#Lyra “Chaos” Mitchell
iliketopgun · 5 months
Hear me out
The Dagger (and Madison) girls welcoming the Dagger boys home
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millipop · 7 years
tagged by @artemyscrock ummm i tag @drinkupslags if you have time and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it
favourite book of all time?
on the jellicoe road - melina marchetta or shades of grey - jasper fforde or the bone clocks - david mitchell
what are you currently reading?
chaos walking trilogy i guess
have you ever considered writing a book?
yes but i probably don’t have the patience/endurance/motivation
favourite series?
his dark materials or thursday next or graceling?? or a series of unfortunate events i can’t choose?? honourable mention to harry potter ofc
book you’d like to read?
i need to read the rest of david mitchell books and haruki murakami books tbh
what’s on your tbr pile?
six of crows
favourite fictional characters?
ffs i have so many?? katsa from graceling, lyra silvertongue, lily quench, luna lovegoooood
favourite ship of all time?
i mean i guess jily lmao but lyra/will, katsa/po own my ass, also sansa/margaery my gay queens
pick up the book closest to you and write down the first paragraph:
Three miles up the river Thames from the centre of Oxford, some distance from where the great colleges of Jordan, Gabriel, Balliol, and two dozen others contended for mastery in the boat races, out where the city was only a collection of towers and spires in the distance over the misty levels of Port Meadow, there stood the priory of Godstow, where the gentle nuns went about their holy business; and on the opposite bank from the priory there was an inn called the Trout. - the book of dust: la belle sauvage by phillip pullman
what’s the first fandom you were in?
lmao harry potter duh
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ADMIN CAMERON: There’s a lot of room for growth with Thalia, a lot of different directions her character can be pulled in with the chaos of the Council. I’m excited to see the tug of war play out, towards which of her parentage she’s pulled in.  
You’ve been accepted as THE FRACTAL with the faceclaim of MAIA MITCHELL. Please follow all rules and regulations as laid out by the Roswell Town Council, especially concerning any non pre-approved biologic. All UFO’s outside of city limits must be stickered or will be towed. Enjoy your stay in the first city of extraterrestrials.
The Fractal
Thalia Mahin
Demigirl she/they
18, June 12, 2042
Artist, interpreter, college student
Maia Mitchell
Thalia’s parents met through their love of the stars. Her father, Sirius, a Luytan, was studying the constellations in Australia. As it happened, her mother, Mia, ran the observatory in Alice Springs, where her father was staying. It took some time for Lyra to warm up to the infatuated Michael, but after two years of persistence, the two had become almost inseparable. However, with the rising tension between species, Thalia’s parents had to keep their relationship a secret. They married in secret , with only a few close friends as witnesses, and promised each other that they wouldn’t have any children. That promise didn’t last long. Five years later, Lyra gave birth to a baby girl- Thalia. At first, Thalia’s parents tried to keep her a secret, but that didn’t last long either. Thalia proved herself to be an adventurous girl almost right away. Her parents had to keep a constant watch over her, as she had a tendency to wander out of the house at a moment’s notice.
As she got older, her curiosity was turned towards books, and she absorbed as many as she could. Her adventurous nature also had a habit of getting her into trouble, especially at school. Teachers often reported her as asking too many questions or daydreaming during class. Thalia did her best to fit in, but it wasn’t long before people found out about her parentage. For the most part, the other children at school avoided her at best or teased her at worst. But outside the classroom, Thalia flourished. Her father began tutoring her after class and on the weekend, and Thalia absorbed it all. Her mother also had a hand in her education; in addition to running the observatory, he was also in charge of the reservation it was on. In her spare time, Thalia would spend hours with her mother as he taught her about the plants and animals that lived there. On occasion, she would even accompany him on week-long trips across the reservation, where she learned about everything from poisonous plants to finding water in the desert.
Although Thalia was considered an outcast by most humans and Luytans, there were still a few places she could find herself at home. When she was 12, Thalia discovered a small art studio on the edge of the city. The few resident artists there didn’t care who Thalia was or where she came from, only that she needed somewhere to be herself. Thalia quickly took a shine to art, and the artists were only too happy to teach her what they knew. In particular, she liked to sit outside at night and paint the night sky, the very thing that had brought her parents and her species together. When she wasn’t painting, Thalia spent her time at her mother’s observatory. Most evenings, she’d do her homework while her father graphed star charts and taught her about the cosmos.
Despite her efforts to keep her small bit of peace, tensions from the rest of the world were slowly creeping in. In high school, the tensions between species soared, and often Thalia found herself caught in the crossfire between Luytans and humans. Finally the tension snapped. The confrontations at Thalia’s school became physical, and more than a few Luytans were reporting threats- or worse. Thalia’s parents weren’t overlooked either. They started getting threats in the mail and vandalism on the house. Someone even went so far as to damage one of the observatory telescopes. After what seemed like months of conflict, a conference was called in America to settle things. Thalia’s father was called in as an engineer and astronomer. Not wanting to stay in Alice Springs, Thalia decided to graduate early and follow her father as a college student.  Along with her studies, she quickly found herself working as an interpreter at the conference for those who didn’t want a translator for one reason or another. In her free time, Thalia still paints; these days, it’s the only thing that distracts her from the chaos outside.
Since she’s got a mix of genes, Thalia has the best- and worst- of both worlds. She’s creative and incredibly intelligent, but her Luytan heritage has messed with her sight. Like her father, she has no peripheral vision and poor night vision, although it was discovered that taking daily supplements somewhat improved this. In addition, she inherited her mother’s poor eyesight. When she was younger, she had to wear thick glasses in order to see, although now she gets by with contact lenses.
Thalia has a strong passion for the fine arts, especially painting. However, she is completely tone deaf and can’t play an instrument to save her life.
Because Thalia grew up speaking two languages, Luytan and English, as well as mastering a host of others, she sometimes gets confused. Often this results in her forgetting a word in one language and remembering it in a different one, or transferring the grammar from one language to another
Officially, Thalia is fluent in English, Luytan, French, and Centurian. She is considered proficient in Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, and Tau Cetian, and is conversational in half a dozen others
Thalia has a tattoo on her lower right back of the sun and moon, surrounded by stars
Finding home; Thalia is torn between her place as a Luytan and her place as a human. As the talks continue, more and more pressure is building to pick a side, and sooner or later she has to choose.
Beyond the stars; as a college student, Thalia is studying the fine arts. However, both her parents and her professors are encouraging her to explore her other options. According to them, she has potential as an interpreter or a linguist, or she could follow in her father’s footsteps and explore the rest of the universe.
Muse; Since she started her art lessons, Thalia has found herself working with one person ove and over again, either just side by side or on collaborative projects. The two have developed a sort of quiet friendship, and often open up to each other while they work
Break Room Allies; at the conference, things can sometimes get a little hectic. When she can’t take it anymore, Thalia escapes to the break room- and she’s not the only one. Together, they share complaints about the officers, funny stories, and whatever unlabled leftovers they can find in the fridge
Lone wolves; of course Thalia has friends, but she’s never found someone who knew what it felt like to be torn between two places. That is, until she ran into someone who understood exactly what she meant. The two often meet up for lunch or after work to vent and exchange whatever advice they can
Runners; While on a run one day soon after she arrived, Thalia realized she was lost. Fortunately, someone offered to show her the way back to her apartment. Soon after, they ran into each other again, and it didn’t take them long to realize that they ran the same route. Before long, they were meeting up most days to run their route together.
Removed for privacy.
Thalia’s playlist: Budapest, Southern Nights, Ruidoso, How Far We’ve Come, September, Fireflies, Holdin’ Out
Muse tag
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iliketopgun · 4 months
Someone stop me from writing a one shot where the Dagger Squad + my OCs have a swing dance competition
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iliketopgun · 6 months
I listened to nearly all of the 3 pitch perfect soundtracks recently and here's the idea I got before falling asleep
The daggers having acapella groups
The girls- The Flying Bellas (like the Barden Bellas, Lyra and Cassidy came up with it)
The boys- The Flyboys (Maverick did it)
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iliketopgun · 6 months
An AU where the dagger boys really piss off the dagger girls
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iliketopgun · 7 months
Rooster rushing in: what is it?
Chaos turning around with a baby in her arms: I want one
Rooster: *faints*
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iliketopgun · 8 months
Hayley giggling: Hey babe.
Jake: Yeah?
Hayley with a shit eating grin: How do you make holy water?
Jake: A priest blessing water?
Hayley: No, you boil the hell out of it!
Jake deadpan: Why the hell did I marry you?
Hayley: 'Cause I'm pretty and I'm fun!
Jake: Yeah, you are.
------Bob and Sam-----
Samantha watching the Hunger Games with Bob who has never seen it: I hope you like it.
Bob: Huh that's a cool pin!
Samantha, losing it not remembering this part from her last rewatching: NOT BOOK ACCURATE!
Bob, spilling popcorn everywhere: Wait what?
Samantha, without missing a beat: She didn't get it from her in the books, she got it from the mayor's daughter.
Bob, oh so confused: Oh hmmm.
-----Mickey and Cassidy-----
Cassidy listening to music home alone while making food: I think there's poison in those fingertips of yours.
Mickey, coming in: Hey babe!
Cassidy, dropping her spoon in shock: You saw nothing!
Mickey: Sure honey!
-----Lyra and Bradley-----
Lyra, sitting on the front porch reading: Who's fucking car is that?
Bradley pulling up in a minivan: Hey babe!
Bradley: I got a minivan so we can get a move on with having kids!
Bradley: Oh shit!
-----Madison and Javy-----
Madison walking in from work: Javy?
Javy holding his niece: Hey sweetheart.
Madison turning around: Whose baby is that?
Javy sheepishly: My sister's.
Madison smiling: I've had to take care of sick babies all day how about a healthy one.
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iliketopgun · 8 months
Lyra: You know those things will kill you, right?
Hayley pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Cassidy smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Samantha : *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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iliketopgun · 5 months
I can't decide y'all help
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iliketopgun · 8 months
"Wait a minute!"
A/N: I don't know what this is honestly it's safe below the cut I added it for ✨flair✨
Warnings: crappy writing, Canon x OC, cursing, things like that, mentions of alcohol, multiple ships majority Canon x OC
Synopsis: an AU where Jake and Hayley are married during the Uranium mission but not a lot of people know because Hayley uses her maiden last name still
Characters and pairings: Hayley "Mockingbird" Prescott/Hayley "Mockingbird" Seresin + Jake "Hangman" Seresin. Lyra "Chaos" Mitchell + Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (they're flirting), Madison Machado + Javy "Coyote" Machado. Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
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Despite the majority of them being pilots with a keen eye for details, Phoenix and Rooster couldn't believe that the girl that Hangman came in with was his wife. Hangman? With a wife? Let's backtrack shall we?
Hayley "Mockingbird" Seresin neé Prescott, one of two Texan pilots selected for the top secret mission at TOPGUN walked into the bar and looked around before ordering a beer and then walking around sipping it before spotting her husband, Jake "Hangman" Seresin playing pool and walks over and admires his ass. "Nice ass you got there." Hayley says, her wedding band and her engagement ring make a clinking sound against the glass bottle. "Haha, very nice honey." Jake says before standing up and pecking her cheek and grabbing her ass in retaliation and Rooster and Phoenix spot this and share a look "Does Bagman have a girlfriend?" Rooster asks Phoenix "No, they're probably engaged, she's got a ring on her finger" Phoenix says before Lyra walks over "Nah, they're married, see Bagman has a ring on his finger too." Lyra says and walks off before Phoenix walks over "Bagman, who's this lovely lady?" Phoenix asks making Madison Machado and Javy "Coyote" Machado chuckle, they were one of the few who knew Hayley and Jake were married. "Phoenix, this is my wife, Hayley "Mockingbird" Seresin." Jake says smugly "Hi, nice to meet you." Hayley says in her Texan accent that was thick and extends her hand for a handshake.
The end!
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Banner belongs to @/cafekitsune
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iliketopgun · 4 months
Top Gun coded Hamilton songs
"Congratulations" - Lyra to Pete who is concerned that he'll do something dumb and die like her grandfather
"Alexander Hamilton" - Jenna
"Aaron Burr, Sir" - Pete to Viper
"My Shot" - Claire
"The Story Of Tonight" - Javy, Jake, Mickey and Reuben
"The Schuyler Sisters" - Hayley, Zoë and Madison
"Right Hand Man" - Bob
"A Winter's Ball" - the boys being fools
"Helpless" - Hayley falling in love with Jake every day
"Satisfied" - Madison who had a crush on Jake but put it aside for her sister (not canon it's just all I have)
"The Story of Tonight (Reprise)" - Jake and Hayley making fun of Javy and Madison at Javy and Madison's wedding
"Wait For It" - Cassidy and Bradley
"Stay Alive" - Lyra worrying
"Ten Duel Commandments" - Lyra fights someone
"Meet Me Inside" - Pete lecturing Lyra
"That Would Be Enough" - Nick and Carole
"Guns and Ships" - Favorite Fighting Frenchman equals Hayley
"History Has Its Eyes On You" - Jenna, Cassidy, Claire, Hayley, Lyra, Samantha, Jake, Bradley, Mickey, Bob, Natasha, Reuben, and Javy
"Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)" - The Uranium Mission
"What Comes Next" - After The Uranium Mission
"Dear Theodosia" - Nick singing to Bradley and Cassidy
"Non-Stop" - Samantha trying to prove herself
"What'd I Miss" - Maverick coming back to Top Gun
"Cabinet Battle #1" - Jake and Bradley throwing insults at each other
"Take A Break" - Carole trying to talk Pete into seeing Lyra
"The Room Where It Happens" - Natasha, Lyra, Cassidy, Hayley, Samantha, Claire, and Jenna being barred for being female
"Schuyler Defeated" - Jake winning top spot
"Cabinet Battle #2" - Jake and Bradley throwing insults at each 2.0
"Washington On Your Side" - The other 1986 Flyboys
"One Last Time" - Viper retiring
"The Adams Administration" - Pete losing his temper again
"We Know" - Javy and Madison
"Hurricane" - Hayley
"Blow Us All Away" - Zoë getting hurt in a fight
"Stay Alive (Reprise)" - Cassidy and Lyra hoping for Bradley
"It's Quiet Uptown" - Cassidy and Bradley
"Election of 1800" - Cassidy gunning to be a 2 star admiral
"Your Obedient Servant" - Jake and Bradley's rivalry
"Best of Wives and Best of Women" - Nick's last words to Carole
"The World Was Wide Enough" - Tom, Nick and Pete
"Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" - Carole
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iliketopgun · 4 months
Damn him
A/N: cursing, repetitive word use, basically this idea came to me in Social Studies also first time posting on my laptop!
taglist (people I really want to see this): @eternalsams @ma1dita
Damn him with his brown hair, with his stupid blue eyes, and his damn ability to make her laugh. Damn him with that mustache, that friggin mouth of his that made her smile and made her giggle. Damn his hands that held hers and played with her hair. Damn Bradley Bradshaw and his ability to make Lyra Mitchell melt like ice in the sun. Lyra hated him for knowing how she liked her coffee and beer. She hated the fact she might mess up her friendship with Cassidy, Loyal, kind, and smart Cassidy, the closest thing Lyra ever had to a sister. How if she and Bradley didn't work, she could lose her WSO and worse of all her best friend. She hated him for messing up her life with his damn beauty and personality. Damn him for being the one she had loved since 8th grade, she realized with that beer in her hand, that every guy she had ever dated had either looked, acted, or reminded her of Bradley, she thought she had gotten over him but she hadn't. Damn him with his blue Bronco, with his stupid aviator sunglasses, with his musical ability. Damn him. Damn, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and his ability to make her melt. Damn him for making her love him by just existing.
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iliketopgun · 6 months
What I associate some of my Top Gun OCS with
Tw: mentions of trauma, alcohol, tattoos, food, theater and band kids
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Lyra is lilies, teaching your dad how to work a phone not knowing he just wants to spend time with you, red lipstick, sarcastic t-shirts, softball and cheerleading in high school.
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Samantha is lilacs, crawling on your dad during meetings when you were supposed to stay under the desk coloring as a kid, pink lipstick, having ancestral wealth, ballet, debutante classes, cotillion classes, pushing yourself to the limit.
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Madison is daisies, sharing your room with your two little sisters, "ZOË!", red lipstick, working in Labor and delivery, interracial marriage, prom queen and valedictorian in highschool, dancing in the kitchen with a glass of wine.
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Zoë is tulips, sharing your room with your two older sisters, cookies, "Don't tell mom and dad", living with your oldest sister and her husband, sneaking out, band kid, polished flute.
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Cassidy is violets, old records on a light blue Victrola record player, soft pink lipstick, blueberries, being a twin, sharing your room with a girl who is your sister by heart and not by blood, losing both parents by age 18, you and your brother growing apart but being right back to laughing and teasing immediately, being a WSO, people who knew Maverick and Goose groaning at you and your pilot because y'all are them reincarnated, cheerleading and student council in high school.
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Hayley is forget me nots, horses, hats, red lipstick, sharing a room with your sisters, having a mockingbird as a pet, having the cutest southern accent, being to outdrink most of your friends, small tattoos of flowers and family/sentimental stuff, doing cheerleading in high school.
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Jenna is daffodils, coffee over tea, being clumsy, thinking you can handle your liquor but can't, favorite movie being Dirty Dancing, growing up in butt fuck nowhere, typical tomboy, likes to play on swing sets, keeps a window garden, can hotwire a car, owning a lipstick taser.
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Claire is marigolds, the color pink, advanced intelligence, tea over coffee, favorite movie being Die Hard, parents being diplomats, developing an Australian/British accent from living there, master political manipulator, took ballroom dancing classes, homeschooled with some boarding school, major manners, can make fake IDs very well to the point of it being concerning, avid winking face 😉 emoji user, can kick ass in heels.
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Banner belongs to @/cafekitsune
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iliketopgun · 9 months
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Name: Hayley Isabella Prescott
Nickname: Hay
Age: 26 (during TG:M), various ages (Flashbacks)
S/O: Jake "Hangman" Seresin (happy ending)
Call sign: Mockingbird
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Family: Theodore Prescott (Father), Alana Prescott (Mother), Madison Machado neé Prescott (Older Sister), Zoë Prescott (Younger Sister), Javy "Coyote" Machado (Brother-in-law), Arlo (Dog)
Fun facts/call backs: She's the middle child, she did cheerleading and theatre for a local troupe. She was homecoming queen
Played by: Phoebe Tonkin
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Name: Samantha Kaitlyn Kazsanky
Nickname: Sam, Sammy
Age: 25 (TG:M), various ages (Flashbacks)
S/O: Robert "Bob" Floyd (happy ending)
Call sign: Karma
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Family: Tom "Iceman" Kazsanky (Father), Sarah Kazsanky (Mother)
Fun facts/call backs: She later becomes an admiral like her dad, did cotillion and debutante classes and debate team, valedictorian
Played by: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Lyra Nicole Mitchell
Nickname: Ly
Age: 26 (TG:M), various ages (Flashbacks)
S/O: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (happy ending)
Call sign: Chaos
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Family: Duke Mitchell (Paternal Grandfather, Deceased), Mrs. Mitchell (Paternal Grandmother, Deceased), Unnamed Maternal Grandmother (Deceased), Unnamed Maternal Grandfather (Deceased), Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Father), Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood (Mother)
Fun facts/call backs: She has a Bradshaw as her backseater, she did cheerleading and was prom queen
Played by: Florence Pugh
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Name: Cassidy Anne Bradshaw
Nickname: Cass, Cassie
Age: 26 (TG:M), various ages (Flashbacks)
S/O: Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia (Happy ending)
Call sign: Rascal
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Family: Nicholas "Goose" Bradshaw (Father, Deceased), Carole Bradshaw (Mother, Deceased), Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (Twin Brother)
Fun facts/call backs: She's like Goose 2.0, did cheerleading and student council in highschool
Played by: Brie Larson
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Name: Madison Olivia Machado (Neé Prescott)
Nickname: Maddie
Age: 27 (TG:M), various ages (Flashbacks)
S/O: Javy "Coyote" Machado (Happy ending)
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Family: Theodore Prescott (Father), Alana Prescott (Mother), Hayley Prescott (Younger Sister), Zoë Prescott (Younger Sister), Arlo (Dog)
Fun facts/call backs: She's the oldest Prescott, did cheerleading and did mock emergencies
Played by: Liz Gilles
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Name: Zoë Alana Prescott
Nickname: Tiny, short stack, Z
Age: 15 (TG:M), various ages (Flashbacks)
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Family: Theodore Prescott (Father), Alana Prescott (Mother), Madison Machado neé Prescott (Older Sister), Hayley Prescott (Older Sister), Javy "Coyote" Machado (Brother-in-law), Arlo (Dog)
Fun facts/call backs: She's the youngest Prescott, she plays the flute
Played by: Katie Douglas
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iliketopgun · 9 months
Dude a great reality TV show pitch!
Cassidy "Rascal" Bradshaw and Lyra "Chaos" Mitchell's radio transcripts from their cockpit
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