crimsonicarus 5 hours
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better馃挅馃挄
I actually needed this, thank you anon
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boothillssugarmomma 5 hours
currently I have no emoji anons 馃槄
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deepdarkdelights 19 hours
Hey Sammy! It鈥檚 me CM anon :) it鈥檚 the 14th here but I know it鈥檚 the 13th there still. I just wanted to say happy birthday!!馃ス
Hello my dear, I've missed you and I hope you are doing well!
And omg I can't believe you remembered my birthday, that is beyond so sweet, you had me near tears! (You got to me before even my own family could!)
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sacredthethreadgvf 1 day
THANK YOU 馃 Part 3 is already in the works and if it鈥檚 taking me forever like part 2 did, I鈥檒l split it so you鈥檙e not waiting so long !
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picksnrolls 1 day
Oouuuu Katelin shipping 馃憖
Have you seen the videos from when the team went to Europe? The teasing and hand holding and the way they interacted in the interviews had me shaking my head because how did I not see it before
I have seen this anon! Like what the hell are these two doing? They've been giving us easter eggs left and right. The gays cannot contain themselves.
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st4rmun 4 days
(hi, i hope this is an ok ask to send you and doesn't make you uncomfortable!)
i'd love to make you lie down on your bed and order you to hold a vibrator to your clit. now, you need to be a very good and still puppy for me, you understand? every time you move without permission or make a sound, you get one hit as punishment. is that clear?
now, i'm going to take my sweet time tying you up, carefully tying each knot, positioning the pillows, prolonging each movement excruatingly long as you watch me. but remember the rules, hold the vibe and don't move! no matter how desperate you get, you must stay still and perfectly quiet for me.
once i'm satisfied with my work, i'd take the vibe from you, depriving you of your only source of pleasure. i'd handcuff your hands as well, making sure you're comfortable while i tease you with light touches all over, teasing but never lingering for long enough to give you any satisfaction.
once i'm done, you'll be allowed to rest for a bit, and then i'd really take over. move and make noise all you want puppy, i want to see and hear what i do to you :)
i'd tease you at first, gently pressing the vibrator around your stomach and thighs, but never where you want it. you'd start desperately whining eventually, like the good puppy you are!
that's when i'd turn it up and press it to your dick. you'd come quickly, but i wouldn't relent, not giving you a break and making you cum over and over again until you start crying. i wonder how long that'd take? - 馃尰
e it definitely wouldn't take long till I cried I'm weak to stuff like that.. I'd probably be covered in red prints by the time you were done tying me up, I'm very noisy and I shake/twitch a lot 馃槗
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itsdatboi25 7 days
Why are you always bored at work? What do you do?
i鈥檓 head of receiving at a small local business, so on days where we don鈥檛 get any shipments there鈥檚 not a whole lot for me to do besides sit on my phone ((tumblr)) 馃槄
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anon 'DNP please. Now the only PR'
what happened to Armie taught me a lot and opened my eyes to everything that runs online and how it's possible and fuckin easy to build fake screenshots, messages and what else is considered as real evidence. and I realized that what's loudly stated on social media is very often as far from reality as it can get.
so I watch from the window the show, and I wait to see what happens and how long it lasts.
but above all else, I wonder why it is shown to me in every little detail, who wants it real at all costs and why it's given to me now.
and once again I'm not surprised at all.
somehow it's the same, old story I saw a lot of times in these years.
anyway, staying here with my questions and waiting for seeing the next step.
I understand the way you feel, anon. 馃
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crimsonicarus 5 days
22 for the fic writer asks :)
Hi anon! Thank you for the ask from the ask game!
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you鈥檙e writing? how do you get past that?
I do a lot! I remember thinking my Charles/George/Pierre omegaverse and the Greek myth series didn't deserve to be written because they may be quite niche or the plot may not be as interesting for most people. I had to tell myself first, that I wanted to try and write, second that just me liking the concept was enough of a reason to try, and third that even one person liking them was a good reason to post them.
Something similar happened with the Toto/George fic, I thought that one was my worst work so far, and it did quite good after posted.
We as writers have many many biases when it comes to our own work, and we tend to be our worst judges. I think as far as an idea, a wip, a series makes you happy then it is worth writing and posting. There will be people who will like it and people who don't for anything you make, that shouldn't stop or guide your creative process.
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likedaylighht 15 days
SO GLAD YOURE OKAY 馃馃馃馃 please rest and take care of yourself that is so scary !!!!!!
Thank you anon 馃槶馃挆 this is so sweet, I鈥檓 feeling a lot better already, just relaxing and rewatching bridgerton to feel normal
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flowersandbigteeth 18 days
Can you help me find a story of yours? It's the madame succubus x fem reader
I think it is this one <3
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sacredthethreadgvf 1 day
can鈥檛 help but think of the ripe and ruin when I went to read limelight - was it an inspiration?
The stories definitely have similarities but no, the Ripe and the Ruin was not an inspiration, although it is a fantastic story itself. I started writing Limelight in early February this year actually! Sat down and wrote out a whole timeline and it has expanded like from there, personally I just suck at pumping out chapters at a decent time.
Im going to try my hardest to get this next chapter out sooner than 3 months from now 馃槀
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picksnrolls 1 day
Smutty hc but i can see Kate pressing down on your lower stomach while she fucks u 馃槉
Hey there Anon. Who are you wanting this with? If it's for reader, I apologize now, because I don't write first person pov or x reader. If it's for Katelin, I can definitely add it to my growing list. Lmk
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moonlitkissing 20 days
I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say it's lovely. Hope you are having a good day/night
it's also made me so flustered and my heart has been beating out of my chest reading all the post and just imagining being in those
Thank you! Happy to hear that you like it <3
I am, I hope you are as well!!
Cutee, that's exactly what i want my blog to do to you <3
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yuyuonabeat 25 days
List of my Pretty Anons馃挏馃挏
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If you鈥檇 like to claim an emoji to become an anon of mine please let me know!
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>My anons<
馃挏For calling an emoji please send as an ask on my inbox馃挏
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This is me btw馃馃~~
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lavandulacosmos 1 month
hello love 3 9 18 23 24
Hello to you too, dear anon~ Thanks for the ask! 馃挏 Weirdly specific ask game:
3. a specific colour that gives you the ick?
Not exactly an ick, but olive yellow can certainly make me pause lol
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
It would be very generous to call it that, but tonics and sunscreen are always a must - I only indulge in skincare that involves actual, definitive steps when I want to put on a sheet mask or a clay one during the weekend
18. your boba/tea order?
Mango bobas are so good, or taro - if it is traditional tea, I prefer black and I'm especially partial to Lady Grey
23. do you wear jewelry?
Yes, earrings are a must and I occasionally wear necklaces - rings are not really compatible with my work (or my fingers lol) but I never fail to check them out whenever I pick up a new earring
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
This is kinda funny since I learned British - hence my spelling - but my actual spoken English is closer to American, tho I've been told I have an interesting and unplaceable accent
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