#MTG Seattle 1997
yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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MTG Magic The Gathering World Championship SEATTLE August 1997 Jakub Slemr Deck // swtradepost - shop
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hjgale · 4 years
Comments on the Feb. 16, 2021 SPD Murder & Feb. 17 CPC Meeting
We are now in our 9TH YEAR of police reform. With all that we have seen in the last 9 mos. how can one believe our current police accountability system is working? We need full elected civilian control of investigation & discipline, not a powerless "commission" who partners w/SPD
Feb. 16 SPD murder: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/police-shooting-investigation-underway-seattle/KTXNVNGDL5EQJIPJRAFWKHN7WE/
13.5 sec. from when 1st cop steps out of car till he fires. No attempt to back off or use "less than lethal." At least 4 cops present & no one else anywhere around. Like Charleena Lyles, Danny Rodriguez, Ryan Smith, & Terry Caver SPD continues to execute those in mental distress.
Charleena Lyles, Danny Rodriguez, Ryan Smith, & Terry Caver: all people in mental health crisis w/knives who SPD killed. All killings were deemed justified & "within policy" (still waiting for the predetermined conclusion for Terry Caver). This never happens in the UK.
1997 Seattle, man w/samurai sword is disarmed by police, not given an immediate death sentence: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QtRgweQxXi8
Thanks for the "progress" Seattle police "accountability partners" (CPC, OPA, OIG)!!
and here is what they routinely do in the UK: https://youtube.com/watch?v=9mzPj_IaMzY
"the number of cops killed with knives in the United States matches the number killed in England and Wales: zero"
And the Seattle Community Police Commission ignores it all. They met 12 hrs. after the Feb. 16 SPD murder & said nothing. Just like w/Terry Caver a few months ago. We need 100% civilian oversight w/ability to independently investigate & punish.
As for CPC endlessly claiming they can't comment on police murder & misdeeds, here is the law (SMC 3.29.360(H)): "CPC shall not serve as a review board for individual investigations; shall not evaluate or opine on the sufficiency of the evidence, findings, or determinations of any specific OPA investigations." So, CPC, get to work before OPA certifies the murder. BTW: @SeaOIG what is your excuse for ignoring the death SPD dispenses regularly?
Today's Feb. 17 CPC mtg was all the proof we needed to understand its irrelevance: no mention or recognition for another SPD killing less than 12 hrs. prior to the mtg & failure to respond to the 11 people who gave public comment to demand 100% civilianization of oversight. For more on this meeting see: https://hjgale.tumblr.com/post/643537951128682496/review-of-feb-17-cpc-meeting
I'm submitting a complaint to OPA re: 2/16 SPD murder. Wondering if you can avoid "losing" it like w/my complaint about SPD murder of T. Caver last June? BTW how is that "investigation" going? Taking longer than expected to find the murder as "in policy"?
Done! Just emailed OPA "This is a formal complaint against SPD officers for the 2/16 killing of mentally ill man. There were clear failures in a number of areas including: failure to de-escalate, failure to use less-than-lethal tools, bias against a person with disability, gross indifference to life, etc." Hope this insures complaints don't get lost.
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yourcoffeeguru · 5 months
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MTG Magic The Gathering World Championship SEATTLE August 1997 Jakub Slemr Deck || SWtradepost - ebay
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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MTG Magic The Gathering World Championship SEATTLE August 1997 Jakub Slemr Deck || SWtradepost
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yourcoffeeguru · 8 months
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MTG Magic The Gathering World Championship SEATTLE August 1997 Jakub Slemr Deck || SWtradepost - ebay
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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MTG Magic The Gathering World Championship SEATTLE August 1997 Jakub Slemr Deck || swtradepost
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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MTG Magic The Gathering World Championship SEATTLE August 1997 Jakub Slemr Deck || swtradepost
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