#Lush caves and lost fae au
shushiyuii · 2 years
Lush Caves and Lost Fae (Part 2)
Notes: PArt 2 of gift exhange
Warnings:  Mentions of death and neglect, dying of thirst (Dw it doesn’t happen), Kidnapping (Technically speaking), Lots of crying, Running away, Angst, Vore mention and most importantly a very sad Tommy. (If I miss any just let me know!)
Word count: 12,000+ (Including two)
Previous part
It had been another 24 hours without water, his throat stung like hell. He felt nauseous as he could barely keep his head straight. He didn’t have long left and he knew that, only about another day.
Only another day for Techno to find him.
He didn’t quite feel like eating as it only hurt his quenched throat. It had become routine at this point to meet up with Wilbur and talk to him, at least his final moments wouldn’t be lonely.
Wilbur had already been expecting him, a gracious smile on his features. It was the same as it had always been, yet Tommy couldn’t help but feel as though it mocked in victory. Even if the fae didn’t get a meal, Tommy still lost.
He weakly leaned against a rock on the ground, leaning his head towards Wilbur. “You know, you are one of the first to have ever lasted this long. You’re quite determined to survive, aren’t you, my little fawn?”, Tommy’s eyes began to tear as he didn’t reply to Wilbur.
He was so scared.
“Wilbur… I’m scared.”, he cried. Emotions began to overwhelm him, he wanted to go home, he wanted Sam’s hugs, He wanted to see Tubbo’s smile, He wanted a lean into the touch of his brother.
Wilbur’s expression seemed to soften ever so slightly, perhaps remorse for the young boy that was accepting his death at his feet. Tommy was just a kid, and Wilbur would be the only one to hear out his cries.
“I want to go home- I don’t want to die… I was supposed to grow up and be a big man, I was going to get a job so Techno wouldn’t have to worry about food all the time… I was- I was…”.
Tommy curled in on himself, the fae only looked down at him in pity. He didn’t want to give up hope just yet. But what other choice did he have? He laid there for a moment in thought, he wanted comfort…
Wilbur was caught off as Tommy threw himself into him. He quickly caught the boy, not allowing him to fall to the ground. He’d stepped into the fairy ring, he broke a rule. He owed Wilbur, and he was going to become a meal…
Tommy harshly let out his cries as he clung to Wilbur’s sweater, not scaring about his surroundings. The sharp claws held him gently instead of ripping him apart, he probably wanted to savour his meal…
What he was met with though, was a hug. Wilbur brought him towards his chest, his arm wrapped around him as his claw gently soothed his back, though it felt like shivers were being sent down his spine.
Tommy’s head hurt, he was overwhelmed. Everything was just too much for the poor boy. He clung to Wilbur’s chest like a young child. Surprisingly, Wilbur had made no move to hurt him thus far. 
He wondered how long he’d have to wait for death to come.
“Hush now, tiny spark. It’s quite alright. You’re alright and safe.”. Tommy didn’t believe him, he was a fae, a predator. And he was just the prey, Wilbur had spent so many days hunting Tommy down. Why give up now?
Tommy only cried further, his throat sore as he cried out loud. It stung. He wanted to be held by Techno. Not some stranger.
Wilbur continued to comfort him, he could feel Wilbur stand up and move towards something, The sound of running water rose to his ears. Why would there be water?
With the boy in his arms, he brought him towards the running stream. As he used some magic to conjure a wooden bowl into his palm. The boy continued to cling to him like a koala, crying his heart out.
He sighed, gently placing the bowl under the stream as it filled with water. He hated that he allowed himself to do it, but he also couldn’t allow the boy to die as he let out his raspy cries.
Despite never wanting to allow himself to, he had gotten attached to the youngling. He wasn’t supposed to, he was meant to consume him as his natural predator yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Perhaps he’d been alone for far too long that any form of company was a welcome one. There was another but… He wasn’t quite keen on conversation, Tommy however was quite the opposite.
He shook the boy gently, “Tommy…”, no response, only his sobs. “Little fawn, could you open your eyes for me, please?”, it was a rare thing for a fae to say something such as please, yet here he was saying it to a mere human.
The boy shook in his arms, yet he complied and looked up towards Wilbur. He couldn’t help the look of pity he gave Tommy, only hoping he understood that he meant no harm to him. He was safe in his arms.
The boy’s cries were silenced, looking up towards him. He brought the bowl towards Tommy’s face. The boy jumped, scanning the bowl as he looked over it in suspicion. Wilbur brought it closer, and Tommy shook his head.
It was obvious he didn’t trust Wilbur. He was a fae, a trickster that couldn’t be trusted for they only manipulated. He didn’t take offence. Though, he couldn’t lie either.
“Tommy. You can drink the water, no strings attached. You won’t owe me a debt of any sort. All I ask is that you drink”, Tommy gave Wilbur a bewildered look, confused no doubt as he stared between him and the water bowl in his hand.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak but came out with nothing. The boy was smart, having already known how to comply with the fae. He probably knew that the fae could not lie.
Reluctantly, he took the bowl from Wilbur’s hand. Gulping it down instantly. Wilbur gave the boy a friendly smile as the boy finished, he looked exhausted given he had been parched and crying his eyes out. He needed rest.
And so, the boy fell asleep in his arms.
When Tommy woke back up, it wasn’t on the hard ground. Well, it was still the ground but it was much more comfortable than it normally had been. Cushioning him were leaves and flowers that kept him comfortable.
Why was he there? He didn’t recall sleeping, the last thing he remembered was… He recollected his thoughts, remembering what had happened the day before. Near enough to his death and Wilbur had saved him.
He wasn’t sure as to why though, why would Wilbur spare his life? He hadn’t done for the fae yet he was safe. He’d have to question it later, although he’d been given a drink, Tommy was still rather thirsty.
Determined for a drink, he stood from the leafy bed and made his way towards the stream, he contemplated giving straight for a drink but considering he was within the fairy ring, it’d be better if he waited.
He nearly jumped at the sound of the bushes, but it was only Wilbur stepping through the opposite side of the ring, the two of them made eye contact. Wilbur greeted him with a saddened smile.
It didn’t take long for Wilbur to take a seat beside Tommy, “You know, you don’t have to wait for me to return. Drink as much as you need, Tommy nodded as he went to quickly scoop up some water with his bare hands, drinking as much as he could.
The water helped soothe his throat drastically, breathing out a sigh of relief that he wasn’t going to die of thirst after all. As he finished, the two sat in silence which Tommy found odd for the usually very talkative fae.
“My apologies, you must be hungry.”, he brought a bowl out from beside him. It looked as though it was a makeshift salad, yet he didn’t trust it. Never take food from a fae, it would only starve you.
“No need to worry, I made it with the nearby herbs. Not from the fae, I promise”, he couldn’t lie and yet he promised. A promise meant a lot to the fae, why was he using it so lightly towards Tommy?
Was Wilbur allowing him to break the rules? 
Feeling an ounce of confidence, he took the bowl from Wilbur’s hand. “Bitch”, he spat out as he dug into the salad. The language seemed to have caught Wilbur off guard, had he pushed it? 
But Wilbur only erupted into laughter, “Oh my! So you are quite the little spark! That is very inappropriate language for someone your age, mind you!”, Tommy was surprised that  Wilbur hadn’t taken offence.
He was only met with a friendly smile. Though, there was something he couldn’t get off his mind.
“Wilbur, if you don’t mind me asking- Why aren’t I?”, he wasn’t entirely sure how to phrase the entire thing but Wilbur seemed to have understood. Letting out a sigh as he looked off towards the side.
“Truth be told, I’ve been lonely. And unlike other humans, you lasted a long time as we conversed more and more. Guilt accumulated and I couldn’t simply bring myself to watch you die”.
Tommy thinks he understood.
Life with Wilbur had certainly been strange, though a welcome one. They had grown closer for the past couple of weeks, and the two of them learnt that each other was rather mischievous as they would pull small tricks on each other.
Such as hiding in the trees or splashing each other with water. He was good company, and the two of them got along well. If Tommy were to summarise things, Wilbur almost behaved like a protective older brother.
Like Techno.
Wilbur had been taking care of Tommy, bringing him food or at least making food with whatever Tommy brought back. Throughout his time with Wilbur, he had tested his limits with the fae rules.
What he learnt, don’t treat Wilbur like complete shit or he’ll become grumpy. He was freely allowed out of the fairy ring as promised, please and thank you were welcomed without debt. And language was pressed back to a bare minimum.
And most importantly no lies, he’d told Wilbur a small lie to see how’d he react, wasn’t exactly pleased.
Wilbur sat beside a tree, humming whatever melody came to mind. Tommy simply lying close by, bored out of his mind. Wilbur had noticed his boredom but continued to sing, enjoying the silence. 
“Wilbur! I’m bored!”, the young boy cried out yet Wilbur paid him no mind. Feeling very much offended, he stumped off away from the fae and out of the ring. He looked back to Wilbur, who only spared him a glance. 
He had explored a majority of the lush caves yet there had been a darker edge to the caves, the nature more overgrown in that specific spot. It had taken his curiosity and since he was bored, he figured that he might as well explore it.
Making his way there, the same feeling from when he had first arrived had returned. The feeling of being watched, but much more intense than before. It set off his nerves, yet he put it off as him being paranoid.
Or maybe it was Wilbur? He was indeed magic and capable of many things so he wouldn’t be surprised if it was him.
He treaded through the cave, the vines growing more frequent as Tommy needed to push them away. It took a small while but eventually, he made it through the vines. And what he saw, shocked him to the core.
It was a giant crystal upon a podium, It was as clear as could be as it reflected like a rainbow. Tommy could tell it was magic, powerful. Perhaps even powerful enough to power the magical barrier?
It was so mesmerising, that he wanted to take a further look at the crystal.
But, the sound of a loud caw interrupted him, sounding as though it had come from above. He looked up to see a gigantic figure floating above him, swooping down. Oh, gods, it was heading straight towards him. 
It attempted to pick him up via its claws yet Tommy managed to dodge, adrenaline began to pump through his veins. What on earth was that thing? He thought it’d only been him and Wilbur down here. 
He turned to run, looking back at the figure it was hastily humanoid. Having a strange-shaped hat as he looked down at Tommy. Tommy didn’t like the frightening look. He ran as fast as he could towards the fairy ring. 
“Wilbur! Wilbur!”, he cried out, frantically looking around for the fae. Wilbur was quick to peek from his position, concern gracing his features as he went towards Tommy. Tommy was quick to cling to the hooved leg.
“W- What’s wrong Toms?”, Wilbur panicked, crouching down as his hand loomed over the boy protectively, scanning for any source of danger.
“Wil! What the fuck- I- I found this crystal! I went to go look at it but this thing attacked me! I-”, Wilbur sighed before tapping Tommy on the back gently, Tommy took that as a sign to calm down.
“It’s alright, little spark.”, he assured Tommy before turning to look up at the skies. “It is you I presume who scared him?”, he called out towards the sky.
It didn’t take long for the figure that had attacked him to return, flying into the fairy ring without issue. That was when Tommy managed to get a better look at whom had attacked him.
From what he could tell, they were a fae. Shorter than Wilbur yet terrifying in appearance, he wore what looked to be a striped hat with a black veil, adorned in silver jewellery as he could barely make out the blue eyes.
The fae had long blonde hair, tied back into a ponytail as he wore a dark green robe. What stood out the most were the crow-like feet and black feathered wings. He did not look happy in the slightest.
“Phil. Care to explain yourself?”, Wilbur scooped up Tommy and brought him close to his chest. It was the first that Wilbur had ever held him that high, he almost yelped as his feet left the ground yet he didn’t mind the hold.
“You heard the boy, he was close to the crystal. I was only protecting it.”, Wilbur nodded as he looked down at Tommy for a moment. Sighing, he gently placed Tommy back to the ground, maintaining eye contact.
“You have my sincerest apologies, Phil, I will speak to him about it later. But I believe that the two of you haven’t met, at least not formally.”, Phil nodded as he looked down at Tommy with suspicion.
Ignoring the look, he looked up to Wilbur. “Wilbur, what do you mean by “not formally?”.”, he let out another sigh.
“Tommy, have you ever felt as though you were being watched?”, Tommy nodded. “This is Phil, he’s- an acquaintance, he’s been watching over you as I presume. He won’t mean any harm unless provoked.”.
It almost sounded like a lie, since the bird bitch had tried to scoop him up with his claws because he only wanted a look. In his frustration, he only glared at Phil, earning a small laugh out of Wilbur.
“Quite the strange one you’ve decided to keep there Wilbur.”, Phil ignored Tommy as he only desired to speak with Wilbur. The two continued their conversation as Tommy grew more bored than he had earlier that day.
After Phil had calmed down, he was rather chill. Though he was very closed off from what Tommy could tell, refusing to answer any questions about himself but after some time, he found himself enjoying Phil’s company.
Though he couldn’t get his mind off of the crystal, it was definitely powerful enough to power the entire kingdom. He had questioned both Phil and Wilbur about the crystal yet the two of them refused to answer for some reason.
Things weren’t always boring in the lush caves but as more days passed, he found himself losing even more hope for Techno to find him. It had been nearly 3 weeks and yet he hadn’t been found.
He missed Techno as he was the only family he had ever had. He wanted to work on the cars like they used to, he wanted the same old potato stew again, he wanted to try and ride carl and fail miserably. He wanted home.
Wilbur seemed to notice his lack of communication lately, asking if he’d like some affection, food or water. Most of his days were spent in his make-shift bed, waiting for the days to pass. He needed a plan.
He’d notice multiple routes throughout the lush caves, perhaps some of them led to the surface? Nobody was stopping him from leaving at this point, nothing was stopping him from escaping and taking the crystal.
He made up his mind.
Night soon came as he snuck out from the fairy ring, making his way towards the crystal. Careful to not alert the fae, surprisingly he hadn’t. As he drew closer to the crystal, he made wary steps.
He never felt eyes peering through his back, meaning he was safe from the eyes of Phil. Remembering his route, he finally made it to the crystal which illuminated the night.
He approached the podium, keeping an ear out for Phil. Hearing nothing, he snatched the crystal. Making his way to the nearest cave route, he’d be home soon. He’d be with Techno again, he’d be a hero.
The route was dark, yet he managed.
Wilbur paced around his ring worriedly, Tommy had gone missing from the fairy ring without a word. He was worried sick, there was no sign of him nearby, no response when he called out to the boy.
Phil landed beside him, having scanned over the area for Wilbur. Yet his expression didn’t appear too pleased, something had happened. Phil looked to Wilbur with a serious and tense look.
“Wilbur, he took the crystal-”.
“HE. DID. WHAT?”, Wilbur exclaimed as fury displayed all over his features. Fists clenched tightly, they could blood if possible. Phil had a look of concern, though he didn’t voice them.
Wilbur's pacing became more frantic, a missing boy and now a missing crystal. That crystal was important, not only to him but the consequence. If the crystal fell into the wrong hands, human hands. There would be quite a bit of destruction.
He shouldn’t have been so foolish, he shouldn’t have trusted a human. He should’ve eaten the human whilst he had the chance. He had been betrayed, not only that but he had failed his one duty as a fae.
That crystal had been given to him to protect, and he had failed. His eyebrows furrowed and the silts of his eyes became hollow, he looked to Phil in fury with an order, each word laced in venom.
“Bring him back. Immediately”. 
Phil only nodded before flying off towards one of the many routes of the cave. Wilbur could only wait in fury.
 Tommy ran as though his life depended on it, the crystal ducked underneath his elbow. Surely the fae had noticed his disappearance and wouldn’t be long before Phil would be on his tail. He wasn’t sure how much he had run as he panted heavily. 
Guilt clouded his mind, he felt bad for taking away the crystal. He pleaded with himself that it was for the better of Essemore, the better for humanity but he couldn’t help but feel like he did when he first ran away from Techno.
Perhaps this wasn’t the best plan ever, yet the fae only kept him there as though he were only a mere pet of sorts. No matter how many times he pleaded with Wilbur to help him go home, he never did.
He stopped in his tracks, contemplating. Wilbur had kept him alive all this time and for what? Entertainment? The fae he’d been lonely and that wasn’t a lie, but was he trustworthy? Had he been used all this time?
All the times they spoke, had it all meant nothing?
Letting out a saddened sigh, he looked down at the crystal in his arms. Was there a way out from this point forward? He looked farther ahead with the path ahead. He couldn’t give up just yet, Techno was waiting for him.
A step forward, he tripped. Falling, a harsh scream escaped Tommy as he fell from the ledge. He clung to the crystal, looking around frantically for something to hold, but nothing was in sight.
He was falling, with no ground in sight. How hadn’t he noticed the ledge? He closed his eyes with fear.
Suddenly, a pair of arms held on tightly to him. He held on tight to whoever held him, a couple of sniffles escaped him as he opened his eyes. It was Phil who had caught him, using his wings to stay upwards in the air.
Phil was quick to fly them back onto solid ground, holding onto Tommy tightly. Tommy couldn’t quite make out Phil’s expression in the dark, though Phil wasn’t as giant as he remembered. Phil seemed to be shorter than him.
“You’re alright mate, I’ve got you”, he assured Tommy.
After recovering from the fall, Phil ended up leading him back toward the lush caves. Once they made it back into the light, he could see Phil’s face more clearly, it had a look of concern. It scared him as he drew closer to the fairy ring.
Terrified even. Each step closer he felt his anxiety grow, the amount of tension from Phil’s hold was enough to tell him that Wilbur was definitely not pleased. And well, certainly pissing off a fae was never the best thing.
He’d probably be cursed or eaten. Anything was possible. 
The instant he steps within the fairy ring, Wilbur’s rage was obvious. It didn’t take long for him to encounter the fae, fury obvious. His antlers had grown in shape, his teeth and claws looked sharper, silts of his eyes thin. He looked even more terrifying than Tommy ever imagined him to be.
Tommy flinched at the eye contact, his guilt becoming overwhelming. He wanted to cry, the only thing holding him together was the gentle hold of his hand from Phil.
Wilbur let out a fairly harsh growl as he looked between him and the crystal in his arm, Tommy knew had made a mistake, a very bad one at that.
“Tommy.”, Wilbur began. His name was voiced with such hatred, he had heard the tone many a time, many from people he used to trust. There would be no recovery from what he had done.
Wilbur didn’t stop as he continued, “By the looks of things, you already know what you’ve done but if it isn’t clear enough for your human mind to comprehend… That crystal, is not yours. And you stole it, you thieving scum.”.
Tommy felt hurt at his words, even though he was right. He only wanted to block them out, he didn’t want- he didn’t-
“Not only that, but you betrayed my trust.”, Wilbur barred his teeth. “ You will return what is not yours, this instant. And that is an order. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”, The sound of his voice echoed on not only the walls but his mind.
Quickly complying, he gently placed the crystal on the bumpy floor. Not sparing Wilbur the look in his eyes, he shook in fear as he stepped away from the crystal. He was terrified, he didn’t know what to do, he only wanted to head home.
He wanted to leave, though he’d most likely be unable to. He was trapped with two faes that he had betrayed, and doomed to die yet again. It was all Tommy ever did, mess everything up for himself and the people around him.
Techno was probably worried sick and searching like hell for him, Sam must’ve ordered guards to search for him, Tubbo must’ve used whatever in his noble position to find Tommy, putting up missing posters with a grand reward.
Oh, how he wanted to go home. And now, he had betrayed his only friend in these caves. What kind of summer vacation was this supposed to be? Probably the worst he ever had, he’d never get to eat those golden apples again.
It was the end.
His body felt too heavy, too heavy to stand as he fell to the ground. Wilbur’s discipline became mute as buzzing was all he could hear, he felt numb as his heart ached out of his chest. He couldn’t see as tears flooded his eyes.
He wanted to go home. He wanted to go home. ‘I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home. I need to go home.’.
“I want to go home…”, he cried.
And all went blank.
Gentle hands were placed upon his shoulders, calling out to him. They were barely audible, he couldn’t make it out, he just wanted to go home. The grip on his shoulders tightened, the muttering becoming louder.
Something attempted to pull away from the grip, yet it remained on his shoulder as it became even louder. Was he dying? Had Wilbur killed him as he had expected to? Or was he being too dramatic?
The muttering stopped, and the grip on his shoulder pulled away. He didn’t want the grip to go. Instead, it was replaced with a hug. He clung to whoever it was, he didn’t care. He only wanted safety.
His breathing began to calm and soon the muttering returned, though it was clearer.
“Tom? Can you hear me? It’s alright, it’s okay. Breathe for me, okay?”, the voice attempted to calm him, it sounded really panicked. He tried to listen, he tried to think of reassuring things, Techno, Wilbur, Tubbo… 
A hand gently began to rub his back. His breathing calmed down further as his mind began to clear, recollecting his thoughts, though a voice interrupted them. “Please. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry- I’m sorry”, his voice cried.
He recognised it as Wilbur, why did he sound so upset? Hadn’t he been mad at Tommy, wasn’t he going to die? Wilbur clung closer to Tommy, and was quick to notice the smaller hands, had Wilbur shrunk? He knew fae could shrink.
That wasn’t the point, he had betrayed Wilbur. But here he was, clinging and apologising to him. Did he feel guilty? Tommy’s guilt returned, though he remained calm, he didn’t feel like having another bad panic attack. 
Tommy returned the hug, “Wilbur, I’m sorry- Really I am, you were right. I’m only a fucking dumbass thief, I’m sorry. I just missed home.”, he cried out. Wilbur’s touch went to his dirty blonde locks, gently rubbing at his scalp.
“It’s not your fault, not at all, little fawn… I knew you wanted to go home, I should’ve done something, not keep you here against your will. I’m sorry for being so selfish, I just didn’t want to be alone.”, Wilbur cried.
Tommy attempted to comfort the fae by gently squeezing his chest, Wilbur’s hug only grew tighter. “I’m going to let you go, and you’ll go home. I promise- Gosh, I’m so sorry-”, Wilbur broke down into sobs.
Though he wasn’t wrong, Wilbur was still his friend, and perhaps even his brother. He didn’t want to leave him also. “Wilby, it’s okay. I-”, Tommy didn’t seem to be able to find the words.
He could hear Wilbur let out a snort, “My name isn’t Wilby, nor is simply Wilbur. It is Wilbur Soot.”, the way he said the name sounded strange, as though there were strings attached to the name.
“Wilbur, Wilbur Soot?”. The name carried weight to it, though it was not heavy on the tongue. It was magic, it was a fae’s name. Tommy knew names meant power, which meant Wilbur had practically trusted him with his life.
“Wil, why would you?-”, Wilbur brought a finger to his lips, with a saddened smile on his features. His eyes were soft as he still held onto Tommy. 
“Use my name wisely, if you are ever in need of my protection or company, you may call. Do you understand?”, Tommy nodded in understanding, Wilbur had trusted him with his power.
“My name is Theseus.”.
He waved Wilbur off as he and Phil flew towards the exit of the cave, finally he’d be free after nearly a month of remaining there. He clung to Phil for dear life as they went upwards, before landing on the solid ground of the surface.
“You alright, mate?”, Phil asked with concern mixed with amusement. He’d probably never grow used to Phil’s flying and probably for the better, he’d never want to do it again. He gave a nod and a smile.
Phil then turned back towards the lush caves, spreading his wings and waving goodbye. Though, it wouldn’t be the last time he’d see Phil. Both of them knew that as a fact.
Letting out a sigh, he looked at his surroundings. The sight of pure daylight above the tree line was more welcomed than the bare light of the caverns. He smiled, as he was finally free.
“Wilbur Soot.”, he called out for the fae. A small gust of wind passed his face as he turned, there he was. Wilbur. Standing there as the size of a human, a warm smile on his face. Tommy returned with his smirk.
Wilbur shrunk down to the size of Tommy’s hands, Tommy was quick to scoop him up and place him upon his shoulder, heading home. He just hoped that Techno didn’t mind his new friend as they began their journey back to Essemore.
As they headed home, Wilbur began to hum a song unknown to Tommy but it was soothing as it filled the silence of the forest. Though, it appeared as though somebody wasn’t too keen on agreeing.
Rusling caught Tommy’s attention as he scanned for any sign of movement, almost instantly a hand grabbed his collar and pinned him up against the tree. The man breathed heavily with fatigue as he gazed into Tommy’s eyes.
“Theseus?”, Tommy opened up to see the familiar pinkette that was his brother, he looked tired with the bags under his eyes. A sword was pointed at Tommy’s throat, about to pull away when-
Loud growls are heard as something tackles down Techno, Tommy is dropped to the ground. Tommy is quick to guess who had attacked Techno. He saw the two of them roll across the forest ground, each one wanting the upper hand.
Techno managed to kick Wilbur in the stomach, sending him flying into a tree. Tommy took the chance to intervene, the two stopped from mere inches away from his face. It was quite the sight to see two murderous looks pointed toward you.
“Theseus, move out of the way. That is a fae.”, Techno ordered. Yet Tommy only shook his head, remaining where he was. Wilbur took that as a sign to back down from the fight and Tommy was glad for it. 
“Let me explain.”.
And explained he did, it took a minute for Techno to process the entire thing and after he did, he glared at Wilbur before embracing Tommy in a bear hug, oh how he missed his hugs.
Techno wasn’t exactly pleased with Tommy’s plan. And thus, he was grounded for two weeks. Which was quite merciful considering he had gone missing for nearly a month. And as extra punishment, he was forced to do much more chores than he was used to.
Though, the punishment was more bearable with Wilbur and Tubbo by his side. And as time passed, Wilbur had become a member of the family, and Phil would visit on occasion. He seemed to get along very well with Techno.
And thanks to the help of Techno, they managed to make a safe way to enter and out of the cave with mountain climbing equipment, meaning when Wilbur couldn’t come to him, he could visit Wilbur himself.
Sam wasn’t entirely pleased to learn of Tommy’s efforts yet appreciated it, he decided to leave the invention, for the time being, saying it wasn’t the right time for such a creation. Tommy had to agree, It wasn’t as bad as you’d like to believe.
He was home again. And safe and sound.
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Sterek The Nutcracker AU.
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(The Nutcracker is my favourite Christmas tale, so I just had to)
Stiles is spending his Christmas with his extended family despite the growing tensions between certain members of the family – mostly his father and his grandfather (on his mother’s side). Stiles ducks away to hide in the library, sitting on the bench before the window and staring out at the rain that streaks the glass. The last time they were together as a family it was with his mother; and now that she’s gone, it doesn’t feel right.
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His grandmother finds him hiding away and brings over a box. She tells him he can open his present early and, when he politely refuses, she insists. Stiles caves and opens the box, inside it he finds a wooden nutcracker.
He runs his fingers over the smooth wood, feeling the fine grooves in the grain and admiring the bold blue of the soldier’s uniform – something that he found interesting considering that most nutcrackers wore red. He opens his mouth to say thank you when his grandfather comes barging in. He sees Stiles with the nutcracker and starts shouting about how boys shouldn’t have dolls. He grabs the box from Stiles and tosses it across the room.
Stiles’ heart twists as he leaps across the room and pulls the nutcracker from the fire. He brushes the ash away and smothers the cinders that burn away at the wood. He ignores the howling voices behind him as his grandparents and his father fight. Instead, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded tissue. He presses it down and folds it into a triangle before fixing it around the nutcracker’s arm like a sling. He sets the nutcracker down in the box and carries it back to his room.
Later that night, Stiles can’t sleep. He collects the box and carries it downstairs, returning to his seat in the library and watching the stars dance across the sky. He heard the clock chime midnight but didn’t take his eyes away from the sky, the expansive darkness of the universe making him feel small.
It’s only when he hears shrieks of rage that he turns around and finds himself witnessing a battle between tin soldiers and mice, led by a king (Deucalion). The battle seems all but lost until another figure comes bursting into the fight. The nutcracker.
The mice retreat and the nutcracker follows. So does Stiles.
He finds himself in a land of ice that looks like a glass palace, the cold leaving him shivering as he follows after the fleeting figure of the nutcracker. Every step he takes seems to bring life to the cold earth, the blanket of snow melting away to lush green grass and blossoming flowers.
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He steps into the light at the end of the tunnel and finds himself in a strange world. He begins to push forward, making his way through the war-devastated land and encountering those who live there. Along the way, he hears the legend of the prince who fought valiantly and the fae prince who would save them. They tell him of how the prince tried his best to fight off the prince’s army but he ran away and left his people to fear the wrath of the mouse king.
Eventually, he ends up at the castle and finds the nutcracker imprisoned, his broken arm pulled away from his body. He looks less animated and more like a doll. Stiles tries to fix him, but the nutcracker seems resigned to being broken.
Stiles refuses to give up on him. He half-carries, half-drags the nutcracker out of his cell and down the hallways of the castle until he finds himself cornered by the mouse king.
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Stiles fights him off, refusing to fall down. But the mouse king gets the upper hand and Stiles is knocked down. The mouse king looms over him, sword raised and ready to be driven into the young man’s chest.
Stiles closes his eyes.
He hears the sword go through flesh but feels no pain.
Slowly, he opens his eyes and sees a shadowed man hunched over him, the sword driven through his back.
“No,” Stiles gasps, catching the nutcracker as he falls. He holds the nutcracker close, crying over him. He lets out a broken cry, bursts of light erupting behind his eyes and when he opens them again, he can feel the awakened power coursing through his veins. The mouse king is gone – obliterated – and so is the nutcracker. But, in his place, lies a man: Prince Derek.
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The people of the land, realising that they’re free from the mouse king’s reign and that their princes never left them, rejoice. The festivities begin: singing, dancing, and joyous laughter.
From somewhere in the distance, Stiles can hear a clock chiming. He looks at Derek, meeting the young man’s gaze. He doesn’t need to explain because Derek seems to know, his face twisted with an expression of sorrow and loss.
Stiles looks around at the festivities and smiles. He turns back to Derek and asks, “Save me a dance?”
“I’ll be waiting,” Derek promised.
Stiles feels his body drifting back into reality where he finds himself curled up on the seat before the window, the glass misted with ice as snowflakes dance through the air outside. Stiles smiles and rises to his feet, noticing the empty box at his feet, the one that had once held the nutcracker. He picks it up, closes the lid and carries it back to his room before getting ready for the day.
Time seems to pass by without him noticing, his mind drawn back to that world of wonders, to Derek.
“Care for a dance?” a familiar voice asks.
Stiles bolts upright and looks at the man who is standing by his side, his hand outstretched.
Stiles blinks, confused. “Me?”
The young man – the nephew of Peter Hale – smiles and whispers, “I did promise I’d save you one.”
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shushiyuii · 2 years
Lush Caves and Lost Fae (Part 1)
Notes: Okay! I finished my exchange for @vermillionfigher ! (Tag doesn’t work aa) This was actually a really fun story to write and I’m really happy with how things turned out with it! Aaaaaa 
(I’m gonna separate it into two parts in case it causes somebody lag)
Prom: Lush cave exploring with the boys (SBI)
Warnings: Mentions of death and neglect, dying of thirst (Dw it doesn’t happen), Kidnapping (Technically speaking), Lots of crying, Running away, Angst, Vore mention and most importantly a very sad Tommy. (If I miss any just let me know!)
Word count: 12,000+ (With the two parts)
Next Part
The teenager was sprawled out across his bed as he’d usually be, dawn had just arisen and Tommy being the young boy he was, refused to give daylight the sense of day and wake up. He was determined to win against the sun.
Tommy shifted, the springs of his bed complaining under his weight. A shame though as sunlight only attacked his eyes, causing Tommy to shield them with his forearm. ‘Do I have to get up?’, the boy groggily thought.
Tiredly sighing, Tommy sat up as the springs of his bed again complained. It was a really old bed, he’d love to have a new mattress as the springs of his current one liked to scratch at his legs quite often during the night.
But they couldn’t afford another mattress, at least not at the moment. They needed to focus on making money for the upcoming Winter as his caretaker said, even though it was only early Summer. 
Stretching out his bones for the day, he reached for his pair of goggles on the bedside. Smiling as he looked towards one of the cracked lenses, given to him by his mentor. It was one of his most prized possessions.
Combing his hands through his hair in an attempt to tame his wild bed-locks, he placed the goggles on his head, as they belonged. A knock came at his door, indicating it was time for him to get up. 
Letting out an annoyed sigh, he got up and reached towards his dresser, grabbing some random white blouse that was a bit too big but still fit him and a pair of beige shorts. As soon as he put those on, he grabbed his jacket that hung off the door.
A short-sleeved, red-tinted leather jacket. A gift from his caretaker and another thing he owned and particularly liked. Just as he finished getting ready, a knock came from his bedroom door, signalling that it was time for breakfast.
His stomach grumbled at the thought of breakfast, so quickly he made his way to the dining area. The floorboards groaned with each step, the place itself may be worn down but it was stable and comfortable, so he never complained.
Taking a seat at the table, leaning his elbow against the old wood. He looked towards the handy old stove where his caretaker leaned over, tending to the firewood to keep it ablaze. Whatever was cooking was most likely for lunch, probably stew.
Tommy let out a groan at the thought of another stew, the same thing over again. His caretaker quickly turned his head over with a glare, it had no haste but still daunting nonetheless. Okay, maybe he complained once in a while.
His caretaker let out a sigh as he stood up and turned towards a basket, handing Tommy a baked bun as he took his seat at the table. His long pink hair tied back into its usual braid, it was much more well kept than Tommy’s hair, all things considered.
“Listen, uh…”, he paused for a moment, “I know you’re sick of potato stew all the time, but it’s all we really got and all I can really cook.”, he spoke in his usual monotone voice as he ate his baked bun. Tommy only nodded as he bit into his own.
At least by the late Summer, they would have a harvest of apples, it was a time of year he really looked forward to as Techno would make his special recipe of golden apples. It was odd how he managed to turn the apples a different colour and only Techno himself knew the recipe but by the gods it was good.
Not only that, but it sold like crazy. And usually, if Tommy helped out with the harvest, he’d get his share of coins to spend and a golden apple pie, the best pie in the world. And by far it was the best thing he had ever tasted.
The thought lightened up Tommy’s mood as he ate his bun at a faster pace, Techno seemed to notice but didn’t comment, only a smile graced his features. Most people would call his smile a rare sight after Techno’s retirement, but it was simply behind closed doors.
Tommy and Techno’s relationship was odd at best. Although not related by blood, Tommy would consider Techno to be his brother rather than his caretaker, but Techno would always deny the brotherly relationship, instead of painting himself as a simple caretaker. 
After he argued with the king, the old general retired. Instead of treading dangerous battles for glory, honour and the safety of the kingdom. He now lived on a barely surviving farm and ran a market stall to sell his harvests.
Despite the drastic change, it was much more relaxing for Technoblade. He lived in peace, with no voices that craved the blood of the enemy. Carl, his loyal horse, came to a halt outside of the local bakery.
Techno let out a huff as he jumped down from Carl, the horse turning to him as he did so. What many could say was a blatant stare was more of a fond look towards the horse. Reaching into his satchel and bringing out an apple for the horse.
As Carl bit into the apple, the local baker was quick to greet him with her usual friendly smile. Her name was Niki, although Techno didn’t know too much besides business exchange. She was indeed a sweetheart, sometimes giving Techno leftover baked goods for his hard work.
“Good Morning Sir Techno!”, Niki addressed by his precious title. Despite how many times he corrected her, she insisted on calling him by the title and Techno ended up giving up. Techno greeted her with his usual nod.
As Carl finished his apple, Techno was quick to pick up the crates of wheat that lay in the cart. Niki opened the door for him as he brought them inside. As they finished the exchange, Niki handed him the bag of coins as promised and some baked goods. 
Techno thanked her with a smile and left to run his stall at the market, after that the day went by as per usual. Some looked upon him solemnly as he was the old general. Or with a look of disappointment for his retirement, he had grown used to the matter.
The customer handed him a couple of coins in exchange for some apples. Letting out a sigh as he looked towards the sky, once bright with sunlight had dimmed as the night drew closer. He deemed the customer as the last for the day.
It didn’t take long for him to close up his stall as most of his stock was already on his cart. Carl appeared to be eager to leave, the horse probably being a bit tired himself or bored from standing in one place too long.
Patting the horse on the nose, he was reminded of the baked goods that Niki had given him. They were probably cold by now but they’d still be good to eat. Not wanting them to go to waste, he grabbed the paper bag from his satchel and brought out a biscuit.
Taking a quick bite, Techno hummed at the sweet taste. Niki’s baking had always been really good, perhaps he’d have to learn the recipe at some point. After all, he really could only make a quick stew.
The bag was quickly snatched from his hand rather suddenly, the retired knight was quick to react and grab the wrist of the perpetrator. The thief lashed out as Techno dragged him back towards him, he was quick to notice that the thief was only a kid.
A street rat no less, his clothes were dirty and ragged and his hair was an utter mess. The kid attempted to squirm in his hold, the kid’s free arm that held the baked goods was used to try and fight him off.
But Techno simply stared, unaffected by the kids' attempt to escape. As Techno drew a closer look, the boy was skinny, perhaps a little too much so. He must’ve been starving, the poor kid.
Techno couldn’t blame the kid for trying to take the food, the kid was probably starving and trying to survive. Eventually, a raspy voice spoke, “LET ME GO, YOU SON OF A BITCH!”. Quite the language from a boy so young.
Techno was going to have to socialize, wasn’t he? Despite being a valiant general, Techno had never done much talking except bark orders at his fellow soldiers into battle. He wasn’t exactly the best at conversation.
“Uh- Kid? I’m not going to hurt you or anything. Calm down”, a bit of concern laced his voice. The last thing he wanted was for the child to become scared or run away from him. The boy slowly stopped his squirms and peered open an eye towards Techno. It was quickly turned into a glare.
Techno let go of the kid, and the boy was quick to shove whatever was left of the biscuits into his hand. And just as quickly turned to leave, most likely to never be seen by him again. Techno could only empathize, he had been in similar circumstances once.
“Hey!”, he called out towards the boy, who just as quickly turned back towards him. Techno held out the paper bag towards the boy, the kid hesitated but ended up taking back the paper bag and ran off. 
That was never the last time he saw the boy though.
As days passed, encounters grew more often between the two of them as Techno would hand out more food to the kid. A bond of sorts formed between them, and before he knew it himself. He had taken in the boy for the upcoming winter as he’d never survive.
And the young boy ended up staying, his name was Theseus.
But despite everything, they were most definitely brothers. Even if Techno were to deny that fact. Techno had raised him from a little thief to a much more capable young man. At least that’s what he believed.
Because Techno would always have to teach him the same things over again such as not to choose violence as your first option after some random guy insulted your best friend’s new haircut. He still chose violence anyways because it was easier.
And even Techno could agree on that front because the man himself wasn’t always easy with conversation. Plus, if he and Techno were in similar circumstances, Techno would easily take on an opponent.
“Hey, Techno! You’re zoning out again!”, Tommy waved his hand in front of Techno’s face to attempt at getting him back in reality. Techno simply huffed in reply as he finished his baked bun and stood up.
Grabbing a cup from the upper shelf and filling it up with water, handing it to Tommy as he returned to his seat. “So, what’s your current assignment?" asked Techno as Tommy began to gulp down the entirety of the water.
“I haven’t really been able to work on any of my assignments due to Sam wanting us to help him with his latest invention, I can’t say much about it but it’s really cool Techno! Amazing! It’s going to change the kingdom for the better!”. Tommy excitedly explained.
Techno couldn’t be more proud of Tommy, once a street boy, now an apprentice under the royal engineer, Sam. When Techno had taken the young boy in, he taught the kid many things such as mechanics. 
He taught Tommy everything he knew about mechanics, they’d fix up an old car sometimes and eventually, Tommy began tinkering with all sorts of things. Being able to pick them apart piece by piece and put them back together perfectly.
One day, a car had broken down in the main plaza and Tommy was quick to help the bloke and his car. It just so happened that The Royal Engineer was passing by and spotted Tommy’s talents and took him in.
Now, having honed his skills, Tommy is a genius and remarkable engineer. He couldn’t be more proud of him. Techno smiled to himself as he stood up from the table and went towards the coat rack where he hung his straw hat. 
Placing it on his head, he turned to Tommy who had also joined him. The boy was quick to open the door and race outside towards the stables, grabbing a handful of wheat along the way to greet Carl.
“Hey, Carl! Hey buddy”, he cooed towards the horse, gently stroking his mane. Carl was his old companion, once his warrior horse and now just a regular one. To give credit where it was due, Carl was an incredibly intelligent horse.
Techno was quick to place the reins on Carl, and prep him for travel. After Carl finished his wheat, Tommy hopped into the cart as Techno took the reins and in routine, they took off towards the kingdom.
“Alright Kiddo, we’re here.”Tommy hopped out of the cart, grabbing his satchel before he headed off into the building known as the workshop. Patting Carl on the head as thanks, Techno was quick to ruffle his hair when Tommy’s guard was down.
Tommy glared sharply at Techno, but the man feigned ignorance and pretended the act of affection had never happened. He let out a huff as Techno began to lead Carl away from the building. Bitch.
Tommy passed through the squeaky doors and walked down the stairs towards the basement where both his colleagues were. Placing his satchel on a random desk, he stretched and approached his colleague.
His colleague was quite a bit shorter than Tommy, making him perfect to lean on. Despite this, the colleague remained unaffected and continued working on his given task. “Tommy, get off, will you?”, his colleague attempted to shake him off.
His little companion, best friend and arch-nemesis, Tubbo Underscore. He and Tubbo met at the workshop and have gotten along ever since, becoming best friends in fact. Tubbo, or Sir Tubbo as he really should be addressed.
Tubbo was from a noble family that worked directly underneath the king, his father was the king's, right-hand man. Though Tubbo never cared to fuss about the etiquette or rules he was supposed to follow as the next in line to become the next lord of the family. 
Tubbo was never a fan of formalities, preferring simplicity over anything. His family could be rather demanding at times and he could never express his passions or talents there, so the workshop was his escape. Normalcy. 
Tommy only huffed, moving himself to sit on the desk, one leg on the desk as the other hung loosely. It was then that Tubbo turned his attention from whatever he was working on and toward Tommy.
 Tommy smirked in greeting, as he leaned in closer to inspect Tubbo’s tinkering. It appeared to be a music box, but Tommy knew his best friend well enough to know that the music box wasn’t simply just a music box.
“What’s the twist, this time?”, he questioned and Tubbo was quick to finish up the tinkering and handed it off to Tommy. Curious, Tommy began to pull the handle as a small melody began to play. The pace of the song began to quicken as Tommy further pulled the handle. 
 He let out a yelp as something jumped out of the music box, he almost threw the box towards the wall. Tubbo laughed at his reaction and Tommy could only huff in response. On further inspection, Tubbo had adjusted a mechanism so that at the end of the melody, it would jump out.
Quite scary, yet entertaining nonetheless. Besides being his best friend, Tubbo was secondly his rival. The two of them fought for Sam’s attention, hoping that one day they would someday get the position as the Royal Engineer.
Tommy didn’t stay with Tubbo for too long as he had to let his boss know he was here. And so, he went towards Sam’s latest project and found him welding some metal. The man didn’t take long to notice Tommy’s presence. 
“Tommy. Hello!”, He waved as he placed his torch to the side, taking off the protective mask as he greeted Tommy with a pat on the shoulder. Tommy returned it with his smile, looking towards the invention in front of them.
The three of them had been working on the project for the past couple of months and after much hard work,  it was finally near enough done. It was a special device designed to cooperate with magic.
And the machine would be able to use that magic to create a gigantic, protective barrier over the kingdom. Keeping away unwanted visitors such as the creatures like vampires, werewolves, sirens and fae.
Essemore was a kingdom of humans and humans were natural prey for the outside creatures and were constantly at war with them. To combat it, a barrier was created to stop them. And it was missing one final piece.
What it required was a magical object, powerful enough to create the barrier. An ordinary person wouldn’t be able to fuel the barrier, even if they had powerful capabilities. And ever since they started, Sam handed out a commission for anything magic related.
So far, nobody has come back with an object powerful enough. And so, it wouldn’t be used for a while until they got the object. Even though they had worked so hard on it. 
Sam ended up tasking Tommy with some maintenance and perhaps upgrading things as he saw necessary. A couple of hours of work passed, Tubbo ended up joining him in maintenance and it was finally finished.  
The three of them looked up towards their latest piece of work, admiring it in all its glory. It was an invention that could change the world and they were excited about the discoveries and possibilities they had yet to find.
“Congratulations Boys!”, Sam wrapped each of his arms around the boys, pulling them into a side hug. “Without your guy's help, this wouldn’t have been possible. And I couldn’t be more proud of how far you guys have come.”.
Tommy leaned into the side hug, proud of not only himself but also his team for the hard work. Surely, great things were soon to come. “Y’know, I’ve got a surprise for the two of you since you’ve both been working hard”.
Sam ruffled both of their heads as he said that Tommy's goggles fell off his head onto his eyes clumsily. The other two laughed at the sight as Tommy fixed the position of his goggles, grumping while doing so.
After that, he continued, “I’m rewarding the two of you with a vacation!”. Tubbo and Tommy looked at each other in confusion, Sam only smirked. “Come on! Don’t look so confused, the both of you deserve the break!”.
Tommy was joyful at the thought of the vacation but couldn’t help but feel as though something was incomplete. And well, it was the invention that was bugging him. After so much work, it wasn’t going to be used for a while without an object.
But what if Tommy himself found the object?
Perhaps his plan wasn’t exactly the best, but the vacation was the perfect opportunity to search for an artefact! Anything! It was just exciting for a chance to get out of the kingdom. Though, perhaps he should’ve told Techno about his little expedition?
“I should probably head back”, he muttered to nobody but the wilderness. Tommy knew himself well, he was known to be reckless. He was going to get an earful from Techno by the time he got back.
It was too late to turn back now though, he had already left the walls of the castle with a couple of days worth of food and water. Plus, it wasn’t as though he was going to be out longer than that duration. He didn’t intend to go too far off.
He just needed to find a magical artefact that was capable of powering a machine for centuries within a couple of days. There was no problem at all, none at all! Though, he couldn’t help but feel afraid.
He was out in the wilderness, every small ruffle of the bushes was enough to send him on edge. It was probably a good thing considering the creatures that were out in the woodlands. For example, a werewolf.
Otherwise known as Lycanthrope, werewolves were known as creatures of the night. Mankind could shift into wolf-like forms, whether it be full-on wolf or humanoid. They were immensely dangerous and territorial but had a weakness in silver.
Techno would often tell him tales of the creatures he encountered before or what he’s heard about them, warning Tommy of their dangers. Out of the many he would talk about, the most he talked about were that of the fae.
Fae, otherwise known as fairies were manipulative and captivating trickers. Though never lying, they would falsely promise to get a nice reaction from their prey. They lurked in fairy rings, circles of flowers, mushrooms or anything.
Thanks to Techno’s rambles, he practically had all their rules memorised to a tea. For example, never give your name, never say please or thank you, never step within the ring, never lie, be polite, and never accept any form of gift or food. 
Though, from what Techno had told him. They were rather interesting creatures, he’d like to meet one if it weren’t for the fact he’d be simple food for them. Shaking his head, he had to focus on the task at hand. Find the artefact.
Tommy took the chance to admire the scenery, although living on a farm, the land was always bland and never as crazy and magical as a forest ever was. The number of different flowers he saw with vibrant colours, he almost wanted to make a flower crown with them.
It was beautiful, and it’d been a while since Tommy had seen some nature that wasn’t simply growing plants. He took some time to look up towards the bright blue sky with the filtering white, fluffy clouds.
For the first time in a while, he felt free. Free of stress and responsibility. He felt like almost a kid again, making him want to succumb to his childish desires and run around like a wolf in the forest.
Well, a little bit of fun couldn’t hurt? And so, he ran throughout the forest. Marvelling at the sights he saw, beautiful streams with lily pads, unexplored caves, trees as tall as him, plants that most likely poison him, and the small adorable critters.
Though, his fun didn’t last as long as he’d liked. As Tommy had again been reckless, perhaps dangerously so as he lost his footing. He scrambled to grab onto anything, anything to hold onto.
But nothing.
A scream escaped him as he plummeted into the caverns deep below. The next thing Tommy knew, everything had gone blank.
A groan of pain escaped the young boy as he regained his consciousness. A gasp escaped him as he was quick to sit up, although a mistake as pain sored up his back. Although painful, it was bearable.
And Tommy crouched on his knees, looking up at his surroundings. It was quite the fall as he could barely make out the sunlight above, how wasn’t he dead? It was as though it were a sort of miracle.
His hands turned to fists anxiously, and the flowers under his fingers crumbled. The flowers must’ve cushioned his fall somewhat, and that itself was a miracle. He questioned how he was supposed to escape? No idea came to mind.
He was stuck.
Trying to take his mind off of things, he took the time to observe his surroundings. Surprisingly, the cave was lush in nature. Each edge was either covered in moss or vines that grew from the ceiling above.
The cave floor was covered in grass, surrounded by beautiful flowers and mushrooms. There were small bushes and trees, strangely. Though despite all his questions, it was beautiful. Just as beautiful as the forest above.
Tommy couldn’t help but notice the small crystals that emerged from the walls, each one vibrant and making the entire cavern seem magical. He believed he had heard about this cave, it was known as a lush cave.
Techno had told him about it, hidden caves were beautiful scenery. He took the opportunity to stand up and explore. As he threaded through the cave, he grew suspicious as he felt as though he was being watched.
“Hello? Is somebody there?”, a soothing voice called out to Tommy. The voice sounded musical in tone, captivating. He wanted to see who had that voice, yet he only stopped in his steps. Why would someone be down here?
Unless it wasn’t a person.
Tommy’s suspicion turned to fear as whatever was around the corner would most likely have a desire to feast on him and with how the voice was alluring him. It was that of a fae, probably one of the most dangerous of all.
 The fae was definitely nearby with how close the call was, no wonder he had heard Tommy. And now he’d have to be careful of the fae, be aware of its tricks and keep a distance. Tommy gulped nervously as he turned the corner.
What he saw was indeed a fae, a handsome one of that. He sat upon a rock, scanning around cautiously for whatever he had heard. He hadn’t seen Tommy just yet, and well Tommy couldn’t help but look at his features.
The fae had short, curly brown hair that covered one of his eyes,  a streak of blonde hair was also there. He had yellow eyes that were just as bright as the sun, white freckles adorned his cheeks with a rounded pair of glasses.
Fae were known to look mostly human, though the fae he saw had pointy ears, a pair of deer-like antlers on the top of his head, and not only that but the fae’s lower half was entirely deer-like in structure, no human legs to be seen.
He wore an oversized yellow sweater, but the collar of his blouse was still visible. Another thing to comment on would be the size of the fae, from what he had heard fae were about the same size as humans.
This one though towered over him, at least by 10 feet. The fae finally seemed to have noticed Tommy as he looked in his general direction, a smile graced the fae’s features with pointy teeth.
Even beautiful, still a monster. “Oh- Why hello there, my little fawn! Did you fall from above by chance?”, The fae stood up with concern expressed over his features. Do not fall for his tricks.
Not wanting to be rude, he answered with a shake in his voice. “Yes, I did sir.”.The fae hummed and stopped near a couple of brown mushrooms which he presumed were the fairy ring. At least he was safe, technically speaking.
“Are you hurt?”, Tommy shook his head in reply. The fae gave another friendly smile, though he couldn’t help but feel as though there was something sinister behind the smile. 
“Ah- Perhaps some introductions are due? My name is Wilbur, whatever is your name my little fawn?”. Tommy could almost cringe at the nickname, he had only just met the fae and yet he was already trying to taunt and give his name.
“My name is Tommy, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Wilbur”, Wilbur’s eyes subtly narrowed as his smile turned into a mischievous smirk. It appeared that the fae was already aware that Tommy knew.
“Quite clever, my little fawn. You know what I am, don’t you?”, the fae looked as though he were entertained as he leaned upon his elbow. Shivers crawled down Tommy’s spine, whatever happened next he’d need to be careful. 
“It’s been quite a while since I met somebody like you. I do hope you will give me a challenge, won’t you, my little fawn?”. He focused on the fae’s eyes, stepping forward, the eyes zoned in on his location.
Their gaze reminded him of that of a predator lurking on its prey, the fae was focused itself. The fae didn’t appear frustrated with a lack of response, his smile only growing as he continued to keep his eyes upon Tommy. 
“Let’s see how long you’ll last..”.
After the first encounter, Tommy ended up settling beside a tree that was a little distance from the fae. Because he needed to be polite to the fae, that would mean responding to his calls so it was a simple precaution.
Tommy would’ve much preferred to be in any form of isolation than being hunted down by a fae. As for said fae didn’t quite seem too keen to leave Tommy alone. Pretending as though the previous conversation had never happened.
He had told the fae or Wilbur that he was going to settle down nearby, and just over some trees, he could see tall antlers peeking out from between the leaves. He was being watched, and Tommy wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the entire thing.
Once he’d returned, Wilbur sat back down with that usual uneasy smile. Unfortunately, Tommy had no equipment nor experience to get out of the cave on his own and he’d probably die trying to.
So either he tried and failed, or got eaten by the fae. Tommy wasn’t sure what was the better option, he hadn’t given up though. There was a chance that Techno would come looking for him and rescue him.
Or maybe the fae was his other possibility of escape? Though the chances of that were close to none. 
“Tommy? Little fawn? Is everything alright?”, Tommy snapped out his thoughts. Right, he was talking with the fae, probably best to concentrate on that rather than a means of escape. He wants to survive as long as possible.
“Oh- S-”, he almost apologised, “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking about a couple of things. I didn’t mean to disturb your speaking, Mr Wilbur”. It felt as though he was sucking up to someone in authority, instead this time it was the food chain.
“Quite alright. Although if something is on your mind, care to speak about it? It isn’t the healthiest thing to allow the mind to cloud.”, Wilbur concerned, looking strangely worried. Though it was all an act.
Yet, the fae was probably the only thing that would keep him from insanity. “Oh- I’m just thinking about somebody, my family to be exact. They’ll be worried to find out I’m trapped down here.”. The fae nodded with a gentle smile.
“Do tell about your family, won’t you? Perhaps speaking about them will make you feel better, my little fawn?”. Tommy attempted to get himself more comfortable against the rock, bringing his knees to his chest as he looked toward the fae.
“I guess- I only have one family member, his name is Techno. He’s my caretaker but he’s more like a brother to me. He used to be a cool guy! Still is- but now he’s retired, and now I live with him on a farm.”.
“He was the previous general for Essemore, a really powerful warrior and nobody could stop him! But he stopped after an argument with a king, I tried asking about it but never went into much detail, just something about a war? I think.”.
The fae looked intrigued by Tommy’s rambles, the usual smile had turned to a much more relaxed one. At least he wouldn’t be alone, even if the fae appeared to be rather annoying. Better than nothing, he supposed.
People said sleeping out in the open nature was a luxury. And Tommy believed those fated tales, but they were mere lies. Tommy couldn’t sleep at all during the night, he felt cold and uneasy.
Not only that but he felt as though he had been watched, as though something was in the shadows. Perhaps Wilbur wasn’t the only creature around, he’d have to be careful when he further explores if he bothers to do so.
Feeling peckish, he opened his satchel for food. Bringing out a squished piece of bread, he grimaced at his amount of food. He only had another piece of bread and a bottle of water, which he’d drink shortly.
With these supplies, Tommy would only last up to a couple of days. He could only hope that Techno would find him in that time, it was his only hope. Otherwise, he didn’t even want to think about it.
Stuffing the piece of bread into his mouth, Wilbur appeared to have heard him or something as he heard the rustling of the trees. Though Wilbur couldn’t approach him, he spotted the fae staring down at him as he leaned against a tree branch.
It was a creepy sight but didn’t bother to comment on it. Standing up, he approached the fae like he did the other day. Wilbur sat down beside him, in the distance for the fae ring. “Good morning, my little fawn. Did you rest well?”.
Tommy shook his head, “Not really”. Wilbur let out a calming hum, his eyes narrowed as though in thought. Tommy hung his head curiously which caught Wilbur’s attention, he looked as though he’d been caught off guard. Before his usual smile returned.
“Sleep doesn’t always come easy, I’m afraid. Especially considering the circumstances, if it makes you feel better. I’ve gotten you a gift, maybe that’d make you feel better?”, Wilbur turned to grab something from the bushes.
When shown to Tommy, it was an emerald pair of earrings. They looked well taken care of as the jewels shined under the daylight. They looked high quality as well, they’d be worth quite a bit. 
Tommy was perplexed at the gift, Wilbur had only known him for a short time and here he was, offering an expensive gift. It was no doubt another trick up his sleeves, he wouldn’t allow it. After all, you should never accept a gift from that of the fae.
“Oh- Wilbur…”, What was he supposed to say again? “I’m honoured that you offer me such a wonderful gift but I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept it.”, Wilbur’s smile turned to a frustrated look, he wasn’t happy.
Great. “You see, with such a generous gift such as this one. I would never be able to repay your kindness as I am just a mere human with no possible way of repayment. With all due respect Mr Wilbur, I must regrettably reject your gift”.
The fancy talk was draining, did Techno have to talk like this all the time back at the castle? Must’ve been exhausting. Wilbur’s look went from frustrated to disappoint, taking the gift away to the side before he turned back to Tommy.
“It’s quite alright, my little fawn. Perhaps another time, how about we discuss something else? Would you be inclined to tell me of your life upon the surface?”, Wilbur’s peeked with interest as he sat criss-cross on the floor, looking at Tommy expectantly.
Tommy hesitated for a moment, but he’d already upset Wilbur and he didn’t want to end up being cursed or even Techno by chance. He would have to comply with Wilbur’s request, plus it was something to talk about.
“Okay, well I guess to begin would be that I was an apprentice, under The Royal Engineer. I worked there with my best friend, and my only friend.”. Wilbur looked confused at Tommy’s words.
“Engineer? What is that?”, Tommy looked back to Wilbur with his confusion. He thought fae were all-knowing creatures, did he not know what an engineer was?
“Oh- It’s just a job. Where you work with machines and stuff.”, Wilbur nodded knowingly though Tommy could tell he didn’t understand. It was a bit funny, perhaps he won’t be too bored after all.
Tommy looked down worriedly at his satchel, with one piece of bread and only some water left. He debated eating that day, he could ration it for another day. But Techno said that he should always keep up his strength.
Plus, he remembered the days of the streets. Of starvation, he didn’t quite want to feel like that again. He’d been at death’s door many times, he was just lucky that Techno had taken him in or who knows what would’ve happened.
Perhaps he could find another source of food? There were plenty of mushrooms and he’d heard they were edible at least brown ones. So, at least he wouldn’t immediately die of starvation. And with that realisation, he ate his last baked bun.
Water though, there was no option for. There were no sources of water, the only one he had found was the one in Wilbur’s fairy ring. Speaking of the fae, he called out to Tommy. And Tommy went to go talk to him once again.
He attempted another trick, promising to show Tommy something if he stepped within the fairy ring. But Tommy managed to ignore the trick, he was beginning to grow tired.
Two days had passed, luckily the mushroom Tommy had been eating wasn’t poisonous and had a stable amount of food. Yet, the other day he had run out of water. He attempted to get another drop out of his bottle, yet nothing.
He hoped that Techno would find him soon enough, otherwise he’d die of thirst than starvation. And he wasn’t sure what was quite the better option. Allowing Wilbur to take him, or wait it out as he slowly died.
He wanted to cry, he was running out of options. It had been 4 days since he’d gotten stuck in the cave, a miracle he’d survived so far. Sighing as he pushed away his emotions, he yet again went to meet back with Wilbur.
As he stood, he felt subtly dizzy. It had only been about a day without water. He was scared but chose to ignore his symptoms.
When he approached the circle, Wilbur looked to be eating on a fancy plate, on top of it was a slice of cake. It looked almost as delicious as Niki’s baking, he wanted to eat it.
Beside Wilbur was another slice of cake on a separate plate, it was then he noticed Tommy. Greeting him sheepishly, “Oh hello again, my little fawn! Are you doing well?”, he attempted to hand Tommy the piece of cake with a smile.
Tommy only shook his head, “Thank you for the offer Mr Wilbur, but I’m afraid I’m not hungry.”, he was hungry, mushrooms weren’t as filling as you’d like them to be. Not only that but they tasted disgusting.
Wilbur only smirked in victory.
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shushiyuii · 2 years
whats your favorite au and reason(s) its ur favorite :))
Aaaaaaa Do I have to pick just one? What if I pick multiple? >:3 (I’m not too sure if you meant other peoples aus or mine so I’ll just list them off)
Giant foster au - The au belongs to my beloved child Puzzle, the story itself is really well written and just hits close to home if I’m honest jssnnsmssn (Honestly I love all of Puzzles aus, they’re so good!!)
Secret shifter au - Au belongs to Zeetle! I’ve been reading the au a lot recently and aaaaa I love it /pos I’ve been reading their stories for a long while and they’re a really great writer!
SOTI - An au made by Aperson, it was one of the first aus I’ve ever read and boy the angst but it is good kssnsnsn /pos
Snake Surprise - Au by the beloved Fog System! (Smoggy my beloved /p) that’s kind of just stuck with me over the past year, I just love it sjsnsnsns
Cyncerity - I’m not naming just one because I love so many of their aus! Go check them out if you haven’t because yes, recommended /pos
Slimes - Again, I really don’t have a definite au favourite of theirs since there’s too many to choose from, but I love em all!
Dicey - Just Dicey, go read diceys works because haha Dicey is fucking awesome. Great friend and their aus are just fucking pog /pos
AslitherPrinx - Xir aus are just great, fucking love them. Writing is just over all 10/10. Go read xir works!
Jkknight - Just go read, no other words. Just read /pos
There are many more out there that I love and these ones are just at the top of my head ksnssnsn
As for my own aus:
Atlantic runaways - besides Subject T0M, it was one of the first aus I ever wrote (which includes the old writing aaa) but I still love it, it’s a very close story to my heart.
Adopt a mortal - I’ve always loved zombie games and shit, got an idea of just a zombie friend dynamic and just ran with it jsnsnssm
His strange parasitic brother - I love the venom movies and I’d thought it’d be cool to mix my own interests into it. I definitely plan on rewriting it because I haven’t done it justice but aaaa
Demonic chains - Theres a lot of world building me and dicey have made behind to the scenes which I plan on getting into in the main story but aaaa I love the au
Trust the process - I just feel like it’s one of my best aus, and one I have many plans for in the future. I love found family dynamics and the mysteries that may lay in the lore I have planned so far.
Ghostly friend - Despite only having one part at the moment, it’s actually one of my most favourite aus due to what i have planned for it, might be a bit angsty but there’s gonna be plenty of fluff to combat it >:3
Lush caves and lost fae - When I wrote it, I decided to try and challenge my writing skills to the best of my ability and now I’m really proud of the result. I sadly don’t have any ideas to continue at the moment but I do wish too aaaa
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