moonlightbaeba · 2 months
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* i diversi *
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Ma a volte…..qualcuno c’è !
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"Il mondo è fatto di tanti mondi. Alcuni di questi sono connessi tra loro, altri no."
-Perfect Days
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dozydawn · 2 months
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Mondi, 1988.
Model: Carla Bruni.
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
"L'immaginazione spesso ci porta in mondi che non sono mai esistiti, ma senza di essa non andiamo da nessuna parte."
— Carlo Sagan
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emz26 · 9 months
Vedo quei mondi che con tanta cura ho creato crollare,
i viandanti al loro interno svanire,
di tenerli in piedi non ho più la forza mentale,
quindi, non ho più storie da raccontare,
li sento scivolare e per sempre li dovrò salutare.
spero che un seme caduto da quelle nuvole
possa in te germogliare.
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a-differentmind · 2 years
Che guardi sola i tramonti,fammi vedere i tuoi mondi.
-Tananai; Abissale
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serenamatroia · 1 month
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Diana, Princess of Wales  ||  sweater by Mondi
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mostro-rotto · 2 years
I diversi li riconosci subito. Hanno mondi lì dove gli altri hanno gli occhi
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🎃 Benvenuto Samhain 🎃
In questa notte magica
Tra il mondo dei viventi
E il mondo dei morti
Il velo che divide diventa sottile
Da permettere un mescolamento
Tra vivi e anime
Si incontrano da lontano
Rispettando la magia del momento.
Seguendo la scia di luminosità
Che in entrambi i mondi
Esiste per la notte di passaggio.
-la ragazza dal cuore nero♡
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psatalk · 4 months
Mondi's sustainable packaging with Scan Sverige
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Sustainable packaging and paper specialist Mondi has collaborated with Scan Sverige to create a polypropylene (PP) based mono-material packaging designed for recycling.
HKScan Sweden, having over a century experience in responsible Swedish food production, uses Mondi’s WalletPack for its Pärsons brand’s range of sliced ham, salami, and plant-based products, starting from March 2024, Mondi said in a press release.
Mondi’s WalletPack is a PP based solution designed for recyclability. This packaging is purposefully developed with recycling in mind, aligning with our customer’s goals, and NPA's missions as an approved producer responsibility organization dedicated to advancing circular and traceable material recycling.
WalletPack can be effectively sorted by Site Zero, Europe’s largest and most advanced plastic recycling facility located in Sweden and is thereby contributing to a circular economy. It replaces the previous solution, which was an unrecyclable multi-material pack that consisted of PET-PE and PA-PE laminates.
Featuring a top and bottom film, Mondi’s WalletPack has an easy peel mechanism ensuring consumer convenience. Created with a protective high oxygen barrier for a longer shelf-life in combination with inside print, it also offers good printability to communicate the brand and product messages.
“It was a pleasure working with Scan Sverige, bringing over a century of experience in responsible Swedish food production to the table. The team closely oversees the full farm to fork value chain, which seamlessly aligns with our values. Throughout the trial process, we were both focusing on the same clear goals: to best protect the food while developing packaging that could deliver from a sustainability standpoint, being designed for recycling,” said Helene Brynell, regional sales Nordic, consumer flexibles, Mondi.
Einar Ahlstrom, material specialist at NPA explains, “Multi-layer laminates, such as PET/PE and PA/PE, are commonly used in diverse flexible plastic packaging, limiting the potential for material recycling. To enhance and facilitate more efficient material recycling, there is a need to shift towards using mono-material in plastic packaging. It is encouraging to note that Scan Sverige has introduced a novel packaging solution for Pärsons, in collaboration with Mondi. This alternative not only replaces traditional multi-layer laminates but also proves to be more conducive to material recycling.”
Scan Sverige and Mondi initiated discussions about the recently introduced mono-material packaging two years ago. With clearly defined goals set out from the start, the two organizations collaborated closely throughout the process to efficiently and thoroughly develop the WalletPack solution for Pärsons.
“The Mondi WalletPacks will be used on a wide range of sliced products for Pärsons’ cold cuts. We knew Mondi was the right partner to achieve our goals and are delighted to see the new solution running efficiently on our existing machinery. Our objective was to follow a forward-thinking approach to packaging sustainability as we are investing in getting 100% recyclable packaging by the end of 2025 and working hard to change to recyclable mono-materials,” said Eva Tiedman, category manager, Scan Sverige.
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Sapevo di amarti
quando ti ho vista
camminare in una strada,
nascosta tra parole e apparenze.
Sapevo di amarti
il tuo sguardo dolce
si è posato su di me
ed io per paura
ho cambiato via;
ma tu,
con tenacia
mi hai rincorso.
Ed ora che amo,
nulla ha più senso
tranne noi.
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cebozcom · 6 months
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Swedbank Aktiellt: Marknadsanalys och Ekonominyheter | www.ceboz.com
Swedbank Aktiellt är en webbtidning för Swedbank och Sparbankernas värdepapperskunder. Här får du tillgång till marknadsinformation och dagliga analyser från Swedbanks experter.
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dozydawn · 9 months
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Mondi, 1986.
Model: Madeleine Robinson.
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myrobertoborzellino · 11 months
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L'uomo dei sogni. Le avventure di Jack Bauer verso mondi sconosciuti. Vol. 1 - Parte 10 - L'Imperatore e la muraglia cinese (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1394493679-l%27uomo-dei-sogni-le-avventure-di-jack-bauer-verso?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=RobyBorz1965&wp_originator=ct%2BBQtlqJoLnWfv39iRNJfGlq19fFth2tjR5wBG3xjevcllPbo%2FCon5Vnwtp3gnABMM3g615qIhDgXD8VuoA%2BKKCeqklR5u74ONqiQ557uE1USYfqBYPiQLoaVp092Jx "Scopri un mondo di mistero, avventura e scoperte straordinarie con "L'uomo dei sogni: Le Avventure di Jack Bauer verso mondi sconosciuti. Vol. 1" Immergiti in un romanzo coinvolgente che mescola abilmente elementi di avventura, fantascienza e viaggi nel tempo. Questa storia ti condurrà attraverso le pagine di dieci avventure uniche, ciascuna ambientata in mondi paralleli e legate da un filo narrativo che ruota intorno al potere di un misterioso anello magico. Attraverso questo romanzo, vivrai emozionanti avventure, esplorerai diverse epoche storiche alternative e seguirai Jack Bauer in un viaggio di crescita personale straordinario. Gli enigmi del tempo, il potere dell'anello e le sfide che Jack affronta ti terranno incollato dalla prima all'ultima pagina. Se sei pronto per un'esperienza di lettura coinvolgente che stimolerà la tua immaginazione e ti farà riflettere, "L'uomo dei sogni" è la scelta perfetta. Non aspettare, inizia il tuo viaggio ora e immergiti nel mondo straordinario di Jack Bauer!"
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