#Luv my sister
pgratedlies · 2 years
advice story time (not eventful but I should share my discoveries before I pull a hermit crab on the world and peace out my contribution to socialization)
Ok so writer's block sucks ass and I'm more of a pussy/dick person so it writer's block can trip on an egg and fall into the 6th ring of hell.
And I was super pissy about it, draft due on Friday, I got decent sleep this week but a girl wants to sit in bed on Pinterest not stuck on her stuff ass chair typing. So after being dramatic about it I was like "Hey this is a feature article and if imma hate whatvr I write anws why not just write whatever the hell?", Before this I asked my sister and she cheered me up and told me to use some of the inside jokes of the fandom we're in.
Suprise, suprise- if u whip out yo stash of gummy bears, Luke warm water and (this is my secret element) the most emotive song about the emotion ur tryna convey (get a loop) then they're ya go. First off the gummy bears were a reminder for me to keep the writing decently positive, gummy bears make me happy- fruity(teehee) flavours, not too chewy but u still get that stuck on ur teeth feeling and they're sweet, now for the emotive song if ur writing sad things listen to sad songs, if you wanna write about a normal lifestyle get a generic song if you wanna write about marine life listen to under the sea specifically.
Also type in comic sans- you get so angry u wanna finish as fast as u can and boom! A half essay in 30
Now when writing I was totally messing around but in a serious way, I used inside jokes and I got a laugh outta my sister but I aldo got a great fucking intro after 2 fucking hours of procrastination ✨✨
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wisecrownvoid · 7 years
My Narcissism and Superiority complex merged to create this vast well of self confidence. Of course this comes with the gritty water of pride, but Im working on it, I've got a britta filter
My sister
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romonostalgia · 9 years
omgg my sister just tagged me in a post on instagram and it was of that shirt that's like 'walk into the club like hey what I got social anxiety and I want to go home'
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sardonicplague · 9 years
its 3 am and izzy is sending me pokemon memes over skype
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yallre-blog · 9 years
i army crawled my way to shelly's room and now i'm laying on top of her because she won't fucking move over and cover me with any blankets
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sarkassm · 11 years
my sister and I watch Adventure Time almost every day together.
I hope that when she reaches the age of experimenting with weed, that I haven't out grown it and we can both get high and watch it together so she can understand how much better it is.
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