#Madision Cabot
goozeghost · 2 years
Please tell me about your ocs!!! they caught my eye and now I'm interested. Give me the summary or the full dump, either works
omigod okay so like i've had these characters for nearly 2 years now (2 years on the 11th !!) so i cant possibly tell you EVERYTHING about them but I CAN tell you the basics !!!
those basics being they're from a story set in an apocalyptic future, where the System (run by The Emperor) has control over the City, the last form of advanced civilization left in the cold, barren wasteland that Earth has become.
however, there are other civilizations that exist outside of the City, such as the one i call the Underground, where my ocs live !!
the main group are a hodgepodge family of people who have either managed to escape the City, or have lived outside of its walls their entire lives. I'm trying not to give too much away because one day i hope to one day make a full comic out of this story, but I can tell you a lil about each character !!
Starting with the main 3, Oliver O'Brien (he/him), Evrard Raine(he/him), and Kid Raine(-O'Brien)(they/them)
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This trio met when trying to escape the City at the same time. Evrard was running with Kid, who was barely 6 at the time, and with Oliver's help, the trio got past the guarded walls. With more of Oliver's help, Ev and Kid managed to not die in the harsh conditions, and eventually they found themselves at the Underground !!!
There they found some new, and old, faces- such as Tess O'Brien(he/they), Oliver's twin that he vaguely remembers having (but did not grow up with) who was Evrard's childhood best friend until he disappeared many years ago-
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Madison Cabot(she/her), also an old friend from the city who escaped.
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Phoenix Morin(they/them) (design's still in the works), who's lived in the Underground their whole life, and is thrilled to fill newcomers in on things they never learned inside the walls, such as Romance and Dating !!
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and Dixie Cabot(she/her), a child whom escaped with Madi and was later adopted by her :)
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There are more- PLENTY more characters in this story, such as the UPEs, but I don't want to give TOO much away, in case I do get around to making that comic ;)
ty so much for asking tho i have so many thoughts about these characters and im jumping at the bit to talk about them sdhjgfjsdhgf
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emmasurveys · 7 years
bookish asks
1: What book did you last finish? When was that?
i think the last book i read was Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasglow 
2: What are you currently reading?
Snowflakes on Silver Cove by Holly Martin 
3: What book are you planning to read next?
The Girl Who Saved Christmas 
4: What was the last book you added to your tbr?
Some Kind of Wonderful by Givonna Fletcher 
5: Which book did you last re-read?
Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis 
6: Which book was the last one you really, really loved?
The Christmasauras was really really good, and More Happy Than Not is really good. 
7: What was/were the last book/books you bought?
Wildwood by Colin Merlot 
8: Paperback or hardcover? Why?
Paperback, easier to read 
9: YA, NA or Adult? Why?
YA. Easier to read, my mind just drifts to quickly. But also, it’s always very hopeful. But I’ll read it all. 
10: Sci-Fi or fantasy? Why?
Fantasy. I haven’t really taken much to Sci-Fi for some reason. 
11: Classic or modern? Why?
12: Political memoirs or comedic memoirs?
13: Name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I’ll be forever bitter. 
14: Name a book where the movie/tv adaption actually was better than the original
My first thought is fairy tales, because to be honest I’d rather see a Disney fairy tale than a Grim’s fairy tale where they’re cutting off their feet. But to be honest, I’m sure there are movies that are better than the books, but I can’t currently think of any proper examples; I googled some but all the examples were for books I have yet to read. 
So instead I shall offer you something better: a book and a movie that perfectly compliment each other. Perks of Being a Wallflower. Neither is better than the other, and both work together like best friends. 
15: What book changed your life?
Harry Potter, for sure. But also a YA novel called “Ready or Not” by Meg Cabot. Before reading that book I didn’t like reading on my own (my mother read all of us Harry Potter so we could read it together).
16: If you could bring three books to a deserted island which would you bring and why?
Prisoner of Azkaban, Identical, and something I haven’t read yet. Maybe IT or something really long, to pass the time. My favourite book of my favourite series, the first book that ever properly surprised me, and a book that I can read when I’m bored of the other two. 
17: If you owned a bookshop what would you call it?
A Novel Conundrum...
18: Which character from a book is the most like you?
Sam Madision, and Charlie Kelmeckis.
19: Which character from a book is the least like you?
Margo Roth Spiegelman.
20: Best summer read?
Harry Potter. Or re-reading your favourite books. 
21: Best winter read?
Cheesy Holly Martin reads. “Let it Snow”, perhaps. 
22: Pro or anti e-readers? Why?
anti as a general rule. Though not overly opposed. 
23: Bookdepository or Amazon?
24: Do you prefer to buy books online or in a bookshop?
Bookshop. Though it’s cheaper online.
25: If you could be a character from a book for just one day who would you be and why? (Bonus: any specific day in the story?)
Hmm, probably Wendy. Flying to Neverland would be really fun. 
26: If you could be a character from a book for their entire life who would you be and why?
That’s a hard question. There’s so many books I’ve never read and probably never will, who knows who I’d really want to be. Perhaps Elizabeth Bennet, or Tris, or Luna Lovegood, or Jill Pole. They go on great adventures, they’re really strong. They’re quite different from myself.
27: If you could change one thing about mainstream literature what would you change? (i.e. more diversity, better writing, better plot etc.)
More diversity, probably that would be my biggest thing. I don’t really care about better writing, if you try and you have a good idea I might read it. It’s all about the characters and whether they’re believe-able and likeable. You could re-write the same story over and over and it would still be different every time, so I don’t know. 
28: How many books have you read so far this year?
Hmm, like four or five?
29: How do you sort your shelves? (i.e. by color, author, title etc.)
I just group together authors and by size of the shelf. 
30: Who’s your favourite author?
I don’t have a favourite author. I kind of just read what looks good. I have a lot of the same books by the same authors, but I haven’t read them all. Even J.K. Rowling I’ve only ever read Harry Potter. 
31: Who’s your favourite contemporary author?
I’m going to say John Green solely because The Fault in Our Stars was amazing, but I also would like to say Adam Silvera because his debut novel quite surprised me, and despite the fact I haven’t read his other novels, I really want to. 
32: Who’s your favourite fantasy author?
This may surprise you... but J.K. Rowling. But also C.S. Lewis
33: Who’s your favorite Sci-Fi author?
I don’t have one. 
34: List five OTPs
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, Ron and Hermione, Sam and David, Peter and Wendy, and either Sam and Charlie or Katniss and Peeta. 
35: Name a book you consider to be terribly underrated
I don’t even know. I keep reading books that are fairly popular. 
To be honest, I suppose Dawn Treader. It’s everyone’s least favourite book in the Narnia series, and I think that’s complete bollocks. 
36: Name a book you consider to be terribly overrated
Simon vs The Homosapions. I need to re-read it, but when I read it it was fairly average, and everyone keeps going on about it. 
37: How many books are actually in your bookshelf/shelves right now?
Too many to count. 
38: What language do you (most often) read in?
39: Name one of your favourite childhood books
Miss. Pigglewiggle. And the Magic Treehouse books 
40: Name one of your favourite books from your teenage years
Harry Potter
41: Do you own a library card? How often do you use it?
I do not.
42: Which was the best book you had to read in school?
Fried Green Tomatoes. 
43: Are you the kind of person who reads several books at once or the kind of person who can only read one book at a time?
Hmm, multiple at a time. I get bored of some books so I take a break and read another one. 
44: Do you like to listen to music when you read?
Hmm sometimes. But I prefer complete silence. Which is why I don’t read very often, I don’t like complete silence. 
45: What is your favourite thing to eat when you read?
46: What is your favourite thing to drink when you read?
47: What do you do to get out of a reading slump?
Find a terrible, easy read. 
48: Where is your favourite place to read?
49: When is your favourite time to read?
Middle of the day, or right before bed. 
50: Why do you love to read?
why does anyone
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