aretrothing · 8 months
mother stands for comfort my beloved
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Chapter Nine: He’s A Rockstar
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Forever? Masterlist
7th April 2017 “Big day today!” Roman welcomes Ashley as she entered the offices, armed with a box of donuts and a fruit platter, her attempt at making Harry and his team feel welcome. She knew he would be getting the VIP treatment at Radio 1 seeing as Harry was so close to Nick, so she wanted to make sure he felt equally as comfortable at Capital.
“Tell me about it,” she sighed, “Harry was texting me all of last night, worrying about what people will think, but you and I both know how loyal his fans are, he could release a nursery rhyme fused with rap, and he’d probably somehow go to number one.”
“That actually isn’t a bad idea.” Roman chuckled, “Anyway, what time is Harold getting here?” 
“Well he’s on the show at 8:30, so just before that I guess.” Ashley explained.
“Good morning you are listening to the Capital Breakfast show that was Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.” Roman said into his microphone.
“Now today is a very special day in music history, because we have got solo artist Harry Styles in the studio,” Ashley told the listeners, gaining an applause from the staff in the studio.
“Hello, thank you for having me,” Harry said softly.
“We’re going to play the track in a minute, but I have to ask you, how does it feel being a solo artist?” Roman asked him.
“It’s weird, but in a good way, I’m excited for you all to hear it, well Ash heard it last week, when she bought Daisy over.” Harry told him.
“And what did you think of it Ash?” Roman asked.
“She cried when I played it, I think they were happy tears, and Daisy, my harshest critic liked it enough not to fall asleep during it.” Harry explained.
“That’s great, well would you like to do the honours of introducing it Harry?” Roman enquired.
“You’re listening to my new single Sign of the Times on Capital.” Harry soothed into the microphone. Ashley sat quietly as the first few lines began to play, “You aren’t going to cry again are you Ash?” Harry got up, wandering over to where she was sat to give her a quick embrace.
“It’s incredible H, congrats man.” Roman gave him a tight hug, patting him on the back.
“Hiya Jean, how’s she been?” Ashley asked, entering the house of her childminder.
“An absolute angel as always, she’s going to break hearts one day.” Jean led her through to the living room where Daisy was playing with two girls around the age of four years old, “she loves playing with these two, and they love playing with her, we also made some cupcakes today, these are Daisy’s.” Jean handed her a pink tupperware box filled with four cupcakes decorated with piles of sprinkles and smarties.
“They’re lovely thank you, I think I’m going to have to grab her and go today, we’re going to my friend’s for dinner tonight.” Ashley explained.
“Of course I understand, I’ll go and get her for you.” Jean bought back Daisy who was babbling away about her toy zebra, a new obsession of hers. 
“Hello little monkey, have you been a good girl for Jean?” she whispered, taking her daughter and bouncing her on her hip, “We’re going to see uncle Harry, you like that don’t you poppet? Thank you again Jean, I’ll see you on Monday, have a good weekend.” Ashley said as she strapped Daisy into the buggy.
“You too love.”
After a stressful ordeal getting herself and Daisy ready for dinner at Harry’s, Ashley finally arrived at his North London home, Daisy in one arm babbling away, she rang the doorbell which was quickly answered by Harry who was wearing the same black shirt from earlier, with some jazzier yellow trousers. “Hello you two! Come on in,” He welcomed them over the threshold into the hallway that Ashley had always found intimidating, “How are you?” 
“We’re good, but I won’t lie, getting this little madam dressed was stressful,” Ashley told him as she tickled  her under the chin.
“I like the pink of her dress, it matches the album cover,” Harry said smugly, pulling faces at Daisy who was clearly having a great time.
“No one’s seen the album cover yet Harry.” Ashley sighed.
“Yeah but it’s great for my natural narcissistic self,” Harry noticed Ashley struggling to take her coat off, “Do you want me to take her?” He asked, before Ashley handed her over, “Shall we go get your mummy a drink Princess Daisy?” Harry asked her as he carried her into the kitchen, Daisy babbling away to Harry, who Ashley had pretty much concluded was her favourite person. Ashley joined them in the kitchen where several people she recognised stood mingling, Lou, his hairstylist, was chatting with Gemma, Anne, Nick Grimshaw and Harry Lambert, people Ashley had met a handful of times. Jeff, Harry’s manager was talking to several people she assumed were from the record label. “Hiya love how are you?” Lou greeted her with a kind hug.
“Not bad, getting Daisy out of the house was a whole mission, I’m sure you know what I mean Lou.”
“Trust me, wait until she’s talking, she’ll want full control of her wardrobe choices.” Lou told her.
“How are things on the dark side Ash?” Nick asked, putting his arm around her shoulder.
“Bright and breezy, Roman sends his love,” The rivalry between Radio 1 and Capital went back years, both radio stations strived to be the number one station for young people, both had succeeded at various points in radio history.
Ashley glanced over at Harry who was holding Daisy whilst talking to his band, “Are you sure Daisy isn’t his?” Nick whispered, loud enough for Lou to hear.
“Positive, we haven’t even kissed Nick.” Ashley assured him.
Before Nick could question her anymore Harry shushed everyone to make a speech, Daisy sat comfortably in his arms, “Firstly, I would like to say thank you all for coming tonight, it means a lot to have my favourite people in one room, I am extremely grateful for you all, I’d like to thank Jeff and the label for all your support with the record, and of course my band for being wonderful people, Lou and Harry for keeping me looking half presentable. And of course mum and Gem, they say it takes a great woman to raise a great man, but in fact it took two, and I love you very much,” Ashley glanced over at Anne who was wiping tears from her cheeks, “And finally my bestest friend of all time, Ash, I feel like the luckiest man that I get to call you my best friend, we’ve grown up together, experiencing life together, and although our lives have taken very different paths, they seem to be running side by side, with the addition of this gorgeous little lady.” 
“To Harry!” Nick cried, raising his glass in the air, everyone following his action.
The party had died down, pretty much everyone had left, except Gemma, Anne, Nick and Ashley who sat sprawled out on the large sofas in Harry’s front living room. Harry entered the room, passing around a bowl of crisps, admiring Daisy who had fallen asleep in Ashley’s arms, “I think we’re going to have to head home soon Haz.” Ashley whispered, “I’d rather get the tube before all the drunks get on it.”
“I’ll drive you if you like,” Harry offered.
“There are two flaws in that H, you’ve had several glasses of wine and champagne, and I don’t have Daisy’s car seat, we’ll be fine on the tube.”
“I’ll call you a cab.” Harry had always been quite protective of Ashley, but ever since Daisy was born he had been even more so.
“I promise we’ll be fine on the tube, if you are really that worried you can walk us to the station.”
And so he did, the pair strolled through the dimly lit streets of North London, Harry insisted on pushing Daisy’s buggy, Ashley held onto Harry’s arm, the warm fabric of his trench coat brushing against her cheek, “It meant a lot to me that you were there today love, both of you.” Harry told her, looking down at her with a gentle smile.
“I was so proud of you today Haz, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, Daisy adores you, you know that don’t you?” Ashley told him.
“I was proud of you too, seeing you at work for the first time, I can see why they gave you the job.”
“They gave me the job because I’m best friends with Harry Styles.” Ashley sighed.
“I don’t believe that, you were so at home in there Ash, you’ve found your thing.” Harry assured her as they approached the almost empty tube station.
“This is us.” Ashley whispered, taking Daisy’s buggy from Harry.
“Text me when you get home.” Harry instructed her, holding her close to his chest, not wanting to ever let go.
12th May 2017
“Hello rockstar.” Ashley said as Harry opened his front door to see his best friend stood on the doorstep, a big grin on both their faces, she had come straight from work to see him, knowing he would be anxious with all the interviews and meetings regarding the album. Jean being the angel she was had agreed to look after Daisy for the whole day, which made Ashley’s life a whole lot easier.
“So did you listen to it then?” Harry asked her as he led her through to the kitchen, taking two mugs from the cupboard and placing them on the counter before turning on the kettle.
“I did.” Ashley knew that holding off on telling Harry what she thought of his album was sure to make him squirm, as important the opinions of the label and critics were, Harry only ever seemed to care about what Ashley thought.
“And did you like it?” He asked.
“I cried, again.” she sighed.
“At which song?” He asked.
“All of it, the whole way through, my eyes were puffy when I got to work I think Roman thought something was wrong.”
“So which was your favourite song?”
“Now that is a tough one,” Ashley replied as he handed her the cup of tea, “I’m going to have to say sweet creature,” 
“Good.” Harry smiled.
“The thing is I’ve known you for twelve years, and I can tell who pretty much all the songs are about.”
“Is that right?” Harry smirked, raising his eyebrows.
“Two Ghosts, well that's obviously Taylor, Only Angel is clearly about Kendall,” she told him, “One thing I did want to ask you was, you didn’t write Kiwi about me did you? You know, the whole I’m having your baby, it's none of your business thing.”
“No, that one’s fictional,” Harry assured her, before she could question him any further they were interrupted by a knock at the door, Harry disappeared to answer and a minute or so later returned with Jeff, “You’re worrying me Jeff, its not like you to arrive without warning.”
“It’s probably just as well you’re here Ashley, this involves you somewhat,” Jeff explained, “We should probably sit down,” He led them over to Harry’s large dining table, “The press have put two and two together and made twenty five.”
“Jeff what are you on about?” Harry asked, clearly baffled by Jeff’s spontaneous visit.
Jeff pulled out his laptop, opening it to reveal an article titled ‘SHE’S HAVING HIS BABY AND IT IS HIS BUSINESS’, under the heading there were pictures of Harry and Ashley from the release date of Sign of the Times, pictures of Harry pushing Daisy’s buggy whilst Ashley held onto his arm, and pictures of them hugging at the station, as the article continued there were pictures of Harry and Ashley going way back, they were insinuating that Harry’s public relationships had all been an elaborate cover up for his real relationship with Ashley, “So they think Harry is Daisy’s real dad?” Ashley whispered.
“It looks that way,” Jeff sighed “And for legal reasons I need to know whether she is Harry’s daughter or not.”
“Harry is not Daisy’s father, for fuck sake her father may as well have been a sperm donor, because thats how little involvement he has had in he life.”
“Do you need me to make a statement?” Harry asked.
“They’ll probably want a comment from you eventually, this will all blow over eventually, but Ashley you might find in the next few weeks that you get heightened press attention, butt don’t say anything to them they could use against you, and if they do anything to harm you or Daisy in any way tell Harry, and he can tell our legal team who will have that resolved for you.”
“Are you alright?” Harry asked Ashley as she stared out of his living room window, Jeff had gone and it was just the two of them left in the house.
“You would tell me wouldn’t you? If you had written a song about me?” Ashley asked, Harry shuffled on his feet, looking down at the floor, not wanting to engage in eye contact with Ashley, “What is it?” she asked him bluntly, she knew full well when Harry was hiding something.
“I haven’t been completely honest, there is a song on there about you.” Harry muttered, “when you said Sweet Creature was your favourite, I said good, because I wrote it for you.” Ashley stood in silence, not really knowing what to think, “You think that’s weird don’t you? I’m sorry, I should’ve asked if it was okay before I released it.”
“I don’t think it’s weird, I think it’s lovely, in a weird kind of way.” She assured him.
“A weird kind of lovely?”
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pavlikovskaya · 4 years
good lord, help me get through these. tagged by @pavlikovskie on my main, thank youuu!
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? pink….
2. name a food you never eat? no such thing exists. wait, it does. yogurt. i don’t like cottage cheese or sour cream either, but i can eat them if they’re in a dish, but yogurt? never. wait, only greek BUT it has to have fruit and honey on it.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? reading the bestest, realest, most beautiful manga i have ever read 😭
5. what is your favourite candy bar? butterfinger
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? no way jose
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? i cited a line from the idiot in russian
8. what is your favourite ice cream? i don’t like ice cream but coconutterly caramelly marshmallowy whatevery from ben and jerry’s i believe is heaven on earth. the sea salt caramel from halo top is super good too
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? milk tea
10. do you like your wallet? i don’t mind it too much i guess, nor do i use it very often (apple pay babeeeyyyy), but it is time to change it cos that bitch big and chunky (hence why i don’t use it)
11. what was the last thing you ate? pasta
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: hahahhaahahahahahakffs
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? cheese. plain salted is good too. when i discovered caramelised (?) popcorn (idk, the sweet one), that was nice, but only if it’s mixed with the salted one
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? the donna tartt thirst tweets gc <3
16. ever go camping? only once for one night
17. do you take vitamins? nope
18. do you go to church every sunday? not even on easter
19. do you have a tan? never
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? fuck me
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? i don’t drink soda
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? black or really soft pastel colours bc they’re fluffy and those shits always look cute
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? gays can’t drive duh
24. what terrifies you? insects and the passing of time
25. look to your left, what do you see? my piano
26. what chore do you hate? wiping dust off of shelves and windowsills and such. and am not particularly fond of vacuuming eiter
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? my best friend lydia
28. what’s your favourite soda? sprite, if i have to choose
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? i’ve never ordered from a drive thru
30. who’s the last person you talked to? the donna tartt thirst tweets gc
31. favourite cut of beef? loin, but if i’m ordering a steak, i’ll order a ffillet or a rib eye
32. last song you listened to? the figurehead by the cure
33. last book you read? last book i finished was the secret history, currently reading if we were villains
34. favourite day of the week? thursday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? never even thought about it the fuck
36. how do you like your coffee? black, no sugar
37. favourite pair of shoes? my docs even though after nearly two years still make my heels bleed
38. the time you normally go to sleep? well let’s see, it is now 4.39 in the morning and i’m still not sleepy at all
39. the time you normally get up? either stupidly early like 8 am or stupidly late, 12 nearing on 1
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i want to say sunrise because it’s gorgeous, but most of the times i’ve seen the sun rise, i’d been drinking all night and it usually catches me still drunk but coming down, tired, looking like a hot mess and most likely depressed
41. how many blankets on your bed? two
42. describe your kitchen plates: white, plain
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? jägermeister, kraken, jd honey, malibu, disaronno, sheridan’s, bailey’s, pinot noir, i like all alcohol.
44. do you play cards? i can but i don’t cos nobody here knows how/wants to. but i’m about to play a whole lotta belote when i go home in a month
45. what colour is your car? don’t have one
46. can you change a tire? absolutely not
47. your favourite province? jesus, fucking languedoc?? i don’t fucking know
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? actress
49. how did you get your biggest scar? was pushed by some asshole, cut my head open on the steps of the minibus, got sewed up by a really really really incompetent doctor
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? i called
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moviestorian · 5 years
Queen on Fire - Live at the Bowl 1982 concert (Hot Space Tour) LIVEBLOGGGGGGGG
As promised! :) Initially I was supposed to go directly from Montreal to Wembley, but dear @his-majesty-king-mercury convinced me to do Live at the Bowl before, and I’m glad she did!
Background: The concert is dated at June 5, 1982. As I wrote in the title, it was part of the Hot Space tour and was initially supposed to be played at Arsenal Stadium in Highbury. A day before the gig Freddie had a nasty fight with his then-boyfriend who had bitten him between a thumb and forefinger.
Let’s begin! - ugh Hot Space - but hey, it's gonna be fun! It's Queen, and Queen always puts the bestest live shows! - oh wowzie, this is mah first liveblog since April, long time not seen right? - my pizza's ready, my coffee's ready, my dip is ready - I think I can start watching now - Ooo wow, this concert lasts an hour and 43 minutes? I would die if I had to play on stage for that long - I can already feel the enthusiasm!!! The ENERGYYYY - FLASH AAAAAAHHH AHHHH - they're leaving the plane and look so hella cuuute - oh hi Crystal! oh hi Phoebe! Great to see you all! - gotta say... Freddie's outfit is fabulous. - Brian: plays the guitar and jumps the Crowd: HELL YEAH - I'm only 3 minutes in and my current mood is: fuck the critics whoever trashed Queen and disrespected their music skills - WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU - I love the fast version, slaps 100 times harder than the studio version - Deaky looks awesome in blue, I mean I already noticed that when I watched Rock Montreal, but let me reiterate - It's only been 5 minutes but let me tell you...not enough zooms for Roger - Freddie's in a good shape and form... not that I'm surprised - ROGER - cute red little scarf on mah boi's neck - THE FIRST FREDDIE AND ROG INTERACTIONS, I LIVE, I'M HAPPY - "hello everybody" "hey hey hey" good time to miss Freddie - Action This Time... Anyone surprised that it sounds better live than on the album? - ROGER'S VOCALS HOTDAMN - Brian's hair is floofy as usual... why am I acting like it's an unusual thing - I really really miss hearing Freddie and Roger together... POWER DUO - the synths get introduced... I neither love nor hate it tbh - okay not Queen related but the pizza is not bad, for a frozen one - Freddie, you feeling too hot for that jacket? And you Deaky, too? Get undressed, babes, I certainly don't mind - Play the Game! I love this song... Also Freddie playing on a piano is a blessing to us all - He really puts his soul into this one... Bless this man - Brian's backing vocals always sound so soft... My tenor angel - THANK FRICKING GOD THE SYNTHS IN THE BACKGROUND ARE BARELY AUDIBLE - LOL FREDDIE - he put a towel on his head I'm XDDDD what a legend - this and the famous plastic bag is a thrilling saga - AAAAA YOOOO - LMAO at Freddie throwing his...water?beer? at the audience - *Hot Space apologist speech* :P - we're at the funky part, I guess... - Brian and John's synchronized movements :)))) - ah okay it's Staying Power... I forgot what the song sounds like - Roger in black... I'm swooning - Roger has a nice closeup view on Freddie's butt, I mean back :D - This is not bad, but I'm gonna bet that I'll forget what this song sounds like again in less than two hours - John's haircut is cute and adorbs :D - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - Somebody to Love!!!!!!!!!!!!! - The intro...sounds so sublime, soft, and raw at the same time - I love that it sounds slightly different, depending on the concert - This is really emotional... We shall see how it goes, but so far it surpasses even the god tier Montreal version! - Forgive me for not saying too much now... I'm fully sunk in the sheer beauty of this sincere performance - Love Roger's drumming and the crowd clapping to the beat! - "I like it" ME TOO FREDDIE - I wish we could hear Roger a tiny bit better! I love the crescendo part - That was beautiful :') - Now I'm Here!!!! asjgashasashjgas - I love it when they perform it at higher speed - The jumping crowd fairly represents what my brain cells currently look like - I hella love Roger's drumming in this song - well not just this song but y'know - Freddie...what was that??? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THAT FINGER??? - hehe you can tell that Brian's very into it :D - Brian trying to get Roger's attention... Rog is, however, fully dedicated to his drums :D - Freddie lying down after the song is a post-exercise or post-dinner mood - "Let's play a game" YES SIR - yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah - "Go pretty boy, go" I'm SOFT - hear that bassline? YES ME TOO - (it's Dragon Attack if anyone's wondering) - Freddie Mercury: lead singer AND fitness instructor - wish I could make some screencaps, alas I'm watching this online so it would take too much effort so here we are - Fred, let BRIAN PLAYYYY nooo don't distract him! - out of context those cuts and shots look like John is jealous of Freddie and Roger XDDD this is gif and meme worthy (around 39 minute) - btw probably no one is interested because you came here for the Queen concert liveblog, but I got my period and I'm starting to feel it - IT SUCKS - ooooo Brian speaking! His voice is so soothing, I could listen to him all day and it would probably calm my nerves - acoustic guitar...I'm already in - WHY SO QUIET THOUGH - Love of My Life, I'm cry - Everyone's singing along from the very first line... this is beautiful - Everyone united by this song's pure beauty :))))) I'm not crying you are - Do you sometimes think about Brian playing the acords for this gorgeous track and there is no Freddie sitting beside him? - Yeah, I hate myself for that thought too - I might be a little bit emotional - No wonder it was this particular song was the one that finally convinced Bri's father to FINALLY accept his son's career - Brian's gentle smile I'm :') :') :') - *clap clap clap clap* SAME - We're at Save Me now... Are we doing a crying compilation or what? - This is almost as bad as the Queen Forever album I recently bought.. TOO EMOTIONAL - Don't get me wrong, I ADORE Save Me - But this is too much - Almost 50 minutes in and Freddie's voice is still STRONG AS A BELL - Remember what I said about the "fuck the critics" mood? Yeah the mood is back - Even the cute Roger/Freddie interaction almost makes me cry I'm agsahjhsAAAAAAAAA - I need a more lighthearted now BLEASE - I'm a tough cookie but when I have Queen feels very little can help! - Is this Back Chat? OH GOD - Please bring me back to the crying mode, I DIDN'T MEAN THIS - (I'm sorry Fidan and all the Back Chat fans over there, I'm not a huge fan of this song :-*) - We get a nice view on Roger's back, though *Lenny face* - The synths sound like a main theme for some mystery-drama tv show from the 1980s XDDD - I forgot how long this song is... - Get Down Make Love *insert Lenny face again* - Okay I gotta admit... lyrically this song is a mess and borderline cringey in the first verse, but I really like it musically - I GIVE YOU HEAT - I GIVE YOU MEAT *three Lenny faces* - Okay, let's just listen to the song and pretend we all forgot the English language, maybe? - That mid parts always makes me feel like I'm about to be abducted by aliens - Thank God I don't do drugs, I would start thinking I might be hallucinating - I assume that Brian's guitar solo starts now? - Nice intro! - And Roger gets time to breathe, the boy needs his oxygen - Actually, this may be one my favourite of Brian's guitar solos? - Brighton Rock :))))))))))))))) - Brian's hands are very pretty - oh noooooo - an error? - poor Bri - that disappointed guy who screamed "No" when the guitar stopped playing :D - thankfully he issue quickly got solved! - hi Roger, nice to see you back <3 - It's Roger's time to shine! - YEs, Under Pressure! - The Montreal version is gonna be hard to beat, though - Let's see - uu I like Fred's red jacket! - ...do you have any shirt underneath, though? Naughty boi - he does not LOL - "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH" - let me tell you again...Roger's mic is definitely not turned loud enough - This is great but still, I prefer the Montreal one - That beer always amuses me XD - Freddie, you want us to slap your ass? - Oh no, he's just announcing Fat Bottomed Girls XDDDD - "I was just a skinny lad" the editing team: cuts to the camera angle which shows Brian first and Freddie after him - Roger's "oooh" is funny because he's really into it :D :D :D - Freddie is now a pole dancer, he changed profession - The crowd, always cheering when Freddie gets undressed :P - I sense Crazy Little Thing Called Love incoming! - yes it is Crazy Little Thing! - Freddie's joke about the three guitar cords XDDD - This song always slaps - "she drives me crazYY" - ReAdY fReDdIe - FREDDIE PLS STOP FCKING YOUR GUITAR - this is pretty - BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY YEAH - he sounds so soft :)))) - and now so raw - "Momma UwU" - can't unsee this fricking meme now ajsdhjgdhjds - My favourite guitar solo :')))) - they actually played the video??? - I miss spaniel haired Deaky tbh - *instense drumming* *fireworks* - Oh Brian is wearing this cool shirt he also wore in Montreal! - jumpy Deaky...too bad you can onnly see him from the distance - GONG - that was sexy - Roger hitting that gong in the black outfit is sexier than shirtless Rog hitting the gong, change my mind - TIEE YOUR MOTHER DOWN TIEE YOUR MOTHER DOWN - There's only some 15 minutes left... The time always passes so quickly when I'm watching a Queen concert - Another One Bites the Dust! I've been waiting for thiiiis - Deaky: happy jump - He knows it's his time to shine - wait a second, when did Roger change his shirt? - I need a good closeup - Freddie be like *imma slap my thigh now* - ooo I see Roger's Japanese shirt now! It's pretty cool! - Brian looks great too - Those flashing light are kinda migraine-inducing, thankfully I don't have an aura today - SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER heartattack - Looks like Freddie is flirting with Red Special :P - they're going absolutely crazy XD - WE WILL ROCK YOU DRUMLINE INTENSIFIES - LOL the sombrero on Freddie's head :P - ups mr editor dropped a frame - And now we're truly heading towards the end... I'm gonna start associating We Are the Champions with farewells soon - Well done, boys - I know I say it every single time - But you can't stress this enough - :)))) I'm glad I did this liveblog - They look exhausted but very satisfied :))) - Bye bye!
Next time I’ll be doing Wembley 1986, hopefully soon!
Tagging all the people who expressed their wish to read my ramblings. :) Enjoy!
@his-majesty-king-mercury, @x5vale, @radio-ha-ha, @mephisto92, @39-brian, @melisa-may-taylor72, @silapril, @kitty-rushes-in, @lydiannode, @an-abyss-called-life, @litsy-kalyptica, @importantmuggoophero, I hope I didn’t forget anyone! ^^ Comments are nicely welcome! :3
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