#MT.Trio lore
zucchichat · 1 year
I have another question *sniffles quietly * Idol! dream seems clearly k-pop inspired, but when it comes to the mttrio/killer, (or whoever else) I’m wondering if there’s a specific music influence? Are they also k-pop esque rock band? Straight up rock? Punk? I’m bad at identifying idol culture apparently 🤣
Well, i gotta say, i dont really want my AU to the called a "band" since many ppl already made a "band AU"
Although idols dont usually play instruments and just dance/sing in general, I want them to identify as a group, an idol group, and each group they has their specific taste.
I think its better that whether using an instrument or not is a choice, and its optional, and they themselves decided to use instruments to produce their own music/ or just simply feeling the rawness from playing them :))
And ab MT.Trio, their music always go towards of a more playful, chaotic, rebellious, youthful side. It doesnt have to be in a specifically genre (since they still have producers help making music with them) but their songs will almost always have [ElectroSwing] in it, they looove electric sounds 💥
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