chehukyu · 3 months
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my fella… hyde<3
alt version and 30 second timelapse under break (flashy)
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That morning, Abel woke at a similar hour as the previous day, though he took time to lounge in bed and rest for a while. He changed out of his nightclothes to pass on a clean shirt, lacing his favourite purple stays and trousers. He didn’t bother with a waistcoat or jacket, the summer was warm and it would most likely be a while before his grandfather got back anyways, so he didn’t see the point in being proper.
Instead, he set out to finish the sketch he’d started the previous day, smiling dreamily. He was just making finishing touches, when he heard it. Abel froze and looked up. The sound was… odd. It came from the window, and it was entirely different from birds landing on or hitting the tower. It was a heavier sound, barely noticeable at first, but coming closer, like… like someone climbing.
Abel’s eyes widened and his first instinct was to lean out of the window to look at the intruder, but he pushed that down, instead opting to hide in a dark spot that wouldn’t be visible from the window, clutching his book. In that moment, he didn’t think properly, frightened at the prospect of an assassin coming in. What could he even do faced with an actual trained fighter?
The answer, as it turned out, was to attack him the instant he turned his back, hitting heavily with whatever he was holding. The man fell forward with an unexpectedly loud sound that had Abel squeak. He glanced down, incredulous. He’d just… knocked out someone. With an adventure novel. What the fuck.
Abel groaned self-consciously. He had a dagger on him for this exact purpose, what was even the point of teaching himself how to fight if he just froze and acted like a clueless little boy?! He was clueless, but still a grown man, thank you very much. Taking a deep breath, he crouched to look at the unconscious man. He expected something threatening, but he looked… young. Barely a few years older than himself and, Abel realised as he pushed back a strand of hair, handsome. Though that didn’t tell him much of his character, and he still could be dangerous. Abel willed himself to stop staring.
After a moment, he rolled up his sleeves, took in a deep breath, and started the tiring process of pushing the man inside his closet, blocking the door both to stop him from breaking out, and to avoid his unconscious body falling out. It took him a frankly embarrassing amount of time. Still, by the end, he had a satchel on his floor, an unconscious man in his armoire, and the beginnings of a serious existential crisis. First order of business, he decided, was to hide this. He almost thought of putting the bag under his bed, or in a pot or such other stupid placement, but then he knew. He had a few hiding spots that even his grandfather didn’t know about, even though he didn’t have access to many things from outside to hide to begin with. Sketches, clothes he had modified, notes to himself he didn’t want anyone to see.
He picked the closest, hid the satchel nervously and focused on the second step of… whatever he was doing, that much was still unclear - decide what to do with the man. He couldn’t kill him - well, he could, but he didn’t want to contemplate the idea. He still had no idea how the man had found his way there, but letting him go would mean putting himself in danger. After a moment, he opted for the last possible option. Interrogate him. But, before that, and most importantly, it was time for step three. Scream into his pillow.
After crashing on his bed and stimming nervously for a while, trying to get out of his system the stress of the situation, and only partly managing to do so, Abel took a deep breath. Pulled himself together. Adjusted his clothes nervously. And opened the closet’s door. Somehow, he managed to drag the unconscious stranger to a chair. His grandfather would never allow any kind of rope inside the tower, and he didn’t want to damage his clothes, so Abel opted for the only logical option.
It was easier than he’d expected to tie someone up in his hair, that is to say, still an absolute pain. In the end, he managed to get the man properly stuck, and took a few steps back, before waiting for him to wake up.
In other circumstances, he would’ve found a different solution, but he felt the man stir several times while Abel was tying him up, and he was pretty sure he was slowly but surely regaining consciousness.
And indeed, Hyde was emerging, his head aching but, from his experience, not enough for it to be any kind of serious injury. What was odd, however, was waking up tied to a chair. Not the first time he was tied up like this, but usually he ended up in a bed sooner or later, and usually, he wasn’t tied up with… what was that? Hair? He felt a second of absolute dread and looked up, only to find an empty room in front of him, and on the ground, more hair. He turned, too abruptly not to feel a bit dizzy from the movement.
“Don’t move.”
“Wh- Who’s there?” He turned again.
“I said. Don’t. Move.”
A silhouette slowly stepped out of the shadows, gradually revealing a young man in androgynous clothing, staring at him coldly, toying with something that produced a glint of metal when it caught the light. Another step, and finally, Hyde saw him properly. Light brown skin, covered with freckles, green eyes that didn’t entirely hide his apprehension, somehow not making him any less threatening. Long brown hair. So long, in fact, that the realisation hit Hyde all at once that it was his hair being used to immobilise him.
“The fuck?”
“Shut up. I’m the one asking questions here.”
“No, seriously, what the fuck.”
“I know why you’re here, and I’m not afraid of you.” For a second, Hyde stared in confusion, then he snorted.
“Great, could you explain what I'm doing here, then? ‘cause I haven’t got a clue.”
“Don’t lie to me. Who are you, and how did you find me?” As he spoke, he took a step closer, playing adroitly with the dagger in his hand. Hyde gaped at him, before managing to utter:
“Who are you, and how did you find me?” The question was cold, threatening.
“Well… I don’t know how you are, but I find you to be the most charming being… My name is Hyde,” he added with a seductive smirk.
Abel looked back, mostly confused, at the man in the chair, currently smiling at him like an arsehole. He had no idea what was going on, which was frustrating, given the situation should be in his control. He extended his dagger towards the other man, narrowing his eyes.
“Who else knows my location, Hyde?”
“Listen, doll-”
“Whatever. I have no idea what you want from me, but if you welcome everyone like this, I doubt there are a lot of people willing to visit you. Just let me go and I’ll leave you alone.”
“You’re not leaving this chair until I have answers.”
“Fine. I was in a… situation, and lost the people I was with. I came across your tower, and-” Hyde suddenly interrupted himself as realisation set in. “Where’s my satchel?!”
Abel smirked. This was something he could use. Slowly, he sheathed his dagger, crossing his arms.
“I hid it. Where you’ll never find it. Tell me everything and I’ll give it back.”
“Counter offer.” Hyde suddenly tugged on Abel’s hair, using what little range he had to pull him closer, harshly. He stumbled, eyes wide. “I break free somehow, find whatever corner you’ve hidden it in, and get out of this place.”
Hyde grinned, satisfied with the way he’d - quite literally - thrown the other man off-balance, only to find the cold metal of a dagger against his throat and a boy glaring at him murderously.
“I could slit your throat any moment, so I’d advise you to not do this again.” Something told Hyde that he meant it. “What do you want with my hair?”
“What would I want to do with your hair??"
There was a brief second of confused silence on both parts, followed by Abel's apparent shock.
"Wait, you don't… want my hair?"
“It’s very pretty, but I can’t say I’m a fan right now,” Hyde grumbled, tugging at the strands that kept his wrist and ankles bound to get his point across.
Abel looked at him for a few seconds. The man was telling the truth, or at least he was pretty sure of it, and if he was that good a liar, further threats or violence wouldn’t get him to be more truthful. He sighed. Time to be diplomatic, then.
"Fine." He pushed the chair in order for Hyde to face one of his murals, walking up to it to point to the painting. "Do you know what these are?"
"You mean that lantern thing they do for the prince?"
Abel felt his heart skip a beat. He knew those weren't stars, he knew it, but hearing it from someone else was a comfort - and hearing that it was indeed people doing it, a choice or tradition of some sort, further comforted his choice.
"Yes. You're gonna take me there."
Hyde blinked.
"I'm gonna what now?"
Abel walked up to him, meeting his eyes with a newfound determination.
"You're going to act as my guide, take me to see the lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I give you your stupid satchel back."
"No, not gonna happen. They're not exactly my biggest fan in the kingdom at the moment, princess."
"Mmh. Wonder why," Abel mumbled, deadpan. He leaned closer once again, his blade back in his hand, moving with surprising ease. “Listen. Something brought you here, Hyde. Call it what you want, coincidence, destiny-”
“-but unfortunately, this might be my one and only chance. So, I have made the decision to trust you.”
“A horrible decision, really.” Abel paused.
“For the time being.” He walked up to Hyde, leaning in close to clare into the other man’s eyes, making his point as clear as possible. “You could tear this tower apart, brick by brick, but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel.”
There was a brief but heavy moment of silence, broken by Hyde's voice.
"...Are you sure I can't give you a good enough reason to let me go?"
He looked at Abel under his lashes, offering a confident smirk to the young man. Hey, when the situation is desperate, might as well try to charm his way out of it. It usually worked out pretty well.
Abel, meanwhile, stubbornly avoided his eyes, unfortunately flustered and very annoyed at himself for finding Hyde's idiocy charming, and at Hyde for being a charming idiot. Seriously, what was wrong with him? He took a deep breath, turning towards the man once he was certain he wouldn't stupidly blush the moment their eyes met.
"Certainly," he replied with a lovely, very fake smile. "I think agreeing to my deal would be a very good reason." Hyde sighed. Must be an off day.
“Fiiine, I’ll take to see the lanterns. Not like I have much of a choice.”
Abel flapped his hand excitedly, dropping the chair, which thankfully fell back on its feet. Hyde stared flatly.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be able to take you anywhere whilst tied to your chair, though.”
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geekygirl24 · 29 days
MacReid - Hi there. I have a Thai prompt for Love in the Air. Phayu & Rain. Future fic, aged-up, humour. The pair work together as architects and are to meet a female client for a consultation. Rain arrives first and was being flirted with as the most handsome man ever seen. Of course this is before Phayu arrives and is subsequently declared the new holder of that title. Situation gets even more ridiculous when the client realizes that they are a couple.
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betweensceneswriter · 6 years
Countdown to Launch
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After months of revising and editing, Island Fever (Jimjeran Book 1) is now “under review” at Kindle self-publishing for the next 72 hours, and then I can purchase author copies and it will go live on the Amazon site.  It will also be available as a Kindle e-book download for $2.99. (The e-book version is free if you purchase the paperback version from Amazon.)
When it goes live, I’m not sure whether I should remove the fan fic version from Tumblr & AO3.  The edited version is so much better--more realistic, more detailed, more believable... But will people feel ‘cheated’ if they discover the online version?  I freely share the genesis of the project on my dedication page-- (hey, you guys are there!)  I’m not ashamed of where it began, though I admit I’d feel better if Diana Gabaldon didn’t hate fan fiction so much.  
I would never have written 120,000 words without having an audience... seriously...  ;)
Having never done this before, it’s a mystery to me!  :)  
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thicklinworld · 9 years
NADM Artwork
Today the artwork for "Never A Dull Moment EP" drops.  Production from Yella tha OG, Mac Reid, 1Mind, Odizzy Beatz & Melvin Thomas. Guest appearances are from Sizzle, Moss da Beast, Young Quael & Jay L. #NADM drops Summer 2015. 
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chehukyu · 1 year
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some of my doodles from an aggie i did with @possumsaurus i need to go back and save my other layers
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chehukyu · 1 year
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makin quick refs for art fight :)
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also a new pfp (team vamp baybee then i can have a werewolf boyfriend to uh. that uh. pineapple gif. slash jay)
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chehukyu · 1 year
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they’re so sillay
abel is @boldlygayingwherenogayshavegayed s boy
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chehukyu · 1 year
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this is sort of like the barbie meme but i didn’t know it would end up as that so- anyways, here’s hyde and his best friend abel ( @boldlygayingwherenogayshavegayed oc), they totally have a normal relationship :)
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chehukyu · 2 years
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haven’t been able to draw/write much so here’s some doodles
abel (curly hair, freckles, cutie) belongs to @boldlygayingwherenogayshavegayed mael i cannot remember the first part of your username i never remember how to tag you smfh
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chehukyu · 1 year
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not hgau related but art — my ocs :))) hyde and kemuel, they’re so - OUGH - they’re in love and domestic and my littol comfort guys
the words are for their spotify playlist and also lore 🫡
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chehukyu · 1 year
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doodles to apologize for being mia
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Hyde rose early, and almost immediately wrapped his hand around his satchel protectively. Good. Still there, along with the two idiots sleeping soundly next to him. Hyde nudged Rolland with his boot, waking him up with a start.
“Who-!” He frowned as he looked up. “Ah. Hyde.”
“We have to move.” Carpenter’s frown deepened, making him look not unlike a grumpy toddler, in Hyde’s opinion, but he nodded.
“You don’t have to be rude about it.” This time, it was the other guy’s voice, still drowsy, that had spoken up. Hyde rolled his eyes.
"Listen, Rolland. You and your friend what's-his-face..."
"Didn't ask." Nor did he care. Leer was too boring to be worth remembering, and so was his name. Joan, or John, or whatever he’d just said. “You and your friend are my allies, and my goal is to keep us all safe. Not to be nice about it.”
He offered them a smirk, turned on his heel, and started gathering his things. Soon enough, they followed suit and once again, the three of them were going through the forest. They were going in the same direction as the main road did, but Leer estimated they wouldn’t get too close to it for most of their journey.
And they didn't, not for a while. At one point, they got close enough to spot the path in between the trees from afar, but that was it. Hyde started walking faster, not wanting to risk, when he spotted something.
"Oh. Oh no." His mind processed the situation in a few seconds. Well, this would probably marginally make things worse. He had more important things to worry about, though. "This is bad, this is really bad!"
Rolland and Leer walked closer, trying to see what he was watching.
"Wanted posters?!" Rolland sounded horrified.
"Really poorly drawn wanted posters," Hyde corrected. "They just can't get my hair right!"
"Who cares?" Leer sounded even more panicked than his companion.
"Easy for you to say. Your hair looks amazing." Well, compared to reality, he completed mentally.
"What do we do?" Well, not acting hysterical would be a great start.
"Get away from the road, obviously. Too bad if we lose a few hours, it'll be safer."
The other two nodded and, together, they started again, shifting their course to go deeper into the woods. The terrain was at a slight slope, thankfully it was barely noticeable and not enough to slow their walk. Unfortunately, it might've been what led the guards to spot them from above.
Hyde was the first to hear the horses. He turned on his heels before he even processed what the sound meant, his eyes widening ever so slightly when he saw the royal guards' uniforms. The others turned upon seeing his face, and for a second, both groups were perfectly still, staring at each other through the trees.
Then, Hyde was running.
He ran as fast as he could, Rolland and Leer next to him, the sound of horses galloping behind them, trees all around. And suddenly, the cliff. Right in front of them.
He looked up. It wasn't that high, thankfully, but they couldn't turn back, and there weren't many options. Hyde turned.
"Help me up."
"Help me up. I'm the best climber out of us, I'll pull you up." Rolland seemed to think it over, way too slowly for his taste.
"Fine. But give us the satchel first."
"Seriously?!" Twin glares. "You guys don't trust me?"
Obviously, they didn't. Might be the smartest thing they did so far, but Hyde didn't have time for their bullshit. He tossed Leer the bag, resisting the urge to punch the idiot's face. It took him seconds to climb up his two accomplices and pull himself up. He looked down. The soldiers were close, too close, and those two dickheads almost got him caught because they decided this was the best time to be careful. Hyde grinned.
"Help us up!"
"Mmh… nah, don't think I will."
"We have the crown!" Hyde's wolfish grin widened as he dangled the satchel in front of their eyes.
"I'm just really, really good," he said, already standing and walking away.
"Have a nice day!" he exclaimed above his shoulder.
He walked as fast as he could, trying only to escape. He was on foot, the soldiers had horses and might not be the only ones around. So, he walked, and he ran, hiding best he could and almost getting caught several times in his downhill rush. He mumbled something under his breath about fuckin' idiots who couldn't get their priorities straight, but in all honesty, he was glad to be rid of them right then and now. Thankfully, the trees slowed most of the guards down, until he could no longer see or hear the pursuers he had left behind.
Hyde paused to catch his breath, listening. Not a sound around for the moment. He relaxed ever so slightly, sighing in relief. So far, things were fine. Now, he needed to figure out a way to get as far from the island as possible. He had barely taken a step when he saw it - the shadow of someone, someone clearly listening and looking for something.
Him. Carefully, Hyde took a step back, looking for a place to hide. His hand landed on the rocks behind him, searching for a recess, or a way to climb. Instead, his arm suddenly sunk and he almost stumbled. Practically invisible to the eye, there was a crevice, a hollow spot someone could easily slide in, perfectly hidden to the view. Without pausing to think, he slipped inside, heart beating as he heard steps coming closer, then passing without a pause.
He grinned and turned, trying to see where the crevice ended, or if it prolonged into a tunnel. What he saw instead left him staring incredulously. The morning sun shone gently into the quiet, small valley, though most of it was still covered in shadows from the surrounding cliffs, perfectly masking the small river, the hidden trail… and the abandoned tower that stood there.
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chehukyu · 2 years
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friends and i were discussing what our ocs would be for halloween. hyde and his son (friend’s oc) would be bowser and jr :)
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chehukyu · 2 years
PLEASE brain i just need 500 MORE words and then we’re DONE we can POST IT and watch more tv please
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have some doodles until then
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chehukyu · 1 year
THE NEXT CHAPTER IS MOSTLY DONE I PROMISE IM SORRY I VANISHED here have some of my art projects for uni
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