surrowndedbylights · 11 months
God, I'm missing you and your addictive heart
Small Larry drabble I wrote for the end of HSLOT and their anticipated reunion. (also on ao3)
Harry just finished his tour a few days ago. It had been going on for more than two years, and it was really exhausting for him. He adores traveling the world and seeing his fans and performing, but right now, it seems like the perfect time to finally get some rest and enjoy other things in life such as hobbies or spending time with his loved ones. Especially Louis.
"Hi, love," he greets him on the phone, unable to suppress a smile as soon as he hears his beloved husband again.
"Hi Haz! Where are you?" Louis is grinning too, Harry can hear it in his voice.
"I'm still in Italy. Will you come as soon as you're done with the American leg?"
"Of course, baby! I also have my festival in a month or so, so I would come anyway. You know how much I love Italy."
"Yeah, I do," Harry replies before saying goodbye and hanging up.
The only thing Louis can think about is how much he misses Harry. He has been touring for two months, and even before that, he couldn't see him because he was on the road as well. Now, however, after his last show in New York, he is determined to take the first plane to Italy.
It is an eight-somwthing hour flight, during which he can't take his mind off Harry. It's strange, like they fall in love all over again. Like they are still teenagers in their honeymoon phase. Its not that they ever stopped being insanely infatuated with each other, anyway.
Louis closes his eyes, imagining various scenarios about reuniting with Harry. He imagines jumping into his arms and kissing him and going around holding hands to see their favourite places in this beautiful country (always incognito, of course, in order to avoid any accidents). He is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't realize when he arrives.
By the time he gets out of the plane, there is a mob of fans trying to approach him to take some photos. He agrees and talks to them a bit as well until he remembers that Harry was waiting for him. He waves at them as he leaves, putting on a hat and his sunglasses to make him less recognizable before he calls Harry.
They agree to meet up at Harry's room half an hour later. When the man opens the door, Louis immediately hugs him tightly and proceeds to give him a firm kiss. He craved it for so long that it almost felt unreal.
They used to spend every minute of every day together, while they were in One Direction. Even after it, they would spend much time apart, but never for so long, and then there was the lockdown, where they were with each other all the time. When Harry started Love On Tour, however, everything became a little more difficult.
"I missed you so much," Louis notes truthfully after he pulls away.
"I missed you more." Harry leans into another kiss, and they stay like that all night. Well.... the rest you can imagine.
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meaningtotellyou · 2 years
missing harry and pauli’s best friends dance. missing harry and niji’s sunflower vol 6 intro
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
What about uncle!Harry? Harry toddling around with Gemma's baby and the baby pointing out at Harry during the concert? What do you think?
#hslot concept
The fish song- Uncle!h
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Summary: Harry's nephew comes to the US to watch him performing in Florida.
(This is Love on Tour era, but I couldn't find any short hair harry with a little boy picture)
I'm not doing very good right now, so I'm gonna try some blurbs/requests to 💫cope💫
Word count: 1.2k
When Love on tour started the Us still had laws that didn’t allow fully vaccinated British citizens to travel to the country, so the whole Styles family couldn’t watch any of Harry’s performance, that, of course, made Gemma and Anne very upset.
But thankfully during October, the health guidelines changed and they finally went to the States. Harry was thrilled to know that, considering it’s been a long time since he last saw his family.
Harry went to the airport to pick them up, but what he didn’t know was that Gemma had planned a surprise for him. She told her brother only she and Anne were coming, so when Harry saw a little blonde-haired toddler running in his direction in the airport hallway he felt like crying. Well, he did cry.
After the feeling of bewilderment of seeing Leo after months vanished, Harry quickly got him in his arms, kissing the little boy, who had the same laugh as Gemma.
“Uncle Harry, I missed you,” Leo said, running his chubby hands over Harry’s unshaved face.
“Miss you too bug, can’t believe you’re here” Harry looked at the beginning of the hallways, where Gemma and Anne were standing, holding their baggage while watching the beautiful scene in front of them.
The women got closer, dropping their bags and hugging Harry as well. Anne kissed Harry’s cheek like he was the little boy and not Leo. “Harry, my baby. You better never stay in another country for this many months.” Anne complained.
“I missed you two so much, you guys have no idea,” he confessed while Leo was tracing the tattoos on his shoulder. “Gem, I didn’t know you cut your hair! I also didn’t know you were bringing Leo, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve bought a gift for him.”
“Gift, uncle Harry?” Leo asked, pure joy in his blue eyes, “I want a gift, please?”
Harry patted his head. “Of course, buddy, we’re going to go to a kid’s store later and you’ll pick whatever you want.”
Gemma rolled her eyes as Harry gave her Leo, he picked up Anne and Gemma’s bags and headed to the main door, where the car was waiting for them. “We’ve been here for 5 minutes and you are already spoiling him
“Can you blame me? He’s my only nephew,” Harry’s drivers put the baggage in the trunk. Harry opened the car’s door and let Gemma, Leo and Anne first before he got in as well. The driver started the car, driving around the streets of Orlando.
“The show begins in a few hours so do you guys want to stay for the rehearsal? Or do you want to be dropped off at the hotel and then come to the concert?” he asked.
“No no, we want to go straight to the arena,” Anne smiled. “Did you really think I wouldn’t want to spend as much time as possible with you?”
Harry blushed, his mom always made him feel like the child he once was. "Alright, I can introduce you guys to the new members of the band, I bet you’ll love them”
“I follow them on Instagram, they seem like very talented and kind people,” Gemma said while wrapping her arm around Leo, so he would stop fidgeting on the seat.
When the car passed in front of an ice cream shop, the little boy put his hand on the window glass, pointing at the building. “Mommy, ice cream, please?”
“You can have ice cream after your dinner, alright? We can come back here later.”
“Want now, please mommy!” Leo insisted.
“Hey Leo, I think the arena is giving popsicles to the crew, I can take one for you. But you need to be nice to your mom and stop moving around, it’s dangerous.” They didn’t bring a car seat, so the boy was buckled up with an adult seat belt. That wasn’t the best option, considering he was very short.
“Okay uncle Harry,” Leo said, laying his head on Gemma’s arms.
It took 30 minutes for them to get to the arena, the place was already crowded with fans waiting in line, so obviously, they used the back door. The first thing Leo did when they were out of the car was held Harry’s hand, the little boy was making all kinds of questions, and Harry didn’t know how to answer half of them.
“What is the big television for?" Leo asked while the group made their way inside the stadium, where the band was soundtracking.
"That's not a television, it's a screen that shows the concert to people who are far away from the stage." Harry put his hand on Leo's back, getting the boy close to Pauli and Niji, who were talking with each other.
"Hey guys," Harry greeted them. "Here are some people I want y'all to meet, this is Leo, my nephew." Harry pointed at Gemma and Anne, who were just behind him. "This is my sister and my mom."
The boys were very polite, greeting everyone with a handshake. Pauli was engaged in a conversation with Anne while Niji was showing Leo how to play the keys.
"It's like a piano?" The little boy was sitting on the chair in front of the instrument, Harry and Niji on each side of him. "My dad plays the piano, right, uncle H?"
"Yeah, your dad plays the piano, but this one it's called keyboards, it looks familiar but it's not the same," Harry told him.
"Do you wanna try, Leo?" Neji asked. "You just put your three fingers in this key, and the other three here."
They stayed like that until the band had to stop to rehearse with Harry. Anne, Gemma, and Leo sat in the pit watching them. The little boy was mesmerized by everything, from the singing to the dancing.
Gemma always put Livestream for him to watch Harry at home, and the child would always try to imitate Harry's movements. Leo just loved his uncle very much.
When the evening came Harry set up a group of security men to be on his family side at all times during the show. They stayed in a private area of the pit, Leo was on Anne's arm with his big headphones on, singing loud to the 'fish song' as he liked to adore you.
"Uncle Harry!" The boy laughed after Harry had waved at him, making a funny face. "I wanna be on stage with uncle, mommy"
Gemma smiled at him, "we can arrange that another time, alright? I'm sure he'll love to have you there."
By the end of the concert, Leo had fallen asleep in his grandmother's arms. Gemma and Anne were in his dressing room, waiting for Harry to come back from the stage. What they didn't expect was to find Harry holding an entire box full of popsicles.
The man's face had an expression of sadness when he saw the sleeping boy.
"Wait, did he sleep already? I promised him I would bring popsicles," he said, disappointed in himself.
Gemma got up and hugged him. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to eat it tomorrow."
Harry sat by Anne's side, patting the boy's hair. "Gem, you are a very annoying sister, but I have to admit, you gave our family the best present ever."
Tag list: @sunandherflores , @elenagilbert01 , @bellelittleoff @sunflowervolume66, @evanjh
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sassylav · 2 years
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I posted 29 times in 2021
22 posts created (76%)
7 posts reblogged (24%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 42 tags in 2021
#harry styles - 11 posts
#one direction - 6 posts
#hslot - 4 posts
#oneshot - 4 posts
#love on tour - 4 posts
#niall horan - 3 posts
#zayn malik - 3 posts
#hazza - 3 posts
#instagram - 2 posts
#louis tomlinson - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#my 2021 tumblr year in review
My Top Posts in 2021
Claustrophobia || N.H.
As someone with worldwide fame like Niall, coping with Claustrophobia is hard. Especially when you get mobbed. 
The first time you noticed his claustrophobia was during one of your dates. You had decided to go to a carnival. Everything was going smoothly until the peak hour. You knew it would be bad if you were caught in the crowd just not how bad. In the first few seconds Niall gripped your hand and held you close to him. Slowly his hands started sweating and you could hear him hyperventilate.
"Niall, are you okay?" You asked him giving his hand a light squeeze.
"(Y/N)-" He tried to continue but he was breathing way too heavily to speak properly. You navigated through the crowd dragging him along with you. Finally when you got out, you grabbed a bottle, opened it and handed it over to Niall. You led him to a chair and let him sit down. You didn't speak letting him collect himself. You both sat in silence for about 10 minutes before he finally said something.
"(Y/N)? I should've told you earlier. I'm claustrophobic. Before you start fussing, I'm okay now." You kinda saw it coming. Niall always got a little paranoid in plane rides but you didn't say anything. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"You should have," You agreed, " but I'm glad you told me. Next time no secrets, okay?" The boy agreed and smiled at you. "Can I hug you?" You asked, to which he opened his arms wide gesturing for you to hug him. 
He took a deep breath and muttered an "I love you" in your ear.
"Love you too, Niall." 
God knows how for how long you hugged each other for. The only thing that you did know was that you two felt safe in the other's arms.
1 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 12:05:12 GMT
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17th November 2021
3 notes • Posted 2021-12-09 02:39:28 GMT
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Apparently, Harry does have a puckered lips picture
3 notes • Posted 2021-12-13 10:27:59 GMT
Fake date || Percy Jackson
Percy and (Y/N) are high school mortals
Percy's POV
"So you're gonna ask me out on a fake date, just so that all your fangirls leave you alone? It'll never work! They know we're BEST FRIENDS!" (Y/N) screamed, flailing her arms dramatically.
"I know, but pleeeaaasseeeee. It's worth a try!" I argued back.
"Fine" (Y/N) grumbled.
"So meet you at school tomorrow."
"Goodbye" (Y/N) sighed dramatically. Jeez someone should create a crown for Miss. Drama Queen...
She looks so hot.
Yup folks, even if I've asked her out on a fake date, I have fallen for my best friend.
-----Next day just after school----
I and (Y/N) locked eyes and headed towards my "secret" admirers.
We started our act "(Y/N), I've been meaning to tell you this for quite some time...I like you...like really REALLY like you...so will you go out with me?" I asked with a faint blush on my face.
"Yes..." (Y/N) had a tinge of red on her cheeks too. Did she like me? Nah...she probably has good acting skills...
"Meet you tonight at 7, Imma pick you up...and wear something nice," I said getting out of school boundaries with (Y/N). The fangirls seemed to hear every word we said.
"Oh, so my usual clothes don't fit your description of nice?" She joked.
"(Y/N)! You know what I mean, just wear casual stuff" I grumbled as I lightly smacked her arm. She suppressed a giggle. Even her suppressed giggle was so cute!!
----Time skip to 5 o'clock----
(Y/N)'s POV
"Oh, my gods! Oh, my gods! Oh, my gods! Oh, my gods! OH MY G-"
"(Y/N), calm down!", Annabeth, one of my BFFs, was seriously annoyed.
"But Annie..."
"Don't call me that"
"Fine...BUT PERCY ASKED ME ON A DATE!!!" I paused for a moment after looking at her expression, "I mean, I know it's a fake date, but gotta make it count, eh?"
"C'mere", she opened her arms wide, signaling for a hug. Was it that obvious I was disappointed? I hugged her. "Let's get you ready"
The door burst open and I let go of Annabeth. "Piper?", Another one of my BFFs (I know, I have a lot!)
"Yup! I Heard Percy finally asked you a date!!!" Piper burst my eardrums.
"But it's not a real date! He doesn't love me like that!" I argued.
Piper's POV
I and Annabeth shared a knowing glance. She gave (Y/N) an apologetic smile.
See the full post
9 notes • Posted 2021-12-08 13:08:31 GMT
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HSLOT 3rd October 2021
31 notes • Posted 2021-12-08 07:02:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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