knizuu · 1 year
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The amount of people //drawing/drawing their oc with// the characters from the AU me and my siblings(@im-just-a-dumb-gay )made makes me smile honestly <3
6th picture is by @doodleware !!
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star-critter · 2 years
I can't stop rotating around the idea of Mimic and Fang getting together in my head and the absolute DRAMA it would cause with my Bark and Jewel rarepair over here this is absolutely your fault. /JK
Like, I'm assuming Bark and Jewel got together first, and Fang somehow missed the memo of Mimic=Bad coming from her, Tangle, and Whisper. (I say somehow, we know how he missed it... It's the lack of braincells and his arrogance that he TOTALLY has braincells LMAO)
I don't think Whisper would ever explicitly say he and Mimic should break up (Tangle might though!), but Jewel would definitely feel the pressure from her bestie and her poor traumatized girlfriend to probably say something to Fang. It'd be one thing if Mimic was an asshole or Whisper's ex or something, but he killed the Diamond Cutters... Has he changed? Should they forgive him? Is Fang in danger too?
Bark would probably feel very torn the entire time. He's been running with Fang and Bean longer than he's been together with Jewel... But it's Fang. He's rude, loudmouthed, and a bully sometimes. Bark's got a better relationship with Jewel, but Fang's still his friend, so is he supposed to support Fang's choice, or try to talk him down from maybe not dating the guy that betrayed and murdered his girlfriend's best friend's girlfriend's Merc team?
And meanwhile Fang's feeling the Shit I Might've Fucked Up feeling, but a mix of arrogance, stupidity, and perhaps some amount of love for the octopus is making him dig in his heels and refuse to budge on the matter.
And Mimic's just like 🧍. 😂 I can't even begin to imagine how he feels. Did he know Fang's connected to Whisper's new friend group? Or did he tell Fang to keep this quiet and is now dealing with the fact that he fucked that up lmao?
Ugh, sorry to brain dump in your inbox like this... I'm just going feral with Thoughts™ and my options were this or... Eat my notepad at my desk or something. Yes I'm at work, thinking about technicolor rodents. I usually am. 😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰
[Comidic /lh]
Just gonna say this now : Your Bark & Jewel pairing is very much adorable 🥺💛💙
As for my input on all this ding dang drama, hmmm.....
I kinda like to think Mimic & Fang had met before Mimic joined the Diamond Cutters & before Fang formed the Hooligans. They weren't exactly together then, but their paths just kept crossing, resulting in chaotic shenanigans.
They would've just kept a long distance relationship and literally tell no one about it for awhile. Like the question never really gets brought up to Fang, and Mimic just refuses to answer. Either way, I can guarantee you Bean will be the last one to find out 😆 (But that's just my silly opinion [/pos])
Tangle & Whisper are definitely firmly against it at first, like "Hold up- No, this is not really okay. What the hell". Arguments insues. Everyone tries to talk sense into Fang. Meanwhile, Fang's trying to defend himself while internally thinking, "Oh I F*ed up." Pretty much all the drama stuff you brought up happens.
The closest anything gets to being resolved is maybe something along the lines of this (?) :
It takes a while, but eventually everyone would get on somewhat a neutral ground. Like no one's really going to change morality wise, no relationship is going to break-up. It's just kinda awkward, but no one's gonna try and think about it too much... Just don’t let Mimic, Tangle & Whisper be within 100 feet of each other and everything will probably be fine 🫠😅
As for how long that neutral ground stands, up to you.
All I can say is Mimic was probably off causing trouble elsewhere during it all and has no clue any of it happened for awhile. [/hj]
Also, don't worry about infodumping to me! I'm completely fine with it!
[/pos /g]
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 1+2]
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Original title: 目隠しされて & 無神コウ
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 2: Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (00:00~14:03)
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Continuing my marathon of MB CDs, everyone’s favorite idol Kou-kun is up next! I’m not a huge Kou fan myself, but he’s the main bias of my best friend so I’m always reminded of her when I translate his CDs. :p I used to find his voice quite annoying in the past, but in this CD, it didn’t bother me too much.
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
Track 1: Blindfolded
“Hey, you...!”
“Are you listening?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Say, say...~”
*Rustle rustle*
[00:15] “...Ah! Seems like you finally woke up! Ahー Thank god! You just kept on snoozing forever, for a second I thought you’d never wake up again!”
You look around, seeming confused.
“Eh? You want to know where you are...? Eeh...~ How cruel! You don’t recall? ーー Everything that happened before getting here, I mean.”
You flinch.
“Ahaha~ Seems like you remembered, huh? Exactly. I kidnapped you here~”
You ask him why.
[00:52] “...’Why’? You’ve been asking an awful lot of questions this whole time, haven’t you? Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped. After all, you’re currently stuck in pitch-black darkness. I guess it makes sense to grow anxious or scared...Fufufu~ But rest assured.”
“I’ll explain the whole situation step by step, okay? First and foremost, you’re currently blindfolded, lying on top of my - Mukami Kou-kun’sーー
ーー bed, you see~”
*Rustle rustle*
[01:31] “As for why I kidnapped you. Hmー There’s a few, but one of them would be because you’re a special human. ...Fufu~ Do you know what that means? It basically implies that you’re in a different league from just any other regular human out there. You might not be aware of it yourself, but to our species, your existence stands out as extraordinary.”
“Actually, you know that already, don’t you? You’re being kept as a pet over at the Sakamaki manor after all.”
You protest.
“...Eh? You’re not being ‘kept’? Ah, sorry, sorry! I didn’t quite put it right, did I? I take back my words. More accurately, you’re their...prey, aren’t you?”
He pins you down.
[02:23] “Fufu...Ahahaha~ No need to look so dissatisfied. It’s the truth, isn’t it? Besides, that’s the second reason which made me interested in you so I dare argue it’s a good thing?”
“Hm? You want to know who I am? Didn’t I name myself earlier? You’ve got such bad memory.”
You shake your head.
[02:51] “Ah...That’s not what you meant? Ahー Gotcha. Hm...Can I spill the beans already? But I feel like Ruki-kun will give me an earful if I do and he’s a pain to deal with when he’s upset. ...Let’s see...~ Fufu...~ I’ll tell you when I feel like it, okay?”
“Anyway, I gave you an answer to your questions so happy now? More importantly, I want to know about you first. All sorts of things...~”
[03:32] “We actually managed to get a hold of their weakness, so just like Ruki-kun is always saying, I should get an idea of what I’m dealing with. So to start off, I better do a little investigating to find out what exactly makes you so special...~”
*Rustle rustle*
“Fufu~ You’re shaking...My touch is still foreign to you, isn’t it? No need to be so scared though. I’m a nice guy after all.”
He pulls you close.
[04:04] “Here, I’ll stroke your head for you. ...Good girl, good girl...So stop trembling, okay?”
“Hm...You’re more alert than I thought. Fufu~ You’re letting them have their way with you despite that?”
You protest again.
[04:28] “How odd...Or perhaps you’re simply feigning this cautious attitude? In that case, you’re one hell of a naughty kitten~ They say that a skillful hunter gets a kick out of going after highly alert prey and honestly, I think I may understand where they’re coming from. It’s boring when something is too easy to get. ーー I can already get my hands on pretty much everything I want through my job after all.”
“...Ah! But I don’t really like how I’m implying those guys are skilled by saying that. What do you think? As the one they’re hunting for, how do you feel about them?”
You remain quiet.
[05:17] “Heeey~ Aren’t you going to answer? Giving me the silent treatment is a little mean, don’t you think? Hmー I guess it’s a little difficult of a question to start off with. In that case, let me ask you an easy one. Ah, right! How about this? ーー Does it really feel good to have them suck your blood? You know, does it make you feel like you’ve ascended to another world? Like your body is just floating mid-air~”
“...No answer once again? You really are dull, geez. What will get you to talk? Should I ask you about your favorite spots? Or perhaps you really don’t care about those guys at all?”
[06:12] “Ahー I’m kind of fed up with this already. I’m out here trying my best to be nice and all I get in return is the cold shoulder. What are you playing at?”
You explain.
“...You can’t say those things to someone you’ve only just met? Heh~ I see...That makes sense now that you mention it. In that case, I suppose I have to introduce myself  first.”
Track 2: Mukami Kou
He removes the blindfold.
“Here. Take a cloooose look at my face. I removed your blindfold as well. See? I’m this close to you. Our lips could almost touch.”
You look straight at him.
[00:19] “...Fufu~ Can you see me? I guess I should say ‘nice to meet you’? I’m sorry for suddenly abducting you like that earlier~ However, it would have been difficult to take you away otherwise. I guess you could say it was the optimal timing? It really was my one chance.
...Say, are you the type who doesn’t watch television very often? Well, I guess you don’t strike me as a girl who would.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Ah, no, I’m just talking to myself. I just figured that you’d probably recognize me if you watched TV every now and then. Not that it matters though.”
[00:57] “But really, things went surprisingly well if I may say so myself. I’m sure those guys are frantically looking around for you right about now. After all, their precious little treat was snatched away from right underneath their nose, haha~! Fufu...Ahahaha! Just remembering those foolish expressions on their faces makes me laugh.”
*Rustle rustle*
“And I’m going to dig into their precious meal soon...Haah...Somehow just being this close to you makes my breath hitch.”
“Is this what you’re capable of? Say, how come you’re this delicious?”
*Sniff sniff*
“...You smell amazing. What kind of scent is this? Hm...~”
Kou takes a deep breath.
[01:55] “I can’t get enough of it...I wonder where it’s coming from?”
*Sniff sniff*
“Not here...”
“Then here maybe?”
“I can’t quite tell through your clothes...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Why not take them off? It’s not like you need them, do you? ...Come on, hurry. The scent on the fabric is throwing me off.”
“Come on, go ahead!”
You hesitate.
[02:29] “...Hurry up, will you? You might not guess it, but I’m not the most patient guy around. If you refuse to take them off yourself...You’re not going to have a good time.”
You refuse.
“...Tsk. Ahー What a fucking drag! Do you think I’m a joke or something? Do you have any idea what’ll happen if you oppose me like that?”
“I’ve gotten a little irritated you see. And once that happens, everything starts to annoy me. So that look you’re giving me...Ahaha...It pisses me off.”
[03:12] “...I’m going to gauge out those eyes of yours, for real. I happen to kind of like that sorta stuff.”
You start taking off your clothes.
“...Huh? You’re gonna strip? Ahー So you’ve chosen to obey? How boring. I just had so many good ideas of things to do to you.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Anyway, if you’re just gonna bend to someone’s will in the end anyway, wouldn’t it be better to simply listen from the very start? Or did you want me to snap at you?”
You shake your head.
“Ah, I see! Right! You’re that kind of girl, aren’t you? You wanted me to lose my temper...so I’d treat you horribly, right? Fufu~ What an M-neko-chan you are~”
You seem confused by the nickname.
[04:03] “Hm? You want to know what ‘M-neko’ means? Isn’t that obvious? You’re more stupid than I thought. The ‘M’ is the same one as in ‘Do-M’, duh! Masochists, you know? You’re the type of girl who gets a kick out of the pain, aren’t you?”
“With that kind of personality, I can understand why you’d enjoy spending time with those guys. We’re capable of pleasing you in ways a regular human never could after all. Fufu...~ Is it true the pain is addictive?”
You try and explain.
[04:45] “When you put it like that, I almost want to turn into a human girl for one day and have a bunch of Vampires feast upon my blood~ Well, of course, I much prefer being the one doing the sucking. ...Aah, I was told this as well. Apparently having your blood sucked feels like strong currents of electricity running through your entire body, is that true? How nice~ I’m envious~”
You frown.
“That being said, I’d rather not get bitten myself. I’d love to get a taste of that pleasure, but I’d rather die than let some other Vampire pierce me with his fangs. Heh~ ...Ah, oh no, I’ve been rambling...”
[05:39] “Come on, take those clothes off. I’ll figure out where this delicious scent is coming from first. You’re hiding it underneath that dull (1) outfit of yours, aren’t you? ーー Your precious secret~”
You start to take off the rest of your clothes.
“Fufu...Exactly~ You’ve got to show me your meek side like that, or else I might just poke your eyes out~”
You tell him you’re done.
[06:08] “...Eh? You took them off? Now don’t be ridiculous. When I say ‘strip’, I obviously meant everything, right? You move your jacket to the side a little and call that ‘taking off your clothes’? Heeh...You really must be making fun of me, aren’t you? ...Listen, I hate being ridiculed more than anything...There are many girls in this world who would kill to be in this kind of situation with me, you know? Yet here you are, living that dream...”
“Ah, right! You’re just pretending to be embarrassed but you’re actually happy, aren’t you?”
“Oh! Or perhaps...You want me to rip you apart? I would never resort to such violent actions though. I mean, there’s nothing fun about tearing apart someone who won’t even scream from the pain, is there? Fufu...~”
Translation notes
(1) More specifically, he describes her clothes as lacking even the faintest hint of sexiness.
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swangsisendgame · 6 years
Med School Sucks chapter 2
After a few hours Fangs had finally gotten used to the college campus. He smiled confidently and then looked back at his phone noticing a follow from Sweet pea. He couldn’t help but blush and the bite his lip as he followed him back. Damn, there went his confidence. He sighed and began to make his way to the classroom where their orientation was. He had gotten another coffee for himself, because he knew that by the time when he was done looking around he was going to need another coffee.
Fangs sighed as he sat down in a seat, which was off to the left side of the classroom, and sort of in the middle. Not the front, not the back. Maybe he should save a seat for Sweet pea, it was a pretty good seat and he didn’t want to sit next to some weird person he didn’t really know. But in reality he didn’t know too much about Sweet pea either, but he probably trusted him the most out of anyone in this place. After a few minutes of him sitting there and making sure all his things were out he saw Sweet pea walk through the door a bit confused. Sweet pea almost melted when Fangs smiled at him. He had a few friends with him and laughed as they all saw Fangs and started giggling and whispering to him. Sweet pea blushed darkly and then waved them off. He began to walk over to where Fangs was sitting and then sat down next to him, all of Sweet pea’s friends sitting around them.
“Hi! I’m Cheryl Blossom, also known as Cheryl Bombshell. I followed you a bit ago, you’re friends with Pea right? That’s sweet! I hope I get to see more of you in the future.” The girl from instagram had chimed happily and then sat next to the other girl Sweet pea had walked in with. Fangs was a bit lost and then looked over at his roomate.
“Hey. Uh yeah, these are my friends, Cheryl, Toni, and Jughead.” Sweet pea nervously said. He looked at all of them blushing, and smiled a bit.
“Uh, nice to meet you all, I’m Fangs.” He said quietly. He looked at them all and recognized the other girl, Toni, the most. She was posted all over Cheryl’s instagram it was kind of cute. Fangs couldn’t help but think they were dating. Jughead was in a few pictures here and there, so he wasn’t a complete stranger. “I didn’t know you had friends who went here? Why didn’t you just room with them?” Fangs asked awkwardly when all of his friends were staring at him.
“I mean, they’re kinda stupid and boring.. and I got to meet you, so I think it’s a win!” Sweet pea said with a grin and then nudged Fangs with his elbow. Fangs couldn’t help but blush and then think to himself, ‘he probably would do this to anyone he moved in with. You’re not special.’ It kind of crushed him, because he wished that Sweet pea would think he was special and something worthwhile. Sweet pea looked relatively straight though, however he was relatively not. The two continued to make eye contact, and it felt like there was something there, because they looked at each other for a few minutes. After those few minutes they heard Jughead say something, which made them both look away quickly with large red blushes on their faces.
“Did you bring me some coffee?” Sweet pea asked to him quietly after a bit of silence between them. That wasn’t at all that had happened. The coffee was for himself, but when he looked at the taller boy’s face and he couldn’t help but just nod his head. It was almost like he couldn’t control his body. God he was adorable, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of his sparkling, hope filled eyes. Sweet pea said a quick thanks and then took the coffee from Fangs and then bean to drink it it happily. He smiled a bit when the professor came into the room. But he couldn’t take his eyes off of Sweet pea. Just to see him like this he would bring him coffee every day they had class. He felt himself melt like he was drinking the coffee, but he wasn’t.
Sweet pea felt his phone vibrate and seen Cheryl turn around to look at Sweet pea and Fangs behind her, after looking at the notification. He smiled a bit and then Sweet pea took out his phone just to find out what was going on in that red head of hers. A lot of different things could be going on in her head. She was interesting, and there were a lot other words he could have used, but Toni would have slapped him silly.
Weirdo: Sweet pea, I sit behind you and Fangs and he’s honestly looking at you with the most love in his eyes
Red: Oh
Red: My
Red: GOD
Red: Fangs is whipped for Sweet pea and Sweet pea is whipped for Fangs.
You: guys no way. were friends theres no way that we could like each other
Sweet pea was a bit nervous that Fangs who was right next to him would look over at his phone and catch him in his feelings. He didn’t want to get caught like a deer in the headlights. It would be awkward between them if he found out.
Topaz: Can’t you guys just pay attention? Also Sweet pea you two are both whipped for each other and there is nothing you can do to make us think otherwise
You: ugh… you guys are impossible.
Sweet pea groaned internally ignoring the group chat of his friends and then put the phone back into his pocket. He couldn’t handle them right now, nor was he going to get caught his feelings out and about on his screen for all to see.
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waterloou · 6 years
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tyranttortoise · 8 years
What if you do Beanboozled for the Swap gang? That sounds cool. (Honestly, I'm kinda scared of how the Fell and Swap fell crews would react.)
*That does sound cool, but I’m burning my Beanboozled game in the backyard as we speak.  I need to make my house a safe space where Rotten Fish and Spoiled Milk combined can’t hurt me anymore.  
Seriously.  I can’t get the taste out of my mouth now.  If I had gotten Rotten Fish on Alphys’s section, I probably would have flipped a table myself.  
– Can I turn this imagine into one where the skelebros’ S/O has a putrid taste in her mouth, but she wants to kiss them anyway?  
Naw, but seriously, I’ll be happy to imagine you a few more skelebros. I’m just going to do the skeles because the whole crew again is a little much for me.  So, here’s Swap/Fell bros:
Blueberry pops a jelly bean into his mouth, expecting the best (he doesn’t even understand what Tutti-Frutti is), but receiving the worst.
It’s Stinky Socks.
It.. tastes just like the dirty socks that always pile up in Papy’s room, only if he licked them.  Well, at least if he ever was curious about that experience, now he knows, and knowing is half the battle!  
“GROSS!  UGH, WHY WOULD HUMANS EVER WANT TO EAT THESE?!”  He doesn’t spit it out, however, because the MAGNIFICENT SANS ISN’T A QUITTER.  Instead, he whirls on Papyrus and thrusts a finger in his face.  
Stretch has been paying attention to the game, and it’s not something he’s interested in.  Blueberry really wants him to play, however, so he spins to appease his brother and half-heartedly glances at what it lands on.  Rotten Egg or Buttered Popcorn?  He pops it into his mouth and swallows without chewing.  It’s impossible to tell which it was.
“WELL?” Blueberry prompts, leaning in with wide sockets.
Stretch shrugs.  “egg popcorn.”
“it was eggcellent either way.”
Red’s skeptical of the game, but whatever, the Boss seems to want to play it for whatever forsaken reason, so it’s not like he has much of a choice.  He spins, and it lands on Barf or Peach.  
*of course.
He pops the jelly bean into his mouth, and the second his fangs puncture the candy, the flavor floods his tongue.  It’s Barf.  He gags, retching, but before he can spit it out, Papyrus clasps a gloved hand over his mouth.  
Is this why Edgy seems to be interested in the game– because it’s horrible torture?  
Red makes a sound in the back of his throat and pulls his head back, but his brother grips his jaw.  “SWALLOW IT, SANS!”
And.. he does.  Along with his own bile.  
“SEE, THAT WASN’T SO HARD,” Papyrus claims once he’s satisfied, leaning back to withdraw his hand from his brother’s mouth.  
“y-yeah,” Red claims, desperately wanting to squirt an entire bottle of mustard in his mouth to drown out the putrid taste.  He can’t, however, because now it’s Papyrus’s turn.
Edgy spins with complete confidence that something humans cooked up can’t be that terrible.  His brother is just weak-willed and needs to work on that!
Chocolate Pudding or Canned Dog Food?
Papyrus scoffs, popping the jelly bean into his mouth.  This can’t be that bad.  And what are the chances of two back-to-back…
Pretty damn high, because that’s definitely Dog Food.
It tastes.. meaty, which is wrong for a jelly bean candy, with an underlying smokey flavor.  THE TERRIBLE PAPYRUS is NOT a fan of dogs, however, and being forced to stoop to the level of a mere mutt and eat something equivalent to the taste of their swill, well.. it’s TERRIBLE.  AND NOT IN THE GOOD KIND OF TERRIBLE LIKE IN HIS SELF-PROCLAIMED TITLE.  IN THE BAD TERRIBLE THAT SHOULD NEVER BE INFLICTED UPON HIM.
He swallows it as soon as possible.  His brother is looking at him imploringly.  
*that liar.
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