#MYP 5 Certificate
elagreenschoolblogs · 9 months
Ela Green School Celebrates MYP 5 Certificate Recipients
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We are thrilled to announce that our MYP 5 students have received their certificates from the International Baccalaureate! This is a significant achievement for our students, and we are proud of their hard work and dedication.
The MYP is a challenging program that prepares students for the IB Diploma Programme. It emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and intercultural understanding. Our MYP 5 students have excelled in all of these areas, and they are now well-prepared for the next stage of their academic careers.
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We are particularly proud of our students' success in the MYP Personal Project. The Personal Project is a year-long capstone project that allows students to explore their own interests and passions. Our students have created some truly impressive projects, including: A documentary about the impact of climate change on a local village A mobile app to help students learn about the history of their city A new teaching method for children with autism A business plan for a sustainable clothing line These projects are just a few examples of the many ways that our MYP 5 students have made a difference in the world. We are confident that they will continue to achieve great things in the future.
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The significance of this achievement The IB MYP Certificate is a globally recognized credential that demonstrates a student's academic achievement and readiness for further education. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, as well as the quality of education they receive at Ela Green School.
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The MYP Certificate also opens up a world of opportunities for our students, as it is accepted by universities around the world. For example, students with an MYP Certificate may be eligible for advanced placement or credit in university courses.
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In addition, the MYP Certificate prepares students for success in the 21st century workforce. The skills that students develop in the MYP, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, are highly valued by employers.
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Conclusion We are proud of our MYP 5 students for their accomplishments, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We know that they will continue to make a positive impact on the world.
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Here are some additional thoughts on the significance of this achievement: The MYP Certificate is a rigorous program that requires students to demonstrate their mastery of a wide range of subjects, including languages, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. The MYP Certificate also emphasizes the importance of intercultural understanding and global citizenship. Students in the MYP learn about different cultures and perspectives, and they are encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility to the world around them. The MYP Certificate is a valuable asset for students who are planning to attend university or pursue a career in the global economy. It demonstrates that students have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a complex and interconnected world.
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We are proud to offer the MYP program at Ela Green School, and we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education. We know that the MYP Certificate will help them to achieve their goals and make a difference in the world. If you're interested in learning more about the MYP program or the MYP 5 Certificate, please visit our website or contact us Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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Round three: Haikea vs 爆炸, bào zhà
(poll at the end)
Haikea (Finnish)
Translation: A feeling of quiet, melancholic, sometimes even mournful longing. "Wistful" comes fairly close as a translation, though it's not exactly the same.
Finnish is an Uralic language belonging to the Finnic branch spoken by 5 300 000 people in Finland, where it is one of two national languages (the other is Swedish though it is less used, Finnish is the main language).
Motivation: It's one of the most beautiful words to say in Finnish, IMO; it has a beautiful flow to the vowels, and it almost sounds like a sigh. It's also an emotion often associated with a lot of Finnish art, literature, music and culture in general, and thus it's a strong part of Finnish identity.
爆炸, bào zhà (Mandarin Chinese)
[paʊ ʈʂa]
Translation: explosion
Chinese is a Sino-Tibetan macrolanguage (a dialect continuum consisting of different varieties that are distinct languages based the criterium of mutual intelligibility, but commonly referred to as a single language) with around 1 350 300 000 speakers that consists of 16 recognised languages, often referred to as dialects. Out of these, Mandarin Chinese is the largest, as 70% of Chinese speakers have it as their native language. The Beijing dialect of Mandarin forms the basis of Standard Chinese, which is the national language and taught in schools all over China.
Motivation 1: Super fun to say (BAO ZHA allows for some intense chest yells!!), lovely meaning, has become a joke among my friend group and our Chinese teacher thinks it's very funny
Motivation 2: Explode is an inherently funny word. Also me and my friends learned this word back in like Chinese ii (super early on, we were still learning basic grammar) and our Chinese teacher does not like it very much. Once they got in trouble for putting it in a presentation that was being graded for our ib myp certificate (international baccalaureate; bigshot honors program).
Note: This was submitted as Mandarin Chinese by at least one of the four submitters of this one word (thank you for sparing me the detective work). The two best motivations were put on the post
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1892 · 1 year
it's also bizarre to me the variance in rigor & standards of ib schools...? like my school was combined ib & traditional; in my graduating class of 650+ students, only about 30 were in ib, and all but three got either their ib diploma or certificate... fast forward to college, where I start to meet other ib kids, and am shooketh to my core by the number who attended all-ib high schools where all students did the myp/dp path and less than 5% of students got their ib diplomas
i didn’t get mine lol, my school was corrupt and bullshit and boosted ppls grades and even tho i worked for those grades i ended up not going to school senior year (my mom had us stay home for covid, i unenrolled in most of my classes bc i had taken plenty for regular graduation requirements) so i graduated hs w/o my ib diploma dispite 3 years of a 4.0 unweighted (4.7 weighted) gpa. it’s actually ridiculous how on track i was to get it and covid hitting i lost it all. fucked up lmao but oh well now i’m in heavy debt going to a school i don’t love graduating late. but im emotionally better than i was so whatever
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thaneweb · 1 year
Choosing the Best School for Your Child
Choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision that can shape their educational journey and future. With so many options available, it's essential to understand the various boards and their curriculum to make an informed choice. In this article, we will explore the different board options available and provide guidance on selecting the best school for your child's needs and aspirations.
Understanding the Board Options
1. National Boards
a) CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) The CBSE is a national board in India that follows a centralized curriculum. It is widely recognized and accepted across the country. CBSE schools focus on a well-rounded education, combining academics, co-curricular activities, and holistic development.
b) ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) The ICSE board offers a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes both academics and co-curricular activities. ICSE schools follow a more detailed and extensive syllabus, providing students with a strong foundation in various subjects.
2. State Boards
Each state in India has its own state board, such as Maharashtra State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board, etc. These boards follow their own curriculum, which may vary from state to state. State board schools often incorporate regional language and culture into their curriculum.
3. International Boards
a) International Baccalaureate (IB) The IB curriculum is recognized worldwide and focuses on developing critical thinking, research skills, and international-mindedness. It offers programs for different age groups, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP). IB schools emphasize inquiry-based learning and encourage students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners.
b) Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) CAIE, formerly known as Cambridge International Examinations, offers globally recognized qualifications, including the Cambridge Primary, Lower Secondary, IGCSE, and A-Level programs. CAIE schools provide a flexible curriculum that promotes independent thinking, problem-solving, and cross-cultural understanding.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a School
Now that we have an overview of the different boards, let's explore the factors to consider when choosing the best school for your child:
1. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
Consider your child's learning style and interests when evaluating the curriculum and teaching methodology of a school. Some children thrive in a structured environment, while others prefer a more experiential or inquiry-based approach. Choose a school that aligns with your child's learning needs and encourages their overall development.
2. Academic Excellence and Extracurricular Activities
Evaluate the school's academic track record and extracurricular offerings. Look for a balance between academic excellence and a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, drama, and clubs. A holistic approach to education ensures that your child receives a well-rounded education and can explore their talents and interests beyond the classroom.
3. Infrastructure and Facilities
Consider the school's infrastructure and facilities, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, sports facilities, and technology resources. A conducive learning environment with modern amenities can enhance your child's educational experience.
4. Student-Teacher Ratio and Individual Attention
A low student-teacher ratio allows for individual attention and personalized support for each student. Ensure that the school has an adequate number of qualified teachers who can provide the necessary guidance and support to help your child thrive academically and emotionally.
5. Reputation and Accreditation
Research the school's reputation and accreditation. Seek feedback from parents, alumni, and educational forums to gauge the school's quality of education, teaching staff, and overall environment. Accreditation from recognized educational bodies adds credibility to the school's standards and ensures that it meets certain quality benchmarks.
6. Safety and Security
The safety and security of your child should be a top priority. Inquire about the school's safety measures, including CCTV surveillance, trained security staff, and protocols for emergencies. A safe and secure environment will give you peace of mind knowing that your child is well-protected.
7. Location and Accessibility
Consider the school's location and accessibility. Choose a school that is conveniently located and easily accessible from your home or workplace. Long commutes can be tiring for young children and may affect their overall well-being.
8. Parental Involvement and Communication
A school that encourages parental involvement and maintains open communication channels fosters a strong partnership between parents and educators. Look for a school that values parent-teacher interactions, provides regular updates on your child's progress, and welcomes parental involvement in school activities.
9. Affordability and Financial Considerations
Consider your budget and the affordability of the school's fees. While quality education is important, it's essential to choose a school that aligns with your financial capabilities. Evaluate the fee structure, additional costs for uniforms, books, transportation, and other expenses to ensure that it is within your means.
10. School Culture and Values
Every school has its own unique culture and set of values. Consider whether the school's ethos and values align with your family's beliefs and priorities. A positive school culture that promotes respect, inclusivity, and character development will contribute to your child's overall growth and well-being.
Making the Decision
Choosing the best school for your child is a personal decision that requires careful consideration. Start by researching and shortlisting schools that meet your criteria. Visit the schools personally, take a tour, and interact with the staff and teachers. Attend open houses or orientation programs to get a feel for the school's environment. Speak to current parents and students to gain insights into their experiences. Evaluate the information you gather, weigh the pros and cons of each school, and consider your child's preferences and aspirations. Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a school that feels like the right fit for your child's educational journey.
When it comes to choosing a school for your child in Thane city, you'll find a wide range of options catering to different boards and educational philosophies. From renowned CBSE and ICSE schools to international boards like IB and CAIE, Thane offers a diverse educational landscape. Each school has its own unique curriculum, teaching methodologies, facilities, and strengths. As a parent, it's crucial to consider your child's individual needs, learning style, and aspirations when making this decision. Evaluate factors such as academic excellence, extracurricular activities, infrastructure, safety measures, parental involvement, and affordability. Additionally, take into account the location and accessibility of the school. Thane city boasts schools that have garnered a reputation for academic excellence, holistic development, and a nurturing learning environment. Conduct thorough research, visit the shortlisted schools, interact with staff and teachers, and seek feedback from current parents and students to gain insights into the school's culture and values. Ultimately, the best school for your child in Thane city will be one that aligns with your child's educational goals and provides a supportive and enriching environment for their growth. Trust your instincts, consider your child's preferences, and make an informed decision that sets them on the path to success. Remember, choosing a school is not a one-time decision, and you can always reassess and make changes if necessary. Stay involved in your child's education, maintain open communication with the school, and collaborate with educators to ensure the best possible educational experience for your child.
To know more about the Various Schools in Thane city. Get in touch with Thaneweb - Your Thane City Portal
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asisinternational · 1 year
International Schools in Chennai: A Pathway to Success
Chennai, the capital of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is home to many international schools that offer quality education to students. These schools provide a pathway to success for students by offering them a global perspective on education and preparing them for the challenges of the future.
Best International schools in Chennai follow international curricula such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge International Curriculum, which are recognized globally. These curricula focus on developing critical thinking skills, creativity, communication skills, and problem-solving skills in students.
What Are the Benefits of Attending International Schools in Chennai?
Attending international schools in Chennai comes with several benefits that can enhance a student's education and future prospects. Some of these benefits include:
Exposure to a diverse community: International schools in Chennai often have a diverse community of students, teachers, and staff from different countries and cultures. This exposure to diverse perspectives and backgrounds can broaden a student's horizons, promote cross-cultural understanding and tolerance, and develop their global awareness.
High-quality education: International schools in Chennai typically follow globally recognized curricula such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge International Curriculum. These curricula are designed to challenge students academically and provide them with a well-rounded education that focuses on critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
Language learning opportunities: Many international schools in Chennai offer language learning programs, which can be beneficial for students who want to learn a new language or improve their existing language skills. This can be particularly useful for students who plan to study or work abroad in the future.
Exposure to international standards: International schools in Chennai follow international standards and best practices in education, which can prepare students for higher education and careers in a globalized world. This exposure to international standards can also give students a competitive advantage when applying to universities or jobs abroad.
The Programmes Offered by International Schools in Chennai
There are several international schools in Chennai that offer a range of programmes. Some of the popular programmes offered by international schools in Chennai are:
International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme: This is a globally recognized programme that is designed to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills of students. IB programmes are offered at different levels, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP).
Cambridge International Programme: This programme is offered by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and is designed to prepare students for university education. Cambridge programmes are available for different age groups, including Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Lower Secondary, Cambridge Upper Secondary, and Cambridge Advanced.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE): The IGCSE is an internationally recognized qualification that is designed for students aged 14 to 16 years old. The programme covers a range of subjects, including English, mathematics, sciences, social sciences, foreign languages, and creative arts.
Advanced Placement (AP) Programme: This is a programme that is designed for high school students and is offered by the College Board in the United States. The AP programme offers college-level courses and exams that allow students to earn college credits while still in high school.
best preschool in Chennai follows an international curriculum and cater to young children from the ages of 2-5 years old. These schools aim to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for children, helping them to develop their social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Here are some popular international preschool programmes:
Other programmes that may be offered by international schools in Chennai include the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), the American Curriculum, and the Australian Curriculum. It is important to research the different programmes offered by international schools in Chennai to find one that best fits the needs and interests of the student.
In conclusion, international schools in Chennai provide an excellent pathway to success for students. They offer a global perspective on education, a diverse student population, and a range of extracurricular activities. These schools prepare students for the challenges of the future and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a globalized world.
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admissionwire · 3 years
Find Here Best Schools in India | List Available of Top Schools in India
Looking for the rundown of best schools in India? Be it infrastructure, offices, personnel or scholastics greatness, the best schools in India have this and considerably more to bring to the table. 
Don't we as a whole think back on schedule and offer the credit of our prosperity today with our school ? Is school not a piece of the majority of our cherished recollections? 
A school has a vital part in a kid's life what's more wellbeing, security, quality training, guardians hope to enlist their kid in perhaps the top schools in India thus. Find the best schools in India here at Edustoke. 
1. Rishi Valley 
Rishi Valley School is overseen by the famous Krishnamurti Foundation, India. It is considered as probably the Top schools in India. This lovely school is arranged in the interior of Andhra Pradesh, 15km from the closest town, Madanapalle and around 140-145 km north-east of Bangalore. 
Rishi Valley School has around 350-360 boarding understudies from various territories of India and sixty exceptionally qualified employees. The Junior School, which includes a preliminary segment for grounds kids and classes 4, 5 and 6, is bordering with the Middle School, which comprises of classes 7 and 8. 
In the senior school the instructive program shifts in its accentuation towards arrangement of understudies in the schedule for the ICSE (toward the finish of class 10) examinations. 
2. Doon School 
In 1935, Doon School which is today considered as perhaps the most esteemed institutions in the nation started its excursion. Standing tall and imparting elite instruction Doon School has procured itself an incredible standing. 
The Doon School is a fine boarding school for young men just The school's wonderful 70 section of land grounds has an excellent eco framework and common habitat. The School has given the country some eminent characters as a wonder. 
3. DPS RK Puram 
Delhi Public School R.K. Puram is an astounding school in India. The school started as a government funded school in the year 1972 in the capital of the country New Delhi. DPS RK Puram is overseen under the Delhi Public School Society. Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram is partnered to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is the biggest instructive board in the country. DPS R.K. Puram is a co-instructive day-cum-boarding school, with roughly 7,500 understudies on its rolls. 
The school is additionally subsidiary to the Indian Public Schools' Conference (IPSC), and the National Progressive Schools' Conference (NPSC). The school is among the most distinguished individuals from the Delhi Public School Society.
dps rk puram 
4. Vasant Valley 
Another additional ordinary school in this class is Vasant Valley School arranged in New Delhi. It started in 1990, is a self-subsidized day school with an understudy strength of more than 1200. The school grounds spreads more than 7-8 sections of land, and has completely prepared infrastructure. 
In classes XI and XII understudies get ready for the All India Senior School Certificate Examination (A.I.S.S.C.E.) led by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The school offers eighteen diverse subject decisions at the Elective level. Every understudy is needed to take four elective subjects alongside English Core. There is no degree within these elective subjects offered by the CBSE. Various understudies of the school have been given legitimacy grants after the class 10 and 12 C.B.S.E. Examination. 
vasant valley school 
5. Bombay Scottish 
The Bombay Scottish School (BSS) which broadly recognizable as 'Scottish' is an incredible private co-instructive school. This world class school is at Mahim West in Mumbai, India. The institution was established in the year 1847 by Scottish Christian. 
The school is available to understudies from kindergarten up to class 12 and is an English medium school. The school is subsidiary with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, which directs the ICSE examinations at the end of class 10 and the ISC examinations at the end of class 12. 
Bombar scottish 
6. Basilica and John Connon 
Truly outstanding and most eminent school in Mumbai, Cathedral and John Connon School is a co-instructive school. It was established in 1860 and is viewed as one of the fine schools in the locale. 
The Cathedral and John Connon School follows the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), and its understudies show up for the Council's ISC, IB (Grade 12) and ICSE (Grade 10) examinations. English is the vehicle of instruction. Hindi is educated as a subsequent language and Marathi or Sanskrit are instructed as third dialects. 
Church building john connon school 
7. Scindia Kanya 
Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya is a visionary young ladies' boarding school. The well established lofty institute is situated in Gwalior-Madhya Pradesh. Very nearly 300-350 Kms south of Delhi, it is all around associated with all significant urban communities of the nation . 
The school was established by Late Rajmata of Gwalior Srimant Vijaya Raje Scindia in 1956 with the end goal of educating the young lady kid with regards to recently independent India. The section level class at SKV is standard VI and the school is subsidiary to Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi. The vehicle of instruction is English. 
scindia kanya vidyalaya 
8. Lawrence 
Going down south The Lawrence School, Lovedale is another fine instructive institution in Lovedale, situated close to Ootacamund, Tamil Nadu, India. The institute has been named after its originator, Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence. 
The Lawrence School, Lovedale, grounds of 750 sections of land (750 sections of land), in Lovedale, is 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from Ootacamund. The school grounds is isolated into Preparatory School (classes 5 ), Junior school (classes 6 – 8) and Senior School (classes 9 – 12). 
lawrence lovedale 
9. Great Shepherd 
Great Shepherd International School is an astounding boarding school, conceived in 1977, arranged at Ootacamund (Ooty), in Nilgiris,Tamil Nadu. Spread across a 188-hectare grounds this one is definitely probably the best school of the country. The IGCSE, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Grades IX to X) is offered to understudies with two choices; the Science area and the Commerce segment. 
The school likewise offers the Cambridge Primary Program at Primary School (Classes up to VI), the Cambridge Lower Secondary Program at Middle School and the IGCSE Curriculum of the Cambridge International Examinations (classes 4 to 10) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program of the International Baccalaureate Organization (classes 11 and 12). 
10. Chinmaya International Residential School 
Chinmaya International Residential School is a brilliant CBSE school which likewise offers IB. The tuition based school is situated close to Coimbatore in Siruvani, India. The heavenly institute can be found in the lower regions of the Western Ghats spread across a 78-section of land grounds. 
It offers CBSE from grades 5 to 12 and IB for grades 11 to 12. The school is at present run by Mrs. Rajeshwari (Principal). The school has different offices for different exercises. 
chinmaya international school
11. Isha Home School 
Isha Home School started its excursion in 2005. It is situated in the serene landcape of the Velliangiri Mountains close to Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Established by Sadhguru, the school incorporates his instructive mindset into its ordinary teaching measure. Isha Home School concedes youngsters matured 7-9 in the Junior School and understudies matured 10-13 in the Middle School. every one of the understudies co-territory a similar grounds. 
The School is partnered to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). 
Isha self-teach 
12. Woodstock 
Woodstock School is another pioneer in the field of international co instructive boarding schools in India.It is situated in Landour, a little slope station in the area of Uttarakhand, India. Woodstock is one of the most established private schools in Asia, functioning presently as a private not-for-profit institution. Woodstock offers kindergarten through Grade 12 instruction, with a home program beginning in Grade 5. 
In 2019 Woodstock School was formally partnered as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, with full authorisation for both the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) and Diploma Program (DP) 
13. Sahyadri School 
The Sahyadri School is situated on a level right around 750 m above ocean level, at solace stature glancing at the Chas-Kaman Dam. The school concedes understudies in classes 4 to 7, and class 11. For admission to class 4, a youngster ought to be in the age section of 8.5 to 9.5 years old. 
All through the seven-year program, beginning from class 4, the understudies gain capability in subjects as well as gain the certainty to dominate an ICSE test toward the finish of class 10, yet additionally become acquainted with conventional expressions, specialty, music and dance. 
sahyadri school tawai slope 
14. St Mary's 
What started in 1866, as the St. Mary's School, Pune was really established to address the instruction needs of the little girls of officials of the British Indian Army. The officials were posted in Pune and that is the reason the area was this delightful city. From 1866 to 1977, the school was worked by the Sisters of the Community. 
The understudies plan for the ICSE and ISC Examinations that are held toward the finish of classes X and XII.The prospectuses for these examinations have been proposed by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations – New Delhi. 
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15. PSBB 
The PSBB School which is found Nungambakkam started its excursion in 1958. This was the brainchild of a gathering of housewives of the Nungambakkam Ladies Recreation Club. At the beginning were 13 understudies in a little niche on the patio of the home of the senior member and head of the school, Mrs. Y. G. Parthasarathy. 
Today the school has six branches (including PSBB Millennium) with more than 8000 understudies and 500 staff members.In 1978, the school was partnered to the Central Board of Secondary Educations, New Delhi. 
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16. Chettinad Vidyashram 
Chettinad Vidyasharam is another star school in the southern piece of the country. This magnificent co-instructive, secretly oversaw day school is situated in Chennai, India. It was begun in 1986 by Kumara Rani of Chettinad and an eminent Chennai based giver and educationalist Dr.Meena Muthiah, . 
The school was a since a long time ago valued dream of Mrs. Muthiah. The CBSE subsidiary school, situated in the upscale neighborhood of MRC Nagar, is one of the country's biggest private day schools as far as Campus Size and Student Enrollment. 
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17. Baldwin Girls High School 
Baldwin Girls' High School which is perhaps the most established institute of the nation was established route back in 1882. It is additionally perhaps the most established school in the city of Bangalore, India. The school is partnered to the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education schedule and has classes from pre-nursery to twelfth grade. 
The school has an understudies strength of in excess of 4500 understudies and they are set up at here for the ICSE examinations. Baldwin Girls' High School, an individual from the Baldwin gathering of Institutions, is controlled by the Methodist Church in India under the Chairmanship of Bishop of the South India Regional Conference of the Methodist Church in India. 
18. Priest Cotton Boys 
The Bishop Cotton Boys school in Bangalore was the fantasy offspring of Rev. Samuel Thomas Pettigrew, Chaplain of St. Imprint's Church. Priest Cotton School had a wonderful yet challenging beginning on High Grounds on the nineteenth of April, 1865, with Mr. G. Reynolds as the principal Headmaster. 
Cleric Cotton Boys' School is a Boys school offering boarding which is subsidiary to ICSE schedule and is an ideal combination of comprehensive training combined with character building, co-curricular exercises and sports.
19. NPS Indiranagar
The National Public School, Indiranagar is an independent school based out of Indiranagar, Bangalore, India. It is an institution under the umbrella of the National Public School Rajajinagar and National Public School HSR. It began in 1982 by Dr. Gopalkrishna, chairman of the National education trust.
Teachers effortlessly work towards making the classes as interactive as possible and use different methods to get the best out of each student. ons so students can share ideas and learn with and from each other.
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20. Aditi Mallaya International School
Mallya Aditi International School is another very prestigious independently managed school. The school is located in New Town Yelahanka, Bangalore, India. The name of the school is after Bangalore’s former billionaire and Member of Parliament Vijay Mallya. Aditi has repeatedly been ranked among India’s top 5 private day schools.
Mallya Aditi welcomes students from Standard 1 to Standard 12.
Upon reaching the 9th and 11th grade, students have the choice to choose either of the two curriculums offered by the school.
The Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, Delhi offers the ICSE examination at Standard 10 and ISC at Standard 12. or
Cambridge International Examinations, Cambridge (UK) offers the IGCSE at Standard 10 and the AICE at Standard 11 and 12.
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21. St. George’s College
Climbing up the hills in the north again, we have St. George’s College located in Mussoorie. The praiseworthy institute is a schooling offering boarding as well as non-boarding facilities for boys. The school is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations board.
The school, has a scenic campus spreading over 400 acres (1.6 km2) of land. It was started in 1853 by Capuchin Fathers and managed by the Society of the Brothers of St. Patrick (Ireland) in 1894. 
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22. Unison World School
Unison World School is one of the known names when one thinks of  girls’ boarding schools in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. The school runs from grades V to XII. Unison World School has an exclusive tie up with Kilgraston School (UK) , Rangi Ruru Girls School (New Zealand), and St. Francis’ College, UK for International Exchange Programmes.
The school is affiliated to ICSE, ISC and IGCSE, A/AS Level programmes. School ranks among the top All Girls Residential schools in India.
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23. Welham Girls
Welham Girls’ School earlier famous in the region as Welham Girls’ High School is another fine all girls boarding school. The age old school is located in Uttrakhand, Dehradun, India. Established in 1957, what was initially a school for privileged local girls it is now a school that educates more and more students from North India.
The curriculum prepares the students for the  examination conducted at the end of the K-12 system, by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.
24. The Shri Ram School
The Shri Ram School which is commonly recognized by the bold letters TSRS written in red on the sweatshirts is one of the finest schools in Delhi/NCR. It is spread over four campuses. The first is the Junior School in Vasant Vihar, New Delhi in 1988 to which the Senior School on Moulsari Avenue, DLF Phase III, Gurgaon was added in 1994. Later, in 2000, The Shri Ram School, Aravali was established in DLF Phase IV, Gurgaon.
The teaching methodology is a diverse mix of the most recent innovations in education and is based on the latest findings in tutoring research and both IB and ICSE is followed.
25. The International School Bangalore(TISB)
Another regional favorite and popular school The International School Bangalore is an independently managed school. TISB as it is fondly known is located on Sarjapura Varthur road in Bangalore, India. It was founded in 2000 by Dr. K. P. Gopalkrishna and is under the umbrella of National Public Schools, Bangalore. Students of TISB prepare for the the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations at the end of the 10th grade, followed by a two-year CBSE syllabus.
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26. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Jubilee Hills 
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Public School – Vidyashram is another that makes in the rundown of top schools in India. Situated in the well known space of Jubilee Hills, it's anything but an independent auxiliary school worked by the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan instructive trust in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. 
The school is associated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. With a grounds size of more than 8 sections of land it can oblige roughly 3000 understudies. 
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27. Sanskaar Valley 
Not to fail to remember the core of India, The Sanskaar Valley School is situated in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. It's anything but an independently oversaw, day cum boarding co-instructive school. 
It runs under the administration of the Sharda Devi Charitable Trust and Dainik Bhaskar Group. It is partnered to the CISCE and Cambridge educational program and has a possibility for understudies to select NIOS too. 
28. La Martinere Boys 
West Bengal can't miss being in the rundown when we have La Martiniere School. Situated in Kolkate La Martinere is perhaps the top schools in India for Boys. It's anything but an inside and out instruction up to the Higher Secondary Level. It is subsidiary to the Indian School Certificate Examinations New Delhi, which leads the ICSE and ISC Examinations at the end of Classes X and XII individually. 
29. La Martinere Girls 
'For what reason should young men have a great time' and this remains constant for La Martiniere. The young ladies school is subsidiary to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, which holds the ICSE and ISC Examinations in Class X and XII. Spread over sections of land in the core of Kolkata, La Martiniere for Girls offers every one of the conveniences for the 21st Century learning like libraries, research facilities for Physics, Chemistry, science, Home Science, Art, Music, Computer Science, general media theater, teaching helps for successful learning, huge jungle gym, ball court, swimming pool and roomy amphitheaters. 
30. Assam Valley 
This brilliant institute with an astounding grounds began its excursion in 1995. The establishment was layed by The Williamson Magor Education Trust and the grounds spreads over a sprawling 95 hectares. The Assam Valley School means to get ready youngsters forever and for worldwide citizenship in the 21st century. 
This school targets educating the two young men and young ladies from essential through auxiliary school, from the State of Assam and past. The Assam Valley School (AVS) is the solitary selective co-instructive boarding school in the North East of India. It is subsidiary to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination. 
31. St Xaviers 
Bihar is known to deliver capable IAS, IFS and Engineers every year. This can be ascribed to probably the best schools in India that are found there like St Xaviers School. The school is partnered to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. 
There are three school buildings, one for the Kindergarten (two-celebrated), second for the Primary School (five-celebrated) and the third for the Secondary School (three-celebrated), with language, science research centers for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, two multi-reason lobbies and other open study halls and a library. 
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32. Moms International 
No branches, no commotion, The Mother's International School is known for its inconspicuous conveyance of excellence.Mother's is a public auxiliary school in the South of New Delhi, India. It's anything but a foundation of the Sri Aurobindo Education Society, an office of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. 
It imparts its grounds to the New Delhi part of the Ashram. The school is an English-medium co-instructive institution partnered to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). 
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33. Jayshree Periwal International School 
Not very far away from the capital of the country, in the delightful pink city lives the popular Jayshree Periwal International School. The grounds is arranged on a 50 sections of land of land in the social and brilliant city Jaipur, close to the Mahindra World City. The Boarding house has separate floors for junior, Middle and High School. The school offers the IB educational plan with incredible games and co-academic freedoms. 
34. DAV Boys Senior Secondary School, Gopalapuram ( Boys) 
D.A.V. Young men Senior Secondary School is another fine school which has a tremendous reach the country over. This specific branch anyway is situated in Gopalapuram, a focal piece of Chennai, India. It is associated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. 
The school is acclaimed for its high outcomes in the CBSE Class 12 Board Exams and has been positioned among the best in the country throughout the long term, particularly in scholastics . For the quite a while it has been positioned among the main three schools in India in the CBSE Class twelfth Board Exam Results . 
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35. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan's Vidyashram 
The school started in 1938 and was inaugurated by Dr. K.M. Munshi. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan is a notable school today that is following the CBSE educational program.. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Vidyashram gives Boarding House Facility to understudies. 
The Boarding House involves four houses. Satybhama for young ladies from Std. III to XII, Vinoba House for young men from Std. III to VIII, Aurobindo House for young men Std. IX and XI and Vivekananda House for young men of Std. X and XII. Every one of the four houses are taken care of by their separate House Masters and Wardens. 
36. Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet 
Another from the princely express The Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet is an independently overseen government funded school in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. It began in 1923 as Jagirdars College by the Seventh Nizam of Hyderabad, Sir Osman Ali Khan, and was pointed toward becoming a school solely for the children of nawabs, jagirdars and different blue-bloods and elites. In the todays situation anyway it is open for all. 
Youngsters are conceded from the pre-essential stage to the twelfth norm. The school is subsidiary with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE, ISC) and is overseen by the Hyderabad Public School Society and the Board of Governors. 
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37. DAV School 
One more from the association of DAV this school was set up in June 1988, as a piece of a non-benefit making instructive establishment. The DAV School in Hyderabad like its sister branches follows an educational program planned according to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school is partnered to Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E.)till senior auxiliary level – Class XII. 
Continuous and extensive assessment visualizes that each student is assessed over the whole time of learning plan as opposed to a single shot three-hour test toward the finish obviously learning. Classes I – X will have 2 summative evaluations according to CCE. 
38. Silveroaks International School 
Silver Oaks International School, is a gathering of instructive institution in the princely state set up in April 2002 by Mr. Dhanunjaya Vallabhaneni with its first grounds at Bachupally, Hyderabad. The school offers both CBSE and IB educational program and lays an incredible accentuation on sports and co-curricular exercises. 
39. Campion School 
Conceived in Mumbai in January 1943, Campion is one of India's head ICSE young men's school. The school targets creating better residents for future. 
The School year, which begins in April and finishes in March, includes three terms: April to August, September to December, January to April. It is intended to get ready understudies in Mumbai for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, led by the Council for the I.S.C. Examination, New Delhi. 
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40. Sarla Birla Academy 
Sarala Birla Academy is a young men school exclusive. The boarding school is situated in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. It is arranged off Bannerghatta Road. It was established in 2004 and is enrolled with CIE focus offering CAIE. Probably the best schools in India it likewise offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. 
The educational plans (IBDP, ICSE, ISC and CAIE) offered at SBA will find every understudy at the cutting-edge of scholarly greatness, will rouse him to arrive at the limit of his maximum capacity and prepare him to search inside himself and outside at this present reality with a solid ability to be self aware regard. 
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41.St. Paul's School 
St. Paul's School is one the top schools in India for young men. Arranged in the town of Darjeeling in West Bengal, India. Passage tests for affirmation are held each September. The school follows the ICSE educational plan till the class 10 and the ISC for higher auxiliary (classes 11 and 12). 
The school is separated into Primary, Junior, and Senior wings. The three wings are arrived behind schedule with the Primary Wing having its own grounds and a slight distinction in uniform. The Senior and Junior Wings share numerous offices.
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A quick go through of IB and IGCSE boards
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An overview of international curriculums- IGCSE and IB
With more than 432 IGCSE schools and 152 IB schools, international curriculums are making incredible progress in the country. The growing awareness about global education and their benefits motivate parents to look beyond traditional options and pave the way to an impressive number of international schools. International schools are piquing interest among the millennial parents not only because of their unique international curriculums but also because of excellent amenities and international faculties they provide. In India, the international schools predominantly adopt IB or IGCSE curriculums for their educational needs. This article is an effort to help those who need guidance in choosing the best international curriculum for their wards. Continue reading for more insights.
A brief insight into the rising popularity of International schools
The past few years were regarded as the flourishing period for international school education in India, with a 70 per cent surge in the establishment of international schools. The sudden rise in the popularity is primarily attributed to the flourishing economy contributed by the affluent and high salaried urban population and their desire to nurture a generation that can lead a global life effortlessly. Global outreach has also brought in several key players to the International school market who are building splendid facilities across the country.
Apart from the global outlook, several parents are also attracted to the stunning curriculums adopted by top international schools. Experiential learning, internationally qualified faculties and superb amenities are the key motivations for parents looking forward to enrolling their wards on an international school. However, large infrastructure and amenities often necessitate the boards to charge immensely from each student, making the international school education a costly affair. Moreover, the affiliation costs to IB boards, recurring fees, professional fee and many other liabilities make international schools an opportunity for privileged.
The international curriculums, IB and IGCSE, are two most adopted curriculums by the international school community in India. The progressive and student-centric curriculums offer splendid global exposure and opportunities. Here is a sneak peek into the various programs offered by each.
IGCSE or IB Board?
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
IGCSE is an international curriculum approved by Cambridge University. The Indian office for IGCSE is located in Mumbai. The program is categorized into four learning segments. They are:
Cambridge Primary curriculum: This Cambridge Primary Curriculum is available for children aged between 5 to 11 years.
Cambridge Secondary1 curriculum: This curriculum category is available for students between the ages of 11-14 years.
Cambridge Secondary2 curriculum: This specific curriculum is for students aged between 14 to 16 years. The students can choose two certifications: Cambridge O levels and IGCSE Certificate. The Cambridge O level helps students opt for advanced programs offered by the University.
Cambridge Advanced curriculum: this curriculum is meant for students aged between 16-19 years guided to advanced study for higher education and University.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Board
Constituted in 1968, IB is an international educational foundation having its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The IB board offers three programs.
Primary year program (PYP)- for KG to Class-5
Middle year program(MYP) for Class-6 to Class-10
Diploma program (DP)-for Class-11 and Class-12
Read More : Virual Coffee Morning - International Village
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apwsschool · 4 years
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While choosing among the best international schools in Bangalore or anywhere across the country for your child, do not just fall for the name. Make sure to check out the international curriculum they’re following and that suits your child’s capabilities.
The trend of international schools in India has grown exponentially over the last few years. Many international schools in Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, etc. have also managed to attract a big share of students to their schools. And though there are many that claim to be global or international institutes, not all international schools are the same. Most Indian schools have tied up with international boards and based on that they follow their education style or syllabus. There are majorly two types of global schools in India based on their curriculum – IB or IGCSE Schools. Read further to know details about the same.
About 300 or more Indian International schools are affiliated with the University of Cambridge. They offer international education to students from the age of 5 to 19 years. There are different levels like AS or A, designed for children of different age groups. This is considered to be one of the most reputable programmes across the globe. Schools like Cambridge International, Asia Pacific World School, etc. are a few which follow IGCSE programs. It supports a flexible curriculum with usual subjects like Maths, Science, Social Studies, English along with an additional language like French or any other, and Creative or Vocational subjects. The teachers assess students based on their oral skills, written skills, and practical skills. And the best resources are provided to students for smooth functioning. The study pattern allows enough flexibility that it is not difficult for students with a different first language than English and allows teaching in a localized context for them to fit in comfortably.
IB is followed in comparatively way lesser schools than IGCSE and it is divided into four education programs: - PYP, MYP, IBDP, and CP.
Primary Years Program (PYP)
This is for students who fall in the age group of 3 to 12.
Middle Years Program (MYP)
The curriculum is designed for students varying in age from 11 to 16.
IB Diploma Program (IBDP)
This six-subject program is for students of age group 16-19.
Career-Related Program (CP)
This too is for students of age 16-19 years, but it leads to higher education and employment. Opting CP means one will have to opt for a minimum of two courses of IB Diploma Program, a core with four components and a career-related study.
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letscreateafricaorg · 5 years
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New post in LET'S CREATE AFRICA (L.C.A.): Kenya (AKESK) operates 11 schools in various cities in Kenya and provides nursery to senior secondary education in both the national and international curricula. It is part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of private development agencies working to improve living conditions and opportunities for people of all faiths and origins in specific regions of the developing world. The Aga Khan Academies are the only schools in Kenya offering the International Baccalaureate curriculum (IB) who are authorized to offer the Primary Years Program (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). With 1000 students, the AKAN is a multicultural school with a variety of nationalities represented in our student and teaching faculty. The Aga Khan Academy, Nairobi – Senior School welcomes applications from dedicated, enthusiastic and professional educators for the following position: Head Teacher Position Summary: The Head Teacher will be responsible for the pedagogical and administrative management of Aga Khan Academy, Nairobi – Senior School, provision of high quality education and support the school’s positioning as an IB World School of Excellence ¡n Nairobi and as an integral part of the Academy. S/he will drive the academic and extra-curricular programmes of the school, provide leadership for the students and staff, monitor performance against targets and quality indicators, and oversee day-to-day operations of the school. Key Responsibilities In consultation with the AKES,K Leadership team, develop annual objectives, school development plan and quality indicators that ensure delivery of a relevant, high quality education Monitor school, staff and student performance, conduct a school self-evaluation and provide senior leaders with regular reports on progress achieved against strategic and operational goals Strengthen the implementation and continued performance and success of the IBO-MYP curriculum and monitor the MYP action plan, enabling AKAN to become a model school in the implementation of this curriculum Ensure that appropriate systems are in place to meet and maintain authorization requirements for the IBO. Where required, ensure plans for CIS accreditation are developed, tracked and target dates met Ensure systems are in place for tracking individual students and their progress through the school year and through the school, identify areas where students need additional support to ensure “no child is left behind”. Build a high-performance team, committed to achieving the vision of the school Manage the budget, resources and assets of the school, and ensure that all school funds are appropriately allocated and administered as specified in the school’s financial plan. Qualifications and Experience Bachelor’s Degree in Education/A post-graduate degree in Education from an accredited university, with qualifications in IB Middle Years Programme Teaching and Teacher Service Commission registration. At least five years’ experience in international curriculum schools, including experience in the International Baccalaureate system and at least Five years as head of school Good understanding of, and experience in curriculum management, design, implementation and evaluation. Understanding of 21st century education practices, strategies for raising students’ achievement and effective frameworks for school improvement planning and self-evaluation Experience in the developing world and in Africa will be highly desirable. Interested applicants should send their application letter, CV, copies of their certificates and testimonials demonstrating how their experience fits the position to [email protected] so as to be received by Friday 5th June 2019. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted [5/29, 09:00] Nelson Komba: *Re-advertisement* Jordan Hospital Kitui seeks to recruit an enrolled Pharm tech and a registered Nurse. Applications to be send to [email protected] or [email protected] by 4/6/2019 [5/29, 09:00] Nelson Komba: Intern Social Workers (2 Positions) Date: 28 May http://bit.ly/2WCAMx5
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IGCSE Tuition in Delhi | IGCSE Classes in Delhi | IGCSE Tutors in Delhi
To be a tutor, you should not only encompass the deep knowledge in your subject area but also you must have the skill to convey the knowledge productively to the students in the classroom. The apt supervision by a tutor and his/her creativity in mentoring is what makes them unique from one another. But first let us find out what an IB and IGCSE board is?.
IB IB is the contraction for a very well-known global board, International Baccalaureate. It is a educational institution that is acknowledged worldwide and contains three types of educational plans, such as – The primary years’ Program (Kindergarten – Class 5), The middle years’ Program (Class 6 – Class 10), The diploma Program (Class 11 to Class 12). Schools which are identified by the IB institution are known as IB World Schools and there are 18 IB World Schools in India. Baccalaureate Academy in Delhi in an International School that also has an IBDP/ PYP/ MYP Program.
IGCSE IGCSE is the contraction for The International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is an English language syllabus that is provided to students to develop them for IB, A-level and BTEC Level 3. This constitutes three academic programs such as – Cambridge Primary (5-11 years old), Cambridge Secondary 1 (11-14 years old) and Cambridge secondary 2 (14-16 years old). Baccalaurete Academy is one of the Best IGCSE Schools in Delhi.
One of the basic contrasts between the two boards is that IB is an academic infrastructure and IGCSE is an effective curriculum based on the English national curriculum. IB board is more practical, concentrating on the varied interests of every student. On the other hand, the IGSCE board seems to be more conceptual; the students are guided a lot by the teachers.
Parents tend to opt IB/ IGCSE board for their children as it has been pronounced that the students often perform better, think individually, and take part in programs which could guide them to few high ranking universities in the world. Selecting the correct board for your child can have a great impact on their career in the long run!
How to become an IB/ IGCSE Teacher in India: 1) Types of IB Certifications for Teachers The IB certificate in teaching and learning and the IB advanced certificate in teaching and learning research are two types of certificates provided by the IB program and they are mentioned to as IB Awards. A teacher can get both the certificates. For the IB certificate in teaching and learning, the teacher must state the IB Program for which it is to be used (primary, middle or diploma program).
2) Eligibility To earn an IB certificate, there are three essentials. Firstly, you must hold a teaching license. Secondly, it is mandatory for you to complete a graduate degree program in the subject area you desire to teach and lastly, you must have at least three years of experience as a classroom teacher.
However, for those pursuing the advanced teaching and learning research certificate, require additional qualifications which include having an experience in teaching for 5 years at least as an IB teacher out of which 3 years teaching the same IB courses in a particular school.
3) Earning a Certificate One of the first steps to earn a certificate is to register for a course of study at an acclaimed university for seeking the IB certificate. There are several universities which offer an online course for the aspiring IB teachers who don’t have the universities nearby.
The workshops are arranged in a manner to present the teachers with IB principles and how to apply it in the classroom. Following you having successfully completed the course, you have to officially register for the certificate by filling the registration form and paying the mentioned registration fee. This form should be submitted within one month of completion of the course.
There are various institutes which offer a course for seeking the IB certificate, according to your preference, you may select one which offers online courses if the institutes are not nearby you.
Some of the well-known institutes are Indus Training and Research Institute, The Hans India and Deccan Chronicle.
4) Qualities That Make You an IB/ IGCSE Teacher “IB teachers are long standing learners themselves who aspire to develop the similar deep interest in their students”. The advent of IB teachers towards their students includes innovation, honesty, and docility which make them distinguished from other teachers. They opt for an analytical approach for all students with and with the intention of molding their students into socially responsible citizens.
IGCSE teachers have a confident persona and engage every student present with their subject; they are also accountable for themselves and responsive to others at the same time.
They have to be enthusiastic while working with young people, docile, with global consciousness and much to offer. They should be actively involved in academics and extra-curricular activities. And most significantly they must be keen to grow professionally.
Once you have earned an IB/ IGCSE certificate from a university, the next step is applying for a job to help shape student’s careers! Explore on the internet and check out for any openings for a job as an IB/IGCSE teacher and send in your resume. Various Indian employment sites can help you finding you a suitable job as an IB teacher. https://www.baccalaureateacademy.in/blog/how-to-become-ib-igcse-teacher-india
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cpsglobal-blog · 5 years
IGCSE School – A Comparison With Other Curriculum Schools
A globally recognized curriculum, the IGCSE or the International General Certification of Secondary Education is very similar to the Class X examinations. The IGCSE is formed in the year 1988 and is a two year programme that is spread over Class 9 and 10. The final examination is taken in May or November. The exam is conducted by UK assessment bodies, the Edexcel and the Cambridge International Examinations.
Comparing IGCSE with other curriculums IGCSE offers a wide range of subjects and brings in high academic standards through practical learning and teaching. The assessment is not just restricted to the written examination but also takes into account oral and listening tests. The aim is to bring out a wide range of skills of the students. The grading system is eight-point scale from A+ to G, with A+ the highest and G the lowest.
IGCSE School offers a balanced and versatile curriculum. There is choice between the core curriculum to the extended curriculum. It gives the students the ability to choose subjects suitable for them and gives an opportunity to score good grades.  The core curriculum is for students who are expected to achieve Grade C to G, while the extended curriculum is for students who are expected to achieve Grades A+ to C.
IGCSE curriculum has an international outlook just like IB MYP but it is tailored to meet the expectations of the multi-cultural and multi-lingual audience.
The IGCSE programme starts from Class 9 level and students from any board can join this programme from Class 9. Though CIE has introduced the new Cambridge International Primary Programme in June, in this programme the ICGSE programme starts from the age of 5 and goes on till 18.
The IGCSE encourages educational skills, investigative skills, oral skills, problem solving skills, team work among students. The programme has a worldwide credibility and is delivered by more than 130 schools across the globe.
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flash--news · 6 years
Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand to play chess with Pune Students
The unique chess tournament to be held at Edify International School Pune
Around 1000 participants, top 12     will play with Grandmaster Viswanathan     Anand  
Top seven from 12 will get prize     money, trophy and certificate
For registration login at : www.edifypune.com
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Edify International School Pune in association with Pune District Chess Association is all set to bring a unique Chess tournament for school students aged between 5 and 16. The preliminary rounds are scheduled between 17-18 November, which will witness around 1000 participants from Pune and the top 12 finalists will get an opportunity to play against Viswanathan Anand in a 1: 12 match on 8th December at Edify International School Hinjewadi, Pune.
This will be the most unique opportunity for Pune students as it involves our own Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, the tournament will be telecasted live on youtube.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Chand Budhrani, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Edify International School said, “Viswanathan Anand is the brand ambassador of Edify International School Pune and the management wanted to provide a unique opportunity to students to play a match against Grandmaster hence the chess championship is being organized to select the top finalists”.
While addressing media Ms. Priya Anand, Principal of Edify International School said, “On 8th December 2018, Viswanathan Anand will also inaugurate Edify international school offering IB curriculum and address the chess lovers. He will also be felicitating the top 3 toughest competitors from the final 10. The total prize money in the event is Rs 45,000/-, top 7 participants will be honoured with prize money, trophy and certificates.”
The prize money for top 7 participants will be 1) Rs.10,000/- 2) Rs.6000/- 3) Rs. 4000/- 4) Rs. 2500/-, 5)2500/- 6) Rs. 2000/- and 7) Rs 2000/-.
Mr. Joseph D’Souza, Chairman, Pune District Chess Association, said “It is a golden opportunity for the youngsters of Pune to participate in this event and qualify to play with ex-world champion, the legendary Viswanathan Anand, it will be a boost for the talented player of Pune they will be getting tips from him”.
The championship has a registration fee of Rs. 300 and the revenue generated through this fee will be utilized to sponsor a girl child education from the underprivileged background to study at Edify Hinjewadi Pune. BLiSS scholarship will be offered to a student in Grade 6 and will be identified through a unique talent identification program through Teach for India.
Edify International School is located in Pune’s premier IT hub. The school offers a broad, rich and challenging curriculum based on the world-renowned IB programmes. It promotes a strong foundation in the academic disciplines, a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and selective opportunities to pursue individual interests. As students’ progress, the programme becomes increasingly flexible and offers a wide array of electives beyond the core curriculum. This is the first academic year of the school which is a candidate school for IB PYP and MYP.
It also offers sports facilities including tennis basketball football skating badminton swimming and squash. Music, dance, drama, visual art and design are the important part of the school offering.
Interested participants can log in to the website: www.edifypune.com for more information and registration. There are limited entries hence the registration will be done on first come first serve basis. Candidates also can contact on: 7741950000/ 7741850000; Email: [email protected] 
Candidates also can register at offline registration centres:
Edify International School, 38, Phase 1, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune- 411057
Joseph D’souza Chess Academy, 1138, Sadashiv Peth, Next to Indian Bank near perugate police Chowky, Pune- 411030
Budhrani Knowledge Foundation, D35, Vastusree Complex,, Near Hyde Park, Market Yard, Pune- 411037 
Media contact: Aspire PR & Strategies Pvt. Ltd., a top PR Agency in Maharashtra, Dipali Dhamal, 9689966141/9967348414 020 24488778
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madras-times · 6 years
Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand to play chess with Pune Students
The unique chess tournament to be held at Edify International School Pune
Around 1000 participants, top 12  will play with Grandmaster Viswanathan     Anand  
Top seven from 12 will get prize     money, trophy and certificate
For registration login at : www.edifypune.com
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Edify International School Pune in association with Pune District Chess Association is all set to bring a unique Chess tournament for school students aged between 5 and 16. The preliminary rounds are scheduled between 17-18 November, which will witness around 1000 participants from Pune and the top 12 finalists will get an opportunity to play against Viswanathan Anand in a 1: 12 match on 8th December at Edify International School Hinjewadi, Pune.
This will be the most unique opportunity for Pune students as it involves our own Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, the tournament will be telecasted live on youtube.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Chand Budhrani, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Edify International School said, “Viswanathan Anand is the brand ambassador of Edify International School Pune and the management wanted to provide a unique opportunity to students to play a match against Grandmaster hence the chess championship is being organized to select the top finalists”.
While addressing media Ms. Priya Anand, Principal of Edify International School said, “On 8th December 2018, Viswanathan Anand will also inaugurate Edify international school offering IB curriculum and address the chess lovers. He will also be felicitating the top 3 toughest competitors from the final 10. The total prize money in the event is Rs 45,000/-, top 7 participants will be honoured with prize money, trophy and certificates.”
The prize money for top 7 participants will be 1) Rs.10,000/- 2) Rs.6000/- 3) Rs. 4000/- 4) Rs. 2500/-, 5)2500/- 6) Rs. 2000/- and 7) Rs 2000/-.
Mr. Joseph D’Souza, Chairman, Pune District Chess Association, said “It is a golden opportunity for the youngsters of Pune to participate in this event and qualify to play with ex-world champion, the legendary Viswanathan Anand, it will be a boost for the talented player of Pune they will be getting tips from him”.
The championship has a registration fee of Rs. 300 and the revenue generated through this fee will be utilized to sponsor a girl child education from the underprivileged background to study at Edify Hinjewadi Pune. BLiSS scholarship will be offered to a student in Grade 6 and will be identified through a unique talent identification program through Teach for India.
Edify International School is located in Pune’s premier IT hub. The school offers a broad, rich and challenging curriculum based on the world-renowned IB programmes. It promotes a strong foundation in the academic disciplines, a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and selective opportunities to pursue individual interests. As students’ progress, the programme becomes increasingly flexible and offers a wide array of electives beyond the core curriculum. This is the first academic year of the school which is a candidate school for IB PYP and MYP.
It also offers sports facilities including tennis basketball football skating badminton swimming and squash. Music, dance, drama, visual art and design are the important part of the school offering.
Interested participants can log in to the website: www.edifypune.com for more information and registration. There are limited entries hence the registration will be done on first come first serve basis. Candidates also can contact on: 7741950000/ 7741850000; Email: [email protected]
Candidates also can register at offline registration centres:
Edify International School, 38, Phase 1, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune- 411057
Joseph D’souza Chess Academy, 1138, Sadashiv Peth, Next to Indian Bank near perugate police Chowky, Pune- 411030
Budhrani Knowledge Foundation, D35, Vastusree Complex,, Near Hyde Park, Market Yard, Pune- 411037
Media contact: Aspire PR & Strategies Pvt. Ltd., a top PR Agency in Maharashtra, Dipali Dhamal, 9689966141/9967348414 020 24488778
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jammu-local · 6 years
Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand to play chess with Pune Students
The unique chess tournament to be held at Edify International School Pune
Around 1000 participants, top 12     will play with Grandmaster Viswanathan     Anand  
Top seven from 12 will get prize     money, trophy and certificate
For registration login at : www.edifypune.com
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Edify International School Pune in association with Pune District Chess Association is all set to bring a unique Chess tournament for school students aged between 5 and 16. The preliminary rounds are scheduled between 17-18 November, which will witness around 1000 participants from Pune and the top 12 finalists will get an opportunity to play against Viswanathan Anand in a 1: 12 match on 8th December at Edify International School Hinjewadi, Pune.
This will be the most unique opportunity for Pune students as it involves our own Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, the tournament will be telecasted live on youtube.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Chand Budhrani, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Edify International School said, “Viswanathan Anand is the brand ambassador of Edify International School Pune and the management wanted to provide a unique opportunity to students to play a match against Grandmaster hence the chess championship is being organized to select the top finalists”.
While addressing media Ms. Priya Anand, Principal of Edify International School said, “On 8th December 2018, Viswanathan Anand will also inaugurate Edify international school offering IB curriculum and address the chess lovers. He will also be felicitating the top 3 toughest competitors from the final 10. The total prize money in the event is Rs 45,000/-, top 7 participants will be honoured with prize money, trophy and certificates.”
The prize money for top 7 participants will be 1) Rs.10,000/- 2) Rs.6000/- 3) Rs. 4000/- 4) Rs. 2500/-, 5)2500/- 6) Rs. 2000/- and 7) Rs 2000/-.
Mr. Joseph D’Souza, Chairman, Pune District Chess Association, said “It is a golden opportunity for the youngsters of Pune to participate in this event and qualify to play with ex-world champion, the legendary Viswanathan Anand, it will be a boost for the talented player of Pune they will be getting tips from him”.
The championship has a registration fee of Rs. 300 and the revenue generated through this fee will be utilized to sponsor a girl child education from the underprivileged background to study at Edify Hinjewadi Pune. BLiSS scholarship will be offered to a student in Grade 6 and will be identified through a unique talent identification program through Teach for India.
Edify International School is located in Pune’s premier IT hub. The school offers a broad, rich and challenging curriculum based on the world-renowned IB programmes. It promotes a strong foundation in the academic disciplines, a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and selective opportunities to pursue individual interests. As students’ progress, the programme becomes increasingly flexible and offers a wide array of electives beyond the core curriculum. This is the first academic year of the school which is a candidate school for IB PYP and MYP.
It also offers sports facilities including tennis basketball football skating badminton swimming and squash. Music, dance, drama, visual art and design are the important part of the school offering.
Interested participants can log in to the website: www.edifypune.com for more information and registration. There are limited entries hence the registration will be done on first come first serve basis. Candidates also can contact on: 7741950000/ 7741850000; Email: [email protected]
Candidates also can register at offline registration centres:
Edify International School, 38, Phase 1, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune- 411057
Joseph D’souza Chess Academy, 1138, Sadashiv Peth, Next to Indian Bank near perugate police Chowky, Pune- 411030
Budhrani Knowledge Foundation, D35, Vastusree Complex,, Near Hyde Park, Market Yard, Pune- 411037
Media contact: Aspire PR & Strategies Pvt. Ltd., a top PR Agency in Maharashtra, Dipali Dhamal, 9689966141/9967348414 020 24488778
0 notes
sangli-varta · 6 years
Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand to play chess with Pune Students
The unique chess tournament to be held at Edify International School Pune
Around 1000 participants, top 12     will play with Grandmaster Viswanathan     Anand  
Top seven from 12 will get prize     money, trophy and certificate
For registration login at : www.edifypune.com
Tumblr media
 Edify International School Pune in association with Pune District Chess Association is all set to bring a unique Chess tournament for school students aged between 5 and 16. The preliminary rounds are scheduled between 17-18 November, which will witness around 1000 participants from Pune and the top 12 finalists will get an opportunity to play against Viswanathan Anand in a 1: 12 match on 8th December at Edify International School Hinjewadi, Pune.
This will be the most unique opportunity for Pune students as it involves our own Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, the tournament will be telecasted live on youtube.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Chand Budhrani, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Edify International School said, “Viswanathan Anand is the brand ambassador of Edify International School Pune and the management wanted to provide a unique opportunity to students to play a match against Grandmaster hence the chess championship is being organized to select the top finalists”.
While addressing media Ms. Priya Anand, Principal of Edify International School said, “On 8th December 2018, Viswanathan Anand will also inaugurate Edify international school offering IB curriculum and address the chess lovers. He will also be felicitating the top 3 toughest competitors from the final 10. The total prize money in the event is Rs 45,000/-, top 7 participants will be honoured with prize money, trophy and certificates.”
The prize money for top 7 participants will be 1) Rs.10,000/- 2) Rs.6000/- 3) Rs. 4000/- 4) Rs. 2500/-, 5)2500/- 6) Rs. 2000/- and 7) Rs 2000/-.
Mr. Joseph D’Souza, Chairman, Pune District Chess Association, said “It is a golden opportunity for the youngsters of Pune to participate in this event and qualify to play with ex-world champion, the legendary Viswanathan Anand, it will be a boost for the talented player of Pune they will be getting tips from him”.
The championship has a registration fee of Rs. 300 and the revenue generated through this fee will be utilized to sponsor a girl child education from the underprivileged background to study at Edify Hinjewadi Pune. BLiSS scholarship will be offered to a student in Grade 6 and will be identified through a unique talent identification program through Teach for India.
Edify International School is located in Pune’s premier IT hub. The school offers a broad, rich and challenging curriculum based on the world-renowned IB programmes. It promotes a strong foundation in the academic disciplines, a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and selective opportunities to pursue individual interests. As students’ progress, the programme becomes increasingly flexible and offers a wide array of electives beyond the core curriculum. This is the first academic year of the school which is a candidate school for IB PYP and MYP.
It also offers sports facilities including tennis basketball football skating badminton swimming and squash. Music, dance, drama, visual art and design are the important part of the school offering.
Interested participants can log in to the website: www.edifypune.com for more information and registration. There are limited entries hence the registration will be done on first come first serve basis. Candidates also can contact on: 7741950000/ 7741850000; Email: [email protected]
Candidates also can register at offline registration centres:
Edify International School, 38, Phase 1, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune- 411057
Joseph D’souza Chess Academy, 1138, Sadashiv Peth, Next to Indian Bank near perugate police Chowky, Pune- 411030
Budhrani Knowledge Foundation, D35, Vastusree Complex,, Near Hyde Park, Market Yard, Pune- 411037
 Media contact: Aspire PR & Strategies Pvt. Ltd., a top PR Agency in Maharashtra, Dipali Dhamal, 9689966141/9967348414 020 24488778
0 notes
kochi-age · 6 years
Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand to play chess with Pune Students
The unique chess tournament to be held at Edify International School Pune
Around 1000 participants, top 12     will play with Grandmaster Viswanathan     Anand  
Top seven from 12 will get prize     money, trophy and certificate
For registration login at : www.edifypune.com
Tumblr media
Edify International School Pune in association with Pune District Chess Association is all set to bring a unique Chess tournament for school students aged between 5 and 16. The preliminary rounds are scheduled between 17-18 November, which will witness around 1000 participants from Pune and the top 12 finalists will get an opportunity to play against Viswanathan Anand in a 1: 12 match on 8th December at Edify International School Hinjewadi, Pune.
This will be the most unique opportunity for Pune students as it involves our own Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, the tournament will be telecasted live on youtube.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Chand Budhrani, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Edify International School said, “Viswanathan Anand is the brand ambassador of Edify International School Pune and the management wanted to provide a unique opportunity to students to play a match against Grandmaster hence the chess championship is being organized to select the top finalists”.
While addressing media Ms. Priya Anand, Principal of Edify International School said, “On 8th December 2018, Viswanathan Anand will also inaugurate Edify international school offering IB curriculum and address the chess lovers. He will also be felicitating the top 3 toughest competitors from the final 10. The total prize money in the event is Rs 45,000/-, top 7 participants will be honoured with prize money, trophy and certificates.”
The prize money for top 7 participants will be 1) Rs.10,000/- 2) Rs.6000/- 3) Rs. 4000/- 4) Rs. 2500/-, 5)2500/- 6) Rs. 2000/- and 7) Rs 2000/-.
Mr. Joseph D’Souza, Chairman, Pune District Chess Association, said “It is a golden opportunity for the youngsters of Pune to participate in this event and qualify to play with ex-world champion, the legendary Viswanathan Anand, it will be a boost for the talented player of Pune they will be getting tips from him”.
The championship has a registration fee of Rs. 300 and the revenue generated through this fee will be utilized to sponsor a girl child education from the underprivileged background to study at Edify Hinjewadi Pune. BLiSS scholarship will be offered to a student in Grade 6 and will be identified through a unique talent identification program through Teach for India.
Edify International School is located in Pune’s premier IT hub. The school offers a broad, rich and challenging curriculum based on the world-renowned IB programmes. It promotes a strong foundation in the academic disciplines, a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and selective opportunities to pursue individual interests. As students’ progress, the programme becomes increasingly flexible and offers a wide array of electives beyond the core curriculum. This is the first academic year of the school which is a candidate school for IB PYP and MYP.
It also offers sports facilities including tennis basketball football skating badminton swimming and squash. Music, dance, drama, visual art and design are the important part of the school offering.
Interested participants can log in to the website: www.edifypune.com for more information and registration. There are limited entries hence the registration will be done on first come first serve basis. Candidates also can contact on: 7741950000/ 7741850000; Email: [email protected]
Candidates also can register at offline registration centres:
Edify International School, 38, Phase 1, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune- 411057
Joseph D’souza Chess Academy, 1138, Sadashiv Peth, Next to Indian Bank near perugate police Chowky, Pune- 411030
Budhrani Knowledge Foundation, D35, Vastusree Complex,, Near Hyde Park, Market Yard, Pune- 411037
Media contact: Aspire PR & Strategies Pvt. Ltd., a top PR Agency in Maharashtra, Dipali Dhamal, 9689966141/9967348414 020 24488778
0 notes