#MUSE / Warren Rojas
denydefeat · 5 months
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So as I finished the show, I'm going to be posting my divergencies for Daisy Jones & The Six muses. I'm mostly book based with some show influences, so mostly the things the show changed from the book will be what I focus on here. This post is gonna be a long one, so under a cut it goes. Eddie and Camila have the biggest changes. Everyone else is pretty adaptable either way. There are mentions of cheating, drugs, and alcohol in this post. I'm always willing and happy to do aus and canon divergent threads and such but for like a timeline basis - this is where I am.
Eddie Loving: (Not Roundtree? WTF was that lmao) is the rhythm guitarist. I will always refer to Pete Loving (his brother? Why change that? JFC) as the bassist. This change really annoyed me because it changed Eddie's and Billy's entire dynamic. Eddie was constantly pissed about Billy changing his sections, or taking them over entirely. The scene in the book where Daisy's band leaves her and Eddie goes on stage with her to help her do an acoustic set, and then Billy comes on stage and 'asks' for his guitar to perform Honeycomb acoustic with her (when none of this was planned) and then Billy just LEAVES HIS GUITAR FOR HIM TO PICK UP when the Six come on to start their set? Insanity. Really fucking pushed Eddie over the edge honestly. Eddie (and sometimes Pete and Karen) being annoyed about things being dictated by Billy, with Graham and Warren just rolling with the punches, really shaped how the six worked, and it's a shame a lot of that was cut out of the show. There's no weird romance angle between him and Camila either. Eddie and Billy had a tense, strained relationship from the get-go and adding Camila to that really doesn't change much, except make it about something it really wasn't. Eddie wanted to be a part of a rock and roll band, and he honestly hated that they kept singing songs about Camila all the time (he liked Camila, but not romantically, and a lot of the music wasn't what he wanted to play, but he did it anyway).
Camila Dunne: The biggest change here really is mentioned above - the weird romance / hook up / cheating thing with Eddie is not a part of it. However, there is a part in the book where she spends almost an entire day with a high school boyfriend (who she had considered her first love) after the birth of Julia (and maybe the twins? I'm not 100% on that I'd have to look it up) and it is something that she and Billy never discuss. Billy makes a huge point not to ask questions about it because if she wanted to talk about it, she would have. The conversation between Camila and Daisy also happens the way it does in the book - in the middle of the night, while Billy is a bar, and Julia is asleep in Daisy's bed after they found her trying and failing to get into her room.
Karen Sirko: I like the idea of her being a nomadic keyboardist post the Six, going about from band to band and touring constantly and living her life the way she always wanted, rather than her having a semi-successful band of her own. It showed that she could make it many times over, be successful, be happy the way she wanted. I'm keeping that.
Warren Rojas: I'm keeping the name change. Everything else? I'm good with. He was probably the best depicted from book to show. The illest, chillest vibe. Just wanted to do drugs, play drums, and live life. I stan that man.
Billy Dunne: I prefer the book version here in the way he relapsed. I think it's more fitting to who he was throughout the entire journey, even show wise. His continued temptation, almost taking a drink and being interrupted by Camila or someone else, and then finally bending. His relationship with alcohol, how he describes what it is to him, the smell that gets him, how overwhelmed he is being around it, is so much more descriptive in the book, and considering the book is narrator based and in an interview format, it's a really well done journey for him. But he never chose Daisy. He always chose Camila. I know the show is going to take liberties for dramatic and storytelling purposes, but I found the strength in his struggle so much more empowering in the book.
Daisy Jones: Pretty similar to Warren and Billy. The show did them a pretty good service. The biggest beef I have with how they portrayed her was her relationship with Nicky. He seemed way more of a standup guy UNTIL the night she overdosed, but he compared to the book, he was like a perfect husband. I liked that she threw him out of her room rather than leaving him quietly like she did in the book though. That can stay.
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ac1num · 14 days
❝ i’m smiling because you’re funny. ❞ [ to warren from warren twwinn where have u beeeen]
nine perfect strangers prompt meme. / accepting.
warren chuckled, shaking his head as he looked over at warren number two. they were both in the six, and he genuinely enjoyed park's company. there was something easygoing about their camaraderie. better things are coming. he thought to himself, taking a sip of his cold beer. " well, i'm glad my sense of humor is appreciated, " warren replied, a grin spreading across his face. " hanging out with you makes the long hours and chaos worth it. " he leaned back, relaxing into the moment. " we should do this more often. it’s nice to just laugh and unwind, you know? " / @ro11ingst0ne.
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beybaldes · 1 year
and wouldn't you love to love her?
Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
Word Count : 2.1k
Summary : basically my fic they long to be (close to you) with a warren!ending. OR the one where Warren reveals he can't sleep without you anymore.
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered your fav show/book because I have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more warren fics xoxo
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Moving to LA had been much more isolating then you'd ever thought it'd be. Sure, you'd moved with there with some of your closest friends, but it still felt harrowingly lonely compared to what you were used to in Pittsburgh. In your small hometown, everyone knew everyone, so wherever you went, you saw someone you knew - here, in LA, you felt lucky to accidentally make eye contact with a stranger on the street.
Warren was the number one person happy to fill the needed affection you often sought out since moving to LA. He, himself, was quite the lover - always one to take a cuddle and hold onto a hug for way longer then most would deem appropriate - which was exactly what you needed. The two of you had spent many nights in bed together in LA just for the company of it, and not that you didn't like it, you just wished it was with someone else, instead.
"You coming to bed, sweet girl?" Warren asked with a tired drawl to his words, extending a hand out to you while the other held the remainder of his joint to his lips.
"In a little." You hummed back, taking a hit out the joint he offered out to you, the joint being held to your lips by Warren instead of taking it into your own hands. "I'm not tired enough to sleep."
Warren pulled the joint back to his lips, his other hand coming to brush your hair out of your eyes and behind your ear, his hand resting against your hair and keeping you tucked in the crook of his neck. "You want me to wait up with you? Or you can come keep my company? I'll put on some Fleetwood Mac, it'll help you sleep, baby girl."
That was another thing that you missed about Pittsburgh; the constant nicknames you let the others call you. Back in Pittsburgh, everyone had some kind of name to call you except the one you were born with. Now? Karen called you sweet-pea, Eddie called you birdie, Camilla called you sunshine as did Graham and even Billy, but Warren? Warren called you whatever he liked; sweet girl, baby girl, baby, doll, his.
"No, it's okay Warren, you go to bed." Warren scooped you up in his arms, placing you down in the spot next to Graham who had already opened up his blanket for you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I'll leave the door open for you."
You let your head fall to Graham's shoulder, who pulled his arm out from between the two of you and wrapped it over the back of the sofa. He allowed you to tangle your legs up in his pyjama covered ones, making sure you were comfortable before he turned his attention back to the tv screen.
"You and Warren are sleeping together?" Karen had been the one brave enough to ask, the conversation between the two of you not unnoticed by the rest of the group - it being the only thing to break the silence in the past 40 minutes. 
All heads turned to you, attention suddenly on something that had the potential to be more interesting then the rerun of Scooby-doo that had just started. "Not like that." You answered softly, eyes still focused on the cartoon dog and his gang on friends, not noticing how everyone else was now looking at you. "We both just like the company of it. I don't think either of us realised how lonely it would be coming out to LA."
"Cute." Camilla mused, a warm smile curling on her lips as she took in that even in your sleep you were reaching out for the touch and warmth of someone else.
"You're always welcome in my bed, sweet-pea." Karen added, a smile curling on her own lips as she managed to take your attention away from the tv. "I swear you run cold. Would be nice in the LA heat."
"You can't steal my blanket buddy." Graham gasped, pulling you tighter against him and furiously tucking the blanket around the two of you. "She's the perfect amount of cold. The windows open, with the blanket, with y/n is the perfect temperature for me."
"I'm going to have to pass on that one Karen, unless you want to come down to my room." You countered her offer with a soft smile, attention moving back to the tv once more. "Warren says your room is haunted."
Laughter spread through out the room as you sided with Warren even in his absence; he was so sweet to you, and that's what friends do, so how could you not?
"What?" You asked, laughing yourself. "We left it empty until your arrival for a reason." That caused another round of laughter to break out in the room, everyone enjoying the way the two of you were slowly but surely morphing into one person with the more time you spent confined in the LA rental.
A particularly loud shout of "scoob!" from the TV had everyone's attention turned back to the cartoon, letting the nature of your relationship with Warren lie for at least the time being.
By the end of the third episode, only you, Graham and Eddie remained in the room. Graham was fast asleep, his head leaning against yours making you trapped in his hold, and Eddie was sat in the armchair against the wall, legs curled into the seat and a bottle of warm beer in his hands that he'd been nursing for the last half an hour.
As the intro to the next rerun of Scooby-doo blasted from the TV, Graham startled awake, literally jumping out of his seat and pulling the blanket with him. He grumbled some attempt at what you thought was a goodnight, and stumbled sleepily out of the room, the warmth of him and the blanket leaving you alone on the couch.
Eddie got up from his seat without a word, joining you on the couch with his arm stretched over your shoulders and across the back of the couch cushions.
"I know you like him." Eddie teased, letting his arm fall around you and pull you into his side. He pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and placed it over the two of you, trying to keep you warm now that Graham had stolen your provisos blanket. "I can tell, I think we all can."
"Everyone except Warren, I guess." You complained, letting your head fall back against his shoulder, taking the warm beer he held in his hands and having a sip of it.
"He likes you too you know." Eddie laughed at the face of disbelief you pulled, taking the beer back from you to have another sip for himself. "All I'm saying is, you don't see me in his bed every night, and he likes me just fine."
You hummed into him, tucking your head away from the light of the tv screen, thinking about what Eddie was suggesting. His fingers moved to run through your hair, soothing you to sleep even if he hadn't meant to.
It wouldn't be the first time you had ended up in this predicament, you and Eddie cuddled up together on a couch in someone's living room, the night having gotten away from you. But it was the first time since coming to LA, the first time since you'd basically moved into Warren's bed, and if it weren't for the fact you were already half asleep, you would've felt sick about it.
Eddie wasn't far behind you when it came to falling asleep, his fingers shortly stilling and beer left half drank and held loosely between his fingers.
As people slowly began to filter into the living room the following morning, you made yourself plenty comfortable in Eddie's lap - instead of taking up the whole couch - allowing him to wrap an arm around your waist and hold you up and against him by your thighs. You lazily tuned into the conversation everyone else seemed to be having, mainly focused on eating the bowl of cereal Camilla had given you and the feeling of Eddie's fingers toying with the hem of your shorts. Picking up another spoonful of food, you offered him a mouthful, him taking it with a grateful smile.
"I thought you and Warren were sleeping together?" Billy asked, gesturing at you and Eddie with the tip of his spoon accusingly.
"And I thought we discussed this last night." You deflected with a shrug. Everyone apparently knew of your feelings for the curly haired brunette according to Eddie, but that didn't mean you had to admit them to them. It would only give them more ammunition to tease you with anyways. "Me and Ed's stayed out here last night, tried to stay up watching scooby-doo but failed, that's all."
"You and Ed's, huh." Graham asked, his eyebrow raised in suspicion.
"You're just jealous that she doesn't have a cute nickname for you." Eddie spat back, quickly coming to your defence as you offered him another bite of your cereal.
Scanning your eyes around the room, you took notice of the lack of a certain member of the sixes presence. "Where is Warren, actually?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Graham teased, earning a smack on the chest from Eddie who came to your defence as you left the room, leaving him with your cereal and an unusually rowdy Graham.
You crept into Warren's room, quiet as a mouse, hoping not to wake him up as you made your own way to bed. Despite your claim last night, you headed over first to the record player in the corner, pulling out your Fleetwood Mac vinyl and skipping to where Rhiannon should start. Turing the volume down enough that it wouldn't go outside the room but would reach you from Warren's bed. Cracking open the window just enough to let in a cool breeze, you finally got into what had become your side of Warren's bed.
No sooner then you'd lied down and turned on your side to slowly wake him, Warren was cosying himself into your side, nuzzling into your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you, intertwining your fingers.
"I didn't mean to wake you, m'sorry." You murmured, wiggling your arm out of his hold to wrap it over him, tangling your fingers in his mess of curls. You scratched gently at his scalp, Warren preening into your touch, yearning for it. "Well I did actually, but not like this, it's nearly 9."
"You didn't wake me, sweet girl." He purred, pressing a kiss, then another, then another to your shoulder. "Can't sleep without you, just been sat here all night trying to."
"Warren." You whined, shuffling to face him better at his confession. "You should've said so. I would've come with you when you first asked. You could've come to get me."
"I didn't want you to think I was needy." He whispered, avoiding your eyes as he busied himself in trying to get comfy now that you were in his arms again. "Plus, when I did come out to get you, you seemed pretty cosy with Eddie."
"We just fell asleep watching tv, that's all." You promised, feeling as a smile creeped onto Warren's face at your admission. "Nothing else. If I didn't have the blanket I would've come here, to you. I promise."
"You're here now, baby girl. That's all that matters to me." Warren was already dropping asleep, his need for it catching up quickly now that your presence was beside him, now that he was safe in your arms. "All that matters."
At your lack of response, Warren began to move, exhibiting the most life you'd seen in him since you'd walked into the room minutes ago. "C'mere hot stuff." Warren opened his arms to you, letting you shuffle down until your head rested against his chest and your arms were wrapped under his, going up his back and holding onto his shoulders from behind.
You gently scratched your fingers up and down his back, lulling him to sleep just as he was lulling you sleep with the soothing circles he was rubbing into your hip. You were quick to fall asleep again in his hold, as you did every night in Warren's bed, as did Warren, who, like he'd just admitted, couldn't sleep without you in his arms.
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bloodynereid · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could write a warren rojas x reader one shot where the reader is apart of the six (and Italian) and suggests a song for the album and Billy just disregards it. Warren is very angry and has to comfort her. But she ends up doing the song with another singer once the band breaks up and becomes very successful in her own country and warren is a proud husband
I love your writing, thanks 💕
Innervated Love
pairing: warren rojas/rhodes x reader
a/n: hiii tysm for ur request. I kind of tried to do this request justice since I loved it sm so I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it.
tw: swearing, billy is his own warning, drinking mentions
description: being a songwriter was in your blood but billy just didn't want to see it, thankfully warren was around.
for @djatsappreciationweek day one: favorite character - warren rojas my unproblematic king <3
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Y/N: I loved being in the band, I would never trade that experience for the world but Billy… fuck yeah he was a real fucking asshole.
You were sitting on the floral duvet that covered the bed you shared with Warren on his boat. Somehow he had convinced you to move out of the dingy old place that was the house in Laurel Canyon to his slightly cramped houseboat… it was an easy yes. You and Warren were always a will they won’t they kind of situation until after the first tour. That tour changed everything and left you with one of the best men in the world as your boyfriend.
Currently you were working on getting some finishing touches done to an array of lyrics that had evolved into a song over the course of the past couple of weeks. Ever since you picked up your first guitar the words that wove themselves into songs had quickly followed. Not that you ever showed anyone your little creations.
That was until Warren found a few of your songwriting journals when you were unpacking boxes. And let’s just say he was incredibly excited. He eagerly became the first person to hear every single one of your new creations.
So later that night as he finished listening to the most recent piece of your little side gig, Warren grants you a huge smile before carefully taking off your guitar strap and giving you a huge hug, followed by a rather passionate kiss.
“I’m assuming you liked it then.”
“Oh you have no idea, baby.”
“Well good cause that one was written about you.”
“I will gladly be your muse for the rest of my days.”
“Aww stop it you big sap.” You say as you lightly slap his shoulder before giving him a quick peck and taking another swing of your beer.
“I think I should be calling you the sap since you wrote a song about me.”
“Most of my songs are about you.”
“You are only further proving my point.” You snorted as you settled into his arms and felt him pull you tighter against his chest as a soft breeze blew over the boat.
Warren: Y/N is a genius. She’s one of those incredibly talented people that just has that spark, you know.
You took a deep calming breath as you nervously fiddled with one of the corners of the paper where your song was carefully printed out. It was a love ballad but with obvious rock and roll influences, you had even tried to sneak in a few things you had noticed from the array of punk records you had started to collect.
It felt as if you were back in school, about to give one of those presentations that you felt would end the world if you ended up messing up. Billy wasn’t known for being one who listens to anyone other than Daisy, which was also a rare occurrence. He was bullheaded and controlling about every little detail on the album. So this was like trying to talk to a brick wall, but you were still determined to at least try.
At the sound of Billy walking into the recording room you nervously stood up and eyed Warren who gave you a reassuring thumbs up.
“Hey Billy.”
“Oh hey Y/N.”
“I was wondering if I could talk to you…”
“If this is about your bass lines, I already told you that you can change them if you want for the riff.”
“Uh no this is about well this.” You kind of shoved the paper into Billy’s hands and his eyebrows raised as he quickly skimmed over the lyrics and notes.
“What the hell is this?”
“Well since I know you were looking for something extra for the album I thought I would suggest this.”
“Yeah well, uh it’s not what we need. And I finished up a song with Dai-”
“Yeah it’s fine Billy. Whatever, I’ll start setting up.” Billy just nodded at you before walking off to the side to talk to Graham. Warren just looked at you and titled his head, you just shrugged. That was when you realized you had never really seen Warren truly angry. It was as if a secret rage suddenly brimmed in his eyes. You quickly made your way over to your boyfriend and gave him a hug.
“Hey look it’s fucking whatever okay, don’t worry about it.”
“That song was amazing mi amor, it deserves to be on the album.”
“You don’t think, I think that too.”
“I am so sorry mi amor.”
“Thanks Warren.”
“Do you want me to punch him?”
“Nah, better not cause more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Okay fuck him then.”
“Yeah fuck him.”
Warren: Y/N deserved to have that song on the album. I’m not just saying that because she’s my wife, I’m saying that because that song was a chart topper. And that is what it became, even without the addition of Daisy and Billy singing it.
Y/N: So after the band broke up, Warren convinced me to send the song around to some of my producer friends I had made through Teddy. After that it kind of blew up.
Warren: Honestly I couldn’t be more proud of what Y/N has built. I mean to be part of 2 of the most popular bands in the world has got to be some kind of record.
You let out a laugh at Warren’s choice of words as you enveloped his hand with yours as the camera zoomed out to allow you into frame.
Y/N: It was kind of crazy that people actually wanted to listen to my music. So yeah I formed a little band with a few acquaintances and I worked out of London for a few months. Our first single, the song I wrote for Warren, was an instant hit. After a few weeks the album came out and well I was suddenly catapulted to fame once again.
Daisy: Y/N deserved everything she ended up doing. We’ve even done a few features on each other’s albums.
Y/N: So yeah I ended up with my own band, the best husband in the world and two bundles of absolute joy. And I owe it all to that song. Innervated Love will always be one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.
Warren: You are still such a sap.
Y/N: Oh you love it.
Warren: Of course I do.
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missed writing for my man warren <3
taglist: @pinkdaiisies @yesshewrites1
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐕: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬?—𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐬/𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬
a/n: sorry for disappearing :,( I’ve had a pretty shitty life lately and writing has been helping me cope. things are less tense now and i’m able to update so i’m hoping u guys enjoy this MOMMY IS FEEDING YALL
timeline: ep. 3 (right smack in the Christmas scene) - ep. 4. 
also bc i feel like the relationship is sped up and rushed and we hate that
Part 1
Part 2  
Part 3
Part 4
This chapter: Part 5
Part 6
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
warnings: as always, not proofread, hornae warren and y/n, some cavity-causing fluff, billy being a dicky dick, 
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Eddie: Y/N Augustine was not who I expected to show up that Christmas Eve, with two trays of the best smelling lasagna I’ve ever smelled in my life, and an apologetic smile.
Why did she look apologetic? I don’t know, maybe it had something to do with the fact that as soon as she walked in, Warren was behind her? They were, like, 3 hours late.
Karen: Y/N is always on time. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter. For someone as fashionable as her, she manages to always arrive on time in the most gorgeous outfits I’ve ever seen. 
She was still gorgeous that night, of course, but she was late, and she had a sort of...sleazy smile. Of course everyone assumed the same thing.
But 3 hours late? *she rolled her eyes* I mean, fuckin’. hell. 
Camilla: When I first talked to the Y/N Augustine, I remember almost dropping you *she laughs* I was a major fan of her work, and still am. I really wasn’t expecting her on the phone when she called a few months before.
I asked who she was, being so forward on the phone about asking for my vest size when I didn’t order anything. I explained who I was, and introduced myself as Billy Dunne’s wife, and that I didn’t order a vest from this woman.
She was silent on the phone for a while, and came back introducing herself saying her name casually as if she wasn’t an important person. She said that she had no idea who Billy was, and that she was only familiar with a Warren Rojas, who she owed an order.
I found myself wondering how Warren managed to get a fashion designer to owe him a piece of her work...*she shrugs*
After freaking out to myself while I got his vest size, I didn’t bother passing the phone to him. And why would I? I wasn’t going to pass the chance to talk to one of my idols. And she didn’t seem to mind either.
I believe we went from talking about California, to the beaches, the majestic golden hour that shined through our windowsills at the same time, to you, even. She heard you crying through the phone.
And when I finally met her in person that night on Christmas, she was as lovely and funny. She gave every one of us presents, including you, and bothered to make us homemade food. I was so happy for Warren, but there were so many gaps as to how they even met.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────• 
“How did it go. Really,” Camilla insisted with a pleading tone. “How did you two meet?”
“Oh boy,” Karen mused, drinking her beer.
Y/N gave her friend beside her a pointed glare. “We met at a yacht party.”
Eddie leaned forward. “S-So is your name really Flora? Were you born ‘Flora?…” 
“Flora...?” Camilla commented, lost, looking back and forth between Eddie and Y/N.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Graham: She was so sweet about it, when me and Eddie went back and forth trying to connect the dots, which made it even more embarrassing. 
I guess it didn’t really make sense to me at the time. Why and how someone proper and prim like her managed to wind up with Warren, the wild one of the group. 
If I really considered the times he came late for practice, or left early, or that whenever he left to “work” at the boats, I think I could’ve gotten to the conclusion that he was smitten for this woman a lot earlier. 
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“That’s pretty smart right there,” Eddie chuckled at Y/N’s recall of fooling Warren. “I am very impressed.”
Y/N shrugs humbly, obviously as a joke. Warren knew she would forever tell this tale for however long she lived. Meanwhile, he’s just glad to be part of it and getting her at the end of it.
It seems that in their almost month-long relationship, the two have managed a healthy and surprisingly well schedule to meet up. With Y/N’s new projects and the band’s practices, they meet three times a week. Sometimes four, or more, depending on Warren’s libido that Y/N’s compared to a rabbit’s.
Though, it’s not like she can’t complain.
Apart from that though, Warren never misses the chance to get her something. Mostly jewelry boxes, jewelry, and take-out food, and when she needed to run an errand, he’d come to her apartment with her much needed rolls of cloths that he paid for, despite sending him off with her money.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Y/N: When Warren and I first started dating, he was always the one coming to my place, never me visiting him over at Laurel Canyon. It was a little suspicious at first, so when I told him what I thought, y’know what he said?
He said, with the biggest grin on, “I wanna make a show out of it” and went to sleep after saying that. I never knew what he meant until that Christmas.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
That night, he did indeed showcase his lover to his friends. Every question asked by Camilla or Billy or Eddie about her career he knew the answers to. 
Where were you raised? Here in California up until she was 10, lived in France until she was 22 and moved back here to start Serenity. Sexiest French accent ever, even better when she’s muttering phrases under her breath stressfully.
Siblings? Two brothers, one older who hosts a foster home with his wife, one younger who just started a professional boxing career following their father’s footsteps. Three stepsisters who are all younger than her from her step-mom’s side, all of who are just now convinced their sister is famous for dating a rockstar drummer.
Favorite part about putting together designs? She finds satisfaction in piecing them together, and how she gets lost in sketching to the point that she doesn’t realize how long she’s been working.
Favorite song ever?  She’ll say something everyone else says: Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. It is a good song, but it’s not a favorite song ever, because in reality it’s something old, specifically, Stand By Me by Ben E. King. She doesn’t like admitting this to other people for fear of being called a sappy romantic.
She is, in fact, a sappy romantic, and Warren doesn’t miss the chance to taunt her about it. The bedside table full of romance books that he's tried to read, but for the love of everything good he cannot sit still and read.
What he doesn't mind doing, however, is sit still to watch another invest in her books with focused, determined brows, and the occasional squealing after reaching a certain point in the book.
He's got her memorized so well, even Y/N's surprised that the things and habits she's kept to herself, he notices like she leaves it out in the open under the sun.
At the thought, she rests her head on his shoulder with a proud grin. And Warren responds with a peck at the top of her head.
While listening to an ecstatic Eddie share a story, something against Y/N’s lower back began to grow.
She holds in every fiber in her body to refrain them from giggling.
“Shame on you.” She sarcastically spat in his ear.
He frowns down at her. “Huh?”
Y/N widens her eyes and makes a pointed glare down to his erection.
There was a short reaction of shock. “Shame me? Shame on you.” Warren took note of this. It’s happened way too many times now, and he’s lost awareness of what turns him on. “Thanks to you, I don’t have control over my body functions anymore.”
“I didn’t do anything!” She whisper shouted.
“You’re just way too hot and good,” he groaned. “I can't wait to get home."
Y/N sighed into his shoulder helplessly. Home. Their condo, together.
“I love the way you smell,” he whispered, as he always does whenever near her. But no matter how many times he’s sniffed her or said that, he still doesn’t know exactly what she smells like. He figured it was sweet, of course, but it didn’t shoot up his nose too strongly. It wasn’t fruity either, or so he figured she's just her own scent. Natural.
"Thanks." She smiled up at him. "It’s the French brand. It lasts longer on me.”
"No, I think it's just you."
She looks up at him through furrowed eyebrows. "Nobody can just smell nice naturally."
He shrugs. "Well, I dunno what smell it is." He twirls her hair. “It can’t be on a title of a perfume brand.”
She shook his chin playfully. “Pay attention to the conversation, playboy.” 
He can’t. How could he?
It’s only been a month, but a month of what Warren already knew was pure and genuine. Y/N could do no wrong to him, and vice versa. They were good for each other.
The soft, buttery gliding up and down on his arm is what Warren can determine with his eyes closed; the softness of Y/N's fingers. The arm wresting on her chest as she leans on his front—it was only natural for Y/N to caress.
And as a response, another peck to her head.
•─────⋅(cut to the documentary)⋅─────•
Daisy: I’ve never been a fashion fanatic, but Y/N’s work spoke to me. She was a true artist, y’know? She knew what she was doing, and she is really fucking good at it. She didn’t just throw it a bunch of cloth and called it a day, the woman directed her creativity to the art every single time. And I recognized that.
Imagine my surprise when I see her at a house party I was also invited to.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
Daisy arrives at the Dunnes’ place, already making a fool of herself by absentmindedly dropping the bottle of wine that she technically stole, but still.
Not to mention, she had an audience, their faces were clouded by the smoke she just blew out, and not to mention, it was dark.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” In her voice, Daisy can tell she spoke with a smile. “They have too much fun, they’ll need the fruit. Nutritional values.”
She emerged from the shadows with, indeed, a smile that warms the heart. But a recognizable face that she’s seen on televised interviews and small pictures of beside the designs she eyes enviously on the magazines.
“Holy shit...holy shit!” Her hands went up to the sides of her head. “Holy fucking shit! Hi! Oh my goodness...”
“Daisy Jones you’ve been in radios in everywhere I’ve been today,” she chuckled humbly. “I can ensure you I’m a bigger fan.”
“I’ve seen you in magazines for a lot longer. “ She shook her head in disbelief. “I love you so much.”
But before Y/N escorts her to the rest of the band, she pulls her into a hug.
•─────⋅(cut to the documentary)⋅─────•
Daisy: I’m not much of a hugger. I think, especially considering my relationship with my mother, I couldn’t handle physical touch. Most times I would just be forced into hugging people and I stand there, just like a stiff tree. But something about Y/N, even though I’d never met her before, made me feel so glad that I’m a person she would hug.
I felt really appreciated by this stranger.
While we spent most of the night talking us a group, eventually everyone else started to branch out and talk to others. Warren was clung to her like a lost puppy. God, *shaking her head* never thought a guy like Warren can be sappy. 
They just started dating and I could already see the connection between them. They mutually understood each other on such a level that everyone else around them can just do theirselves a favor and leave them alone.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“My family might visit for the summer,” Y/N smiles against her hand. “I can’t wait. Lils and Hana and Ines are gonna try and talk to you. They’re English is so broken, it’s adorable.”
Warren smiles at her, even as he’s drunkly chugging at his drink. “You ever think about kids? I dunno, someday?” He panicked.
“Yeah. I think about kids.” Y/N vaguely answered to tease him.
He nods slowly. “Ye-Yeah. Me too.”
Y/N smiles innocently, scratching his headful of curls. “Want my kids?”
Warren gave her the deepest kiss as an answer.
taglist (aka beautiful people): @pinkdaiisies @mlwriting5 @teletubbysteroids @linatells @stanzie @arsonkween @rexorangecouny @lisbeth122605 @cultsanrio @thatoneawesomechicka @magicalmiserybore @sourholland @sunfairyy. @lilyhw1 @viridianflowers  @goldenjasssy @eonnyx @coldlamaspersonspy @navs-bhat @nicostars @darkestcinema​ @gr4cel4nd2​
125 notes · View notes
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— about me🪻
argie is my other nickname
cancer ☾ and pisces ↑
CEO of peach goth ™️
music enthusiast
sometimes i roleplay
unapologetic fat
the slowest bitch you'll ever meet
retired local rock & roll groupie/muse
i'm a northern mexicana
pseudo writer
fandom free
dyspraxia (DCD) and ADD
child free
karen sirko is my wife
eddie roundtree, skylar white, cassie howard, billy hargrove, mickey milkovich and nancy wheeler apologist
a truther for heather holloway, makoto kino, sheila jackson, fiona gallagher, kat stratford, polexia aphrodisia, william miller, daria morgendorffer, saphire, ian gallagher, barb holland, robin buckley, jonathan byers, daisy jones, camila alvarez, graham dunne, kat hernandez, warren rojas, ramón arellano, carol perkins, tommy hagan and chrissy cunningham
this blog is pretty much my personal space in which you will find my general tastes, tons of rants of all kinds, thoughts, aesthetic tastes, show/film brainrot things, facts, musings and all kinds of items that daily inspire me.
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— before interacting 🫧
at the moment, i will only open tumblr on different devices, as i decided to once again take an indefinite hiatus from mobile.
i tag all trigger warnings! mainly NSFW, blood, consensual kinks, gore, mental illness and abuse related topics. if you have another one you’d like me to tag for you if we’re mutuals, please let me know through inbox or message politely and i will gladly do that.
DNI: racists, elvis presley fans, toxic stranger things fans, canon steve harrington and jonathan byers advocates, canon steve harrington pick me girlies, max mayfield and nancy wheeler antis (this also goes to the ones on billy tumblr i am fucking serious), grace van dean/chrissy antis, porn blogs/bots, TERFS, bullies, SWERFS, xenophobes, ableists, misogynists, billy hargrove antis, toxic steddies, toxic eddie munson fans, MAPS, classic rock highbrow elitist girlies, johnny depp & leonardo dicaprio simps/advocates, minors, trump supporters and dipshits.
none the selected profile pictures, theme headers, edits and related reblogs are mine at all unless i state it. please feel free to DM in case i haven’t added proper credit and you’re the content source creator and sorry beforehand!
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l1teas · 11 months
literature muses.
daisy jones and the six.
billy dunne, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. camila alvarez/dunne, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. margaret/daisy jones, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. eddie roundtree, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. graham dunne, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. karen sirko, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. simone jackson, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. warren rojas, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
malibu rising.
nina riva, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
off campus / briar u.
allie hayes, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, scarlet leithold, bisexual. brian crowes, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. daisy abrahams, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. garrett graham, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. hannah wells, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. ivana loveslange, influencer if briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. jake connelly, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, xavier serrano, bisexual. john logan, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, drew starkey, bisexual. sabrina james, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual.
the vampire diaries.
damon salvatore, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, louis garell, bisexual.
alice cullen, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. rosalie hale, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
evelyn hugo, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
the secret circle.
diana meade, witchy woo and student, twenty, lea seydoux, bisexual.
theresa lynn young, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn't suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
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ac1nums · 4 months
literature muses.
daisy jones and the six.
billy dunne, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. camila alvarez/dunne, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. margaret/daisy jones, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. eddie roundtree, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. graham dunne, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. karen sirko, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. simone jackson, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. warren rojas, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
devil's night series.
emory scott, eighteen/twenty-five depending of the verse, college student/architect who owns a company with damon torrance, have lot of issues and loves to reject boys/girls, bisexual, Reiña Jacinta Silva. 
malibu rising.
nina riva, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
off campus / briar u.
allie hayes, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, chloe rose robertson, bisexual. brian crowes, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. daisy abrahams, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. garrett graham, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. hannah wells, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. ivana loveslange, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. jake connelly, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, joshua orpin, bisexual. john logan, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, corrado martini, bisexual. sabrina james, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. demi davis, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. taylor marsh, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting’s elementary school, olivia scott welch, pansexual. conor edwards, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. summer heyward-di laurentis, sunshine who’s living her best life at briar, twenty-one, valentina zenere, bisexual.
alice cullen, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. rosalie hale, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
evelyn hugo, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
the secret circle.
diana meade, witchy woo and student, twenty, shelley hennig, bisexual. faye chamberlain, witchy woo student who loves magic too much for her liking, like making deals with devils, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, phoebe tonkin.
the vampire diaries.
damon salvatore, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, kaden hammond, bisexual. katherine von swartzschild, she is german who is born during the renaissance era to baron von swartzschild and was turned against her will due to a sickness and is now trying to survive among others. still is manipulative and like to seduce and lure men or women ( she likes both, ) so that she can get what she wants, money, power and glory. +1000 years, bisexual, kennedy walsh.
theresa lynn young, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn’t suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
chase carter, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, bisexual, elmo o'dwyer. bailey james, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, bisexual, marissa grace long.
the maze runner.
thomas, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck’s older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. minho, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas’s and newt’s sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee.
twisted games.
rhys larsen, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, bisexual, hakan adalı.
piper mclean, piper is a demigod, meaning she is the offspring of a mortal and a god. her parentage is revealed later in the series: she is the daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. piper’s father is Tristan McLean, a famous actor. seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, madison bailey. jason grace, jason is a demigod, born to the Roman god Jupiter ( the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus ) and a mortal woman named Beryl Grace. he was raised at Camp Jupiter, the Roman counterpart to Camp Half-Blood, where Greek demigods are trained. like his Greek counterpart Percy Jackson, Jason plays a crucial role in the events that unfold in the series., seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, rudy pankow.
the empyrean series.
catriona cordella, gryphon flier, niece of viscount tearus, syrena cordella's Sister. she goes to cliffsbane academy and is third in line for the throne of poromiel. know for her elegant figure and flawless features, she is also strong and determined. skills are noteworthy, especially in runes and mind work, where she demonstractes exceptional proficiency. twenty-two years, bisexual, bruna marquezine. violet sorrengail, dragon rider, bonded to both tairn and andarna. is in the riders quadrant at basgiath war college and is in second squad, flame section, fourth wing. she is smart but also pretty reckless. twenty-one, bisexual, chase sui wonders .
night shift.
kendall holiday, eighteen year old college girl who parties only on thursday and monday but read books on nights at her shifts to the college library, bisexual, sabrina carpenter.
the idea of you.
acotar series.
hayes campbell, twenty-five years, lead singer of the biggest boyband of the planet, august moon. charismatic, magnetic, is an activist who loves nature and is a hopeless romantic, bisexual, nicholas galitzine.
feyre archeron, twenty something huntress who's ready to do anythng in her power to save and provide for her family, half fearie as well, she's not afraid of showing other how witty she can get. bisexual, alycia debnam-carey.
through my window series.
ares hidalgo, nineteen/twenty-five years old boy who likes his name and hack onto people's wifi. even though he is rich but it's only to interact with others he is obessessed with. bisexual. julio pena.
carrie soto is back.
carrie soto, tennis woman who is her father's blessing, who think love is so overrated and think works is more important than letting her feelings get in the way, twenty-thirty, bisexual, priscilla quintana.
0 notes
ac1numa · 6 months
literature muses.
daisy jones and the six.
billy dunne, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. camila alvarez/dunne, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. margaret/daisy jones, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. eddie roundtree, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. graham dunne, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. karen sirko, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. simone jackson, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. warren rojas, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
malibu rising.
nina riva, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
off campus / briar u.
allie hayes, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, scarlet leithold, bisexual. brian crowes, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. daisy abrahams, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. garrett graham, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. hannah wells, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. ivana loveslange, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. jake connelly, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, xavier serrano, bisexual. john logan, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, drew starkey, bisexual. sabrina james, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. demi davis, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. taylor marsh, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting's elementary school, iskra lawrence, pansexual. conor edwards, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. summer heyward-di laurentis, sunshine who's living her best life at briar, twenty-one, kaley mcpherson .
alice cullen, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. rosalie hale, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
evelyn hugo, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
the secret circle.
diana meade, witchy woo and student, twenty, lea seydoux, bisexual.
the vampire diaries.
damon salvatore, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, louis garell, bisexual.
theresa lynn young, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn't suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
chase carter, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, straights, elmo o'dwyer. bailey james, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, straight, marissa grace long.
the maze runner.
thomas, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck's older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. minho, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas's and newt's sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee.
twisted games.
rhys larsen, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, straight, hakan adalı.
piper mclean, piper is a demigod, meaning she is the offspring of a mortal and a god. her parentage is revealed later in the series: she is the daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. piper's father is Tristan McLean, a famous actor. seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, madison bailey. jason grace, jason is a demigod, born to the Roman god Jupiter ( the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus ) and a mortal woman named Beryl Grace. he was raised at Camp Jupiter, the Roman counterpart to Camp Half-Blood, where Greek demigods are trained. like his Greek counterpart Percy Jackson, Jason plays a crucial role in the events that unfold in the series., seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, rudy pankow.
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petrichorsoul · 6 months
Cut Muses
This list is muses that have been cut from the main muse list. But instead of completely removing them from the blog, all of these Muses are Request only.
Alchemy of Souls
Seo Yul
Jang Uk
Park Dang Gu
Assassin's Creed
La Volpe
Call of Duty
Alessandra "Outrider" Castillo
Farah Ahmed Karim
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Jarrah "Crash" Bazley
Krystof "Firebreak" Hejek
Tavo "Nomad" Rojas
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Jeniffer Jereau
Spencer Reid
William LaMontagne Jr
DC Comics
Cassandra Cain
Clark Kent
Conner Hawke
Conner Kent
Floyd Lawton
Jason Todd
Kory Anders
Lonnie Machin
Maxine Hunkel
Pamela Isley
Selina Kyle
Graham Humbert
Queen Elsa
Regina Mills
Elder Scrolls Series
Fallout ( Games )
Final Fantasy 
Basch fon Ronsenburg
Gladiolus Amicitia
Ignis Scientia
Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Prompto Argentum
Snow Villiers
Vossler Azelas
Fire Emblem
Arthur (Fates)
Azura (Fates)
Balthus (3houses)
Byleth ( 3 houses)
Camilla (Fates)
Chrom (Awakening )
Claude von Riegan ( 3 houses)
Corrin (Fates)
Dorothea (3 houses)
Dedue ( 3 houses )
Effie (Fates)
Felicia (Fates) 
Frederick (Awakening )
Gilbert (3house)
Hinata (Fates)
Hubert  (3 houses)
Jakob (Fates)
Jeritza (3houses)
Kaden (Fates)
Kagero (Fates)
Kaze (Fates)
Keaton (Fates)
Leo (Fates)
Lon'qu (Awakening)
Mercedes (3houses)
Niles (Fates)
Orochi (Fates)
Reina (Fates)
Ryoma (Fates)
Saizo (Fates)
Seteth (3houses)
Shura (Fates)
Silas (Fates)
Xander (Fates)
Yukimura (Fates)
Yuri (3houses)
Game of Thrones
Daario Naharis
Jon Snow
Robert Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Alaric Saltzman
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Landon Kirby
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Legend of Zelda 
Ashei (Twilight Princess)
Komali (Windwaker)
Medli (Windwaker)
Midna (Twilight Princess)
Prince Ralis (Twilight Princess)
Quill (Windwaker)
Renado (Twilight Princess)
Rusl (Twilight Princess)
Shad  (Twilight Princess)
Sooga (A.o.C)
Tetra (Windwaker)
Carol Danvers
Clint Barton
Emma Frost
Steve Rogers
Warren Worthington the III
Mass Effect
Cora Harper
Garrus Vakarian
Jaal Ama Darav
James Vega
Liam Kosta
Liara T'Soni
Miranda Lawson
Thane Krios
The Owl House
Peaky Blinders
Barney Thomason
Polly Gray
Thomas Shelby
Reservoir Dogs
Mr. White (Lawrence Dimmick)
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander Kirigan
Jesper Fahey
Kaz Brekker
Matthias Helvar
Nina Zenik
Wylan van Eck
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano
Baze Malbus
Bodhi Rook
Cara Dune
Darth Maul
Obi-wan Kenobi
Owen Skywalker
Poe Dameron
Qui-gon Jinn
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Dean winchester
Sam Winchester
The 100
Bellamy Blake
John Murphy
Nathan Miller
Raven Reyes
Nathan Drake
Victor Sullivan
Walking Dead
Paul Monroe
Rick Grimes
Shane Walsh
The Witcher
0 notes
tinyloved · 7 months
full muse list (+ face claims).
to request a muse, please send me a message letting me know who you’re interested in. we can even plot a little, i do this to prevent having the same types of threads, but i love writing these muses equally (if we have previous threads with said muse, there is no need for this btw).
daisy jones and the six (under request):
daisy jones: riley keough, irene dev
billy dunne, found on @regrethim: sam claflin
camila dunne: camila morrone
graham dunne: will harrison
karen sirko: suki waterhouse
eddie loving/roundtree (under request): josh whitehouse
warren rojas (under request): sebastian chacon
bill ‘bones’ shah: avan jogia
red, white & royal blue
alex claremont-diaz: danny ramirez, taylor zakhar-perez
henry fox-mountchristen-windsor: harris dickinson, nicholas galitzine
june claremont-diaz: isabela merced
zahra bankston: sarah shahi
beatrice fox-mountchristen-windsor: milly alcock, ellie bamber
les misérables:
enjolras: sam reid, aaron tveit
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo:
mick riva: oscar isaac
a little life:
jude st. francis: diego calva, jose condessa
willem ragnarsson: callum turner, harris dickinson
normal people:
connell waldron: paul mescal
marianne sheridan: daisy edgar-jones
ted lasso:
rebecca welton: hannah waddingham, sienna miller
roy kent: brent goldstein
jamie tartt: phil dunster
keeley jones: juno temple, lucy boynton
daisy alexander: florence pugh
steve rogers: chris evans, glen powell, paul mescal
natalia romanova: ana de armas
bucky barnes: sebastian stan
yelena belova: florence pugh
danny zuko: jacob elordi
star wars (under request):
poe dameron: oscar isaac
bridgerton (under request):
anthony bridgerton: jonathan bailey
benedict bridgerton: luke thompson
sophie beckett: bruna marquezine
edmund bridgerton: hugh dancy
the little mermaid: (under request):
prince eric: jonah hauer-king
moulin rouge (under request):
christian james: aaron tveit, callum turner
satine: nicole kidman, ashley loren, ellie bamber
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ac1numarch · 7 months
literature muses.
daisy jones and the six.
billy dunne, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. camila alvarez/dunne, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. margaret/daisy jones, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. eddie roundtree, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. graham dunne, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. karen sirko, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. simone jackson, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. warren rojas, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
malibu rising.
nina riva, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
off campus / briar u.
allie hayes, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, scarlet leithold, bisexual. brian crowes, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. daisy abrahams, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. garrett graham, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. hannah wells, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. ivana loveslange, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. jake connelly, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, xavier serrano, bisexual. john logan, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, drew starkey, bisexual. sabrina james, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. demi davis, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. taylor marsh, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting's elementary school, iskra lawrence, pansexual. conor edwards, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. summer heyward-di laurentis, sunshine who's living her best life at briar, twenty-one, kaley mcpherson .
alice cullen, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. rosalie hale, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
evelyn hugo, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
the secret circle.
diana meade, witchy woo and student, twenty, lea seydoux, bisexual.
the vampire diaries.
damon salvatore, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, louis garell, bisexual.
theresa lynn young, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn't suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
chase carter, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, straights, elmo o'dwyer. bailey james, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, straight, marissa grace long.
the maze runner.
thomas, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck's older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. minho, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas's and newt's sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee.
twisted games.
rhys larsen, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, straight, hakan adalı.
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outxfthemind · 5 years
//Also here’s a post for the muse list! (warning: it is very long)
(The ones with an x have an about ready)
Rags (Raymond Garcia) (x)
Dimitri Tchorbev
Yuri Maximov
Nicolai Khiev
Claus Faustus (x)
Truxton Jack
Apex Blaze (x)
Damian Levias (x)
Seamus Elliot (x)
Miles Valentine (x)
Andre Jackson (x)
Donovan Bastille (x)
Sean Carr (x)
Bruno Vega (x)
Claude Stewart (x)
Jorik Tyrsson (x)
(Zeke) Ezekiel Manuel (x)
Sadik Hakan (x)
Lucci Francesco
Bruce Wyatt (x)
Liev Kochenko (x)
Micah Warren (x)
Ichino (Ryu) Ryuzaki (x)
Alejandro Rojas (x)
Shay Ignatov (x)
Derek Pierce (x)
Samuel Wesson
Celestine Hannibal
Holly Hannibal
Simon Rockaby
Jack Hannibal
Oscar Sampson
Jay (Jayden) Wicks
Kujo Jacks
Shirosaki Tora
Mikail Dansk
Lorelei Dansk
Chevin Dansk
Johann Reiker
Jackie (Jackson) Wilde
Toshimaki Yusuke
Vincent Reyes
Ish (Ishmael) Jones
Zeb (Zachariah) Johnson
Yang Xi (x)
Rosco Ryder (x)
Hoss Bradley
Lukas Emilsson
Chet Madison
Dane Dukes
Jax Lepori
Joss Lepori
M.J. (Magnus Jamison)
William Oikoro
Antonio Veelas
David Ofxord
James Newman
Ian Newman
Bentley Granger
Hidetoki Kuro
Daniel Howard
Bastet Saluja
Dayton Myers (x)
Jake Monroe (x)
Tobias Ramirez
Marcus Ramirez
Ace Bixlow
Psy Wolfe
Dante Coleman
King (Kingsley) Addams
Solomon Way (x)
Balthazar Pierce
Juke Orion (x)
Tanner Davis
Ronin Drake
Durango Drake
Tatum Rodgers
Chase Rodgers
Tayir Ibn Al Asud
Laura Smith
Jack Williams
Remington Jamison
Codi Wicks
Ripp Baxter
Bellamy Quinn
Clayton Wesson
Lyon Albisser
Hoss Bradley
Gabriel Brady
Sullivan Matthews
Jude Wilkins
Anderson Newman
Jace Lepori
Chance Edwards
Alexander Reiker
Thanatos Draen
Jeremiah Tyler
Max Turner
Baptiste Burgess
Wesley Jackson
Jason Bradley
Yun Tien-Soon
Kane Logan
Truth Riddley
Raphael Vasquez
Brody Hale
Sergei Khiev
Seth Reid
Riley Connor
Levi Smith
Ilya Praskovya
Bernard Stulsson
Hannibal Burgess
Dorian Bellerose
Kwale Afolayan
Lance Graves
Noah Graves
Tyson Graves
Allistar Walker
Diego Reyes
Shane Teague
Shaun Taylor
Howard Wright
Mark Oikoro
Michael Santiago
Dominick West
Jack Anderson
Cain Redstone
Matthew LeStrange
Nathaniel Sabbot
Austin Jones
0 notes
bloodynereid · 1 year
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DJATS Compilation of My Favorite Quotes:
for @djatsappreciationweek day 6: fav quotes
I had absolutely no interest in being somebody else's muse. I am not a muse. I am the somebody. End of fucking story. - Daisy Jones
But if I did believe in them, I'd believe your soul mate was somebody who had all the things you didn't, that needed all the things you had. Not somebody who's suffering from the same stuff you are. - Daisy Jones
It’s like some of us are chasing after our nightmares the way other people chase dreams. - Daisy Jones
Passion is...it's fire. And fire is great, man. But we're made of water. Water is how we keep living. Water is what we need to survive. - Billy Dunne
I know about Daisy Standard Time ! - Daisy Jones
How'd it feel? It felt good. Yeah? Yeah. I mean, not as good as cocaine. - Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne
Mescaline is a powerful drug. - Warren Rojas
I can't feel my heart. It's beating. - Karen Sirko and Graham Dunne
I know what it looks like when you're in love. - Billy Dunne
You left family before. You can handle it. I know. I just really loved this one. - Simone Jackson and Daisy Jones
 If the rest of the world was silver, Daisy was gold. - Simone Jackson
Rod told me to wear low-cut shirts. I told Rod to eat shit. And that was that. - Karen Sirko
Dream big, little bird. Love, Daisy. - Daisy Jones
Wow. You'd choose me over a sure thing like that? I'd choose you over everyone. - Camila Alvarez and Eddie Roundtree
I've been wanting to punch that royal prick since Tulsa. - Warren Rojas
[Camila] saw a future for me that I couldn't see for myself, and she was right. - Daisy Jones
I feel like I know you. Or, like we've known each other for a long time. I don't know how to explain it. - Daisy Jones
ok i think i covered most of my faves but this show and the book are filled with so many great quotes that there are many, many more i haven't included in here.
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