epiclamer · 2 years
Can we please have an epiclamer x save-the-villainous-cat snippet?🥰
I ship you guys so much kdkjsjkajjskjskjakjskjksj
Hi @save-the-villainous-cat I know it’s you. But sure, just for you pretty girl…
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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Pestering Fly
Villain slipped the apron over her head, quickly tying the back straps around her waist before continuing to the front counter. The familiar ring of the bell hanging above the door alerted her to the welcoming of a customer. She put on her brightest smile and stepped around the corner to the till, coming face to face with the one person she did not want to see on her eight hour shift.
The one is question smirked at the recognition that flashed in Villains eyes. Leaning forwards, eyes gleaming as he took in Villains work uniform before he spoke. “Hey beautiful, fancy seeing you here…”
Villain didn’t even flinch at the comment from her nemesis, simply rolling her eyes. “Didn’t I tell you not to come here. I’m busy.” Villains dry tone matched her deadpan face. She was not impressed with Hero’s bullshit ever since he discovered her day job, lately pestering her seemed to be his favourite—and only—activity.
“Oh come on baby… can’t I visit my girl at work?” Hero was charming, Villain had to admit, but she didn’t let it distract from her work. Work life and love life were two separate instances and she needed space to keep them from colliding into each other.
Villain smiled flatly as two unknowing customers entered the shop, eyes immediately glued to the glass panel of which behind his buckets of multicoloured ice creams. “Not when she’s busy and overheating, thanks.”
So technically, Hero and Villain were dating, but they weren’t allowed to let that get out to the press yet and the stress of it all was definitely taking a toll on the two of them. They hadn’t had any alone time in weeks because of so many conferences Hero had to attend and the amount of maintenance and work Villain put into her day to day life.
Hero however, had a plan to change that.
He watched with a small smile as his lover served iced treats sweetly to the other customers, and when Villain had her back turned just at the right angle, Hero slipped behind the “employee only” door and into the back of the shop. At first he simply strolled around aimlessly, shivering a bit against the cool temperature until the familiar sound of the bell above the door rang just before a set of angry footsteps sounded down the hall.
Hero whipped around just in time to see his furious wife as she pushed him up against one of the coolers against the wall. “Just exactly what the hell do you think you’re doing. Today is a busy day for me and you know that, so why are you being such a brat, hm?”
Ohhhh she was angry alright… adorable and hot. Double kill.
Hero simply shrugged, innocently batting puppy eyes in Villains direction. “I dunno what you’re talking about…”
Apparently his puppy eyes weren’t very convincing.
“Don’t be smart with me, pretty boy. I will ruin you right here, right now if that’s what it takes to get you to sit quiet and let me work. Don’t think I won’t tie you to this cooler and leave you here until I’m done, got that?” Villain always had such an intensity to her eyes and her tone of voice. She was always so powerful and it made Hero weak at his goddamned knees because he was so incredibly in love with her.
But instead of spilling his undying love for her and begging for her hand in marriage, Hero simply smiled and pulled out an ice cream bar from behind his back. Beaming as Villain slowly let him go from pinned against the freezer as she stared at the frozen treat.
“You said you were overheating!! I thought it might help to get in the cooler for a bit and have a small treat!!” Hero practically glowed with excitement as Villain gently took the ice cream from his hand and shook her head as she pursed her lips and giggled.
She was always so cute when she did that.
“Of course… Thank you, handsome. Always looking out for me, hm?” She smiled as she pecked her husband gently on the lips and began to eat her very thoughtful gift.
Hero could only pull her in by the waist and kiss her all over her face, murmuring soft praises and loving words to her until the bell above the door rang once again.
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