slasharch2 · 2 years
victoria bishop  ,  if there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so.
              she’s right, but that doesn’t make aaron any less hopeful. always wishing that he could meet her, be with her in public, without fear that she’d get taken away from him. hoping for things to be different, that they didn’t work on opposite sides of the law. even still, hotch believes he could help her, that one day, this relationship they’ve built over hidden, late night phone calls could grow into something more. eyes fluttered closed as the ssa gives a quiet sigh.  ‘ maybe you’re right. but what’s the harm in doing so? ’  perhaps impending disappointment, or more severe consequences should anyone find out, but for once, aaron was living in the moment. these moments, with victoria. eyes open again as aaron leans back in his chair, cell phone pressed firmly to his ear, listening to victoria breathe.  ‘ i’ll wish to be with you every night, if there’s even a slight chance it’ll work, ’     @contrariian.
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likemosaic · 2 years
[ LEAN ] the wounded sender leans against the receiver for physical support. // for nora & codsworth
settling dust prompts / @contrariian
"oh, mum." codsworth pats one padded shoulder, careful to calculate the force used. he won't pretend to understand how she must feel at the death of a friend, especially one so dear, but he can certainly try. it's his job, after all! and hadn't he felt a similar feeling, a rough two hundred years before? in front of them, the bay where glory's body will rest laps at the dock, and codsworth thinks very hard about what to say, gears grinding. "poor mistress glory. cut down in her prime, and for what? shameful, i say, just shameful."
codsworth tuts, the sound not unlike a mother passing judgement on rowdy children--or a somewhat fascist organization, by his estimation. "only a fool would judge someone's character based on some silly nonsense like whether they were made or born. this never would have happened in the old days!" codsworth delicately pats nora's shoulder once more, now covered by glory's old jacket, and doesn't recognize the irony within his words. "you are no fool, mum."
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unbelong · 2 years
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charles langley  ,  you look... amazing.
             she’s not necessarily uncomfortable. that’s not the word alice would use. but she’s not used to wearing dresses, so she walks out pulling at the edges, scrunching her nose as she tries to get the skirt to stay down on her thighs. when she fails and finally looks up to her date, alice gives a snort, though she’s pleased with the compliment, nonetheless.  ‘ ya think? i feel kinda stupid, ’ laughing at herself, alice approaches charles, brushing a speck of dust from his shoulder before palm rests there.  ‘ you look very handsome, though. i knew you cleaned up well, ’  full blown smile spreads across her lips.  ‘ and you look way more comfortable, ’     @contrariian​.
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huntedvideo · 2 years
nora kiernan  ,  could you imagine how cold and clammy a ghost kiss would be?
             ‘ you’ve  never  kissed  a  ghost  before? ’  finley  is  still  partly  asleep,  lifting  his  fork  to  his  mouth  to  take  a  lazy  bite  of  the  delicious  pancakes  nora  had  made  for  him.  full cheek  is  leaned  against  his  free  hand,  half  lidded  eyes  moving  to  nora  with  a  small  and  teasing  grin  as  he  chews.   ‘ i’m  practically  irresistible  to  them,  i’ve  kissed,  like,  a  hundred  ghosts, ’   another  bite.   ‘ just  kidding,  it  was  only  one.  and  they  tried  to  kill  me.  but  it  was  very  cold  and  very  clammy,  so  you  get  a  gold  star  for  accuracy, ’     @contrariian.
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corrodeadarc · 1 year
@contrariian said if you could live anywhere, where would you go?
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    the responses that flooded his degraded, immature thoughts caused a grin to slither across his lips. with half-gloved fingers, he brought his hand up to hide the secretive amusement. knowing if he confessed his thoughts, it would only earn him a slap to the head. john couldn't drag his glance across her though as he entertained the notion to himself a brief moment before rocking his head back to think of something serious to say out loud. arms crossed over his flannel chest as he sighed. "i'm assuming we're not worrying about expenses or cost of living, etcetera. hey, i'll get to see what it's like to exist in that pretty little head of yours," he chuckled dryly. forcing himself to take it lightly, he shook his head at that last comment. "i don't know. anywhere they didn't know my name, and my old man hasn't pissed them off already. what about you?"
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metalcursed · 1 year
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@contrariian said i'm gonna need a cup of coffee. // from andie
crafts used to impress the shit out of a dumb kid from an indiana trailer park, but as time passed, eddie grew jaded with the watered down coffee and leftover doughnuts from the photoshoot before. he'd witnessed other bands throw fits for a crystal bowl filled with one color m&m, but he swore he'd never get that full of himself. hearing her request, he briefly considered changing his tune as he mindlessly sorted through the rack of clothing available for the latest music video shoot. his brown eyes peaked over the hangers towards his stylist, andie, and he shrugged. "you want to get out of here? sneak off to some café. i mean, this is new york. aren't there supposed to boujee joints on any street you wander down? let's go find a hole in the wall and get these producers stirred up, huh? i hate their idea for the video, anyway," his smile cracked his face as a wistful laughter flooded from his chest.
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publicabsent · 1 year
😳 from gabe :)
is nettie pretty?
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bless it, now she's bright red & grinning like an idiot.
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partymask · 2 years
INCOMING TRANSMISSION...     ZONE 3  /  /  ROAD RASH.   i paid attention and learned.
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             that’s more than he could say for most of the rats out here in the heat. soaking up the sun, rushing around looking for destruction, revenge, any high they could get their hands on. it’s not as if party is calculated, that’s not what he’s saying. chaos can be just as organized, if someone lives in it long enough. and he has. bandana covers half of the man’s features, eyes darting over to road rash, an unreadable look dancing across his irises.  ‘ maybe you can teach th’others a thing or two about learnin’ somethin’, then, ’  god knows he’s tried. party steps away from the vending machine they’ve just hacked. he doesn’t show how impressed he may be, nor does he give her any praise, not just yet.  ‘ let’s see you do it again. there’s another one down th’road, ’     @contrariian​.
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ebullienced-a · 2 years
❝ Life’s ours for the making. ❞ // from kay <3
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long fingers pause just above the holotable . touch as light as a whisper of wind , the jedi-in-training closes the article . she shouldn't keep looking at it . it had been a fair while since his passing , but her old master would have wanted her to believe the sentiment . this institution . . . this is her life .
" i do believe that it's the outlook that matters , even if you feel as though you've no control . " she turns to look at her fellow padawan , a little surprised they would seek her out in the archives . " i think that was one of his biggest lessons for me . " a quiet smile and her eyes turn to her shoes . " are you here to study ?? "
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banisheddie-moved · 2 years
♡ for claire perhaps :)
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other . look i'm not exactly sure how yet but i mean look at their types in a partner they're gonna end up kissing
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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slasharch2 · 2 years
charles langley  ,  how about a midnight snack?
             with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, alice has been staring at the starry sky for nearly half an hour, waiting to grow tired and never getting her wish. eyes flash to the man who now sits down beside her, the woman humming in approval as she reaches for one of the grapes he’s brought to her.  ‘ you read my mind. how do you always know when i’m hungry? it’s like you can hear my stomach growling a mile away, ’  snort of a laugh is given, alice grinning fondly at charles before gaze moves back up to the same spot in the sky. she’s missing her father tonight, the tight embrace of a man who gave her unconditional love and understanding. arm reaches out, offering charles half of her quilt against the chilly night air.  ‘ or maybe you know i’m sad and you don’t wanna bring it up. which one is it, mister? ’     @contrariian.
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slashaer-archive · 2 years
🐆 <3 <3 <3
randomly generated pairs!
nora baker & rick grimes.
rhys ab llewellyn & hellboy.
effie cole & elliot.
claire standish & johnny castle.
connor murphy & john bender.
hope chavez & max rockatansky.
charles langley & harry hart.
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doomjuiced · 1 year
lettiing the 2oft aniimal of your body love what iit love2 ii2 OUT.
lettiing the 2oft aniimal of your body hate what iit hate2 ii2 IIN.
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huntedvideo · 1 year
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DANA SCULLY: I REALLY WANT TO ASK WHAT’S GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW, BUT I’M AFRAID I WON’T LIKE THE ANSWER. 'good call,' finley, himself, didn't like being in his head, most of the time. some of his thoughts were unsavory, others just plain stupid. but unlike her, he's trapped in there. so the fact that she didn't want to question the wheels that might be turning in his little brain made sense to fin. 'i mean, i can definitely tell you, but it's gonna sound weird, possibly bad, and you're not gonna beleive me,' @contrariian.
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dotsconnected · 1 year
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independent, selective, private fandomless paranormal investigator oc. follows back from contrariian. est 4/22. loved by puck. ©
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atrellas-a · 2 years
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A JEDI CANNOT HELP WHAT THEY ARE... THEIR COMPASSION LEAVES A TRAIL.   kay atrella, jedi knight  fugitive   rebel.  a study in survivor’s guilt, learning to live when the war is over, and being the last of your kind. est 6/22. loved by puck (she/they). follows back from contrariian. ©
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