#MSNDMSNDMSNDSM SHOOSH. I gotta he's got ocd and tourettes we are symbiotic.
cognitosclowns · 2 years
Hey! I'm a HUGE fan or your work, and I was wondering if I could have a request for how Andre, Brett, and Myc's s/o would comfort them? I am so soft for these men-
sfw!!!! brief mention of drugs, bad eating habits, lack of self care.
Overall super hard to tell when he's not doing well?
Not only because he keeps things very bottled up overall, but also he has,, no face. hm. MSNDMSNDSM
It definitely gets easier overtime!! His 'bulb' tends to be dimmer, you can hear a certain tension in his voice when he's worrying about smth.
His instant reaction is Ew What Are You Doing. Very twitch-dodge, flinching sorta reaction?
SIGH. he doesn't like getting. attached to people. Stop being endearing. Stop that put those puppydog eyes away you bastard
He isn't a fan of. usual kinds of doting? Sappy 'You Can Do It :)!!' platitudes feel super forced and plastic to him. Even if you mean it genuinely, it just doesn't really. hit.
in the same vein. ughhhhhh talking about his feelings SUCKS go AWAY he is not INTERESTED fuck OFF
Honestly?? Just sit with him?? Crack some jokes, provide distraction, give him contact. Not only is it super calming, but getting a stronger window into your head is. actually pretty nice.
He. likes your mind. He'd never admit it, but being able to see into your brain is super nice. He finds your thought patterns super soothing.
PLUS YOU CAN BE SUPER SAPPY AND BE A BRAT ABOUT IT. Pronounce this snarky bitch dead via psychic damage. Blast his ass with 1000 volts of Love Juice. Think any and all mushy, lovey thoughts. watch his bitch ass get too boggled to remember what he was angsting about.
yes he will make fun of you but. it's worth it he looks so much calmer after.
OH affirmation does so much and. tbh he needs a lot of it.
He's not the most. confident individual, he has a lot of stress built up in those bones msndsmd.
mmmMMMM. he feels bad for. expressing his emotions. He feels like expressing guilt or anxiety is manipulative, WHICH HE KNOWS IS SILLY, but him feeling silly about it doesn't help it go away?
He's getting better tho! Therapy is a gem, he starts to come to you directly to ask for comfort.
BEST OPTIONS?? The simplest things tbh.
Like reminding him to take some breaths while rubbing his shoulders. Little bits of affirmation, telling him that you love him and that you're proud of him.
AAA <333 also just like. Doing stuff with him. Getting him moving is super helpful!!
Go on a walk (or run) somewhere!! Go out to a park, just do smth to get him outta his own head!! Even just making dinner together, slow dancing in the kitchen while noodles boil!!
It's easy to get stagnant when he's feeling bad, and doing stuff with you is his favorite thing!!
<333 also yes kisses are an amazing option. Your lovely boyfriend lights up so much when he gets a kiss from you <33 brbrbrbr
yeah he's. not usually very subtle when he's anxious?
Again, he feels super bad asking for help with stuff. Uber-Christian and super repressed family woooooo.
and he doesn't wanna worry you or scare you away?? Like people already see him as The Drug Guy, he doesn't want you to start seeing him differently because he's started showing. yknow. Symptoms.
Honestly?? Best comfort is taking some stuff off his hands.
When he's stressed or in a bad place, it's super easy for him to completely forget to take care of himself.
It's not like he does it purposefully, it's just hard to remember to eat and sleep when he's high-strung.
Make him some food!! soups are <333 and cheap ramen is his favorite shit, he used to survive on that during uni and now it's super nostalgic. Also he's a bottomless pit so dw about making too much food MSNDMSND!!!
Hoist his scrawny ass over your shoulder and wrangle him into bed!! Give him chest and neck kisses, let him rest his head on your chest to hear your heartbeat!!
Remind this silly bitch that you don't care if he stims, or if his tics start up??
He'll 100% try to hide his hands/lay weirdly so you can't see em, just out of General Insecurity. So just. remind him that he's being silly, because you give not a single fuck about em smndsmd!!!
Also one that he never expects, but always seems to help?? Just. remind him it's temporary. Like he knows this song-and-dance, he's done it a thousand times before, he'll do it a thousand times again, and even if it sucks rn it's not unsurvivable.
ITS JUST VERY EASY FOR HIM TO. Lose focus on the past and future? So that reminder is super good <33 helps keep him grounded babey!!
MWA love these boys. Lmk if you had something else in mind!! And as always y'all can add on as you see fit, I love hearing ppl go feral with me MSNDMSD
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