lilywily143 · 9 months
Some of my MNAF au's
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Ronaldo Succeds AU (i want a better name...)
He successfully gets the main characters soul to bring back his daughter.
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Him admiring her (not romatically weirdos)
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The Surviving Au (undecided name)
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General idea for the canon and my au's
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shizenyumi · 7 months
Personal manifesting checklist for Hitohachisu
Anybody humming Hana no Ame once again
Gebukin Mikazuki (literally or metaphorically, any is fine)
Spill starter honmaru myu (MINIMAL NAMEDROP)
Ookan-Manba or Tsuru-Sui or Tsuru-Manba or Manba-Sui or Tsuru-Kiyo duet
Honmaru touban ato apapun daily life di honmaru yg damai2 aja sperti hnmr soalnya ada merch uchiban /ya
Kasen Kanesada
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harunokijournal · 1 year
Memikirkan gue yang dulu nyari nama penggantinya Raizael futago (Vira-Avi aka Setsuna-Kana) tanpa memikirkan hal lain selain sesuatu-yang-sounds-feminine-tapi-di-saat-yang-sama-gue-hapal-kanjinya, tapi beberapa hari setelah nama mereka resmi ganti dan gue pikirkan lebih jauh, gue menyadari bahwa trnyata nama-nama baru mereka lumayan terasa sperti Kousui (雪娜 花娜) (江水散花雪)
Lalu Kousui punya pengandaian bunga yang gugur—dan gue pakein kanji bunga buat "ka" dalam namanya Kana ...
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kousuisanka · 1 year
I'm not into mbti(s) but for some reasons I checked the toudanshis' mbti list and then found this.
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My girl Setsuna-chan punya mbti yg sama kek Mutsun www. Pantesan dia sama Izuminokami gelud mulu /hj /lh
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Ayo gelud (mmaf blum prnah gambar KaneSetsu gelud beneran)
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Tapi emang dasarnya gue suka ngebayangin KaneSetsu kalo berantem kurleb udah kayak MutsuIzu (bedanya cuman either mostly adu mulut doang or justru lebih brutal soalnya tiap pagi gebuk2an dulu di dojo—both are true soalnya dua2nya bocah) jadi kek ... damn ternyata emang dinamikanya ngepas (?) /mngangguk in memahami/
Flash thoughts gue kepikiran Mutsun sama Setsuna agaknya bisa akur soalnya mereka sama2 ga akrab2 amat sama Ijumi (my saniwa's/toudan's rival is my rival too (lolllll)).
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riikchu · 6 years
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Me, Myself and Failure part 1!
Hope it’s ok for a first comic :3
Part 2 
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barbiedisneyavenger · 3 years
Ok I can't believe I did this but yeah I kinda made a fanfic now it's not a normal one believe me it's unique, I think, so well if u know me u know I am a Mickey Mouse Universe addict ( Duckverse is a part of it) so I thought what if I include all the characters in it and like make a literal kind of timeline for All Mickey Mouse stuff and yeah I planned it out for months.. Now it's finally fully planned and yeah it's gonna include a lot of comics like Double o ducks and more as my story will progress. The characters most of them will be in Their Ducktales Design but cause it's the literal Mickey Mouse universe it's only stuff which is canon so the changes include
1. Donald Daisy and goofy are in their normal designs
2 . Webby is Webby not April
3. April May and June are daisys neices
4. Ducktales happened and the fic is set after the finale but like u know the April may and June clone twist didn't happen but the last adventure did u can say that Donald found the papyrus idek. But u get my point..... I guess
5. Their are some points of problems well first is Donald And Daisy - well in DT17 they met at a party but that's is falsified by this picture from mixed up adventures which shows them as they knew each other well forever
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( idk where goofy is in the pic)
So as most Mickey Mouse media has the fact of them knowing each other from eternity so I'll use that ull get what I mean.... Maybe.....
I haven't even made the characters designs yet but I will draw them and post them here and yeah I guess u guys would enjoy this here are some pictures of my fic
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Yeah so read the above images and I'll post designs for all the characters of my show soon ( it's a fic but I keep calling it a show what's wrong with me!)
Well yeah thx for reading my lecture and I hope u have a nice day and check out my fic I haven't started it yet I will.... After I post the designs...
Thx again and here is a link in case u want to see..
Thx ❤❤❤❤❤
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