httpsserene · 1 year
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hot and ready - op.81
your honor, he's a simp - mv. 1
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© httpsserene 2023
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manslaught · 5 months
brittany's going to be severely fucking disappointed in her if she knew that this is where mikayla decided to go at the end of her date— and yet, mikayla can't find it in herself to care as she stands in front of @ladyintree's door, a box of food from the restaurant in her hand. she never actually confirmed she'd be coming over, but tai made it pretty clear the day before that she wanted her to, so mikayla just hopes she's not intruding, that tai actually meant it. when tai answers the door, mikayla doesn't let herself smile, not wanting to seem too eager to see her, biting down on the inside of her cheek to stop herself. “ hi. ”
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snnydcysarchh · 3 months
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@m0bhit liked for a starter
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“we  keep  getting  shot  at.  we  were  in  a  car  accident  not  too  long  ago.”  sonny  stared  at  her  bodyguard  which  such  seriousness  in  her  eyes.  “are  you  going  to  keep  pretending  you  don't  know  what's  going  on  or  are  you  going  to  tell  me  the  truth?”
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greatcstarcherarchh · 3 months
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short starter
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“who  needs  a  whole  utensil  set  when  you  live  alone?  my  one  spoon,  fork,  knife,  plate,  cup,  and  bowl  are  all  i  need.  plus,  that  shit  is  expensive.”  kate…..you're  rich.
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allevils · 3 months
[  CHOKE  ] ;  the sender chokes the receiver.  // from murdoc @contrariian
there's a sharp gasp that falls from lucy's mouth, her lips turning down into some sort of grimace as the back of her head bounces off the wall. he should be crying in pain, but instead, his eyes burn when they fixate on murdoc, his teeth bared in some way to be frightening. she's aware he could snap her neck-- the idea of it causes her blood to boil. in truth, she wants to push him farther and farther, wants to see how far he's willing to take it. " you fucking prick. " it's rough, spit dripping from the corner of her mouth. " picking on a helpless woman? deciding to choke her? you're such a big man, hm? "
it's a dare, really. he can take a lot more than he looks.
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werexcat · 9 months
continued from [ 🪢 ]with @as-above-rp's Kairi!
At this point, all Gabriel wanted to do was rest, but he sure picked a helluva spot to attempt to rest. Thing was, he couldn't take another stop as worn out as he was, so he was stuck with slowly moving past all of the taken benches, growing more frustrated by the moment.
FUCK, why were there so many people around h--
There was moment out of the corner of his eye--not once, but twice--before a soft voice spoke up.
Blinking, green eyes fell upon a blonde haired woman who was must've been making a space for him because her bag was sitting in her lap. He glanced around for a moment--was she talking to him?--before weighing his chances.
She wouldn't mind if he sat next to her?? He didn't have to trust her. He just ... just had to sit next to her for a bit and then he could move on once he'd rested.
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"...Fine. There's too many people around here." It'd probably be another mile or so before he found somewhere decent anyway, and with a few more steps, he took a seat, trying not to too close to her even though he was sitting right next to her.
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horrcpedia · 8 months
You're  unlucky  .  It's  something  you've  come  to  recognize  and  accept  -  it's  apart  of  your  nature  .  The  "  storm  "  furthers  its  proof ,  as  well   as  the  repeat  encounters  of  odd  situations  ,  and  this  ?  well  ,  let's  just  say  you're  always  willing  to  get  into  trouble  and  finding  your  way  around  it  .  You  had  to  master  a  silver  tongue  as  to  avoid  the  consiquences  of  contamination  by  the  outside  world  dragging  back  into  the  foundation's  white  walls  .
Your  first  encounter  with  Micah  was  accident  ,  though  you  keep  coming  back  for  more .  And  MAYBE  it's  because  xe  interests  you ,  or  maybe  it's  because  you  want  to  know  more  about  the  world  than  you  already  do  . or   maybe  it's  just  because  xyr  a  easy  way  to  get  the  unallowed  objects  of  your  affections  back  to  the  foundation  without  them  noticing  .
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" trust  me  when  I  tell  you  this  ,  my  friend  !  You  will  not  regret  it  .  It's  a  wonderful  idea  ,  and  all  it  will  cost  is  YOU  willingly  going  out  of  your  way  to  stop  by  a  VHS  store  ,  pick  me  up  the  latest  horror  films ,  specifically  I  am  seeking  out  The  Blair  Witch  project ,  but  I  will  also  take  Idle  hands  if  they  don't  have  the  previously  mentioned  .  I  will  pay  you  for  your  services  !   " 💚 @solarisgod
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rehavoced · 8 months
“ it’s over. you lost. ” she is very good at chess. did you know this about her.
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A fingertip presses to the tip of his king, letting it topple underneath the gentle pressure applied. Crash, and the kingdom comes falling down! He wonders if others have been beaten by her, and if they reacted to her superiority with graceful or unsporting behaviours. Atticus locks eyes with her across the table, before he leans back in his chair, a smile in his eyes. ❛ Theoretically, there is a limit of five thousand, nine hundred and forty nine moves on a chessboard, but -- the longest game of chess ever officially played only lasted two hundred and sixty nine moves, and ended in a draw. That game took just over twenty hours. ❜ Interesting to no-one but himself, perhaps. ❛ You've got a bit more practicing to do until you reach that level, though. ❜
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inheritsnothing · 1 day
peepaw... where have you gone? i was sending letters... / @ccupiditos
WHERE IS OTTO HIGHTOWER? there has been no word from him in old town nor hightower. he should have ridden to either by now, so why had he not sent word? the ravens come with their letters from heleana, left unread in a pile in otto's office. the stack continues to grow, noting his absence in the quiet room.
otto leans his head against the cold stone, the darkness his only comfort around him. he has been in this gaol for so long now that he has begun to lose track of the days. the aging hightower is curled in on himself, eyes closed, trying to find a semblance of comfort in a place like this.
why had he done all of this? he should have been holding his grandchildren more dear, should have been a better father, a better guide. a teacher. but his own hubris got in the way, his own ambitions caused him to use his family as pawns. now, these are his consequences. he wonders about HELEANA, the queen yes but his granddaughter first. . . early on she had become his favorite, and he enjoyed the time they spent together. he knows by now she must have sent a letter to him. how he yearns to read her handwriting again. now he is not certain he will ever see her again.
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manslaught · 3 months
“ i can't believe he's wearing a fucking polo to his own wedding. ” she scoffs, chin resting in her hand as she watches asher from across the room, mostly because focusing on him feels less dangerous than focusing on @ladyintree. even when she asked her, mikayla knew that being here with her would be difficult— because of course she keeps thinking back to their own wedding, but every time she does, she has to remind herself that that was stupid, that it clearly only happened because they had nothing else to do while they were out there. still, every time she so much as glances in tai's direction, she's overwhelmed with both butterflies and an ache in her chest, an exhausting combination of feelings.
“ at least jaymee looks cute. and aj, obviously. ” she resists the urge to point out that it's mostly because she did her hair, but she tries to be modest for once, leaving that part out. mikayla almost leaves it at that, but she offers one second long glance in tai's direction, annoyed for the millionth time all day by how good she looks, so she deflects, smirking slightly. “ —and patience, ” she adds, only because she's noticed how irritated tai's seemed by the time they've been spending together, although all of it's been innocent.
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thesellsword · 13 days
“Not that I anticipate it will alter your behaviour in any way, but you should know I do not approve of this.” ( from Tyrion ) / @tymptir
"shhhh... shh shh... you'll give us away," the sellsword replies, waving at tyrion to be quiet. he's crouched behind a barrell, watching as some of the city watch stand idly. bronn takes out a vial of dragonfyre -- where did he get it? well, he did have access to it during The Battle of the Blackwater. so, he has his ways. he takes a moment and then chucks it, immediately hiding to watch afterward. the vial soars past the guards -- only to hit a stone wall and explode on touch. the two guards shout in surprise and scramble to find the source of the attack. you bloody bastard! we'll kill ya! and they go charging in the direction barrell. . . and running straight past it down the road. bronn can't hold in his laughter any longer, nearly losing his balance. "ahh... these boys need some bullying, so i've been playing... jokes on them. passes the time."
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snnydcysarchh · 3 months
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@wavrlywizard cause i said so
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“will  you  stop  trying  to  poke  people  with  a  stick??”
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greatcstarcherarchh · 6 months
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@smertzimy liked for a starter
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"do  you  think  that  waitress  is  cute?  do  you  want  me  to  go  and  get  her  number  for  you?  cause  i  can."  kate  spoke  as  she  stuffed  a  fry  in  her  mouth.  "i  can  be  the  best  wing  woman  you  got."
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thorneshot · 1 month
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" -- agent scully, that's ... " lara can't help but roll her eyes, her lips turned down into something disgruntled. sure, she's heard worse things happen, but the idea of it being real? it's child's play. it's crackpot. " i respect you as an elder, so please excuse my language, but that's kinda fucking stupid, you know? it's-- truly unbelievable. " @inhaunts
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werexcat · 9 months
It hadn't been very long since he'd stayed the night at Roland's place and if he were being honest with himself, over the next couple of days, the brunet had been part of the reason why he'd gone ahead and pushed himself to make the street life he had just a bit more comfortable.
Now, he'd never been inside anyone else's home aside from Razor's--Roland's was nicer (not that he'd ever tell Razor that)--but more than that: it was comfortable and clean... and even though he didn't have a big space like that to get in out of the cold, to cool off, to rest, the backpack offered him a comfort he hadn't had for the past couple of years.
That aside, even with all he'd purchased that day, he still a lot of money in his pocket as far as he was concerned, and so he found himself returning to Batty Brews during the late morning--no, yes, that was right. This was the right place. After another few minutes of staring just to be sure, Gabriel entered, rather conscious of the backpack on his back just a tiny bit more upon setting into the coffeehouse before his gaze settled upon the board that was on display.
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That's ... that's what he should be looking at, right?
... Damn. Maybe he should actually ask someone, but who, exactly? His gaze did a slow sweep of the coffeehouse before actually stepping aside when someone coughed behind him. Oh, shit--he was in the way. Was this a busy time? Instead of standing, he sat at an empty table with a small mental curse of frustration after setting his bag down next to him.
What now? / @as-above-rp !
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rt0001 · 1 month
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❛ huuuh? what? sorry, it's past my working hours so i actually can't respond to anything until tomorrow. be sure to send any inquires to vice - captain hasegawa, thank you. ❜ translation: the video game in his hands takes precedent over anything she has to tell him, and he won't pay attention until the level is cleared.
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