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Another year, another anniversary... 5 years now, huh?
What a milestone.
It's always made us a little sad to see this blog go unused, after so long of working on it... but after so long...
Perhaps it's time for something new..?
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 3 years
Regarding the status of this askblog...
As you may know, due to both unexpected stressful events and technical issues, I’ve been mostly unable to work on any elongated creative projects for the past few months.
While I’m slowly resuming work on my webcomic, @official-night-shift, I sadly cannot give a concrete date on when/if I’ll return to this askblog as well. I was juggling too much and had to take a long break, for several reasons.
This story has had a lot of ups and downs, but it’s been fun to work on so far. However, I do want to change some things behind the scenes, slightly tweak the world lore (mostly for events which haven’t occurred yet, not to worry, it won’t majorly change the storyline currently shown).
Some aspects of the story were too.. dark in hindsight, or harsh. Some were just rather personal. All in all, I want to improve it, at least, before just rushing back into working on this askblog.
I still enjoy this story, I still enjoy drawing the characters. On the off chance that I can’t return to the askblog format, I’ll at least use this as a blog to post content about the AU itself/how the story would’ve gone.
I’m also considering doing weekly blossom adopts again, in the meantime, if anyone was interested. And to branch out, perhaps even shape design adopts in the future, to get back into drawing jsab characters.
Thank you for your patience, and apologies for the abrupt radio silence. I’ll be sure to post occasional updates on what’s going on behind the scenes, what I’m changing, etc.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
Hey whatever is going on its probably not ok, but I believe you can get theough this, dont cancel this series but insert take a break!
Not canceling. 
Just going through some stuff at the moment. The recent drama threw everyone for a loop and I haven’t had the motivation to work on this story since then.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
I haven’t been active in well... a while, due to life.png and stress, but with all the chaos drifting around at the moment, I just wanted to make my stance on things very clear, given the circumstances I’ve seen circulating the fandom lately.
If you believe it is okay in any way, shape, or form to fake dissociative identity disorder/systems and get away with it repeatedly, or you support those who fake systems “for fun/attention”, you are not welcome here.
It is never okay to fake a mental illness, especially an already stigmatized one. DID is not a fun game.
That being said, alters are not roleplay characters or toys to poke at and test. Treat alters, even fictives, as people. Please.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
Hey there! just wanted to know if you are in need of asks, i know how hard it is to run an ask blog with no asks!
It’s not that I have no asks. I have very little time to work on the blog lately, and so I’ve chosen to try and update it whenever I do have time. There’s no real schedule anymore, at least until things get less busy.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
* a small smile slowly crept upon her lips * pffft!…
Mako was taken aback, sparking in agitation.
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Mako: “What’s so funny..? I just drained your soul! You should be cowering in fear!”
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
is she dead or just empty?
(She’s a husk, basically what’s left behind when a shape has all of their color and music drained from them. Still alive, but like a barely physical ghost of sorts.)
(Since Bass is an asker, she can just pop back to normal when she wants to, but if it were to happen to a canon character...)
(Might not be so easy.)
-Mun Qwerty
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
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Shockingly, it didn’t hurt one bit. Mako’s claws passed through you like an apparition, sending chills down your spine and resonating in your core.
Bass’s hue drained away, leaving only grey in its place as Mako siphoned away the energy. 
Mako: “There, see. A little lack of soul never hurt anyone. It’s in good hands...”
The energy drain leaves you feeling lightheaded and.. distant. Numb, almost. And exhausted.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
Reduced to a Husk...
Pink light pulsed around you as Mako approached...
Mako: “Just.. relax...”
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He took aim with his claws and sliced-
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
AU Lore - Infections and the Environment
All infections are liquid at room temperature and have a viscous consistency.
Despite the thickness of infected liquid, it easily absorbs into the ground and dissolves quickly in water.
Discoloration in the soil fades quickly if not constantly exposed to additional infection, as infections need living matter to bond to in order to persist at maximum potency. 
Infections are slow to boil and often reach superheated temperatures while remaining in liquid form. This phenomenon has given infections such as corruption nicknames such as “lava”.
Infections burn in their respective colors when set aflame. The resulting smoke/gases can also transmit the infection, though much slower than direct contact.
Plants, while not as severely affected by infections, will change color quickly and grow much faster/in unnatural shapes when exposed to mots infections. Mutations may also develop, which may persist after purification.
Infections cause altered body temperatures (fever or hypothermia depending on type) in shapes and may result in minor core damage in those with weak immune systems. Disorientation caused by fevers increase mental alteration symptoms.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
( I kinda wanna see the previews
(I don’t wanna spoil anything for others so I can just send them to you!)
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
A surprise!
(Cool beans!! I’m getting everything sorted out as we speak!)
(Sorry I couldn’t have it done by Fresh Friday haha!)
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
It’s ok mun take your time!
(Do you guys possibly want previews, or should I keep everything a surprise?)
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
An Explanation
This blog isn’t going anywhere.
I’m not discontinuing it, nor am I deleting anything.
I’ve been under a lot of stress lately and lost all of the other co-muns, so I’ve mostly had to work on my own for a blog that once required three people to function. Also, a major character was abruptly pulled out of the story, which has left me under some pressure to rework things and also settle design ownership with the person who gave said character to me.
I’ve been very busy, but hopefully I’ll be able to get back to normal soon.
Thank you for sticking around. I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting.
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
So is this blog died
(Hi, first off, the blog isn’t dead. I think of this place every day, and I feel so guilty over leaving it alone for so long. I’ve been terribly busy lately.
I haven’t been very active at all anywhere...
I’m going to make a post explaining what happened, but I’d appreciate it if I didn’t get asks like this.
Can you come off anon if you’re gonna say stuff like this, at least?)
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jsab-corrupted-hero · 4 years
Short Break
Sorry for not updating much lately. I’m taking a short break this week to catch up on comic panels, askblog updates, and other stuff.
I hope you guys can understand. All of my blogs will be a bit sluggish to update this week.
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