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Found on Omori subreddit (scary place I know) but everyone please look at this it’s vital
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mellz117 · 4 years
Mellz plays KH Re:Com on PS2, Reverse/Rebirth (Riku’s campaign) Part 2
Yeah I hate Larxene. She’s mean for the sake of being mean, she has no redeeming qualities. Xemnas at least has a goal, Larxene is just an asshole just to be so. She reminds me of Agent South from Red vs Blue, whom I also can’t stand lmao.
Now that THAT’S out of the way....
Check out part 1 of Riku’s campaign if you’re joining me for the first time! Also linked there is the beginning of my time with Sora’s part of the game. Otherwise, let’s continue.
Snibbs shout out to you for warning me about Wonderland. LETS GO THERE RIGHT NOW!
Ok I think I know that you meant. I have like 20 cards but only 9 show up in battle.
Oh wow ok. I only ever have 9 cards to work with in Wonderland which sucks against the boss. So I died.
I'm getting so mad right now. I died 4 times. Ok. After reaching the next floor a cut scene plays and Lexaeus tells Zexion that Vexen is dead, which he already knew because "his scent is gone". Some convoluted bullshit gets talked about, if the hero of light loses his path the Organization might find use for the hero of darkness. If the hero of light goes astray YOU STILL HAVE ROXAS.
So I'm at the Olympus Colosseum and after a while I started wondering out loud
"Can Dark Firaga heal Hades?"
And my sister, who's been eating Ferrero Rocher says "Dark Ferrero?"
Thanks, Rose. Do they make Ferrero Rocher with dark chocolate? I kinda want that.
I do not struggle with Hades at all. Ever. Especially when I don’t have a stupid DUCK casting fire spells.
When we finish the Colosseum Riku meets Lexaeus, who's already got his tomahawk out. He's ready to kick ass and take names. Nobody here has any time to stop and smell the white, ceramic roses do they?
He calls Riku an infantile coward (a wussy baby) and battle ensues.
Oh ho-ho on battle attempt number 5 we both had one hit left in our HP bars. Guess who won!
Death count with Lexaeus was 6 after a bunch of grinding. My card count wasn't a problem it was my HP.
Jesus christ, Lex. Hes 15, give him a break. No, not shatter his back on the ceiling...
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Well now you done it. Ansem took over and kicked your ass for Riku.
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Rose: "Sorry, Ansem, I don't think you're his type"
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Please stop talking. Seriously. Someone call the feds omfg
Zexion laments Lexaeus’s defeat. He sounds so sad about it. Were they close?This melancholy mood is quickly shoved aside when Axel appears. They both casually discuss who of the remaining Org13 members in this castle is gonna die next. Zexion leaves to confront Riku himself.
It doesn’t take long before Marluxia's dead, which is enough power to SHAKE THE WHOLE CASTLE and Zexion shows himself to Riku. "Sora's destiny is to fight the darkness, including you, Riku". he says and peaces out until we get the Destiny Islands.
Poor Riku, constantly being bombarded with reminders of his mistakes. These bad guys REALLY like to give him a hard time. LET HIM LEARN WITHOUT HURTING HE’S TRYING HIS BEST.
The Darkside is also a super easy boss. Especially at this point in the game. It's like a bull against a mouse, and the mouse wins. The mcguffin card showed up at the end when it wasn't necessary but I used it anyway.
There’s a door. Oh I get a choice? I don't remember that door. I always just went up to "Sora". What happens if I pick the door?
God damn imagine how BEYTRAYED Riku feels, thinking Sora has turned against him. Hm, well Sora sure knows how it feels now Riku does too!
He looks so sad...
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A figment of Kairi appears before Riku. “There is no power than can defeat you” she says. So Riku is OP? She means like, one nor the other has to be his downfall. She tells him the darkness will make him stronger but that’s what ANSEM has been telling him this whole time. And Riku just believes this illusion of Kairi… why? She’s parroting Ansem and Riku’s like “...Yeah that sounds legit”
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What does darkness smell like? Like a damp towel? Stale potatoes?
Battle ensues. So I didn't realize Zexion was stealing my cards to use against me. So what a surprise when I paused to do something and he's got Soul Eater in hand!
Upon exiting the Destiny Islands a cutscene in the darkroom plays. Zexion is scared half to death by Repliku before he realizes Axel is there too. Oh how short that wave of relief lasts... Axel manipulates Repliku and has him kill Zexion. Axel is a bastard. How would killing Zexion help Repliku? What does he know too much of? Isn't he still loyal to Xemnas? Or did he defect like Marluxia and was considered a traitor? Is AXEL even still loyal to the Organization at this point?
Poor Zexion.
The disembodied voice of Ansem Seeker of Darkness calls out to Riku. "Who's there?!" Riku asks, totally forgetting the fact he has seen this man talk with this voice. Canonically it's the same voice. It may be different to the audience but in canon it's the same!
Mickey is at full opacity.
I really like seeing this side of Riku, more silly and cute.
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Riku just really needs a hug.
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Riku is just completely overcome with relief and his legs give out on him. He’s not alone anymore. When did they get the time to bond between the end of KH1 and CoM?
I'm reading this aloud and Rose says, when I'm done. "No, no, you have to do the voice”
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Ok so I went back and reloaded the save before the Darkside fight and the door just leads you to the previous room in case you want to save. Now with that over with, we go to Twilight Town
DiZ tries to be all "ooh Im evil, I’m Ansem, be very afraid Riku". They battle pose and nothing happens for a too long an awkward moment of time and Riku sees right through this farce.
"You're not the true Ansem" ACTUALLY HE LITERALLY IS THE TRUE ANSEM THE ANSEM YOU KNOW IS TERRANORT’S HEARTLESS LMAO. Look if any of you reading this don’t know Diz and Ansem the Wise (not seeker of darkness) are the same person, what are you doing here?
Oh look it's that ho. I know I keep dragging Repliku but I'm just remembering his death scene and I'm really sad again. I honestly feel so bad for him. He needs a hug. He's super distressed and it's just so heartbreaking. Help!
“Your own darkness doesn’t scare you anymore”
“How can you tell?”
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How many of you have played Sonic Adventure 2?
Repliku’s feelings of existentialism hurt me. 
I stop feeling bad for him with every death I face
I was grinding for level ups and this happened
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I’m barely within its despawn range lmao
I did it! I don't know how but I beat Repliku! Guess a lot of dueling is the technique? Because I ended up doing that a bunch.
So Repliku is dying. I gave him a lot of crap and drug him through the dirt but the fate of Repliku is a heartbreaking one. He's just laying there and accepts his fate. HE DIED SO YOUNG.
I’m suddenly reminded of this omg
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Let’s get back on track.
What DOES happen if a replica dies? Riku ponders as well, perhaps they go to the same place as a normal person. THIS SCENE MAKES ME SO SAD [video]
After all this anger and drama I'm glad that Riku feels pity the replica. He's not heartless. We now enter the mansion and into the... Basement? Is the pod room in the mansion’s basement?
Omg shes so cute.
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She shows Riku the pod Sora’s in and Riku's wigging out, thinking Namine's done something wrong with him. Riku, you’re scaring her!
She explains what he's doing there and offers to use her power to make Riku forget the darkness. Riku is concerned he could forget his loved ones as a result. 
Riku is king of sass
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God damn I love this kid. Little shitlet half the time but I love him. My son. My boy. That stupid finger waggle
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GEE I WONDER! Think back what, 10 years ago? Is that when BbS took place?
Riku is ready once and for all to fight Ansem and tells Mickey to stay behind because there’s no point in fighting him if Riku can’t win with his own power.
He’s like “Hey do me a solid? if I don't defeat Ansem, just kill me.” 
Riku-interrupting Mouse interrupts him “Sure I’ll save you if that happens”
“No, no. If I lose, DESTR-”
Here’s [part 3] of Reverse/Rebirth, as well as my final thoughts.
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