#ML aU
rosie-b · 2 days
The Music of his Soul
A soulmate au written for @ladrienjune!
Ever since she was born, Marinette could hear piano music in her head. 
It wasn’t any song that was playing in the world immediately around her; instead, what she heard were the songs that her soulmate was listening to. They came to her as her soulmate heard them, at seemingly random times from early morning to late afternoon, when the golden rays of sunset began to stream throughout Paris. Marinette enjoyed hearing the piano; it was proof that her other half was out there, alive and waiting to meet her.
You can read the rest on AO3 or below! Reblogs are appreciated 🩷
Ever since she was born, Marinette could hear piano music in her head. 
It wasn’t any song that was playing in the world immediately around her; instead, what she heard were the songs that her soulmate was listening to. They came to her as her soulmate heard them, at seemingly random times from early morning to late afternoon, when the golden rays of sunset began to stream throughout Paris. Marinette enjoyed hearing the piano; it was proof that her other half was out there, alive and waiting to meet her.
Everyone with a soulmate, no matter what kind of bond they shared, received this gift when they were born. Each soulmate could hear the music the other one listened to, as they listened to it. The music couldn’t be just something stuck in their soulmate’s head; it had to be a song they were actually listening to. This made it easier for everyone to find their soulmate, though it didn’t make it a guarantee. Some people never met their soulmate, often because they lived so far away that meeting was impossible.
That had seemed like the situation Marinette’s mother and father were in. The music they heard from each other came at odd hours, and the kinds of songs they heard were often quite different from the ones they heard in their own country. They’d thought they would never get the chance to meet each other, until Sabine took a risk and flew to France. While there, she noticed the music her soulmate listened to coming from a small bakery in Paris, walked in, introduced herself to Tom, confirmed their bond, and the rest was history.
Marinette wanted to be as lucky as her parents had been. She knew her soulmate was in the same time zone as she was, at least, so the odds that she’d meet them were good, relatively speaking. Maybe they even lived in the same city as they did! Maybe they’d passed her on the sidewalk, hidden in plain sight. No matter how long it took, Marinette knew that someday, she’d find them.
Ever since she was young, she dreamed of meeting her soulmate, who would surely be a kind person who’d encourage her, see her for who she truly was, and love her despite any flaws. Her daydreams helped her to overcome Chloe’s bullying, on days when she believed Chloe’s cruel claims that Marinette was too ugly and stupid to ever be loved.
On those days, Marinette would close her eyes and listen to the piano music her soulmate was hearing, knowing that somewhere, someone existed who’d love and understand her. Sometimes she’d go out searching for them, in playgrounds when she was younger, and then in concert halls. She’d told her parents that she mostly heard piano music, and they suggested that perhaps, her soulmate’s parents were musicians. From then on, Marinette attended every concert she could, in hopes that she’d hear the same songs her soulmate was listening to.
But despite all the concerts she’d attended, Marinette hadn’t found her soulmate yet. As she grew older, she’d sometimes go outside and listen to music on her balcony, hoping that her soulmate might hear it, pass by her home, and recognize it. So far, unfortunately, that plan hadn’t worked, either.
When Marinette reached her final year in lycée, she hoped she’d finally met her soulmate. She didn’t have any proof, but she thought it could be Adrien, because she loved him, but also because he played piano, which was something her soulmate seemed to do, now. They’d practice the same song for hours until each flaw in their execution of it was erased. It had annoyed Marinette until she found out about Adrien’s hobby, but she’d never been with him while he listened to or played music yet, so she still had no proof to back her theory. 
If one of them put on headphones and listened to something while the other person guessed which song it was, finding out the truth couldn’t be that hard! It was how Alya and Nino had realized their bond. But Marinette was too timid to ask Adrien outright whether he’d be willing to test her theory with him, and she didn’t see any other way to get proof. For now, she was stuck in a strange limbo, both hoping that Adrien was her soulmate and unable to fully believe in her dream while it was only a wishful notion.
Chat Noir had suggested that they were soulmates, after Clara Nightingale was akumatized. But all of Paris had heard that forced duet they’d performed, thanks to the fight being broadcast live. That they both heard it twice over in their heads meant nothing, she’d told him, feeling half bad as his kitty ears drooped.
It hadn’t stopped him from flirting with her, of course. But piano music, especially difficult pieces practiced with such patience as her soulmate had, did not seem to fit her kitty. No, Marinette was certain that someone else was her soulmate.
She found herself thinking about it as she patrolled one evening, swinging through Paris by herself. Chat Noir had left her a message that he couldn’t make it, thanks to a last-minute responsibility popping up, so she was left with her thoughts to fill the silence usually occupied by her partner’s jokes.
As she patrolled the arrondissements, Ladybug visited a few parks, stopping to cheer civilians up and playing with the children to cheer herself up. After so many years with either piano music, her father’s singing, or her partner’s excited chatter filling her days, Ladybug found that she no longer liked silence, so she filled it as often as she could. It felt wrong to be left alone with her thoughts.
Someday, she hoped, she wouldn’t have to be alone at all. Once she met her soulmate, they could keep her company with their laughter and voice, not just their music, as precious a gift as that was.
As if summoned by her thoughts, Ladybug heard the soft sounds of piano fill her mind. She instantly relaxed as she listened to it, though for now, her soulmate was only warming up. Simple chords and exercises, music in their own right, danced through Ladybug’s head as she waved goodbye to the children she’d played with and took off to Paris’ roofs.
From up high, the city’s bustling noise vanished, and it was easier to listen to whatever song her soulmate would be playing this time. Recently, they’d started practicing a new song, playing it over and over. They’d nearly mastered it, though last time, they’d messed up a chord and abruptly stopped practice.
That had been yesterday, and Marinette hadn’t heard anything from her soulmate since then. She was glad to hear from them again now; she’d listened to her favorite collection of feel-good songs that morning, hoping to cheer her soulmate up with the cheerful lyrics. Maybe her attempt to help them had worked!
As Ladybug listened, content to hear her soulmate warm up with a shorter song and then begin looping the slow, melancholic yet beautiful song they were learning, she kept moving through Paris. She was on patrol, after all, and so she continued checking on the civilians she passed, albeit from above, unlike before.
Since the sun was beginning to set and her time to patrol was coming to an end, Ladybug decided to head to her arrondissement, taking her time, appreciating how well the song her soulmate played fit the atmosphere of a lazy Paris in the evening. Golden light reflected in the clouds and the windows of each building she passed, complementing the quiet beauty of the song.
As she listened to the song, Ladybug thought she heard a crescendo, which was odd. Her soulmate hadn’t added one to the song before; it was a calm, soothing piece, by Liszt, if she wasn’t mistaken, and it wasn’t suited for a dramatic performance.
And yet, the song grew louder still, almost as if it was being twice over in her mind.
Ladybug stopped on the next rooftop, frozen as she considered what that could mean. Was she that close to her soulmate? Could she be hearing the song played, not just through the soul bond, but in real life, as well?
Could she be that lucky?
Ladybug quickly turned around, noting exactly which part of the neighborhood she was in, and gasped. She was right beside the Agreste mansion! The music— it couldn’t be coming from Adrien’s window, could it?
Her heart rate quickened as she closed her eyes and listened to the strains of music, unable to completely verify that the song was indeed coming from Adrien’s window. She wanted it to be, of course; she would love to finally have proof that her crush was also her soulmate! And what better match was there for her than Adrien? But she couldn’t jump to conclusions, either! Adrien was hardly the only boy in this part of the arrondissement who played piano.
Hoping for proof, unable to stop herself, Ladybug took a deep breath and swung over to the ledge by Adrien’s window, hiding herself at its far edge while dangling from the roof for extra support. Sure enough, the music grew even louder, and yet, there was no disconnect between the song in her head and the one coming from Adrien’s room. 
Heart racing, she peered through the window, catching a glimpse of Adrien himself at the piano. Yes! It really was him!! Ladybug held in a squeal and wiggled excitedly, biting her lip as she smiled. Wait until she saw Adrien tomorrow at school! She’d bring her favorite pair of headphones, show up early, and listen to her favorite songs as she waited for Adrien to arrive. When he saw her, he’d ask to hear what she was listening to, and she’d blush and show him, and he’d realize that his soulmate was her, and they’d hold hands, maybe even kiss, and—
All of a sudden, the music stopped. 
Ladybug froze, choking on a gasp as she cowered, crouching below Adrien’s window. Instead of a song, this time she heard footsteps approaching, growing louder and louder until finally, they stopped.
“Hmm,” Adrien’s voice came, travelling down to Ladybug from his window. She shivered. “There’s a yo-yo string in front of my window. How odd.”
Panicking, Ladybug looked up, and met Adrien’s curious gaze.
They stared at each other for a moment. Ladybug’s cheeks warmed as she realized that she’d been caught, and a smile spread over Adrien’s face.
“I knew it,” he breathed. “I could hear the song twice as loud as usual, like it was in my head from the bond and coming from the piano as I played. I thought I was crazy, but it’s you!”
A startled meep tore from Ladybug’s mouth, and she stood up to cover her embarrassment, stepping onto the open window frame. Adrien held his hand out to her, and as she cautiously took it, he pulled her into his room.
“You’re my soulmate,” he said in an awed tone. “Ladybug is my soulmate!”
Ladybug’s flush deepened. “Yes, but don’t go telling the whole neighborhood!” she pleaded.
Adrien slapped his face. “Right, of course, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting this to happen, tonight especially!”
Ladybug raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, tonight especially? I know what you mean about not expecting this, but— is tonight special somehow?”
Adrien’s eyes widened. “Oh! Not really, I guess, it’s just been a long day, and I thought, you know, if anything else was going to happen, it would be my father telling me I still need to practice more, not my soulmate dropping in and that you’d be her, I mean, how lucky can I get?��
Unable to prevent a smile from crawling onto her face at how excited Adrien seemed that she, of all people, was his soulmate, Ladybug bashfully raised a hand to half-cover her expression.
“I’m glad you think you’re lucky to have me as your soulmate. I’m lucky to have you! I— I mean, it sounds like your day wasn’t all that good, but I’m glad I can help it end on a happier note,” she offered timidly. “I’m glad to find out you’re my soulmate, too.”
Adrien shivered as a smile replaced the concerned look on his face. “W-well, then, would you like to stay for a while? We should probably get to know each other better, now that we know we’re soulmates. I mean! We’ve met a few times before, but I don’t know much about you other than that you’re Paris’ savior. But I want to learn more, if you’ll let me?”
“I’d like that,” Ladybug said, her heart swelling. Finally, she could spend some time alone with the boy she loved!
But Adrien didn’t know that part. He never seemed to realize how much his ‘good friend’ Marinette cared for him, and if he didn’t know that Ladybug, his soulmate, was Marinette, then he had to reason to assume she knew him, at all! She’d have to get to know him all over again, this time as Ladybug.
Maybe she wasn’t quite as lucky as she’d thought. But then again, there was no reason to assume this would go poorly! One more secret was nothing to her when she’d been hiding so many, even if this one was so close to her heart.
“So, what made you choose the songs you’ve been playing?” she asked, noticing that Adrien had taken a seat on his couch. He motioned for her to join him, and so she sat down, close but not too close, less than half a meter away. “The one you’re working on is by Liszt, right? I’ve been trying to place it; it’s part of Liebestraum, though I don’t recognize the exact section it’s in.”
Adrien nodded. “You’re not far off! It’s his Consolation number 6, but there are some similarities to Liebstraum in it. My father wanted me to learn a new piece, and I always liked Liszt, so I chose something of his that was at my skill level. Unfortunately, I keep getting distracted while I practice, and I wasn’t up to Father’s standards when I played the piece for him yesterday. That’s why I practiced it so much today.”
“Ah, that makes sense. I noticed you playing some parts of the song over and over until you got the notes right, but I think you’re perfect! Er, the song, your playing of it, that is!” Ladybug nervously fiddled with the end of her left pigtail.
Adrien watched with pursed lips. “That must be very annoying for you. Every time I mess up and need to start over, I worry that my practice must be driving you insane! I wish I could get each song right the first time I play it.”
“Oh, I don’t mind!” Ladybug jumped to say. “I mean, of course it gets annoying sometimes, but I understood that you were practicing piano, and mistakes are part of practice! I even tried piano myself, that one year. But you’re much better at it than me,” she laughed, and Adrien joined in with a quiet chuckle. “Really, the times when you just keep practicing the same parts, over and over and over… it feels more like you’re punishing yourself than me.”
Ladybug fell quiet, realizing that since Adrien really was her soulmate, those long, painful hours of practice were more likely because of Gabriel’s demands than Adrien’s desire to keep playing piano for so long. Glancing at Adrien, she noticed he looked slightly uncomfortable, shifting slightly and fidgeting with his fingers.
“I always like when you break up the practices with something fun,” she said, quickly trying to change the subject to something a little more fun. “Like, after a mistake, when you play the quick da-da-da-da-da thing, or some other song you know. Or even just smash the keyboard and take your revenge on it,” she said with a laugh. 
Those times would sometimes startle her, but she liked the flash of personality they carried. Besides, with how talented her soulmate’s playing usually was, a sudden jangling of keys was out of place enough to be funny and make her laugh.
Adrien’s ears reddened, and he looked horrified. “You could hear those awful key smashes? I’m so sorry! I thought the soul bond would recognize that they weren’t music and not share them! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have done that. Ugh, I’m so sorry,” he repeated, leaning back and covering his face with his hands as his blush spread.
Ladybug giggled. “It’s okay, they felt cathartic! Besides, to me, every sound you make is music,” she admitted without thinking.
Adrien inhaled sharply and dropped his hands away from his face to stare at her. “Really? But you, you can’t mean that! I’ve messed up so many times; you should be sick of hearing me practice by now!”
Ladybug shrugged. “Like I said, it gets repetitive sometimes, and yeah, that can be annoying, but I’m always glad to hear your music. It’s even more special knowing you’re the one creating it! Plus, it’s a reminder that you’re alive, and you’re safe. I was worried when you stopped playing so abruptly last night, then didn’t hear anything else from you. When I heard you playing while I was out on patrol, I was so relieved! And I think the song you’re working on is just beautiful,” she added shyly.
“O-oh, really?” Adrien asked as his eyes timidly met hers. “I’m glad you liked it! It’s not the most exciting, I know, but I think it’s a sweet, gentle piece.”
“It is,” Ladybug agreed. “And you bring out the emotion in it very well. I know your father wants it to be perfect, but I think it sounds good even with a few mistakes. It’s not as if you’re a professional musician,” she mused, looking Adrien up and down.
“Thank you, mi– Ladybug. That means a lot to me, that you think I play it well. Although— you did think I was a professional musician once, didn’t you? Or that my mother was. I remember you went to a lot of piano concerts, before— well, before I started practicing on my own.”
Ladybug flinched, realizing why that must have happened. “Ever since I was very little, I heard piano music through our bond. My parents suggested that maybe one of your parents was a piano player,” she said with a shrug.
Adrien hummed and looked out over the city. “They weren’t entirely wrong. My mother was classically trained, and she was very good at piano. I used to beg her to let me sit on her lap and pretend to play along with her. That’s how I got started on playing piano, myself.”
Ladybug was quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry she isn’t here with you now. I think she’d be proud to know how well you’re doing,” she whispered.
“Thank you,” Adrien murmured. “I hope she would be proud of me, too. And I think she’d be happy to know I finally found you,” he said, turning to meet Ladybug’s gaze. Slowly, he reached out to take her hand, raising it to his lips, and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “I always wanted to meet my soulmate. You seemed so happy, when you were singing along with your father or listening to rock music. The music I heard from you was always so lively, and I appreciated that you tried listening to piano music on your own, too. Our tastes aren’t that different.”
Ladybug smiled. “No, I suppose they aren’t. You’re a fan of Jagged Stone, like I am!” She smiled, remembering the time Adrien had asked her to autograph the cover she’d designed for Jagged.
Adrien’s smile widened. “Yep! Anyone who doesn’t like him just has bad taste. All my friends like Jagged’s stuff.”
“Then you must have good taste in friends,” Ladybug joked.
Adrien beamed. “I really do! Did you know that my friend Marinette designed cover art and Jagged’s favorite pair of sunglasses for him? She’s so talented and creative! You two need to meet; I’m sure you’d get along well.”
Ladybug barely resisted the urge to squeal excitedly. Adrien thought she was talented! He was bragging about her to his soulmate (who was also Marinette, but he didn’t know that)!
“I’m sure we will,” she said dazedly. “I’d love to meet all your friends! But, Adrien, as happy as I am to find out that you’re my soulmate… it does lead to a problem, you know?”
“What do you mean?” Adrien asked, tilting his head in confusion. Between him and Ladybug, their hands still rested, intertwined.
Ladybug’s heart melted into a warm puddle at how cute he looked. “W-well, you know, I’m Ladybug,” she pointed out.
“Yes,” Adrien agreed, clearly still confused.
“And you’re a civilian,” she continued, waiting for him to understand.
Adrien’s brows wrinkled, but then he seemed to get it. His eyes widened, and he sat up straighter, letting go of Ladybug’s hand. She mourned the lack of contact for a moment before speaking.
“I can’t let Hawk Moth know you’re my soulmate. It’s bad enough that he and half of Paris seem to think Chat Noir and I are linked; can you imagine how terrified I would be if he started attacking you on purpose? Targeting my soulmate to wear me down is exactly the kind of thing he’d do. And I don’t think my heart could take it,” she said earnestly, moving closer to Adrien to take his hand in hers again.
“We can’t let anyone know we’ve found our soulmate yet,” Adrien whispered, eyes shimmering and full of realization. “But that’s not fair! To me or you. I wish I could shout it from the rooftops, that I have the best soulmate in all Paris,” he said sadly.
Ladybug rubbed circles on the back of his hand with her thumb, and he sighed as he looked down at their joined hands.
“I understand why we can’t tell anyone, Ladybug. I won’t even tell Nino, I swear! I just wish that fate was kinder to us.” His mournful eyes met hers, tugging on her heartstrings.
Throwing her hesitance to the side, Ladybug pulled Adrien into a hug, running her fingers through his hair the way she did for Chat Noir sometimes. He melted into it, moving so he was halfway in her lap and throwing his arms around her in turn.
“I wish this had happened differently, so that we could tell everyone we liked,” she whispered to him. “I’m really happy it’s you, you know? I— I’d hoped it would be,” she admitted, hoping he’d understand and not reject her for being just a weird fan.
But he didn’t.
“I did, too. I think about you more often than is probably healthy for my grades,” he giggled. “Sometimes, it distracts me while I’m practicing, if a song reminds me of you. You’ve been the cause of a few of my mistakes.”
Ladybug laughed along with him, pulling back from the hug to look him in the eyes.
“Just because we can’t tell anyone doesn’t mean we can’t see each other, Adrien. Your room might not be the ideal place for a date; I’m sure you dreamed of more exciting scenes for it, but if you want to…”
Her voice trailed off shyly as she realized that maybe Adrien didn’t want to try dating her. What if all he wanted was a platonic soulmate and she’d overstepped her bounds?
Adrien’s eyes shone brightly as he grabbed both her hands and leaned forward as he looked at her. “Really? You mean you’d be willing to date me? Me, when I’m just Adrien?”
“What do you mean, just?” Ladybug scoffed. “Just Adrien Agreste, one of the nicest, prettiest boys in the world! Who wouldn’t want to date you, given the chance? But if you don’t want to date me, I understand,” she said, looking down.
Adrien pulled her into another hug. “Are you kidding me? It would be the best day of my life if you said yes to a date with me.”
Ladybug’s mouth fell open for a moment, and a blush spread over her face like wildfire. Shocked but filled with so much happiness she could burst, she smiled and relaxed into the hug, nuzzling her head against Adrien, where it fit into the crook of his neck.
“I thought I was the one asking,” she murmured, delirious with hope and joy.
Adrien giggled. “Oh, of course. Far be it from me to take a lady’s words from her.”
“I know of a better way you could go about doing it,” Ladybug muttered without thinking. Then she stiffened and fell back onto the sofa, letting out an alarmed squeak. “Sorry! That forward so wug, gah,” she moaned. She peered up at Adrien to see how bad the damage was.
Adrien was blushing, but he looked more happy than anything else.
“Maybe after you finish asking me,” he suggested, and Ladybug’s cheeks burned.
“Will you go on a date with me,” she said as quickly as possible, not sure if the words made sense or if they’d blended together into an incomprehensible soup again.
“Yes!” Adrien crowed, diving forward to claim her lips in an exuberant kiss. Their teeth clacked together at first, but they adjusted their positions and tried again, melting into each other’s arms as they enjoyed a few moments of bliss. This time, Ladybug tugged Adrien’s lower lip between hers, noting with pleasure the low sound he made in response. His arms tightened around her, erasing the distance between them, and their eyes closed as if in rapture.
After what felt like both forever and not long enough, the kiss ended, and they both sat back, gasping for air.
“So, when should the date be?” Adrien asked once he’d caught his breath. “I guess it’s late now, but I could set something up tomorrow evening, if you’re free?”
Ladybug, flushed pink from the kiss, blushed deeper at his words. She giggled, helplessly delighted by the way the day had turned out. She’d found out Adrien was her soulmate, and they’d even kissed!
“I’d love you— to! I’d love to,” she corrected, still so overcome by the kiss that she didn’t feel the usual rush of embarrassment from mixing up her words in front of Adrien. “Any specific time? Oh, and I can bring pastries,” she offered quickly. “Chouquettes, or whatever you’d like.”
Adrien smiled, a crooked, imperfect expression that would never make it into the magazines. It found its place in Ladybug’s heart, instead.
“Any kind of pastry would be amazing,” he gushed. “I feel like I can never get enough, especially when it’s from the Dupain-Cheng bakery! As for the time, around dusk is usually when my duties end. But if I can finish early, I could send you a signal? If you have a favorite song, I could play that when I’m ready for you.”
Ladybug smiled broadly. “Absolutely, that works! Uh, I don’t know the title, but I always liked the song you tend to play last after practice? You hum along sometimes and I think it’s adorable,” she said, watching a light blush return to Adrien’s cheeks.
“Oh, that one! My maman and I made it up,” he explained. “We call it the golden song, because we invented it in the evening, and there was sunlight streaming through the room from the window. Like it was when your visit began.”
Ladybug’s stomach twisted nervously. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t realize it was so personal for you.”
Adrien smiled gently. “It is, and it isn’t. Half the reason we made it up was to send a nice song to my soulmate. I used to want to write a million songs for you, but I’m not very good at it, so Maman wound up writing most of the song. I know it by muscle memory, now.”
“Oh,” Ladybug gasped. A warm feeling spread through her chest at the thought of little Adrien writing a song for her with his mother. “Well, it’s beautiful!”
“I’m glad you think so,” Adrien responded. “We can think of it as her gift to us. I think it’s the perfect song to use as our signal.”
Ladybug nodded, smiling back at Adrien. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
His smile broadened. “See you tomorrow… soulmate.”
Ladybug stood up to leave, and Adrien followed her to the window.
“Before you go, Ladybug, I was wondering. Would you give me another kiss, for a goodbye?”
Ladybug smirked. “A bit clingy, I see. But I don’t mind,” she said, stepping closer to him. 
Before she could lose her nerve, she leaned up to give him a kiss, aiming for the corner of his mouth. He turned his head to catch it full on his lips and smiled, almost dopily, as she pulled away.
“Goodbye, Ladybug. Thank you for dropping by,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll miss you while you’re gone.”
“Then I’ll make sure not to be late tomorrow,” she said, offering Adrien a smile as she turned back to the window. “I’ll miss you, too, Adrien. But as long as we’re connected, just play me a song and I’ll know you’re thinking of me. And I’ll think of you, too.”
With a last fond look and a nod, she flung out her yo-yo, swinging away from Adrien’s window into the darkening city. But even though she was left alone in the silence, her heart was warm and full of song. 
Adrien Agreste was her soulmate. And he’d agreed to date her! They already had a special song, and to make things even better, she’d get to see him again the next day. How could things get any better?
Ladybug landed on her balcony and detransformed, smiling as she got ready for bed. And when a piano song filled her ears as she settled in bed, she smiled and hummed along to her soulmate’s music, dreaming of a thousand tomorrows.
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carpetbug · 2 days
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A fluffy fbau!trixx offering to eat his new holders bratty sister for her. what a gentleman. ignore how completely random the shading is
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mintivee · 8 months
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i care for them......
@buggachat ml bakery enemies au comic binging left me utterly insane and i couldn't sleep until i redrew something there will be more sorry
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
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A first look at the final designs for The Agrestes and Dupain-Chengs for my Angelic Layer AU! It's a special challenge to make some of the more...cartoonish? adults fit the CLAMP art style, so, look forward to that!
Ko-fi | Patreon
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art-the-f-up · 6 months
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Buzzfeed Unsolved AU part 3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5
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jadenebulae · 9 months
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Something something bugs buzzing
@bigfatbreak this au has brought me so much joy over the past 2 years you’ve no idea i get so pumped for each update
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roseletterchan · 15 days
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Marinette but its full magical girl
it was a bit hard since at least traditional magical girls have a colour code where their entire person would have a specific colour as their theme, which mari here doesn’t have, but I think I made it work somehow
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emdoddles · 4 months
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I know it’s been months since I promise Purple Tigeress interactions but I promise I get it done and here it is! The chaos kitten in the making is just happy to be apart of the team.
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katydoodles · 1 year
This was supposed to be a simple drawing, I swear.
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It was supposed to be a sketch with some color and then it turned into this 😵‍💫
Well this is just a tender moment between a pirate and a mermaid
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minzart · 10 months
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I remember liking very much this old tipe of au were Gabriel and Emilie were heroes with the miraculous before Marinette and Adrien
So here's fanart.... yes my favorite is Nathalie let me be
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lucydoodlessometimes · 2 months
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bug and deer!! please say hi to Sika, also known as Kagami Tsurugi! the deer is my original miraculous for my rewrite! i will yap about her elsewhere. perchance
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milk-farm · 2 years
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My contribution to @buggachat ‘s bakery enemies au otherwise known as the best creation to come out of the miraculous fandom
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carpetbug · 2 months
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an assortment of fbau!kwami swap kwami and holder interactions :3
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Show!Alya: So you're Marinette from another universe. Are we freinds there? Movie!Marinette: Yea, we are best friends. Despite me being an absolute disaster when we met. Show!Alya: Awesome, its so cool that we are best friends in other universes. Does other me know you're Ladybug? Movie!Marinette: (Surprised) No... not yet. But I was still figuring things out, I think I will tell her soon though with Hawkmoth gone. The only person that knows is Adrien. Show!Alya: WOW! Your Adrien knows you're Ladybug. Now that's a scoop! Man that must make things so much simpler. Movie!Marinette: Well I was starting to fall for Chat noir so finding out He is Adrien after defeating Hawkmoth was such a load off my shoulders. Show!Alya: ... Wait... Adrien is... (Everything clicking) Movie!Marinette: You didnt know that did you? Show!Alya: I... I need to make a phone call (Show!Marinette notices Alya calling) Show!Marinette: Hello? Show!Alya: I F***ING CALLED IT!!!!
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
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Why yes I'm still falling in love with the Viceroy/Dad Villain AU by @bigfatbreak, aren't you?
Ko-fi | Patreon
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art-the-f-up · 7 months
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Here's part 2. added some True Crime elements too since someone asked.
part 1 of the BuzzFeed Unsolved AU part 3 of the Buzzfeed Unsolved AU part 4 of the Buzzfeed Unsolved AU part 5 of the Buzzfeed Unsolved AU
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