#Makeup Artist Course Fees
makeupstudioindia · 1 year
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We provide advanced training in evolving make-up practices in an artistically stimulating and enjoyable environment. Students are trained by a bunch of renowned make-up experts critically acclaimed in India as well as overseas. Our students are felicitated with relevant certification after they complete the course.
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meerabhandari · 17 days
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Explore the art of beauty at MakeupStudioBySuu's makeup artist classes in Bangalore. Elevate your skills with personalized guidance in a transformative learning environment. Join us to unlock your potential, blending creativity with precision in the world of makeup artistry.
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Beauty Therapy: The Complete Guide to Radiant Skin
Radiant skin is something that we all aspire to have, but achieving it can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a variety of beauty therapy techniques that can help you achieve the radiant, healthy skin you desire. In this blog post, we will explore the various techniques and practices that can help you achieve radiant skin. We’ll also introduce you to Orane International, a company that offers the best beauty therapy courses, makeup courses, and other related courses to help you learn these techniques and practices.
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thegeorgetelegraph · 2 years
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ftvsalon-academy · 2 years
Why is Marketing Important For a Successful Makeup Artist?
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To get famous and successful, you need to market yourself. There are several techniques of marketing that you will learn in a professional makeup artist course. In this course, you will be taught everything in the makeup classes. This course will teach you everything and make you a successful artist. Read For More Information
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lookobeauty · 2 years
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thelaurenshippen · 11 months
finally taking the time to read through the SAG agreement summary and oof, I hope they have an AI town hall soon because...well, there are things to discuss!
so, in case folks are curious, here are my immediate takeaways from the deal as a SAG actor, a SAG producer, and person who is not any kind of expert but spends a lot of time being skeptical of contracts I sign. this is a summation/commentary, not a holistic breakdown of every point, nor even an in-depth discussion of the points I do talk about. and it is, of course, in no way legal advice or voting advice.
this post is already maybe the longest post I've ever written on tumblr (lol) and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. to be clear, nothing I'm saying here represents how I'm going to vote, how I think other actors should vote, or my be-all-end-all stance on a particular issue. this is me reading through, flagging what concerns me, and asking myself questions. and I'm here to take your questions too! though of course my expertise is limited.
(what?? something I wrote got annoying long?? in my tumblr? it's more likely, etc. huge write-up after the cut)
the good
self-tape stuff: this is one of the more niche/the thing that the general public will find least interesting, but they've put in a lot of provisions to make sure self-tape auditions have limits (# of pages, no stunts, no nudity, doesn't have to be professionally shot, etc.) which is amazing because these types of auditions have gotten out of control since the pandemic. this feels like a great gain
data transparency: in no world did I think the streamers were ever going to agree to any data sharing with either the wga or sag so even though the data is limited, this still feels huge to me.
folks who sing and dance will be paid for both of those things now, which is great
they've added MLK day and Juneteenth as holidays (about time)
a performer cannot be required to translate their own lines
principal performers are required to be given hair and makeup consultation or reimbursed for obtaining their own services - this seems like a small thing, but it's being put in here pretty much entirely because HMU services have generally been appalling when it comes to textured hair/a variety of skin tones. there's also stuff in here about working to hire more diverse HMU artists
it looks like it's going to be easier/provide a path for folks getting IMDb credits even if they're not credited on screen
miscellany: there's a bunch of gains in wage increases, P&H increases, relocation fees, franchise language etc. that all seem good to me, though my limited knowledge on those subjects prevents me from going in depth on them.
this is not important, but it tickled me, there's a term to replace all instances of "telegraph" in the contract with "email & text" which like...why has it taken us thirty years to do that lol.
the "...hm..."
intimacy coordinators: oof. when I watched the press conference SAG gave, I was fucking thrilled when they said that the new agreement required folks to hire intimacy coordinators for nudity and simulated sex scenes. that was almost reason enough for me to vote for it tbh - not requiring it is the exact reason I voted no on our last contract. however, reading the contract summary now, the exact language is: "Producer must use best efforts to engage an Intimacy Coordinator for scenes involving nudity or simulated sex and will consider in good faith any request by a performer to engage an Intimacy Coordinator for other scenes. Producer shall not retaliate against a performer for requesting an Intimacy Coordinator." this....sucks. "best efforts" and "good faith" are not the same as "required". IMO, an intimacy coordinator is the same thing as having a stunt coordinator or, like, any number of health and safety requirements. OSHA doesn't say you must "in good faith" put your "best effort" to providing fire exits. it's great that performers can request coordinators for any kind of scene, and this is still the strongest language we've ever had in a contract but....c'mon guys.
residuals: look, I can't speak to these new terms in any concrete way. there are increases, there are bonuses for streaming success, there's a whole thing about a fund regarding those successes that I need explained to me more in depth, but overall, it looks like we made some in-roads here. as someone who employs actors under digital distribution contracts that has no residuals (podcasts), I know how genuinely cumbersome the unholy trifecta of "views-success-profit" can be (as in views do not equal success, success does not equal profit, etc.). I also have no sympathy when the majority of companies dealing with that cumbersome trifecta are massive media conglomerates. anyway, long story short, idk if this is good enough, I'm hoping to attend the next info meeting sag has.
the bad
the new hair/makeup provisions are explicitly for principal actors. while I hope it leads to better, more inclusive HMU services all around I haaaate that this implies supporting or background actors (who oftentimes also have to sit in HMU) don't deserve the consideration. (then again, background actors are usually required to do their own HMU/bring their own costumes, but for productions where that's not the case, the same HMU provisions should apply IMO)
as with every contract, there's language that could be stronger, clarity that needs to exist, and important things missing - but this isn't the final contract and I'm not a lawyer, so I'm gonna leave that stuff to the experts.
but, "lauren", you say, "what about all the AI stuff? where does that go?" well, reader, I was planning on including that in the above but it's the hot-button issue right now and I think it's wickedly complicated, so I wanted to break it down separately, after I had a chance to point out all the good-bad-in-between stuff that's not getting talked about.
a note: in my career, I've learned there's two big things to keep in mind when reading a contract you might sign:
what is the worst case interpretation of this language (thank you to my lawyer, prince among men, for teaching me how to do this in practice (that said, anything I say here is not legal advice, he'd also want me to say that lol))
what are you willing to lose/compromise on/what are the limits of your pragmatism? contracts are not about a company giving you everything you want out of the goodness of their heart - it is always a compromise. pragmatism has to be a part of the equation.
so, with that said, I'm going to play a little devil's advocate here, and a) try to find the good/the pragmatic and b) catastrophize the worst case scenario. but first, it might be handy to look at this SAG infographic for some basic definitions. let's go.
the AI good
a ton of stuff here requires consent. that is not a small thing, and the consent continues even after your death (whether it was a yes or no; though this can be complicated by your estate/your union)
the language does establish that the consent must be a separate signing from the employment contract, even if its in the contract, which is great (but more on that below - timing matters)
actors often do get paid for use of their digital replicas, though it's different based on the use/type of replica.
the actor must be provided with a "reasonably specific description of the intended use". this language is vaguer than I would like, because it allows producers to decide what "reasonably specific" and "intended" means - there's always going to be some vagueness when it comes to this specific thing, but a good start would be for producers to require not blanket consent, but conditional consent for each significant use of digital replicas.
if the replicas are being used in other mediums, that must also be consented to, thank god.
replicas cannot be used in place of background actor counts on a given day - if I'm understanding this correctly, this means a production can't just have a bunch of fake background actors by themselves, they have to engage real people up to a certain number first (which in this new contract is 25 for TV and 85 for movies). we're already filling in background with digital people or copy-pasting of the same crowd over and over and have been doing so since at least the late 90s, so it's good we're continuing to put up boundaries around that.
the AI "...hm..."
it's unclear (to me) when an actor can be asked to consent. IMO, everything is meaningless if the consent is happening as part of regular contract negotiations. these things have to happen when - and only when - the actor has already been engaged in a role and feels empowered to say no
the use of independently created replicas (replicas pulled from existing footage, not created by the actor) being allowed without consent under first amendment reasoning - this is obviously concerning a lot of people bc first amendment arguments are so broad. that said, there's a pragmatism part of me that understands this is already happening/has been happening for a while and used in ways I think are perfectly fine - I was just watching the new episode of For All Mankind (one of the best TV shows right now!) and it's an alternate history, which meant that in the opening scenes of this season they had some bonkers good deep fakes of Al Gore saying stuff he never said. I think that's okay to do in a fiction show that imagines a different US history! "but Lauren", you might be saying, "Al Gore isn't a member of SAG!" are you sure? are you positive? because I'm pretty certain he is - he was in several episodes of 30 Rock, way more people are in SAG than you think (every NPR reporter for instance), and the two worst presidents we've had in the last 50 years (yes, those ones), are both definitely members of SAG (even if one is dead). now, the other side of this is that public figures like politicians are under a different social contract than actors, and if they wanted to sue, they could, unlike the average SAG actor who might have their image abused. this is why this is in the "hm" column - deep fakes and parody/satire/commentary use of replicas is already here and there's always going to be a 1st amendment argument to make, so we need to figure out how best to limit those and protect the most vulnerable.
alteration: with this language, a project can digitally alter without consent if the script and performance stays "substantially" the same. again, this language is too mealy-mouthed. I don't know that I have a huge problem with a line of dialogue getting replaced with a digital version of that actors voice if, for instance, a word was mispronounced, or wind garbled the sound or whatever - yes, it would eliminate the need for ADR, but if we put some limit on it like..."if there are more than 5 lines in a given episode/movie that require digital alteration in the service of clarity, the actor must be engaged for an ADR session or paid for the digital replacement" then I could see this being workable. I'm also personally okay with things like costumes being digitally altered but, again, we need limitations on that. digital altering cannot replace the art of costuming but, for instance, if a costume needs to be altered to include a hate symbol or something, I think that's fine (example: I have friends who worked at the VFX house for an alternate history TV show that involved a lot of Nazi costuming and set design - a huge part of that VFX house's job was to put swastikas in places, rather than props making nazi flags. I'm okay with that!) but again, these fringe cases do not a compelling arugment make, and this contract language can be interpreted too broadly for my comfort! like everything else in this "hm" category, I need to see the final contract language to decide.
the AI bad
there's a bunch of circumstances in which actors don't get paid for creating their replica/use of it and those circumstances are too broad for my taste.
synthetic performers - this is just awful. no. no, we should not be allowing AI to generate entire actors. just............no. there's some language about the producers having to talk to the union if the synthetic performer is "used in place of a performer who would have been engaged under this Agreement in a human role" but this doesn't apply to non-human characters so....wouldn't that be all roles?? leaving the producers room to be like "this role has to be synthetic, we never would've cast a human!" is bullshit. also, even if we're having AI create a magical talking unicorn whole cloth (which, like, also no, we have artists for this), that unicorn still needs to be voiced by a human person. this whole section is a disaster.
the exceptions to consent for digital alteration are bad-bad. I talked about the potential ADR replacement above and that has a whole host of issues with it that I didn't even get into, but I can see the argument. the rest are very troubling:
there is an exception under "any circumstance when dubbing or use of a double is permitted under the Codified Basic Agreement or Television Agreement" - okay, so does this mean we can replace dubbing artists and stunt performers entirely? this section is about digital alteration, but who's to say alteration couldn't turn an actor broadly miming a fight into an entirely digital, expertly performed fight that usually a stunt double would have done? with AI translation technology, does this mean we're replacing VO artists for dubs entirely? bad!
similarly, "Adjusting lip and/or other facial or body movement and/or the voice of the performer to a foreign language, or for purposes of changes to dialogue or photography necessary for license or sale to a particular market" - Justine Bateman has a great twitter thread on the terrible puppetry potential of this but I want to draw attention to the particular market bit - we all know that selling to china is such a huge part of studios' strategies that they'll remove entire scenes or lines around queer stuff. to me, this clause makes all of that so much easier. I know the argument here is going to be "we can replace swear words and license it for kids!" which.......sure? fine? but, uh, we already have ways to deal with that? and the potential for abuse here is terrifying to me. with all the digital alteration stuff too, there's just so much icky implication for the beauty/body standard to get so much worse.
if a background actor’s digital replica is used in the role of a principal performer, they'll be paid as if they actually performed the days for that role, which, sure, but uhhhh why are we saying it's okay for a digital replica of a background actor to suddenly be a leading role!?!?! I can't think of anything more demoralizing than going to set to act in background (a job I've done! an important job! a fun job a lot of the time! but creatively limited) and then getting a much bigger role (the dream!) and.....not being able to, you know, act that role or be in scenes with other principal actors or do the thing that you've dedicated your life to doing. nightmare stuff.
woof. there's so much more to say but I'm going to leave it there. these are the concerns I'm going to go into SAG's meetings with, and the concerns I'll be considering as I decide how to vote. I know there are things I didn't address and very possibly things I misinterpreted or misrepresented - if you're an actor, I highly recommend a) reading that Justine Bateman thread and b) attending SAG's meetings to ask questions and express your concerns. and I'd love to hear what y'all think! my ask box is open.
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salmonball · 3 months
— [♡] ; Brand New Eyes
Drummer! Choso x Reader
Choso makes eye contact with you while performing at an underground gig. He also makes eye contact with the guy harassing you.
includes: sexual harassment/assault, afab! reader, swearing, drinking, smoking
wc: 2.5k
(a/n: not a song fic but if you'd like to listen to a song for this fic, I recommend that's what you get - paramore)
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It's a Friday night, your friends are busy and you're bored. One of them had mentioned this thing that they did at a nearby college of arts, where multiple "underground" artists would perform for a low entry fee of $10. While checking the organizer's socials to see if there was a show tonight, you are happily surprised to see that there is. You figure if they don't take you at the door you can just aimlessly wander in the city until something else piques your interest.
So it's set. Albeit a bit dangerous, you have been followed home from busier places in broad daylight. Keeping these things in mind while you choose your outfit, you wonder if you can compensate for one of your going-out tops with long pants. Or maybe a sweater over a skirt or shorts? Normally you wouldn't think twice about these things before going out, but today you didn't have your girls. You'd have to fend for yourself.
On top of the risks of doing this by yourself, you also felt self-conscious about it. You've always had a bit of an issue with anxiety. Of course, you know people don't care about your presence or what you're doing, but you can't help but feel like you're always being judged.
Music is thumping on your speakers as you get ready in an attempt to hype yourself up before you leave. You've settled on jeans and an off-the-shoulder long-sleeve. When you get to the place you can tuck in the top so it's slightly cropped. You spend some time on your makeup before stuffing your essentials into a purse, double-checking to make sure everything is in there. With a final once-over of yourself in the mirror, you're off.
You try to romanticize the night on your train ride over, but the nerves start creeping in. The glances made your way by other passengers could be them liking what they see or them thinking you're weird and sensing your loneliness. The sounds in your headphones take the edge off a bit but you find yourself anxiously playing with your sleeves. Ignoring them in favor of staring out the window can only get you so far.
A 10-minute walk from the station brings you to the "venue", which is actually an apartment with a large section dedicated to the event. The bouncer takes your cash with a nod and you waddle in with everyone else. Inside, the crowd is formed around a small platform for the performers with some wandering bodies. You're kind of impressed by the makeshift stage and the theatrics in general, smiling a bit to yourself at this hobbit hole.
Noticing how packed it is you decide to down whatever they were serving before you searched for an area to watch the show. There's an opening on the right side closer to the wall and you let out mumbled apologies as you make your way over. Finally settled, you try to match the energy of the people around you but struggle to find your groove.
That is until you hear the opening notes of your favorite Paramore song. Your eyes widen in shock as they flicker over to the band playing it, Curse X. You didn't know that the bands would be playing covers and you're pleasantly surprised. Finally, with the alcohol seeping into you and one of your comfort songs playing, you start to dance. Nothing crazy enough to disturb the people around you, but you're doing something-ish.
You're watching the band with more enthusiasm now and this makes you see him. The drummer of the band is so fine it almost makes you blush just being in the crowd. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt over pants you can't really see and his arms flex with his movement. But his face... He's nodding to the beat as he plays and his hair bounces with him, framing the perfection perfectly. He has a few piercings you can't help but be drawn to, wondering how they'd feel in your hands—
You stop your mind right there, trying to go back to enjoying the music. Just as you're about to revert your gaze, the guy looks up from his instrument to meet your eyes and you feel your heart pound in your ears. Time slows as you hold eye contact and you manage to smile. You see him smirk before focusing back on his drumsticks. With his attention off of you, you relax and try having fun again.
This is cut short by an intrusion of someone's hands on your hips. You freeze up, glancing back at the culprit. A drunk frat boy who you could only describe as an "NPC" was already looking down at you in his grip. You try to apologetically maneuver your way out of his arms but he pulls you back against his chest and leans down to whisper in your ear.
"Just enjoy the moment, babe," he says, his breath reeking of something they weren't serving here. "No need to be shy around me."
A look of disgust flashes across your face as your nose scrunches up, which you're glad he can't see. "I'm okay, but thank you." It's your attempt to try to tell him politely.
"C'mon, don't be a pussy," he coaxes, pressing against you further.
Of course this would happen to you the second you stepped out of your comfort zone. If your girls were here, he would've already been told off. You try to be more firm as you attempt to escape his grasp, bringing your hands to rip him off you. "I said I'm good," you turn to him, making sure he can see your hard gaze.
He definitely does not like that but he stays where he is as you turn back to the stage. You try to shake off the nerves but you lost all the confidence you just mustered up. You're not dancing anymore as you glance back up at the cute drummer, whose eyes are already on you with furrowed brows. You don't get a chance to psychoanalyze the look before you're pulled into the creep again, this time much rougher.
One of his hands slides down to grab your ass and your eyes widen as you swat at his hand. "Stop touching me!" You look up at him with your jaw unhinged, breathing heavily. He raises an eyebrow challengingly, his other hand on your arm tightening. You were so aghast at this altercation that you hadn't even noticed that the music had slowed to a stop.
"Hey, get that guy out of here!" A voice on stage calls.
You whip your head around to see that the drummer is off his seat and pointing in your direction. Looking around anxiously, you notice that all eyes as far as you could see were now on you and this stupid weirdo. You shrink into yourself as you try not to make direct eye contact with anyone. Sweat was starting to form under your top and you hoped no one could notice.
There are murmurs going around as the guy is escorted out by several of the show "staff" while he shouts profanities at them. His voice can still be heard down the hall as they kick him to the curb.
"You okay?" The main singer asks into his microphone at you. You give a shaken nod at him before he starts up the music again. Several other people around you try to ask the same thing over the music, along with "what happened?", but you can't look at them. You excuse yourself from their questioning, attempting to find the bathroom and fleeing from your spot in the crowd.
You manage to find it and shut yourself in, walking over to stare at yourself in the mirror. Breathing exercises you've learned over the years help your heart rate settle and you try not to think about the scene you just caused. Obviously, it's not your fault, but you feel embarrassed that the band stopped for you and drew so much attention to you. The whole room stopped partying because of you and you can't help but cringe. But you're not sure if there would've been a better solution.
It felt like hours before you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "I'll be out in a second." You recompose yourself and make sure your hair looks good before you prepare to open the door. Nothing prepared you for the face staring at you as it swung open.
"Hey," the drummer awkwardly smiles at you. "Sorry I, uh, just wanted to check in on you. I saw you run off." His band probably just finished their set. You can't help but look over at him in front of you, sweaty and a bit breathy and... really hot. And nervous. The guy in front of you acted nothing like the one on stage and you were kind of into it.
"Oh, thank you. Yeah, I just got kinda nervous with everyone watching me," you admit, rubbing a hand on your arm before looking up at him again. "You guys were really good though, sorry for interrupting."
"You didn't do anything wrong," he quickly reassures you. "But I'm sorry if it embarrassed you for me to call him out like that. I just... I was kind of watching you for a while and I didn't wanna assume until I knew for sure something was up."
"You were watching me instead of your drums?" You tease. "Maybe I didn't have to mess you guys up if you were already doing it."
He lets out a shocked laugh, bringing a hand to the back of his neck. "If you were at a museum, you wouldn't look at the art?"
"Wow," it was your turn to laugh. "That was so corny."
"Sorry, I don't get to save pretty girls from creeps often. I dunno what to do with myself," he makes a show of awkwardly trying to position his hands in a way to seem cooler. Thankfully, someone trying to use the bathroom interrupts him and you both move out of the way. Squeezing into the narrow hallway, you both laugh as you meet each other's eyes. "Do you wanna get some air? And a water, maybe?"
You take up his offer and he grabs 2 water bottles from the fridge before leading you to the fire escape. He opens the window and dramatically gestures for you to go first. You laugh as you climb out and sit, him following behind you with his jacket in hand. There's a cool breeze flowing through your hair and you try to move it out of your face.
"So, do you perform here a lot? You came out here so casually," you open the water he gave to you and drink, staring out at the night lights.
"Yeah, Gojo loves this place. He says it's the key to our 'rising stardom'," he laughs, and you hang onto the sound. He lights a cigarette and holds it out to you. "He's the lead vocalist. And then there's Geto on bass, Nanami on guitar, and me on drums. I'm Choso, by the way."
"Y/N," you respond, taking a drag and handing it back. Your exhale immediately calms you down, you needed that. The smoke clouds in front of you and you watch it disappear in the wind. "I loved your Paramore cover."
"Yeah, I could tell," he catches his slip-up and decides to just let it be. "I noticed you loosened up the second Nanami started playing." He looks over at you with a fond smile.
"That makes me think you saw me before I saw you," you watch him from the corner of your eye and you think he's almost blushing for a split second.
"I won't take offense to that, Gojo is a handsome man," he smirks and you giggle, holding back on saying that you wanted him instead. "Do you go to school here?"
"No, but I go to Jujutsu U, it's nearby," you explain, trying to make up a compass with your hands as you gesture in the general direction of your school.
"I know what JJU is," he rolls his eyes as he gently puts his hand over yours to stop your weird pointing. "You guys are like the Harvard of Tokyo, nerd."
"Hey!" You laugh in false offense, elbowing him. And just like that, it was like you guys clicked. You spent hours talking outside, the soft hum of the music from inside filling the silence when you ran out of things to say. Choso's cigarettes were long gone when you finally noticed that people were filing out the door and the event had ended. You try not to look disappointed as you get up, the wind hitting you way harder.
You hide a shiver that runs through you while you stand and offer a hand to Choso. He takes it and gets off the ground, pausing as he squeezes your hand. "You're freezing."
"A little bit, I didn't even notice it got so late," you take a peek at the emptying "venue" and then pull out your phone. It was almost midnight and you figured you should head home, too. Before you can open your mouth, warmth surrounds you as Choso places his jacket on your shoulders. You give him a shy smile as you put your arms through the sleeves. "Free Curse X merch? Thanks, I'm gonna sell it for thousands."
He snorts, shaking his head as he takes in your form. He steps closer to you to zip it up, his hands lingering at the top. "More like $1 and like, a coffee."
There's an opening. You look down at his jacket and then up at him before biting your lip. "Um, if the coffee is with you, I'll take it."
He stares at you with wide eyes before looking away, letting go of your zipper. There's a moment of silence before his gaze slowly returns to you. "Are you free next Wednesday?"
You can't help but think he's so cute like this, nervous and shy. Maybe he was telling the truth about not flirting with girls often. It actually does look like he doesn't know what to do with himself. You ignore the pang of jealousy thinking about other girls he might've interacted with before, you don't have a claim on this man yet. "Yeah."
"Then it's a date."
After finding out you came alone, he's insistent on driving you home, or at least coming with you to the station closest to your apartment. He also gives you his number "just in case". You allow him to drive you home, as you're also antsy about going home on your own. If his bandmates cheer him on as you two leave together, he doesn't mention it.
The next time you're bored on a Friday and your friends are busy, you grab $10 and slide into Choso's passenger seat. He greets you with a kiss, shifting gears before placing his hand on your thigh.
"You ready to watch me play, love?"
"That's all I wanted."
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— [♡] ;
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makeupstudioindia · 1 year
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A makeup course doesn't include makeup training, but you must have advanced hair styling knowledge. A makeup course will make you an all-rounder.
Bridal Makeup
Bridal trend artistry is one of the popular courses that make you proficient in doing bridal makeup. You can take bridal bookings and earn money through them.
Airbrush makeup course
It is one of the trending courses. You can earn a handsome amount by pursuing this course. An airbrush makeup course will train you to do smooth airbrush makeup without facing any hurdles. makeup artist course fees in Kolkata differ from fees in Delhi; short-duration makeup course fees in Kolkata is 15000-25000 INR. 
How can makeup courses result in a successful career?
Pursuing a makeup course from a recognized makeup studio will help you keep pace with the emerging trends in the makeup industry. A make-up studio provides recognized certifications that work as a license for you to take a booking separately. Through this course, you learn professionalism and marketing skills. All these factors matter when you run your studio or work as an independent makeup artist. These factors help you earn a good amount.
The increasing need for makeup artists can be seen in the entertainment industry. Airbrush makeup, advanced hairstyling, and unique makeup are the recent trends in the market. There is plenty of work available in this industry. It can be great career exposure for you.
This field helps you earn money at your convenience. Your little efforts and love for makeup can make your career bold.
Where should I pursue a makeup course for a better career?
Makeup Studio Training Centre is a leading makeup academy in Delhi You can pursue makeup courses at this centre. This studio covers full-time and short-term courses that include airbrush artistry, advanced hairstyling, a combo of makeup and hairstyling, a bridal course, etc. These courses are available at an affordable price. This center is advisable for you because it is nationally and internationally recognized and provides training in a small batch. You can improve your skills by pursuing a makeup course at this center.
A makeup course is considered the best for upgrading skills and careers. You can earn well by pursuing this course. It doesn't require a highly specialized degree. You can pursue this course if you are in 10+2 high school. What is required for a successful career in the make-up industry is the dedication and sincerity of students. You can take the help of a makeup studio training center to upgrade your career through a makeup course.
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meerabhandari · 17 days
Best Makeup institute in Jaipur by  Meera Bhandari Makeovers
Jaipur, known for its vibrant culture and exquisite beauty, is also a burgeoning hub for makeup artistry. Whether you're an aspiring makeup artist or looking to refine your skills, find the best makeup institute in Jaipur. With a range of courses that cover everything from airbrush makeup to bridal and celebrity looks, there’s a wealth of opportunities awaiting you. Let’s dive into what makes the top makeup academies in Jaipur.
Essential Makeup Courses Offered
1. Airbrush Makeup Techniques
Airbrush makeup has revolutionized the beauty industry with its flawless finish and long-lasting wear. Learning this technique is a game-changer for any aspiring makeup artist. The best makeup academies in Jaipur offer specialized courses that teach you how to use an airbrush machine effectively, select the right products, and create a smooth, even application. Mastering airbrush makeup can set you apart and open doors to high-profile gigs.
2. Beauty Makeover Classes
A comprehensive beauty makeover course is a staple in any top makeup academy. These classes cover the essentials of creating a polished look, including skin preparation, color theory, and technique application. You’ll learn how to tailor makeovers to suit different skin types, occasions, and personal preferences, providing clients with transformative results.
3. Bridal Makeup Training
Bridal makeup is a specialized field that requires both artistry and precision. Top makeup institutes offer dedicated bridal makeup courses that focus on creating timeless and elegant looks for brides. You’ll gain expertise in long-wearing products, understanding bridal styles, and working with various skin tones to ensure every bride feels radiant on her special day.
4. Advanced Makeup Techniques
For those looking to push their skills further, advanced makeup courses are essential. These classes delve into complex techniques such as contouring, highlighting, and special effects. Advanced training is perfect for makeup artists who aspire to offer high-end services or work in niche areas like fashion and film.
5. Eye Makeup Mastery
The eyes often make the biggest impact in a makeup look. Specialized eye makeup classes teach you how to enhance different eye shapes and create a range of effects using eyeshadows, eyeliners, and mascaras. Mastering eye makeup is crucial for delivering striking and memorable looks.
6. Celebrity Makeup Techniques
Working with celebrities requires a unique set of skills. Courses focused on celebrity makeup techniques cover everything from creating red-carpet-ready looks to understanding the specific needs of high-profile clients. This training is ideal for those who aim to work in glamorous settings and offer exclusive services.
Highlighting Meerabhandari: A Premier Makeup Academy
Among the top makeup institutes in Jaipur, Meerabhandari stands out as a premier choice for aspiring makeup artists. Known for its comprehensive curriculum and expert instructors, Meerabhandari offers an array of courses designed to cater to various aspects of makeup artistry.
Key Features of Meerabhandari:
Experienced Instructors: The academy boasts a team of highly skilled professionals with years of experience in the beauty industry. Their expertise ensures you receive top-notch training and valuable insights.
Diverse Course Offerings: Meerabhandari provides a wide range of courses, including airbrush makeup, beauty makeovers, bridal makeup, and advanced techniques. This diversity allows you to explore different facets of makeup artistry and find your niche.
Hands-On Training: Practical experience is a cornerstone of Meerabhandari’s approach. You’ll have ample opportunities to practice your skills, receive personalized feedback, and build confidence in your abilities.
Career Support: Beyond training, Meerabhandari offers career support and networking opportunities to help you transition smoothly into the professional world. Their connections within the industry can be invaluable as you start your career.
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makeup-academy · 8 months
Crafting Artists- Elevate Your Skills with MakeupStudioBySuu Makeup Artist Classes in Bangalore
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Unleash your creativity and expertise with MakeupStudioBySuu specialized makeup artist classes in Bangalore. Master industry techniques, stay on trend, and receive hands-on training. Join us to embark on a transformative journey and elevate your career in the world of makeup artistry. Choose excellence with MakeupStudioBySuu! 
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Exploring the Best Makeup Academies in the Industry: Meenakshi Dutt or Parul Garg Academy
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To assist prospective makeup artists in selecting the ideal school for their learning preferences and career objectives, this article compares two well-known establishments in the Delhi-NCR area: Parul Garg vs Meenakshi Dutt Makeup Academy. The comparison emphasizes the significance of selecting the appropriate academy by comparing course options, cost structures, job placement chances, and student experiences.
Overview of Parul Garg
The head of the Parul Garg Makeup Academy, Parul Garg was a lawyer before. A variety of skill-level-appropriate courses, including professional makeup, hair, airbrush makeup, and self-makeup, are available through the Parul Garg Certificate. The lengths of the courses range from three days for airbrush makeup to 28 days for professional makeup and hair. The parul garg makeup price is also determined by the kind, of course, its length, and other factors.
The Parul Garg Makeup Academy only conducts business out of its Gurugram, Haryana, branch. It is easily accessible for students from all across the Delhi-NCR area because of its central location.
Parul Garg makes sure that students get a well-rounded education in makeup artistry by offering both theoretical knowledge and practical abilities. Individuals seeking personal grooming knowledge as well as ambitious professionals are catered to by the organized curriculum and variety of course options.
 Overview of  Meenakshi Dutt 
Distinguished makeup artist leads the Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers Academy. Meenakshi Dutt is a renowned makeup artist in Delhi NCR, renowned for her creative techniques and wealth of expertise.
The academy offers a variety of courses catered to all skill levels, including a one-month Private Pro Makeup Course, Hairstyling Course, and Personal Makeup Course, which costs 1,70,000 for Meenakshi Dutt makeovers course fees .
Location Details
Punjabi Bagh and Malviya Nagar are the two locations of Meenakshi Dutt makeovers - best makeup academy in Delhi. Students in Delhi NCR are guaranteed accessibility thanks to these key places. Thanks to its extensive course options and Meenakshi Dutt's reputation, Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers is frequently praised as one of Delhi's top Makeup academies.
Comparison of Courses Offered between Meenakshi Dutt and Parul Garg Academies
Job placements 
For many aspiring makeup artists, finding a job after studying at Parul Garg vs. Meenakshi Dutt is an important factor.
Regarding job placement, both schools have explicit policies in place: none provides internships or direct placement services. This method places a strong emphasis on the value of possibilities for self-sourcing after the makeup course. Although this could appear like a disadvantage, graduates are better prepared for the cutthroat nature of the makeup industry as a result.
Developing your network, using social media, and building your portfolio can all help you land a job. Numerous former students from both academies attest to their accomplishments in securing positions by using these strategies.
2. Industry Connections and Networking
Parul Garg Academies and Meenakshi Dutt makeovers both provide beneficial industry contacts and networking opportunities.
Events and workshops are frequently planned to give students the chance to network with professionals in the field.
Renowned makeup artists also give insights and advice in Guest Lectures. Students who frequently appear on the academy's social media channels are also granted social media exposure, which raises their profile.
These components give students a strong basis for their career chances by assisting them in creating a network that may open doors to employment. Even if there aren't any direct placement services available, students still need to put in more work, but the knowledge and contacts they acquire can help them start a lucrative career as makeup artists.
3. Batch Sizes and Individual Attention
In the classroom, batch sizes are quite important.
Batch sizes at Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers - Best Makeup Academy in Delhi can range from 30 to 40 pupils, which can occasionally limit one-on-one attention during training sessions. It is common for students to have little one-on-one time with their teachers. Large batch sizes (between 30 and 40 students in each class) are another issue that Parul Garg's academy has to deal with. However, some students say that the structured curriculum makes up for this by guaranteeing thorough skill development, which is necessary if you want to receive a Parul Garg certificate.
Top 5 makeup academies of India
We'll compare the costs, duration, and possibilities of the Parul Garg vs. Meenakshi Dutt makeup courses fees in this conversation. The best 5 makeup academies in Delhi and the National Capital Region are listed here.
Meribindiya International Academy
Pearl Academy
Shweta Gaur Makeup Academy
Atul Chauchan Makeover Academy
The decision between Parul Garg vs Meenakshi Dutt is based on personal preferences and objectives. Parul Garg provides extensive, practical instruction in professional hair and cosmetics, while Meenakshi Dutt offers a variety of course options for varying lengths of time.
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naksjcf · 2 years
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Looking For Makeup Artist Course In Gurgaon. Best Makeup Artist Institute With Affordable Fees, Best Placement Record By Top Makeup Teachers In Gurgaon.
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