said. Then she asked me to withdraw the amount. Refund to her bank. She guided me through it step by step.
“Now you know my last name,” she joked when I saw her bank details. Chloe Duan it said. She deposited a total amount of 11,600.00 into her bank account. "You see? You can do it," she joked. Indeed, it seemed surprisingly simple. A pop-up confirmed a successful withdrawal.
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First successful withdrawal of USD 11,600.00.
Then she wrote: 'Now that you know me, we have to believe in ourselves together okay? Believe yourself, i believe myself and we believe in eachother'. Indeed, it went fast. But at the same time, I won't deny that it was nice to have someone confide in you. Which makes you trust grow in someone else.
She was happy and grateful that I had helped her trade. She immediately made it 'for us together'. If you're reading this now, you're probably thinking, you're not falling for this trick. Even as I write this I think so. How could I have ever been so blonde. But if you are so much in touch with each other every day and share everything, you experience it differently. And finally she didn't ask anything of me at all. She just showed it. Super smart of course.
At some moment I asked her about her travel to the Netherlands on Sunday 17 April. To which she responded, oh I didn't tell you that I had bought an early bird ticket. She would be coming on April 25th. I did wonder, how can you forget. I told her it was a pity that she would miss the party. But she replied that we would have a big party as soon as she arrived. She even talked about 'our future child'. To me that was a bit too much too soon. But decided to keep that opinion to myself.
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A photo Chloe sent me spontaneously.
The next day, between all the texts we sent to each other, she asked if I wanted to help her trading again. Very subtle. I felt a lot more confident after our first trade yesterday. So I was up for it. "Just tell me what to do" I wrote. She would text me when her uncle indicated it was time to trade.
When the time came, I had to log in again and look up EUR/USD. This time I had to click the SELL option. Fill in 20100 shares. Again choose 180 seconds and confirm. Only now I got an 'insufficient amount' message. "Just change it to 20000," she said. This time the input worked and I had to wait another 180 seconds.
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The profit of trade number 2.
When the counter ended, a pop-up with +2800 USD appeared. Two thousand eight hundred dollars in 180 seconds. I can't believe how quick and simple it was. Anyway, she had an uncle who had thirty years of experience in finance who gave her the trading tips.
The withdrawal of 22,700 after that was successful. "You can now trade on your own," she joked. And 'do you have any plans for your work in the next few years?'. If you can earn money that easily, then you can indeed stop working at a young age, I thought.
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spontaneous picture of Chloe at the office.
I joked that she could teach me how to trade, then I could stop working. She responded 'for sure'. She would never want to be dependent on one job. She always found other ways to generate income to have a better and more comfortable life. I have had many different jobs in my life too. Money has never been my motivation. But enjoy and have a comfortable life did.
The next day, after a lot of texting back and forth, she asked me again if I wanted to help her trade again. I had already understood the method so I replied: 'Yes I will help. Just tell me what to do'. Only this time she said: 'You may not understand what I mean'.
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thetindertrap · 2 years
The Tinder Trap - V
Deel 5 - Click here for English
Ze vroeg me om in te loggen op haar trading website. Ze gaf me haar inlog en haar wachtwoord. Persoonlijk vond ik dat nogal wat, dat ze mij dat zomaar toevertrouwde. Niet wetende dat er een heel andere bedoeling achter zat. Ja ik ben dan wel blond, maar ook weer niet zo super blond. Dus ik deed eerst een achtergrond check. 
Ze stuurde me de link www.lunoep.vip. Nu klik ik nooit op links die gestuurd worden. Dat moet je ook nooit doen. Het is veliger om ze over te typen in je browser. Maar voordat ik dat deed, heb ik de naam van de website eerst door Google gehaald. 
Ik kon niks verdachts vinden. Althans, Google gaf weinig informatie van die site. Dus ook geen waarschuwingen dat de site nep was. Er zijn zoveel trading websites, dat dit er gewoon eentje van kon zijn. Nu achteraf weet ik beter. Maar op dat moment leek het allemaal te kloppen. 
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De lunoep.vip login pagina. Ik had natuurlijk meteen moeten zien dat de link lunoep was terwijl de pagina luno heette. Luno is een originele trading website. De letter 'ep' konden natuurlijk heel goed staan for Eastern Pacific. Alleen was dat niet zo.
Ik logde in op haar account. De pagina die opende was met trading informatie. Veel trading informatie. Door screenshots te sturen, liet ze me zien waar ik op moest klikken. 
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De homepage van de fake crypto trading site
Ik moest het crypto aandeel EUR/USD opzoeken en BUY klikken. Bij aantal moest ik 10300 invullen. Dan de optie 180 seconden bevestigen en wachten. Een teller begon af te tellen. Ik hoefde niets te doen. Ze grapte ‘chat ondertussen maar met me’. Na 180 seconden verscheen een pop-up. Daarop stond +1442 USD. ‘We did it sweetie!’ schreef ze. 
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Een winst van 1442,00 USD in 180 seconden. Maar dan niet echt.
Ik snapte op dat moment nog niet helemaal wat ik gedaan had. Maar kennelijk had ze in 180 seconden 1442 dollars verdient. Het is een extra inkomen naast m’n werk, zei ze. Toen vroeg ze me om het bedrag te withdrawen. Ofwel terugstorten op haar bank. Ze begeleide me er stap voor stap doorheen. 
‘Nu weet je m’n achternaam’ grapte ze nog toen ik gegevens van haar bank zag. Chloe Duan stond er. Ze stortte een totaal bedrag van 11.600,00 terug op haar bankrekening. ‘You see? You can do it’ grapte ze nog. Het leek inderdaad verrassend eenvoudig. Een pop-up bevestigde een succesvolle withdrawal. 
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Eerste succesful withdrawal van 11.600,00 USD.
Toen schreef ze: ‘Now that you know me we have to believe in ourselves together okay? Believe yourself, i believe my self and we believe together’. Inderdaad, het ging wel snel. Maar tegelijkertijd zal ik niet ontkennen dat het fijn was dat iemand je in vertrouwen nam. Waardoor je zelf ook meer durft te vertrouwen. 
Ze was blij en dankbaar dat ik haar geholpen had met traden. Waarvan ze meteen maakte dat het voor ons samen was. Waarschijnlijk als je dit nu leest denk je, hier trap je toch niet in. Zelfs terwijl ik dit schrijf denk ik dat. Hoe had ik ooit zo blond kunnen zijn. Maar als je al elke dag zo veel contact met elkaar hebt en alles met elkaar deelt, dan ervaar je dat heel anders. En tenslotte vroeg ze nog helemaal niks van me. Ze liet het alleen zien. Super slim natuurlijk. 
Zo kwam er een moment dat ik nog even wilde bevestigen dat ze zondag 17 april al naar Nederland zou komen. Waarop ze reageerde, oh ik had je nog niet verteld dat ze een early bird ticket had gekocht en dat ze op 25 april zou komen. Ik dacht nog, nee hoe kun je dat nou vergeten. Toen ik zei dat het jammer was dat ze dan het feestje zou missen, zei ze dat we een groot feest zouden vieren zodra ze er was. Ze had het zelfs al over ‘our future child’. Ik hield mijn mening daarover nog maar eventjes voor mezelf. 
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Een foto die Chloe spontaan stuurde.
De volgende dag vroeg ze tussen alle apps die we naar elkaar stuurden door of ik haar weer wilde helpen met traden. Heel subtiel. Ik voelde mij na onze eerste gezamenlijke trade van gister al een stuk zelfverzekerder. Dus dat durf ik wel aan. ‘Just tell me what to do’ schreef ik. Ze zou appen wanneer haar oom zou aangeven dat het het tijd was om te traden. 
Toen het zover was, moest ik weer inloggen en EUR/USD opzoeken. Dit keer moest ik de optie SELL klikken. Bij het aantal 20100 invullen. Wederom 180 seconden kiezen en confirmen. Alleen nu kreeg ik een ‘insufficient amount’ melding. ‘Just change it to 20000’ zei ze. Dit keer werkte de input wel en moest ik weer 180 seconden wachten. 
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De winst van trade nummer 2.
Toen de teller afgelopen was, verscheen er een pop-up met +2800 USD. Ofwel tweeduizend-achthonderd dollar verdient in 180 seconden. Niet te geloven hoe snel en simpel dat ging. Maargoed, ze had ook een oom die dertig jaar ervaring had in finance die haar de trading tips gaf. 
De withdrawal van 22.700 daarna was succesvol. ‘You can now trade on your own’ grapte ze. En ‘do you have any plans for your work in the next few years?’. Als je zo makkelijk geld kan verdienen, dan kun je inderdaad wel op jonge leeftijd stoppen met werken dacht ik nog. 
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Spontane foto van Chloe op kantoor.
Ik grapte nog dat ze mij wel mocht leren traden, dan kon ik ook stoppen met werken. Ze reageerde ‘for sure’. Dat ze nooit afhankelijk wilde zijn van één baan. Dat ze altijd andere manieren vond om inkomen te genereren om een beter en comfortabeler leven te hebben. Ik heb in mijn leven ook veel verschillende banen gehad. Al was geld nooit mijn drijfveer. Maar genieten en een comfortabel leven hebben wel. 
De volgende dag, na weer veel appen heen en weer vroeg ze me weer of ik haar weer wilde helpen met traden. Ik had de methode al zo goed begrepen dat ik antwoordde: ‘Yes i will help. Just tell me what to do’. Alleen die keer zei ze: ‘You may not understand what I mean’. 
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Lῠnó Lógin |#1 Buy & Sells Cryptó | Sign In to Continue - Splashthat
Luno’s view on forks
Luno Login- A defining feature of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum is that no one entity has ultimate authority over how they work. Decentralised cryptocurrencies rely on their communities to maintain their respective networks and ensure they remain viable. But what happens when these communities face internal disagreements?
What is a fork in a blockchain?
Every cryptocurrency community is made up of a number of different parties, all of whom have a degree of input into how they want the network to operate, what improvements can be made, and how they should be implemented. At the same time, these parties all have different spheres of interest that inevitably impact how they believe the network should be run – whether they’re miners, developers, or users.
This means it’s rarely an easy task to get them to agree. It’s never easy getting everyone on the same page anyway, and when a group of people is spread across the globe and don’t know each other, it’s even harder.
When these parties do disagree about a change, whether that be the entire problem being solved or simply the solution, developers can fork from the current software branch and bring a new version into existence, which will operate by a new set of rules. Essentially, the chain duplicates and splits, and the two communities go their separate ways in implementing their design solution.
Seems simple, right? It might be a rudimentary technical task, but things stall when it comes to branding, distribution, trust, security, improvements and acceptance.
There are two certainties in tech: innovation and regulation. All disruptive new technologies encounter regulation on the path to mass adoption. Think Uber with the taxi industry or Airbnb with the hotel industry. Both navigate complex patchworks of rules across the many regions in which they now operate. But these haven’t stopped them becoming the behemoths they are today. In fact, you could argue regulation has actually helped them get to where they are.
The same is true of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrency industry has, historically, faced limited regulation. However, this is changing rapidly and there has been a clear global move to regulate providers in recent times. We are now required to comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) legislation in several of the countries we operate in. Where that’s not yet the case, we have clear guidance from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to measure our approach against. In terms of data protection too, different regions all have some form of law – including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) Act in South Africa.
Since our launch in 2013, we’ve taken a proactive approach to ensuring the safety of our customers and the industry and have conducted ourselves as if we were regulated. We apply robust AML and CFT controls that, wherever possible, are based upon the laws and regulations that apply to the financial services industry.
This approach isn’t necessarily common in the crypto industry. Many crypto exchanges have decided to wait until they are bound by regulatory requirements before doing anything. This is fine – freedom can be seductive and there’s profit to be made. We choose to act as if we are regulated because we firmly believe that it’s the right thing to do in the long-term. We’ve seen first hand the positive impact that proper regulation can have. It benefits our customers and our long-term business, which in turn benefits the entire crypto space and – eventually – all of society.
Why we believe in regulation
Regulation in the crypto industry is important for many reasons, but chief among them is customer protection.
Regulations help to protect your cryptocurrencies by lifting standards in the industry and implementing barriers to entry for operators with low concern (or capabilities) for consumer protection. An effective regulatory regime typically imposes obligations that promote the protection of customer funds and the crypto ecosystem more broadly. As such, the existence of a license to operate or other regulatory standing should provide customers with a good indication that a company can be trusted with their funds, and that they will have controls in place to prevent use of cryptocurrency for illicit means.
Such trust is vital for any company that deals with your finances, but particularly in crypto as it’s still not widely understood. There remains a widespread misapprehension that Bitcoin is only used for ‘bad’ or criminal purposes, and this unfairly tarnishes the entire industry.
For cryptocurrency platforms, regulation is also important because it lays the groundwork to develop the relationships critical to success. Key among these relationships are those with banking institutions. Banking services have, to date, been difficult to obtain for those providing cryptocurrency platforms, with banks often citing a lack of regulatory certainty as giving rise to unacceptable risk. Should this risk be diminished, all parties again would benefit in myriad ways and the experience for customers would be vastly improved.
What does effective regulation look like?
While regulation is necessary, it’s also important that it’s designed and implemented effectively. Regulators don’t have an easy task. They have to get to grips with a new technology that very few yet understand. They’re also working with limited evidence of cryptocurrency’s impact on society and any unintended consequences that may arise from widespread use – or, indeed, from their regulations. And they must do all of this without stifling innovation, carefully weighing the need to protect consumers with the benefits of a new technology with huge potential.
Importantly, it’s essential that the global nature of cryptocurrency is taken into account in the design of any regulatory framework. Crypto knows no borders. This presents new risks that are not commonly encountered with other financial instruments. Outright prohibition or ineffective regulation risks unintended consequences. In particular, regulatory arbitrage results, an “underground market” develops or the peer-to-peer market booms, thereby causing a lack of visibility for regulators and a lack of protection for consumers.
Ultimately, we hope that a global regulatory framework can be implemented, or at least some form of ‘passporting’ or mutual recognition regime developed, such that crypto asset service providers can expect consistent treatment, and live up to consistent standards, across all jurisdictions. The guidance provided by FATF in terms of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism is a useful step in the right direction, but the industry has a long way to go before it can say it is truly global. For now, we’re working hard to ensure effective regulation in the countries we operate in.
Effective regulation requires a collaborative and phased approach, with regulators acknowledging the benefits of gathering learning and working alongside industry. An excellent example can be seen in South Africa, where the Intergovernmental Fintech Working Group (IFWG) has released a position paper on crypto assets (the Position Paper). The Position Paper provides recommendations for the development of a regulatory framework for crypto-assets and suggestions on how the changes should be implemented.
The IFWG’s report was several years in the making and during that time input was sought from a number of industry leaders, including Luno. As a result, we were able to enhance the IFWG’s understanding of how crypto works, its possible use cases and the size of the local market so they could understand the benefits and settle on a policy position.
We’ve always maintained close relationships with regulators around the world to help create appropriate regulatory frameworks – whether it’s in Africa, Europe or Asia. In Malaysia, for example, we worked closely with the Securities Commission in helping it to better understand the cryptocurrency industry as it went through the regulatory process. The Securities Commission was efficient in its introduction of crypto specific regulation and we were proud to become the first registered crypto exchange in Malaysia.
The truth is the regulatory space understandably doesn’t always move at the same pace as fast-moving startups. Many are struggling to define Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies; they have the properties of an asset, a payment mechanism, and a currency. There are also many of them, all of which weigh these qualities differently and work in different ways. This means the creation of new or unique regulation has been slow. By working alongside regulators, though, and with open and honest communication, together we can build a functioning regulatory regime that works for everyone.
Luno’s view on Nigeria
Nigeria is among the world’s biggest users of cryptocurrency. We have worked hard to build a safe and transparent ecosystem for our Nigerian customers and today, Luno has more than 3 million customers in the country.
This mission was unfortunately interrupted recently, when a Central Bank of Nigeria circular was published, prohibiting banks and other payment providers from working with cryptocurrency platforms. We share the Central Bank of Nigeria’s concern for Nigerians, but we feel that the approach it has taken here does not achieve the CBN’s objectives in this instance.
Any attempt to restrict access to cryptocurrency does not protect Nigerians. It holds them back and leaves them vulnerable. It prevents honest Nigerians from taking advantage of all that cryptocurrency has to offer them. It also leaves the regulators at a disadvantage. Blanket bans push people “underground” [i.e. trading via Whatsapp or Telegram groups, for example]. This makes activity involving transparency less transparent and means financial bodies have less visibility of what’s going on.
Pushing people underground also makes it easier for scammers to exploit Nigerians, and we are already seeing Bitcoin trade at huge premiums in the country as a result of the ban. Other companies have made the choice to find workarounds that are less visible for regulators – for example, Peer-2-Peer (P2P) trading. Our view is that P2P trading would go against the spirit of the CBN’s directive. We believe that the focus should instead be on demonstrating to the CBN that exchanges such as Luno have the necessary controls in place to address the concerns it has in relation to cryptocurrencies.
Nigeria’s regulators have taken a pragmatic and forward-looking approach to cryptocurrency in the past, with the SEC even actively developing a framework to regulate. We’re confident that this issue can be resolved quickly, so that Nigeria can continue to play a central role in the growth of cryptocurrency. This also isn’t the first time Luno has faced a situation like this. When the Malaysian Securities Commission introduced a new regulatory framework for crypto exchanges in the region, Luno worked with regulators to become the country’s first licensed exchange. This has created an inclusive and transparent cryptocurrency ecosystem in the country, making it easier for consumers and regulators alike. We would like to work with CBN and regulators in Nigeria as we have in other countries, to create an open dialogue and to come to a solution that works for everyone.
The future of crypto regulation
Regulation is inevitable. It’s also necessary. Our firm belief is that regulation will raise the bar in the cryptocurrency industry and, in our experience, this is also what customers want.
It’s our mission to bring the world into a new financial future. We are building the bridge between what we have today and a future, frictionless financial system where it’s safer, cheaper, faster and more secure to transact and move money around. BUT, for now, we’re in a hybrid economy where we still heavily rely on existing financial infrastructure to make the move to a future system easier. For as long as we interact with the existing financial system, legacy systems, we will have to adapt and follow some of the same rules that apply to them. Cryptocurrencies are maturing from a self-regulated domain to a regulated one, where individuals and businesses can introduce aspects of crypto assets into their daily lives, with investments and payments. For Luno it’s not about entering markets and making money quickly, but helping to build and establish a proper regulatory framework and fundamentally, upgrade the world to be a better financial system. Luno will therefore always adhere to the changing laws in any country that we operate and will continue to work with regulators around the world, including the Central Bank of Nigeria, to put in place the appropriate regulatory frameworks that are optimal for all stakeholders and, ultimately, benefit you – the customer... Click Here For More Info
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kaiser001 · 9 months
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josevwyat · 2 years
Crypto Wallet | | Best Cryptocurrency
Crypto WalletI have been using the Crypto for 2-3 years. And I noticed that it is the most trustworthy Crypto platform to use for trade and investment purposes. This platform is available for experts and beginners. It offers more than 130 assets to buy, sell, and transfer. It also has a good position regarding security and compliance compared to other Crypto exchanges.
visit here
[url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/etorologin/]Etoro Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/etoro-login/]Etoro Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/etorouslogin/]Etoro Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/etorologinus/]Etoro Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/etoro-loginus/]Etoro Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/exodus-wallet/]Exodus Wallet [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/safepal-wallet/]Safepal Wallet[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/swyftx-login/]Swyftx Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/digital-surge-login/]Digital Surge[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/luno-login/]Luno Login[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/independent-reserve-login/]Independent Reserve[/url] [url=https://sites.google.com/tomsazure.com/coinstash-login/]Coinstash Login[/url]
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Beautiful Reasons We Can't Help But Fall In Love With LUNO Exchange
Luno is a mechanized cash trade from the United Kingdom. The trade just offers exchanging Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. The affiliation serves more than 3 million clients from more than 40 nations worldwide and has more than 100 agents.
It has working conditions in London, Singapore and Cape Town (South Africa). It was set up in 2013 under the name BitX, with the rebranding to Luno occurring in 2016. Luno was set up by Timothy Stranex and Marcus Swanepoel.
Luno Trading Exchange is upheld by two or three recognizable inspectors, including Venturra Capital, Digital Currency Group, Balderton Capital, Naspers, and Rand Merchant Investment Holdings (RMI).
Luno Services:
Luno's exchanging stage: Luno offers a Bitcoin to fiat exchanging stage for its clients. The stage supplies clients with highlights, for example, progressed portraying, API access for robotized exchanging, different markers, and all around revealing.
Luno's business association: Like different trades out there, Luno offers a basic methodology to purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum, instead of the mind-boggling exchanging stage. Luno unwinds the purchasing cycle by selling you the coins direct and charging a transcendent expense for their associations
Luno reduced wallet: Luno offers a custodial Bitcoin wallet for iOS and Android that can be composed to your Luno account. This gives you more significant adaptability to get to your Luno account in a surge, notwithstanding, it moreover induces that you are not answerable for your Bitcoins
Luno for Business: A help permitting you to safely execute, exchange, and store modernized money for your affiliation. Is featured exchanging firms, diggers, new associations, and so on that need to send or get divides in crypto.
Luno Fees and Limits:
Luno's exchanging costs for takers are 0.25%. This blame is deliberately for the business normal which is likewise around 0.25%. Notwithstanding, there is no exchanging cost for creators offered at Luno. Luno has no charges for creators, as necessities be impelling the liquidity at the trade.
Luno Exchange costs differ subordinate upon network improvement, area, and cash. There is an expense of 0.0002 BTC for getting bitcoin through a bitcoin address. In spite of the fact that both sending and enduring bitcoin through advantageous or an email address is free.
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Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/L8dHxzDMnou5OrSh7ZeVnM
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amosmebejataublog · 6 years
LifeInBlock is a unique platform, a cryptocurrency solutions that are multi-platform and it very easy to use. The online exchange can be used on the go and it perfectly fits to everyone with Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies.
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LIfeInBlock bring to the market a vision of technological innovation, offering to the public, products and services of Technology in Cryptocurrencies, with recognized quality. Always compete ethically in business, obtaining a high degree of customer satisfaction, respect for employees, partners and profitability for all our associates.
LifeInBlock work with a binary system that distribute the greatest amount of profits to all the supporters of this great endeavor. Is a company that has its staff with over 20years experience in IT and Computer Systems, more than 7years working and obtaining profitability in Hold, trading, Arbitragem, development in Cryptocurrencies, exclusive Boot, mining and Invest in Ico.
Crypto Currency That Changed the World: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have completely changed the financial world. We are here to help you find out how it works.
Pay Everywhere For Goods and Services: Like any other modern currency, Bitcoin is available everywhere at any time for transactions and payments.
Easy Exchange For Everyone Worldwide: The website has been a leading Cryptocurrency exchange. The whole process is very easy and secure.
How It Works
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REGISTER ON THE SYSTEM: Register through the website by clicking here from your PC, Android, or iOS to start earning likewise send and receive Cryptocurrencies across the world.
PURCHASE ONE OF THE PACKAGES: Once packages is purchase, you can visualize your earnings. The minimum to purchase is 0.01 Bitcoin and above.
RECEIVE YOUR EARNINGS: The process of withdrawing your Earnings is very easy. In Just two words, you need to enter receiver’s Bitcoin address, specify the amount, confirm address and send. Exchange your Bitcoins instantly without any extra payments in LifeInBlock.
This company has gotten you a fully featured, convenient System, different than any System, LifeInBlock is a perfect solution for your Cryptocurrency needs.
Kindly follow below step by steps guide on how to Register with LifeInBlock which they have two major packs categories with different weekly bonus percentage as follows;
StartLife Pack: Which is from 0.01 Bitcoin to 0.10 Bitcoin when you invest from 0.01btc to 0.10btc in LifeInBlock means you fall within the StartLife Pack category and your weekly bonus will be 4.8% dropping to your backoffice wallet every week for the period of 25Weeks. NOTE: The system Paid Automatic (Instantly To Your Backofice Wallet).
AdvanceLife Pack: On this category, when you invest from 0.10 Bitcoin and above you will be earning 5.28% every week for the period of 25Weeks.
STEP 1: Click on this link, http://office.lifeinblock.com/register/Amoslink the Registration Page will open then enter Amoslink in the place of Type Your Sponsor.
STEP 2: Fill-in the Registration form almost same with the Paydiamond. Then when you are done with the registration as require from the below form.
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STEP 3: Login to the account by entering your username and password. Your Backoffice will open.
STEP 4: Click on Menu
STEP 5: Go to Plans, You will see the two pack categories I mentioned above. Enter the amount of bitcoins you want to invest please the minimum to invest in LifeInBlock is 0.01 Bitcoin
STEPS 6: Click on “Generate Harsh” A bitcoins harsh address link will pop up
STEP 7: Copy the bitcoins hash address go to your Luno or Blockchain wallet and make the payment as required bitcoins to that Hash address you copy. PLEASE; Put Exactly the Required Bitcoin not the dollar.
STEPS 8: The bitcoins amount will then show below then click on “Confirm Payment” after a few minutes your payment will go through and an invoice will be sent to your mail. CONGRATULATION.
Now, Anytime someone register with your referral link you will receive a mail showing the person name, phone number and country. So it’s easy for you to connect with all your team and start making instant money daily, weekly and monthly with LifeInBlock.
For any question or if you need any guide on how you can buy pack with LifeInBlock, kindly Text Me, WhatsApp or Call +2348135959568 …Or Chat with me on WhatsApp by clicking Here. Or connect with me via below Contact Form.
Text Me, WhatsApp or Call +2348135959568
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How to Register and Activate LifeInBlock Account LifeInBlock is a unique platform, a cryptocurrency solutions that are multi-platform and it very easy to use.
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bobbynolanios88 · 7 years
Beware of these common cryptocurrency scams
Beware of these common cryptocurrency scams
Cryptocurrency is a playground for daring investors, but you must be informed before venturing in.
The lack of regulation or central authority has made cryptocurrency a haven for scammers, and they prey on uneducated newcomers.
If you want to get started in cryptocurrency, you will need to identify and avoid potential scams.
A list of what to watch out for is detailed below.
Fake ICOs
It is often difficult to judge whether an ICO is legitimate or not.
Before investing, you must check for proof of endorsements and involvement from reputable figures to determine if the project is headed up by a legitimate team.
If you are knowledgeable about blockchain technology, reading the project’s whitepaper can shed light on whether the ICO is to fund a working prototype, or is just hot air.
Even after following these steps, there is still no certainty that the project will succeed in the long term and give you a return.
Wallet scams
Online software wallets are one of the more risky ways to store cryptocurrency if not researched and vetted.
Use wallets from reputable providers and preferably ones which do not store your private key – and are therefore unable to access your funds.
These include MyEtherWallet for Ethereum and Electrum for Bitcoin.
Email scams
Scam emails are prevalent in the realm of cryptocurrency.
Signing up for online cryptocurrency services can expose your email address, which could result in you receiving tailored scam emails.
Recently, a number of blockchain enthusiasts have received emails from an address claiming to be MyEtherWallet. They were prompted to log into a fake version of the site to prevent losing their funds.
A warning sign exhibited by the emails was the email addresses they came from – [email protected]” and “[email protected]”, instead of “[email protected]”.
Scammers often pose as wallet providers and use approaching hard forks as a way to scare customers into divulging their private keys.
Fake exchanges
When buying and selling cryptocurrencies, ensure you use a reputable and populated exchange.
While small exchanges may be safe, larger exchanges are generally a better bet.
Using more populated exchanges will also help you avoid strange price fluctuations or manipulation.
Fake exchanges can generally be identified quite easily, especially if you know how a cryptocurrency exchange works.
Popular exchanges include Poloniex, ShapeShift, Bittrex, and Luno.
Slack bot announcements
If you are interested in a cryptocurrency project, a great way to keep up to date with developments is to access its Slack channel.
This also allows users to interact with the development team and other fans of the project.
Many scammers use Slack bots to impersonate the development team, however, and send out “announcements” to users in a group.
Users may receive emails allegedly from the channel, which ask them to log in to their wallets through a link.
The bot announcement sends a link to a phishing website, which collects the victim’s login information as they enter it.
Now read: Bitcoin falls as it approaches another hard fork
Source link http://ift.tt/2lDLbY9
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