pupkashi · 1 month
jjk 260 spoilers !!
my lover is back of course i had to write something even though im tispsy !
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gojo can’t help but shoot you a cocky smile as he finds your eyes in the crowd of sorcerers, he walks pasts everyone cheering and hugging yuji, b-lining towards you.
“what, you really think I’d lost?” there’s a shit eating smirk on his face, one that softens into a love struck smile as tears form in your eyes when you hand touches his chest. his chest is firm and warm under your touch, it makes you grip the fabric of his beaten up black shirt and pull him towards you, wrapping your arms against him and squeezing as hard as you can.
“sweetheart?” he gasps, ignoring the shooting pain he feels in his sides from the injuries he’d acquired since rejoining the battle. you listen for his heartbeat, breathing a sigh of relief when you hear the rhythmic thumping against you ear.
the bottom of his shirt is torn to shreds, a jagged scar running across his entire midline is proof of shoko’s skills and satoru’s resilience. his pretty blue eyes shining down on you once more, dimples making you fall in love again.
“i love you” is all you manage to get out, too choked up and frazzled with emotions to say anything than the three words that you mean most. you don’t loosen your grip on your lover.
it’s a comfort to him as much as it was to you, especially as his arms are engulfing you, pressing kisses to your forehead and cheeks, kissing away your tears and reassuring you he was okay.
that night satoru lays wrapped in your arms, the little spoon after so many times having been the big spoon. every one of his scars is covered with kisses from you, soft ‘i love you’s and tender touches are all his mind is full of.
satoru is back in your arms. instead of nudging him to stop snoring you smile, embracing his twitches and the tickling of his soft snowy hair against your face and neck. you hug him a little tighter, letting him stir to get more comfortable, even if it means leaving you a sliver of space on your shared king bed.
for tonight, you won’t complain and make him scoot over, inevitably ending up in the same situation mere hours later. for tonight, you hold him close, you dry your tears and appreciate what is, not what could’ve been. you kiss your lover as he sleeps.
“don’t ever leave me again, angel boy” you whisper, squeezing a bit and finally closing your eyes, lulled to sleep by satoru’s rhythmic breathing.
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