capriszn · 2 years
your tags on my spain post i’m literally feeling the EXACT same way i needddddd to live somewhere warm and pretty
SO TRUE BESTIE!!! i am built for the mediterranean and i will literally wither away in these ugly grey smalltowns i‘m stuck in 💔 the places you‘re visiting look especially perfect!! i hope to go there soon too traveling to andalucia is my absolute dream☝️💛
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saturniandevil · 4 years
January 2021 & The Year Ahead
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AKA my notes from The Astrology Podcast because I really appreciate these regular forecasts, supplemented with this big ephemeris.
Going into this, Saturn & Jupiter will be conjunct in Aquarius on the solstice, December 21. (I’ve scheduled a reminder post so you can go out and see it--just after sunset!) I’ve also done a quick peek ahead and we’ve got a lot of Aquarian themes for us in January and 2021 in general--change in major cycles. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions take place every 20 years, and this one in Aquarius shifts us to a ~200-year period where Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions will now take place in air signs, after having had them in earth signs for the past ~150 years. Air can represent information and data, and Kelly and Austin also talk about how air can also represent dispersion; you don’t see a breeze but you see the leaves or sand moving with it. We may move towards digital communication and decentralization/deconstruction of social & political institutions.
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(Image of Archetypal Explorer software showing how December is the nexus of some major outer planet interactions)
Saturn Square Uranus // ♄ □ ♅
Saturn has been contacting Pluto, who intensifies his structures, but this year Uranus will be challenging him. Worldwide we may see more large-scale pushes for larger change--the struggle for liberation against structures that are no longer working. Exact on: February 17 (♄♒ □ ♅♉ at 7° of each respective sign) June 14  (♄♒ □ ♅♉ at 13°) December 24 (♄♒ □ ♅♉ at 11°)
Jupiter square Uranus // ♃ □ ♅
This aspect has a shorter-term effect, but Jupiter may lend his benefic influence to this struggle and make the change easier or more constructive. Exact on: January 17 (♃♒ □ ♅♉ at 6°)
General shift from Cardinal signs to Fixed & Mutable signs
Jupiter’s and Saturn’s trips into Aquarius this week mean that 2021 will start out with a strong emphasis on early degrees of fixed signs right off the bat, and Mars will be entering Taurus soon as well. Look to the planets and houses where Aquarius and the other fixed signs fall for you to get a glimpse of where this shift may affect you on a personal level. Saturn will slowly trek through Aquarius over the next 2 years, and the nodes/eclipse axis will also shift into fixed signs in 2022.
The eclipse axis (N. and S. node) has already moved from Cancer-Capricorn to Gemini-Sagittarius, moving some personal & emotional focus to the mutable signs. (Eclipses occur when a new or full moon lines up with the nodes.) Dates: May 26 - total lunar eclipse (🌞♊ ☍ 🌙♐ at 5°) June 10 - annular solar eclipse (🌞 ☌ 🌙 at 19°♊) November 19 - partial lunar eclipse (🌞 ♏ ☍ 🌙 ♉ at 27°) December 4 - total solar eclipse (🌞 ☌ 🌙 at 12°♐)
Generally, the problems that cardinal signs have brought to attention or projects they have started will be changing for awhile--fixed signs are slow to get started but long-lasting.
Mercury retrogrades will also be taking place in air signs this year! More in-depth information below the cut (after January).
January 6: Mars enters Taurus // ♂ ➡♉ This means he’ll be squaring Jupiter, Saturn, and conjunct Uranus--possibly igniting some of the issues they have brought forth? Mars and Uranus may prove combustible against critical Saturn, but Jupiter may be more receptive to change.
January 8: Mercury enters Aquarius, Venus enters Capricorn // ♄ ➡♒ ; ♀ ➡♑ This will put Mercury in a square to Mars--watch what you say! Our messenger will also be squaring Uranus in Taurus, which may indicate disruptive difficulties in the communication or distribution of basic material necessities, or changes in currency.
January 13: New Moon at 23° Capricorn // 🌞 ☌ 🌙 23♑
January 14: Uranus goes direct at 6° Taurus // ♅(d) 6♉
January 19: Sun enters Aquarius // 🌞➡♒
January 28: Full Moon at 9° Leo // 🌞9♒ ☍ 🌙9♌ The moon will be opposite a close Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, as well as squaring that Mars-Uranus conjunction, forming T-square in Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus. Expect tension and outbursts--perhaps channeled unexpectedly through that empty point in Scorpio.
January 30: Mercury Retrograde at 26° Aquarius  // ☿(rx) 26♒
Rest of 2021 below the cut!
Similar to January, here are some highlights for the months ahead. (Sorry but I’m ditching the emojis now or I’d go insane trying to cut and paste them.  They’ll be back in other posts announcing sign ingresses, monthly forecasts, etc.)
Aquarius Stellium By the 10th we will have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all in Aquarius---that’s every visible planet except Mars! Last time this happened was in 1961-2. Look to your chart to see where this will affect you; Feburary will show you how Aquarius is going to manifest for you.
These planets will be hidden by the sun’s light (cazimi), considered a behind-the-scenes “cycle reset” for each. As the sun moves forward, these planets will become visible again in the sky just before sunrise, literally re-emerging into our view.
Saturn Square Uranus, Jupiter Square Uranus
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius From January 30 (26 degrees) to February 20 (11 degrees). This means he’ll be slowly moving towards a conjunction with Jupiter (visible in the morning sky).
March 3: Mars enters Gemini This will relieve some of the pressure on the fixed squares; things may get a little more flexible. Lots of energy, possible all over the Internet.
March 4: Jupiter conjunct Mercury in Aquarius Some ease of communications here.
March 20-26: Venus conjunct Sun in Pisces & Aries The Sun enters Pisces on the 20th with Venus following on the 21st. She’s exalted in Pisces, but hidden under the Sun’s rays. Mercury has entered Pisces just a few days earlier as well.
Mars conjunct North Node in Gemini Squaring the Sun and Venus throughout the month. Mars may indicate rashness and the North Node confusion (eclipses)--check where Gemini falls in your chart to see where things may fall off a good path.
Venus-Sun conjunction continues She’s not to happy being burnt by the Sun or in fiery Aries, though she does enter her domicile in Taurus.
Stellium in Taurus Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Uranus will be hanging out in early-mid Taurus by the 20th, loosely squaring Saturn in Aquarius while they’re close to each other. We may find ourselves “going outside like we never have before.” We’ll be reintegrating into the physical world as an act of rebellion, or rediscovering older knowledge as something new and revolutionary.
April 23: Mars moves into Cancer Slower, more subtle and emotional than Mars in Gemini
April 26: Full Moon at 7° Scorpio Really emphasizing the Taurus Stellium & Saturn-Uranus square. In mutual reception (in each others’ domicile-similar to a conjunction) with Mars in Cancer
April 27: Pluto retrograde at 26° Capricorn Pluto is the last of those big planets to hang around here. May affect the United States’ chart (having a Pluto return.)
May 13: Jupiter enters Pisces At last, the major benefic in his domicile! He’s moved away from his fall this year, but was still co-present with negating Saturn up at this point--but now he’s out on his own. Aggressive hugs, chicken soup for the soul, possibly a return of travel in some places (“spring break”). In a mutable sign he can show us the new opportunities in events that have occurred. However he’ll go back to Aquarius this year--rooming with his landlord Saturn. It’s a bit of a sneak peak for 2022.
May 23: Saturn Retrograde at 13° Aquarius
May 26: Total Lunar Eclipse at 5° Sagittarius Picking up some of the themes from the eclipse we just had in December 2020 and turning them in a new direction. This eclipse’s ruler is Jupiter in Pisces, and the Sun’s ruler Mercury is also in domicile in Gemini (the Sun is opposite the Moon at all full moons, this time he’s in Gemini.)
It’s an eclipse, though--what are we not seeing, what are we missing? Our podcast hosts are predicting that perhaps travel agencies will rush forward and miss some things. December 14, the last eclipse, the US had the electoral college officially vote for Biden and the first patient to receive the vaccine--the US chart has Sag rising and Jupiter in Cancer (in the most common chart).
May 29: Mercury Retrograde at 24° Gemini Squaring Neptune in Pisces--perhaps the increased travel will be due to some illusions. He’ll be STRONG during this retrograde, so there may be some disastrous overload in travel or other Mercurian areas, such as communication.
June 5: Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn 26° cardinal signs are especially sensitive to this shift in power dynamics. This has been building since the last eclipse and precedes another one.
June 10: Solar eclipse at 19° Gemini Triple conjunction with Sun/Moon/Mercury, squaring Neptune in Pisces. A time for fantasy and illusions, not so great on the logistics.
June 11: Mars enters Leo Once again, fixed sign emphasis--this time Mars is approaching the Saturn♒-Uranus♉ square, which has been building and will go exact on the 14th. We may be headed for more social turmoil and a fire Mars will make this all louder.
June 20: Jupiter Retrograde at 21° Pisces He has unfinished business in Saturn in Aquarius. He’ll go back into Pisces when Mars, Uranus, and Saturn allow us some more optimism.
July 1: Mars opposite Saturn
July 3: Mars square Uranus This further emphasizes the stubborn tension that’s been plaguing us all year--intensifying in midsummer.
July 28: Jupiter re-enters Aquarius He may be playing a bit of peacemaker between Saturn and Uranus in the fixed signs.
July 22: Sun enters Leo The Sun generally has a stabilizing influence, especially in a fixed signs, but he’ll have to contend with Saturn (as will all planets in Leo for the next couple years.) Both planets are in their domicile for this opposition, perhaps bringing a more moderate, measured negotiation to the conflicts of Mars ☍ Saturn at the beginning of the month.
July 29: Mars enters Virgo He’ll be exiting an opposition with Jupiter, meaning he’ll no longer be aggravating the fixed outer planet struggles. Venus precedes him a week earlier; at a personal level we may be a little more calculating and flexible.
First week: Sun square Uranus Is over within the first seven days. A little more positive for us.
August 16: Venus enters Libra Finally, she can enjoy her domicile without Saturn squaring her in Capricorn! The benefics are more free to help us in 2021 than they were in 2020. We start reaching fair agreements, whether personally, politically or financially.
August 18: Mercury conjunct Mars at 12° Virgo Fast & Furious! An earth Mercury may push is towards a tangible solution. Mars is in fall, but is being received by Mercury (Mars is in Mercury’s domicile), and may really listen to the messenger. This also trines Uranus in Taurus, adding a distinct flavor of technological innovation here.
August 22: Venus (♎) trine Saturn (♒) Venus is in Saturn’s sign of exaltation as well--she’s got the power to make some deals with structured Saturn. Coincides with a Full Moon in Aquarius and the Sun entering Virgo.
August 30: Mercury enters Libra He’s joining Venus, and Mars is coming soon
September 10: Venus enters Scorpio
September 14: Mars enters Libra The accords reached during Venus in Libra may come crashing down as Mercury and Mars join her--some may stay, but some deals are OFF!
September 27: Mercury Retrograde at 25° Libra We’ll really be rethinking some of the agreements that were just made. He’ll trine Jupiter before and during this retrograde--things will feel good. But with Mars there we’ll have to face the issues.
Things will really get spicy towards the end of the year.
October 6: Pluto goes Direct at 24° Capricorn fjdhada
October 6: New Moon in Libra Conjunct Mercury and Mars, with the planets making trines to Jupiter and Saturn as they approach and leave this lunation. May see a challenge to agreement and accord in the realms under the outer planets’ rule.
October 10: Saturn stations direct at 6°♒
October 18: Mercury stations Direct at 10 Libra, Jupiter stations Direct at 22 Aquarius
October 19: Full Moon at 27 Aries Opposite Sun-Mars conjunction in Libra. This highlights a growing square between Mars (23°♎) and Pluto (24°♑). Jupiter (22°♒) is trine the Sun & Mars, though, so he may relieve some of the pressure.
October 30: Mars enters Scorpio Once again he’ll activate that Saturn-Uranus square and add pressure to the fixed signs.
Mars, Sun, Mercury enter Scorpio They will each activate that outer planet square. The accords that weren’t working in October will be really apparent now.
November 19: Lunar eclipse in Taurus This is the first eclipse on the axis we’ll be seeing in 2022--a foreshadowing for the following year. And this will further aggravate some of the fixed sign tension we’ve been experiencing. It’s also squaring Jupiter at 24 Aquarius, who may ease the aspects a liiittle bit.
December 1: Neptune stations direct at 20° Pisces
December 4: Total solar eclipse at 12° Sagittarius The completion of the eclipse series on the Gemini-Sag axis. The nodes will change early 2022, and the themes of the eclipse cycle that started a year previous (last week at time of writing) will wrap up. Mars is still in Scorpio, and the “martial” fixed star Antares is close by to this eclipse--strong chance some of the previous contention will ignite or stay aflame.
December 19: Venus Retrograde at 26° Capricorn She’ll be leading us into 2022 with this motion. She’s conjunct Pluto during this station, slowing down almost to his pace as she prepares to change directions. Venus & Pluto may represent more obsessive love, and in Capricorn things may be melancholic and bound/restrained.
December 24: Uranus♉-Saturn♒ square exact to the minute (5°11″) This is the final, most intense culmination of the aspect that has overshadowed the year (although it will come back in ‘22 as well.)
December 28: Jupiter re-enters Pisces He’ll travel all the way through it this time! ;) From this watery domicile he may put out some of the fires that Mars started. We welcome an empowered benefic as we move on to the new year--good news for the mutable signs!
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nightsky-wonderer · 5 years
Observations and Coincidences
In praise of Varian’s Star Part 2
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Continuing from my first post. Below are a few more observations and interpretations to coincidences that may/may not come to play.  
The interpretation and theory may not be in line with yet-to-be seen canon material as the story continues, but I hope in the end it would serve as additional content for generating AU Ideas.
1.) The Pentagram - star-shaped symbol with greater meaning
The stars we a major source of wonder and inspiration for cultures around the world through time.  Each one even implemented a star with a few or multiple points to it, each with their specific meaning.  There is one symbol in particular I would like to focus on.  You may remember seeing this symbol within the book from the episode “Curses!”
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The upper right corner of the right page displays the moon, a 5-pointed star, and a sun.  This star is known as a Pentagram, a symbol associated with perfect union, balance, and protection.  It may not be a literal star in the sky, but it has a history of being associated with magic, philosophy, religion, and alchemy.
In one way, the pentagram served as a bit foreshadowing to what Lord Demanitus was describing in “Lost and Found”, where combining the Sundrop and the Moonstone is the key to having access to what is known as the “Ultimate Power”.
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Looking through some research, the Pentagram was used by many cultures throughout history and was interpreted differently.  Its creation was believed to be from ancient Mesopotamia, tracing the orbital pattern of the planet Venus, the “morning and evening star” throughout the night sky.  When implemented by the Pythagoreans in Ancient Greece, it was a viewed as a symbol of mankind, health, and “marriage of heaven and earth”.  Each point was associated with parts of the human body and the elements that were believed to have made them: air, water, earth, fire, and ‘quintessence’ (can be psyche, spirit, or aether).  The belief combined with its mathematical purity makes this also viewed as a symbol of perfection.  The Chinese and taoists interpreted a similar view when implementing with their medicine, with the element, Wood, replacing the spirit.  
The pentagram made its way to be implemented in alchemy, adopting a view similar to the pythagoreans.  As each point was associated with the elements, seasons, five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) and other properties, it can be associated with the makings of the “Alchemical Great Work” that produces a Philosopher’s stone.  
The 5 elements is also used in Wicca Culture’s view of the pentagram.
The symbol was also used to construct a symbol associated with King Solomon, known as Solomon’s pentagram.  Solomon in Jerusalem Culture was known for his great knowledge and wisdom.  It was believed that the pentagram can be perfectly made if used the correct ingredients: Gold and Silver, metals associated with the Sun and the Moon in alchemy.  When placing another symbol, the Seal of Solomon, on the back of the pentagram, this creates a key object of great knowledge, and brings a being closer to cosmic perfection.
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From the involvement of the pentagram representing unity and perfection, and its uses in magic and alchemy, this appears to be a star-shaped symbol that can indicate Varian’s involvement and association.
1.1) Zhan Tiri and the Inverse Pentagram
(Based on voice actor confirmation, I will refer to Zhan Tiri as “her”)
Despite the pentagram’s usages for positive purposes, the symbol over time eventually became implemented into a much darker image.  If we were to invert the star, we will have a symbol normally associated with black magic and Satonists.  Sometimes the representation involves a goat’s head within the star.  The normal pentagram has its tip pointing to heaven, while the inverse symbol is pointed to the ground towards hell.  The symbol, therefore, can be seen as both good and bad.
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You may recall a post made by @david-yells-about-cartoons​ that talks about the star representing the 5 elements mentioned above and Zhan Tiri.  They identified something physically similar between warlock and her disciples and the symbol.  Zhan Tiri’s torso was shaped like a pentagon, reflecting the center of the pentagram, while the body of her disciple, Sugracha, was more triangular shaped in proportion (most notably her head and hair).  In addition, their theory revisited post notes Tromus (aka Matthews) displaying triangular body portions, and the potential associations with the five elements.  Sugracha was closely related to earth, as her plan was “rigid”, requiring absolute perfection in the paintings in order to be successful.  Tromus’s House Of Yesterday’s Tomorrow was in a shell-shaped house, he had many back-up plans that were in-store and flexible, it happened to be a rainy night when he meets the Rapunzel and friends, and had a plan involving a mirror (reflectivity being a characteristic of water).  
The theory continues with the possibility of her arch enemy, Lord Demanitus being a former disciple, given the triangle-shaped eye patch, representing the element of air.  However, this was later debunked from the airing of “Lost and Found”, revealing a silhouette figure shaped similarly to Mother Gothel.  Looking at Gothel, her triangle can be found in her hair.  
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Whether or not there is more to Zhan Tiri and Demanitus’s story is yet to be seen, and if there are two more additional beings/objects connected to her that may be associated with other elements
Other than trees, which Zhan Tiri is heavily associated with, it can be seen as a possibility that the warlock’s magic is connected to nature itself.  In “Queen for a Day,” she was portrayed drawing energy from a mountain to cast her snowstorm spell in Xavier’s legend.  
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With Varian’s involvement with alchemy, which in this universe is like combining magic and science, his battle alongside Rapunzel against Zhan Tiri could parallel the warlock’s previous conflict with Lord Demanitus.  The dynamic appears to exist: Adira’s tale in “Rapunzel and the Great Tree” portray Zhan Tiri in the traditional Disney Villian Green, and Demanitus with its complementary (opposite) colour: Red.  @animemoonprincess​ has identified an association of red and pinkish red with Varian throughout the series, being more prominent in season 3.
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For the sense of the pentagram observations: Varian could represent the upright Pentagram, and Zhan Tiri, the inverse pentagram.  Might also serve as a small detail for the growing Mom!Tiri theory.
2.) The Star as a guide and navigator
Other than useful symbols, stars were used as nightly tools to help people navigate their way through the night.  The pole star for example was always in the North direction.  In religion, The Star of Bethlehem helped the Wise Men and Shepherds meet the new born Jesus Christ.
As far as symbolism goes, the stars can be seen as destiny signs that allowed people to achieve their dreams, goals, and sometimes find their way. 
Now leads to a puzzle: Varian didn’t literally instruct Rapunzel to touch the black rocks and send her on her journey outside Corona...or...
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Rapunzel’s final nightmare in “The Alchemist Returns” portrays Varian appearing behind her with a cryptic message: “Face your destiny, or all you hold in your heart will be in grave danger.”
Flash forward to the Varian conflict, She recalls that moment from her nightmare, which prompted her to finally touch the rocks, defeat the real Varian, and create the path that led her to the dark kingdom.
it is interesting to note that in some dream interpretations, that seeing dull or red stars foreshadows trouble up ahead, or be prepared for sorrows, possibly alluding to the events of “Secret of the Sundrop”.  Rapunzel appears in vibrant colour, while Varian was dull along with his surroundings.
Beyond “Be Very Afraid”, with Varian translating the Graphtic Scroll, Rapunzel and her friends will need his instruction and guidance to finally unify the Sundrop and Moonstone.
3.) “to "Touch a Star" is a metaphor which means that we have realized our Dream, Achieved our ambition, and safely and successfully arrived at the end of our latest adventure.” - Joseph Panek (2009)
There were some portions of this interpretation that appeared poetic, mostly in regards to the ending of “Rapunzel’s Return”.  To break it down to parts in the context of the ending of season 1 and throughout season 2:
Dream (in terms of S1-S2): Experience the world beyond the Corona Walls
Ambition (or Goal): Follow the Black Rocks and realize her destiny (though arguably failed due to Cassandra’s Betrayal)
Dream!Varian tells her to “face her destiny”, leading to events of SOTSD and Rapunzel’s adventure in Season 2.  She returns home to find it overtaken by Saporians.  She then reconciles with Varian, and together, reclaims her kingdom.  Her final task involves her using the Reverse Incantation to finally free Quirin, which she also succeeds.  She embraces Varian, and he gets a happy ending with his Dad.  From there, Rapunzel finally settles in Corona to begin filling in the role of ruler for her amnesic parents.  Her embrace with Varian marks the ‘end’ of her adventure beyond the Corona Walls.
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For thought: Something similar but different could play again when Varian is needed again to unify the Sundrop and Moonstone, defeat Zhan Tiri, and ending the adventure of the series.
*4.) Fun: Real-life shooting star coincidences 
From modern science, shooting stars appear in many colours due to their chemical composition.  Varian’s exposure to Green and Pink/red/pinkish light and objects appears similar to spectrum live photos of the famous Perseids meteors.  Starting from pink, then to green towards the tail. The meteors portrayed in the show seem to appear pinkish.
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*fun coincidence
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