#Magi ponders fic ideas
magioftheseas · 7 months
Probably the best fucking au idea for svsss I'll ever have and will never write because I'm a loser: "Platonic" cumplane marriage of convenience that is completely sexless but that's fine because both men think they're straight and don't want to fuck each other. They still end up with Binghe and Mobei-jun respectively.
Binghe was actually so fucking ready to steal a married man and had a fully detailed and convoluted homewrecker scheme and he is...kinda disappointed that SY is so efficient and amicable (or as amicable as he can be) in just divorcing SQH (who doesn't even really try to keep him from leaving) and getting with Binghe instead. But he's not going to complain TOO much...
As for Mobei-jun, he just demanded SQH marry him because SQH was KINDA bummed about losing the tax benefits and SQH was too intimidated to do anything but say yes.
Would've included this exchange:
SY: I'm...in love... SQH: Well our marriage is only for show so I don't ca-- SY: With a man. SQH: YOU'RE GAY?! SY: If it's not gay to be married to a man, then how can it be gay to be in love with one?!
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magioftheseas · 2 years
for the fanfic mash-up thingy maybe mutual pining and time travel for shuake?
My brain immediately went to Kagerou Days, and y'know what, fuck it.
Kagerou Days AU with shuake where the days keep repeating for Akechi every time that Akiren dies and he starts to try and find ways to help him survive, eventually deciding to end it all in the engine room by sacrificing himself.
Only for him to see the last minute that Akiren has to repeat whenever Akechi dies.
There is a LOT of angst and mutual pining. For an added bonus, Akiren only remembers the timelines where Akechi dies. Akechi only remembers the timelines where Akiren dies. :D
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magioftheseas · 2 years
soulmates au where you have each other’s dreams (instead of your own) and it’s very sad and angsty because Akechi’s dreams get SO FUCKED UP and give Akiren like, intense insomnia to the point of medicating for it.
the punchline is that when Akechi does his canon traumadumping skit, Akiren immediately goes shocked pikachu face.
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magioftheseas · 2 years
One of the super goddamn indulgent AUs I have is affectionately called Unwound Justice, where I take the Justice Arcanas in Persona and slot them into Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
Layton - Katsuya
Luke - Ken
Flora - Nanako
Future Luke - Akechi
...I don’t know where to put Brown, sorry. (I also...don’t care about Fushimi.)
Spoilers Under Cut
Celeste - Maya (Because I’m KatsuMaya trash)
Bill - Shido (Obviously)
Dimitri - Tatsuya would fit but I’d prefer Dojima... :V
Don Palo - Do I actually have to include him?
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magioftheseas · 2 years
An Omori AU with p2 characters would be so fun that it makes me insane.
I mean I’d have to make some changes but...
(If you’re curious, the basic setup is that Sunny is Tatsuya, Basil is Jun, Mari is Maya, Aubrey is Eikichi (because he’s a punk), Kel is Lisa (friendly neighbor), and Katsuya fulfills the Hero role with extra alterations beyond the apparent.)
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Hi, I am a Tumblr ghost, but I love P5 and just started getting into Ace Attorney, so I followed you to hear more about That Crossover at your leisure <3 Happy Tuesday!
Thanks! Okay, so the setup of this has Akiren as the defense attorney with Makoto as the rival prosecutor, and of course Sae is her superior. However, the assistant is Akechi who is a former detective that used to work under Sae.
Makoto shares the beliefs of early Miles Edgeworth in that she's dead set on getting a guilty verdict every time because she doesn't want any criminals to escape. Standard stuff, however this means that she sees Akechi as a traitor AND suspects him of dubious shit even if she lacks anything she can feasibly charge him with.
The detective who works with Makoto is a down on his luck Zenkichi and Futaba works in forensics. She still lives with Sojiro and Mona is her cat and sadly, I haven't figured out a good way to slot them all into the plot. (The same goes for Maruki, Sumi, and Sophia albeit for obvious reasons.)
Anyway, back to Akechi. Akechi and Akiren have been associates for a while although they more or less met by chance and they're close friends...maybe more. Akiren DID go to the same high school as Makoto but the two were not close and due to Makoto being a hardass and him being a delinquent and he never felt comfortable around her. However due to his reputation in high school in addition to his closeness with Akechi, Makoto distrusts him and is on edge around him. (She does acknowledge that this is unfair but whatever.)
Let's go through the cases!
Case 1: Defendant is Ryuji, Victim is Kamoshida, Culprit could be either Mishima or Ann
A lot of canon carries over, but yeah, Akiren *was* friends with Ryuji in high school and knew that Kamoshida was a piece of work and they were only able to get him fired but not so much humiliated and shamed since there's no brainwashing in this AU. But yeah Kamoshida turns up dead and Ryuji is framed for it. Because it's the first case, I guess Makoto doesn't show up but Akechi does still closely assist and help out a lot even though Ryuji still hates his vibes. Akiren does solve things but he's incredibly frustrated by how things turn out while Akechi reassures him and pushes him to keep moving forward.
Case 2: Defendant is Yusuke, Victim is Madarame, "Culprit" is Madarame's mistress
Pretty normal case. Probably Makoto's introduction. Lots of tension between her and our protagonist-kun/s albeit for a multitude of reasons. The backstory for Yusuke btw is the same however Madarame actually dies of natural causes. The thing is while reaching the end of his life, Madarame is actually overcome with grief and guilt for the whole "letting Yusuke's mom fucking die and exploiting Yusuke himself for several years after the fact" thing so, in his will, he writes in that Yusuke will inherit everything. His mistress unsurprisingly isn't keen on the idea so she tries to frame Yusuke for murder. Understandably, Yusuke is pretty...conflicted and distraught to learn the truth so he has no idea how to regard Madarame from then on. That said, he was inspired enough by seeing Akiren passionately defend him that he wants to become a courtroom artist.
Case 3: Defendant is Akechi, Victim is Some Guy, Culprit is Kaneshiro
Makoto finally has an opportunity to charge the traitorous Akechi and she absolutely won't let it escape. Unless Akiren has something to say about it. Here's where all the tension explodes between them and Akiren gets really fired up and manages to give Makoto a piece of his mind in the meantime. Makoto is forced to back off when Kaneshiro gets pointed at and she's torn because yeah, Kaneshiro is a pretty guilty scumbag but even after Akechi is declared innocent, Makoto still confronts him and makes accusations to his face and here's where Akiren learns not just that Akechi worked with Sae but also about a mysterious conspiracy tied to the death of a certain politician (Shido) years ago that happened to coincide with Akechi's early retirement... Despite that, Akiren does choose to trust his boyfriend even as Akechi remarks that the truth can also be unpleasant and cruel. (Akiren asserts that he knows Akechi is someone he can trust. Akechi doesn't know how to react to that.)
Case 4: Defendant is Haru, Victim is Takakura, Culprit is Sugimura
Haru was also a classmate and Akiren did get along with her fine...and Makoto also got along with her and even kept in touch for years after. Because Haru is clearly being thrown under the bus, Makoto is under a lot of stress when taking her case and hates that there's so little she can do as a prosecutor to help out Haru. Akechi leads Akiren in to take her case and while Makoto wants to vehemently deny this, the fact is that no other attorney wants to take Haru's case and she doesn't have a lot of options. Haru does request getting to know Akiren first and she's pleased enough to trust him. This is the case where Akiren does get Makoto to admit her misgivings about the prosecution office (including her own sister) because frankly, she didn't trust any other prosecutor to take Haru's case and proceed to play incredibly dirty if it meant getting a guilty verdict even though Haru was innocent. It's revealed that this is also tied into conspiracies and it comes back to Shido, who Haru reveals was the man who put a hit on her father so many years ago...
Case 5: Uhhhhh Fuck.
Yeah so I don't know who the defendant should be. Maybe Sae???? I also don't know who the victim should be. MAYBE THE SVU DIRECTOR??!?!? AND MAAAAAYBE AKECHI IS THE CULPRIT??? MAYBE?!??!!?
This is where the full scope of the conspiracy is revealed in which Shido ruled the country with an iron fist and he had a nasty habit of making people who he no longer had any use for "disappear". Akechi is still his bastard son and still a trained assassin however, Akechi had watched Shido so closely that he learned a couple of things. Namely how to make evidence "disappear". So, sick with doing Shido's bidding, he killed Shido and destroyed any evidence connecting him to the crime so that it permanently remained a cold case. After doing so, he exposed a multitude of Shido's crimes (including the assassination of Okumura which, yeah, Akechi himself had carried out), and then using all this heinous, publicized corruption, Akechi publicly claimed that he was too disillusioned to continue working as a detective and "retired"...until he met Akiren by chance.
The characters btw are in their mid-twenties. And yeah, Wakaba probably was also killed by Shido but I dooooon't think I want Akechi to have assassinated her in part because he is...older. And he wasn't like, fifteen when he started his hitman career. I feel like it'd make stuff too muddled. Maybe Futaba fulfills a role similar to Maria in gaa2/dgs2? But like, with a dash of Ema Skye for funsies. Sorry, I'm not sure. Also not fully clear on how to incorporate Ann if that wasn't obvious. There are a lot of kinks to work out.
But I think this AU could be really good and a lot of fun. (I definitely don't have the talent to make it work, rip.)
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Matsukoma, Hurt/No Comfort, for the ask thing?
Pretty much anything set in a despairverse au would work with this, I think.
I like the idea of Matsuda dealing with chronic pain and hangovers and Komaeda making sure he's not dead but also not offering much in the way of emotional support. Sometimes Matsuda will just burst into tears and Komaeda will just...watch.
Can this feeling be called despair? he wonders. It feels so much deeper than that.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Your Turn To The World Ends
Finished NEO TWEWY a while back and thought yttd/twewy type au would be fun. So here’s a messy jotdown of my ideas.
Alternative Title: The World Ends When You Die, It’s A Wonderful Die (none of these are serious, all of them are jokes)
Neku - Sou (Shin)
Shiki - Kanna
Joshua - Midori (name given by Shin)
Beat - Sara
Rhyme - Joe
Uzuki - Sue Miley
Kariya - Safalin??
Higashizawa - ???
Sho - ???
Megumi - Maple?
Konishi - ???
Hanekoma - Keiji???
Couple of details:
Both Kanna and Sou feel as though they’ve forgotten something important. In Kanna’s case, it’s because the specific memory of her sister Kugie reconciling and protecting her was her entry fee. Thus she still feels as though Kugie hates and dislikes her until she sees Kugie mourning and crying about her. 
The reason why Shin initially goes by Sou is because Sou Hiyori is the only name he actually remembers. He doesn’t realize it’s not his name until Week 2 when he start remembering more about himself.
Week 2 is when he meets Midori, of course, and, yeah, while Midori is familiar, he still can’t fully remember. What he does remember, however, is that Midori may have been the one to kill him.
(What he doesn’t remember until much later, during that final confrontation, is that Midori is obviously Sou Hiyori and that the two of them were close friends until he was betrayed.)
Don’t know if I’m gonna have the whole misdirect with whoever the Sho equivalent is, but Midori does still “sacrifice” himself to save Shin at the end of Week 2 which causes him a lot of grief and confusion.
A lot of the other basic plot points are more or less the same, just adjusted to fit the yttd characters’ personalities and their relationships. The final confrontation is more like the game version than the anime version.
Last minute addition: Midori will probably have a different philosophy than Joshua... Probably. Will still pull the same shit tho.
Last last minute addition: Nao and Sota will be... Miss Nao and Mishima. Yes.
Stupid disclaimers under the readmore.
No, no romantic tension between Shin and Kanna. They’re plantonic in the game, they’re gonna be platonic here. (And I don’t like romantic NekuShiki to begin with.)
No, I’m not including the sibling twist involving them either. There’s no point to it here.
Yes, romantic overtones between Midori and Shin. Yes, I ship JoshNeku. No, Joshua is not as bad as Midori. Doesn’t mean things still won’t play out pretty similarly.
I sincerely have zero fucking idea how to work in the Sho shit. Damn you, Sho, damn you.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
19 and 88 with kamukoma, please?
Summer Camp AU & Erotic Dreams
I had a dream where I went to the beach with Komaeda Nagito and my swimming trunks were washed away.
I intend on making that dream a reality at this summer camp.
(this is so stupid aslkdlsjd sorry)
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Awful First Meeting and Detective AU for Kamukoma?
With the disappearance of Enoshima Junko raising all sorts of questions about other cold cases, Komaeda Nagito looks into other associates and comes across a former 'partner', Kamukura Izuru. Kamukura's a total fucking piece of work. He must be hiding something.
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
21, 24, matsukoma please!
Dystopian AU & Soulmate AU
I think it would be the funniest thing ever if it was one of those "you only know who your soulmate is after they die" and this was set in the canonverse with Komaeda snapping up at the end of dr0 and tasting a hint of the despair that Matsuda did in his final moments.
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Man I love coming up with a very in-depth AA AU with P5 characters and coming up with literally everything except the last fucking case.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
how about p5 protag (or shuake!!) and time loops ? :O and/or a crossover au you might wanna see them in?
or the yugi brothers with injury/betrayal?
shuake set in madoka magica or higurashi OR UMINEKO would in fact be sick as hell... Okay, so looping technically ISN'T a thing in Umineko but I think Akechi and Akiren arguing over whether or not magic is real would be really, really funny.
I think in this case, Akiren would be the Wizard Joker, but you'd also see him in Akira and Ren personas, while Akechi just wants to solve the "murders" and put Joker in his place. Yeah.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Ask meme: Kaede Akamatsu/gorls. And the mob or mafia au tag.
That's a hell of a big brain, anon.
Basically Kaede is a detective who infiltrates an all-girl gang for more information and before she knows it, she's gotta seduce her way to the top to find out who the elusive leader of the gang is.
Is it the enigmatic Maki? The seemingly unassuming Tsumugi? The dependent Kirumi? The charismatic Angie? Or someone else?!
Either way, Kaede has to be on her guard!
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Hello, I'm new here :3
I saw the post about the yugi twins birthday and I was thinking about this (if you want to write it 👀) that the twins can find or try to make b-day presents for each other. The idea it's kinda cute, I leave it to your imagination
Uwah~! So cute! Tsukasa spends all day trying to find the perfect gift for Amane and Amane gives him
this cool rock he found
Tsukasa has never been happier.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
13 and 97 with Akeshu!
Detective AU & Time Travel
Oh man, time to get fucking weird.
A few years back, the Phantom Thieves had enacted their plans and schemes and gotten themselves involved in quite the conspiracy. It all came to a cold end with the apparent death of their leader. Detective Akechi Goro still can't help but feel like something's missing...but why is he waking up in the apparent past where he's associates with a messy-haired boy he has no memory of?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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