garnetdawn · 21 days
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i completely forgot I drew this a while back!!! I hc that they both just wept during and after the duel
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justfranzz · 6 months
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Figueroth Faeth, the bard-warlock-paladin-barbarian-cleric teacher canidate
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cinamun · 1 year
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How does it feel? | Next
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gotyouanyway · 3 months
can’t stop thinking about the twin thing.. about connections to time and the thought pool and the fact their biodata was physically connected enough that 1. lenaris was positive she’d know if helico was dead and 2. yeah she was. ik looms aren’t canon in gallifrey but it must go so far beyond sharing genetics like sharing part of your timeline in a physical sense.. narvin emphasizing “he’s not just her brother he’s her twin” implying yeah emotional importance but obviously the material importance of keeping them together.. none of this is coherent but thinking abt it
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maranull · 1 year
Finlay: *is quietly slurping noodles with Malenia and Loretta somewhere in the field* Loretta, to Malenia: Look, she’s practicing. Malenia: What for? Loretta: Your date tonight. Finlay: *chokes*
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Hey I thought about an interesting AU and I wanted to ask you what you think about this one.
Thenamesh quiet place AU!
Maybe them living and surviving together and they find Makkari and Sprite and they decide to take them in?
Or you can put your own version in it! You decide
Thena looked around the campground, being careful of the sticks and leaves that might be remotely louder than silent. Of course things seemed calm, but one could never be too sure.
Being out of the city at least was hopeful. She and Gil had managed to leave together because of living in the same apartment complex. They could only hope their other friends had made it out and to some of the boats. That was the goal now; find water.
It was no guarantee, but it was a hell of a lot better than nothing.
Gil waved to her, pointing at a caravan in the back, close to the trees. She nodded. The further from the city they got, the quieter things were, but that certainly didn't mean that they were alone out here. But they needed supplies, just like anyone else.
She walked ahead, being the quieter footed of the two of them. Gil did his best, but he was a dense ball of muscle, some noises were just inevitable. She looked around the area; still nothing. Slowly and carefully, she reached for the latch on the door. It wasn't silent, but it wasn't loud either.
Gil held his hand up. She had heard it too. He walked closer, holding up the butane torch he kept on him as a weapon. It gave off some sound, but it was still a hell of a lot quieter than any gun. And fire seemed reasonably effective against those things.
She pressed her back to the outside wall of the camper. She couldn't hear that clicking sound, which was a good sign. But it could still be a stray animal in there that could let out a shriek and spell their doom. Or perhaps the things were evolving and disguising the telltale sound of their presence.
Gil opened the door and poised his arm in the air. She peeked at him from behind, ready to pull him out if something went wrong. But he just stood there. She frowned.
Well, that was odd. She moved around the door and behind him, trying to see past his wide shoulder. She bent, instead, looking through the gap between his arm and his side. She blinked, "oh."
The kids were huddled together, not terribly young but no older than their early teens. One with unruly red hair was glaring at Gil from under the table. The other one was facing him head on with a baseball bat held high above her little head.
The one under the table gave them the finger.
Gil shut off the blow torch, holding his palms out to show his intention of being friendly. He pressed his finger to his lips. The girls traded a look between them. At least the baseball bat was lowered.
He shook his head as something was signed to him. He looked at her for help, shaking his head and making a face. She nodded; it wasn't her best language, of course, but she knew some.
The girl was fluent, her hands moving rapidly, and with a definite sense of displeasure.
Thena held up her palms as well, urging the girl to slow down. She already wasn't good with kids, let alone kids when communication was even harder than usual. Slower, please.
The girl blinked, maybe pleased or at least surprised to have found someone who knew sign language to any extent. She looked at the smaller one again. Maybe.
I'm Thena, she began, spelling things out in what she was sure was a clumsy way, for the girl. That's Gil. You?
Makkari, the older one also spelled out, before offering a sign that clearly was a shorthand for her name. She even repeated, clearly not expecting much from them. She pointed, Sprite.
Thena nodded, looking up at Gil and then the kids. Why are you alone?
Makkari helped Sprite out from under the table. She pointed at the door, which Thena latched carefully. They had hung blankets in the windows, either for safety or to dampen any incidental sounds.
"We were camping."
Thena and Gil both looked at Sprite with surprise. Maybe they had assumed both kids would be mute. Gil looked at her before gently motioning for her to sit across from the kids at the breakfast nook table. He remained standing. "How long have you been out here?"
Sprite shrugged, although Makkari mentioned something about at least six months. How these two girls had survived all by themselves like this was beyond them. "When everything happened, our mom went to ask someone what was happening. She...she never came back."
Thena frowned; Gil physically winced. His heart was much too tender for all this. She leaned forward in her seat, what have you been doing to keep yourselves safe out here?
The girls traded a look again. They were integral to each other's survival out here. "Kari goes looking for things. She's really fast, and those things kind of don't always notice her."
That was interesting. But if the girl was quick and light on her feet, maybe she was as negligible as the wildlife, in terms of sound.
Makkari pointed at them, you're the first people we've seen.
Since everything happened. Thena looked up at Gil. The look on his face didn't surprise her. They weren't allowed pets in the building they had lived in back in the city, but she always imagined Gil would be the type to rescue a kitten from a box in the rain. And this would be the expression he would have on when he found it. She put her hand on his arm, shaking her head quietly.
He held out his hand.
She made a face, hoping to keep the kids from seeing it. She didn't want to abandon them here either. But kids were a whole other level of liability in their mission to find a safe haven in this new world--this dangerous world.
He put his hand over hers, but gave her a much firmer look. He wasn't going to leave them here, and 'no' wasn't an option.
She sighed through her nose. She could have guessed that was the case. Gil was just too sweet.
"Uh, hello?"
Thena looked at the girls again. They were both still distrusting of them, for which she couldn't fault them at all. This wasn't the kind of world in which just anyone could be trusted. "We-"
"We're not asking you to drag us along, if that's what you're thinking."
They had to be at least 13, judging by the attitude they both had. Thena resisted the urge to roll her eyes; this was exactly why she had been poised to say no. Gil would be a great guardian and father-figure. He would make a great dad, if the world hadn't outright ended. She, on the other hand, was no mother-hen.
"It's not safe for you to stay here," Gil said oh-so gently and sweetly. His voice was comforting, like a blanket. "We can help each other."
We're doing just fine, Makkari argued, her hands smacking together slightly in her passion, right here!
Thena reached out, snatching the girls hands before they could clap together, palm against palm. Makkari looked affronted but she raised her eyebrows at the girl. Careful.
Perhaps chastised for the first time in months, both girls quieted. They looked at her with their big, sad eyes. Makkari pulled her hands away slowly and offered a sheepish, sorry.
Gil peeked out from their blanket curtains, making sure nothing was lurking around outside. He patted her shoulder.
It was all clear; Thena leaned back in her seat again. Still, she spoke barely above a whisper, "come with us."
The kids looked at each other, but rather than seeming to have their own conversation between them, they looked tentative. They looked scared, frightened at the possibility of leaving what shreds of a home they still had.
Thena sighed again. "How much food do you have?"
Both girls blushed, perhaps their stomachs were rumbling quietly as they spoke.
Gil hurriedly and happily took off his backpack and dug around in it. "Why didn't you say so?"
Thena gave the girls a smile; Gil looked big and tough, but he was a teddy bear if ever there was one. He was a chef.
The girls' eyes both brightened, big turquoise and speckled brown respectively. They clearly had been living sparingly, eating what they could manage to get their hands on after the immediate supplies ran low.
"Here," Gil whispered, putting down a cloth bundle of dried meats. "It's jerky."
"His recipe," she added with a hint of satisfaction as the girls all but wrestled over it. "He marinates it himself."
The kids tore at it like wild animals. But Gil just chuckled, leaning on Thena's shoulder. "I have more, and biscuits and roasted nuts. You guys can have as much as you want."
They would get spoiled. But Thena had to admit that it was nice to see something as hopeful as kids devouring some good food after everything everyone had been through. She patted Gil's arm as she stood from the seat. "I told you it's good."
He rolled his eyes at her, but he returned her affectionate little pat as she checked the other window. "It'll be dark in a few hours. We can stay here tonight."
The kids looked up and then at each other and then back at them.
We'll need supplies for travelling. We can collect things a little at a time and use this place to sleep safely. When we have enough food and water for everyone, then we'll go.
Sprite had a piece of jerky still dangling from her lip when she asked, where?
Terrible manners, not that those mattered anymore. Thena set her bag down too. "We have to look for water. Those things can't swim. Water is the best way for us to survive."
"Uh, we can't-"
"You don't have to swim," Gil amended quickly and gently. He leaned down, subtly reaching into his pack for more food. "I can't swim very well."
That was an exaggeration; he sank like a stone. Not that she was much better. But Thena smiled, "we'll find a boat, or something. Then maybe we can find an island that still has some people."
The kids shrugged. They weren't concerned with finding the remains of civilisation. They were only concerned with tomorrow, and maybe the day after. They had each other, and that was enough for them.
Thena pushed forward the biscuits for them to also devour like hyenas (which they did. "Where do you two sleep?"
Makkari chewed with her mouth open (great). But she gestured to the benches on which they were sitting.
Thena looked at the camper as a whole--there was a larger bed at one end and a smaller, elevated area at the other, directly under the window. She pointed at the larger one for Gil, you take that one.
She would have to teach him some sign, but he got what he needed from it. Enough to give her a look and insist that she take the larger bed. He pointed to where he stood; he would stand guard.
She rolled her eyes more blatantly at him, "you still need to sleep, Gil."
"And I will," he insisted before gesturing to the smaller shelf of a bed, "there."
Sprite gulped down some dry biscuit, crumbles flying from her mouth as she said, "what, are you guys in a fight or something?"
She frowned, and Gil looked at her too. She shook her head, "what?--no, why?"
Makkari waved her finger between them, aren't you married?
Thena's jaw dropped. These impudent kids--completely without manners, so full of attitude. And why would they assume that?! Just because she and Gil were travelling together didn't mean they were married! They didn't seem married...did they?
She rubbed her temple, trying to conceal her frustration. It was just a question by some unruly kids. She picked up her head and smiled at him, "nothing. You should get some rest now, then you can take watch later."
He made a face at her, and at the girls giggling at him.
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meandmypagancrew · 11 months
Good news: I’ve finally gotten over the delusion I was laboring under for years regarding Nico diAngelo being Hispanic (honestly shook my world when Hazel referred to him as “a pasty white boy”) and am no longer picturing him as Hispanic while I read The Sun and the Star
Bad news:
This is how I’m picturing Nico and Will
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kedreeva · 2 years
Always the goddamn babysitter, never the goddamn baby. Let him be baby, dammit!
Eddie will make sure he gets days to be Baby. Days where he wakes him up with breakfast in bed, complete with a hand-picked flower from the edge of the woods and a little love note. Days where Eddie pulls him into the warm spray of the shower after and glides soapy hands over every inch of Steve's skin, and follows Steve's murmured directions as he gently scrubs shampoo into Steve's beautiful hair and rinses it clean. Towels him dry after, replacing water droplets with kisses. Days when Steve picks the movie Eddie doesn't watch because he's busy watching Steve like he's the only thing that matters in the entire world, running fingers soothingly through his hair, skimming palms over his clothing and skin, playing with his hands, pressing thumbs into the arches of Steve's feet when he finally melts into lying down, feet in Eddie's lap. Days when Eddie makes dinner while Steve sits on the counter and taste tests the stages along the way and Eddie kisses the flavor off his lips and agrees he's delicious. Days when he sits against the headboard with Steve tucked up against his side and he reads them a bedtime story before curling up around Steve until they fall asleep. Days where Steve doesn't have to worry about anything because Eddie is taking care of it, all of it, and Steve trusts Eddie with himself.
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chthonicarcher · 5 months
okay so
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this person has hella Minor Vibes, first of all. & if ur a minor reading our fic, which *is* rated Explicit, kindly get the fuck off our lawn. we don’t want you reading it.
but just in case there are adults out there reading fic and thinking this way……*whomst* are you afraid of calling you that?? us, the authors?? because, lol, every time some beautiful soul writes a novel in the comments my power level increases and my lifespan is extended by a year. crops watered skin cleared etc. in-depth comments are 💕❤️‍🔥💗💖💜💓
they really could have just left it at the first one, the first one is *fine.* the second one makes me feel like I got slapped lmao.
+ ETA:
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
Ohhh new ship ask game. Paulina and Danny maybe?
"And... why do you want me specifically?"
Paulina flashed Danny her heart-melting smile. "Because! You've got a great shape for it, and you wouldn't want to let me down, would you?"
"Of course not," he said, trying to contain his sigh. Sure, he'd gotten over her more than a year ago, but he couldn't help it. He was a people-pleaser. Especially when it came to his people.
It still didn't mean he was totally okay with being used like this.
"Plus just think! The statement you'll make!" Paulina threw an arm around his shoulder and spread her hand across the horizon in front of them. "Picture it: some los- er, a lost soul finding their way because you, Danny Phantom, were bold enough to take a stand! How could you let an opportunity like that pass you by?"
To his credit, he didn't flinch when she used his celebrity name. After all, much to his (and Sam's) surprise, she had respected him enough to continue to call him Danny Fenton, unlike some kids, who for some reason thought they could just call him Phantom as he passed by in the hallway. Or even worse, the adults who would refer to him as Mr. Phantom, even if he was very obviously in human form.
But he couldn't deny the flashbacks of the shrines she'd built in her locker freshman and sophomore years. She'd torn them down immediately, of course, after the revelation, but they still burned a hole in his memory.
Plus she'd never actually admitted to having lost her crush on 'her' ghost boy. For all he knew, this was a ruse to get him closer to her.
Still though, Paulina was cleverly manipulative. She knew exactly what to say to tug on his core and make him want to give in.
He groaned. "Alright, fine, but this is a one-time thing, you hear?"
She squealed and grabbed his hand. "Oh, Danny, you're the best! I promise, if you hate it, you'll never have to do it again! I swear!"
He didn't hate it. Surprisingly.
Actually, it looked really... pretty?
Sitting there, a half hour after Paulina had approached him, he rotated his hand, letting the sun catch the different colors in the polish she'd painted on his nails. At one angle, it looked like a deep, vibrant teal, and if he tilted it just to the side, it turned into a rich, shiny purple. Tiny sparkles covered the whole nail, reflecting like hundreds of itty bitty stars in a sky that he held on his finger.
"How'd you get it to do the multi-color thing?" he asked absently. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight.
Paulina was still bent over his other hand, working on painstakingly applying more polish. He didn't understand, considering she'd done that hand in the same holographic colors, but she insisted it wasn't finished. "I didn't do it. It's just the polish. Now cállate! I'm trying to concentrate."
Apparently she was very serious about her manicure skills. The way she shushed him, stuck her tongue out a bit as she worked, and moved ever so carefully, it all showed a dedication to the art that he had never realized was possible.
Another two minutes passed before she sat upright, nearly causing Danny to jump three feet in the air. "There!" she said triumphantly, putting the lid back on the polish bottle. "Tell me what you think of that."
At first, he couldn't see what she'd done differently. The nails were shinier than they had been - probably that clear bottle sitting to her side - but nothing else had changed.
And then he saw it.
Only on his ring finger, his logo, perfectly painted out onto the nail in white. It stood out against the purple and blue and green of the polish underneath and brought out the tiny stars even more.
His heart caught in his throat. Sure, he'd seen plenty of people wearing his logo in many different ways by now, but this... something about this was different. Maybe it was how he couldn't help but see the depths of space now at his fingertips. Maybe it was how she'd clearly spent a lot of time and effort making the logo look absolutely perfect, without a stray line to be seen. Maybe it was how instead of standing out loudly, garishly like he saw on so much other merchandise featuring it, it somehow simultaneously blended in yet stood out elegantly, subtly.
Paulina watched him gape wordlessly at his hand. She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a proud smile. "Told you it'd be great," she said with the confidence of someone who'd never doubted her skill for a moment.
She had every right to have that confidence, as far as he was concerned.
He looked up at her, still unable to speak, and her grin only widened. "Do you want me to do the other one?"
Danny immediately nodded, then stopped himself. "Would... would it be weird if I... left it on?" he asked quietly. He wasn't opposed to the polish itself, of course, but to walk around school, around town with something that wasn't really his? Even if he loved it?
Her laugh tinkled in the air. "Of course, silly! Why would I spend so much time just for you to get rid of it?" she giggled as she reopened the bottle.
Her grin didn't fade as she bent over the hand he'd been admiring. "Just wait till you see what other designs I've been working on."
"You have more?"
She glanced up at him. "Uh, duh. But... I suppose you said it was just this one time," she said with a sigh.
Danny blushed. "Well, I - uh, you know... I mean, maybe you could... um... again - only if you want to though! I wouldn't - I can't -"
Her laugh echoed across the field and up into the sky.
~~Send me a ship and I'll write the first scene that comes to mind between the characters!
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muuurder · 1 year
Things I didn’t know I needed from the L change the world English dub:
Alessandro juliani voicing L Lawliet saying good girl.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk :)
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terr-hedgehog · 2 years
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Judy on a Cross
Seven Inches of Misfeasor Wheezer
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navajja · 1 year
The way you draw genya he looks like a lesbian in the best way possible I am living for it I love your genya art
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Thanks you so much🌻🌻🌻♥️♥️♥️ describing my designs as lesbian is exactly what i needed today ty♥️ he is so very gender to me and i will try my best to keep bringing that up 😌
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chimchiri · 1 year
Are the requests open for any pairing or specifically StarTrix/RariJack/SpitDash stuff? Because I have a request for each of those possibilities
Feel free to send anything, ship or single characters. I just didn't want to include too much info. Also didn't wanna limit it to only these three ships/those characters. If I don't feel like drawing something I'll just reply.
But uhhhh... yah those are my top 3 ships... so you've got significantly higher chances of me liking a request with them in it.
Also: it might take me longer to complete them since I've got several WIPs I'm working on atm.
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red-winters · 2 years
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Wild Hearts ·  Mighty Deathstalker “Kemono” ft. Freeze Frame of me being (cinematically!) curb-stomped.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Kedreeva im fucking losing it ill have you know that you are SOLELY personally responsible for me being about to start watching stranger things after avoiding it like the plague for actual fucking years
Wanna know how that came to be? Cause its fukcing hysterical and im losing my fucking mind
And then i go in the tag and FIND OUT but goddamn the fics were good so i just kind of accepted my fucking fate and thats how i ended up pulling an all nighter in order to read a whole damned h/c steddie fic and after that i have simply accepted my fucking L and come to terms with the fact that i have become EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to characters from a show i know NOTHING about and have begun HYPERFIXATING ON SOMETHING FROM A SHOW I HAVE NEVER WATCHED AND KNOW NOTHING ABOUT because i am NOTHING if not the most Massive Clown in Clownville and now im finally fucking caving and about yo start watching the damned thing
I blame you FULLY for the circus show that i have been the frontman of lately
okay but LISTEN I didn't WRITE those fics (unless I did), I was just REBLOGGING them because fic deserves to be REBLOGGED and because it's GOOD there are some GOOD fuckin' writers in this fandom and they are in LOVE right now with Steddie and SO AM I. And if I have to go to hell in this handbasket, I'm not going ALONE.
but also listen. First season Stranger Things? Phenomenal. Second season was okay plot wise, but 2 and 3 and 4 are basically carried by the actors throwing their ENTIRE HEARTS AND SOULS into their characters. Literally nothing sensical could be going on plot wise and you'd still fall in love with the characters because they're fucking awesome. You've got a GREAT set of characters, a GREAT setting. The only fucked up part is the plot and GUESS WHAT. That's where the fic writers are LIVING. We are THRIVING in that sweet spot of being given 2 out of 3 of the things a good show needs to be a great show. That's why all the fic is so good.
Anyway, I hope you fall in love with even more characters and have additional sobbing breakdowns over them. All of them. I have no regrets and will continue to reblog cute fic specifically at you in my mind now.
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