#Make the Iron Druid Chronicles a real fandom
carnelianwings · 7 years
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by @justhanderspositive
Name: Anzu
Nickname: Anzu
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′ 2″
Orientation: Straight
Ethnicity: Chinese
Favorite fruit: Strawberries, Peaches, Nectarines, Cherries . . . I actually like almost all fruit, even some of the less popular ones.  Like durian.
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite book series:  Oh god, which do I pick?  Lord of the Rings?  Harry Potter?  Iron Druid Chronicles?  The Dresden Files?  The Cormoran Strike novels?  Discworld?  The Cinder Spires?  (Wait does that one even count because there’s only one novel written so far?)  Ms. Marvel?  (Or do comic books not count for this question?  XD)
Favorite flower:  Oddly enough, not really one for flowers, especially fragrant ones because I’m really sensitive to really flowery perfumes and scents, although I do find Angel’s Trumpets really pretty (even though they can be super deadly too).
Favorite scent: Grapefruit (or at least the kind they use for soaps) is one of the few scents I can tolerate
Favorite color:  Blue and turqoise.  The fact Mikleo wears those colors is pure coincidence (and clearly a ploy by Bamco to make me throw my wallet at them)
Favorite animal: Cats
Coffee, tea or cocoa: Yes.  I love my espresso drinks, I love mochas, and I love green tea lattes.  I refuse to choose, lol.
Average sleep hours:  6-8, depending on how late I stay up blogging.
Cat or dog person: Cats, definitely cat.
Favorite fictional characters: Oh dear.  Time to show my age and my love for 90s/early 00s anime, lol.  Um, off the top of my head, more or less sorted by fandom/genre and in no particular order:
Tales: Mikleo, Sorey, Yuri Lowell, Leon Magnus/Judas, Emil Castagnier, Marta Lualdi, Lailah, Kohaku Hearts, Hubert Ozwell
Square Enix games: Terra/Tina Branford (FF6), Celes Chere (FF6), Lenneth Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile)
Gundam: Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Kira Yamato, Athrun Zala, Lunamaria Hawke, Setsuna F. Seiei
Other mecha anime: Sagara Sousuke, Chidori Kaname
Magical Girl anime: Kaname Madoka, Akemi Homura, Ami Mizuno, Fate T Harlaown, Takamachi Nanoha, Kinomoto Sakura, Kusakabe Maron, Kouyama Mitsuki (does she count as a magical girl?  XD)
Shounen anime: Himura Kenshin, Kamiya Kaoru, Mutou Yuugi, Yami/Other Yuugi/Atem, Mazaki Anzu (yes, that might have been where I got my online name from), Kirisawa Fuuko, Kurama (Yuu Yuu Hakusho), Hiei (YYH)
Actual books: Legolas, Harry Dresden, Rowl, Samuel Vimes
Comic books: Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch (at least, her MCU incarnation), Black Widow (MCU), Hawkeye (MCU)
I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few, but I have a lot of characters I’ve grown to love over the years.
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2
Dream trip: Japan.  Or more accurately, hitting up Akihabara, Shibuya, and Harajuku with actual disposable income, lol.  Been there once in 2007, before I had a real job (plus this was before the Tales store was a thing), would totally love to go back and basically raid the Tales store for all the character merch, if nothing else, lol.
Blog created: July 2016
Number of followers: 1805
Tagging (only if you’d like to): @talesofsymphoniac, @koko-ai, @amarietie, @neodiji, @talesofgay, @8bittheatrics, @pengiesama
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gayroleplayads · 8 years
Fandoms, OCs, AUs OH MY!
Name: Jesh Age: 28 Timezone: Mountain
About Me: Hello, I enjoy to role play quite a bit. Currently I’m writing a lot and some of the characters I want to put in other situations. If you want a link to some of my writings based on the D&D campaign I’m part of or the first original chapter of my story let me know. So in this writing a lot, I’m looking for those that can help move plot around. People that don’t play fem-boys or typical roles. 
I generally try not to disappear without a word, but if I don’t respond for a day or two you are always okay to send me a message to remind me. My life tends to get busy at odd intervals and sometimes I forget if I’ve replied. Generally I will write more than one post a day. 
Fandoms or Originals: Both. I am NOT willing rp real people. Only fictional characters.
AU’s for fandoms or loosely basing stories off of fandoms with OC are awesome. I’m okay with Comic Verse for both DC & Marvel. Movie verse for Marvel. (If you ask me to play Bat-fleck I will likely block you… Not really, but I f^%$ing hated that movie).
As for Pairings, I’m rather open to listen to who you like who with.
Marvel: I enjoy playing Cap***, Tony***, Sam, Bucky***, Gambit***, Spiderman, Deadpool, and Wolverine. 
DC (Cartoons, Young Justice, before Rebirth/New52 as well as after. Though I might not know a lot of what’s going on outside of Nightwing after the New 52 started): I can play Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson ***, Jason Todd ***, Roy Harper, Wally West, 
Book Series, I’ll put the author in () in case you’re curious. Mostly I like to base things on book series, but if you want to AU any of the main characters that’ll work to. Here they are: Drizzt Do'Urden*** (R.A. Salvatore), Dresden Files*** (Jim Butcher), Charming*** (James Elliot), Iron Druid Chronicles(Kevin Hearne), and Clean (Alex Hughes). 
A few anime’s but I can’t actually think of any at the moment that I’m really itching to play.
Original Characters: 
I have a Dark elf I want to use in something kind of like the Out of the Abyss story for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. Not necessarily a group of good guys. Starts out with them escaping slavery. As long as you are familiar with D&D or Faerun and it’s races you good. *** *** *** *** ***
Open to other original ideas/genres. 
***Pref. Characters/Settings
M-Preg, Gore, always top, fem-boys, micro/macro, rp with anyone under 18/ any characters under the legal age in sexual situations, Watersports, Scat, vomit, incest, diaper play, and dismemberment.
What I’m Looking For:
M/M RP with people willing to play ‘NPC’ type characters/ multiple characters. We can’t have an entire story just with two characters, unless they are trapped on an island or something. Focus will remain on the main characters though unless we need to do something on the side. 
Pref. Multi-paragraph RP. Grammar and spelling skills are preferred. I know people make mistakes, I make a lot of them, but if it’s so bad I can’t understand it that will lead to problems. I’m open to trying first person, but generally write in third. No God-modding here. Do not do things like 'And you feel’ etc. That’s not first person, that’s omnipresent and it can get really annoying and frustrating. 
More realistic sex. Not everyone likes the porn type sex where everyone is a nympho. Not all characters should have sex as the first thing on their minds. Smut can be fun and those types of RP’s can be fun at times, but right now I’m looking for something with some plot and purpose.
I like to OOC chat too. 
Skype: Jeshuea
Gmail: Send me a message for this. 
I do not use Kik. 
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