#MTAS Matilda
jazdrawsmtas · 4 months
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"The Light thanks you, my child."
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vani-candy · 3 months
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hi have a chapter houiglhkgfldkls
im not very happy with this one, i am well convinced it is cursed because it gave me many troubles (to the point i screwed up and merged the line and sketch layers at one point on accident,..) but sometimes you just gotta take the L!!!!!!
i think i will go to bed for a few days. or weeks. i need a mental break and i gotta work on my drafts for the next arc anyway!!!! (im looking forward to working on the next arc!!!!!)
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badly-drawn-pigeon · 5 months
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feralwildcat · 1 year
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spagooterx · 6 months
What really happened.....Matildaclipse
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joepossum · 4 months
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Does he?
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antiloquist · 1 year
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so, how about that update?
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kyanaaw · 1 year
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How I sleep knowing
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tapping-away · 1 year
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A little comic (that took a long time lol) for one of the scenes I most wish had the option to turn traitor lol wouldn’t that be interesting?
The game is My Time at Sandrock
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sanguine-tenshi · 1 year
Right so, I'm playing through the game for the second time and i have... opinions. I'll put all of it under the cut since I know some people are waiting for the full realease.
Final warning, spoilers ahead.
Okay so, I'm not exactly happy with how the main plot turned out, primarily because of Pen.
To begin let me say that I'm not a fan of Pen. He's a good character, but god is he cunt. He is entertaining tho and I kinda do miss seeing him around town.
Anyway, when Logan and Grace were explaining the whole thing to you I was fully expecting Pen to be a red herring.
I just kinda expected for them to make Pen this convenient, prideful idiot. Someone the main bad guy manipulated to their ends.
I expected for his backstory to be something along the lines of a weak kid who failed at protecting someone/himself growing up and working towards becoming this big strong muscular guy only to fail again. There being something about him losing to Heidi or Hugo or someone like them, ya know, some bad guy with inhuman strength. Like maybe some bandit or something attacked Sandrock, he tried to protect everyone and failed because the person was genetically altered. Maybe even somehow tie it into the Duvos plot.
He heard about Vivi inhaling fumes and because of that Hugo and Heidi came out overpowered, so he's like al'ight imma do that. And so he goes off into the dessert, because no matter how much he works on himself he'll never be enough. Instead he stumbled onto this ancient weapon.
He plays the whole trip as some sort of training trip, as him finding the secret to strengthening his body or something. He keeps the weapon a secret partly because he is a part of the church, but mostly because Pen WANTS to be The Protector of Sandrock. He wants the credit. He wants the praise.
This way it's explained why he has the weapon and also why he blamed the tower incident on Logan.
And if they had done that they could have used the fan theory of Pen and Owen being brothers (with a strained relationship). That way you can fluff up both their backstories. Hell, throw Logan into the mix as well. Like maybe despite Pen being a small sickly kid he always got himself into trouble (his delusions of grandeur being ever-present) and so either Owen or Logan or both had to save his dumb ass.
And maybe Owen still has those overprotective brother tendencies Pen accidentally trained into him.
And you can still get him tangled into the Miguel plot, but make him the useful muscle headed idiot. Like maybe Miguel is just manipulating him, maybe he found out about the weapon and is blackmailing Pen, depends on which direction you prefer.
And then you have a line for a legit redemption arc for him, as yes he did a bad, but he's still redeemable.
Idk, I just feel there's a lot more to play around with this way and they wouldn't have to just drop a whole ass character at the end of the game... again.
And even if you disregard all of my ramblings so far, it straight up just doesn't make sense for Pen to be the one to poison Howlett. I'd expect that from Matilda, but definitely not Pen. For crying out loud! I'd expect him to punch Howlett to death and then play it off as 'Oopsie! Daddy got crushed by rocks! Guess he shouldn't have been sniffing around old ruins, huh? It's almost as if old ruins are dangerous and stuff. Who could have guessed that one?'
Also, all focus is put on Pen when Matilda is supposed to be the main villain. There's just not enough of her being the bad guy. The set up is great for her, yes, but all we really see of her villainous self is her betraying us during the Duvos fight and the final robot fight. Outside of that all the focus is on Pen and I just don't get that. Like either commit and make him the main bad guy or let Matilda actually do something.
Like I'm hoping they are holding back stuff for the main release but I doubt it.
Anyway, that's my rambling two cents. Thoughts? Opinions? Agree? Disagree?
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trash-can-sam · 1 year
Hear me out when I say Trudy/Matilda toxic doomed situationship.
— MINOR VAGUE SPOILERS FOR THE END OF ACT 2/KNIVES OUT?? (Happens a while after the goat but I also don’t know what the quest is called and I dont wanna go look.) —
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I’ve always thought Matilda was a lesbian (and the idea of them being in a relationship has always intrigued me sm) but lately I’ve just rly been thinking abt them since I had to start a new save like halfway through act 3 bcuz I softlocked myself. So I’ve been seeing their interactions and dynamics with act 3 info and! There’s just sm potential there for angst and I think it would make their relationship dynamic in general soooo much more interesting… Trudy doesn’t just feel betrayed in a professional sense but a deeply personal sense too… Matilda (who already DOES want the best for the people in the town but just thinks it should be done differently than the people want) kind of doesn’t want her charade to be over and feels more compelled to be someone likable. Ofc she’s a professional, so I don’t think Matilda would actually let those feelings get in the way of her job, just maybe make her long for less complicated circumstances..
Idk I think abt them delusionally sometimes.
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vani-candy · 7 months
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A new chapter has appeared!!!! im still in a funky mental state (certainly doing better than i was last month at least bruh) but im slowly getting back into the swing of things! im getting experimental with my process again and i kind of let my biases rule me on this one a tad oops. (that said, your personal biases making it into your writing is a little inevitable) this chapter turned out a bit angstier than i drafted it LOL but i can assure you the next one will be a fluffy silly one! for sure!
i hope you all enjoy!
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doomshroomed · 2 years
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made this for myself and like 3 friends and decided id share it with the world
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kiwi-ism · 2 years
The moment I met Trudy I dedicated my life to her. Ma'am, I will kick Matilda's ass and get your desk back. A ruin full of poisonous gas and robots? Anything for you, ma'am. I will make Cooper eat his damn hat if he's mean and disrespectful to you one more time, ma'am. Please adopt me you wonderful, self-sacrificing woman.
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sandrockianblues · 2 years
Burgess: So Matilda was just using me?
Miguel: I’m sorry, Burgess.
Pen, trying to contain his amusement: You must feel pretty stupid right now.
Miguel: Ok, that’s a time-out.
Pen: No, I was just trying to-
Miguel: Go sit over there!
Pen: *walks away in defeat*
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better-off-crazy · 1 year
I did some snooping around the houses and found that pen, like yan, has a bug-out bag at the ready.
I didnt find any in Matilda house or Miguel's room. I did find two bags in the guest? Room in the dorms but that might just be decoration. But that coulda been for them.
Also found similar bags in Catori, Amirahs, mi-an, and Owens houses. Probably just decoration but still interesting that they have them. I doubt theyre involved but you never know.
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