#Luocha was just there for the drama which is in character lol
aquillwieldingmagpie · 5 months
Just finished 2.2 and OH MAN the Persona 5 flashbacks were really strong with this one.
Also among all the emotions this quest gave, gotta say the most entertaining bits were hearing Misha call 'Death'/'Dormancy' Sleepie and him and Gallagher basically treating it like one big overly excitable dog (as a dog owner I really feel that, noticing a theme here, Compassie, Clockie, Sleepie...), Blade just being 'Aeons I wish that were me' to Firefly's assignment, Argenti's and Boothill's entire existence in this patch, one of the memories I'll hold closest to my heart will probably be rolling up to the final battle with a team made up of Ratio, Aventurine, Luocha and Trailblazer, and getting to hit Sunday with a train multiple times.
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gold-rhine · 1 year
The story in star rail was very strange this patch too. I don't understand what they were going for? I thought the lore was cool whenever we got info lol. But everything was too vague?
yeah i don't personally care about any hsr lore that isn't nanook's huge bleeding titties. i think they were trying to do liyeu thing where they don't spell out all ancient history, instead having you learn in small tidbits and descriptions. but like. first, liyue archon quest was self-contained. you could miss dimension of it relating to rex lapis history and guizhong, but the plot itself is very straightforward, you know everyone involved and understand their motivations. childe is russian terrorist who wants to get the gnosis and summons evil god to provoke rex lapis, adepti are friends of rex lapis who want to stop him, ning is a new government who seemed fishy at first, but turned out she's great. you don't need to understand all of the adepti inter-personal drama to get the gist or know childe's backstory or anything, guizhong ballista works as a plot beat without knowing who guizhong was and learning about her later only adds depth to already functioning story.
in hsr its like. i have no idea why anyone is doing anything. the giant destruction woman was possessing fox girl to???? make a tree deer??? for??? uh??? idk??? blade wants to kill dan heng because???? and he is making crazy faces at jing yuan, but doesn't want to kill him i think??? dan heng gets redemption for his crimes, which are?????????? luocha and jing yuan's old mentor is here being shady because?????? like i think they were all friends before???? maybe??
bc i don't understand what the fuck is going on, i can't bring myself to care about the story, and the character beats fall flat too. like wow dan heng is a secret dragon who needs to atone for his crimes, but bc i knew him for like. 2 patches where he said or did nothing. and i have no idea what he's atoning for, this redemption just doesn't matter to me. imagine if you watched scara fight his giant robot form and get the anemo vision without playing sumeru archon quest first. its like, ok cool cutscene i guess? congrats or sorry for your loss, i have no idea bro
second, the whole players are supposed to learn lore from small tidbits from descriptions thing. which is bad enough in genshin. but like. at least you can learn about guizhong just by doing exploration, which is main gameplay of genshin. in hsr there is no exploration and like. apparently i was supposed to learn about some super important fox lady from reading EXPEDITIONS DESCRIPTION, and then like making connection that its a dead friend of blade and dan heng and the reason for this whole mess between them somehow??? bruh. bruh. be for real.
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